[gimp-web/testing: 2/6] Use HTTPS instead of HTTP where possible:
- From: Michael Schumacher <schumaml src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [gimp-web/testing: 2/6] Use HTTPS instead of HTTP where possible:
- Date: Sun, 9 Jun 2019 20:37:13 +0000 (UTC)
commit 4a3b4da95e9be53fd7f9d8ebb8833804c9db03a3
Author: nmat <15926-nmat users noreply gitlab gnome org>
Date: Sun May 26 00:36:25 2019 +0200
Use HTTPS instead of HTTP where possible:
* Fixes https://gitlab.gnome.org/Infrastructure/gimp-web/issues/73
* Fix some links that has been redirected
README.md | 18 +-
content/about/everywhere.md | 7 +-
content/about/index.md | 4 +-
content/about/irc.md | 5 +-
content/about/linking.md | 8 +-
content/about/mail_lists.md | 42 +-
content/about/meta/building/index.fr.md | 24 +-
content/about/meta/building/index.md | 20 +-
content/about/meta/frontpage.md | 9 +-
content/about/meta/git-workflow.md | 12 +-
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content/about/meta/markdown.md | 32 +-
content/about/meta/to-do/index.md | 16 +-
content/about/meta/using-pelican/index.md | 12 +-
content/about/meta/writing/index.md | 10 +-
content/about/meta/wtf-pelican.md | 24 +-
content/about/prehistory.md | 34 +-
content/about/selling.md | 5 +-
content/about/webmasters.md | 2 +-
content/bugs/howtos/bugzilla.md | 10 +-
content/bugs/report.md | 8 +-
content/bugs/submit-patch.md | 17 +-
content/bugs/why_bugzilla.md | 2 +-
content/develop/index.md | 20 +-
content/docs/index.md | 41 +-
content/docs/script-fu-update.md | 14 +-
content/docs/userfaq.ar.md | 16 +-
content/docs/userfaq.md | 24 +-
content/donating/index.md | 12 +-
content/donating/sponsors.md | 4 +-
content/downloads/install_help.md | 7 +-
content/links/index.md | 96 ++--
content/links/org.md | 16 +-
content/news/2006-08-11 Open Usability.md | 4 +-
content/news/2008-08-22 GIMP 2.5.3.md | 2 +-
content/news/2008-09-17 GIMP 2.5.4.md | 2 +-
content/news/2008-10-01 GIMP 2.6.0.md | 4 +-
content/news/2008-10-06 User Manual 2.4.2.md | 4 +-
content/news/2008-10-09 GIMP 2.6.1.md | 4 +-
content/news/2008-10-30 GIMP 2.6.2.md | 2 +-
content/news/2008-11-22 GIMP 2.6.3.md | 2 +-
content/news/2009-01-01 GIMP 2.6.4.md | 6 +-
content/news/2009-02-15 GIMP 2.6.5.md | 2 +-
content/news/2009-03-07 LGM2009.md | 4 +-
content/news/2009-03-17 GIMP 2.6.6.md | 4 +-
.../news/2009-03-19 GIMP Accepted for GSoC2009.md | 2 +-
content/news/2009-06-05 GAP 2.6.0.md | 2 +-
content/news/2009-08-14 GIMP 2.6.7.md | 4 +-
content/news/2009-08-16 GIMP 2.7.0.md | 2 +-
content/news/2009-10-09 Gimp Help for GIMP 2.6.md | 6 +-
content/news/2009-12-10 GIMP 2.6.8.md | 4 +-
content/news/2010-06-23 GIMP 2.6.9.md | 4 +-
content/news/2010-07-03 GIMP 2.7.1.md | 4 +-
content/news/2010-07-08 GIMP 2.6.10.md | 4 +-
content/news/2010-10-04 GIMP 2.6.11.md | 4 +-
content/news/2010-10-04 GSoC2010 Results.md | 2 +-
.../news/2010-12-21 GIMP Manual 2.6.1 Released.md | 4 +-
.../news/2011-01-11 Plans for 2.8 and Beyond.md | 2 +-
.../news/2011-02-02 Seeking Usability Interns.md | 4 +-
.../news/2011-02-13 GEGL 0.1.6 and babl 0.1.4.md | 2 +-
content/news/2011-03-18 GSoC2011 Participation.md | 2 +-
content/news/2011-04-04 Tasktaste.md | 2 +-
content/news/2011-04-15 GIMP 2.7.2.md | 2 +-
content/news/2011-05-06 Two New Books.md | 2 +-
content/news/2011-08-14 GPU-Side Rendering News.md | 4 +-
content/news/2011-08-22 GIMP 2.7.3.md | 2 +-
.../news/2011-10-18 FTP and Wiki Back Online.md | 2 +-
.../news/2011-10-21 Docs and DevPages Restored.md | 4 +-
content/news/2011-10-26 Mailing Lists Moved.md | 12 +-
content/news/2011-12-13 GIMP 2.7.4.md | 6 +-
content/news/2012-02-01 GIMP 2.6.12.md | 6 +-
content/news/2012-02-27 GIMP at LGM2012.md | 4 +-
content/news/2012-03-14 GIMP 2.7.5 Released.md | 4 +-
.../news/2012-03-21 GIMP accepted for GSoC2012.md | 6 +-
.../2012-04-17 GIMP core getting ported to GEGL.md | 4 +-
...2012-04-23 GIMP and GEGL project in GSoC2012.md | 6 +-
content/news/2012-05-03 GIMP 2.8 Released.md | 6 +-
...5-04 High Bit Depth Processing Available Now.md | 2 +-
content/news/2012-05-14 New Usability Project.md | 4 +-
...-07-25 We Are Looking for Windows Developers.md | 4 +-
content/news/2012-08-24 GIMP 2.8.2 Released.md | 2 +-
content/news/2012-09-23 GSoC2012 Is Over.md | 4 +-
...11-21 GIMP Gets ICCv4 Color Profiles Support.md | 6 +-
content/news/2012-12-27 GIMP in 2012.md | 6 +-
content/news/2013-02-05 GIMP 2.8.4 Released.md | 2 +-
.../2013-02-10 GIMP 2.8.4 for OSX Available.md | 2 +-
content/news/2013-02-12 GSOC2013 Announced.md | 6 +-
.../news/2013-04-08 GIMP Accepted to GSOC2013.md | 4 +-
...our Students to Work on GIMP During GSoC2013.md | 4 +-
content/news/2013-06-21 GIMP 2.8.6 Released.md | 2 +-
content/news/2013-09-05 GIMP Magazine Four.md | 2 +-
...013-09-23 Sponsoring Symmetric Painting Mode.md | 2 +-
content/news/2013-10-04 GSOC2013 Results.md | 2 +-
content/news/2013-11-28 GIMP 2.8.10 Released.md | 2 +-
.../news/2013-11-28 GIMP Manual 2.8.1 Released.md | 4 +-
content/news/2014-01-23 LGM2014.md | 6 +-
content/news/2014-05-13 Download Server Renamed.md | 2 +-
.../news/2014-08-14 GIMP Manual 2.8.2 released.md | 4 +-
content/news/2014-08-26 GIMP 2.8.14 Released.md | 3 +-
...dated 2.8.14 installer for microsoft windows.md | 4 +-
.../2014-11-19 GIMP Magazine Issue 6 released.md | 2 +-
.../news/2015-02-27 Libre Graphics Meeting 2015.md | 2 +-
content/news/2015-05-05 ZeMarmot.md | 4 +-
content/news/2015-05-27 Sourceforge.md | 6 +-
content/news/2015-06-04 GEGL BABL.md | 6 +-
content/news/2015-11-18 20-years-of-gimp.md | 10 +-
content/news/2015-11-26 GIMP 2.9.2.md | 4 +-
.../news/2015-12-03 LGM2016 Participation Call.md | 12 +-
content/news/2015-12-31 2015-report.md | 14 +-
content/news/2016-01-12 LGM/index.md | 26 +-
...01-28 GEGL-OpenCL Project by StreamComputing.md | 4 +-
content/news/2016-03-14 GEGL 0.3.6.md | 6 +-
...016-03-17 Corrupt Windows Installer Warnings.md | 4 +-
content/news/2016-05-05 Tutorials Revamp.md | 6 +-
.../news/2016-05-23 Documentation Update Call.md | 5 +-
.../news/2016-06-05 Window Resize Crash Fixed.md | 2 +-
...16-06-14 GEGL 0.3.8 and babl 0.1.18 Released.md | 2 +-
content/news/2016-07-02 Texas Linux Fest.md | 14 +-
.../news/2016-07-13 GIMP 2.9.4 Released/index.md | 10 +-
content/news/2016-10-06 Dialog Defaults/index.md | 2 +-
content/news/2017-01-15 2016 in Review.md | 8 +-
content/news/2017-02-02 GIMP 2.10 Blockers.md | 8 +-
.../2017-03-01_Mitch-interview-WilberWeek2017.md | 4 +-
...2017-05-15_Schumaml-interview-WilberWeek2017.md | 8 +-
.../news/2017-08-24 GIMP 2.9.6 Released/index.md | 6 +-
content/news/2018-01-09_LGM_SCaLE/index.md | 7 +-
content/news/2018-05_GIMP-2.10.2_Released/index.md | 28 +-
.../news/2019-05_GIMP-2.10.12_Released/index.md | 4 +-
content/release-notes/gimp-2.10.md | 4 +-
content/release-notes/gimp-2.2.md | 11 +-
content/release-notes/gimp-2.3.3.md | 5 +-
content/release-notes/gimp-2.3.md | 7 +-
content/release-notes/gimp-2.4-cm.md | 3 +-
content/release-notes/gimp-2.4.md | 3 +-
content/release-notes/gimp-2.5.md | 6 +-
content/release-notes/gimp-2.6.md | 10 +-
content/release-notes/gimp-2.7.md | 57 +-
content/release-notes/gimp-2.8.md | 58 +-
content/source/index.md | 27 +-
content/tutorials/Asset_Folders/index.md | 11 +-
.../tutorials/Automate_Editing_in_GIMP/index.md | 4 +-
content/tutorials/AutomatedJpgToXcf/index.md | 46 +-
content/tutorials/Basic_Color_Curves/index.md | 43 +-
content/tutorials/Basic_Perl/index.md | 603 ++++++++++-----------
content/tutorials/Basic_Scheme2/index.md | 1 -
content/tutorials/Blur_Overlays/index.md | 9 +-
content/tutorials/CircleImage/index.md | 20 +-
content/tutorials/Color2BW/index.md | 17 +-
content/tutorials/ContrastMask/index.md | 21 +-
.../Digital_Black_and_White_Conversion/index.md | 106 ++--
content/tutorials/Drawing_Shapes/index.md | 6 +-
content/tutorials/Floating_Logo/index.md | 6 +-
content/tutorials/Focus_Group/index.md | 22 +-
content/tutorials/GIMPProfile/index.md | 38 +-
content/tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/index.md | 45 +-
content/tutorials/ImageFormats/index.md | 12 +-
content/tutorials/Layer_Masks/index.md | 14 +-
content/tutorials/Lite_Quickies/index.md | 17 +-
content/tutorials/Quickmask/index.md | 5 +-
content/tutorials/Selective_Color/index.md | 17 +-
content/tutorials/Selective_Gaussian_Blur/index.md | 7 +-
content/tutorials/Sepia_Toning/index.md | 20 +-
content/tutorials/Smart_Sharpening/index.md | 17 +-
.../Tone_Mapping_Using_GIMP_Levels/index.md | 36 +-
content/tutorials/template/index.md | 6 +-
content/unix/fonts.md | 5 +-
content/unix/howtos/bugzilla.md | 7 +-
plugins/page_hierarchy_gimp/README.md | 6 +-
themes/newgimp/templates/base.html | 14 +-
themes/newgimp/templates/downloads-oldstable.html | 32 +-
themes/newgimp/templates/downloads.html | 4 +-
themes/newgimp/templates/home.html | 56 +-
173 files changed, 1273 insertions(+), 1307 deletions(-)
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 5494ac56..04bb6a50 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Refer to these pages for extended information in addition to what is below.
-## Short
+## Short
The new site is built using the Pelican static site generator, written in Python.
The tools to build and test the site are Python, Pelican, and a couple of modules (Markdown, typogrify).
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ The tools to build and test the site are Python, Pelican, and a couple of module
plugin `gimp_mirrors`):
`pip install pygeoip`
-Further information in greater detail can be found in the Pelican documentation
+Further information in greater detail can be found in the Pelican documentation
### Pelican configuration files (pelicanconf.*)
@@ -81,18 +81,18 @@ The site files will be available in the `output/` directory.
Note: the python SimpleHTTPServer doesn't serve svg images with the correct mimetype.
To do this, you should add your own mimetype for svg files:
- #!/usr/bin/python
+ #!/usr/bin/python
import SimpleHTTPServer
import SocketServer
import mimetypes
PORT = 8000
Handler = SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler
httpd = SocketServer.TCPServer(("", PORT), Handler)
print "serving at port", PORT
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ If a new directory needs to be added, like `artists/`:
#### Text files
The files can be written using ReStructuredText, Markdown, or HTML.
The latest information for using these formats can be found in the documentation:
The majority of the files here are likely Markdown, as it's what I (Pat David) used.
I wrote a brief cheatsheet of the Markdown format that can be found on the site here:
@@ -224,5 +224,3 @@ If there is no `Summary` metadata tag, then the summayr will be auto-generated f
To mark a news item as a draft, include the `Status: draft` metadata in the head of the file.
It will not appear anywhere other than in the `drafts/` folder until the `Status` metadata is removed or
changed to `Status: published`.
It will also not show up in the RSS/Atom feeds.
diff --git a/content/about/everywhere.md b/content/about/everywhere.md
index 0da3b2f2..cd4063f3 100644
--- a/content/about/everywhere.md
+++ b/content/about/everywhere.md
@@ -12,13 +12,13 @@ Do you know about some interesting examples of GIMP usage? Do you have some test
Sites using GIMP as a back-end for generating nice graphics online:
* [Flaming Text Logo Generator](http://www.flamingtext.com/)
-* [Cooltext Logo Generator](http://www.cooltext.com/)
+* [Cooltext Logo Generator](https://www.cooltext.com/)
## GIMP In Film
GIMP and its fork FilmGIMP have been used in the making of several movies.
-* [Linux and _Scooby-Doo_](http://www.linuxjournal.com/article.php?sid=6148)
+* [Linux and _Scooby-Doo_](https://www.linuxjournal.com/article.php?sid=6148)
## GIMP In Medicine & Science
@@ -26,9 +26,8 @@ GIMP and its fork FilmGIMP have been used in the making of several movies.
## GIMP In the Computer World
-* [GIMP Transcends Bias](http://www.advogato.org/article/550.html)
+* [GIMP Transcends Bias](https://www.advogato.org/article/550.html)
## GIMP In Commercial Art
* [GIMP makes book
diff --git a/content/about/index.md b/content/about/index.md
index 488603b7..16ace09a 100644
--- a/content/about/index.md
+++ b/content/about/index.md
@@ -42,13 +42,13 @@ There is a nice [Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)][] page.
* [The GNU Image Manipulation Program][] - www.gimp.org
* [GIMP Wiki][] - wiki.gimp.org
-* [GIMP Issues][] - GNOME Gitlab
+* [GIMP Issues][] - GNOME Gitlab
* [The GIMP Toolkit][] - www.gtk.org
* [GNU Project][] - www.gnu.org
* [GNU General][] Public License - GPL
[The GNU Image Manipulation Program]: //www.gimp.org
-[GIMP Wiki]: http://wiki.gimp.org
+[GIMP Wiki]: https://wiki.gimp.org
[GIMP Issues]: https://gitlab.gnome.org/Infrastructure/gimp-web/issues
[The GIMP Toolkit]: //www.gtk.org
[GNU Project]: //www.gnu.org
diff --git a/content/about/irc.md b/content/about/irc.md
index e07246d6..640544ed 100644
--- a/content/about/irc.md
+++ b/content/about/irc.md
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ lang: en
Several IRC channels and [mailing lists](/mail_lists.html) are available for discussing GIMP-related topics.
IRC offers real-time communication, but be aware that there may be long periods of silence in the channels
when other users are busy or away from their keyboards. When you join the GIMP IRC channels, please do not
ask if somebody can help you. If you have a question, ask directly and then wait patiently to see if someone
answers. Other recommendations can be found [at the bottom of this page](#rules).
-The official GIMP IRC channels are on GIMPNet ([irc.gimp.org](irc://irc.gimp.org/)) and have existed for
more than 10 years. Many [channels related to GTK+ and GNOME](http://live.gnome.org/GnomeIrcChannels) are
also on GIMPNet.
+The official GIMP IRC channels are on GIMPNet ([irc.gimp.org](irc://irc.gimp.org/)) and have existed for
more than 10 years. Many [channels related to GTK+ and GNOME](https://live.gnome.org/GnomeIrcChannels) are
also on GIMPNet.
<dt>irc://irc.gimp.org/<a href="irc://irc.gimp.org/gimp-users">#gimp-users</a></dt>
@@ -71,11 +71,10 @@ The main GIMP IRC channels described above are on GIMPNet (irc://irc.gimp.org/),
* Don't expect to be greeted. Start talking or listen.
* <a name="just_ask"></a>Don't ask to ask, just ask. Questions like "May I ask a question?" are obsolete,
you have obviously joined the channel to do something. Questions like "Can someone help me?" cannot be
answered until you have described your problem. Be direct and describe your problem or question immediately.
* Be patient. This is not a phone support line.
-* Don't ask frequently asked questions. Using a search engine, visiting [this web site](/), the [developer
site](http://wiki.gimp.org/) and reading the [documentation](/docs/) will help you to determine if your
question falls into this category. It's not forbidden to ask the question, though, but you should be prepared
for answers like "RTFM" or "use Google".
+* Don't ask frequently asked questions. Using a search engine, visiting [this web site](/), the [developer
site](https://wiki.gimp.org/) and reading the [documentation](/docs/) will help you to determine if your
question falls into this category. It's not forbidden to ask the question, though, but you should be prepared
for answers like "RTFM" or "use Google".
* Don't mess with other users. In case of doubt, they are far more experienced than you, might have admin
status or be the equivalent to gods, IRC operators. An occasional joke is ok (unless your sense of humor is
really weird), but try to keep a minimum of maturity.
* Don't make fun of other people's problems with the language. English is the language used in the main
GIMP-related channels and it might not be the native language of some users.
* Don't assume that you can break the rules if others seem to do so. There are a few users in #gimp who
have been granted a jester's license. Additionally, there is an unwritten rule that you may talk offtopic up
to the amount of your ontopic contribution.
* In #gimp (the main channel), the GIMP developers have special privileges and may use and abuse them. If
you are not comfortable with that, then you should join #gimp-users instead.
* Don't mess with the admins. You will regret it.
* Say what you want, tell us what you've done, and be precise about it.
diff --git a/content/about/linking.md b/content/about/linking.md
index 6f6359b8..59bfe492 100644
--- a/content/about/linking.md
+++ b/content/about/linking.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Title: Linking to Us
+Title: Linking to Us
Date: 2015-08-12T16:18:27-05:00
Modified: 2015-08-12T16:18:33-05:00
Author: Pat David
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ One of the [many ways](/develop/) to promote the usage of GIMP is to link to thi
## Linking to our pages
-If you want to add a link to the official GIMP web site, we recommend that you link to our home page:
<kbd>http://www.gimp.org/</kbd>. You can link to other pages such as the download page, the tutorials or the
documentation, but be aware that the <span class="help" title="deep link: a link to a page that is several
clicks away from the home page">deeper you link</span>, the higher the risks that the page could be moved or
removed in the future. We will try to avoid breaking links, but it would be difficult to guarantee this for
the whole site. So your best bet for a stable link is the home page, or some of the main pages featured in
the navigation menu.
+If you want to add a link to the official GIMP web site, we recommend that you link to our home page:
<kbd>https://www.gimp.org/</kbd>. You can link to other pages such as the download page, the tutorials or the
documentation, but be aware that the <span class="help" title="deep link: a link to a page that is several
clicks away from the home page">deeper you link</span>, the higher the risks that the page could be moved or
removed in the future. We will try to avoid breaking links, but it would be difficult to guarantee this for
the whole site. So your best bet for a stable link is the home page, or some of the main pages featured in
the navigation menu.
If you want to link to our home page, here are some buttons that you can use, followed by the corresponding
HTML code:
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ If you want to link to our home page, here are some buttons that you can use, fo
- <a href="http://www.gimp.org/"><img alt="Graphics by GIMP"
+ <a href="https://www.gimp.org/"><img alt="Graphics by GIMP"
src="https://www.gimp.org/images/gfx_by_gimp.png" border="0"
width="90" height="36" /></a>
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ If you want to link to our home page, here are some buttons that you can use, fo
- <a href="http://www.gimp.org/"><img alt="GIMP - Free"
+ <a href="https://www.gimp.org/"><img alt="GIMP - Free"
src="https://www.gimp.org/images/gimp_free_button.png" border="0"
width="88" height="31" /></a>
diff --git a/content/about/mail_lists.md b/content/about/mail_lists.md
index 338b37f4..35a740ef 100644
--- a/content/about/mail_lists.md
+++ b/content/about/mail_lists.md
@@ -18,11 +18,11 @@ Don't send any private or sensitive information!
Here you will find tips for doing cool effects, user questions, etc.<br>
<a href="https://mail.gnome.org/archives/gimp-user-list/">GNOME</a>,
- <a href="http://www.mail-archive.com/gimp-user-list%40gnome.org/">mail-archive</a>,
+ <a href="https://www.mail-archive.com/gimp-user-list%40gnome.org/">mail-archive</a>,
<a href="http://gimp.1065349.n5.nabble.com/Users-f3.html">nabble</a>,
- <a href="http://www.spinics.net/lists/gimp/">spinics</a><br>
- Old Archives:
- <a href="http://www.mail-archive.com/gimp-user%40lists.xcf.berkeley.edu/">mail-archive</a>
+ <a href="https://www.spinics.net/lists/gimp/">spinics</a><br>
+ Old Archives:
+ <a href="https://www.mail-archive.com/gimp-user%40lists.xcf.berkeley.edu/">mail-archive</a>
<dt><a href="https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gimp-developer-list">GIMP Developer</a></dt>
@@ -30,28 +30,28 @@ Don't send any private or sensitive information!
developers; discussion about the source code.<br>
<a href="https://mail.gnome.org/archives/gimp-developer-list/">GNOME</a>,
- <a href="http://www.mail-archive.com/gimp-developer-list%40gnome.org/">mail-archive</a>,
+ <a href="https://www.mail-archive.com/gimp-developer-list%40gnome.org/">mail-archive</a>,
<a href="http://gimp.1065349.n5.nabble.com/Developers-f15145.html">nabble</a><br>
- Old Archives:
- <a href="http://www.mail-archive.com/gimp-developer%40lists.xcf.berkeley.edu/">mail-archive</a>
+ Old Archives:
+ <a href="https://www.mail-archive.com/gimp-developer%40lists.xcf.berkeley.edu/">mail-archive</a>
<dt><a href="https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gegl-developer-list">GEGL Developer</a></dt>
<dd>The GEGL developer list. For developers interested in
contributing to <a href="http://www.gegl.org/">GEGL</a>, the new
architecture for image processing.<br>
<a href="https://mail.gnome.org/archives/gegl-developer-list/">GNOME</a>,
- <a href="http://www.mail-archive.com/gegl-developer-list%40gnome.org/">mail-archive</a>,
- Old Archives:
- <a href="http://www.mail-archive.com/gegl-developer%40lists.xcf.berkeley.edu/">mail-archive</a>
+ <a href="https://www.mail-archive.com/gegl-developer-list%40gnome.org/">mail-archive</a>,
+ Old Archives:
+ <a href="https://www.mail-archive.com/gegl-developer%40lists.xcf.berkeley.edu/">mail-archive</a>
<dt><a href="https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gimp-gui-list">GIMP GUI</a></dt>
<dd>The GIMP GUI list. For discussions around UI/UX.<br>
<a href="https://mail.gnome.org/archives/gimp-gui-list/">GNOME</a>,
- <a href="http://www.mail-archive.com/gimp-gui-list%40gnome.org/">mail-archive</a>,
+ <a href="https://www.mail-archive.com/gimp-gui-list%40gnome.org/">mail-archive</a>,
<dt><a href="https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gimp-web-list">GIMP Web</a></dt>
@@ -59,17 +59,17 @@ Don't send any private or sensitive information!
structure of this web site.<br>
<a href="https://mail.gnome.org/archives/gimp-web-list/">GNOME</a>,
- <a href="http://www.mail-archive.com/gimp-web-list%40gnome.org/">mail-archive</a>,
+ <a href="https://www.mail-archive.com/gimp-web-list%40gnome.org/">mail-archive</a>,
<dt><a href="https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gimp-docs-list">GIMP Docs</a></dt>
<dd>The GIMP documentation list. For discussion about the
- <a href="http://docs.gimp.org">GIMP User Manual</a> and all derivative works.<br>
+ <a href="https://docs.gimp.org">GIMP User Manual</a> and all derivative works.<br>
<a href="https://mail.gnome.org/archives/gimp-docs-list/">GNOME</a>,
- <a href="http://www.mail-archive.com/gimp-docs-list%40gnome.org/">mail-archive</a>,
- Old Archives:
- <a href="http://www.mail-archive.com/gimp-docs%40lists.xcf.berkeley.edu/">mail-archive</a>
+ <a href="https://www.mail-archive.com/gimp-docs-list%40gnome.org/">mail-archive</a>,
+ Old Archives:
+ <a href="https://www.mail-archive.com/gimp-docs%40lists.xcf.berkeley.edu/">mail-archive</a>
@@ -89,9 +89,9 @@ The code may change in the future, followed by a notification to subscribers.
Please use these sources to check for information on the project, roadmap, feature requests, bug reports
* [Bug tracker](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gimp/issues). Useful for checking bug reports and feature
-* [Roadmap](http://wiki.gimp.org/index.php/Roadmap). We do not schedule releases, but we plan what things
we work on next.
-* [FAQ](http://www.gimp.org/docs/userfaq.html). There are some frequently asked questions we already
-* [Usability](http://gui.gimp.org). There's ongoing work to improve user experience of GIMP.
-* [Development](http://wiki.gimp.org/index.php/Main_Page). If you wish to contribute, please check the
wiki for basic information for developers.
+* [Roadmap](https://wiki.gimp.org/index.php/Roadmap). We do not schedule releases, but we plan what things
we work on next.
+* [FAQ](https://www.gimp.org/docs/userfaq.html). There are some frequently asked questions we already
+* [Usability](https://gui.gimp.org). There's ongoing work to improve user experience of GIMP.
+* [Development](https://wiki.gimp.org/index.php/Main_Page). If you wish to contribute, please check the
wiki for basic information for developers.
We also suggest checking archives of the mailing lists for existing discussions.
diff --git a/content/about/meta/building/index.fr.md b/content/about/meta/building/index.fr.md
index 93c185dd..d5f66979 100644
--- a/content/about/meta/building/index.fr.md
+++ b/content/about/meta/building/index.fr.md
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ Summary: A page about the new site.
lang: fr
-Donc, vous voulez contribuer?
+Donc, vous voulez contribuer?
Voici les étapes à suivre pour obtenir votre propre copie du site Web!
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ The source for the GIMP websites can be found here: <https://git.gnome.org/brows
At the bottom of that page you should see a section title **Clone**.
It will provide some common means to clone the repository:
<ssh://USERNAME git gnome org/git/gimp-web>
@@ -48,17 +48,17 @@ You can tell git to clone a particular branch (only) into the sub-directory `gim
`git clone -b gimp-web-static --single-branch https://git.gnome.org/browse/gimp-web gimp-web-static`
-That is,
-`git clone -b gimp-web-static`
+That is,
+`git clone -b gimp-web-static`
clone the branch gimp-web-static
just the branch, not the entire repository
the repository we are cloning from
into this sub-directory from where we are.
Be patient.
@@ -94,9 +94,9 @@ You will need to download and install Python 2.7.x.
### Get Pelican
-Install [Pelican](http://blog.getpelican.com/):
+Install [Pelican](https://blog.getpelican.com/):
The easiest way to get it after installing Python is to use pip:
@@ -108,10 +108,10 @@ The easiest way to get it after installing Python is to use pip:
Some extra components that we use on the site are [Markdown][] and [typogrify][]:
-`pip install Markdown`
+`pip install Markdown`
`pip install typogrify`
-[Markdown]: http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/
+[Markdown]: https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/
[typogrify]: https://github.com/mintchaos/typogrify
diff --git a/content/about/meta/building/index.md b/content/about/meta/building/index.md
index 1e59b0b0..80c7e512 100644
--- a/content/about/meta/building/index.md
+++ b/content/about/meta/building/index.md
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ The source for the GIMP websites can be found here: <https://git.gnome.org/brows
At the bottom of that page you should see a section title **Clone**.
It will provide some common means to clone the repository:
<ssh://USERNAME git gnome org/git/gimp-web>
@@ -48,17 +48,17 @@ You can tell git to clone a particular branch (only) into the sub-directory `gim
`git clone -b gimp-web-static --single-branch https://git.gnome.org/browse/gimp-web gimp-web-static`
-That is,
-`git clone -b gimp-web-static`
+That is,
+`git clone -b gimp-web-static`
clone the branch gimp-web-static
just the branch, not the entire repository
the repository we are cloning from
into this sub-directory from where we are.
Be patient.
@@ -94,9 +94,9 @@ You will need to download and install Python 2.7.x.
### Get Pelican
-Install [Pelican](http://blog.getpelican.com/):
+Install [Pelican](https://blog.getpelican.com/):
The easiest way to get it after installing Python is to use pip:
@@ -108,12 +108,12 @@ The easiest way to get it after installing Python is to use pip:
Some extra components that we use on the site are [Markdown][] and [typogrify][]:
-`pip install Markdown`
+`pip install Markdown`
`pip install typogrify`
Markdown support let's us write posts using Markdown, and typogrify adds some nice typographic effects to
the output.
-[Markdown]: http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/
+[Markdown]: https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/
[typogrify]: https://github.com/mintchaos/typogrify
diff --git a/content/about/meta/frontpage.md b/content/about/meta/frontpage.md
index e2bcf715..82a44b98 100644
--- a/content/about/meta/frontpage.md
+++ b/content/about/meta/frontpage.md
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ If you're in a rush or just need a reminder, to edit the front page modify this
## The Front Page
The way that [Pelican] is normally handling the front page of a site is to consider it a listing of
-blog posts. This means that a normal "front page" for a Pelican site usually has a list of all of the
+blog posts. This means that a normal "front page" for a Pelican site usually has a list of all of the
*Article* posts on the site.
This is not what we're doing here.
@@ -99,16 +99,16 @@ To modify the front page, modify the file located at `/themes/themename/template
## Editing Notes
-In Pelican, all template will receive some [common
variables](http://docs.getpelican.com/en/3.6.2/themes.html#common-variables) for parsing. Something that we
may want to include for example is the latest news post.
+In Pelican, all template will receive some [common
variables](https://docs.getpelican.com/en/3.6.2/themes.html#common-variables) for parsing. Something that we
may want to include for example is the latest news post.
This can be accessed in the template through the `article` variable. For instance, some common properties
(from the most recent news post):
The way it might actually be used in the template:
<h3>Articles Object</h3>
@@ -124,4 +124,3 @@ The way it might actually be used in the template:
{{ articles[0].date }}
diff --git a/content/about/meta/git-workflow.md b/content/about/meta/git-workflow.md
index ba66b179..81cef355 100644
--- a/content/about/meta/git-workflow.md
+++ b/content/about/meta/git-workflow.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Title: Git Workflow
+Title: Git Workflow
Date: 2015-11-23T16:46:14-05:00
Author: Pat David
Summary: What the workflow should be with branches test and master.
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ Summary: What the workflow should be with branches test and master.
<img src="{filename}git.png" title="If that doesn't fix it, git.txt contains the phone number of a friend of
mine who understands git. Just wait through a few minutes of 'It's really pretty simple, just think of
branches as...' and eventually you'll learn the commands that will fix everything." alt="Git">
-Obligatory <a href="https://xkcd.com/1597/">XKCD</a>.
-(<a class='cc' href='http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.5/' title='Creative Commons
+Obligatory <a href="https://xkcd.com/1597/">XKCD</a>.
+(<a class='cc' href='https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.5/' title='Creative Commons
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ The general workflow is:
1. Do your testing/new material in a branch of your own.
2. If everything works fine locally, merge into *testing* and push.
- [testing.gimp.org][] will attempt a re-build every 5 minutes (00, 05, 10, 15, ...).
+ [testing.gimp.org][] will attempt a re-build every 5 minutes (00, 05, 10, 15, ...).
3. If it builds ok on *testing*...
1. merge the changes to *master* and push.
[www.gimp.org][] will re-build every 20 minutes.
@@ -37,11 +37,11 @@ The general workflow is:
There are two main branches we are working with.
Well, mainly *one* branch that is worked with mostly and another that is actually the main site.
-The **testing** branch will build to [testing.gimp.org](http://testing.gimp.org).
+The **testing** branch will build to [testing.gimp.org](https://testing.gimp.org).
This is the main branch for testing things out and checking that they will build correctly on the server.
Once a change works here ok, it can then be merged into **master** and pushed to the server.
-The **master** branch will build to the full [www.gimp.org](http://www.gimp.org).
+The **master** branch will build to the full [www.gimp.org](https://www.gimp.org).
diff --git a/content/about/meta/index.fr.md b/content/about/meta/index.fr.md
index a3cbbeaa..533d08c9 100644
--- a/content/about/meta/index.fr.md
+++ b/content/about/meta/index.fr.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Title: Meta
+Title: Meta
Date: 2015-07-29T14:40:35-05:00
Modified: 2015-08-10T14:53:46-05:00
Author: Pat David
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ For example, you can read about a [GIMP Perl release candidate from June, 2014](
### Collaboration
-I have *no* data to back this up, but can't help feel that some of the lack of new tutorials or content for
the site could be attributed to the convoluted ways to submit information
+I have *no* data to back this up, but can't help feel that some of the lack of new tutorials or content for
the site could be attributed to the convoluted ways to submit information
(plus it is generally more lucrative for folks to host their own tutorials and content in an effort to
monetize them vs. sharing them openly here).
If someone *does* want to submit new content, it can only be helpful to make the barrier to collaboration as
low as possible.
@@ -99,19 +99,19 @@ This is the same procedure anyone can use to test new content they would like to
#### Getting a build environment
-1. Install [Python].
-2.7.x is best, earlier versions are not supported.
+1. Install [Python].
+2.7.x is best, earlier versions are not supported.
Only provisional support for 3.3+.
-2. Install [Pelican].
+2. Install [Pelican].
