[gnome-shell-extensions/wip/fmuellner/lint-ci: 10/17] lint: Add "legacy" configuration

commit b97ed10541d0be9eaca43b1c49fcf15d2c3441d5
Author: Florian MĂźllner <fmuellner gnome org>
Date:   Mon Jan 28 01:45:10 2019 +0100

    lint: Add "legacy" configuration
    Regarding coding style, gjs is moving in a direction that departs quite
    significantly from the established style, in particular when indenting
    multi-line array/object literals or method arguments:
    Currently we are keeping those elements aligned, while the gjs rules now
    expect them to use the regular 4-space indentation.
    There are certainly good arguments that can be made for that move - it's
    much less prone to leading to overly-long lines, and matches popluar JS
    styles elsewhere. But switching coding style implies large diffs which
    interfere with git-blame and friends, so in order to allow for a more
    gradual change, add a separate set of "legacy" rules that match more
    closely the style we would expect up to now.
    It also disables the rules for quotes and template strings - the former
    because we cannot match the current style to use double-quotes for
    translatable strings and single-quotes otherwise, the latter because
    template strings are still relatively new, so we haven't adopted them

 lint/eslintrc-legacy.json | 20 ++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+)
diff --git a/lint/eslintrc-legacy.json b/lint/eslintrc-legacy.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bbbff1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lint/eslintrc-legacy.json
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+    "rules": {
+        "indent": [
+            "error",
+            4,
+            {
+                "ignoredNodes": [
+                    "ConditionalExpression",
+                    "CallExpression > ArrowFunctionExpression",
+                    "CallExpression[callee.object.name=GObject][callee.property.name=registerClass] > 
+                ],
+                "CallExpression": { "arguments": "first" },
+                "ArrayExpression": "first",
+                "ObjectExpression": "first",
+                "MemberExpression": "off"
+            }
+        ],
+        "quotes": "off"
+   }

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