[geary: 1/2] Add plaintext quote marker to blockquote lines in one pass

commit a9efe8fd3a35bfd4dbe49c790c65942962fbeee1
Author: Alex Henrie <alexhenrie24 gmail com>
Date:   Tue Jan 1 17:55:28 2019 -0700

    Add plaintext quote marker to blockquote lines in one pass

 test/js/composer-page-state-test.vala | 55 ----------------------
 ui/composer-web-view.js               | 89 ++++++++---------------------------
 2 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 125 deletions(-)
diff --git a/test/js/composer-page-state-test.vala b/test/js/composer-page-state-test.vala
index 94611932..ad8098fd 100644
--- a/test/js/composer-page-state-test.vala
+++ b/test/js/composer-page-state-test.vala
@@ -23,8 +23,6 @@ class ComposerPageStateTest : ClientWebViewTestCase<ComposerWebView> {
         add_test("get_text_with_nested_quote", get_text_with_nested_quote);
         add_test("contains_keywords", contains_keywords);
-        add_test("quote_lines", quote_lines);
-        add_test("resolve_nesting", resolve_nesting);
         add_test("replace_non_breaking_space", replace_non_breaking_space);
         try {
@@ -271,59 +269,6 @@ unknown://example6.com
-    public void resolve_nesting() throws Error {
-        load_body_fixture();
-        unichar q_marker = Geary.RFC822.Utils.QUOTE_MARKER;
-        unichar q_start = '‘';
-        unichar q_end = 'Â’';
-        string js_no_quote = "foo";
-        string js_spaced_quote = @"foo $(q_start)0$(q_end) bar";
-        string js_leading_quote = @"$(q_start)0$(q_end) bar";
-        string js_hanging_quote = @"foo $(q_start)0$(q_end)";
-        string js_cosy_quote1 = @"foo$(q_start)0$(q_end)bar";
-        string js_cosy_quote2 = @"foo$(q_start)0$(q_end)$(q_start)1$(q_end)bar";
-        string js_values = "['quote1','quote2']";
-        try {
-            assert(WebKitUtil.to_string(run_javascript(@"ComposerPageState.resolveNesting('$(js_no_quote)', 
$(js_values));")) ==
-                   @"foo");
$(js_values));")) ==
-                   @"foo $(q_marker)quote1 bar");
$(js_values));")) ==
-                   @"$(q_marker)quote1 bar");
$(js_values));")) ==
-                   @"foo $(q_marker)quote1");
$(js_values));")) ==
-                   @"foo$(q_marker)quote1bar");
$(js_values));")) ==
-                   @"foo$(q_marker)quote1$(q_marker)quote2bar");
-        } catch (Geary.JS.Error err) {
-            print("Geary.JS.Error: %s\n", err.message);
-            assert_not_reached();
-        } catch (Error err) {
-            print("WKError: %s\n", err.message);
-            assert_not_reached();
-        }
-    }
-    public void quote_lines() throws Error {
-        load_body_fixture();
-        unichar q_marker = Geary.RFC822.Utils.QUOTE_MARKER;
-        try {
-            assert(WebKitUtil.to_string(run_javascript("ComposerPageState.quoteLines('');")) ==
-                   @"$(q_marker)");
-            assert(WebKitUtil.to_string(run_javascript("ComposerPageState.quoteLines('line1');")) ==
-                   @"$(q_marker)line1");
-            assert(WebKitUtil.to_string(run_javascript("ComposerPageState.quoteLines('line1\\nline2');")) ==
-                   @"$(q_marker)line1\n$(q_marker)line2");
-        } catch (Geary.JS.Error err) {
-            print("Geary.JS.Error: %s\n", err.message);
-            assert_not_reached();
-        } catch (Error err) {
-            print("WKError: %s\n", err.message);
-            assert_not_reached();
-        }
-    }
     public void replace_non_breaking_space() throws Error {
         string single_nbsp = "a b";
diff --git a/ui/composer-web-view.js b/ui/composer-web-view.js
index 84bfa2d3..6425cb61 100644
--- a/ui/composer-web-view.js
+++ b/ui/composer-web-view.js
@@ -13,8 +13,6 @@ let ComposerPageState = function() {
     this.init.apply(this, arguments);
 ComposerPageState.KEYWORD_SPLIT_REGEX = /[\s]+/g;
-ComposerPageState.QUOTE_START = "\x91";  // private use one
-ComposerPageState.QUOTE_END = "\x92";    // private use two
 ComposerPageState.QUOTE_MARKER = "\x7f"; // delete
 ComposerPageState.PROTOCOL_REGEX = 
 // Taken from Geary.HTML.URL_REGEX, without the inline modifier (?x)
@@ -330,7 +328,8 @@ ComposerPageState.prototype = {
         return parent.innerHTML;
     getText: function() {
-        return ComposerPageState.htmlToQuotedText(document.body);
+        let text = ComposerPageState.htmlToText(document.body);
+        return ComposerPageState.replaceNonBreakingSpace(text);
     setRichText: function(enabled) {
         if (enabled) {
@@ -440,25 +439,6 @@ ComposerPageState.cleanPart = function(part, removeIfEmpty) {
     return part;
- * Convert a HTML DOM tree to plain text with delineated quotes.
- *
- * Lines are delinated using LF. Quoted lines are prefixed with