Simplest method is simply: `pip install pelican`
3. Install some extra components:
- * For [Markdown] support:
+ * For [Markdown] support:
`pip install Markdown`
- * For fancy typography elements with [typogrify]:
+ * For fancy typography elements with [typogrify]:
`pip install typogrify`
-For detailed information refer to the [Pelican documentation](http://docs.getpelican.com/en/stable/).
+For detailed information refer to the [Pelican documentation](https://docs.getpelican.com/en/stable/).
@@ -137,15 +137,15 @@ To avoid using the cache, *and* to watch for changes and rebuild as necessary:
Python has a simple web server available to preview the site.
-For Python 2:
-`cd output`
+For Python 2:
+`cd output`
`python -m SimpleHTTPServer`
-For Python 3:
-`cd output`
+For Python 3:
+`cd output`
`python m http.server`
-The site can then be accessed locally at:
+The site can then be accessed locally at:
Further notes on using Pelican can be found on the page [Using Pelican](./using-pelican).
@@ -160,11 +160,11 @@ This is not superfluous, it's a test of local image linking from this directory.
-[WGO Redesign]: http://wiki.gimp.org/index.php?title=WGO_Redesign
-[Markdown]: http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/
-[reStructuredText]: http://sphinx-doc.org/rest.html
-[WGO]: http://www.gimp.org "The GIMP Website"
-[Pelican]: http://blog.getpelican.com/
+[WGO Redesign]: https://wiki.gimp.org/index.php?title=WGO_Redesign
+[Markdown]: https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/
+[reStructuredText]: https://sphinx-doc.org/rest.html
+[WGO]: https://www.gimp.org "The GIMP Website"
+[Pelican]: https://blog.getpelican.com/
[typogrify]: https://github.com/mintchaos/typogrify
diff --git a/content/about/meta/index.md b/content/about/meta/index.md
index d948b826..99eb8448 100644
--- a/content/about/meta/index.md
+++ b/content/about/meta/index.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Title: Meta
+Title: Meta
Date: 2015-07-29T14:40:35-05:00
Modified: 2015-08-27T12:06:35-05:00
Author: Pat David
@@ -29,25 +29,25 @@ This is the same procedure anyone can use to test new content they would like to
### Getting a build environment
-1. Install [Python].
- 2.7.x is best, earlier versions are not supported.
+1. Install [Python].
+ 2.7.x is best, earlier versions are not supported.
Only provisional support for 3.3+.
-2. Install [Pelican].
- Simplest method is simply: `pip install pelican==3.6.2`
- The version of Pelican the server uses is `3.6.2`.
+2. Install [Pelican].
+ Simplest method is simply: `pip install pelican==3.6.2`
+ The version of Pelican the server uses is `3.6.2`.
Use this version for now to stay in sync with pentagon (the server).
3. Install some extra components:
- * For [Markdown] support:
+ * For [Markdown] support:
`pip install Markdown`
- * For fancy typography elements with [typogrify]:
+ * For fancy typography elements with [typogrify]:
`pip install typogrify`
- * For some html scraping for the mirrors list [Beautifulsoup4]:
+ * For some html scraping for the mirrors list [Beautifulsoup4]:
`pip install bs4`
* For ip geolocating (for the gimp-mirrors plugin), pygeoip:
`pip install pygeoip`
-For detailed information refer to the [Pelican documentation](http://docs.getpelican.com/en/stable/).
+For detailed information refer to the [Pelican documentation](https://docs.getpelican.com/en/stable/).
@@ -73,15 +73,15 @@ To avoid using the cache, *and* to watch for changes and rebuild as necessary:
Python has a simple web server available to preview the site.
-For Python 2:
-`cd output`
+For Python 2:
+`cd output`
`python -m SimpleHTTPServer`
-For Python 3:
-`cd output`
+For Python 3:
+`cd output`
`python m http.server`
-The site can then be accessed locally at:
+The site can then be accessed locally at:
Further notes on using Pelican can be found on the page [Using Pelican](./using-pelican).
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ For example, at the time of writing this, 2.8.18 was the most recent stable vers
"2.8.18": {
- "source": {
+ "source": {
"gimp-2.8.18.tar.bz2": "5adaa11a68bc8a42bb2c778fee4d389c"
"windows": {
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ For example, you can read about a [GIMP Perl release candidate from June, 2014](
### Collaboration
-I have *no* data to back this up, but can't help feel that some of the lack of new tutorials or content for
the site could be attributed to the convoluted ways to submit information
+I have *no* data to back this up, but can't help feel that some of the lack of new tutorials or content for
the site could be attributed to the convoluted ways to submit information
(plus it is generally more lucrative for folks to host their own tutorials and content in an effort to
monetize them vs. sharing them openly here -- that's a different issue).
If someone *does* want to submit new content, it can only be helpful to make the barrier to collaboration as
low as possible.
@@ -220,12 +220,12 @@ This is not superfluous, it's a test of local image linking from this directory.
-[WGO Redesign]: http://wiki.gimp.org/index.php?title=WGO_Redesign
-[Markdown]: http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/
+[WGO Redesign]: https://wiki.gimp.org/index.php?title=WGO_Redesign
+[Markdown]: https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/
[reStructuredText]: http://sphinx-doc.org/rest.html
-[WGO]: http://www.gimp.org "The GIMP Website"
-[Pelican]: http://blog.getpelican.com/
+[WGO]: https://www.gimp.org "The GIMP Website"
+[Pelican]: https://blog.getpelican.com/
[typogrify]: https://github.com/mintchaos/typogrify
-[Beautifulsoup4]: https://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/
+[Beautifulsoup4]: https://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/
diff --git a/content/about/meta/markdown.md b/content/about/meta/markdown.md
index 6adf0e4a..87c509c5 100644
--- a/content/about/meta/markdown.md
+++ b/content/about/meta/markdown.md
@@ -18,13 +18,13 @@ The next line will still be in the same `<p>` element, but will be hard-wrapped.
The above paragraphs look like this in plain Markdown:
- Paragraphs are one or more consecutive lines of text,
+ Paragraphs are one or more consecutive lines of text,
separated by one or more blank lines.
A blank link will indicate a new paragraph to begin.
- If a hard `<br />` is desired,
+ If a hard `<br />` is desired,
simply end the line with two or more spaces.
- The next line will still be in the same `<p>` element,
+ The next line will still be in the same `<p>` element,
but will be hard-wrapped.
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Setext-style headers use "underlines" with equal signs (for first-level headers)
This is an H1
This is an H2
@@ -69,12 +69,12 @@ think this needs to be quoted, here it is.
> This is a blockquote with some information. If you
- think this needs to be quoted, here it is. Here is
+ think this needs to be quoted, here it is. Here is
a nested quote inside this blockquote:
> > A nested quote inside a previosu blockquote!
This is a blockquote with some information. If you
-think this needs to be quoted, here it is. Here is
+think this needs to be quoted, here it is. Here is
a nested quote inside this blockquote:
A nested quote inside a previous blockquote!
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ You can use relative paths while on the same site:
A link back to the [Meta page](/about/meta/).
A link back to the [Meta page](../meta/).
-A link back to the [Meta page](/about/meta/).
+A link back to the [Meta page](/about/meta/).
A link back to the [Meta page](../meta/).
Reference-style links use a second set of square brackets with a self-chosen label to identify the link:
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ Reference-style links use a second set of square brackets with a self-chosen lab
This is another link to [pixls][1]
Then anywhere in the document you can define the link label on it's own line:
[1]: https://pixls.us "An Optional Title for the Link"
Link definition names can contain any numbers, letters, spaces, or punctuation and are not case-sensitive:
@@ -234,9 +234,9 @@ Use a second set of empty square brackets after the initial link text:
Where the link can then be identified elsewhere as:
- [Google]: http://www.google.com
+ [Google]: https://www.google.com
-[Google]: http://www.google.com
+[Google]: https://www.google.com
[1]: https://pixls.us
@@ -261,10 +261,10 @@ outputs:
-*single asterisk*
-_single underscore_
-**double asterisks**
-__double underscores__
+*single asterisk*
+_single underscore_
+**double asterisks**
+__double underscores__
## Code
@@ -291,5 +291,5 @@ Which will be turned into an html link of the address text:
-[Markdown Syntax]: http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax
+[Markdown Syntax]: https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax
diff --git a/content/about/meta/to-do/index.md b/content/about/meta/to-do/index.md
index 571f89e4..64759d99 100644
--- a/content/about/meta/to-do/index.md
+++ b/content/about/meta/to-do/index.md
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ At the moment, the OS will be detected as one of the following:
'Windows '
This _may_ be done now - needs more testing to be sure.
## Link Order in Nav bar
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ Should screenshots be integrated into the main front page in some way as opposed
I used Markdown by default, but per Marco's suggestions, get support for asciidoc working!
-We already have restructuredtext (rest) by default with Pelican, but having other types can help further
lower the
+We already have restructuredtext (rest) by default with Pelican, but having other types can help further
lower the
barrier to entry/contributions. I'll have to see what it'll take to get asciidoc working.
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ barrier to entry/contributions. I'll have to see what it'll take to get asciido
Test that news items are permalinked and generated correctly.
-Also test that they are properly aggregated on an index page, and that the
+Also test that they are properly aggregated on an index page, and that the
pagination is working correctly.</del>
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ Also link them with @font-face correctly in the css for the site.
Consider Google Fonts as an option for font hosting?
Check with the others to see what the general consensus would be.
Temporarily set to using Google fonts to hopefully leverage any caching for clients.
Current font faces include:
@@ -116,13 +116,13 @@ Current font faces include:
<small>1: These are only used on the front page currently (in the header).</small>
drc has reported some issues with hinting the navigation bar font (Lato) at its current size.
I cannot reproduce his results exactly.
Looking into either increasing the weight of that font to 400 (from 300), or to swap it for a different
Possibly Roboto, Ostrich Sans (GNU Image Manipulation Program)?
There are still rendering issues for akk and drc for the navigation item font, Lato.
I'm switching it to Josefin Sans for the time being to see if it renders nicer.
@@ -140,8 +140,8 @@ Probably run a grunt task (or whatever the equivalent is in Python) to combine a
That is, folder nested with an `index.md` file for the contents will work correctly.
If you're reading this in a browser, and the url looks like: `/about/meta/to-do/`, then it works! :)
-[FontAwesome]: http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/
+[FontAwesome]: https://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/
diff --git a/content/about/meta/using-pelican/index.md b/content/about/meta/using-pelican/index.md
index f7ac4604..fe7986b3 100644
--- a/content/about/meta/using-pelican/index.md
+++ b/content/about/meta/using-pelican/index.md
@@ -131,21 +131,21 @@ Note that the `status: hidden` metadata on the page will override this behavior
### Python SimpleHTTPServer & SVG
Apparently the python (2.7.x) built-in http server doesn't serve .svg files correctly for use as images in
-To fix this, either run a different http server to test with, or from [this blog
post](http://gotmetoo.blogspot.com/2013/07/python-simple-http-server-with-svg.html) you can do this:
+To fix this, either run a different http server to test with, or from [this blog
post](https://gotmetoo.blogspot.com/2013/07/python-simple-http-server-with-svg.html) you can do this:
- #!/usr/bin/python
+ #!/usr/bin/python
import SimpleHTTPServer
import SocketServer
import mimetypes
PORT = 8000
Handler = SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler
httpd = SocketServer.TCPServer(("", PORT), Handler)
print "serving at port", PORT
diff --git a/content/about/meta/writing/index.md b/content/about/meta/writing/index.md
index b2a604bf..b42c7655 100644
--- a/content/about/meta/writing/index.md
+++ b/content/about/meta/writing/index.md
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ Which will render as:
-The `<figure>` tag makes more semantic sense in describing a figure element that will usually be referred to
+The `<figure>` tag makes more semantic sense in describing a figure element that will usually be referred to
##### Internal Linking
@@ -142,13 +142,13 @@ When compiled, because the URL structure will mimic the source structure, the fi
When linking to this page, you can use a fully qualified URL, or a URL from base, or a relative URL:
- [Full Link to Meta](http://www.gimp.org/about/meta/)
+ [Full Link to Meta](https://www.gimp.org/about/meta/)
[Less Full Link to Meta](/about/meta/)
[Relative Link to Meta](../) (from this page)
-[Full Link to Meta](http://www.gimp.org/about/meta/)
-[Less Full Link to Meta](/about/meta/)
-[Relative Link to Meta](../) (from this page)
+[Full Link to Meta](https://www.gimp.org/about/meta/)
+[Less Full Link to Meta](/about/meta/)
+[Relative Link to Meta](../) (from this page)
You may not know where the compiled file will end up in a URL necessarily.
Pelican allows you to define a link to a page in the *source directory location*, and will
diff --git a/content/about/meta/wtf-pelican.md b/content/about/meta/wtf-pelican.md
index 01d4f62e..e11ced6a 100644
--- a/content/about/meta/wtf-pelican.md
+++ b/content/about/meta/wtf-pelican.md
@@ -13,17 +13,17 @@ I had two things in mind,
1. Keep discrete content inside their own folders.
In particular this is handy for tutorials, where the tutorial files and all of its assets (images, scripts)
are all contained in the same folder.
-2. Each folder would represent a base url path on its own.
+2. Each folder would represent a base url path on its own.
This means that for an **About** page, the folder would be `/content/about/`, and the page for it would be
For a given input folder, and file, such as:
There would be a generated url/file as:
This way, nested folder structures in the `content` folder would be mirrored on the final site URL paths.
@@ -65,10 +65,10 @@ The closest thing I could find was a plugin on the plugin repository called [*Pa
This plugin was close, but was missing a few things that I had to add.
-1. OS-agnostic file system separators.
+1. OS-agnostic file system separators.
This was a simple fix that was already pushed to the plug-in author.
-2. The metadata override was a little more problematic.
+2. The metadata override was a little more problematic.
Basically, the plug-in was overriding the *slug* object with a custom one for the nesting based on the
All I did was continue that line of thought and brute-forced the index.md under each directory to the right
@@ -120,14 +120,14 @@ I am only doing it this way to support a few legacy pages that will exist direct
Those pages currently are:
-* [archive.html](http://www.gimp.org/archive.html)
+* [archive.html](https://www.gimp.org/archive.html)
An archive of news items that were on the front page.
Likely deprecated for the "News" section now?
-* [index.html](http://www.gimp.org/index.html)
+* [index.html](https://www.gimp.org/index.html)
The main page (still).
-* [irc.html](http://www.gimp.org/irc.html)
-* [mail_lists.html](http://www.gimp.org/mail_lists.html)
-* [team.html](http://www.gimp.org/team.html)
-* [template.html](http://www.gimp.org/template.html)
+* [irc.html](https://www.gimp.org/irc.html)
+* [mail_lists.html](https://www.gimp.org/mail_lists.html)
+* [team.html](https://www.gimp.org/team.html)
+* [template.html](https://www.gimp.org/template.html)
This seems to be a simple test page.
-* [webmasters.html](http://www.gimp.org/webmasters.html)
+* [webmasters.html](https://www.gimp.org/webmasters.html)
diff --git a/content/about/prehistory.md b/content/about/prehistory.md
index 805864a6..0a4fd91d 100644
--- a/content/about/prehistory.md
+++ b/content/about/prehistory.md
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ Title: How It All Started...
Date: 2015-07-29T14:40:35-05:00
Modified: 2015-07-29T14:40:43-05:00
Author: Pat David
## July 1995 - Two questions
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ At the end of July 1995, Peter Mattis posted a message in several newsgroups rel
<b>From:</b> Peter Mattis
<b>Subject:</b> Image Manipulation Program Features
<b>Date:</b> 1995-07-29
-<b>Message-ID:</b> <<a
charnley hip berkeley edu</a>>
+<b>Message-ID:</b> <<a
charnley hip berkeley edu</a>>
<b>Newsgroups:</b> comp.windows.x,comp.windows.x.apps,comp.os.linux.x,comp.os.linux.development.apps
Suppose someone decided to write a graphical image manipulation program
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Two weeks before, he was mentioning some program using plug-ins...
<b>From:</b> Peter Mattis
<b>Subject:</b> Re: Best way to write plug-ins?
<b>Date:</b> 1995-07-16
-<b>Message-ID:</b> <<a
href="http://groups.google.com/group/comp.os.linux.development.apps/msg/a385210efec43df3">3ua2hd$bbv agate
berkeley edu</a>>
+<b>Message-ID:</b> <<a
href="https://groups.google.com/group/comp.os.linux.development.apps/msg/a385210efec43df3">3ua2hd$bbv agate
berkeley edu</a>>
<b>Newsgroups:</b> comp.os.linux.development.apps
In article <3u7amh$...@felix.cc.gatech.edu>,
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ aren't really "passed" when using shared memory, now are they. :)
It is, however, not very easy to hook into internal program data. I set up
a fairly simple message passing system to handle requests for data. It works
-fine for my purposes, but it wouldn't easily expand to allow access to
+fine for my purposes, but it wouldn't easily expand to allow access to
arbitrary data structures in the main application.
Mail me if you want more specifics.
@@ -78,14 +78,14 @@ And then in November comes the first announcement of a beta release of the Gener
<b>From:</b> Peter Mattis
<b>Subject:</b> ANNOUNCE: The GIMP
<b>Date:</b> 1995-11-21
-<b>Message-ID:</b> <<a
href="http://groups.google.com/group/comp.os.linux.development.apps/msg/b5a9a98ef1e9fd4d">48s543$r7b agate
berkeley edu</a>>
+<b>Message-ID:</b> <<a
href="https://groups.google.com/group/comp.os.linux.development.apps/msg/b5a9a98ef1e9fd4d">48s543$r7b agate
berkeley edu</a>>
<b>Newsgroups:</b> comp.os.linux.development.apps,comp.os.linux.misc,comp.windows.x.apps
The GIMP: the General Image Manipulation Program
The GIMP is designed to provide an intuitive graphical interface to a
-variety of image editing operations. Here is a list of the GIMP's
+variety of image editing operations. Here is a list of the GIMP's
major features:
Image viewing
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ major features:
Image editing
- * Selection tools including rectangle, ellipse, free, fuzzy, bezier
+ * Selection tools including rectangle, ellipse, free, fuzzy, bezier
and intelligent.
* Transformation tools including rotate, scale, shear and flip.
* Painting tools including bucket, brush, airbrush, clone, convolve,
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ major features:
- * The operating system must support shared memory.
+ * The operating system must support shared memory.
* X11 R5 or R6\. (Actually, it may work on R4, but we have not had a
chance to test it).
* The X-server must support the X shared memory extension. (The
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ systems: Linux 1.2.13, Solaris 2.4, HPUX 9.05, SGI IRIX.
Currently, the biggest restriction to running the GIMP is the Motif
requirement. We will release a statically linked binary for several
-systems soon (including Linux).
+systems soon (including Linux).
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ GIMP 0.54, the (in)famous Motif release, is announced in February 1996.
<b>From:</b> Peter Mattis
<b>Subject:</b> The GIMP v0.54 -- General Image Manipulation Program
<b>Date:</b> 1996-02-15
-<b>Message-ID:</b> <<a
oravannahka helsinki fi</a>>
+<b>Message-ID:</b> <<a
oravannahka helsinki fi</a>>
<b>Followup-To:</b> comp.os.linux.development.apps
<b>Newsgroups:</b> comp.os.linux.announce
@@ -190,11 +190,11 @@ This is a partial list of changes from earlier versions:
* Implemented a dirty bit for images. Modified images will prompt to
be saved before being closed.
* Made a slight modification to the way the file overwrite dialog works.
Future plans
During Christmas break we encountered Photoshop 3.0 and discovered the
"joy of layers". This functionality was deemed absolutely necessary
and will part of the next release of the GIMP. This will involve major
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ The GIMP: the General Image Manipulation Program
The GIMP is designed to provide an intuitive graphical interface to a
-variety of image editing operations. Here is a list of the GIMP's
+variety of image editing operations. Here is a list of the GIMP's
major features:
Image viewing
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ major features:
Image editing
- * Selection tools including rectangle, ellipse, free, fuzzy, bezier
+ * Selection tools including rectangle, ellipse, free, fuzzy, bezier
and intelligent.
* Transformation tools including rotate, scale, shear and flip.
* Painting tools including bucket, brush, airbrush, clone, convolve,
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ major features:
- * The operating system must support shared memory.
+ * The operating system must support shared memory.
* X11 R5 or R6\. (Actually, it may work on R4, but we have not had a
chance to test it).
* The X-server must support the X shared memory extension. (The
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ systems: Linux 1.2.13, Solaris 2.4, HPUX 9.05, SGI IRIX.
Currently, the biggest restriction to running the GIMP is the Motif
requirement. We will release a statically linked binary for several
-systems soon (including Linux).
+systems soon (including Linux).
@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ precise details on how it can be reproduced.
-For historical interest, the Internet Archive has a copy of the link in Peter's email above:
+For historical interest, the Internet Archive has a copy of the link in Peter's email above:
The story continues in "[A Brief (and ancient) History of GIMP](ancient_history.html)".
diff --git a/content/about/selling.md b/content/about/selling.md
index daba759a..a3a0fcf4 100644
--- a/content/about/selling.md
+++ b/content/about/selling.md
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ as you do not deny other users these freedoms">Free Software</span>. This page t
## Is it legal to sell copies of GIMP?
-Yes. The terms and conditions for copying, distribution and modification of GIMP are clearly listed in the
[GNU General Public License](/about/COPYING). Redistribution for free or for profit is specifically allowed,
as long as the license is included and the source code is made available. See also [Selling Free
Software](http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/selling.html) on the <span class="help" title="Free Software
+Yes. The terms and conditions for copying, distribution and modification of GIMP are clearly listed in the
[GNU General Public License](/about/COPYING). Redistribution for free or for profit is specifically allowed,
as long as the license is included and the source code is made available. See also [Selling Free
Software](https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/selling.html) on the <span class="help" title="Free Software
Foundation">FSF</span> site.
Besides the rights and conditions given by the GPL, it would also be nice (but not required) to mention in
any advertising that the product being sold is GIMP (or a bundle including GIMP) or is derived from it.
@@ -36,8 +36,7 @@ If you or your company intend to sell GIMP, it would be nice to follow these gui
1. **Be honest**. Do not try to hide the fact that the product that you are selling is or contains GIMP
(the GNU Image Manipulation Program). Mention it in any advertisement.
2. **Add value**. Try to provide more than what can be found in the default GIMP package. Include a nice
installer, additional plug-ins, some nice artwork, some custom brushes and textures, your own tutorials and
documentation, printed copies of the documentation, etc. There are many ways to add value to GIMP and to make
your customers happy.
-3. **Respect the GPL**. The GPL requires you to make the source code available. The best solution is to
include the source code on the same medium as the GIMP installation package, but you can also include a
written offer to supply the source code on request. Note that you cannot simply give a link to the GIMP ftp
mirrors: it should be the exact source code that was used to compile the binary package that you are selling
and you have to cover the costs of redistribution yourself. If you sell and distribute the binaries online,
the GPL requires you to make the source code available "from the same place" so giving a link to the GIMP
mirrors is not sufficient (see also [this section of the GPL
+3. **Respect the GPL**. The GPL requires you to make the source code available. The best solution is to
include the source code on the same medium as the GIMP installation package, but you can also include a
written offer to supply the source code on request. Note that you cannot simply give a link to the GIMP ftp
mirrors: it should be the exact source code that was used to compile the binary package that you are selling
and you have to cover the costs of redistribution yourself. If you sell and distribute the binaries online,
the GPL requires you to make the source code available "from the same place" so giving a link to the GIMP
mirrors is not sufficient (see also [this section of the GPL
4. **Support your users**. If the version of GIMP that you are selling is modified in any way, you should
inform your users and try to handle the support requests related to that version. Providing good support is
another way to make your customers happy.
Finally, think about giving something back. If the software created by many volunteers helps your business,
it would be nice to return the favor by helping the developers. You can contribute by sending some
improvements to the code or by sponsoring some events such as the GIMP developer's conference. This is not
required, but happy developers are more likely to create a better product that you can sell later...
diff --git a/content/about/webmasters.md b/content/about/webmasters.md
index 00314830..f5e4358e 100644
--- a/content/about/webmasters.md
+++ b/content/about/webmasters.md
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Some hints on the server setup:
* Check that all README files are present
* Check that README, MIRRORS and \*.md5 are sent as text/plain
-The size of the data as seen on http://download.gimp.org/pub/ is currently around 4.1 GiB, with gimp and gtk
subdirectories amounting to about 3.4 GiB. New releases are uploaded some time before the announcement is
made, so syncing every few days should be sufficient.
+The size of the data as seen on https://download.gimp.org/pub/ is currently around 4.1 GiB, with gimp and
gtk subdirectories amounting to about 3.4 GiB. New releases are uploaded some time before the announcement is
made, so syncing every few days should be sufficient.
## Last resort
diff --git a/content/bugs/howtos/bugzilla.md b/content/bugs/howtos/bugzilla.md
index a475d7ae..f07197e5 100644
--- a/content/bugs/howtos/bugzilla.md
+++ b/content/bugs/howtos/bugzilla.md
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ First: Get out a piece of paper or open a text file and scribble down everything
Next: Go away and yell and scream and do whatever you need to do to relax again. Your next step will be to
brave Bugzilla, the GNOME bug tracker. It is used to track bug reports and requests for enhancements for GIMP
and <span class="help" title="the GIMP
ToolKit">GTK+</span> (see also [why we are using Bugzilla](/bugs/why_bugzilla.html)).
-Third: Check to see if your bug has been reported yet. Go to the [Current Bug
to see if something that looks like your bug has been reported yet. Don't worry if it has, you can still
help. See the section: [Enhancing Bug Reports](#enhance). If you can't find something that sounds like your
bug there, you will need to report it.
+Third: Check to see if your bug has been reported yet. Go to the [Current Bug
to see if something that looks like your bug has been reported yet. Don't worry if it has, you can still
help. See the section: [Enhancing Bug Reports](#enhance). If you can't find something that sounds like your
bug there, you will need to report it.
## Getting Ready to Report and Reporting a Bug
@@ -24,15 +24,15 @@ The goal of the following is to give the developers as much information about wh
### The Steps
-1. Use <kbd>gimp --version</kbd> or the about dialog to check your GIMP version. Next check with
[www.gimp.org](http://www.gimp.org/) to see what the most recent GIMP release is. If your GIMP is old, update
then try to to reproduce the bug. Your bug may have been fixed in the most recent release. If you are running
GIMP from GIT, update and and recompile.
+1. Use <kbd>gimp --version</kbd> or the about dialog to check your GIMP version. Next check with
[www.gimp.org](https://www.gimp.org/) to see what the most recent GIMP release is. If your GIMP is old,
update then try to to reproduce the bug. Your bug may have been fixed in the most recent release. If you are
running GIMP from GIT, update and and recompile.
2. Attempt to reproduce the problem. Go do what you were doing when it happened and see if you can do it
If using GIMP for GNU/Linux, start the program from a terminal with the command <kbd>gimp</kbd>.
Sometimes the program will output error messages that can help. This is especially important if GIMP crashes
completely without warning. After reproducing the bug, copy the error messages from your terminal into
somewhere where you can save them for the bug report. It is better to give too much information than not
- To narrow down the exact cause of the problem, attempt to reproduce it in other ways. Prepare yourself
to explain how to reproduce it in your bug report. If you are running GIMP in another language, try
[switching your GIMP to English](http://docs.gimp.org/en/gimp-fire-up.html#gimp-concepts-running-language) so
you can report menu items exactly with the English menu item name. It helps - developers generally understand
English). If you cannot reproduce the bug, assume it was some weird freak event and don't report it. If it
recurs, consult with your appropriate [user mailing list](/mail_lists.html). Perhaps someone else can find
the key to reproducing it.
+ To narrow down the exact cause of the problem, attempt to reproduce it in other ways. Prepare yourself
to explain how to reproduce it in your bug report. If you are running GIMP in another language, try
[switching your GIMP to English](https://docs.gimp.org/en/gimp-fire-up.html#gimp-concepts-running-language)
so you can report menu items exactly with the English menu item name. It helps - developers generally
understand English). If you cannot reproduce the bug, assume it was some weird freak event and don't report
it. If it recurs, consult with your appropriate [user mailing list](/mail_lists.html). Perhaps someone else
can find the key to reproducing it.
-3. Prepare to face the horror. Go to [bugzilla.gnome.org](http://bugzilla.gnome.org/). If you don't have a
login yet, follow the directions to create one. The reason to do this and report a bug with your e-mail
address is so the developers can contact you if they have any questions. That way if we miss some useful
tidbit of debugging information, they can tell you what to do to get it. Log in.
+3. Prepare to face the horror. Go to [bugzilla.gnome.org](https://bugzilla.gnome.org/). If you don't have a
login yet, follow the directions to create one. The reason to do this and report a bug with your e-mail
address is so the developers can contact you if they have any questions. That way if we miss some useful
tidbit of debugging information, they can tell you what to do to get it. Log in.
4. Select "Enter a New Bug Report". From the list of products provided, select GIMP. This opens the actual
entry form.
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ The goal of the following is to give the developers as much information about wh
1. Select the "version" that corresponds with the version of GIMP in which you found the bug. It is the
information you got with <kbd>gimp --version</kbd>.
- 2. Select the appropriate "component". If you don't know what component it is, submit the bug under
General. Descriptions of the components are
+ 2. Select the appropriate "component". If you don't know what component it is, submit the bug under
General. Descriptions of the components are
3. Classify the "severity" of your bug. If the bug causes GIMP to crash totally or do other really ucky
things so you can't use the program at all, classify it as critical. If it completely disables some part of
GIMP, classify it as major (for example, keeps you from using a tool). Most bugs are "normal". If you don't
know what severity to use, call it "normal". Trivial bugs are annoying but don't really keep you from using
the program. Cosmetic bugs are things like spelling errors or UI (User Interface, "the look and feel")
issues. Don't worry if you choose the wrong severity. The people getting your bug report will adjust it.
Don't mark it higher than it really is just to get their attention.
diff --git a/content/bugs/report.md b/content/bugs/report.md
index e14e2fe3..aba4651c 100644
--- a/content/bugs/report.md
+++ b/content/bugs/report.md
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ If you find a bug or think you find a bug, it is very important to report it. If
First: Get out a piece of paper or open a text file and scribble down everything you can remember about what
you were doing when it happened. Also write down the exact wording of any error messages you received.
-Next: Go away and yell and scream and do whatever you need to do to relax again.
+Next: Go away and yell and scream and do whatever you need to do to relax again.
Third: Check to see if your bug has been reported yet. Go to the [Current Issue
List](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gimp/issues) to see if something that looks like your bug has been
reported yet. Don't worry if it has, you can still help. See the section: [Enhancing Bug
Reports](#enhancing-bug-reports). If you can't find something that sounds like your bug there, you will need
to report it.
@@ -23,17 +23,17 @@ The goal of the following is to give the developers as much information about wh
### The Steps
-1. Use `gimp --version` or the about dialog (`Help → About GIMP`) to check your GIMP version. Next check
with [www.gimp.org](http://www.gimp.org/) to see what the most recent GIMP release is. If your GIMP is old,
update then try to to reproduce the bug. Your bug may have been fixed in the most recent release. If you are
running GIMP from Git, update and and recompile.
+1. Use `gimp --version` or the about dialog (`Help → About GIMP`) to check your GIMP version. Next check
with [www.gimp.org](https://www.gimp.org/) to see what the most recent GIMP release is. If your GIMP is old,
update then try to to reproduce the bug. Your bug may have been fixed in the most recent release. If you are
running GIMP from Git, update and and recompile.
2. Attempt to reproduce the problem. Go do what you were doing when it happened and see if you can do it
If using GIMP for GNU/Linux, start the program from a terminal with the command `gimp`. Sometimes the
program will output error messages that can help. This is especially important if GIMP crashes completely
without warning. After reproducing the bug, copy the error messages from your terminal into somewhere where
you can save them for the bug report. It is better to give too much information than not enough.
- To narrow down the exact cause of the problem, attempt to reproduce it in other ways. Prepare yourself
to explain how to reproduce it in your bug report. If you are running GIMP in another language, try
[switching your GIMP to English](http://docs.gimp.org/en/gimp-fire-up.html#gimp-concepts-running-language) so
you can report menu items exactly with the English menu item name. It helps - developers generally understand
English). If you cannot reproduce the bug, assume it was some weird freak event and don't report it. If it
recurs, consult with your appropriate [user mailing list](/mail_lists.html). Perhaps someone else can find
the key to reproducing it.
+ To narrow down the exact cause of the problem, attempt to reproduce it in other ways. Prepare yourself
to explain how to reproduce it in your bug report. If you are running GIMP in another language, try
[switching your GIMP to English](https://docs.gimp.org/en/gimp-fire-up.html#gimp-concepts-running-language)
so you can report menu items exactly with the English menu item name. It helps - developers generally
understand English). If you cannot reproduce the bug, assume it was some weird freak event and don't report
it. If it recurs, consult with your appropriate [user mailing list](/mail_lists.html). Perhaps someone else
can find the key to reproducing it.
3. Go to [GIMP issues](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gimp/issues/). If you don't have a login yet, follow
the directions to create one. The reason to do this and report a bug with your e-mail address is so the
developers can contact you if they have any questions. That way if we miss some useful tidbit of debugging
information, they can tell you what to do to get it. Log in.
-4. Select "New issue".
+4. Select "New issue".
<img src="{filename}new-issue.png">
diff --git a/content/bugs/submit-patch.md b/content/bugs/submit-patch.md
index 518a2baf..65de2981 100644
--- a/content/bugs/submit-patch.md
+++ b/content/bugs/submit-patch.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Title: How to Create and Submit a Patch
Date: 2015-08-17T11:09:31-05:00
-Modified: 2018-06-08T16:43:52-06:00
+Modified: 2018-06-08T16:43:52-06:00
Authors: Pat David
Status: hidden
@@ -15,17 +15,17 @@ A patch is exactly what the word says: a small piece of code used to repair a br
The preferred way of creating a patch is to create it against current git. The ensures that the patches
works with the latest edition of the source code and makes it easier for the developers to apply the patch.
-Clone the git repository which is
+Clone the git repository which is
git clone https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gimp.git
- Create commits that fixes the problem. For small problems it will only be a single commit. Be sure to
provide your name and email in the commits - you can [set up your git
repository](http://live.gnome.org/Git/Developers#head-2ad4a3239be27d5312d1be06debb39d4550baaf8) to do this
for you. Please make sure to provide useful commit messages; you may refer to [GNOME's
+ Create commits that fixes the problem. For small problems it will only be a single commit. Be sure to
provide your name and email in the commits - you can [set up your git
repository](https://live.gnome.org/Git/Developers#head-2ad4a3239be27d5312d1be06debb39d4550baaf8) to do this
for you. Please make sure to provide useful commit messages; you may refer to [GNOME's
-Now that you have commits that fixes the problem, create patches by doing
+Now that you have commits that fixes the problem, create patches by doing
git format-patch origin/master
- This will give you patch files in the form of git commits with names like
+ This will give you patch files in the form of git commits with names like
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Now that you have commits that fixes the problem, create patches by doing
If you do not have access to git you can generate the patch against the latest release.
