[chronojump] exhibitionCardGenerator done!

commit ea4de5b7899708420196a820d4a406edeb915baa
Author: Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
Date:   Mon Feb 25 18:26:37 2019 +0100

    exhibitionCardGenerator done!

 exhibitions/exhibitionCardGenerator.cs | 361 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 279 insertions(+), 82 deletions(-)
diff --git a/exhibitions/exhibitionCardGenerator.cs b/exhibitions/exhibitionCardGenerator.cs
index a73f9ec0..34feff83 100644
--- a/exhibitions/exhibitionCardGenerator.cs
+++ b/exhibitions/exhibitionCardGenerator.cs
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 using System;
 using System.IO; //"File" things. TextWriter. Path
+using System.Collections.Generic; //Dictionary, List<T>
 using Mono.Data.Sqlite;
 public static class Options
@@ -30,6 +31,9 @@ public static class Options
        public static int MaleStartID = 100;
        public static string DbPath = ".";
        public static string Database = "exhibitionCardGenerator.db";
+       public static ConsoleColor ColorDefault = ConsoleColor.Blue;
+       public static ConsoleColor ColorHigh = ConsoleColor.White;
+       public static bool Debug = false;
 public class ExhibitionCardGenerator
@@ -49,76 +53,165 @@ public class ExhibitionCardGenerator
        public ExhibitionCardGenerator()
-               int option;
+               menu();
+       }
+       private void menu()
+       {
+               List<School> l_school = new List<School>();
+               string option;
                do {
-                       Console.WriteLine("\n1 add school; 2 list schools; 3 add group to school; 4 list 
groups; 5 add person; 9 create tables; 0 exit");
-                       option = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
-                       Console.WriteLine("selected: " + option);
-                       if(option == 1)
+                       Console.Clear();
+                       l_school = schoolList(); //generate school list
+                       foreach (School school in l_school)
+                               school.PrettyPrint();
+                       Console.WriteLine();
+                       if(l_school.Count > 0)
+                               printOption("", "codi", " (per seleccionar escola); ");
+                       printOption("", "a", "fegir escola; ");
+                       printOption("esborrar ", "t", "aules (ho esborra tot); ");
+                       printOption("", "s", "ortir; ? ");
+                       option = Console.ReadLine();
+                       if(l_school.Count > 0 && isNumber(option))
+                       {
+                               School s = getSchoolFromID(l_school, Convert.ToInt32(option));
+                               if(s.ID != -1)
+                                       submenu(s);
+                       }
+                       else if(option == "a")
-                       else if(option == 2)
-                               schoolList();
-                       else if(option == 3)
-                               groupAdd();
-                       else if(option == 4)
-                               groupList();
-                       else if(option == 5)
-                               personAdd();
-                       else if(option == 9)
+                       else if(option == "t")
-               } while (option != 0);
+               } while (option != "s");
+       }
+       private void submenu(School s)
+       {
+               List<Group> l_group = new List<Group>();
+               string option;
+               do {
+                       Console.Clear();
+                       l_group = groupList(s); //show groups
+                       foreach (Group group in l_group)
+                               group.PrettyPrint();
+                       Console.WriteLine();
+                       if(l_group.Count > 0)
+                               printOption("", "codi", " (afegir persona en aquest grup); ");
+                       printOption("afegir ", "g", "rup; ");
+                       printOption("", "s", "ortir al Menu d'escoles; ? ");
+                       option = Console.ReadLine();
+                       if(l_group.Count > 0 && isNumber(option) && groupExists(l_group, 
+                               personAdd(s.ID, Convert.ToInt32(option));
+                       else if(option == "g")
+                               groupAdd(s.ID);
+               } while (option != "s");
+       }
+       private School getSchoolFromID (List <School> l_school, int id)
+       {
+               foreach (School s in l_school)
+                       if(s.ID == id)
+                               return s;
+               return new School(-1, "");
+       }
+       private bool isNumber(string str)
+       {
+               //false if it's blank
+               if(str.Length == 0)
+                       return false;
+               int numI;
+               if (int.TryParse(str, out numI))
+                       return true;