- * `ComposerPageState.QUOTE_MARKER`, where the number of markers
- * indicates the depth of nesting of the quote.
- */
-ComposerPageState.htmlToQuotedText = function(root) {
-    let bqTexts = [];
-    text = ComposerPageState.htmlToTextAndQuotes(root, bqTexts);
-    // Reassemble plain text out of parts, and replace non-breaking
-    // space with regular space.
-    text = ComposerPageState.resolveNesting(text, bqTexts);
-    return ComposerPageState.replaceNonBreakingSpace(text);
  * Gets plain text that adequately represents the information in the HTML
@@ -466,10 +446,11 @@ ComposerPageState.htmlToQuotedText = function(root) {
  * underscores around underlined text. Link URLs are inserted after the link
  * text.
- * Blockquotes are extracted and replaced with tokens deliminated with the
- * characters QUOTE_START and QUOTE_END (from a unicode private use block).
+ * Each line of a blockquote is prefixed with
+ * `ComposerPageState.QUOTE_MARKER`, where the number of markers indicates
+ * the depth of nesting of the quote.
-ComposerPageState.htmlToTextAndQuotes = function(root, bqTexts) {
+ComposerPageState.htmlToText = function(root) {
     let parentStyle = window.getComputedStyle(root);
     let text = "";
@@ -509,37 +490,38 @@ ComposerPageState.htmlToTextAndQuotes = function(root, bqTexts) {
                 if (node.textContent == node.href) {
                     text += "<" + node.href + ">";
                 } else {
-                    text += ComposerPageState.htmlToTextAndQuotes(node, bqTexts);
+                    text += ComposerPageState.htmlToText(node);
                     text += " <" + node.href + ">";
             case "b":
             case "strong":
-                text += "*" + ComposerPageState.htmlToTextAndQuotes(node, bqTexts) + "*";
+                text += "*" + ComposerPageState.htmlToText(node) + "*";
             case "blockquote":
-                let bqText = ComposerPageState.htmlToTextAndQuotes(node, bqTexts);
-                text += (
-                    ComposerPageState.QUOTE_START
-                        + bqTexts.length.toString()
-                        + ComposerPageState.QUOTE_END
-                );
-                bqTexts.push(bqText);
+                let bqText = ComposerPageState.htmlToText(node);
+                // If there is a newline at the end of the quote, remove it
+                // After this switch we ensure that there is a newline after the quote
+                bqText = bqText.replace(/\n$/, "");
+                let lines = bqText.split("\n");
+                for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++)
+                    lines[i] = ComposerPageState.QUOTE_MARKER + lines[i];
+                text += lines.join("\n");
             case "br":
                 text += "\n";
             case "i":
             case "em":
-                text += "/" + ComposerPageState.htmlToTextAndQuotes(node, bqTexts) + "/";
+                text += "/" + ComposerPageState.htmlToText(node) + "/";
             case "u":
-                text += "_" + ComposerPageState.htmlToTextAndQuotes(node, bqTexts) + "_";
+                text += "_" + ComposerPageState.htmlToText(node) + "_";
             case "#comment":
-                text += ComposerPageState.htmlToTextAndQuotes(node, bqTexts);
+                text += ComposerPageState.htmlToText(node);
         if (isBlock) {
@@ -607,39 +589,6 @@ ComposerPageState.linkify = function(node) {
-ComposerPageState.resolveNesting = function(text, values) {
-    let tokenregex = new RegExp(
-        ComposerPageState.QUOTE_START
-            + "([0-9]+)"
-            + ComposerPageState.QUOTE_END, "g"
-    );
-    return text.replace(tokenregex, function(match, p1, offset, str) {
-        let key = new Number(p1);
-        let value = "";
-        if (key >= 0 && key < values.length) {
-            let nested = ComposerPageState.resolveNesting(values[key], values);
-            // If there is a newline at the end of the quote, remove it
-            // htmltoTextandQuotes already ensured that there is a newline after the quote
-            nested = nested.replace(/\n$/, "");
-            value = ComposerPageState.quoteLines(nested);
-        } else {
-            console.error("Regex error in denesting blockquotes: Invalid key");
-        }
-        return value;
-    });
- * Prefixes each NL-delineated line with `ComposerPageState.QUOTE_MARKER`.
- */
-ComposerPageState.quoteLines = function(text) {
-    let lines = text.split("\n");
-    for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++)
-        lines[i] = ComposerPageState.QUOTE_MARKER + lines[i];
-    return lines.join("\n");
  * Converts all non-breaking space chars to plain spaces.

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