-To generate the patch you will need two copies of the source code: one that is unmodified and one containing
your changes to the source. Start by downloading the source code of the latest release, extract it and make a
copy of the entire source directory. After you have made your changes to one of the source directories and
made sure it compiles and works as expected, you can create the patch file using the command:
+To generate the patch you will need two copies of the source code: one that is unmodified and one containing
your changes to the source. Start by downloading the source code of the latest release, extract it and make a
copy of the entire source directory. After you have made your changes to one of the source directories and
made sure it compiles and works as expected, you can create the patch file using the command:
`diff -rup /path/to/unmodified/source /path/to/modified/source > patchfile.patch`
@@ -47,12 +47,12 @@ To summarize the steps:
* Apply your changes to the copy of the source code
* Re-compile and make sure it works as expected
* Do a `make clean` to remove files generated during build
-* Generate the patch file using
+* Generate the patch file using
`diff -rup /path/to/unmodified/source /path/to/modified/source > patchfile.patch`
* Examine the resulting .patch file to make sure it contains only the intended changes
* Submit the patch using GIMP GitLab, see below
-## Using GitLab
+## Using GitLab
### Closing a bug patch
@@ -92,4 +92,3 @@ Thats it! You have done a patch reporting enhancement all that is left is for th
* report the bugs that the patch is closing.
* always test the patch before submitting it.
* write what version it is tested on. stable? development?
diff --git a/content/bugs/why_bugzilla.md b/content/bugs/why_bugzilla.md
index 42579706..5fb37a87 100644
--- a/content/bugs/why_bugzilla.md
+++ b/content/bugs/why_bugzilla.md
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Status: hidden
From time to time, we get questions about why we are [using Bugzilla](/bugs/) for tracking bug reports
related to GIMP or to this web site. Some users would prefer to send us a simple e-mail describing the
problem or to fill in a web form without having to register and create a Bugzilla account.
-Besides the fact that the [same instance of Bugzilla](http://bugzilla.gnome.org/) is already used for
tracking bugs related to GTK+ (GIMP ToolKit) and GNOME, here are some reasons why we ask bug reporters to
take the time to create a Bugzilla account:
+Besides the fact that the [same instance of Bugzilla](https://bugzilla.gnome.org/) is already used for
tracking bugs related to GTK+ (GIMP ToolKit) and GNOME, here are some reasons why we ask bug reporters to
take the time to create a Bugzilla account:
### Most bug reports need additional information from the reporter
diff --git a/content/develop/index.md b/content/develop/index.md
index 4965394f..7ccb997d 100644
--- a/content/develop/index.md
+++ b/content/develop/index.md
@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ Author: Pat David
GIMP is <span class="help" title="software that may be modified and
distributed freely, as long as you do not deny other users these
-freedoms">Free Software</span> and a part of the [GNU Project](http://www.gnu.org/). In the free software
world, there is generally no distinction between users and developers. As in a friendly neighbourhood,
everybody pitches in to help their neighbors. Please consider the time you give in assistance to others as
+freedoms">Free Software</span> and a part of the [GNU Project](https://www.gnu.org/). In the free software
world, there is generally no distinction between users and developers. As in a friendly neighbourhood,
everybody pitches in to help their neighbors. Please consider the time you give in assistance to others as
Ways in which you can help:
-* [program](http://wiki.gimp.org/) new features,
+* [program](https://wiki.gimp.org/) new features,
* report [bugs](/bugs/) (errors in the program),
* test existing features and provide feedback,
* add [documentation](/docs/),
@@ -40,11 +40,11 @@ major undertaking, especially since we shall break API and refactor numerious
parts of the program.
We still need to port more plugins to become GEGL operations. If you are willing
-to help with that, please refer to the [Porting filters to
+to help with that, please refer to the [Porting filters to
page to see what you could work on.
To get a better understanding of where the project is heading to, which features
-are planned etc., please visit the [Roadmap](http://wiki.gimp.org/index.php/Roadmap) page.
+are planned etc., please visit the [Roadmap](https://wiki.gimp.org/index.php/Roadmap) page.
### Bug Reports
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ GIMP uses [git](https://git-scm.com/) as its revision control system, and the [G
* [`gimp`](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gimp/) - the GIMP application itself
* [`gimp-web`](https://gitlab.gnome.org/Infrastructure/gimp-web/) - repo for this website
-* [`gimp-web-devel`](https://gitlab.gnome.org/Infrastructure/gimp-web-devel/) - repo for the developer
site at <http://developer.gnome.org>
+* [`gimp-web-devel`](https://gitlab.gnome.org/Infrastructure/gimp-web-devel/) - repo for the developer
site at <https://developer.gnome.org>
* [`gimp-help-2`](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gimp-help/) - the GIMP user manual
* [plus several
@@ -104,10 +104,10 @@ The GIMP community is a friendly one, but it probably is still worth saying this
## Important GIMP Links
-* [The GNU Image Manipulation Program](http://www.gimp.org/) — www.gimp.org
-* [GIMP Wiki](http://wiki.gimp.org/) — wiki.gimp.org
-* [The GIMP Toolkit](http://www.gtk.org/) — www.gtk.org
-* [GNU Project](http://www.gnu.org/) — www.gnu.org
+* [The GNU Image Manipulation Program](https://www.gimp.org/) — www.gimp.org
+* [GIMP Wiki](https://wiki.gimp.org/) — wiki.gimp.org
+* [The GIMP Toolkit](https://www.gtk.org/) — www.gtk.org
+* [GNU Project](https://www.gnu.org/) — www.gnu.org
* [GNU General Public License](/about/COPYING) — GPL
## GIMP RSS feeds
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ The GIMP community is a friendly one, but it probably is still worth saying this
## <a name="development"></a>GIMP Development Links
-[GIMP developers](http://wiki.gimp.org)
+[GIMP developers](https://wiki.gimp.org)
The main GIMP development website
diff --git a/content/docs/index.md b/content/docs/index.md
index 7c291e55..b513886f 100644
--- a/content/docs/index.md
+++ b/content/docs/index.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Title: Documentation
+Title: Documentation
Date: 2015-08-14T14:39:59-05:00
Author: Pat David
@@ -9,23 +9,23 @@ GIMP comes with a built-in help system. Once you have started the program, press
The user manual for the GIMP 2.10 release is available in 17 languages:
-* [Català](http://docs.gimp.org/2.10/ca)
-* [中文 (Chinese Simplified)](http://docs.gimp.org/2.10/zh_CN)
-* [Dansk](http://docs.gimp.org/2.10/da)
-* [Deutsch](http://docs.gimp.org/2.10/de/)
-* [Ελληνικά](http://docs.gimp.org/2.10/el/)
-* [English](http://docs.gimp.org/2.10/en/)
-* [Español](http://docs.gimp.org/2.10/es/)
-* [Français](http://docs.gimp.org/2.10/fr/)
-* [Italiano](http://docs.gimp.org/2.10/it/)
-* [日本語(Japanese)](http://docs.gimp.org/2.10/ja/)
-* [한국어(Korean)](http://docs.gimp.org/2.10/ko/)
-* [Nederlands](http://docs.gimp.org/2.10/nl/)
-* [Norwegian Nynorsk](http://docs.gimp.org/2.10/nn/)
-* [Português](http://docs.gimp.org/2.10/pt_BR)
-* [Pусский](http://docs.gimp.org/2.10/ru/)
-* [Slovenščina](http://docs.gimp.org/2.10/sl)
-* [Svenska](http://docs.gimp.org/2.10/sv)
+* [Català](https://docs.gimp.org/2.10/ca)
+* [中文 (Chinese Simplified)](https://docs.gimp.org/2.10/zh_CN)
+* [Dansk](https://docs.gimp.org/2.10/da)
+* [Deutsch](https://docs.gimp.org/2.10/de/)
+* [Ελληνικά](https://docs.gimp.org/2.10/el/)
+* [English](https://docs.gimp.org/2.10/en/)
+* [Español](https://docs.gimp.org/2.10/es/)
+* [Français](https://docs.gimp.org/2.10/fr/)
+* [Italiano](https://docs.gimp.org/2.10/it/)
+* [日本語(Japanese)](https://docs.gimp.org/2.10/ja/)
+* [한국어(Korean)](https://docs.gimp.org/2.10/ko/)
+* [Nederlands](https://docs.gimp.org/2.10/nl/)
+* [Norwegian Nynorsk](https://docs.gimp.org/2.10/nn/)
+* [Português](https://docs.gimp.org/2.10/pt_BR)
+* [Pусский](https://docs.gimp.org/2.10/ru/)
+* [Slovenščina](https://docs.gimp.org/2.10/sl)
+* [Svenska](https://docs.gimp.org/2.10/sv)
The user manuals for older releases can be found at the [GIMP Documentation page][].
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ The user manuals for older releases can be found at the [GIMP Documentation page
## Configuration
-* [How to set the tile cache](/unix/howtos/tile_cache.html).
+* [How to set the tile cache](/unix/howtos/tile_cache.html).
The tile cache tells GIMP how much memory it can use before swapping some image data to disk. Setting
the size of the tile cache can be critical for the performance of your system.
* [How to install fonts for use with GIMP](/unix/fonts.html)
* [How to use MIDI devices with GIMP](/unix/howtos/gimp-midi.html)
@@ -59,9 +59,8 @@ The user manuals for older releases can be found at the [GIMP Documentation page
## GIMP Documentation for Developers and Script Authors
-* [wiki.gimp.org](http://wiki.gimp.org/)
+* [wiki.gimp.org](https://wiki.gimp.org/)
* [Writing a plug-in](plug-in/plug-in.html)
* [GIMP Python module documentation](python/index.html)
* [GIMP Script-Fu documentation](scheme_plugin/)
* [GIMP Script-Fu changes in GIMP 2.4 (migration guide)](script-fu-update.html)
diff --git a/content/docs/script-fu-update.md b/content/docs/script-fu-update.md
index 030d329b..ef53491c 100644
--- a/content/docs/script-fu-update.md
+++ b/content/docs/script-fu-update.md
@@ -11,19 +11,19 @@ Though this switch has required an extensive effort on the part of GIMP develope
Despite the desire to keep the impact of this change to GIMP internals to a minimum, there are some
differences between the SIOD-based interpreter and the TinyScheme-based Script-fu which may crop up when
trying to use older scripts with GIMP 2.4 and more recent releases. What follows is a description of some of
the problems which may be encountered and what steps need to be taken to correct them.
-* [Setting an undeclared variable](#unbound)
+* [Setting an undeclared variable](#unbound)
(<tt>Error: set!: unbound variable: x</tt>)
* [Using the empty list in conditionals](#condempty)
-* [Accessing the first element of an empty list](#carempty)
+* [Accessing the first element of an empty list](#carempty)
(<tt>Error: car: argument 1 must be: pair</tt>)
-* [Accessing beyond the last element of a list](#cdrempty)
+* [Accessing beyond the last element of a list](#cdrempty)
(<tt>Error: cdr: argument 1 must be: pair</tt>)
-* [Constructing a pair](#cons)
+* [Constructing a pair](#cons)
(<tt>Error: cons: needs 2 argument(s)</tt>)
-* [Fractional numbers must not start with a dot](#leadingdot)
+* [Fractional numbers must not start with a dot](#leadingdot)
(<tt>Error: eval: unbound variable: .</tt> )
* [Deprecated features](#deprecated)
-* [Conclusion](#conclusion)
+* [Conclusion](#conclusion)
(and other differences)
## Setting an undeclared variable
@@ -84,4 +84,4 @@ The following SIOD functions or constants are currently made available in TinySc
There are some other differences between the original Script-fu and the Script-fu of GIMP 2.4 but they
should have little or no impact on existing scripts because of their rarity. These include the syntax for the
`catch`/`throw` statements (which trap errors) and the `bytes-append` function (which does not seem to appear
in any published Script-fu). If you encounter scripts containing such problems, please post on the GIMP
developers mailing list outlining your problems.
-More information about the Scheme syntax of Script-Fu can be found in the _Revised<sup>5</sup> Report on the
Algorithmic Language Scheme_, also know as [R5RS](http://schemers.org/Documents/Standards/R5RS/HTML/).
Tinyscheme does not support all features of R5RS, but if a precedure is available, it is supposed to behave
like documented.
+More information about the Scheme syntax of Script-Fu can be found in the _Revised<sup>5</sup> Report on the
Algorithmic Language Scheme_, also know as [R5RS](https://schemers.org/Documents/Standards/R5RS/HTML/).
Tinyscheme does not support all features of R5RS, but if a precedure is available, it is supposed to behave
like documented.
diff --git a/content/docs/userfaq.ar.md b/content/docs/userfaq.ar.md
index 385845f2..1156c276 100644
--- a/content/docs/userfaq.ar.md
+++ b/content/docs/userfaq.ar.md
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ slug: userfaq
###أنا لا تعجبني واجهة المستخدم الخاصة بGIMP, لماذا لا تنسخون واجهة Adobe Photoshop ؟
في الماضي، كان التطوير في المشروع غير منتظم إلى حد ما فيما يتعلق بأخذ قابلية الاستخدام في الحسبان، وهذا
الامر نموذجي إلى حد ما لمشاريع البرمجيات الحرة, ولكن لا غنى لGIMP الذي يهدف لأن يصبح محرر صور عالي الجودة عن
بين عامي 2006 و 2013، عملنا مع بيتر سيكينغ -مهندس محترف مختص بقابلية الاستخدام من Man+Machine Works-ساعدنا
في تشكيل رؤية المشروع لGIMP. ومقابلات المستخدمين المحترفين ساعدتنا كي نفهم بشكل أفضل طريقة العمل و نتعرف على
مطالب مستخدمينا,ما جعلنا نكتب المواصفات الوظيفية لمختلف ميزات GIMP.
-إن [هذا التعاون](http://gui.gimp.org),أدى إلى تحسينات كبيرة في قابلية استخدام جيمب، وعلى وجه الخصوص: أدوات
التحديد وأدوات القص المستطيلة الشكل، وأداة التحديد موحدة و متعددة الخطوط، ووضع النافذة الواحدة، وأداة التحويل
الموحدة القادمة، إلخ.
+إن [هذا التعاون](https://gui.gimp.org),أدى إلى تحسينات كبيرة في قابلية استخدام جيمب، وعلى وجه الخصوص: أدوات
التحديد وأدوات القص المستطيلة الشكل، وأداة التحديد موحدة و متعددة الخطوط، ووضع النافذة الواحدة، وأداة التحويل
الموحدة القادمة، إلخ.
وأثناء العمل على المواصفات الوظيفية، بحث بيتر كيفية تنفيذ العديد من الميزات في البرامج مع مجموعة ميزات
مطابقة جزئيا (مثل Adobe Photoshop)، ولكن التصميم النهائي كان لمساعدة المستخدمين الفعليين في إكمال مهامهم في
أسرع وقت ممكن. هذا هو بالضبط النهج الذي ننتهجه لتصميم الواجهات والذي نوليه إهتماماً أكبر من مجرد اتباع آراء
###أنا لا يعجبني الأسم GIMP, هل ستغيرونه؟
لا. لقد ناقشنا هذا الأمر مراراً، ونحن لا نعتقد أنه يستحق تلك الأهمية. ونحن نفهم أن بعض الناس يشعرون بالإهانة
من قبل المعنى العامي للاسم GIMP، ولكن نحن لا يمكننا أن نرضي الجميع ويجب أن لا نحاول القيام بذلك حتى .
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ slug: userfaq
حاليا نحن نكتب ونحسن الكود المصدري للإصدار 2.10 من GIMP ونتوقع أن يصدر التحديث في وقت ما في عام 2017.
### لماذا لا تعلنون عن تواريخ الإصدارات المستقبلية؟
نحن فريق من المتطوعين ونعمل كموظفين في أعمال يومية، ولدينا عوائل، ولنا مصالح شخصية وراء تطوير البرمجيات.
وبالنظر إلى ذلك، فإننا نتوقف عن العمل على GIMP ولا نتمكن من إطلاق تحديثات جديدة، إذا حدث حادث في أعمالنا أو
لعوائلنا .
-بدلا من ذلك نحن نقدم [خارطة طريق وفقاً للميزات والخصائص](http://wiki.gimp.org/wiki/Roadmap) والتي تبين
الترتيب الذي سنقوم وفقاً له بتنفيذ مختلف الطلبات المتكررة من قبل المستخدمين.
+بدلا من ذلك نحن نقدم [خارطة طريق وفقاً للميزات والخصائص](https://wiki.gimp.org/wiki/Roadmap) والتي تبين
الترتيب الذي سنقوم وفقاً له بتنفيذ مختلف الطلبات المتكررة من قبل المستخدمين.
### ألستم مهتمين في جعل تطوير GIMP مدفوعاً عن طريق التمويل الجماعي؟
نحن لدينا بالفعل وظائف نحبها. ومع ذلك فنحن نشجع بنشاط جمع التبرعات الشخصية من قبل المساهمين الموثوقين. هناك
حملتان من هذه الحملات قيد العمل في الوقت الحالي. يمكنك معرفة المزيد عنها في صفحة
إذا كنت على استعداد لإطلاق حملة وتطوير بعض الميزات ل GIMP، والتحدث إلينا حول التغييرات التي أنت على وشك
عرضها, فإننا سوف نساعدك على تجسيد فكرتك والترويج لها في مجتمع أكبر.
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ slug: userfaq
إن خارطة الطريق الحالية تملي علينا إدخال التحرير غير المدمر إلى GIMP في الإصدار 3.2 ,و هذا تغيير كبير يتطلب
إعادة التفكير في طريقة عمل البرنامج، وتصميم تنسيق ملف جديد لمشاريع GIMP وأمور أخرى.
### متى سوف يستطيع GIMP فتح ملفات الصور الخام مثل (.NEF، .CR2 الخ) من الكاميرا؟
حاليا تحتاج إلى تثبيت [UFRaw](http://ufraw.sourceforge.net/) لفتح الملفات الخام, وهو يمكن ان يعمل كتطبيق
مستقل أو كإضافة من إضافات GIMP لفتح ومعالجة الصور الخام.
-إن الإصدار القادم 2.10 من GIMP سوف يحتوي على مُكون إضافي لاستخدام [Darktable](http://www.darktable.org)
لمعالجة الصور الخام على Linux. وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، فإن الخطة هي جعل تطبيق المعالجة الخام المفضل قابل للتخصيص
حسب الحالة، عندما تتوفر العديد من المكونات الإضافية من هذا النوع.
+إن الإصدار القادم 2.10 من GIMP سوف يحتوي على مُكون إضافي لاستخدام [Darktable](https://www.darktable.org)
لمعالجة الصور الخام على Linux. وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، فإن الخطة هي جعل تطبيق المعالجة الخام المفضل قابل للتخصيص
حسب الحالة، عندما تتوفر العديد من المكونات الإضافية من هذا النوع.
### إنني أقوم بالكثير من أعمال النشر المكتبي. فهل ستوفرون دعم CMYK؟
إن تقديم دعمٍ أفضل ل CMYK كان على خارطة الطريق منذ فترة طويلة. ولكن هذا المشروع تواجهه بعض العوائق مثل
الإنتقال الكامل ل GIMP إلى GEGL.
إن الفكرة هي كيف نريد أن يتم هذا العمل وقد تم تقديم الأمر من قبل المهندس بيتر سيكينغ المختص بتفاعل
المستخدمين في اجتماع Libre Graphics عام 2009 وما بعده — في مقالته المكونة من جزأين في مدونة شركته:
@@ -68,9 +68,9 @@ slug: userfaq
### أنا لا أحب بعض التغييرات التي أُدخلت في الإصدارات الأخيرة من GIMP. لماذا لا يمكنكم إضافة مربع اختيار
نحن ندرك أن بعض التغييرات تعيق عمل بعض المستخدمين، وخاصة أولئك الذين اعتادوا على إستعمال GIMP كمحرر صور
للقيام بإصلاحات سريعة للملفات الخبيثة مثل JPEG و PNG الخ.. (أي الملفات التي لا يمكن تخزين الطبقات والأقنعة
والقنوات المخصصة ،و المسارات).
ومع ذلك، فإن إضافة مربع اختيار لكل تغيير يعني إضافة مستويات عديدة من التعقيد الذي نفضل تجنبه. وبالإضافة إلى
ذلك، فإنه سيؤدي إلى تغيير كبير في الطريقة التي نريد أن يعمل بها GIMP. وبالتالي فنحن ,وبكل احترام, نختلف معك
بشأن إضافة مربعات اختيار إضافية لتعطيل التغييرات.
-وفي الوقت نفسه، إذا كنت لا ترغب في التخلي عن GIMP كُلياً،فنحن نوصيك بإلقاء نظرة على [Saver and Save/export
clean plug-ins](http://www.shallowsky.com/software/gimp-save /) بواسطة Akkana Peck, وكذلك على مختلف شُوَك
GIMP على Github، على الرغم من أنها عادة لا يتم تحديثها بشكل دَوري فيما يتعلق بإصلاح العلل والأخطاء.
+وفي الوقت نفسه، إذا كنت لا ترغب في التخلي عن GIMP كُلياً،فنحن نوصيك بإلقاء نظرة على [Saver and Save/export
clean plug-ins](https://www.shallowsky.com/software/gimp-save /) بواسطة Akkana Peck, وكذلك على مختلف شُوَك
GIMP على Github، على الرغم من أنها عادة لا يتم تحديثها بشكل دَوري فيما يتعلق بإصلاح العلل والأخطاء.
### لماذا GIMP لا يستعمل GTK+3؟
-لقد استوردنا أول نسخة من GIMP إلى GTK+3 قبل بضع سنوات، وتنوي إكمال ذلك عندما يجهز الإصدار 2.10. إن GIMP
المبني على أساس GTK+3 سيتم إصداره في نهاية المطاف في الإصدار 3.0 (انظر [خارطة
الطريق](http://wiki.gimp.org/wiki/Roadmap) كمرجع).
+لقد استوردنا أول نسخة من GIMP إلى GTK+3 قبل بضع سنوات، وتنوي إكمال ذلك عندما يجهز الإصدار 2.10. إن GIMP
المبني على أساس GTK+3 سيتم إصداره في نهاية المطاف في الإصدار 3.0 (انظر [خارطة
الطريق](https://wiki.gimp.org/wiki/Roadmap) كمرجع).
والسبب في أننا نعطي الأولوية لهذا الأمر هو أن المستخدمين الذين لا يقومون باستخدام كثيفٍ لأقراص Wacom على
Windows يمكن أن يعيشوا مع GIMP مبني على GTK+2 لسنة أخرى أو نحو ذلك. ولكن عدم توفر دقة عالية في عمق البِت
للتحرير يجعل GIMP غير صالحاً للاستعمال في سير العمل المهنية التي تنطوي على درجات اللون وإعادة اللمس.
عند الانتهاء من استيراد GTK+3، سيتوجب علينا إعادة بناء التوافقية الخاصة ب API/ABI لجعل أدوات GIMP المخصصة
تعمل مع GTK+3. وعلاوة على ذلك، فنحن بحاجة إلى إعادة كتابة وبرمجة عدد قليل من الأشياء لجعل بُنية GIMP أنظف,
وإعداده للتحرير غير المدمر (وهي ميزة مُخطط لها حاليا للإصدار 3.2).
## نصائح
@@ -86,11 +86,11 @@ slug: userfaq
ولإصلاح هذا، فنحن بحاجة إلى بناء GIMP على GTK+3 حيث يعمل كل شيء كما هو متوقع.وقد تم بالفعل القيام ببعض العمل
على ذلك في [gtk3 استيراد](https://git.gnome.org/browse/gimp/log/؟h=gtk3-port) فرع Git. ومع ذلك، فلن يكون
لدينا الوقت لإعطاء هذا اهتمامنا الكامل حتى إصدار النسخة 2.10 من GIMP. ونحن نشجع المطورين المهتمين للعمل إما
على استيراد GTK+3 أو،وهو الأفضل من ذلك، أن يساعدونا على الانتهاء من إصدار Gimp 2.10.
## المساهمة
### أنا مُطور. كيف يمكنني مساعدتكم؟
-هذا رائع! يرجى مراجعة [ويكي](http://wiki.gimp.org/wiki/Hacking:Developer_FAQ) كمقدمة في تطوير GIMP والتحدث
إلينا على [IRC](http://www.gimp.org/irc.html ).
+هذا رائع! يرجى مراجعة [ويكي](https://wiki.gimp.org/wiki/Hacking:Developer_FAQ) كمقدمة في تطوير GIMP والتحدث
إلينا على [IRC](https://www.gimp.org/irc.html ).
### أنا لست مطوراً للبرمجيات. هل يمكنني مساعدتكم بشكل ما؟
بالطبع يمكنك مساعدتنا! إليك بعض الطرق التي يمكنك مساعدتنا بها:
* قم بمشاركة روائعك الفنية على الانترنت وقل للناس أنك صنعت ذلك باستعمال GIMP.
* قم بمساعدة المستخدمين الجدد ل GIMP في منتديات الانترنت.
-* قم بكتابة دليل تعليمي لكيفية عمل شيء فنيٍّ بواسطة GIMP وبعد ذلك قم بنشره على الانترنت أو أرسله إلى [مجلة
+* قم بكتابة دليل تعليمي لكيفية عمل شيء فنيٍّ بواسطة GIMP وبعد ذلك قم بنشره على الانترنت أو أرسله إلى [مجلة
* قم بإنشاء ورشة عمل ل GIMP في مجتمعك المحلي.
-* قم بتحسين ترجمة [GIMP](https://l10n.gnome.org/module/gimp) أو [دليل المستخدم](http://docs.gimp.org/) إلى
لغتك الأم (قم بقراءة [ هذه الصفحة](https://wiki.gnome.org/TranslationProject) لمعرفة كيفية الترجمة).
+* قم بتحسين ترجمة [GIMP](https://l10n.gnome.org/module/gimp) أو [دليل المستخدم](https://docs.gimp.org/) إلى
لغتك الأم (قم بقراءة [ هذه الصفحة](https://wiki.gnome.org/TranslationProject) لمعرفة كيفية الترجمة).
diff --git a/content/docs/userfaq.md b/content/docs/userfaq.md
index 4e8efdd0..3ddba80d 100644
--- a/content/docs/userfaq.md
+++ b/content/docs/userfaq.md
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ your changes to the source code under GPLv3+ as well.
Yes, under terms of the General Public License this is perfectly legal,
provided that the seller also gave you the source code of GIMP and any
-modifications he/she introduced. Please see
+modifications he/she introduced. Please see
[this page](https://www.gimp.org/about/selling.html) for more information.
### Are you trying to develop a Photoshop killer app?
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ professional usability architect, who helped us shape the project vision for
GIMP, interviews professional users to better understand their workflows and
demands, and wrote functional specifications for various GIMP features.
-[This collaboration](http://gui.gimp.org) resulted in major improvements of
+[This collaboration](https://gui.gimp.org) resulted in major improvements of
GIMP's usability, in particular: the rectangular-based selection/cropping
tools, the unified free/polyline selection tool, the single-window mode, the
upcoming unified transformation tool etc.
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ We are a team of volunteers with day jobs, families, and personal interests
beyond development of software. Given that, we try to avoid the situation when
we cannot deliver a release, because something else at work/in family came up.
-Instead we provide a [feature-based roadmap](http://wiki.gimp.org/wiki/Roadmap)
+Instead we provide a [feature-based roadmap](https://wiki.gimp.org/wiki/Roadmap)
that roughly outlines, in what order we will be implementing various popular
requests made by users.
@@ -171,8 +171,8 @@ file format for GIMP projects etc.
### Will GIMP open raw (.NEF, .CR2 etc.) files from my camera?
-GIMP 2.10 is featuring plug-ins for using [darktable](http://www.darktable.org/)
-and [RawTherapee](http://rawtherapee.com/) to process raw images on Linux, as
+GIMP 2.10 is featuring plug-ins for using [darktable](https://www.darktable.org/)
+and [RawTherapee](https://rawtherapee.com/) to process raw images on Linux, as
well as a preference for a default raw processing plug-in.
### I do a lot of desktop publishing related work. Will you ever support CMYK?
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ idea to start exposing CMYK in the user interface. We have not timeline on this.
Also, please note that we are not planning advanced features such as GCR support
for now. This will most likely require a new dedicated developer in the team.
-Should a new developer join the team to specifically work on
+Should a new developer join the team to specifically work on
CMYK-related features, we will do our best to help him/her to complete this
project and get it to our users as soon as possible.
@@ -215,14 +215,14 @@ extra behaviour switches.
At the same time, if you don't wish to abandon GIMP completely, we recommend
having a look at the
-[Saver and Save/export clean plug-ins](http://www.shallowsky.com/software/gimp-save/)
+[Saver and Save/export clean plug-ins](https://www.shallowsky.com/software/gimp-save/)
by Akkana Peck, as well as at various GIMP forks on GitHub, although typically
they aren't maintained up to date with regards to bugfixes.
### Why doesn't GIMP use GTK+3?
A GTK+3 based version of GIMP is currently in the works and will be released
-as v3.0 (see the [roadmap](http://wiki.gimp.org/wiki/Roadmap) for reference).
+as v3.0 (see the [roadmap](https://wiki.gimp.org/wiki/Roadmap) for reference).
## Tips
@@ -269,9 +269,9 @@ procedure [described in the Apple's knowledge base](https://support.apple.com/kb
### I'm a developer. How do I help you?
-Great! Please check the [wiki](http://wiki.gimp.org/wiki/Hacking:Developer_FAQ)
+Great! Please check the [wiki](https://wiki.gimp.org/wiki/Hacking:Developer_FAQ)
for introduction on GIMP development and talk to us on
### I'm not a developer. Can I still help you somehow?
@@ -280,8 +280,8 @@ Absolutely! Here are some of the ways you can help us:
* Post awesome art online and tell people you made it with GIMP.
* Help new GIMP users in an online forum you visit.
* Write a great tutorial on getting something done with GIMP and post it
-online or submit to [GIMP Magazine](http://gimpmagazine.org/).
+online or submit to [GIMP Magazine](https://gimpmagazine.org/).
* Do a GIMP workshop in your local community.
* Improve translation of [GIMP](https://l10n.gnome.org/module/gimp/) and/or its
-[user manual](http://docs.gimp.org/) into your native language (read
+[user manual](https://docs.gimp.org/) into your native language (read
[this page](https://wiki.gnome.org/TranslationProject) to find out, how).
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index 908797a2..9076e522 100644
--- a/content/donating/index.md
+++ b/content/donating/index.md
@@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ Jehan Pagès runs another [Patreon-hosted campaign](https://www.patreon.com/zema
## Donate to The Project
-Donating money to the GIMP project is easy! The [GNOME Foundation](http://www.gnome.org/) has graciously
agreed to act as fiscal agents for us. Contributions to the GIMP project can be made by donating to the GNOME
Foundation and specifying the GIMP project as the recipient. The GNOME Foundation is a tax-exempt, non-profit
501(c)(3) organization and all donations are tax-deductible in the USA.
+Donating money to the GIMP project is easy! The [GNOME Foundation](https://www.gnome.org/) has graciously
agreed to act as fiscal agents for us. Contributions to the GIMP project can be made by donating to the GNOME
Foundation and specifying the GIMP project as the recipient. The GNOME Foundation is a tax-exempt, non-profit
501(c)(3) organization and all donations are tax-deductible in the USA.
You can choose from several options to support GIMP financially:
-Financial help is needed for many different reasons. The annual [Libre Graphics Meeting][lgm] is one of the
things that the money will go to. It helps us to get as many [GIMP Developers](http://wiki.gimp.org/) to the
conference as possible, so that we can do face-to-face team meetings, plan further development, fix bugs, and
write new features.
+Financial help is needed for many different reasons. The annual [Libre Graphics Meeting][lgm] is one of the
things that the money will go to. It helps us to get as many [GIMP Developers](https://wiki.gimp.org/) to the
conference as possible, so that we can do face-to-face team meetings, plan further development, fix bugs, and
write new features.
If applicable, please specify whether you want to remain anonymous. While we usually don't publish the names
of donors, this may be considered for exceptional donations.
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ Many thanks to all our [sponsors](sponsors.html)!
### Flattr
-[Donate to GIMP with Flattr][flattr]. Flattr is a microdonation system. Users are able to pay a small amount
every month (minimum 2 euros) and then click Flattr buttons on sites to share the money they paid among those
sites, comparable to an Internet tip jar (for more details see Wikipedia's
[Flattr](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flattr) article).
+[Donate to GIMP with Flattr][flattr]. Flattr is a microdonation system. Users are able to pay a small amount
every month (minimum 2 euros) and then click Flattr buttons on sites to share the money they paid among those
sites, comparable to an Internet tip jar (for more details see Wikipedia's
[Flattr](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flattr) article).
[flattr]: https://flattr.com/thing/707850
@@ -57,13 +57,13 @@ href="https://flattr.com/thing/707850">
### Bitcoin
-Bitcoin (BTC) is an online digital currency that is based on an open-source, peer-to-peer encryption
protocol first described in 2009 by a pseudonymous developer (or developers) Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin is not
managed by any government or central authority. Instead, it relies on an Internet-based network (for more
details see Wikipedia's [Bitcoin](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitcoin) article).
+Bitcoin (BTC) is an online digital currency that is based on an open-source, peer-to-peer encryption
protocol first described in 2009 by a pseudonymous developer (or developers) Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin is not
managed by any government or central authority. Instead, it relies on an Internet-based network (for more
details see Wikipedia's [Bitcoin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitcoin) article).
Bitcoin address:
### Cheque
-Cheque, made payable to the [GNOME Foundation](http://www.gnome.org/), and sent to:
+Cheque, made payable to the [GNOME Foundation](https://www.gnome.org/), and sent to:
GNOME Foundation
@@ -73,4 +73,4 @@ GNOME Foundation
with a cover-letter (or a note in the "memo" field) saying it is for the GIMP project.