+               return false;
+       }
+       private bool groupExists(List <Group> l_group, int id)
+       {
+               foreach (Group g in l_group)
+                       if(g.ID == id)
+                               return true;
+               return false;
+       }
+       private void printOption(string textPre, string op, string textPost)
+       {
+               Console.ForegroundColor = Options.ColorDefault;
+               Console.Write(textPre);
+               Console.ForegroundColor = Options.ColorHigh;
+               Console.Write(op);
+               Console.ForegroundColor = Options.ColorDefault;
+               Console.Write(textPost);
        private void schoolAdd()
-               Console.Write("Write school name: ");
+               Console.Write("Escriu el nom de l'escola: ");
                string name = Console.ReadLine();
                School s = new School(-1, name);
-       private void schoolList()
+       private List<School> schoolList()
-               School.List(dbcmd);
+               Console.WriteLine("--- Chronojump exhibitions - Menu d'Escoles ---\n"); //fer algo de borrar 
pantalla, mirar lo de wheelchair
+               return School.List(dbcmd);
-       private void groupAdd()
+       private void groupAdd(int schoolID)
-               Console.Write("Write school id: ");
-               int schoolID = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
-               Console.Write("Write new group name: ");
+               Console.Write("Escriu el nom del grup: ");
                string groupName = Console.ReadLine();
                Group g = new Group(-1, schoolID, groupName);
-       private void groupList()
+       private List<Group> groupList(School s)
-               Console.Write("Write school id: ");
-               int schoolID = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
-               Group.List(dbcmd, schoolID);
+               Console.WriteLine(string.Format("--- Grups de l'escola: {0} ---\n", s.Name));
+               return Group.List(dbcmd, s.ID);
-       private void personAdd()
+       private void personAdd(int schoolID, int groupID)
-               Console.Write("Write school id: ");
-               int schoolID = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
-               Console.Write("Write group id: ");
-               int groupID = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
-               Console.Write("'F' female or 'M' male? ");
-               string sex = Console.ReadLine();
-               Person.SexTypes st = Person.SexParse(sex);
+               Person.SexTypes st = Person.SexTypes.UNKNOWN;
+               do {
+                       Console.WriteLine("'F' female or 'M' male? ");
+                       string sex = Console.ReadLine();
+                       st = Person.SexParse(sex);
+               } while(st == Person.SexTypes.UNKNOWN);
-               Person p = new Person(schoolID, groupID, st);
+               Person p = new Person(-1, schoolID, groupID, st);
+               p.PrintCard();
+               Console.WriteLine();
+               string option;
+               do {
+                       printOption("", "s", "ortir al menu anterior; ? ");
+                       option = Console.ReadLine();
+               } while (option != "s");
        private void createTables()
+               Console.WriteLine("\nEstàs segur de que vols esborrar tot i crear les taules des de zero?");
+               Console.WriteLine("Per esborrar tot escriu 'Y' i pulsa enter. Qualsevol altra cosa per 
+               string option = Console.ReadLine();
+               if (option != "Y")
+                       return;
@@ -148,43 +241,78 @@ public class ExhibitionCardGenerator
 public class School
-       int id;
-       string fullname;
+       private int id;
+       private string name;
        static string table = "school";
-       public School(int id, string fullname)
+       public School(int id, string name)
                this.id = id;
-               this.fullname = fullname;
+               this.name = name;
        public override string ToString()
-               return string.Format("{0}:{1}", id.ToString(), fullname);
+               return string.Format("{0}:{1}", id.ToString(), name);
+       }
+       public void PrettyPrint()
+       {
+               Console.ForegroundColor = Options.ColorHigh;
+               Console.Write(id.ToString());
+               Console.ForegroundColor = Options.ColorDefault;
+               Console.WriteLine(": " + name);
+       }
+       //this helps to start autoincrement at 0 instead of 1
+       private int getNextIDLikeThis(SqliteCommand dbcmd)
+       {
+               dbcmd.CommandText = "SELECT MAX(id) FROM " + table;
+               if(Options.Debug)
+                       Console.WriteLine(dbcmd.CommandText.ToString());
+               dbcmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
+               SqliteDataReader reader;
+               reader = dbcmd.ExecuteReader();
