[gnome-software] Replace the installed icon in the app tiles

commit d5b58c4e533b5687c9b4c491331fbbfbf027e5a9
Author: Joaquim Rocha <jrocha endlessm com>
Date:   Mon Jul 1 16:04:46 2019 +0100

    Replace the installed icon in the app tiles
    Some of our users confuse the installed icon (on the corner of installed
    app tiles) for a padlock one, believing that apps are hence locked.
    This patch changes that icon with a new asset that does not resemble a
    padlock. It also changes the size used for the icon since now the icon
    shape makes it more evident which seems to make it bigger.

 .../hicolor/scalable/software-installed-symbolic.svg      | 15 ++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
diff --git a/data/icons/hicolor/scalable/software-installed-symbolic.svg 
index 38989c7b..3ebb1550 100644
--- a/data/icons/hicolor/scalable/software-installed-symbolic.svg
+++ b/data/icons/hicolor/scalable/software-installed-symbolic.svg
@@ -61,10 +61,15 @@
-    <path
-       inkscape:connector-curvature="0"
-       id="path20599"
-       d="m 8,292.76665 c -1.65335,0 -3,1.34665 -3,3 v 1 H 3.09375 C 2.48781,296.76665 2,297.25446 
2,297.8604 v 9.8125 c 0,0.60594 0.48781,1.09375 1.09375,1.09375 h 9.8125 c 0.60594,0 1.09375,-0.48781 
1.09375,-1.09375 v -6.67773 l -6.44141,6.33398 -4.125,-4.07617 2.0625,-1.99414 2.03125,1.97656 
6.20313,-6.07227 c -0.20033,-0.23701 -0.48817,-0.39648 -0.82422,-0.39648 H 11 v -1 c 0,-1.65335 -1.34665,-3 
-3,-3 z m 0,1 c 1.11665,0 2,0.88335 2,2 v 1 H 6 v -1 c 0,-1.11665 0.88335,-2 2,-2 z m -2.53125,4 c 0.28679,0 
0.53125,0.22386 0.53125,0.5 0,0.27614 -0.24446,0.5 -0.53125,0.5 -0.28679,0 -0.5,-0.22386 -0.5,-0.5 0,-0.27614 
0.21321,-0.5 0.5,-0.5 z m 5,0 c 0.28679,0 0.53125,0.22386 0.53125,0.5 0,0.27614 -0.24446,0.5 -0.53125,0.5 
-0.28679,0 -0.5,-0.22386 -0.5,-0.5 0,-0.27614 0.21321,-0.5 0.5,-0.5 z"
+    <g
+       id="g833"
+       transform="translate(2.4999999e-8,292.76665)">
+      <path
+         style="fill:#888a85;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;stroke-width:1"
+         inkscape:connector-curvature="0"
+         id="path8"
+         d="M 6.6919998,13.645333 2.4493333,9.3239998 a 0.33333333,0.33333333 0 0 1 0,-0.4706667 L 
3.8799999,7.4506665 a 0.33333333,0.33333333 0 0 1 0.472,0 L 6.6373331,9.7826664 14.717333,1.0746666 A 
3.9746666,3.9746666 0 0 0 12,-4.9999999e-8 H 3.9999999 A 3.9999999,3.9999999 0 0 0 -4.9999999e-8,3.9999999 V 
12 A 3.9999999,3.9999999 0 0 0 3.9999999,16 H 12 a 3.9999999,3.9999999 0 0 0 4,-4 V 3.9999999 C 16,3.8813332 
15.97467,3.7706666 15.96533,3.6546666 Z"
+         class="a" />
+    </g>

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