-[lgm]: http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/
+[lgm]: https://libregraphicsmeeting.org/
diff --git a/content/donating/sponsors.md b/content/donating/sponsors.md
index 4b5f2939..0096d567 100644
--- a/content/donating/sponsors.md
+++ b/content/donating/sponsors.md
@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ The GIMP team would like to thank all the sponsors for all the help with contrib
## Patron
## Sponsor
## Associate
diff --git a/content/downloads/install_help.md b/content/downloads/install_help.md
index e31db5d3..594389a0 100644
--- a/content/downloads/install_help.md
+++ b/content/downloads/install_help.md
@@ -23,12 +23,12 @@ A full compile of the stable version takes 1-2 hours on a PPro 200 or K-6 200 wi
### Stable version (2.2.x)
-* A recent version of **pkg-config** is needed and you can grab them at
+* A recent version of **pkg-config** is needed and you can grab them at
* **GTK+ 2.4.4** or better (Gimp Toolkit). The GIMP toolkit can be found at
[ftp://ftp.gtk.org/](ftp://ftp.gtk.org/) GTK+ 2.4.4 also needs the following packages. (Either the version
listed or newer)
* **GLib 2.4.5**
* **Pango 1.4.0**
* **ATK**
-* **PangoFT2** a Pango backend that uses **FreeType2** (Make sure you have FreeType2 installed before
installing Pango). Downloads can be found at [http://www.freetype.org/](http://www.freetype.org/)
+* **PangoFT2** a Pango backend that uses **FreeType2** (Make sure you have FreeType2 installed before
installing Pango). Downloads can be found at [https://www.freetype.org/](https://www.freetype.org/)
* **libart2** Grab the module libart_lgpl out of GNOME CVS or fetch the tarball from
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ A full compile of the stable version takes 1-2 hours on a PPro 200 or K-6 200 wi
## GIMP Compilation and Installation
-After grabbing the GIMP distribution, you are ready to compile and install. The main site for the latest
offical GIMP distribution is [http://download.gimp.org/pub/gimp/](http://download.gimp.org/pub/gimp/) but you
should consider using one of the mirrors listed on the [download page](./).
+After grabbing the GIMP distribution, you are ready to compile and install. The main site for the latest
offical GIMP distribution is [https://download.gimp.org/pub/gimp/](https://download.gimp.org/pub/gimp/) but
you should consider using one of the mirrors listed on the [download page](./).
GIMP makes use of the Gimp Toolkit (GTK+) and other libraries that must be installed first. Look in
Requirements above to find out more.
@@ -93,4 +93,3 @@ The xpm plug-in requires the xpm library. See the jpeg problem above. Same deal,
SVG support requires at least version 2.2 of the rsvg library from gnome.org. This can be found at:
diff --git a/content/links/index.md b/content/links/index.md
index 505a0599..3476ccc8 100644
--- a/content/links/index.md
+++ b/content/links/index.md
@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ This page contains the best links to interesting GIMP-related sites. If you want
## Important GIMP Links
-* [The GNU Image Manipulation Program](http://www.gimp.org/) - www.gimp.org
-* [GIMP Wiki](http://wiki.gimp.org/) - wiki.gimp.org
+* [The GNU Image Manipulation Program](https://www.gimp.org/) - www.gimp.org
+* [GIMP Wiki](https://wiki.gimp.org/) - wiki.gimp.org
* [GIMP Bugzilla](https://bugzilla.gnome.org/) - bugzilla.gnome.org
-* [The GIMP Toolkit](http://www.gtk.org/) - www.gtk.org
-* [GNU Project](http://www.gnu.org/) - www.gnu.org
+* [The GIMP Toolkit](https://www.gtk.org/) - www.gtk.org
+* [GNU Project](https://www.gnu.org/) - www.gnu.org
* [GNU General Public License](/about/COPYING) - GPL
## GIMP RSS feeds
@@ -32,145 +32,145 @@ This page contains the best links to interesting GIMP-related sites. If you want
## <a name="org"></a>gimp.org
Take your bugs here.
GIMP Developer site
-[gui.gimp.org](http://gui.gimp.org "GIMP Usability")
+[gui.gimp.org](https://gui.gimp.org "GIMP Usability")
GIMP UI Redesign Wiki
GIMP Documentation
Plug-ins & Scripts
[More ...](org.html)
## <a name="development"></a>GIMP Development Links
-[GIMP developers](http://wiki.gimp.org)
+[GIMP developers](https://wiki.gimp.org)
The main GIMP development website.
-[Martin Nordholts' GIMP Blog](http://www.chromecode.com/)
+[Martin Nordholts' GIMP Blog](https://setofskills.com/)
What happens in GIMP development.
An image processing library based on GObjects.
-[GNOME GIT](https://git.gnome.org/)
+[GNOME GIT](https://git.gnome.org/)
GNOME GIT source code repository
## <a name="tuts"></a>Tutorials
-[Getting Around in GIMP](http://blog.patdavid.net/p/getting-around-in-gimp.html)
+[Getting Around in GIMP](https://blog.patdavid.net/p/getting-around-in-gimp.html)
A collection of tutorials aimed at photography and retouching.
-[Search GIMP tutorials](http://www.pixel2life.com/tutorials/gimp/)
+[Search GIMP tutorials](https://www.pixel2life.com/tutorials/gimp/)
This site lets you find and rate GIMP tutorials hosted on other sites (note: with advertisements).
This site lets you find and comment on GIMP tutorials hosted on other sites (note: with advertisements).
-[gimpusers.com Tutorials](http://www.gimpusers.com/tutorials.php)
+[gimpusers.com Tutorials](https://www.gimpusers.com/tutorials.php)
Tutorials on gimpusers.com (English + German)
has lots of GIMP tutorials; most of the texts are in German and English.
Tutorials for the gimp
More GIMP tutorials
## <a name="more"></a>More GIMP-links
-[GIMP-startpagina](http://gimp.startpagina.nl) <small>(Dutch version)</small>
+[GIMP-startpagina](https://gimp.startpagina.nl) <small>(Dutch version)</small>
Just one page, but contains the most up-to-date collection of links to GIMP-sites.
-[GIMP-startpage](http://gimp.start4all.com) <small>(English version)</small>
+[GIMP-startpage](http://gimp.start4all.com) <small>(English version)</small>
Essentially the same as the one above, but this time in English.
-[GIMP-category from ODP](http://www.dmoz.org/Computers/Software/Graphics/Image_Editing/The_GIMP/)
+[GIMP-category from ODP](http://www.dmoz.org/Computers/Software/Graphics/Image_Editing/The_GIMP/)
This OpenDirectoryProject-category holds links to GIMP-sites (like this page).
-[Meet the GIMP!](http://meetthegimp.org)
+[Meet the GIMP!](http://meetthegimp.org)
A video podcast about the free graphics program GIMP
Resources (brushes, scripts, plug-ins) for GIMP and other applications
## <a name="clubs"></a>Clubs & Communities
-[English GIMP-club](http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/thegimp2/)
+[English GIMP-club](http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/thegimp2/)
English-spoken community to discuss usage of GIMP
-[GIMP in Russian](http://www.gimp.ru)
+[GIMP in Russian](http://www.gimp.ru)
Russian site about GIMP. Articles, tutorials, FAQ, forum.
A resource for artist using GNU/Linux.
German-spoken forum focusing on GIMP. News, tutorials, user-to-user help and galleries.
German GIMP platform offering tips & information about GIMP and a growing tutorials database.
An international community site offering tips, news and a growing tutorials database.
-[GIMP in Lithuanian](http://gimp.akl.lt/)
+[GIMP in Lithuanian](http://gimp.akl.lt/)
Lithuanian site about GIMP, featuring news, tutorials, forum and galleries.
News, tutorials, forum, galleries for Spanish-speaking users.
News, blog and forum in Magyar (Hungarian).
GIMP for Polish-speaking users: news, forum, tutorials, gallery.
Forum and galleries in Norwegian.
-[GUG - Gimp User Group](http://gug.criticalhit.dk/)
+[GUG - Gimp User Group](http://gug.criticalhit.dk/)
Forum, tutorials, galleries.
Forum, tutorials, galleries and resources.
Forum, tutorials, galleries and resources.
## <a name="created"></a>Created with GIMP
-[Computer-graphics with GIMP](http://www.dmoz.org/Arts/Visual_Arts/Computer_Graphics/The_GIMP/)
+[Computer-graphics with GIMP](http://www.dmoz.org/Arts/Visual_Arts/Computer_Graphics/The_GIMP/)
This OpenDirectoryProject-category holds links to galleries of images created with GIMP
## <a name="other"></a>Other Graphics Applications
A collection of tools and libraries that work at the command line as well.
-[Tux Paint](http://www.tuxpaint.org/)
+[Tux Paint](http://www.tuxpaint.org/)
A drawing program for young children.
Krita is a KDE program for sketching and painting, offering an end–to–end solution for creating digital
painting files from scratch by masters.
One of the original Unix graphics applications.
-[Skencil](http://www.skencil.org/) (formerly known as Sketch)
+[Skencil](http://www.skencil.org/) (formerly known as Sketch)
A vector drawing program for Unix.
- Very powerful [SVG](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/)-based illustration package distributed under the GNU
+ Very powerful [SVG](https://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/)-based illustration package distributed under the GNU
Multi-platform full featured 3D content creation suite, also distributed under the GPL.
diff --git a/content/links/org.md b/content/links/org.md
index e1950dd9..bef6802d 100644
--- a/content/links/org.md
+++ b/content/links/org.md
@@ -7,26 +7,26 @@ Status: hidden
## The GIMP Organization
Take your bugs here
GIMP developers wiki
-[gui.gimp.org](http://gui.gimp.org "GIMP Usability")
+[gui.gimp.org](https://gui.gimp.org "GIMP Usability")
GIMP UI redesign Wiki
GIMP documentation
Plug-ins & scripts
GIMP Magazine by Steve Czajka
Personal blog of Michael Natterer, GIMP's maintainer
Author of GIMPressionist and Fire Annimation plug-ins
diff --git a/content/news/2006-08-11 Open Usability.md b/content/news/2006-08-11 Open Usability.md
index f516046c..ab14654c 100644
--- a/content/news/2006-08-11 Open Usability.md
+++ b/content/news/2006-08-11 Open Usability.md
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ OpenUsability student projects are sponsored with $700 USD. The sponsorship will
## Project Opening: GIMP
-This project offers the opportunity to work as an Associate Interaction Architect, and to shape the user
interface of the next generation of the GNU Image Manipulation Program (http://www.gimp.org).
+This project offers the opportunity to work as an Associate Interaction Architect, and to shape the user
interface of the next generation of the GNU Image Manipulation Program (https://www.gimp.org).
You will be working with Peter Sikking, principal interaction architect at M+MI Works
([www.mmiworks.net](http://www.mmiworks.net/)). Activities include methodically performing a full expert
evaluation and analysis of the software, being fully involved in every decision, and performing the bulk of
the project work. You will have a great opportunity to learn the ropes in interaction architecture in a
project that matters.
@@ -38,4 +38,4 @@ GIMP or Photoshop experience is not required, in fact if you have extensive GIMP
To participate in this project, send your application to students openusability org. The application period
ends at the 10th of September.
-Please send us a short CV or (in PDF), a couple of paragraphs about why you want to be an interaction
architect, some of your past experiences which have shaped your current skills, and what you expect from this
profession in the future.
\ No newline at end of file
+Please send us a short CV or (in PDF), a couple of paragraphs about why you want to be an interaction
architect, some of your past experiences which have shaped your current skills, and what you expect from this
profession in the future.
diff --git a/content/news/2008-08-22 GIMP 2.5.3.md b/content/news/2008-08-22 GIMP 2.5.3.md
index fb660882..db9ff228 100644
--- a/content/news/2008-08-22 GIMP 2.5.3.md
+++ b/content/news/2008-08-22 GIMP 2.5.3.md
@@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ Authors: Wilber
Slug: gimp-2-5-3-released
Summary: GIMP 2.5.3 is a fresh snapshot from the 2.5 development series. It gives developers and interested
users a preview of the upcoming GIMP 2.6 release.
-GIMP 2.5.3 is a fresh snapshot from the 2.5 development series. It gives developers and interested users a
preview of the upcoming GIMP 2.6 release. If you want to give the GIMP 2.5.4 development snapshot a try,
please have a look at the [Release Notes for GIMP 2.5](http://gimp.org/release-notes/gimp-2.5.html).
\ No newline at end of file
+GIMP 2.5.3 is a fresh snapshot from the 2.5 development series. It gives developers and interested users a
preview of the upcoming GIMP 2.6 release. If you want to give the GIMP 2.5.4 development snapshot a try,
please have a look at the [Release Notes for GIMP 2.5](https://gimp.org/release-notes/gimp-2.5.html).
diff --git a/content/news/2008-09-17 GIMP 2.5.4.md b/content/news/2008-09-17 GIMP 2.5.4.md
index dd892ca8..fadfd8d9 100644
--- a/content/news/2008-09-17 GIMP 2.5.4.md
+++ b/content/news/2008-09-17 GIMP 2.5.4.md
@@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ Authors: Wilber
Slug: gimp-2-5-4-released
Summary: GIMP approaches the next stable release and only a handful bugs are left to be fixed before GIMP
2.6 is ready.
-GIMP approaches the next stable release and only a handful bugs are left to be fixed before GIMP 2.6 is
ready. If you want to give the GIMP 2.5.4 development snapshot a try, please have a look at the [Release
Notes for GIMP 2.5](http://gimp.org/release-notes/gimp-2.5.html).
\ No newline at end of file
+GIMP approaches the next stable release and only a handful bugs are left to be fixed before GIMP 2.6 is
ready. If you want to give the GIMP 2.5.4 development snapshot a try, please have a look at the [Release
Notes for GIMP 2.5](https://gimp.org/release-notes/gimp-2.5.html).
diff --git a/content/news/2008-10-01 GIMP 2.6.0.md b/content/news/2008-10-01 GIMP 2.6.0.md
index e73b4cab..8e6f6f43 100644
--- a/content/news/2008-10-01 GIMP 2.6.0.md
+++ b/content/news/2008-10-01 GIMP 2.6.0.md
@@ -4,6 +4,6 @@ Category: News
Authors: Wilber
Summary: The GIMP developers are proud to release GIMP 2.6.0 today.
-he GIMP developers are proud to release GIMP 2.6.0 today. Please have a look at the [Release
Notes](http://gimp.org/release-notes/gimp-2.6.html) to find out what's new in GIMP 2.6. The source can be
downloaded from [ftp.gimp.org](http://gimp.org/downloads/#mirrors). Binary packages for the various supported
platforms should become available soon; please check the [Downloads](http://gimp.org/downloads/) section.
+he GIMP developers are proud to release GIMP 2.6.0 today. Please have a look at the [Release
Notes](https://gimp.org/release-notes/gimp-2.6.html) to find out what's new in GIMP 2.6. The source can be
downloaded from [ftp.gimp.org](https://gimp.org/downloads/#mirrors). Binary packages for the various
supported platforms should become available soon; please check the [Downloads](https://gimp.org/downloads/)
-**Update:** There was a minor glitch in the original 2.6.0 tarball. A new tarball has been uploaded that
fixes this issue.
\ No newline at end of file
+**Update:** There was a minor glitch in the original 2.6.0 tarball. A new tarball has been uploaded that
fixes this issue.
diff --git a/content/news/2008-10-06 User Manual 2.4.2.md b/content/news/2008-10-06 User Manual 2.4.2.md
index de8fd8c7..814ad8cc 100644
--- a/content/news/2008-10-06 User Manual 2.4.2.md
+++ b/content/news/2008-10-06 User Manual 2.4.2.md
@@ -4,6 +4,6 @@ Category: News
Authors: Wilber
Summary: An update of the GIMP user manual is available. This release is still focused on GIMP 2.4. Work has
started on updating the user manual for GIMP 2.6.
-An update of the GIMP user manual is available. The gimp-help-2.4.2 tarball can be downloaded from
[ftp.gimp.org](http://download.gimp.org/pub/gimp/help/). Users should wait until this release has been
packaged in more easily installable form for their platform.
+An update of the GIMP user manual is available. The gimp-help-2.4.2 tarball can be downloaded from
[ftp.gimp.org](https://download.gimp.org/pub/gimp/help/). Users should wait until this release has been
packaged in more easily installable form for their platform.
-This release is still focused on GIMP 2.4. Work has started on updating the user manual for GIMP 2.6. If you
want to help, have a look at [docs.gimp.org](http://docs.gimp.org/help.html).
\ No newline at end of file
+This release is still focused on GIMP 2.4. Work has started on updating the user manual for GIMP 2.6. If you
want to help, have a look at [docs.gimp.org](https://docs.gimp.org/help.html).
diff --git a/content/news/2008-10-09 GIMP 2.6.1.md b/content/news/2008-10-09 GIMP 2.6.1.md
index 5734b3c8..8fcfdd70 100644
--- a/content/news/2008-10-09 GIMP 2.6.1.md
+++ b/content/news/2008-10-09 GIMP 2.6.1.md
@@ -4,6 +4,6 @@ Category: News
Authors: Wilber
Summary: GIMP 2.6.1 is a bugfix release in the stable GIMP 2.6 series.
-GIMP 2.6.1 is a bugfix release in the stable GIMP 2.6 series. The
[NEWS](https://web.archive.org/web/20090401053718/http://developer.gimp.org/NEWS-2.6) file lists the changes
in details. You may also want to have a look at the [Release
Notes](http://gimp.org/release-notes/gimp-2.6.html) to find out what's new in GIMP 2.6.
+GIMP 2.6.1 is a bugfix release in the stable GIMP 2.6 series. The
[NEWS](https://web.archive.org/web/20090401053718/http://developer.gimp.org/NEWS-2.6) file lists the changes
in details. You may also want to have a look at the [Release
Notes](https://gimp.org/release-notes/gimp-2.6.html) to find out what's new in GIMP 2.6.
-The source can be downloaded from [ftp.gimp.org](http://gimp.org/downloads/#mirrors). Binary packages for
the various supported platforms should become available soon; please check the
[Downloads](http://gimp.org/downloads/) section.
\ No newline at end of file
+The source can be downloaded from [ftp.gimp.org](https://gimp.org/downloads/#mirrors). Binary packages for
the various supported platforms should become available soon; please check the
[Downloads](https://gimp.org/downloads/) section.
diff --git a/content/news/2008-10-30 GIMP 2.6.2.md b/content/news/2008-10-30 GIMP 2.6.2.md
index 7f26a635..35934ae4 100644
--- a/content/news/2008-10-30 GIMP 2.6.2.md
+++ b/content/news/2008-10-30 GIMP 2.6.2.md
@@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ Category: News
Authors: Wilber
Summary: The GIMP development team has made another bugfix release in the stable GIMP 2.6 series.
-The GIMP development team has made another bugfix release in the stable GIMP 2.6 series. The
[NEWS](https://web.archive.org/web/20090401053718/http://developer.gimp.org/NEWS-2.6) file lists the changes
in details. As usual, the source can be downloaded from [ftp.gimp.org](http://gimp.org/downloads/#mirrors).
Binary packages for the various supported platforms should become available soon; please check the
[Downloads](http://gimp.org/downloads/) section.
\ No newline at end of file
+The GIMP development team has made another bugfix release in the stable GIMP 2.6 series. The
[NEWS](https://web.archive.org/web/20090401053718/http://developer.gimp.org/NEWS-2.6) file lists the changes
in details. As usual, the source can be downloaded from [ftp.gimp.org](https://gimp.org/downloads/#mirrors).
Binary packages for the various supported platforms should become available soon; please check the
[Downloads](https://gimp.org/downloads/) section.
diff --git a/content/news/2008-11-22 GIMP 2.6.3.md b/content/news/2008-11-22 GIMP 2.6.3.md
index 1d1eff19..81b2920f 100644
--- a/content/news/2008-11-22 GIMP 2.6.3.md
+++ b/content/news/2008-11-22 GIMP 2.6.3.md
@@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ Category: News
Authors: Wilber
Summary: GIMP 2.6.3 is another bugfix release in the stable GIMP 2.6 series.
-GIMP 2.6.3 is another bugfix release in the stable GIMP 2.6 series. The
[NEWS](https://web.archive.org/web/20090401053718/http://developer.gimp.org/NEWS-2.6) file lists the changes
in details. As usual, the source can be downloaded from [ftp.gimp.org](http://gimp.org/downloads/#mirrors).
Binary packages for the various supported platforms should become available soon; please check the
[Downloads](http://gimp.org/downloads/) section.
\ No newline at end of file
+GIMP 2.6.3 is another bugfix release in the stable GIMP 2.6 series. The
[NEWS](https://web.archive.org/web/20090401053718/http://developer.gimp.org/NEWS-2.6) file lists the changes
in details. As usual, the source can be downloaded from [ftp.gimp.org](https://gimp.org/downloads/#mirrors).
Binary packages for the various supported platforms should become available soon; please check the
[Downloads](https://gimp.org/downloads/) section.
diff --git a/content/news/2009-01-01 GIMP 2.6.4.md b/content/news/2009-01-01 GIMP 2.6.4.md
index 71b69a4c..dc2959cc 100644
--- a/content/news/2009-01-01 GIMP 2.6.4.md
+++ b/content/news/2009-01-01 GIMP 2.6.4.md
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ Date: 2009-01-01
Category: News
Authors: Wilber
Slug: gimp-2-6-4-released
-Summary: The GIMP developers welcome you in the new year with the fourth bugfix release in the stable GIMP
2.6 series.
+Summary: The GIMP developers welcome you in the new year with the fourth bugfix release in the stable GIMP
2.6 series.
-The GIMP developers welcome you in the new year with the fourth bug-fix release in the stable GIMP 2.6
series. The [NEWS](http://developer.gimp.org/NEWS-2.6) file lists the changes in GIMP 2.6.4. The source can
be downloaded from [ftp.gimp.org](http://gimp.org/downloads/#mirrors). Binary packages for the various
supported platforms should become available soon; please check the [Downloads](http://gimp.org/downloads/)
+The GIMP developers welcome you in the new year with the fourth bug-fix release in the stable GIMP 2.6
series. The [NEWS](https://developer.gimp.org/NEWS-2.6) file lists the changes in GIMP 2.6.4. The source can
be downloaded from [ftp.gimp.org](https://gimp.org/downloads/#mirrors). Binary packages for the various
supported platforms should become available soon; please check the [Downloads](https://gimp.org/downloads/)
-Users and distributors are also encouraged to update [GEGL](http://gegl.org/) to [version
which has been released yesterday.
\ No newline at end of file
+Users and distributors are also encouraged to update [GEGL](http://gegl.org/) to [version
which has been released yesterday.
diff --git a/content/news/2009-02-15 GIMP 2.6.5.md b/content/news/2009-02-15 GIMP 2.6.5.md
index 4836da8d..97857201 100644
--- a/content/news/2009-02-15 GIMP 2.6.5.md
+++ b/content/news/2009-02-15 GIMP 2.6.5.md
@@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ Category: News
Authors: Wilber
Summary: GIMP 2.6.5 is a bugfix release in the stable GIMP 2.6 series.
-GIMP 2.6.5 is a bugfix release in the stable GIMP 2.6 series. The
[NEWS](https://web.archive.org/web/20090401053718/http://developer.gimp.org/NEWS-2.6) file lists the changes
in details. As usual, the source can be downloaded from [ftp.gimp.org](http://gimp.org/downloads/#mirrors).
Binary packages for the various supported platforms should become available soon; please check the
[Downloads](http://gimp.org/downloads/) section.
\ No newline at end of file
+GIMP 2.6.5 is a bugfix release in the stable GIMP 2.6 series. The
[NEWS](https://web.archive.org/web/20090401053718/http://developer.gimp.org/NEWS-2.6) file lists the changes
in details. As usual, the source can be downloaded from [ftp.gimp.org](https://gimp.org/downloads/#mirrors).
Binary packages for the various supported platforms should become available soon; please check the
[Downloads](https://gimp.org/downloads/) section.
diff --git a/content/news/2009-03-07 LGM2009.md b/content/news/2009-03-07 LGM2009.md
index e11c89c2..975fd23d 100644
--- a/content/news/2009-03-07 LGM2009.md
+++ b/content/news/2009-03-07 LGM2009.md
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ Category: News
Authors: Wilber
Summary: For four years, the Libre Graphics Meeting has been the premiere conference for developers, users
and supporters of free software graphics applications.
-For four years, the [Libre Graphics Meeting](http://www.libregraphicsmeeting.org/) has been the premiere
conference for developers, users and supporters of free software graphics applications. Developers from
projects such as GIMP, Inkscape, Blender, Krita, Scribus, Hugin, the Open Clipart Library, and the Open Font
Library gather to work on interoperability, shared standards, and new ideas. Work at prior LGMs has pushed
the state of the art in important areas such as color management, cross-application sharing of brushes and
other assets, and common formats.
+For four years, the [Libre Graphics Meeting](https://www.libregraphicsmeeting.org/) has been the premiere
conference for developers, users and supporters of free software graphics applications. Developers from
projects such as GIMP, Inkscape, Blender, Krita, Scribus, Hugin, the Open Clipart Library, and the Open Font
Library gather to work on interoperability, shared standards, and new ideas. Work at prior LGMs has pushed
the state of the art in important areas such as color management, cross-application sharing of brushes and
other assets, and common formats.
The face-to-face meetings and opportunities for collaboration are important to developers, but LGM offers
plenty for end users as well. Tutorials, talks, and birds-of-a-feather (BOF) meetings to help free software
users get the most out of their applications fill out the LGM schedule, and demonstrations from artists
showcase what is possible.
-Click here to lend your support to: Support the Libre Graphics Meeting and make a donation at
www.pledgie.com ! The fourth annual LGM will be held May 6–9, 2009 in Montreal, Canada at École
Polytechnique. Donations will be used solely to help cover travel costs for volunteer developers and
presenters. Last year’s campaign raised more than $12,000 dollars from individuals and corporations in the
community. As with last year, pledges can be made online. Visit pledgie.com to [make your
contribution](http://pledgie.com/campaigns/2926). All donations are tax deductible for US taxpayers.
\ No newline at end of file
+Click here to lend your support to: Support the Libre Graphics Meeting and make a donation at
www.pledgie.com ! The fourth annual LGM will be held May 6–9, 2009 in Montreal, Canada at École
Polytechnique. Donations will be used solely to help cover travel costs for volunteer developers and
presenters. Last year’s campaign raised more than $12,000 dollars from individuals and corporations in the
community. As with last year, pledges can be made online. Visit pledgie.com to [make your
contribution](http://pledgie.com/campaigns/2926). All donations are tax deductible for US taxpayers.
diff --git a/content/news/2009-03-17 GIMP 2.6.6.md b/content/news/2009-03-17 GIMP 2.6.6.md
index 4fc336b0..6f5a5fc2 100644
--- a/content/news/2009-03-17 GIMP 2.6.6.md
+++ b/content/news/2009-03-17 GIMP 2.6.6.md
@@ -4,6 +4,6 @@ Category: News
Authors: Wilber
Summary: GIMP 2.6.6 is a bug-fix release in the stable GIMP 2.6 series. This release contains an important
fix for compiling GIMP against the recently released GTK+ 2.16.
-GIMP 2.6.6 is a bug-fix release in the stable GIMP 2.6 series. This release contains an important fix for
compiling GIMP against the recently released [GTK+ 2.16](http://www.gtk.org/). Please have a look at the
[NEWS](http://developer.gimp.org/NEWS-2.6) file for a list of other changes.
+GIMP 2.6.6 is a bug-fix release in the stable GIMP 2.6 series. This release contains an important fix for
compiling GIMP against the recently released [GTK+ 2.16](https://www.gtk.org/). Please have a look at the
[NEWS](https://developer.gimp.org/NEWS-2.6) file for a list of other changes.
-As usual, the source can be downloaded from [ftp.gimp.org](http://gimp.org/downloads/#mirrors). Binary
packages for the various supported platforms should become available soon; please check the
[Downloads](http://gimp.org/downloads/) section.
+As usual, the source can be downloaded from [ftp.gimp.org](https://gimp.org/downloads/#mirrors). Binary
packages for the various supported platforms should become available soon; please check the
[Downloads](https://gimp.org/downloads/) section.
diff --git a/content/news/2009-03-19 GIMP Accepted for GSoC2009.md b/content/news/2009-03-19 GIMP Accepted
for GSoC2009.md
index 71faf57d..1f1b659d 100644
--- a/content/news/2009-03-19 GIMP Accepted for GSoC2009.md
+++ b/content/news/2009-03-19 GIMP Accepted for GSoC2009.md
@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ Summary: The the list of accepted organizations is published, and GIMP is one of
The the list of [accepted
is published. This page is the main gateway for students to find the projects that they are looking for, and
the guidelines of each org for successful applications.
-Check our [wiki ideas
page](https://web.archive.org/web/20090401053718/http://wiki.gimp.org/gimp/SummerOfCode2009ideas) for
suitbale projects, or propose your own ideas on our [IRC channel](http://www.gimp.org/irc.html) and the
[gimp-developer](http://www.gimp.org/mail_lists.html) mailing list.
\ No newline at end of file
+Check our [wiki ideas
page](https://web.archive.org/web/20090401053718/http://wiki.gimp.org/gimp/SummerOfCode2009ideas) for
suitbale projects, or propose your own ideas on our [IRC channel](https://www.gimp.org/irc.html) and the
[gimp-developer](https://www.gimp.org/mail_lists.html) mailing list.
diff --git a/content/news/2009-06-05 GAP 2.6.0.md b/content/news/2009-06-05 GAP 2.6.0.md
index b0e38c09..1b6a6433 100644
--- a/content/news/2009-06-05 GAP 2.6.0.md
+++ b/content/news/2009-06-05 GAP 2.6.0.md
@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ Summary: GAP 2.6.0 is a stable release of the video menu intended for use with t
GAP 2.6.0 is a stable release of the video menu intended for use with the GIMP 2.6.x series.
-This release contains updates for video encoding/decoding, undo support for the storyboard feature and fixes
for better compatibility with the GIMP 2.6.x releases. Please have a look at the NEWS file included in the
[download](http://download.gimp.org/pub/gimp/plug-ins/v2.6/gap/) for a detailed list of changes.
+This release contains updates for video encoding/decoding, undo support for the storyboard feature and fixes
for better compatibility with the GIMP 2.6.x releases. Please have a look at the NEWS file included in the
[download](https://download.gimp.org/pub/gimp/plug-ins/v2.6/gap/) for a detailed list of changes.
diff --git a/content/news/2009-08-14 GIMP 2.6.7.md b/content/news/2009-08-14 GIMP 2.6.7.md
index d011b9b4..582b47d8 100644
--- a/content/news/2009-08-14 GIMP 2.6.7.md
+++ b/content/news/2009-08-14 GIMP 2.6.7.md
@@ -4,6 +4,6 @@ Category: News
Authors: Wilber
Summary: GIMP 2.6.7 comes with lots of bug-fixes and it contains an important fix for using GIMP with the
latest GEGL and babl releases.
-GIMP 2.6.7 comes with lots of bug-fixes and it contains an important fix for using GIMP with the latest
[GEGL](http://gegl.org/) and [babl](http://gegl.org/babl/) releases. Please have a look at the
[NEWS](http://developer.gimp.org/NEWS-2.6) file for a detailed list of changes.
+GIMP 2.6.7 comes with lots of bug-fixes and it contains an important fix for using GIMP with the latest
[GEGL](http://gegl.org/) and [babl](http://gegl.org/babl/) releases. Please have a look at the
[NEWS](https://developer.gimp.org/NEWS-2.6) file for a detailed list of changes.
-The source can be downloaded from [ftp.gimp.org](http://gimp.org/downloads/#mirrors). Binary packages for
the various supported platforms should become available soon; please check the
[Downloads](http://gimp.org/downloads/) section.
\ No newline at end of file
+The source can be downloaded from [ftp.gimp.org](https://gimp.org/downloads/#mirrors). Binary packages for
the various supported platforms should become available soon; please check the
[Downloads](https://gimp.org/downloads/) section.
diff --git a/content/news/2009-08-16 GIMP 2.7.0.md b/content/news/2009-08-16 GIMP 2.7.0.md
index bcfc040c..2d8fb489 100644
--- a/content/news/2009-08-16 GIMP 2.7.0.md
+++ b/content/news/2009-08-16 GIMP 2.7.0.md
@@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ Category: News
Authors: Wilber
Summary: The release of GIMP 2.7.0 is a first step towards GIMP 2.8, the next stable release.
-The release of GIMP 2.7.0 is a first step towards GIMP 2.8, the next stable release. Please note that this
is an unstable development snapshot and read the [GIMP 2.7 release
notes](http://gimp.org/release-notes/gimp-2.7.html). A more complete list of changes can be found in the
[NEWS](http://developer.gimp.org/NEWS) file. The source code can be downloaded from
\ No newline at end of file
+The release of GIMP 2.7.0 is a first step towards GIMP 2.8, the next stable release. Please note that this
is an unstable development snapshot and read the [GIMP 2.7 release
notes](https://gimp.org/release-notes/gimp-2.7.html). A more complete list of changes can be found in the
[NEWS](https://developer.gimp.org/NEWS) file. The source code can be downloaded from
diff --git a/content/news/2009-10-09 Gimp Help for GIMP 2.6.md b/content/news/2009-10-09 Gimp Help for GIMP
index ba08b135..c025560a 100644
--- a/content/news/2009-10-09 Gimp Help for GIMP 2.6.md
+++ b/content/news/2009-10-09 Gimp Help for GIMP 2.6.md
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ Category: News
Authors: Wilber
Summary: The GIMP documentation team has been working hard and is proud to announce the availability of the
first release of the user manual for GIMP 2.6.
-The [GIMP documentation team](http://docs.gimp.org/) has been working hard and is proud to announce the
availability of the first release of the user manual for GIMP 2.6.
+The [GIMP documentation team](https://docs.gimp.org/) has been working hard and is proud to announce the
availability of the first release of the user manual for GIMP 2.6.
-The release is split into several files that provide pre-built HTML per language. Because of a major change
in how the manual is translated, most translations are work-in-progress and may contain untranslated strings.
You can find the releases on our FTP server:
[ftp://ftp.gimp.org/pub/gimp/help/](http://download.gimp.org/pub/gimp/help/). Users should wait until this
release has been packaged for their platform.
+The release is split into several files that provide pre-built HTML per language. Because of a major change
in how the manual is translated, most translations are work-in-progress and may contain untranslated strings.
You can find the releases on our FTP server:
[ftp://ftp.gimp.org/pub/gimp/help/](https://download.gimp.org/pub/gimp/help/). Users should wait until this
release has been packaged for their platform.
-Find more information about our goals and how you can help at
[http://docs.gimp.org/](http://docs.gimp.org/). The user manual project is looking for a new project
maintainer. If you want to help, please join our mailing list or have a look at
\ No newline at end of file
+Find more information about our goals and how you can help at
[https://docs.gimp.org/](https://docs.gimp.org/). The user manual project is looking for a new project
maintainer. If you want to help, please join our mailing list or have a look at
diff --git a/content/news/2009-12-10 GIMP 2.6.8.md b/content/news/2009-12-10 GIMP 2.6.8.md
index 9e1a44c0..a98e6563 100644
--- a/content/news/2009-12-10 GIMP 2.6.8.md
+++ b/content/news/2009-12-10 GIMP 2.6.8.md
@@ -4,6 +4,6 @@ Category: News
Authors: Wilber
Summary: GIMP 2.6.8 is a bug-fix release in the stable GIMP 2.6 series.