+               int lastID = -1;
+               while(reader.Read()) {
+                       if(reader[0].ToString() != "")
+                               lastID = Convert.ToInt32(reader[0].ToString());
+               }
+               reader.Close();
+               return lastID + 1;
        public void Insert(SqliteCommand dbcmd)
-               dbcmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO " + table + " (id, fullname) VALUES (NULL, \"" +
-                       fullname + "\")";
-               Console.WriteLine(dbcmd.CommandText.ToString());
+               int nextID = getNextIDLikeThis(dbcmd);
+               dbcmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO " + table + " (id, name) VALUES (" + nextID + ", \"" +
+                       name + "\")";
+               if(Options.Debug)
+                       Console.WriteLine(dbcmd.CommandText.ToString());
-       public static void List(SqliteCommand dbcmd)
+       public static List<School> List(SqliteCommand dbcmd)
                dbcmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM " + table;
+               List<School> l_school = new List<School>();
                SqliteDataReader reader;
                reader = dbcmd.ExecuteReader();
                while(reader.Read()) {
                        School s = new School(
-                       Console.WriteLine(s.ToString());
+                       if(Options.Debug)
+                               Console.WriteLine(s.ToString());
+                       l_school.Add(s);
+               return l_school;
        public static void CreateTable(SqliteCommand dbcmd)
@@ -195,17 +323,25 @@ public class School
                dbcmd.CommandText =
                        "CREATE TABLE " + table + " (" +
                        "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, " +
-                       "fullname TEXT)";
-               Console.WriteLine(dbcmd.CommandText.ToString());
+                       "name TEXT)";
+               if(Options.Debug)
+                       Console.WriteLine(dbcmd.CommandText.ToString());
+       public int ID {
+               get { return id; }
+       }
+       public string Name {
+               get { return name; }
+       }
 public class Group
-       int id;
-       int schoolID;
-       string name;
+       private int id;
+       private int schoolID;
+       private string name;
        static string table = "groupClass";
        public Group(int id, int schoolID, string name)
@@ -217,22 +353,55 @@ public class Group
        public override string ToString()
-               return string.Format("{0}:{1}:{2}", id.ToString(), schoolID.ToString(), name);
+               //return string.Format("{0}:{1}:{2}", id.ToString(), schoolID.ToString(), name);
+               return string.Format("{0}:{1}", id.ToString(), name); //do not show schoolID to not confuse 
the user
+       }
+       public void PrettyPrint()
+       {
+               Console.ForegroundColor = Options.ColorHigh;
+               Console.Write(id.ToString());
+               Console.ForegroundColor = Options.ColorDefault;
+               Console.WriteLine(": " + name);
+       }
+       //this helps to start at 0 instead of 1
+       private int getNextIDLikeThis(SqliteCommand dbcmd)
+       {
+               dbcmd.CommandText = "SELECT MAX(id) FROM " + table + " WHERE schoolID = " + schoolID;
+               if(Options.Debug)
+                       Console.WriteLine(dbcmd.CommandText.ToString());
+               dbcmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
+               SqliteDataReader reader;
+               reader = dbcmd.ExecuteReader();
+               int lastID = -1;
+               while(reader.Read()) {
+                       if(reader[0].ToString() != "")
+                               lastID = Convert.ToInt32(reader[0].ToString());
+               }
+               reader.Close();
+               return lastID + 1;
        public void Insert(SqliteCommand dbcmd)
-               dbcmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO " + table + " (id, schoolID, name) VALUES (NULL," +
+               int nextID = getNextIDLikeThis(dbcmd);
+               dbcmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO " + table + " (id, schoolID, name) VALUES (" + nextID + ", " 
                        schoolID + ", \"" + name + "\")";
-               Console.WriteLine(dbcmd.CommandText.ToString());
+               if(Options.Debug)
+                       Console.WriteLine(dbcmd.CommandText.ToString());
-       public static void List(SqliteCommand dbcmd, int schoolID)
+       public static List<Group> List(SqliteCommand dbcmd, int schoolID)
                dbcmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM " + table + " WHERE schoolID = " + schoolID;
+               List<Group> l_group = new List<Group>();
                SqliteDataReader reader;
                reader = dbcmd.ExecuteReader();
                while(reader.Read()) {
