[gnome-games] Created tag 3.33.90

The unsigned tag '3.33.90' was created.

Tagger: Alexander Mikhaylenko <exalm7659 gmail com>
Date: 1565467131 +0500

    Version 3.33.90

Changes since the last tag '3.33.4':

Alexander Mikhaylenko (12):
      flatpak: Rename stella to stella2014
      fullscreen-box: Use proper type for timeout id
      fullscreen-box: Stop using Gdk.CursorType
      fullscreen-box: Only reveal header bar when cursor is nearby
      fullscreen-box: Hide cursor independently of header bar
      fullscreen-box: Increase headerbar reveal time
      fullscreen-box: Adjust transition duration
      fullscreen-box: Hide cursor in windowed mode too
      savestates-list: Move Delete button to an actionbar
      display-box: Show savestates list as an overlay on small sizes
      savestates-list: Remove border
      Version 3.33.90

Pere Orga (1):
      Update Catalan translation

Piotr DrÄ…g (1):
      Update POTFILES.in and POTFILES.skip

Yetizone (32):
      platform: Add get_uid_prefix ()
      file-operations: Changes used for implementing the file migrator
      migrator: Implement automatic migration
      retro-runner: Use savestates according to new directory layout
      retro-runner: Add abstractions for savestates
      application: Remove unused methods referencing old directories
      retro-runner: Use temporary savestate
      retro-runner: Limit the number of automatic savestates
      retro-core-source: Call ensure_module_is_found() inside get_core_id()
      runner: Add supports_savestates property
      runner: Add can_support_savestates property
      runner: Remove the can_quit_safely property
      runner: Add capture_current_state_pixbuf()
      runner: Don't throw Errors from resume()
      runner: Add preview_current_state()
      runner: Add preview_savestate()
      retro-runner: Preview the latest savestate when initialising
      runner: Replace load_savestate() with load_previewed_savestate()
      runner: Add delete_savestate()
      runner: Return created savestate from try_create_savestate()
      fullscreen-box: Add autohide property
      ui: Add the SavestateListBoxRow widget
      ui: Add the SavestatesList widget
      ui: Use the SavestatesList widget
      retro-runner: Fix delete_last_automatic_savestate()
      retro-runner: Add trim_autosaves() and create_new_savestate_name()
      display-header-bar: Replace Savestates menu Cancel button with a Back button
      savestates-list: Remove left and right borders
      display-header-bar: Make load and delete buttons insensitive if there's no savestate selected
      display-box: Add a margin to the savestates list in fullscreen
      savestates-list: Rename set_fullscreen_margin() to set_margin()
      savestates-list: Unpause runner and grab focus after revealer finishes transition

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