-GIMP 2.6.8 is a bug-fix release in the stable GIMP 2.6 series. Please have a look at the
[NEWS](http://developer.gimp.org/NEWS-2.6) file for a detailed list of changes.
+GIMP 2.6.8 is a bug-fix release in the stable GIMP 2.6 series. Please have a look at the
[NEWS](https://developer.gimp.org/NEWS-2.6) file for a detailed list of changes.
-The source can be downloaded from [ftp.gimp.org](http://gimp.org/downloads/#mirrors). Binary packages for
various supported platforms should become available soon; please check the
[Downloads](http://gimp.org/downloads/) section.
\ No newline at end of file
+The source can be downloaded from [ftp.gimp.org](https://gimp.org/downloads/#mirrors). Binary packages for
various supported platforms should become available soon; please check the
[Downloads](https://gimp.org/downloads/) section.
diff --git a/content/news/2010-06-23 GIMP 2.6.9.md b/content/news/2010-06-23 GIMP 2.6.9.md
index 5da9d269..bd618434 100644
--- a/content/news/2010-06-23 GIMP 2.6.9.md
+++ b/content/news/2010-06-23 GIMP 2.6.9.md
@@ -4,6 +4,6 @@ Category: News
Authors: Wilber
Summary: It's been a while since the last release. Quite a few bug-fixes have piled up in the stable branch,
so here's another release in the stable GIMP 2.6 series.
-It's been a while since the last release. Quite a few bug-fixes have piled up in the stable branch, so
here's another release in the stable GIMP 2.6 series. Please have a look at the
[NEWS](http://developer.gimp.org/NEWS-2.6) file for a detailed list of changes.
+It's been a while since the last release. Quite a few bug-fixes have piled up in the stable branch, so
here's another release in the stable GIMP 2.6 series. Please have a look at the
[NEWS](https://developer.gimp.org/NEWS-2.6) file for a detailed list of changes.
-The source can be downloaded from [ftp.gimp.org](http://gimp.org/downloads/#mirrors). Binary packages for
various supported platforms should become available soon; please check the
[Downloads](http://gimp.org/downloads/) section.
\ No newline at end of file
+The source can be downloaded from [ftp.gimp.org](https://gimp.org/downloads/#mirrors). Binary packages for
various supported platforms should become available soon; please check the
[Downloads](https://gimp.org/downloads/) section.
diff --git a/content/news/2010-07-03 GIMP 2.7.1.md b/content/news/2010-07-03 GIMP 2.7.1.md
index cc2e49a4..95f1db65 100644
--- a/content/news/2010-07-03 GIMP 2.7.1.md
+++ b/content/news/2010-07-03 GIMP 2.7.1.md
@@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ Date: 2010-07-03
Category: News
Authors: Michael Schumacher
-It is about time... For a new development snapshot on the way to the next stable version GIMP 2.8. This
release brings a whole lot of new features and improvements, see the [release
notes](http://gimp.org/release-notes/gimp-2.7.html) and the
[NEWS](https://web.archive.org/web/20110417075931/http://git.gnome.org/cgit/gimp/tree/NEWS) file for details.
+It is about time... For a new development snapshot on the way to the next stable version GIMP 2.8. This
release brings a whole lot of new features and improvements, see the [release
notes](https://gimp.org/release-notes/gimp-2.7.html) and the
[NEWS](https://web.archive.org/web/20110417075931/http://git.gnome.org/cgit/gimp/tree/NEWS) file for details.
-The source can be downloaded from [ftp.gimp.org](http://gimp.org/downloads/#mirrors) and its mirrors. Have
\ No newline at end of file
+The source can be downloaded from [ftp.gimp.org](https://gimp.org/downloads/#mirrors) and its mirrors. Have
diff --git a/content/news/2010-07-08 GIMP 2.6.10.md b/content/news/2010-07-08 GIMP 2.6.10.md
index 2b4e394b..8da1aa93 100644
--- a/content/news/2010-07-08 GIMP 2.6.10.md
+++ b/content/news/2010-07-08 GIMP 2.6.10.md
@@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ Date: 2010-07-08
Category: News
Authors: Michael Schumacher
-Unfortunately a rather bad [bug](https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=622608) sneaked into GIMP 2.6.9,
so here's another release in the stable GIMP 2.6 series to fix this issue. Please have a look at the
[NEWS](http://developer.gimp.org/NEWS-2.6) file for a more detailed list of changes.
+Unfortunately a rather bad [bug](https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=622608) sneaked into GIMP 2.6.9,
so here's another release in the stable GIMP 2.6 series to fix this issue. Please have a look at the
[NEWS](https://developer.gimp.org/NEWS-2.6) file for a more detailed list of changes.
-The source can be downloaded from [ftp.gimp.org](http://gimp.org/downloads/#mirrors). Binary packages for
various supported platforms should become available soon; please check the
[Downloads](http://gimp.org/downloads/) section.
\ No newline at end of file
+The source can be downloaded from [ftp.gimp.org](https://gimp.org/downloads/#mirrors). Binary packages for
various supported platforms should become available soon; please check the
[Downloads](https://gimp.org/downloads/) section.
diff --git a/content/news/2010-10-04 GIMP 2.6.11.md b/content/news/2010-10-04 GIMP 2.6.11.md
index 70c00467..d7ac9abc 100644
--- a/content/news/2010-10-04 GIMP 2.6.11.md
+++ b/content/news/2010-10-04 GIMP 2.6.11.md
@@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ Date: 2010-10-04
Category: News
Authors: Michael Schumacher
-GIMP 2.6.11 is a bug-fix release in the stable GIMP 2.6 series. Among other bug-fixes, it makes printing
work with the recently released [version 1.10 of the Cairo
library](http://cairographics.org/news/cairo-1.10.0/). Please have a look at the
[NEWS](http://developer.gimp.org/NEWS-2.6) file for a detailed list of changes.
+GIMP 2.6.11 is a bug-fix release in the stable GIMP 2.6 series. Among other bug-fixes, it makes printing
work with the recently released [version 1.10 of the Cairo
library](https://cairographics.org/news/cairo-1.10.0/). Please have a look at the
[NEWS](https://developer.gimp.org/NEWS-2.6) file for a detailed list of changes.
-The source can be downloaded from [ftp.gimp.org](http://gimp.org/downloads/#mirrors). Binary packages for
various supported platforms should become available soon; please check the
[Downloads](http://gimp.org/downloads/) section.
\ No newline at end of file
+The source can be downloaded from [ftp.gimp.org](https://gimp.org/downloads/#mirrors). Binary packages for
various supported platforms should become available soon; please check the
[Downloads](https://gimp.org/downloads/) section.
diff --git a/content/news/2010-10-04 GSoC2010 Results.md b/content/news/2010-10-04 GSoC2010 Results.md
index 22279689..93e8fa60 100644
--- a/content/news/2010-10-04 GSoC2010 Results.md
+++ b/content/news/2010-10-04 GSoC2010 Results.md
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Authors: Alexandre Prokoudine
This year GIMP participated in the annual Google Summer of Code program with three projects. Two out of
three projects have been successful: Cage transform tool in GIMP and HDR and matting functions in GEGL.
-The new Cage transform tool allows doing shape-preserving deformations of objects. The tool is based on a
paper](https://web.archive.org/web/20110417075931/http://www.math.tau.ac.il/~lipmanya/GC/gc_techrep.pdf) by
Yaron Lipman, David Levin and Daniel Cohen-Or, and was implemented by Michael Muré. The tool is implemented
on top of a GEGL operation that can be reused to create more transformation tools. For more information
please refer to Michael's [blog](http://pellelatarte.fr/en/) or
of the project's outcome. The code lives in
[soc-2010-cage-2](http://git.gnome.org/browse/gimp/log/?h=soc-2010-cage-2) branch.
+The new Cage transform tool allows doing shape-preserving deformations of objects. The tool is based on a
paper](https://web.archive.org/web/20110417075931/http://www.math.tau.ac.il/~lipmanya/GC/gc_techrep.pdf) by
Yaron Lipman, David Levin and Daniel Cohen-Or, and was implemented by Michael Muré. The tool is implemented
on top of a GEGL operation that can be reused to create more transformation tools. For more information
please refer to Michael's [blog](http://pellelatarte.fr/en/) or
of the project's outcome. The code lives in
[soc-2010-cage-2](https://git.gnome.org/browse/gimp/log/?h=soc-2010-cage-2) branch.
A project by Danny Robson resulted in a number of new, mostly HDR related features in GEGL: a standalone HDR
merge tool, RGBE loading and saving, three tone mapping operators and one matting operator. You can read
about them in details on the [project's
diff --git a/content/news/2010-12-21 GIMP Manual 2.6.1 Released.md b/content/news/2010-12-21 GIMP Manual
2.6.1 Released.md
index c97342cf..17b267cd 100644
--- a/content/news/2010-12-21 GIMP Manual 2.6.1 Released.md
+++ b/content/news/2010-12-21 GIMP Manual 2.6.1 Released.md
@@ -9,6 +9,6 @@ We've released a new version of the user manual with:
* spelling fixes and new translations for: Italian, English, German, French, Japnese, Norwegian, Swedish,
Russian, Korean
* website typo fixes
-This release does not only include pre-built documentation for all the supported languages, we also publish
the source of the user manual. Find the packages on our [downloads
+This release does not only include pre-built documentation for all the supported languages, we also publish
the source of the user manual. Find the packages on our [downloads
-For easy installation we suggest that you wait until an installer for this this release has been packaged
for your platform. Find more releases and information about our goals and how you can help at
+For easy installation we suggest that you wait until an installer for this this release has been packaged
for your platform. Find more releases and information about our goals and how you can help at
diff --git a/content/news/2011-01-11 Plans for 2.8 and Beyond.md b/content/news/2011-01-11 Plans for 2.8 and
index c1089603..06047176 100644
--- a/content/news/2011-01-11 Plans for 2.8 and Beyond.md
+++ b/content/news/2011-01-11 Plans for 2.8 and Beyond.md
@@ -9,4 +9,4 @@ Currently GIMP team is working on finalizing the new stable v2.8 with many impro
We have already invested a lot of time into UI changes and brush dynamics, we treasure your continuous
support for the project and thus we are determined to release v2.8 only when it's working out of box as
expected for everybody.
-After releasing v2.8 the focus of development will shift to deep integration of GEGL — our new
non-destructive image processing core. Results of this work will enable many features considered critical for
use of GIMP in professional environment which is part of GIMP's product vision. It's a lot of work, and
currently we don't have enough developers to make this change happen very fast. If you want to help us to get
there faster, we encourage you to join
[gimp-developer](https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gimp-developer-list) mailing list and/or the [IRC
channel](http://www.gimp.org/irc.html) to discuss how you could contribute.
+After releasing v2.8 the focus of development will shift to deep integration of GEGL — our new
non-destructive image processing core. Results of this work will enable many features considered critical for
use of GIMP in professional environment which is part of GIMP's product vision. It's a lot of work, and
currently we don't have enough developers to make this change happen very fast. If you want to help us to get
there faster, we encourage you to join
[gimp-developer](https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gimp-developer-list) mailing list and/or the [IRC
channel](https://www.gimp.org/irc.html) to discuss how you could contribute.
diff --git a/content/news/2011-02-02 Seeking Usability Interns.md b/content/news/2011-02-02 Seeking Usability
index 4c4edf5b..fc38b3e6 100644
--- a/content/news/2011-02-02 Seeking Usability Interns.md
+++ b/content/news/2011-02-02 Seeking Usability Interns.md
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
Title: Two Interns to Work on GIMP's Usability
-Date: 2011-02-02
+Date: 2011-02-02
Category: News
Authors: Alexandre Prokoudine
Since 2006 our project has been collaborating with Peter Sikking of [m+mi
works](https://web.archive.org/web/20110417075931/http://mmiworks.net/eng/aboutus/index.html) to improve
GIMP's usability. Peter is behind many positive changes in GIMP's UI, such as new selection tools in v2.4 and
v2.6, as well as some new features in upcoming v2.8.
-This year m+mi works is making a new step to further strengthen our partnership and is now looking for two
interns to work on GIMP's interaction design for 3-6 months. You will work in Berlin and as contributor to
the GIMP project you will travel to [Libre Graphics Meeting](http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2011/) in May,
in Montreal. Please read the [full
announcement](https://web.archive.org/web/20110417075931/http://mmiworks.net/eng/aboutus/jobs.html) for
details and contacts.
+This year m+mi works is making a new step to further strengthen our partnership and is now looking for two
interns to work on GIMP's interaction design for 3-6 months. You will work in Berlin and as contributor to
the GIMP project you will travel to [Libre Graphics Meeting](https://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2011/) in May,
in Montreal. Please read the [full
announcement](https://web.archive.org/web/20110417075931/http://mmiworks.net/eng/aboutus/jobs.html) for
details and contacts.
diff --git a/content/news/2011-02-13 GEGL 0.1.6 and babl 0.1.4.md b/content/news/2011-02-13 GEGL 0.1.6 and
babl 0.1.4.md
index 3b40d6b4..cdfc4ae9 100644
--- a/content/news/2011-02-13 GEGL 0.1.6 and babl 0.1.4.md
+++ b/content/news/2011-02-13 GEGL 0.1.6 and babl 0.1.4.md
@@ -13,4 +13,4 @@ JPEG2000 and PPM loaders and savers for GEGL were contributed by Mukund Sivarama
The babl library has less changes, but one of the important ones is support for n-component formats.
-There's still a lot of work to be done on GEGL. Øyvind Kolås created a [list of high priority
tasks](ttp://gegl.org/contribute.html) that need solving. If you wish to contribute, don't hesitate to join
[gegl-developer](https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gegl-developer-list) mailing list and/or
[IRC](http://www.gimp.org/irc.html) (#gegl on irc.gimp.org) and ask around.
+There's still a lot of work to be done on GEGL. Øyvind Kolås created a [list of high priority
tasks](ttp://gegl.org/contribute.html) that need solving. If you wish to contribute, don't hesitate to join
[gegl-developer](https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gegl-developer-list) mailing list and/or
[IRC](https://www.gimp.org/irc.html) (#gegl on irc.gimp.org) and ask around.
diff --git a/content/news/2011-03-18 GSoC2011 Participation.md b/content/news/2011-03-18 GSoC2011
index ac547e72..404cf109 100644
--- a/content/news/2011-03-18 GSoC2011 Participation.md
+++ b/content/news/2011-03-18 GSoC2011 Participation.md
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ Date: 2011-03-18
Category: News
Authors: Alexandre Prokoudine
-This year we are participating in the [Google Summer of Code](http://socghop.appspot.com/) program again. If
you are a student who is willing to improve GIMP and be financially rewarded ($5000), please have a look at
the [list of project ideas](http://gimp-wiki.who.ee/index.php/Hacking:GSoC_2011/Ideas), pick one or come up
with your own idea, then join [#gimp](http://www.gimp.org/irc.html) IRC channel or
[gimp-developer@](https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gimp-developer-list) mailing list and introduce
+This year we are participating in the [Google Summer of Code](http://socghop.appspot.com/) program again. If
you are a student who is willing to improve GIMP and be financially rewarded ($5000), please have a look at
the [list of project ideas](http://gimp-wiki.who.ee/index.php/Hacking:GSoC_2011/Ideas), pick one or come up
with your own idea, then join [#gimp](https://www.gimp.org/irc.html) IRC channel or
[gimp-developer@](https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gimp-developer-list) mailing list and introduce
diff --git a/content/news/2011-04-04 Tasktaste.md b/content/news/2011-04-04 Tasktaste.md
index 4e540ced..45eab07f 100644
--- a/content/news/2011-04-04 Tasktaste.md
+++ b/content/news/2011-04-04 Tasktaste.md
@@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ Authors: Alexandre Prokoudine
One of the most common questions we keep hearing is when the next version of GIMP is released. While it's
difficult to define exact dates, it is possible to estimate how far away a new stable release from now is
based on amount of work that has to be done. We intend to make development of GIMP as transparent as
possible, so Martin Nordholts, our core team developer, created a web app that adds previously missing alpha
channel to development process. If you want to track progress of v2.8 at any given time, please use [this
page](https://web.archive.org/web/20120801115204/http://tasktaste.com/projects/Enselic/gimp-2-8) for
-We have also finally revived the [development wiki](http://wiki.gimp.org/) that contains introductional
information for newly joined developers. Since we are still quite short-handed, that documentation should
come in handy for anyone willing to make GIMP 2.8 a reality sooner than currently expected.
+We have also finally revived the [development wiki](https://wiki.gimp.org/) that contains introductional
information for newly joined developers. Since we are still quite short-handed, that documentation should
come in handy for anyone willing to make GIMP 2.8 a reality sooner than currently expected.
diff --git a/content/news/2011-04-15 GIMP 2.7.2.md b/content/news/2011-04-15 GIMP 2.7.2.md
index 6640cb66..43305f7b 100644
--- a/content/news/2011-04-15 GIMP 2.7.2.md
+++ b/content/news/2011-04-15 GIMP 2.7.2.md
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Date: 2011-04-15
Category: News
Authors: Alexandre Prokoudine
-We are pleased to announce availability of a new development version that brings us closer to GIMP 2.8. This
version is packed with important new features and improvements. For a complete list of changes since 2.7.1
please refer to [NEWS](https://web.archive.org/web/20120801115204/http://developer.gimp.org/NEWS) page, while
the [release notes](http://www.gimp.org/release-notes/gimp-2.7.html) summarize changes in the whole 2.7.x
+We are pleased to announce availability of a new development version that brings us closer to GIMP 2.8. This
version is packed with important new features and improvements. For a complete list of changes since 2.7.1
please refer to [NEWS](https://web.archive.org/web/20120801115204/http://developer.gimp.org/NEWS) page, while
the [release notes](https://www.gimp.org/release-notes/gimp-2.7.html) summarize changes in the whole 2.7.x
Please note that the whole 2.7.x series of versions is considered unstable and is not recommended for use in
production even though it might just work for you. Our intention is to make development versions available
for passionate users who can provide useful feedback to help us fix bugs and streamline implementation of
some of the new features. The upcoming v2.8 also introduces a huge amount of API deprecations and additions
that have the potential to break existing 3rd party scripts and plug-ins. Please file bugs for all plug-ins
and scripts that do work in v2.6, but don't work in 2.7.2. A migration guide for developers will be provided
when v2.8 is out.
diff --git a/content/news/2011-05-06 Two New Books.md b/content/news/2011-05-06 Two New Books.md
index d16d0a99..49ca7001 100644
--- a/content/news/2011-05-06 Two New Books.md
+++ b/content/news/2011-05-06 Two New Books.md
@@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ Authors: Alexandre Prokoudine
Two new books on GIMP have been published recently. ["GIMP 2.6
Cookbook"](https://www.packtpub.com/gimp-2-6-cookbook/book), in English, by Juan Manuel Ferreyra is a
collection of straightforward instructions that will help you accomplishing typical design and photography
related tasks. This book is packed with answers to get you preparing great images with the GIMP immediately.
-["GIMP"](http://www.pearson.fr/livre/?GCOI=27440100358850), in French, by Olivier Lecarme and Karine Delvare
is, on the contrary, a complete user guide and a reference to GIMP features. The book explains basics of
digital imaging, retouching photos, creating animations, preparing pictures for publishing on the Web etc.
+["GIMP"](https://www.pearson.fr/livre/?GCOI=27440100358850), in French, by Olivier Lecarme and Karine
Delvare is, on the contrary, a complete user guide and a reference to GIMP features. The book explains basics
of digital imaging, retouching photos, creating animations, preparing pictures for publishing on the Web etc.
diff --git a/content/news/2011-08-14 GPU-Side Rendering News.md b/content/news/2011-08-14 GPU-Side Rendering
index fc4638ef..7cfc3124 100644
--- a/content/news/2011-08-14 GPU-Side Rendering News.md
+++ b/content/news/2011-08-14 GPU-Side Rendering News.md
@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ Authors: Alexandre Prokoudine
While GEGL gradually replaces GIMP's old core, it's time for us to consider long-term strategy for improving
performance. The trend these days seems to be a combination of multithreading, GPU-side processing and
networks. Most of that can be handled thanks to OpenCL standard by Khronos Group.
-Back in 2009 we already had a Google Summer of Code project by Jerson Michael Perpetua who introduced basics
of GPU-side rendering to GEGL. This year we have even more progress. Another GSoC student, Victor Oliveira,
has been working on support for OpenCL in GEGL since late May. If you are interested in details, please read
his latest [report](http://meudepositodeideias.wordpress.com/2011/08/08/opencl-on-gegl-results-up-to-now/).
+Back in 2009 we already had a Google Summer of Code project by Jerson Michael Perpetua who introduced basics
of GPU-side rendering to GEGL. This year we have even more progress. Another GSoC student, Victor Oliveira,
has been working on support for OpenCL in GEGL since late May. If you are interested in details, please read
his latest [report](https://meudepositodeideias.wordpress.com/2011/08/08/opencl-on-gegl-results-up-to-now/).
-The upcoming GIMP v2.8 isn't going to do GPU-side rendering and processing, because it's simply too late for
this development cycle. The next version, v2.10, is going to feature all of our other GSoC projects this year
and more API cleanup. With v3.0 we are doing the final switch to GEGL, and this is where we currently expect
OpenCL support in GEGL to be mature enough to be used. For more details please refer to our [feature
+The upcoming GIMP v2.8 isn't going to do GPU-side rendering and processing, because it's simply too late for
this development cycle. The next version, v2.10, is going to feature all of our other GSoC projects this year
and more API cleanup. With v3.0 we are doing the final switch to GEGL, and this is where we currently expect
OpenCL support in GEGL to be mature enough to be used. For more details please refer to our [feature
We aim to make GIMP a state of the art image editing tool. We know that our past approach to development of
new versions didn't exactly encourage contributions that helped making it happen. This is why starting with
v2.10 we are switching to a shorter development cycle. In other words, new stable versions will have less new
features and will get released sooner, helping us to process queue of incoming new features much faster.
diff --git a/content/news/2011-08-22 GIMP 2.7.3.md b/content/news/2011-08-22 GIMP 2.7.3.md
index a9067597..9f37afa8 100644
--- a/content/news/2011-08-22 GIMP 2.7.3.md
+++ b/content/news/2011-08-22 GIMP 2.7.3.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ We are pleased to announce availability of a new development version that brings
The most visible changes in 2.7.3 are the fully working single-window mode, including working session
management, and the introduction of a new hybrid spinbutton/scale widget which takes less space in dockable
-For a complete list of changes since 2.7.2 please refer to [NEWS](http://developer.gimp.org/NEWS) page,
while the [release notes](http://www.gimp.org/release-notes/gimp-2.7.html) summarize changes in the whole
2.7.x series.
+For a complete list of changes since 2.7.2 please refer to [NEWS](https://developer.gimp.org/NEWS) page,
while the [release notes](https://www.gimp.org/release-notes/gimp-2.7.html) summarize changes in the whole
2.7.x series.
Please note that the whole 2.7.x series of versions is considered unstable and is not recommended for use in
production even though it might just work for you. Our intention is to make development versions available
for passionate users who can provide useful feedback to help us fix bugs and streamline implementation of
some of the new features. The upcoming v2.8 also introduces a huge amount of API deprecations and additions
that have the potential to break existing 3rd party scripts and plug-ins. Please file bugs for all plug-ins
and scripts that do work in v2.6, but don't work in 2.7.3. A migration guide for developers will be provided
when v2.8 is out.
diff --git a/content/news/2011-10-18 FTP and Wiki Back Online.md b/content/news/2011-10-18 FTP and Wiki Back
index fc948023..518f782b 100644
--- a/content/news/2011-10-18 FTP and Wiki Back Online.md
+++ b/content/news/2011-10-18 FTP and Wiki Back Online.md
@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ Authors: Michael Schumacher
We managed to get FTP and Wiki back online:
* FTP Downloads ([ftp.gimp.org](ftp://ftp.gimp.org/))
-* Developer Wiki ([wiki.gimp.org](http://wiki.gimp.org/))
\ No newline at end of file
+* Developer Wiki ([wiki.gimp.org](https://wiki.gimp.org/))
diff --git a/content/news/2011-10-21 Docs and DevPages Restored.md b/content/news/2011-10-21 Docs and
DevPages Restored.md
index 4a800534..759f03eb 100644
--- a/content/news/2011-10-21 Docs and DevPages Restored.md
+++ b/content/news/2011-10-21 Docs and DevPages Restored.md
@@ -5,5 +5,5 @@ Authors: Michael Schumacher
The online docs and developer pages are available again:
-* Online Docs ([docs.gimp.org](http://docs.gimp.org/))
-* Developer Pages ([developer.gimp.org](http://developer.gimp.org/))
\ No newline at end of file
+* Online Docs ([docs.gimp.org](https://docs.gimp.org/))
+* Developer Pages ([developer.gimp.org](https://developer.gimp.org/))
diff --git a/content/news/2011-10-26 Mailing Lists Moved.md b/content/news/2011-10-26 Mailing Lists Moved.md
index 36ca0867..727f5ace 100644
--- a/content/news/2011-10-26 Mailing Lists Moved.md
+++ b/content/news/2011-10-26 Mailing Lists Moved.md
@@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ The old list mail addresses are no longer valid, please use the new ones from no
The subscription management pages are accessible via the following links:
-* [gimp-developer-list](http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gimp-developer-list)
-* [gimp-user-list](http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gimp-user-list)
-* [gimp-docs-list](http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gimp-docs-list)
-* [gimp-web-list](http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gimp-web-list)
-* [gegl-developer-list](http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gegl-developer-list)
+* [gimp-developer-list](https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gimp-developer-list)
+* [gimp-user-list](https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gimp-user-list)
+* [gimp-docs-list](https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gimp-docs-list)
+* [gimp-web-list](https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gimp-web-list)
+* [gegl-developer-list](https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gegl-developer-list)
The list archives will be restored at gnome.org as soon as we get the files.
-The gimp-announce, gimp-film, and gimp-win-user lists don't exist any longer.
\ No newline at end of file
+The gimp-announce, gimp-film, and gimp-win-user lists don't exist any longer.
diff --git a/content/news/2011-12-13 GIMP 2.7.4.md b/content/news/2011-12-13 GIMP 2.7.4.md
index 55494aa8..b507cd6c 100644
--- a/content/news/2011-12-13 GIMP 2.7.4.md
+++ b/content/news/2011-12-13 GIMP 2.7.4.md
@@ -3,12 +3,12 @@ Date: 2011-12-13
Category: News
Authors: Alexandre Prokoudine
-We released GIMP 2.7.4 with minor improvements and bugfixes. Most improvements are related to user interface
and usability, see [here](http://git.gnome.org/browse/gimp/tree/NEWS) for detailed list of changes. Depending
on amount of bugs we get reports on this could be the last version before 2.8 release candidates and 2.8
+We released GIMP 2.7.4 with minor improvements and bugfixes. Most improvements are related to user interface
and usability, see [here](https://git.gnome.org/browse/gimp/tree/NEWS) for detailed list of changes.
Depending on amount of bugs we get reports on this could be the last version before 2.8 release candidates
and 2.8 itself.
The other good news is that between 2.7.3 and 2.7.4 Michael Natterer considerably improved GTK+ for Mac, so
GIMP is finally going to be first class citizen on that platform.
-We also released new versions of GEGL and babl. Changes in babl are
[mostly](http://git.gnome.org/browse/babl/tree/NEWS) improvements of the existing feature set, but GEGL got
operations ported from GIMP filters by Robert Sasu during Google Summer of Code 2011, as well as some new
operations written by the team.
+We also released new versions of GEGL and babl. Changes in babl are
[mostly](https://git.gnome.org/browse/babl/tree/NEWS) improvements of the existing feature set, but GEGL got
operations ported from GIMP filters by Robert Sasu during Google Summer of Code 2011, as well as some new
operations written by the team.
Resampling was improved in GEGL thanks to Nicolas Robidoux and Adam Turcotte who added a lohalo resampler.
There's API and infrastructure for doing non-affine resampling in place now as well.
-Finally, GeglView GTK widget was separated from GEGL into a new project called GEGL-GTK to simplify using
GEGL from GTK+ applications. The work was done by Jon Nordby from MyPaint project. Jon started another
project, GEGL-Qt, to do the same for Qt. Please [read his
blog](http://www.jonnor.com/2011/08/making-gegl-easier-to-use-in-graphical-applications/) for more details.
\ No newline at end of file
+Finally, GeglView GTK widget was separated from GEGL into a new project called GEGL-GTK to simplify using
GEGL from GTK+ applications. The work was done by Jon Nordby from MyPaint project. Jon started another
project, GEGL-Qt, to do the same for Qt. Please [read his
blog](http://www.jonnor.com/2011/08/making-gegl-easier-to-use-in-graphical-applications/) for more details.
diff --git a/content/news/2012-02-01 GIMP 2.6.12.md b/content/news/2012-02-01 GIMP 2.6.12.md
index 74b99392..6b0f784e 100644
--- a/content/news/2012-02-01 GIMP 2.6.12.md
+++ b/content/news/2012-02-01 GIMP 2.6.12.md
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ Date: 2012-02-01
Category: News
Authors: Alexandre Prokoudine
-GIMP 2.6.12 is a bug-fix release in the stable GIMP 2.6 series. Its purpose is mostly to wrap up all fixes
that have piled up since 2.6.11 into a last release in the stable 2.6 series before we switch to 2.8. Please
have a look at the [NEWS](http://developer.gimp.org/NEWS-2.6) file for a detailed list of changes.
+GIMP 2.6.12 is a bug-fix release in the stable GIMP 2.6 series. Its purpose is mostly to wrap up all fixes
that have piled up since 2.6.11 into a last release in the stable 2.6 series before we switch to 2.8. Please
have a look at the [NEWS](https://developer.gimp.org/NEWS-2.6) file for a detailed list of changes.
-The source can be downloaded from [ftp.gimp.org](http://gimp.org/downloads/#mirrors). Binary packages for
various supported platforms should become available soon; please check the
[Downloads](http://gimp.org/downloads/) section.
+The source can be downloaded from [ftp.gimp.org](https://gimp.org/downloads/#mirrors). Binary packages for
various supported platforms should become available soon; please check the
[Downloads](https://gimp.org/downloads/) section.
Just like you, we want to see v2.8 out in the wild as soon as possible, but there's still a number of
regressions that block this important release.
@@ -13,4 +13,4 @@ On a lighter note, v2.8 is going to have an updated default set of brushes for p
Meanwhile there is a considerable progress with the GPU-side rendering project we announced in November.
Victor Oliveira has brought OpenCL support on GEGL to a level where GIMP can load an image to a GPU and
process it there with a brightness-contrast operation. This is only the beginning, but it opens quite a few
-We also maintain a rather active
[Google+](https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/116634837115748851709/116634837115748851709/posts) page where we post
various project related news, links to impressive work done with GIMP and so on.
\ No newline at end of file
+We also maintain a rather active
[Google+](https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/116634837115748851709/116634837115748851709/posts) page where we post
various project related news, links to impressive work done with GIMP and so on.
diff --git a/content/news/2012-02-27 GIMP at LGM2012.md b/content/news/2012-02-27 GIMP at LGM2012.md
index 2a17f8df..4a4416ad 100644
--- a/content/news/2012-02-27 GIMP at LGM2012.md
+++ b/content/news/2012-02-27 GIMP at LGM2012.md
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Date: 2012-02-27
Category: News
Authors: Alexandre Prokoudine
-On May 2–5 we are attending [Libre Graphics Meeting 2012](http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2012/), the annual
conference for developers and users of free software for graphic design, photography and 3D modeling. The
event is taking place in the beautiful city of Vienna, co-located with Linuxwochen.
+On May 2–5 we are attending [Libre Graphics Meeting 2012](https://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2012/), the
annual conference for developers and users of free software for graphic design, photography and 3D modeling.
The event is taking place in the beautiful city of Vienna, co-located with Linuxwochen.
The conference started in 2006 as an extended version of our annual developers meeting where we met Scribus
and Inkscape teams to figure out how we can make our software work better together. Since then LGM has become
the premiere event of the year for everyone who cares about free graphics software.
@@ -11,4 +11,4 @@ One of the achievements of the conference is OpenRaster, a raster file format th
We have various ideas how else to co-operate with other teams and we tend to use LGM as another venue for
our developers to meet each other and our usability team. However we'd like to notice that while your
continuous support via donations enables us to travel to LGM, not all of the other teams are in this
position. So if you care about co-operation between teams, we humbly ask you to [support the conference via
Pledgie](http://pledgie.com/campaigns/16614). The money will be spent on getting other developers to the
-We expect the upcoming four days of Libre Graphics Meeting 2012 to be full of sparkling ideas, collaboration
and, above all, fun. If you'd like to meet us or any other teams or even give a talk, you still have time to
+We expect the upcoming four days of Libre Graphics Meeting 2012 to be full of sparkling ideas, collaboration
and, above all, fun. If you'd like to meet us or any other teams or even give a talk, you still have time to
diff --git a/content/news/2012-03-14 GIMP 2.7.5 Released.md b/content/news/2012-03-14 GIMP 2.7.5 Released.md
index 351286a6..3208c320 100644
--- a/content/news/2012-03-14 GIMP 2.7.5 Released.md
+++ b/content/news/2012-03-14 GIMP 2.7.5 Released.md
@@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ We've just released GIMP 2.7.5, the last beta in the 2.7.x series. This version
Since this version GIMP is shipping with a revamped brush pack and a set of ca. 40 tools presets, mostly
painting related. The work was done by Ramón Miranda (GIMP Paint Studio) and Guillermo Espertino. This
particular change is a first major step in updating the default bundle of resources to match user
-For a complete list of changes since 2.7.4 please refer to the [NEWS](http://developer.gimp.org/NEWS) page,
while the [release notes](http://www.gimp.org/release-notes/gimp-2.7.html) summarize changes in the whole
2.7.x series.
+For a complete list of changes since 2.7.4 please refer to the [NEWS](https://developer.gimp.org/NEWS) page,
while the [release notes](https://www.gimp.org/release-notes/gimp-2.7.html) summarize changes in the whole
2.7.x series.
-There are still [some bugs to
before we can release v2.8. We encourage you to join the team and help us getting 2.8 released.
\ No newline at end of file
+There are still [some bugs to
before we can release v2.8. We encourage you to join the team and help us getting 2.8 released.
diff --git a/content/news/2012-03-21 GIMP accepted for GSoC2012.md b/content/news/2012-03-21 GIMP accepted
for GSoC2012.md
index 76a57ea9..7cd258d7 100644
--- a/content/news/2012-03-21 GIMP accepted for GSoC2012.md
+++ b/content/news/2012-03-21 GIMP accepted for GSoC2012.md
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ Date: 2012-03-21
Category: News
Authors: Alexandre Prokoudine
-GIMP has been accepted to [Google Summer of Code
2012](http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/document/show/gsoc_program/google/gsoc2012/home) program. This is a
great chance for aspiring developers to get a good understanding of remote collaborative work and
coincidentally help the project become an even better image editor.