@@ -240,9 +409,12 @@ public class Group
-                       Console.WriteLine(g.ToString());
+                       if(Options.Debug)
+                               Console.WriteLine(g.ToString());
+                       l_group.Add(g);
+               return l_group;
        public static void CreateTable(SqliteCommand dbcmd)
@@ -252,29 +424,33 @@ public class Group
                dbcmd.CommandText =
                        "CREATE TABLE " + table + " (" +
-                       "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, " +
+                       "id INT NOT NULL, " +
                        "schoolID INT, " +
                        "name TEXT)";
-               Console.WriteLine(dbcmd.CommandText.ToString());
+               if(Options.Debug)
+                       Console.WriteLine(dbcmd.CommandText.ToString());
+       public int ID {
+               get { return id; }
+       }
 public class Person
-       //int id;
+       int id;
        int schoolID;
        int groupID;
        SexTypes sex;
        //string name;
        static string table = "person";
-       public enum SexTypes { F, M };
+       public enum SexTypes { F, M, UNKNOWN };
-       //public Person(int id, int schoolID, int groupID, SexTypes sex)
-       public Person(int schoolID, int groupID, SexTypes sex)
+       public Person(int id, int schoolID, int groupID, SexTypes sex)
-               //this.id = id;
+               this.id = id;
                this.schoolID = schoolID;
                this.groupID = groupID;
                this.sex = sex;
@@ -284,13 +460,14 @@ public class Person
                dbcmd.CommandText = "SELECT MAX(id) FROM " + table + " WHERE schoolID = " + schoolID +
                        " AND groupID = " + groupID + " AND sex = \"" + sex.ToString() + "\"";
-               Console.WriteLine(dbcmd.CommandText.ToString());
+               if(Options.Debug)
+                       Console.WriteLine(dbcmd.CommandText.ToString());
                SqliteDataReader reader;
                reader = dbcmd.ExecuteReader();
-               int lastID = 0;
+               int lastID = -1;
                while(reader.Read()) {
                        if(reader[0].ToString() != "")
                                lastID = Convert.ToInt32(reader[0].ToString());
@@ -298,13 +475,9 @@ public class Person
                //females start at 0, males start at Options.MaleStartID
-               if(lastID == 0)
-               {
-                       if(sex == SexTypes.F)
-                               return 0;
-                       else
-                               return Options.MaleStartID;
-               } else
+               if(lastID == -1 && sex == SexTypes.M)
+                       return Options.MaleStartID;
+               else
                        return lastID + 1;
@@ -314,8 +487,11 @@ public class Person
                dbcmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO " + table + " (id, schoolID, groupID, sex) VALUES (" + 
nextID + ", " +
                        schoolID + ", " + groupID + ", \"" + sex.ToString() + "\")";
-               Console.WriteLine(dbcmd.CommandText.ToString());
+               if(Options.Debug)
+                       Console.WriteLine(dbcmd.CommandText.ToString());
+               this.id = nextID;
        public static void CreateTable(SqliteCommand dbcmd)
@@ -325,12 +501,12 @@ public class Person
                dbcmd.CommandText =
                        "CREATE TABLE " + table + " (" +
-                       "id INT, " +
+                       "id INT NOT NULL, " +
                        "schoolID INT, " +
                        "groupID INT, " +
-                       "sex TEXT, " +
-                       "personID INT)";
-               Console.WriteLine(dbcmd.CommandText.ToString());
+                       "sex TEXT)";
+               if(Options.Debug)
+                       Console.WriteLine(dbcmd.CommandText.ToString());
@@ -338,7 +514,28 @@ public class Person
                if(sex == "M" || sex == "m")
                        return SexTypes.M;
-               else
+               else if(sex == "F" || sex == "f")
                        return SexTypes.F;
+               return SexTypes.UNKNOWN;
+       }
+       public void PrintCard()
+       {
+               Console.WriteLine("\n-- Targeta --");
+               Console.ForegroundColor = Options.ColorDefault;
+               Console.Write("Codi: ");
+               Console.ForegroundColor = Options.ColorHigh;
+               Console.WriteLine(id);
+               Console.ForegroundColor = Options.ColorDefault;
+               Console.Write("Grup: ");
+               Console.ForegroundColor = Options.ColorHigh;
+               Console.WriteLine(groupID);
+               Console.ForegroundColor = Options.ColorDefault;
+               Console.Write("Escola: ");
+               Console.ForegroundColor = Options.ColorHigh;
+               Console.WriteLine(schoolID);

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