+GIMP has been accepted to [Google Summer of Code
2012](https://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/document/show/gsoc_program/google/gsoc2012/home) program. This is a
great chance for aspiring developers to get a good understanding of remote collaborative work and
coincidentally help the project become an even better image editor.
-We put together a [list of project ideas](http://wiki.gimp.org/index.php/Hacking:GSoC/2012/Ideas) that you
might like to have a look at. But you are also free to suggest your own idea.
[Here](http://wiki.gimp.org/index.php/Hacking:GSOC) is some more essential info for potential students. If
you are eligible for the program, please join the gimp-developer@ mailing list or the [IRC
channel](http://www.gimp.org/irc.html) to discuss your project idea.
+We put together a [list of project ideas](https://wiki.gimp.org/index.php/Hacking:GSoC/2012/Ideas) that you
might like to have a look at. But you are also free to suggest your own idea.
[Here](https://wiki.gimp.org/index.php/Hacking:GSOC) is some more essential info for potential students. If
you are eligible for the program, please join the gimp-developer@ mailing list or the [IRC
channel](https://www.gimp.org/irc.html) to discuss your project idea.
-Student application period opens on March 26 and closes on April 6. Please contact us prior to submitting
your application. We will not accept projects from people we never heard of.
\ No newline at end of file
+Student application period opens on March 26 and closes on April 6. Please contact us prior to submitting
your application. We will not accept projects from people we never heard of.
diff --git a/content/news/2012-04-17 GIMP core getting ported to GEGL.md b/content/news/2012-04-17 GIMP core
getting ported to GEGL.md
index 22031e0d..a82eb558 100644
--- a/content/news/2012-04-17 GIMP core getting ported to GEGL.md
+++ b/content/news/2012-04-17 GIMP core getting ported to GEGL.md
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ In late 2007 we launched smooth transition to GEGL—a new advanced image proces
For v2.6 we made an optional GEGL-based implementation of color adjustment tools, and for upcoming v2.8 we
implemented optional projection rendering via GEGL. But nobody really had evaluated the amount of the work to
be done in order to finalize this transition. Until just now.
-Five weeks ago Michael Natterer and Øyvind Kolås decided to finally work out the migration strategy. While
working on that they found themselves [doing the actual
porting](http://gimpfoo.de/2012/04/17/goat-invasion-in-gimp/). So now about 90% of the GIMP application’s
core has been [ported to GEGL](http://git.gnome.org/browse/gimp/log/?h=goat-invasion). When finished, this
will be released as GIMP 2.10 along with some other improvements yet to be decided on.
+Five weeks ago Michael Natterer and Øyvind Kolås decided to finally work out the migration strategy. While
working on that they found themselves [doing the actual
porting](http://gimpfoo.de/2012/04/17/goat-invasion-in-gimp/). So now about 90% of the GIMP application’s
core has been [ported to GEGL](https://git.gnome.org/browse/gimp/log/?h=goat-invasion). When finished, this
will be released as GIMP 2.10 along with some other improvements yet to be decided on.
GEGL is quite an exciting project that will make it possible to implement some long anticipated features in
a clean, non-sloppy way: high bit depth image processing and deep painting, non-destructive editing, a wider
choice of color spaces to work in, mipmaps processing for faster perceived editing etc. This will be the
focus of our future work after release of v2.10, along with further user interface improvements thanks to
collaboration with Peter Sikking and his team at Man+Machine Works.
Now that we passed the point of no return with regards to GIMP and GEGL, we encourage you to join us and
help porting the rest of GIMP. We'd really like to finish the boring part as soon as possible and start new
exciting developments where we'd also need your support.
-We also encourage you to [support](http://pledgie.com/campaigns/16614) Libre Graphics Meeting 2012 where
developers of GIMP and other teams such as Scribus, Inkscape and Blender meet to align development strategies.
\ No newline at end of file
+We also encourage you to [support](http://pledgie.com/campaigns/16614) Libre Graphics Meeting 2012 where
developers of GIMP and other teams such as Scribus, Inkscape and Blender meet to align development strategies.
diff --git a/content/news/2012-04-23 GIMP and GEGL project in GSoC2012.md b/content/news/2012-04-23 GIMP and
GEGL project in GSoC2012.md
index 5281430b..39d5ea21 100644
--- a/content/news/2012-04-23 GIMP and GEGL project in GSoC2012.md
+++ b/content/news/2012-04-23 GIMP and GEGL project in GSoC2012.md
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ Date: 2012-04-23
Category: News
Authors: Alexandre Prokoudine
-We are excited to announce that we have five students to work with us on improving GIMP as part of the
[Google Summer of Code 2012](http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/homepage/google/gsoc2012) program. All the
students will be contributing to faster transition of GIMP to GEGL, our new advanced image core.
+We are excited to announce that we have five students to work with us on improving GIMP as part of the
[Google Summer of Code 2012](https://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/homepage/google/gsoc2012) program. All the
students will be contributing to faster transition of GIMP to GEGL, our new advanced image core.
The projects are:
* Maxime Nicco and hanslo will port GIMP filters to GEGL operations.
* Ville Sokk will port other GIMP features to GEGL.
* Isaac Wagner will create a GEGL-based node compositor that will serve as playground for GEGL development.
-* Mikael Magnusson will create a [Unified
Transform](http://gui.gimp.org/index.php/Transformation_tool_specification) tool.
+* Mikael Magnusson will create a [Unified
Transform](https://gui.gimp.org/index.php/Transformation_tool_specification) tool.
-In the past years Google Summer of Code has proven to be a great source of contributions. We wish our
students success and, above all, a lot of fun while making GIMP a state of the art image editor.
\ No newline at end of file
+In the past years Google Summer of Code has proven to be a great source of contributions. We wish our
students success and, above all, a lot of fun while making GIMP a state of the art image editor.
diff --git a/content/news/2012-05-03 GIMP 2.8 Released.md b/content/news/2012-05-03 GIMP 2.8 Released.md
index e27f2ec0..ea6bee0c 100644
--- a/content/news/2012-05-03 GIMP 2.8 Released.md
+++ b/content/news/2012-05-03 GIMP 2.8 Released.md
@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ Authors: Alexandre Prokoudine
We are happy to announce immediate availability of GIMP 2.8—a new stable version of GNU Image Manipulation
Program that culminates 3.5 years of exciting work.
-With this version we are introducing some long-anticipated features such as layer groups, on-canvas text
editing, advanced brush dynamics and the much desired optional single-window mode. We also started applying
other important changes to the user interface that bring us closer to matching the [product
+With this version we are introducing some long-anticipated features such as layer groups, on-canvas text
editing, advanced brush dynamics and the much desired optional single-window mode. We also started applying
other important changes to the user interface that bring us closer to matching the [product
-For detailed information about changes since 2.6 please read the [release
notes](http://www.gimp.org/release-notes/gimp-2.8.html). Source code is [available for
downloading](http://www.gimp.org/downloads/) from a plethora of mirrors, a build for Windows will soon be
available, and we hope to see a build for Mac OS X released as well.
+For detailed information about changes since 2.6 please read the [release
notes](https://www.gimp.org/release-notes/gimp-2.8.html). Source code is [available for
downloading](https://www.gimp.org/downloads/) from a plethora of mirrors, a build for Windows will soon be
available, and we hope to see a build for Mac OS X released as well.
We'd like to thank everyone who participated in development of GIMP 2.8: programmers, translators,
documentation writers (updated user manual is a work in progress), and testers. We also thank our user
community for the dedication and support—we needed it more than ever.
-Now that this version is finally released, we are grasping the future with both hands. Stay tuned: some
really exciting news will follow.
\ No newline at end of file
+Now that this version is finally released, we are grasping the future with both hands. Stay tuned: some
really exciting news will follow.
diff --git a/content/news/2012-05-04 High Bit Depth Processing Available Now.md b/content/news/2012-05-04
High Bit Depth Processing Available Now.md
index 2497148e..e27193bf 100644
--- a/content/news/2012-05-04 High Bit Depth Processing Available Now.md
+++ b/content/news/2012-05-04 High Bit Depth Processing Available Now.md
@@ -9,4 +9,4 @@ Transformation, painting and color adjustment tools will just work in higher bit
There is still a lot of work left to do, and this is a great chance for potential contributors to step up
and begin improving the application. Low-hanging fruits include porting of file loaders and savers, filters
and other small bits of GIMP that don't require a lot of familiarity with the internal structure. Please
contact us in the gimp-developer mailing list.
-Decision on the final feature set in 2.10 is yet to be made, no time-based schedule is available either.
However we fully intend to make development cycles much shorter.
\ No newline at end of file
+Decision on the final feature set in 2.10 is yet to be made, no time-based schedule is available either.
However we fully intend to make development cycles much shorter.
diff --git a/content/news/2012-05-14 New Usability Project.md b/content/news/2012-05-14 New Usability
index 35b7e824..fd5df173 100644
--- a/content/news/2012-05-14 New Usability Project.md
+++ b/content/news/2012-05-14 New Usability Project.md
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ Date: 2012-05-14
Category: News
Authors: Alexandre Prokoudine
-Since 2006 we've been [improving](http://gui.gimp.org/index.php/GIMP_UI_Redesign) GIMP's user interface with
help from Peter Sikking and his team at [man + machine interface
works](http://www.mmiworks.net/eng/index.html). Some of the best improvements in GIMP's UI over past several
years are the direct result of our collaboration.
+Since 2006 we've been [improving](https://gui.gimp.org/index.php/GIMP_UI_Redesign) GIMP's user interface
with help from Peter Sikking and his team at [man + machine interface
works](http://www.mmiworks.net/eng/index.html). Some of the best improvements in GIMP's UI over past several
years are the direct result of our collaboration.
We are happy to announce that for the next 10 weeks Marinus Schraal is joining Peter Sikking to work on a
concept of a new widget set for tools' options in GIMP. The net outcome will be a functional spec for new UI
elements that will be compact and easy to use.
-By the way, recently Peter did another GIMP related interaction design course at the FH Vorarlberg, Austria.
His students [worked](http://blog.mmiworks.net/2012/05/teaching-interaction-12.html) on possible new user
interfaces for [Liquid Rescale](http://liquidrescale.wikidot.com/) plug-in that implements content-aware
\ No newline at end of file
+By the way, recently Peter did another GIMP related interaction design course at the FH Vorarlberg, Austria.
His students [worked](http://blog.mmiworks.net/2012/05/teaching-interaction-12.html) on possible new user
interfaces for [Liquid Rescale](http://liquidrescale.wikidot.com/) plug-in that implements content-aware
diff --git a/content/news/2012-07-25 We Are Looking for Windows Developers.md b/content/news/2012-07-25 We
Are Looking for Windows Developers.md
index 48deec2d..1793775d 100644
--- a/content/news/2012-07-25 We Are Looking for Windows Developers.md
+++ b/content/news/2012-07-25 We Are Looking for Windows Developers.md
@@ -5,6 +5,6 @@ Authors: Alexandre Prokoudine
It's been a long time since we last had an active Windows-based developer. Consequently, GIMP has
accumulated a plethora of bugs specific for that operating system. As much as we'd like to provide a smooth
user experience for Windows users, we simply do not have the required human resources.
-Hence, if you are an experienced Windows-based developer who is interested to help GIMP become a first-class
citizen in the Windows world, please get in touch with us. Our main communication channels are the
[gimp-developer](http://www.gimp.org/mail_lists.html) mailing list and [IRC](http://www.gimp.org/irc.html).
Here is the [list of all reported
bugs](https://bugzilla.gnome.org/buglist.cgi?quicksearch=product%3A%22GIMP%22+os%3A%22Wind%22) for the
Windows version of GIMP.
+Hence, if you are an experienced Windows-based developer who is interested to help GIMP become a first-class
citizen in the Windows world, please get in touch with us. Our main communication channels are the
[gimp-developer](https://www.gimp.org/mail_lists.html) mailing list and [IRC](https://www.gimp.org/irc.html).
Here is the [list of all reported
bugs](https://bugzilla.gnome.org/buglist.cgi?quicksearch=product%3A%22GIMP%22+os%3A%22Wind%22) for the
Windows version of GIMP.
-If you go for IRC, we recommend sticking there for several hours, since we are mostly Europe-based, and you
maybe aren't in the same timezones span. Most development talks happen on IRC anyway, so staying online helps
the communication.
\ No newline at end of file
+If you go for IRC, we recommend sticking there for several hours, since we are mostly Europe-based, and you
maybe aren't in the same timezones span. Most development talks happen on IRC anyway, so staying online helps
the communication.
diff --git a/content/news/2012-08-24 GIMP 2.8.2 Released.md b/content/news/2012-08-24 GIMP 2.8.2 Released.md
index f6b4ab34..be799f0d 100644
--- a/content/news/2012-08-24 GIMP 2.8.2 Released.md
+++ b/content/news/2012-08-24 GIMP 2.8.2 Released.md
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Authors: Alexandre Prokoudine
We've just released GIMP 2.8.2, the first update to the new stable version of GIMP. The update brings
several dozens of fixes to various issues of all scales.
-Most notorious bugs fixed are: not being able to remember JPEG saving options, slow canvas redraw, not
showing page setup options on Windows. There's also a workaround for the bug that used to cause showing
incorrect file size values on Windows. For the complete list of changes please see the
[NEWS](http://git.gnome.org/browse/gimp/plain/NEWS?h=gimp-2-8) file.
+Most notorious bugs fixed are: not being able to remember JPEG saving options, slow canvas redraw, not
showing page setup options on Windows. There's also a workaround for the bug that used to cause showing
incorrect file size values on Windows. For the complete list of changes please see the
[NEWS](https://git.gnome.org/browse/gimp/plain/NEWS?h=gimp-2-8) file.
Additionally we did a lot of work to make a native build of GIMP for Mac a possibility. The official
GIMP.app will be available soon. Windows installers of v2.8.2 will be available from [the usual
location](http://gimp-win.sourceforge.net/stable.html) shortly.
diff --git a/content/news/2012-09-23 GSoC2012 Is Over.md b/content/news/2012-09-23 GSoC2012 Is Over.md
index f0d5346c..b5912208 100644
--- a/content/news/2012-09-23 GSoC2012 Is Over.md
+++ b/content/news/2012-09-23 GSoC2012 Is Over.md
@@ -11,6 +11,6 @@ While the first public version of the Unified Transform Tool will only be availa
The students ported the following GIMP filters to GEGL operations: Shift, Wind, Cartoon, Photocopy, Oilify,
Softglow, and a variety of noise generators.
-The GEGL-based [node editor](http://git.gnome.org/browse/gegl-edit) is a standalone project and will
eventually be released separately.
+The GEGL-based [node editor](https://git.gnome.org/browse/gegl-edit) is a standalone project and will
eventually be released separately.
-It was a great summer. We thank all the students for participating and we would love to see them around in
years to follow.
\ No newline at end of file
+It was a great summer. We thank all the students for participating and we would love to see them around in
years to follow.
diff --git a/content/news/2012-11-21 GIMP Gets ICCv4 Color Profiles Support.md b/content/news/2012-11-21 GIMP
Gets ICCv4 Color Profiles Support.md
index dc50cf1c..bf7d587b 100644
--- a/content/news/2012-11-21 GIMP Gets ICCv4 Color Profiles Support.md
+++ b/content/news/2012-11-21 GIMP Gets ICCv4 Color Profiles Support.md
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-Title: GIMP Gets ICC v4 Color Profiles Support
+Title: GIMP Gets ICC v4 Color Profiles Support
Date: 2012-11-21
Category: News
Authors: Alexandre Prokoudine
For the last few weeks GIMP has been capable of using ICC v4 color profiles thanks to a patch by [Laurent
Martelli](http://www.laurentmartelli.com/) who ported the color management plug-in to use LittleCMS v2.
-There is also an ongoing work by [Elle Stone](http://ninedegreesbelow.com/) to adapt that plug-in to the new
GEGL-based architecture and make color space conversions just work between various bit depth precision levels
— from 8-bit to 32-bit floating point.
+There is also an ongoing work by [Elle Stone](https://ninedegreesbelow.com/) to adapt that plug-in to the
new GEGL-based architecture and make color space conversions just work between various bit depth precision
levels — from 8-bit to 32-bit floating point.
Once it's done, GIMP will be capable of converting images between different color spaces with little to no
loss of color fidelity. In fact, it already works, with some caveats.
Meanwhile Michael Natterer is busy porting plug-ins for loading and saving files to GEGL and GIO. The latter
means that GIMP doesn't create temporary files anymore when loading files from remote locations, and previews
in the Open File dialog 100% match actual images.
-There is still a lot of work to do before GEGL-based version of GIMP is completely functional. We encourage
you to join the team and help making the future closer.
\ No newline at end of file
+There is still a lot of work to do before GEGL-based version of GIMP is completely functional. We encourage
you to join the team and help making the future closer.
diff --git a/content/news/2012-12-27 GIMP in 2012.md b/content/news/2012-12-27 GIMP in 2012.md
index bb38c741..130e482e 100644
--- a/content/news/2012-12-27 GIMP in 2012.md
+++ b/content/news/2012-12-27 GIMP in 2012.md
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ We successfully participated at Google Summer of Code 2012. Our students ported
In past years we let our work with community slip, so this year we also tried to establish a better
connection with our user base. Our [Google+ page](https://plus.google.com/+gimp), where we now regularly
share project news and useful GIMP tutorials we come across, is currently circled by ca. 22.000 people (as
compared to 1.000 in January 2012).
-Last, but not least, we are happy to see the community actively promoting GIMP of its own accord. E.g. this
year the [GIMP Magazine](http://gimpmagazine.org/) project was started, with two issues already published and
the 3rd issue currently in the works.
+Last, but not least, we are happy to see the community actively promoting GIMP of its own accord. E.g. this
year the [GIMP Magazine](https://gimpmagazine.org/) project was started, with two issues already published
and the 3rd issue currently in the works.
-Thanks to all contributors our [project
vision](http://gui.gimp.org/index.php/GIMP_UI_Redesign#product_vision) is becoming a reality. GIMP already
works in HDR, partially uses GPU for rendering and processing, has better transformation tools.
+Thanks to all contributors our [project
vision](https://gui.gimp.org/index.php/GIMP_UI_Redesign#product_vision) is becoming a reality. GIMP already
works in HDR, partially uses GPU for rendering and processing, has better transformation tools.
-Our primary focus for 2013 will be finishing the transition to GEGL. We don’t expect it to be an easy job:
it’s likely to keep us busy most of 2013, if not longer. You can help us to boost the development. Come [join
us](http://wiki.gimp.org/index.php/Users:Beginner_Developer%27s_FAQ) to complete the rewrite and deliver the
new generation of GIMP as a polished stable product.
+Our primary focus for 2013 will be finishing the transition to GEGL. We don’t expect it to be an easy job:
it’s likely to keep us busy most of 2013, if not longer. You can help us to boost the development. Come [join
us](https://wiki.gimp.org/index.php/Users:Beginner_Developer%27s_FAQ) to complete the rewrite and deliver the
new generation of GIMP as a polished stable product.
diff --git a/content/news/2013-02-05 GIMP 2.8.4 Released.md b/content/news/2013-02-05 GIMP 2.8.4 Released.md
index 37879f63..fa4eecf7 100644
--- a/content/news/2013-02-05 GIMP 2.8.4 Released.md
+++ b/content/news/2013-02-05 GIMP 2.8.4 Released.md
@@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ Date: 2013-02-05
Category: News
Authors: Alexandre Prokoudine
-GIMP 2.8.4 is out! This is a release in the stable GIMP 2.8 series, featuring lots of bug fixes and
translation updates. For the complete list of changes please see the
[NEWS](http://git.gnome.org/browse/gimp/plain/NEWS?h=gimp-2-8) file.
+GIMP 2.8.4 is out! This is a release in the stable GIMP 2.8 series, featuring lots of bug fixes and
translation updates. For the complete list of changes please see the
[NEWS](https://git.gnome.org/browse/gimp/plain/NEWS?h=gimp-2-8) file.
Pre-built binaries for Mac will be available soon.
diff --git a/content/news/2013-02-10 GIMP 2.8.4 for OSX Available.md b/content/news/2013-02-10 GIMP 2.8.4 for
OSX Available.md
index 8da5ae88..6d89f71d 100644
--- a/content/news/2013-02-10 GIMP 2.8.4 for OSX Available.md
+++ b/content/news/2013-02-10 GIMP 2.8.4 for OSX Available.md
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Date: 2013-02-10
Category: News
Authors: Alexandre Prokoudine
-GIMP 2.8.4 is now available as [disk image](http://download.gimp.org/pub/gimp/v2.8/osx/) for Mac OSX.
+GIMP 2.8.4 is now available as [disk image](https://download.gimp.org/pub/gimp/v2.8/osx/) for Mac OSX.
Please note that with this release, we have moved GIMP's per-user data from "~/Library" to
"~/Library/Application Support". If you had installed GIMP 2.8.2 before, please open a terminal and enter the
following command, so GIMP 2.8.4 will pick up your data from the right location:
diff --git a/content/news/2013-02-12 GSOC2013 Announced.md b/content/news/2013-02-12 GSOC2013 Announced.md
index 1ac6cd1f..a1db6aeb 100644
--- a/content/news/2013-02-12 GSOC2013 Announced.md
+++ b/content/news/2013-02-12 GSOC2013 Announced.md
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ Category: News
Authors: Alexandre Prokoudine
slug: four-students-to-work-on-gimp-during-gsoc2013-program
-Yesterday Google announced [Summer of Code
2013](http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/homepage/google/gsoc2013) program. Participating at GSoC has proved
to be rather beneficial to us. Here are just some of the features implemented during past runs of the
program: five new tools (Heal, Perspective Clone, Cage Transform, Warp Transform, Seamless Paste), resources
tagging, hardware acceleration in GEGL. Needless to say, we'll try to participate this year again.
+Yesterday Google announced [Summer of Code
2013](https://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/homepage/google/gsoc2013) program. Participating at GSoC has proved
to be rather beneficial to us. Here are just some of the features implemented during past runs of the
program: five new tools (Heal, Perspective Clone, Cage Transform, Warp Transform, Seamless Paste), resources
tagging, hardware acceleration in GEGL. Needless to say, we'll try to participate this year again.
-We already have a [preliminary list](http://wiki.gimp.org/index.php?title=Hacking:GSoC/2013/Ideas) of
project ideas for this year's program: improving selection tools, implementing sophisticated slicing tool for
web designers, creating a full-featured OpenEXR plug-in. However, the top priority project for us would be
porting more plug-ins to GEGL, which is one of the issues that block the release of GIMP 2.10.
+We already have a [preliminary list](https://wiki.gimp.org/index.php?title=Hacking:GSoC/2013/Ideas) of
project ideas for this year's program: improving selection tools, implementing sophisticated slicing tool for
web designers, creating a full-featured OpenEXR plug-in. However, the top priority project for us would be
porting more plug-ins to GEGL, which is one of the issues that block the release of GIMP 2.10.
-Even though we won't know whether we are participating until April 8, if you are considering to work with us
this summer, we suggest that you start talking to us already. When we vote for students, we need to know you
well enough to make a fair judgment. Please find out if you are eligible for the program, then
[join](http://www.gimp.org/mail_lists.html) the developers mailing list or [talk to
us](http://www.gimp.org/irc.html) on IRC.
+Even though we won't know whether we are participating until April 8, if you are considering to work with us
this summer, we suggest that you start talking to us already. When we vote for students, we need to know you
well enough to make a fair judgment. Please find out if you are eligible for the program, then
[join](https://www.gimp.org/mail_lists.html) the developers mailing list or [talk to
us](https://www.gimp.org/irc.html) on IRC.
diff --git a/content/news/2013-04-08 GIMP Accepted to GSOC2013.md b/content/news/2013-04-08 GIMP Accepted to
index 52a25122..59452097 100644
--- a/content/news/2013-04-08 GIMP Accepted to GSOC2013.md
+++ b/content/news/2013-04-08 GIMP Accepted to GSOC2013.md
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ Category: News
Authors: Alexandre Prokoudine
slug: four-students-to-work-on-gimp-during-gsoc2013-program-1
-GIMP will be taking part in this year's [Google Summer of Code](http://www.google-melange.com/) program as a
mentoring organization. We are inviting interested students to get in touch with us and start discussing
potential projects.
+GIMP will be taking part in this year's [Google Summer of Code](https://www.google-melange.com/) program as
a mentoring organization. We are inviting interested students to get in touch with us and start discussing
potential projects.
-Some [project ideas](http://wiki.gimp.org/index.php/Hacking:GSoC/2013/Ideas) have already been posted in the
wiki, but you are free to come up with your own ones. At this point porting existing plug-ins to GEGL has the
highest priority, as it will aid us in releasing GIMP 2.10 sooner.
+Some [project ideas](https://wiki.gimp.org/index.php/Hacking:GSoC/2013/Ideas) have already been posted in
the wiki, but you are free to come up with your own ones. At this point porting existing plug-ins to GEGL has
the highest priority, as it will aid us in releasing GIMP 2.10 sooner.
If you are eligible for participation and eager to contribute to our project, please introduce yourself on
the mailing list for developers or in the #gimp channel at irc.gimp.net. In the latter case please bear in
mind that the core team is mostly in the Western Europe timezone.
diff --git a/content/news/2013-05-27 Four Students to Work on GIMP During GSoC2013.md
b/content/news/2013-05-27 Four Students to Work on GIMP During GSoC2013.md
index 46495256..f76d872f 100644
--- a/content/news/2013-05-27 Four Students to Work on GIMP During GSoC2013.md
+++ b/content/news/2013-05-27 Four Students to Work on GIMP During GSoC2013.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Title: Four Students to Work on GIMP During GSoC2013 Program
+Title: Four Students to Work on GIMP During GSoC2013 Program
Date: 2013-05-27
Category: News
Authors: Alexandre Prokoudine
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Four students will be working on GIMP and GEGL this summer thanks to Google Summ
* Ajay Ramanathan will be working on a [combined selection
* Carlos Zubieta will be
[porting](http://google-melange.appspot.com/gsoc/project/google/gsoc2013/zurwolf/8001) GEGL operations to
* Simon Lui will improve support for [PSD in
GIMP](http://google-melange.appspot.com/gsoc/project/google/gsoc2013/crystallis/10001) (text layers as text
-* Marek Dvorožňák will add a new tool to deform an image objects in a way that they behave like real world
objects (see [YouTube demo](http://youtu.be/k3gN6aZWc-8)).
+* Marek Dvorožňák will add a new tool to deform an image objects in a way that they behave like real world
objects (see [YouTube demo](https://youtu.be/k3gN6aZWc-8)).
We are looking forward to the upcoming three months of exciting work with our new contributors.
diff --git a/content/news/2013-06-21 GIMP 2.8.6 Released.md b/content/news/2013-06-21 GIMP 2.8.6 Released.md
index e5bcc6f4..ed4d7419 100644
--- a/content/news/2013-06-21 GIMP 2.8.6 Released.md
+++ b/content/news/2013-06-21 GIMP 2.8.6 Released.md
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ Date: 2013-06-21
Category: News
Authors: Alexandre Prokoudine
-We just released GIMP 2.8.6! This is a release in the stable GIMP 2.8 series, featuring lots of bug fixes
and translation updates. For the complete list of changes please see the
[NEWS](http://git.gnome.org/browse/gimp/plain/NEWS?h=gimp-2-8) file.
+We just released GIMP 2.8.6! This is a release in the stable GIMP 2.8 series, featuring lots of bug fixes
and translation updates. For the complete list of changes please see the
[NEWS](https://git.gnome.org/browse/gimp/plain/NEWS?h=gimp-2-8) file.
diff --git a/content/news/2013-09-05 GIMP Magazine Four.md b/content/news/2013-09-05 GIMP Magazine Four.md
index 44aee157..a19970b4 100644
--- a/content/news/2013-09-05 GIMP Magazine Four.md
+++ b/content/news/2013-09-05 GIMP Magazine Four.md
@@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ Date: 2013-09-05
Category: News
Authors: Alexandre Prokoudine
-The fourth issue of [GIMP Magazine](http://gimpmagazine.org/) is now out and available as a digital
download, a printed copy, and an e-zine for iPad. In just a year the project got a huge following, and now
it'd a 100 pages large magazine with interviews, tutorials, a gallery section, and a graphic novel of its own.
+The fourth issue of [GIMP Magazine](https://gimpmagazine.org/) is now out and available as a digital
download, a printed copy, and an e-zine for iPad. In just a year the project got a huge following, and now
it'd a 100 pages large magazine with interviews, tutorials, a gallery section, and a graphic novel of its own.
Creating a full-fledged magazine takes a lot of time, so while GIMP Magazine is a free download, we kindly
suggest you to consider [premium options](http://gimpmagazine.magcloud.com/). That way you will ensure its
diff --git a/content/news/2013-09-23 Sponsoring Symmetric Painting Mode.md b/content/news/2013-09-23
Sponsoring Symmetric Painting Mode.md
index 4d7cfaf2..e8ee709b 100644
--- a/content/news/2013-09-23 Sponsoring Symmetric Painting Mode.md
+++ b/content/news/2013-09-23 Sponsoring Symmetric Painting Mode.md
@@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ Date: 2013-09-23
Category: News
Authors: Alexandre Prokoudine
-Jehan Pagès, one of our active contributors, started a personal [crowdfunding
campaign](http://funding.openinitiative.com/funding/1578/) to sponsor his work on symmetric painting in GIMP.
You can find more information in his
[blog](http://girinstud.io/news/2013/09/crowdfunding-proposal-for-symmetrymirror-painting-in-gimp/), and
there's a video of a proof-of-concept implementation on
[YouTube](http://girinstud.io/news/2013/09/crowdfunding-proposal-for-symmetrymirror-painting-in-gimp/). If
you care about GIMP as a tool for digital painting, supporting this project is likely to benefit your
+Jehan Pagès, one of our active contributors, started a personal [crowdfunding
campaign](http://funding.openinitiative.com/funding/1578/) to sponsor his work on symmetric painting in GIMP.
You can find more information in his
[blog](https://girinstud.io/news/2013/09/crowdfunding-proposal-for-symmetrymirror-painting-in-gimp/), and
there's a video of a proof-of-concept implementation on
[YouTube](https://girinstud.io/news/2013/09/crowdfunding-proposal-for-symmetrymirror-painting-in-gimp/). If
you care about GIMP as a tool for digital painting, supporting this project is likely to benefit your
While we are not ready for a full-fledged crowdfunding campaign for GIMP yet, we think that this kind of
focused campaigns, tailored for particular audiences, definitely have merit.
diff --git a/content/news/2013-10-04 GSOC2013 Results.md b/content/news/2013-10-04 GSOC2013 Results.md
index 8bee812e..30b47a5e 100644
--- a/content/news/2013-10-04 GSOC2013 Results.md
+++ b/content/news/2013-10-04 GSOC2013 Results.md
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Carlos Zubieta ported 13 GEGL operations to use GPU via OpenCL, and the gegl-ran
Simon Lui ported the PSD plug-in to use GEGL. GIMP is now capable of loading 16bit and 32bit per color
channel PSD files, saving those is a work in progress. The updated plug-in also reads additional data from
PSD files (text, slicing information, layer effects), but cannot use it yet: text support needs the relevant
API in GIMP, and layer effects and slicing aren't implemented in GIMP yet, so there's nothing to map the
information to as of now. His public report is
-Marek Dvorožňák implemented a new N-Point deformation tool that makes it possible to deform objects while
preserve shapes consistency. You can watch a [video demonstration](http://youtu.be/OmOyQyuiO_E) of the tool
on YouTube. The work is based on a ["As-Rigid-As-Possible Image Registration for Hand-drawn Cartoon
Animations"](http://dcgi.felk.cvut.cz/home/sykorad/Sykora09-NPAR.pdf) paper by Daniel Sykora et al.
+Marek Dvorožňák implemented a new N-Point deformation tool that makes it possible to deform objects while
preserve shapes consistency. You can watch a [video demonstration](https://youtu.be/OmOyQyuiO_E) of the tool
on YouTube. The work is based on a ["As-Rigid-As-Possible Image Registration for Hand-drawn Cartoon
Animations"](https://dcgi.felk.cvut.cz/home/sykorad/Sykora09-NPAR.pdf) paper by Daniel Sykora et al.
Finally, Ajay Ramanathan attempted to merge selection tools into a single tool selection with modes
(rectangular, ellipse, single row/column, N-side polygon selection modes).
diff --git a/content/news/2013-11-28 GIMP 2.8.10 Released.md b/content/news/2013-11-28 GIMP 2.8.10 Released.md
index 44180ed0..b2e8ad40 100644
--- a/content/news/2013-11-28 GIMP 2.8.10 Released.md
+++ b/content/news/2013-11-28 GIMP 2.8.10 Released.md
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ Date: 2013-11-28
Category: News
Authors: Alexandre Prokoudine
-We just released GIMP 2.8.10 ! This is a release in the stable GIMP 2.8 series. This release fixes a bug
that prevented older GIMP versions from running on OS X Mavericks. We also did some small adjustments to the
Save/Export code in order to make things a bit easier. For the complete list of changes please see the
[NEWS](http://git.gnome.org/browse/gimp/plain/NEWS?h=gimp-2-8) file.
+We just released GIMP 2.8.10 ! This is a release in the stable GIMP 2.8 series. This release fixes a bug
that prevented older GIMP versions from running on OS X Mavericks. We also did some small adjustments to the
Save/Export code in order to make things a bit easier. For the complete list of changes please see the
[NEWS](https://git.gnome.org/browse/gimp/plain/NEWS?h=gimp-2-8) file.
diff --git a/content/news/2013-11-28 GIMP Manual 2.8.1 Released.md b/content/news/2013-11-28 GIMP Manual
2.8.1 Released.md
index 2be9b4bb..e6b6e89e 100644
--- a/content/news/2013-11-28 GIMP Manual 2.8.1 Released.md
+++ b/content/news/2013-11-28 GIMP Manual 2.8.1 Released.md
@@ -12,6 +12,6 @@ We've released a new version of the user manual with:
Find the packages on our [FTP server](ftp://ftp.gimp.org/pub/gimp/help/).
-For easy installation we suggest that you wait until an installer for this release has been packaged for
your platform. Find more releases and information about our goals and how you can help at
+For easy installation we suggest that you wait until an installer for this release has been packaged for
your platform. Find more releases and information about our goals and how you can help at
-An additional bug fix release for GIMP 2.6 has been prepared as well:
[2.6.2](http://download.gimp.org/pub/gimp/help/gimp-help-2.6.2.tar.bz2). It contains content fixes and an
improved build system.
+An additional bug fix release for GIMP 2.6 has been prepared as well:
[2.6.2](https://download.gimp.org/pub/gimp/help/gimp-help-2.6.2.tar.bz2). It contains content fixes and an
improved build system.
diff --git a/content/news/2014-01-23 LGM2014.md b/content/news/2014-01-23 LGM2014.md
index 98ad5ee2..06f9c9fa 100644
--- a/content/news/2014-01-23 LGM2014.md
+++ b/content/news/2014-01-23 LGM2014.md
@@ -3,17 +3,17 @@ Date: 2014-01-23
Category: News
Authors: Michael Schumacher
-The [Libre Graphics Meeting](http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2014/) is a conference where artists, users,
developers, designers, contributors,... who use, plan, develop, play with, tamper with [free, libre and open
source graphics](http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2014/projects/) applications, libraries, concepts,...
+The [Libre Graphics Meeting](https://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2014/) is a conference where artists, users,
developers, designers, contributors,... who use, plan, develop, play with, tamper with [free, libre and open
source graphics](https://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2014/projects/) applications, libraries, concepts,...
It is an unparalleled opportunity for them to meet, talk, discuss, listen, experience and learn about their
favorite tools, the uses, the undiscovered potential, the new ideas that come with them
This year, Libre Graphics Meeting will happen at the University of Leipzig, April 2-5.
-The attendees arrive from all over the world—last year, [people from 26
countries](http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2014/about/) traveled to Madrid to attend. Maybe there will be
even more this year?
+The attendees arrive from all over the world—last year, [people from 26
countries](https://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2014/about/) traveled to Madrid to attend. Maybe there will be
even more this year?
You can help to make this happen—and many of you already did.
-We, the GIMP team, are covering the travel and accommodation expenses for our own team members, and we
contribute to the global LGM funds as well. These funds are used to [reimburse the travel
expenses](http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2014/reimbursement/) of contributors and speakers.
+We, the GIMP team, are covering the travel and accommodation expenses for our own team members, and we
contribute to the global LGM funds as well. These funds are used to [reimburse the travel
expenses](https://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2014/reimbursement/) of contributors and speakers.
Our contribution is possible due to your donations—many, many thanks for this, the return on investment from
such meetings for the projects is invaluable.
diff --git a/content/news/2014-05-13 Download Server Renamed.md b/content/news/2014-05-13 Download Server
index 1b9093a0..803f7394 100644
--- a/content/news/2014-05-13 Download Server Renamed.md
+++ b/content/news/2014-05-13 Download Server Renamed.md
@@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ Authors: Michael Schumacher
Heads-up if you are still accessing the downloads via ftp.gimp.org:
-The downloads server has been renamed to [download.gimp.org](http://download.gimp.org/), and it doesn't
support FTP anymore. If you have linked any file, installer package, source archive or directory with an
ftp://-Link, please change it to http://. The directory structure is unchanged.
+The downloads server has been renamed to [download.gimp.org](https://download.gimp.org/), and it doesn't
support FTP anymore. If you have linked any file, installer package, source archive or directory with an
ftp://-Link, please change it to https://. The directory structure is unchanged.
diff --git a/content/news/2014-08-14 GIMP Manual 2.8.2 released.md b/content/news/2014-08-14 GIMP Manual
2.8.2 released.md
index 9d6b506d..d792c503 100644
--- a/content/news/2014-08-14 GIMP Manual 2.8.2 released.md
+++ b/content/news/2014-08-14 GIMP Manual 2.8.2 released.md
@@ -8,6 +8,6 @@ A new version of the user manual has been released. Changes include:
* complete translation to Brazilian Portuguese
* many, many, many bugfixes
-You can click [here to download](http://download.gimp.org/pub/gimp/help/gimp-help-2.8.2.tar.bz2 "2.8.2") the
2.8.2 release package. This release provides only the sources to build the help used by the GIMP Help
browser. Find the packages on our [download server](http://download.gimp.org/pub/gimp/help/ "Link to Release
+You can click [here to download](https://download.gimp.org/pub/gimp/help/gimp-help-2.8.2.tar.bz2 "2.8.2")
the 2.8.2 release package. This release provides only the sources to build the help used by the GIMP Help
browser. Find the packages on our [download server](https://download.gimp.org/pub/gimp/help/ "Link to Release
-For easy installation we suggest that you wait until an installer for this release has been packaged for
your platform. Find more releases and information about our goals and how you can help at
[http://docs.gimp.org](http://docs.gimp.org "Documentation Project Page").
+For easy installation we suggest that you wait until an installer for this release has been packaged for
your platform. Find more releases and information about our goals and how you can help at
[https://docs.gimp.org](https://docs.gimp.org "Documentation Project Page").
diff --git a/content/news/2014-08-26 GIMP 2.8.14 Released.md b/content/news/2014-08-26 GIMP 2.8.14 Released.md
index 60d5e5a8..14049844 100644
--- a/content/news/2014-08-26 GIMP 2.8.14 Released.md
+++ b/content/news/2014-08-26 GIMP 2.8.14 Released.md
@@ -5,5 +5,4 @@ Authors: Wilber Gimp
Yesterday's 2.8.12 release had broken library versioning, so we had to roll out GIMP 2.8.14 today.
The only change is the fixed libtool versioning.
-Please do not distribute any binaries of yesterday's broken 2.8.12 release, and get GIMP 2.8.14 using the
+Please do not distribute any binaries of yesterday's broken 2.8.12 release, and get GIMP 2.8.14 using the
diff --git a/content/news/2014-09-02 Updated 2.8.14 installer for microsoft windows.md
b/content/news/2014-09-02 Updated 2.8.14 installer for microsoft windows.md
index 2862c0c7..7691a660 100644
--- a/content/news/2014-09-02 Updated 2.8.14 installer for microsoft windows.md
+++ b/content/news/2014-09-02 Updated 2.8.14 installer for microsoft windows.md
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-Title: Updated 2.8.14 Installer for Microsoft Windows
+Title: Updated 2.8.14 Installer for Microsoft Windows
Date: 2014-09-02
Category: News
Authors: Wilber Gimp
-We have released an [updated 2.8.14
([http](http://download.gimp.org/pub/gimp/v2.8/windows/gimp-2.8.14-setup-1.exe)) for Microsoft Windows. This
one fixes the [crash on window resize](https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=735507) and the [missing
icons](https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=735501) bugs - all by updating the included GTK+ library to
+We have released an [updated 2.8.14
([http](https://download.gimp.org/pub/gimp/v2.8/windows/gimp-2.8.14-setup-1.exe)) for Microsoft Windows. This
one fixes the [crash on window resize](https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=735507) and the [missing
icons](https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=735501) bugs - all by updating the included GTK+ library to
Still unsolved are the [missing spacing character](https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=735505) in the
zoom drop down and the [disappearing background](https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=735463) on high
zooms (updating the Pango and Cairo libraries that are didn't change anything there), investigations continue.
diff --git a/content/news/2014-11-19 GIMP Magazine Issue 6 released.md b/content/news/2014-11-19 GIMP
Magazine Issue 6 released.md
index 747dd5d9..6004a76e 100644
--- a/content/news/2014-11-19 GIMP Magazine Issue 6 released.md
+++ b/content/news/2014-11-19 GIMP Magazine Issue 6 released.md
@@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ Authors: Wilber Gimp
The newly released issue #6 of GIMP Magazine features a "Using GIMP for portrait and fashion photography"
master class by Aaron Tyree who uses GIMP professionally, and a gallery of other artworks and photos made or
processed with GIMP.
-The team is planning to switch to monthly releases, however they need your support to cover the costs of
publishing a free magazine. You can sponsor the project at [Patreon](http://www.patreon.com/gimpmagazine) or
visit the magazine's [gift shop](http://gimpmagazine.org/giftshop) to make a donation.
+The team is planning to switch to monthly releases, however they need your support to cover the costs of
publishing a free magazine. You can sponsor the project at [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/gimpmagazine) or
visit the magazine's [gift shop](http://gimpmagazine.org/giftshop) to make a donation.
diff --git a/content/news/2015-02-27 Libre Graphics Meeting 2015.md b/content/news/2015-02-27 Libre Graphics
Meeting 2015.md
index 237bb4aa..b9e8adf2 100644
--- a/content/news/2015-02-27 Libre Graphics Meeting 2015.md
+++ b/content/news/2015-02-27 Libre Graphics Meeting 2015.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Category: News
Authors: Michael Schumacher
Summary: Two months to go till Libre Graphics Meeting 2015 happens in Toronto, Canada. This conference is a
great place to meet the people who make and use free and open source graphics software.
-Two months to go till [Libre Graphics Meeting 2015](http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2015/) happens in
Toronto, Canada. This conference is a great place to meet the people who make and use free and open source
graphics software.
+Two months to go till [Libre Graphics Meeting 2015](https://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2015/) happens in
Toronto, Canada. This conference is a great place to meet the people who make and use free and open source
graphics software.
Participation is gratis and open to all. Every year, donations from supporters make it possible for LGM to
subsidize the travel costs of participants:
diff --git a/content/news/2015-05-05 ZeMarmot.md b/content/news/2015-05-05 ZeMarmot.md
index 06dd0812..3c4119c8 100644
--- a/content/news/2015-05-05 ZeMarmot.md
+++ b/content/news/2015-05-05 ZeMarmot.md
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ Category: News
Authors: Alexandre Prokoudine
Summary: During Libre Graphics Meeting 2015 last week in Toronto our very own Jehan Pagès announced a new
open animated movie project, ZeMarmot.
-During Libre Graphics Meeting 2015 last week in Toronto our very own Jehan Pagès announced a new open
animated movie project, [ZeMarmot](http://film.zemarmot.net/en/). It's a road movie with a marmot as
+During Libre Graphics Meeting 2015 last week in Toronto our very own Jehan Pagès announced a new open
animated movie project, [ZeMarmot](https://film.zemarmot.net/en/). It's a road movie with a marmot as
-The team will be using just free/libre applications for the production: GIMP,
[Blender](http://www.blender.org/), [Ardour](http://ardour.org), and a few others. Jehan will also resume his
work on animation features in GIMP, extend OpenRaster file format to support animation, and improve Blender's
non-linear video editor as much as he can.
+The team will be using just free/libre applications for the production: GIMP,
[Blender](https://www.blender.org/), [Ardour](http://ardour.org), and a few others. Jehan will also resume
his work on animation features in GIMP, extend OpenRaster file format to support animation, and improve
Blender's non-linear video editor as much as he can.
You can [support the
campaign](https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/zemarmot-libre-movie-made-with-free-software/) at IndieGoGo.
diff --git a/content/news/2015-05-27 Sourceforge.md b/content/news/2015-05-27 Sourceforge.md
index 08fa5fd4..90f69602 100644
--- a/content/news/2015-05-27 Sourceforge.md
+++ b/content/news/2015-05-27 Sourceforge.md
@@ -4,15 +4,15 @@ Category: News
Authors: Wilber
Summary: We are receiving reports that people who get to SourceForge for GIMP installers for Windows receive
small installers that include additional software.
-Some of you might remember that in November 2013, [we abandoned
(SF) as the primary download site for the GIMP installers for Windows platforms and moved the files to our
own download server, [download.gimp.org](http://download.gimp.org)
+Some of you might remember that in November 2013, [we abandoned
(SF) as the primary download site for the GIMP installers for Windows platforms and moved the files to our
own download server, [download.gimp.org](https://download.gimp.org)
The tons of links on the web pointing to the former site made keeping the installers there as well a
necessity, though, and since SF claimed that our outrage over their "installer with benefits" was based on a
[misunderstanding](https://sourceforge.net/blog/advertising-bundling-community-and-criticism/), this seemed
to be a low-risk approach.
However we are [receiving
reports](https://mail.gnome.org/archives/gimp-developer-list/2015-May/msg00097.html) that people who get
there by chance receive small installers that include additional software. And it's no clicks on those 'big
green download arrow' ads this time, we've tried ourselves. SF has not responded to our inquiry yet, and we
found that the maintainer of the GIMP for Windows installers is locked out of that SF project now.
And now SF is launching an attempt at [damage
-Ars Technica has a [nice
with [insightful
+Ars Technica has a [nice
with [insightful
Please go to our own [downloads page](/downloads/ "... it adjusts to your platform") to get the GIMP for
Windows installers.
diff --git a/content/news/2015-06-04 GEGL BABL.md b/content/news/2015-06-04 GEGL BABL.md
index bb77321c..bdfe5680 100644
--- a/content/news/2015-06-04 GEGL BABL.md
+++ b/content/news/2015-06-04 GEGL BABL.md
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Another focus of this release was performance: OpenCL support is now enabled by
GEGL's website now features a [gallery](http://gegl.org/operations.html#GEGL%20operations) of available
operations and an [API browser](http://gegl.org/operations.html#Gegl).
-This release of GEGL was brought to you through contributions from 92 people.
-Respective source code downloads are available on gimp.org: [babl
0.1.12](http://download.gimp.org/pub/babl/0.1/), [GEGL 0.3.0](http://download.gimp.org/pub/gegl/0.3/).
+This release of GEGL was brought to you through contributions from 92 people.
+Respective source code downloads are available on gimp.org: [babl
0.1.12](https://download.gimp.org/pub/babl/0.1/), [GEGL 0.3.0](https://download.gimp.org/pub/gegl/0.3/).
-There is still a lot of work to be done. If you are interested to contribute ports of GIMP filters to GEGL
or entirely new GEGL operations, please visit [our
wiki](http://wiki.gimp.org/wiki/Hacking:Porting_filters_to_GEGL) and join #gegl on irc.gimp.net.
+There is still a lot of work to be done. If you are interested to contribute ports of GIMP filters to GEGL
or entirely new GEGL operations, please visit [our
wiki](https://wiki.gimp.org/wiki/Hacking:Porting_filters_to_GEGL) and join #gegl on irc.gimp.net.
diff --git a/content/news/2015-11-18 20-years-of-gimp.md b/content/news/2015-11-18 20-years-of-gimp.md
index 703936f6..283fd08b 100644
--- a/content/news/2015-11-18 20-years-of-gimp.md
+++ b/content/news/2015-11-18 20-years-of-gimp.md
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ This week the GIMP project celebrates its 20th anniversary.
Back in 1995, University of California students, Peter Mattis and Spencer Kimball, were members of the
eXperimental Computing Facility, a Berkeley campus organization of undergraduate students enthusiastic about
computers and programming. In June of that year, the two hinted at their intentions to write a free graphical
image manipulation program as a means of giving back to the free software community.
-On November 21st, 20 years ago today, Peter Mattis [announced the
availability](/about/prehistory.html#november-1995-an-announcement) of the "General Image Manipulation
Program" on Usenet (later on, the acronym would be redefined to stand for the "GNU Image Manipulation
+On November 21st, 20 years ago today, Peter Mattis [announced the
availability](/about/prehistory.html#november-1995-an-announcement) of the "General Image Manipulation
Program" on Usenet (later on, the acronym would be redefined to stand for the "GNU Image Manipulation
<img src='{filename}./images/201512birthday_975.png' alt='Wilber Birthday Strip'/>
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ On November 21st, 20 years ago today, Peter Mattis [announced the availability](
Since its public release the project has been evolving in many ways as a testbed for new ideas, which was
considerably assisted by adding plug-in architecture. Over the years, GIMP amassed a huge amount of new
features designed for all kinds of users and practical applications: general image editing, retouching and
color grading, digital painting, graphic design, science imaging etc.
-Between 2006 and 2012, the team collaborated with Peter Sikking of _man+machine works_ to define [product
vision](http://gui.gimp.org/index.php/GIMP_UI_Redesign#product_vision) and improve user experience. Thanks to
this collaboration GIMP's user interface has become more conventional for professional users, and various
tools have become more powerful and easy to use. But more importantly, we got a much better idea how to
design good interfaces.
+Between 2006 and 2012, the team collaborated with Peter Sikking of _man+machine works_ to define [product
vision](https://gui.gimp.org/index.php/GIMP_UI_Redesign#product_vision) and improve user experience. Thanks
to this collaboration GIMP's user interface has become more conventional for professional users, and various
tools have become more powerful and easy to use. But more importantly, we got a much better idea how to
design good interfaces.
In the past several years we've been working hard on porting GIMP to a newer image processing engine called
GEGL. The switch to GEGL made us rewrite or at least tweak pretty much every part of GIMP's source code.
Fortunately, this work is nearing completion, and you'll soon be able to benefit from all the changes that
it's bringing.
@@ -26,12 +26,12 @@ To celebrate the 20th anniversary, we released an update of the current stable v
Our immediate future plans are to release first public version in the unstable 2.9.x series that will
feature fully functional GEGL port, 16/32bit per channel processing, basic OpenEXR support, vastly improved
color management implementation, new tools, on-canvas preview for many filters, and more. This release will
encompass over three years of work and become the first milestone towards 2.10.
-Following v2.10 release, we shall complete the GTK+3 port that is required to bring back state of the art
Wacom support for Windows users. When it's done and GIMP 3.0 is out, we shall finally be able to get started
on some very exciting and much anticipated features like non-destructive editing. Please refer to
[Roadmap](http://wiki.gimp.org/wiki/Roadmap) for more details.
+Following v2.10 release, we shall complete the GTK+3 port that is required to bring back state of the art
Wacom support for Windows users. When it's done and GIMP 3.0 is out, we shall finally be able to get started
on some very exciting and much anticipated features like non-destructive editing. Please refer to
[Roadmap](https://wiki.gimp.org/wiki/Roadmap) for more details.
## New website
-In conjunction with the 20th anniversary we have updated and revamped the website.
-The vast majority of the work on the new website was done by [Pat David](http://blog.patdavid.net/).
+In conjunction with the 20th anniversary we have updated and revamped the website.
+The vast majority of the work on the new website was done by [Pat David](https://blog.patdavid.net/).
The update (*finally*) includes some much needed improvements such as [news items] with permalinks and [full
RSS/Atom feeds][].
The site is also now responsive to adapt to various screen sizes.
diff --git a/content/news/2015-11-26 GIMP 2.9.2.md b/content/news/2015-11-26 GIMP 2.9.2.md
index 3a125aaf..a84c67f5 100644
--- a/content/news/2015-11-26 GIMP 2.9.2.md
+++ b/content/news/2015-11-26 GIMP 2.9.2.md
@@ -97,11 +97,11 @@ There are still some parts of GIMP like color choosers that need to become color
We have introduced some important changes to blending modes.
-**Overlay** mode is not identical to **Soft Light** mode anymore and finally relies on a widely used formula
from both PDF specification, as well as W3C's ["Compositing and Blending Level
1"](http://www.w3.org/TR/compositing-1/) spec.
+**Overlay** mode is not identical to **Soft Light** mode anymore and finally relies on a widely used formula
from both PDF specification, as well as W3C's ["Compositing and Blending Level
1"](https://www.w3.org/TR/compositing-1/) spec.
When opening legacy XCF files, GIMP will automatically map the old Overlay mode to the Soft Light during
compositing to preserve the rendering of your old artwork. For all newly created layers with Overlay mode the
new formula will be used instead.
-In addition to HSV-based Hue, Saturation, Chroma, and Value modes GIMP now features their CIE LCH based
counterparts: Hue, Chroma, Color, and Lightness. Elle Stone provided a [nice
example](http://ninedegreesbelow.com/photography/gimp-lch-blend-modes.html) of using them to post-process
+In addition to HSV-based Hue, Saturation, Chroma, and Value modes GIMP now features their CIE LCH based
counterparts: Hue, Chroma, Color, and Lightness. Elle Stone provided a [nice
example](https://ninedegreesbelow.com/photography/gimp-lch-blend-modes.html) of using them to post-process
Contributors are Rupert Weber, Jörn Meier, Massimo Valentini, Elle Stone, Thomas Manni.
diff --git a/content/news/2015-12-03 LGM2016 Participation Call.md b/content/news/2015-12-03 LGM2016
Participation Call.md
index 0b79c6de..a451ff89 100644
--- a/content/news/2015-12-03 LGM2016 Participation Call.md
+++ b/content/news/2015-12-03 LGM2016 Participation Call.md
@@ -5,19 +5,19 @@ Authors: Alexandre Prokoudine
Slug: lgm-2016-call-for-participation
Summary: On April 15—18, Libre Graphics Meeting 2016 conference is taking place in London. We invite you to
attend it and meet developers of free graphics software, lead a workshop, or participate in one.
-On April 15—18, the [Libre Graphics Meeting 2016](http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2016/) conference is
taking place in London.
+On April 15—18, the [Libre Graphics Meeting 2016](https://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2016/) conference is
taking place in London.
We invite you to attend and meet developers of free graphics software, lead a workshop, or participate in
-The GIMP team and Libre Graphics Meeting (LGM) go way back.
+The GIMP team and Libre Graphics Meeting (LGM) go way back.
In 2005, annual meetings of GIMP developers branched out to a new conference that embraced developers of
free software, graphic and type designers, photographers, and 3D artists. That conference was LGM.
Ever since then we attend the event every year to hold project meetings, talk to fellow developers from
other libre projects, and get inspired by the work that you, our end-users, present.
-If you are a GIMP user with outstanding skills in graphic design, painting, illustration, or photography, we
encourage you to attend LGM 2016 and do a GIMP workshop.
-Please use [this submission form](http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2016/submit-proposal/) to send a proposal.
+If you are a GIMP user with outstanding skills in graphic design, painting, illustration, or photography, we
encourage you to attend LGM 2016 and do a GIMP workshop.
+Please use [this submission form](https://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2016/submit-proposal/) to send a proposal.
Submission deadline is **January 10, 2016**.
-There are, of course, more formats for active participation: longer and shorter talks, hackathons, Bird of a
Feather meetings, etc.
-You can learn more about those from the [press
+There are, of course, more formats for active participation: longer and shorter talks, hackathons, Bird of a
Feather meetings, etc.
+You can learn more about those from the [press
We'll be excited to meet you in person!
diff --git a/content/news/2015-12-31 2015-report.md b/content/news/2015-12-31 2015-report.md
index 7563da0f..7bb0a4e3 100644
--- a/content/news/2015-12-31 2015-report.md
+++ b/content/news/2015-12-31 2015-report.md
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Elle Stone added decomposition and composition of images to/from [CIE LCH](https
Rupert Weber, Jörn Meier, Massimo Valentini, Elle Stone, Thomas Manni, and Michael Natterer introduced a few
improvements to the blending modes:
* The _Overlay_ mode is not identical to _Soft Light_ mode anymore and relies on a widely used formula from
both PDF AND W3C's “Compositing and Blending Level 1” specification now.
-* There are _CIE LCH_ based version of _Hue_, _Chroma_, _Color_, and _Lightness_ blending modes available
now in addition to their _HSV_ based versions. See an [explanation by Elle
Stone](http://ninedegreesbelow.com/photography/gimp-lch-blend-modes.html) for details.
+* There are _CIE LCH_ based version of _Hue_, _Chroma_, _Color_, and _Lightness_ blending modes available
now in addition to their _HSV_ based versions. See an [explanation by Elle
Stone](https://ninedegreesbelow.com/photography/gimp-lch-blend-modes.html) for details.
Another development focus was on painting features. As requested by people using GIMP for digital painting,
Jehan Pagès and Michael Natterer added the automatic saving of used colors into a new _Color History_
palette. The palette is also part of the color selection dialog and the FG/BG dockable dialog.
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ Additionally, Michael Natterer added canvas flipping that nicely complements can
We also improved support for various file formats:
-* Tobias Ellinghaus from the [darktable](http://www.darktable.org/) team made the EXR loading color-managed
by generating an ICC profile from the embedded white point and chromaticities on the fly, assuming linear
gamma images.
+* Tobias Ellinghaus from the [darktable](https://www.darktable.org/) team made the EXR loading color-managed
by generating an ICC profile from the embedded white point and chromaticities on the fly, assuming linear
gamma images.
* ShadowKyogre, Massimo Valentini, and Michael Natterer fixed several existing bugs in the PSD plugin and
improved support for PSD files with greater than 8-bit depth precision.
* Mukund Sivaraman and Tobias Ellinghaus added the reading and writing of
[PFM](http://www.pauldebevec.com/Research/HDR/PFM/) (portable floatmap) files commonly used in HDR imaging.
* Joao S. O. Bueno implemented exporting and loading group layers in OpenRaster files—a new feature in
upcoming MyPaint 1.2.0.
@@ -53,16 +53,16 @@ We also improved support for various file formats:
<figcaption>Adjusting exposure of a 32-bit float PFM file</figcaption>
-The next development focus was on GIMP's visual identity.
+The next development focus was on GIMP's visual identity.
Benoit Touchette, Michael Natterer, and Jehan Pagès added the ability to switch between icon themes. GIMP
now ships with an optional symbolic icon theme originally created by Barbara Muraus with contributions from
Jakub Steiner, and Klaus Staedtler.
-Benoit Touchette also added an experimental dark theme that should work better for people who work on
hi-color images. GIMP also ships a negative version of the symbolic icon theme to go with the dark theme.
+Benoit Touchette also added an experimental dark theme that should work better for people who work on
hi-color images. GIMP also ships a negative version of the symbolic icon theme to go with the dark theme.
<img src='{filename}./images/2015-report/2015-12-31-dark-theme.jpg' alt='Editing a photo in GIMP with a dark
theme enabled' />
<figcaption>Editing a photo in GIMP with a dark theme enabled. Photo courtesy by Pat David</figcaption>
Michael Natterer revisited the screenshot plug-in's source code. It is now easier to add support for new
screenshooting backends (Windows, Wayland etc.).
@@ -76,10 +76,10 @@ Michael also merged, improved, and marked as experimental another new tool, _N-P
<iframe width="979" height="734" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/OmOyQyuiO_E?rel=0" frameborder="0"
-[GEGL](http://gegl.org) 0.3.0, released in June, featured over 70 new filters/operations, as well as
experimental multithreading and mipmaps support. We do not extensively use mipmaps in GIMP yet, but this will
change in the coming releases. Further GEGL updates released this year reintroduced the loading and saving of
video frames via [FFmpeg](http://ffmpeg.org), various optimizations, and more new operations, such as
[libraw](http://www.libraw.org) based operation for loading RAW images (not yet exposed in GIMP).
+[GEGL](http://gegl.org) 0.3.0, released in June, featured over 70 new filters/operations, as well as
experimental multithreading and mipmaps support. We do not extensively use mipmaps in GIMP yet, but this will
change in the coming releases. Further GEGL updates released this year reintroduced the loading and saving of
video frames via [FFmpeg](https://ffmpeg.org), various optimizations, and more new operations, such as
[libraw](https://www.libraw.org) based operation for loading RAW images (not yet exposed in GIMP).
Most of the work we did this year is available in v2.9.2, the first development release in 2.9.x series made
in late November. Improved MyPaint Brush tool and visual changes (icon themes, dark theme) will be available
in upcoming v2.9.4 release.
We expect to continue finalizing the GEGL port and the existing feature set in 2016. There are two branches
with new features to review, but other than that we do not expect any major changes in the 2.9.x series of
-Last but not least, we owe a great debt to [Pat David](https://pixls.us/) for redesigning and launching our
new website for the 20th anniversary of the project that we celebrated in November.
\ No newline at end of file
+Last but not least, we owe a great debt to [Pat David](https://pixls.us/) for redesigning and launching our
new website for the 20th anniversary of the project that we celebrated in November.
diff --git a/content/news/2016-01-12 LGM/index.md b/content/news/2016-01-12 LGM/index.md
index 9735a0b3..0e1b2740 100644
--- a/content/news/2016-01-12 LGM/index.md
+++ b/content/news/2016-01-12 LGM/index.md
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-Title: Libre Graphics Meeting 2016
+Title: Libre Graphics Meeting 2016
Date: 2016-01-12
Category: News
Authors: Pat David
Summary: Join us April 15-18 at the 11th annual Libre Graphics Meeting being hosted by Westminster School of
Media Arts and Design in London, UK! Come and meet developers of free graphics software, participate in a
workshop, and collaborate with other visual artists who choose to work in free software.
<a class='pledgieRight' href='https://pledgie.com/campaigns/30935'><img alt='Click here to lend your support
to: Libre Graphics Meeting 2016 - London and make a donation at pledgie.com !'
src='https://pledgie.com/campaigns/30935.png?skin_name=chrome' border='0' ></a>
-_Join us_ **April 15-18** at the 11th annual [**Libre Graphics Meeting**][lgm] (LGM) hosted by the
[Westminster School of Media Arts and Design][westminster], University of Westminster, in London, UK.
+_Join us_ **April 15-18** at the 11th annual [**Libre Graphics Meeting**][lgm] (LGM) hosted by the
[Westminster School of Media Arts and Design][westminster], University of Westminster, in London, UK.
Come and meet developers of free graphics software, participate in a workshop, or collaborate with other
visual artists who choose to work in [free software][].
@@ -24,10 +24,10 @@ This year the host is the [Westminster School of Media Arts and Design][westmins
<img src='{filename}UoW-logo.jpg' alt='University of Westminster Logo' width='326' height='78' />
-Harrow Campus
-Watford Road
-Northwick Park
+Harrow Campus
+Watford Road
+Northwick Park
<div class='fluid-video' markdown=1>
@@ -39,16 +39,16 @@ LGM has a [Pledgie campaign][pledgie] running to assist with travel costs for pa
<a href='https://pledgie.com/campaigns/30935'><img alt='Click here to lend your support to: Libre Graphics
Meeting 2016 - London and make a donation at pledgie.com !'
src='https://pledgie.com/campaigns/30935.png?skin_name=chrome' border='0' ></a>
-Funds from their Pledgie go towards helping contributors from all around the world converge at the meeting
to share and present their work with others.
+Funds from their Pledgie go towards helping contributors from all around the world converge at the meeting
to share and present their work with others.
### Special Focus: Other Dimensions
For the 2016 edition of LGM, they are looking at a different aspect of Libre Graphics, [*Other
-> For the 2016 edition of LGM we continue speculating and will expand Libre Graphics into Other Dimensions.
-We are looking for presentations and workshops that explore the dimensions of space and material: 3D
modelling and animation, Libre architecture, Open Source product design and other fields of digital making
and manufacture.
-We are also seeking contributions that offer reflections on the ‘other dimensions’ of open source
communities and that engage with FLOSS tools in various contexts including but not limited to teaching,
learning, practice and co-production.
+> For the 2016 edition of LGM we continue speculating and will expand Libre Graphics into Other Dimensions.
+We are looking for presentations and workshops that explore the dimensions of space and material: 3D
modelling and animation, Libre architecture, Open Source product design and other fields of digital making
and manufacture.
+We are also seeking contributions that offer reflections on the ‘other dimensions’ of open source
communities and that engage with FLOSS tools in various contexts including but not limited to teaching,
learning, practice and co-production.
This represents a desire to address the future sustainability of the Libre Graphics movement, through a
growth of the core projects and topics that will, we hope, allow us to welcome more and more FLOSS projects
and participants to our community.
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ Over 10 years ago the annual meetings of GIMP developers branched out to LGM, an
It's an opportunity to hold project meetings, talk to fellow contributors to other libre projects, and to
get inspired by the work that you, our users, create.
At the 2014 LGM in Leipzig, Germany, members of the GIMP team were cornered for a few moments to capture
some portraits.
-Here are just _some_ of the faces you might get to see at LGM 2016!
+Here are just _some_ of the faces you might get to see at LGM 2016!
<img src='{filename}GIMP-team.jpg' alt='GIMP team montage image by Pat David'/>
@@ -73,9 +73,9 @@ If you'd like an opportunity to show off your work, come check out others awesom
We'll be excited to meet you in person!
-[lgm]: http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2016/ "Libre Graphics Meeting"
+[lgm]: https://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2016/ "Libre Graphics Meeting"
[westminster]: https://www.westminster.ac.uk/ "University of Westminster"
[free software]: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.en.html "Free Software Definition"
[pledgie]: https://pledgie.com/campaigns/30935 "LGM Pledgie Campaign"
-[other-dim]: http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2016/call-for-participation/
+[other-dim]: https://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2016/call-for-participation/
[bof]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birds_of_a_feather_%28computing%29
diff --git a/content/news/2016-01-28 GEGL-OpenCL Project by StreamComputing.md b/content/news/2016-01-28
GEGL-OpenCL Project by StreamComputing.md
index 608e5aca..aa68bb7b 100644
--- a/content/news/2016-01-28 GEGL-OpenCL Project by StreamComputing.md
+++ b/content/news/2016-01-28 GEGL-OpenCL Project by StreamComputing.md
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Authors: Alexandre Prokoudine
Slug: gegl-opencl-streamcomputing
Summary: This week, StreamComputing launches an educational initiative that aims to get more developers to
study and use OpenCL in their projects. Within this project, up to 20 collaborators will port as many GEGL
operations to OpenCL as possible.
-This week, StreamComputing launches an [educational initiative](http://opencl.org) that aims to get more
developers to study and use OpenCL in their projects. Within this project, up to 20 collaborators will [port
as many GEGL operations to OpenCL](http://wiki.gimp.org/wiki/Hacking:Porting_filters_to_GEGL) as possible.
+This week, StreamComputing launches an [educational initiative](http://opencl.org) that aims to get more
developers to study and use OpenCL in their projects. Within this project, up to 20 collaborators will [port
as many GEGL operations to OpenCL](https://wiki.gimp.org/wiki/Hacking:Porting_filters_to_GEGL) as possible.
Vincent Hindriksen and Adel Johar who organize this project seek a way for the group to educate themselves.
One of the ways is to gamify the porting by benchmarking the kernels and defining winners, and another way is
to optimize kernels within StreamComputing to push the limits. Victor Oliveira, who wrote most of the OpenCL
code in GEGL, joined the GEGL-OpenCL project to advise.
@@ -13,6 +13,6 @@ So far 7 participants have joined the project, so if you are interested in learn
All work is being done on [GitHub](https://github.com/OpenCL/GEGL-OpenCL) (check out the project's
description there for information on porting and benchmarking). The communication between participants is
taking place in a [dedicated Slack channel](https://gegl-opencl.slack.com) (request an invite from Vincent or
[Adel](mailto:adeljo hotmail com)).
-[StreamComputing](http://streamcomputing.eu) is a Dutch software development company that provides training
and consulting services in the area of GPU programming and parallel processing.
+[StreamComputing](https://streamcomputing.eu) is a Dutch software development company that provides training
and consulting services in the area of GPU programming and parallel processing.
[GEGL](http://gegl.org) is a free/libre graph based image processing framework used by GIMP, GNOME Photos,
and other free software projects.
diff --git a/content/news/2016-03-14 GEGL 0.3.6.md b/content/news/2016-03-14 GEGL 0.3.6.md
index fccdc63e..21bed36a 100644
--- a/content/news/2016-03-14 GEGL 0.3.6.md
+++ b/content/news/2016-03-14 GEGL 0.3.6.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Summary: Last weekend, we released a new version of GEGL, graph based image proc
Last weekend, we released a new version of [GEGL](http://gegl.org/), graph based image processing framework
used by GIMP and other free/libre graphics applications. Here are some of the most important changes.
-There are two new operations: Saturation (works in both CIE LAB and CIE LCH color spaces) and the port of
GIMP's Selective Gaussian Blur filter. The operations for loading and saving video frames have been updated
to work with FFmpeg 3.0. We also disabled the dcraw-based operation for loading raw images by default: the
[LibRaw](http://www.libraw.org/)-based operation does the job just as well and provides a better API.
+There are two new operations: Saturation (works in both CIE LAB and CIE LCH color spaces) and the port of
GIMP's Selective Gaussian Blur filter. The operations for loading and saving video frames have been updated
to work with FFmpeg 3.0. We also disabled the dcraw-based operation for loading raw images by default: the
[LibRaw](https://www.libraw.org/)-based operation does the job just as well and provides a better API.
Additionally, there have been some improvements in the 'gegl' binary: now you can change graph composition
(namely, connect buffers to aux and other input pads) via the command line, and when a project is loaded for
viewing, you can zoom in/out at cursor position on scroll wheel events. Moreover, you can now specify
properties of operations on the command line, e.g.:
@@ -15,6 +15,6 @@ Additionally, there have been some improvements in the 'gegl' binary: now you ca
Among general improvements, copy-on-write handling for the gegl_buffer_clear function is now available. This
should make clearing of buffers an initially cheaper and faster operation, with the actual allocation of tile
memory (copying) amortised over subsequent pixel data writes to the buffer.
-GEGL 0.3.6 is available at [download.gimp.org](http://download.gimp.org/pub/gegl/0.3/).
+GEGL 0.3.6 is available at [download.gimp.org](https://download.gimp.org/pub/gegl/0.3/).
-There are still many GIMP filters to be [rewritten as GEGL
operations](http://wiki.gimp.org/wiki/Hacking:Porting_filters_to_GEGL). Contributions are welcome!
\ No newline at end of file
+There are still many GIMP filters to be [rewritten as GEGL
operations](https://wiki.gimp.org/wiki/Hacking:Porting_filters_to_GEGL). Contributions are welcome!
diff --git a/content/news/2016-03-17 Corrupt Windows Installer Warnings.md b/content/news/2016-03-17 Corrupt
Windows Installer Warnings.md
index 8ffcad61..26007f13 100644
--- a/content/news/2016-03-17 Corrupt Windows Installer Warnings.md
+++ b/content/news/2016-03-17 Corrupt Windows Installer Warnings.md
@@ -5,11 +5,11 @@ Authors: Michael Schumacher
Slug: corrupt-windows-installer-warnings
Summary: The Windows installer packages for GIMP 2.8.16 are reported as corrupt when downloaded with the
Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer 11 browsers. This is due to a policy by Microsoft.
-For the past few weeks, we have been receiving reports that some users can't download our [installer
packages](http://www.gimp.org/downloads/) for the Microsoft Windows platforms. Microsoft Edge and Internet
Explorer 11 [mark them as
and discourage users from running them.
+For the past few weeks, we have been receiving reports that some users can't download our [installer
packages](https://www.gimp.org/downloads/) for the Microsoft Windows platforms. Microsoft Edge and Internet
Explorer 11 [mark them as
and discourage users from running them.
Turns out this is a policy change by Microsoft, gone into effect on January 1, 2016. The new policy affects
all kinds of security certificates as of specific deadlines, and this includes code signing certificates.
Jernej Simončič, who creates the Windows installer packages, signs them to make their authenticity
verifiable. But the way this signature is done is no longer considered safe by Microsoft, and there are
justified technical reasons for that.
-Administrators and users of Microsoft Windows systems are well advised to make themselves familiar with the
implications of this policy; the TechNet article on the subject is available at [Windows Enforcement of
Authenticode Code Signing and
+Administrators and users of Microsoft Windows systems are well advised to make themselves familiar with the
implications of this policy; the TechNet article on the subject is available at [Windows Enforcement of
Authenticode Code Signing and
We are working to resolve the issue — this requires a more recent code-signing certificate and signing the
installer packages with it. Stay tuned for updates.
diff --git a/content/news/2016-05-05 Tutorials Revamp.md b/content/news/2016-05-05 Tutorials Revamp.md
index 09b667b1..0fa5a8a3 100644
--- a/content/news/2016-05-05 Tutorials Revamp.md
+++ b/content/news/2016-05-05 Tutorials Revamp.md
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ It was [true in 1998][cool] and is still just as true today. Possibly more so.
[cool]: https://www.w3.org/Provider/Style/URI.html
-This means that if there were any links to the previous tutorials they will still work. They are still at
the same URL they had always been. What we _did_ change was the listing of [tutorials on the index
+This means that if there were any links to the previous tutorials they will still work. They are still at
the same URL they had always been. What we _did_ change was the listing of [tutorials on the index
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Which is where you, the community, comes in! If you were looking for a way to co
<small><sup>*</sup>Of course, if you _do_ feel up to coding we'd [love to hear from you too][]!</small>
-[love to hear from you too]: http://testing.gimp.org/develop/
+[love to hear from you too]: https://testing.gimp.org/develop/
There's usually helpful team members around who can guide you with both ideas and content if needed.
We have a tutorial [template][tt], and you can find the markdown file used to generate it [in git][].
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ We can use tutorials of all types and skill levels, so don't feel intimidated by
Speaking of tutorials, [Elle Stone][] has just [published a new tutorial][tut] on doing some simple tone
mapping and shadow recovery of images using high bit depth GIMP and the GEGL _Exposure_ operation.
-[Elle Stone]: http://ninedegreesbelow.com/
+[Elle Stone]: https://ninedegreesbelow.com/
[tut]: /tutorials/Tone_Mapping_Using_GIMP_Levels/
diff --git a/content/news/2016-05-23 Documentation Update Call.md b/content/news/2016-05-23 Documentation
Update Call.md
index 339e964e..88297425 100644
--- a/content/news/2016-05-23 Documentation Update Call.md
+++ b/content/news/2016-05-23 Documentation Update Call.md
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ For the past several months we've already been working on GIMP mostly in bugfix
## What Needs Doing
-* **Updating the content.** There have been a lot of changes since 2.8. For quite a while, we've been
maintaining a structured [list of changes in 2.10](http://wiki.gimp.org/wiki/Release:2.10_changelog)
specifically to assist technical writers in updating the user manual.
+* **Updating the content.** There have been a lot of changes since 2.8. For quite a while, we've been
maintaining a structured [list of changes in 2.10](https://wiki.gimp.org/wiki/Release:2.10_changelog)
specifically to assist technical writers in updating the user manual.
* **Translating the content.** At some point we'd like to "freeze" the documentation so that translators
could start updating localized versions of the user manual. Since GIMP is [hosted at
GNOME](https://git.gnome.org/browse/gimp-help-2/), you would have to contact your local [GNOME
translation](https://wiki.gnome.org/TranslationProject) team to get involved.
* **Resurrecting PDF builds.** Years ago we chose DocBook/XML as a way to build both web (HTML) and
printable (PDF) copies of the user manual from a single source. Unfortunately, there appear to be some issues
with building PDF files presently. Someone would have to investigate, what's causing this, and act
* **Adding Search to the Online Docs.** We've heard a number of requests to add basic search to the online
docs. If you have an idea how to do that, please contact us.
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ Technical documentation on hacking on the user manual is [available](https://git
The primary communication environment for all things documentation in the project is the
[gimp-docs@](https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gimp-docs-list) mailing list. We encourage you to talk
to fellow team members publicly about which part of the documentation you are hacking on. This is because
efficient collaborative effort requires full transparence.
-If you have technical questions about features in GIMP 2.10, you can use either gimp-docs@ mailing list or
join the [IRC channel](http://www.gimp.org/irc.html), ask your question, and stick around for the answer.
+If you have technical questions about features in GIMP 2.10, you can use either gimp-docs@ mailing list or
join the [IRC channel](https://www.gimp.org/irc.html), ask your question, and stick around for the answer.
We do not yet have an estimated time of arrival for GIMP 2.10, but there's only so much time we can spend on
completing this release before we can move to the next development cycle.
diff --git a/content/news/2016-06-05 Window Resize Crash Fixed.md b/content/news/2016-06-05 Window Resize
Crash Fixed.md
index e95e5a11..5d63862a 100644
--- a/content/news/2016-06-05 Window Resize Crash Fixed.md
+++ b/content/news/2016-06-05 Window Resize Crash Fixed.md
@@ -7,4 +7,4 @@ Summary: With the past few releases, users on the 32-bit versions of Microsoft W
With the past few releases, users on the 32-bit versions of Microsoft Windows platforms were plagued by an
annoying bug — [resizing a window crashed GIMP](https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=759602). We
believe this to be fixed, and have released an updated installer.
-The crash was caused by a problem in [libpixman](http://www.pixman.org), and is fixed in current version of
this library. This has been packaged, so if you were suffering from this issue, you can get an updated
installer from our [downloads page](http://www.gimp.org/downloads/).
+The crash was caused by a problem in [libpixman](http://www.pixman.org), and is fixed in current version of
this library. This has been packaged, so if you were suffering from this issue, you can get an updated
installer from our [downloads page](https://www.gimp.org/downloads/).
diff --git a/content/news/2016-06-14 GEGL 0.3.8 and babl 0.1.18 Released.md b/content/news/2016-06-14 GEGL
0.3.8 and babl 0.1.18 Released.md
index dbb9b806..5b0fbaba 100644
--- a/content/news/2016-06-14 GEGL 0.3.8 and babl 0.1.18 Released.md
+++ b/content/news/2016-06-14 GEGL 0.3.8 and babl 0.1.18 Released.md
@@ -17,4 +17,4 @@ Finally, the 'gegl' binary keeps getting more features like simple video filteri
For the first time in quite a while a new GEGL release contains no new ports of existing GIMP filters. This
is because there have been no related contributions for the last few months. There is still a lot of work to
do, and we greatly appreciate your help with getting more filters ready for non-destructive workflows.
-The complete list of changes is available in the [NEWS](https://git.gnome.org/browse/gegl/tree/NEWS) file.
Tarballs are up at [download.gimp.org/](http://download.gimp.org/).
+The complete list of changes is available in the [NEWS](https://git.gnome.org/browse/gegl/tree/NEWS) file.
Tarballs are up at [download.gimp.org/](https://download.gimp.org/).
diff --git a/content/news/2016-07-02 Texas Linux Fest.md b/content/news/2016-07-02 Texas Linux Fest.md
index 6081b311..2d299071 100644
--- a/content/news/2016-07-02 Texas Linux Fest.md
+++ b/content/news/2016-07-02 Texas Linux Fest.md
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Title: GIMPers at Texas Linux Fest 2016
-Date: 2016-07-04T08:00:00-0500
+Date: 2016-07-04T08:00:00-0500
Category: News
Authors: Pat David
Summary: If you happen to be anywhere near Austin, TX next weekend (July 8-9) then mosey on down to [Texas
Linux Fest 2016][txlf] and meet some of your friendly neighborhood GIMP crew!
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ If you happen to be anywhere near Austin, TX next weekend (July 8-9) then mosey
<img src='{filename}./images/2016-TXLF/TXLF-header-fs8.png' alt='Texas Linux Fest'>
-[Akkana Peck][akk-web] and [Pat David][pat-web] will be hosting a photowalk from 0900-1100 on Friday, July
8<sup>th</sup> (first day of the meeting) to socialize, talk photography, and capture some images for their
workshop sessions later that same day. Pat will be talking about various Free Software photography tools and
using them to create high quality results. Akkana will focus on using GIMP as a primary photo editing tool.
+[Akkana Peck][akk-web] and [Pat David][pat-web] will be hosting a photowalk from 0900-1100 on Friday, July
8<sup>th</sup> (first day of the meeting) to socialize, talk photography, and capture some images for their
workshop sessions later that same day. Pat will be talking about various Free Software photography tools and
using them to create high quality results. Akkana will focus on using GIMP as a primary photo editing tool.
Both sessions will be immediately following the photowalk, before and after lunch. They will also be in
attendance for the "Graphics Hackathon" at the end of the first day.
@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ More information can be found on the [2016 Texas Linux Fest website][txlf]. We l
[txlf]: http://2016.texaslinuxfest.org
[akk-web]: http://www.shallowsky.com
[pat-web]: https://pixls.us
-[Ted Gould]: http://gould.cx/ted/
-[Inkscape]: https://inkscape.org/
-[Brian Beck]: http://2016.texaslinuxfest.org/node/103
-[Blender]: http://www.blender.org
+[Ted Gould]: https://gould.cx/ted/
+[Inkscape]: https://inkscape.org/
+[Brian Beck]: http://2016.texaslinuxfest.org/node/103
+[Blender]: https://www.blender.org
[Jonathon Thomas]: http://2016.texaslinuxfest.org/node/55
-[OpenShot 2.0]: http://www.openshot.org/
+[OpenShot 2.0]: https://www.openshot.org/
diff --git a/content/news/2016-07-13 GIMP 2.9.4 Released/index.md b/content/news/2016-07-13 GIMP 2.9.4
index 58cbf4c4..4482a4a0 100644
--- a/content/news/2016-07-13 GIMP 2.9.4 Released/index.md
+++ b/content/news/2016-07-13 GIMP 2.9.4 Released/index.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Summary: We have just released the second development version of GIMP in the 2.9
We have just released the second development version of GIMP in the 2.9.x series. After half a year in the
works, GIMP 2.9.4 delivers a massive update: revamped look and feel, major improvements in color management,
as well as production-ready MyPaint Brush tool, symmetric painting, and split preview for GEGL-based filters.
Additionally, dozens of bugs have been fixed, and numerous small improvements have been applied.
-GIMP 2.9.4 is quite reliable for production work, but there are still loose ends to tie, which is why
releasing stable v2.10 will take a while. Please refer to the
[Roadmap](http://wiki.gimp.org/wiki/Roadmap#GIMP_2.10) for the list of major pending changes.
+GIMP 2.9.4 is quite reliable for production work, but there are still loose ends to tie, which is why
releasing stable v2.10 will take a while. Please refer to the
[Roadmap](https://wiki.gimp.org/wiki/Roadmap#GIMP_2.10) for the list of major pending changes.
## Revamped User Interface and Usability Changes
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ A way more noticeable new feature, however, is split preview for GEGL-based filt
## darktable as Raw Processing Plug-in
-On **Linux**, GIMP is now capable of using [darktable](http://www.darktable.org) for pre-processing raw
images from DSLRs (Canon CR2, Nikon NEF etc.). darktable is an amazing project whose developers stick around
at our IRC channel and even contribute to GIMP (most recently, they added reading various metadata from EXR
+On **Linux**, GIMP is now capable of using [darktable](https://www.darktable.org) for pre-processing raw
images from DSLRs (Canon CR2, Nikon NEF etc.). darktable is an amazing project whose developers stick around
at our IRC channel and even contribute to GIMP (most recently, they added reading various metadata from EXR
Note that the `file-darktable` plug-in is activated only when darktable is built with
[Lua](https://www.lua.org) support. Make sure your build of darktable for Linux is feature-complete.
@@ -176,11 +176,11 @@ Since the release of v2.9.2 we have been mostly fixing bugs and completing the w
## Some Statistics on Our Awesome Contributors
-GIMP [2.9.2 was released on November 27, 2015](http://www.gimp.org/news/2015/11/27/gimp-2-9-2-released/).
Since then, the work to reach GIMP 2.9.4 was done in **1348 commits**, making an average of **5.9 commits a
day**, of which 894 are (mostly) code-related, 241 are icon-related, and 213 are translation updates.
+GIMP [2.9.2 was released on November 27, 2015](https://www.gimp.org/news/2015/11/27/gimp-2-9-2-released/).
Since then, the work to reach GIMP 2.9.4 was done in **1348 commits**, making an average of **5.9 commits a
day**, of which 894 are (mostly) code-related, 241 are icon-related, and 213 are translation updates.
As usual, the GIMP team is small yet as dedicated as ever: more than a third of the commits have been done
by Michael Natterer (514), the next biggest contributors being Jehan Pagès (192) and Klaus Staedtler (187).
The three of them represent 66% of all commits.
-_Note_: contributions by Jehan Pagès were made on behalf of [ZeMarmot](http://film.zemarmot.net) Open Movie
project: symmetry painting, MyPaint library integration, email plugin, Input Methods, management of the new
themes and icons contributions, and more…
+_Note_: contributions by Jehan Pagès were made on behalf of [ZeMarmot](https://film.zemarmot.net) Open Movie
project: symmetry painting, MyPaint library integration, email plugin, Input Methods, management of the new
themes and icons contributions, and more…
We have prolific newcomers among developers:
@@ -204,4 +204,4 @@ We sincerely hope we did not forget anyone, and we want to say: thank you.
## Downloads
-The source code is available from the [Downloads](http://www.gimp.org/downloads/) page. An installer for
Windows will be available shortly. A build for Mac OS X is not available at this time.
+The source code is available from the [Downloads](https://www.gimp.org/downloads/) page. An installer for
Windows will be available shortly. A build for Mac OS X is not available at this time.
diff --git a/content/news/2016-10-06 Dialog Defaults/index.md b/content/news/2016-10-06 Dialog
index 820b46b4..fe71c2c9 100644
--- a/content/news/2016-10-06 Dialog Defaults/index.md
+++ b/content/news/2016-10-06 Dialog Defaults/index.md
@@ -54,4 +54,4 @@ The dialog defaults feature will be available in GIMP 2.9.6 and, eventually, in
The introduction of filter presets and dialog defaults gets us closer to resolving
[#120829](https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=120829), and
[#599573](https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=599573), filed in 2001, 2003, and 2009 respectively. If
you think that more dialogs could benefit from either saving their settings as defaults or getting named
presets, please drop by on [IRC](https://www.gimp.org/irc.html) or the [mailing
list](https://www.gimp.org/mail_lists.html) for developers and tell us.
-If you are interested in helping out with getting GIMP 2.10 released, please check out the
[TODO](http://wiki.gimp.org/wiki/Hacking:TODO#2.10) page.
\ No newline at end of file
+If you are interested in helping out with getting GIMP 2.10 released, please check out the
[TODO](https://wiki.gimp.org/wiki/Hacking:TODO#2.10) page.
diff --git a/content/news/2017-01-15 2016 in Review.md b/content/news/2017-01-15 2016 in Review.md
index 611082cd..9cf967fa 100644
--- a/content/news/2017-01-15 2016 in Review.md
+++ b/content/news/2017-01-15 2016 in Review.md
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ The ''Layer Attributes'' dialog, which hasn't been very useful, now provides the
Newly added color tags improve layers management and can be set via ''Layers'' menu, ''Layer Attributes''
dialog. They are also accessible via shortcuts and available for channels and paths (we don't expect people
to use it a lot, but it was too easy to implement).
-The color tags feature is currently not very useful without multiple layers selection. This is something
we've been meaning to do for quite a while. Last year we did a [basic
research](http://gui.gimp.org/index.php/Multi-layer_selection_workgroup) on that, but we don't expect to
accomplish this task in time for GIMP 2.10, unless someone contributes a very good patch. If you are
interested in helping out, please talk to us.
+The color tags feature is currently not very useful without multiple layers selection. This is something
we've been meaning to do for quite a while. Last year we did a [basic
research](https://gui.gimp.org/index.php/Multi-layer_selection_workgroup) on that, but we don't expect to
accomplish this task in time for GIMP 2.10, unless someone contributes a very good patch. If you are
interested in helping out, please talk to us.
Moreover, for people who use a lot of masks, the workflow has been streamlined. Now GIMP remembers the last
type of mask initialization, and you can use key modifiers + mouse click on layer previews to create, apply,
or remove masks. Additionally, there's a new button for that as well.
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ We also fixed a number of usability issues. E.g. toolbox buttons do not grab foc
### GEGL and babl
-GEGL and babl got their fair share of development focus. We only added a handful of new operations
(''Saturation'', ''Gaussian Selective Blur'' etc.), because most work on GEGL was performance improvements,
house cleaning etc.
+GEGL and babl got their fair share of development focus. We only added a handful of new operations
(''Saturation'', ''Gaussian Selective Blur'' etc.), because most work on GEGL was performance improvements,
house cleaning etc.
One interesting change, though, is the new ''gegl_operation_progress'' function to report processing
progress. It's useful for reporting processing progress to a GEGL-based editor such as GIMP. For now, we use
it in ''cartoon'' and ''distance-transform'' operations, but expect to use it in many more ops.
@@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ There are still many bugs to fix before we can release 2.10. In the mean time, w
Another upcoming major change is how linear/gamma-corrected workflows are implemented in GIMP. Since early
January, Michael Natterer and Øyvind Kolås have been hacking on GIMP to make layer modes work on both linear
and gamma-corrected image data correctly. This involved a lot of source code reorganization, and a major part
of that work is already done.
-Additional changes currently live in the 'pippin/linear-is-the-new-black' Git branch soon to be merged, and
we hear [good reports](http://ninedegreesbelow.com/files/linear-is-the-new-black.html) about it from some of
our most sceptical users already.
+Additional changes currently live in the 'pippin/linear-is-the-new-black' Git branch soon to be merged, and
we hear [good reports](https://ninedegreesbelow.com/files/linear-is-the-new-black.html) about it from some of
our most sceptical users already.
Some other exciting news deserve a separate announcement.
-We expect to ship GIMP 2.10 with 16/32-bit per color channel support, new color management implementation,
and a great many improvements overall later this year. Our next focus will be completing the GTK+3 port to
make the graphic tablets support fully functional on all supported platforms again and prepare GIMP for even
more long overdue changes such as non-destructive image editing.
\ No newline at end of file
+We expect to ship GIMP 2.10 with 16/32-bit per color channel support, new color management implementation,
and a great many improvements overall later this year. Our next focus will be completing the GTK+3 port to
make the graphic tablets support fully functional on all supported platforms again and prepare GIMP for even
more long overdue changes such as non-destructive image editing.
diff --git a/content/news/2017-02-02 GIMP 2.10 Blockers.md b/content/news/2017-02-02 GIMP 2.10 Blockers.md
index e59d2f5c..7ecb51d0 100644
--- a/content/news/2017-02-02 GIMP 2.10 Blockers.md
+++ b/content/news/2017-02-02 GIMP 2.10 Blockers.md
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ During WilberWeek 2017 in Barcelona, the GEGL/GIMP team discussed further develo
## What's Blocking The 2.10 Release
-**Deprecation of libgimp API.** Some functions in libgimp need to be deprecated, and capable replacements
need to be introduced. We started this shortly before WilberWeek, a lot more work needs to be done.
+**Deprecation of libgimp API.** Some functions in libgimp need to be deprecated, and capable replacements
need to be introduced. We started this shortly before WilberWeek, a lot more work needs to be done.
**Introduction of the linear workflow.** Currently GIMP has a few loose ends with regards to linear pixel
data workflow introduced by Michael Natterer and Øyvind Kolås. The *Linear* switch in the histogram dialog is
more of a prototype and needs a better implementation. Both the *Curve* and the *Levels* tools have to be
adjusted to work on linear data and need a simple way to switch between linear/gamma-corrected modes. And
there's more work to be done here.
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ During WilberWeek 2017 in Barcelona, the GEGL/GIMP team discussed further develo
## GTK+3 Port May Prove to Be A Bigger Change Than Expected
-We have barely touched the ['gtk3-port'](https://git.gnome.org/browse/gimp/log/?h=gtk3-port) branch since
2012, while most of GIMP's source code is actually related to UI.
+We have barely touched the ['gtk3-port'](https://git.gnome.org/browse/gimp/log/?h=gtk3-port) branch since
2012, while most of GIMP's source code is actually related to UI.
The GTK+3 port compiles and appears to work at least for some users. However we need to sit down and do a
complete code audit to figure out, how much work needs to be done to finish the port. We can't provide any
completion estimations at this time.
@@ -45,6 +45,6 @@ One of the reasons development of GIMP isn't moving as fast as we'd like to is t
However we see some ways to help contributors making GIMP better without waiting for the opening of the
3.1/3.2 series. One of the most common questions we hear is how to find bugs that are easy to fix to get
started with hacking on GIMP. To amend that, we are tagging such bug reports as
following recommendations of the [GNOME Newcomers Initiative](https://wiki.gnome.org/Newcomers/). You are
welcome to come on [IRC](https://www.gimp.org/irc.html) to discuss patches directly with the GIMP team. Jehan
is also available for questions as the [mentor for newcomers](https://wiki.gnome.org/JehanPages), if you feel
-If you do not write code, we shall soon be releasing [Flatpak](http://flatpak.org/) builds of GIMP, so you
can help testing and providing feedback. This is currently in works by Jehan Pagès.
+If you do not write code, we shall soon be releasing [Flatpak](https://flatpak.org/) builds of GIMP, so you
can help testing and providing feedback. This is currently in works by Jehan Pagès.
-We shall post a complete report on WilberWeek 2017 once the event is over.
\ No newline at end of file
+We shall post a complete report on WilberWeek 2017 once the event is over.
diff --git a/content/news/2017-03-01_Mitch-interview-WilberWeek2017.md
index 1b393f1e..e6949d9f 100644
--- a/content/news/2017-03-01_Mitch-interview-WilberWeek2017.md
+++ b/content/news/2017-03-01_Mitch-interview-WilberWeek2017.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Summary: Michael Natterer gets interviewed by other GIMP developers
GIMP is [Free Software](https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html), but even before this, it is people:
the ones who create it, the ones who create _with_ it… We don't have accurate statistics and we take pride on
not gathering your data. Yet we know (through other websites that have logged partial statistics over the
years) that this is a widely used piece of software, by millions of people around the world. So wouldn't it
be neat to meet some of the individuals who make this project come alive?
Some people think there's a huge company behind GIMP. This is not the case.
-GIMP has always been developed by a handful of random people scattered around the world.
+GIMP has always been developed by a handful of random people scattered around the world.
Most of them are volunteers and none of them work on it full-time.
As an insider myself, I've wanted to launch a series of interviews with the many awesome people I've met
since I started contributing. So who better to start with than our own benevolent dictator, GIMP maintainer,
and the biggest code contributor: **Michael Natterer**, aka "mitch".
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ _J: Do you code under the influence?_
<img src='{filename}images/ballmer_peak.png' alt='XKCD Ballmer Peak' width='652' height='592'>
-Obligatory <a href='https://xkcd.com/323/' title='Apple uses automated schnapps IVs.'>XKCD</a>, by Randall
Munroe (<a href='http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.5/' title='Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License'>Creative Commons By-NC 2.5</a>).
+Obligatory <a href='https://xkcd.com/323/' title='Apple uses automated schnapps IVs.'>XKCD</a>, by Randall
Munroe (<a href='https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.5/' title='Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License'>Creative Commons By-NC 2.5</a>).
diff --git a/content/news/2017-05-15_Schumaml-interview-WilberWeek2017.md
index 1d47b285..303861ea 100644
--- a/content/news/2017-05-15_Schumaml-interview-WilberWeek2017.md
+++ b/content/news/2017-05-15_Schumaml-interview-WilberWeek2017.md
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ _Jehan: Hello Michael. You are the GIMP administrator, at least that's what ever
_J: How would you describe your contribution to the GIMP project?_
-**S:** I don't do much coding. It's just that so many people — from my perspective — do coding on GIMP
already and have a better grasp of the source code and how it is made up. So I don't think I can contribute
much in that regard. I try to do administrative stuff like handling the monetary aspect of the project such
as telling [GNOME][] that we need money for events like Wilber Week or for LGM reimbursements…
-I also care about the [bug reports][] we have. I try to have them categorized, have a proper status, make
sure that they get replies, and that we don't leave a bug report unattended for a long time.
+**S:** I don't do much coding. It's just that so many people — from my perspective — do coding on GIMP
already and have a better grasp of the source code and how it is made up. So I don't think I can contribute
much in that regard. I try to do administrative stuff like handling the monetary aspect of the project such
as telling [GNOME][] that we need money for events like Wilber Week or for LGM reimbursements…
+I also care about the [bug reports][] we have. I try to have them categorized, have a proper status, make
sure that they get replies, and that we don't leave a bug report unattended for a long time.
Also, I have administrative privileges on the GIMP web server, on mailing lists, and… what else. Do I forget
anything? That's about it, yeah.
[GNOME]: https://www.gnome.org/
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Also, I have administrative privileges on the GIMP web server, on mailing lists,
I've been called the tie-wearing GIMP office manager and I even got a t-shirt with a printed tie and a
"TWOM" label, because I've actually been wearing a proper shirt (made to measure) at one GIMP meeting during
the [Libre Graphics Meeting 2012][] in Vienna.
-[Libre Graphics Meeting 2012]: http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2012/
+[Libre Graphics Meeting 2012]: https://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2012/
<img src="{filename}images/schumaml-interview/schumaml-twom-480x702.jpg" alt='Schumaml, the tie-wearing GIMP
office manager' width='480' height='702'>
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ _J: How do you see GIMP in 20 years?_
_J: What's **the** feature you are really waiting for?_
-**S:** The feature I'm really waiting for... It's not a feature of painting or image manipulation. It's
about organization. This thing we want to do, Plug-in or Resource Registry 2.0. Properly built and really
managed. The thing we talked so much about, have so many great ideas, but always seem to lack the time to do.
This is the feature I would like to see.
+**S:** The feature I'm really waiting for... It's not a feature of painting or image manipulation. It's
about organization. This thing we want to do, Plug-in or Resource Registry 2.0. Properly built and really
managed. The thing we talked so much about, have so many great ideas, but always seem to lack the time to do.
This is the feature I would like to see.
_J: Do you contribute under influence?_
diff --git a/content/news/2017-08-24 GIMP 2.9.6 Released/index.md b/content/news/2017-08-24 GIMP 2.9.6
index 9669cd36..7d9c4308 100644
--- a/content/news/2017-08-24 GIMP 2.9.6 Released/index.md
+++ b/content/news/2017-08-24 GIMP 2.9.6 Released/index.md
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ and CIE LAB color spaces are finding more use in GIMP now.
Color dialogs now have an LCH color selector that, in due time, will most
likely replace outdated HSV selector for reasons outlined by Elle in
-[this article](http://ninedegreesbelow.com/photography/determine-image-tonality-and-palette-part-1.html).
+[this article](https://ninedegreesbelow.com/photography/determine-image-tonality-and-palette-part-1.html).
The LCH selector also supports gamut checking.
A new *Hue-Chroma* filter in the *Colors* menu works much like *Hue-Saturation*,
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ for the hardness blur to make it faster now.
## Processing Raw Images
Since 2.9.4, GIMP is capable of opening raw (digital camera) images via
-[darktable](http://www.darktable.org), and the plan was to open it up to more
+[darktable](https://www.darktable.org), and the plan was to open it up to more
plug-in developers, because nothing sparks a thoughtful, civil conversation
like a raw processor of choice.
@@ -321,4 +321,4 @@ effect.
GIMP 2.9.8 is expected to ship with more bug fixes and an updated *Blend*
(*Gradient Fill*) tool that works completely on canvas, including adding and
-removing color stops and assigning colors.
\ No newline at end of file
+removing color stops and assigning colors.
diff --git a/content/news/2018-01-09_LGM_SCaLE/index.md b/content/news/2018-01-09_LGM_SCaLE/index.md
index f14c7ee8..2bb085be 100644
--- a/content/news/2018-01-09_LGM_SCaLE/index.md
+++ b/content/news/2018-01-09_LGM_SCaLE/index.md
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Title: Libre Graphics Meeting + SCaLE 2018
-Date: 2018-01-09T11:51:30-06:00
+Date: 2018-01-09T11:51:30-06:00
Category: News
Authors: Pat David
Summary: This year is starting off great with not one, but two libre graphics oriented events (one in Europe
and the other in North America - for even better coverage)!
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ This year is starting off great with not one, but **two** libre graphics oriente
Come and join us for the 13<sup>th</sup> annual [Libre Graphics Meeting][] (LGM) being held April 26–30 in
[Seville, Spain][]! LGM is a wonderful opportunity for artists, developers, and contributors to meet
face-to-face and share/learn from each other. Several GIMP developers will be holding an annual team meeting
there (as usual), so come and say hello!
-[Libre Graphics Meeting]: http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2018/ "Libre Graphics Meeting 2018"
-[Seville, Spain]: http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2018/2018-edition/
+[Libre Graphics Meeting]: https://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2018/ "Libre Graphics Meeting 2018"
+[Seville, Spain]: https://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2018/2018-edition/
The main programme this year is focusing on:
@@ -44,4 +44,3 @@ Pat David will be presenting on the state of GIMP (looking forward) and includin
[Pasadena Convention Center]: https://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale/16x/venue
There is a Call for Participation out for those that would be interested in talking more about their art or
involvement in the Free Software graphics world. If you'd like to participate submit a proposal to
<graphics-cfp socallinuxexpo org>!
diff --git a/content/news/2018-05_GIMP-2.10.2_Released/index.md
index b8171bb2..72a75509 100644
--- a/content/news/2018-05_GIMP-2.10.2_Released/index.md
+++ b/content/news/2018-05_GIMP-2.10.2_Released/index.md
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ Two new filters have been added, based off GEGL operations:
Spherize filter in GIMP 2.10.2.
-<a href="http://film.zemarmot.net/">Original image CC-BY-SA by Aryeom Han</a>.
+<a href="https://film.zemarmot.net/">Original image CC-BY-SA by Aryeom Han</a>.
@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ CC-BY by Philipp Haegi</a>.
## Better single-window screenshots on Windows
While the screenshot plug-in was already better in GIMP 2.10.0, we
-had a few issues with single-window screenshots on Windows
-when the target window was hidden behind other windows,
+had a few issues with single-window screenshots on Windows
+when the target window was hidden behind other windows,
partly off-screen, or when display scaling was activated.
All these issues have been fixed by our new contributor Gil Eliyahu.
@@ -107,30 +107,30 @@ thanks to the initial contribution of Henning Makholm. We have recently
updated this document to integrate all the changes to the format since
the GIMP 2.10.0 release.
-Any third-party applications wishing to read XCF files can refer to
-this updated documentation.
-The [git log view](https://git.gnome.org/browse/gimp/log/devel-docs/xcf.txt)
+Any third-party applications wishing to read XCF files can refer to
+this updated documentation.
+The [git log view](https://git.gnome.org/browse/gimp/log/devel-docs/xcf.txt)
may actually be more interesting since you can more easily spot the changes
and new features which have been documented recently.
Keep in mind that XCF is not meant to be an interchange format
(unlike for instance [OpenRaster](https://www.openraster.org/)) and
-this document is not a "specification".
-The XCF reference document is the code itself.
-Nevertheless we are happy to help third-party applications,
-and if you spot any error or issues within this document feel free to
-[open a bug report](https://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=GIMP)
+this document is not a "specification".
+The XCF reference document is the code itself.
+Nevertheless we are happy to help third-party applications,
+and if you spot any error or issues within this document feel free to
+[open a bug report](https://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=GIMP)
so we can fix it.
# GIMP 3 is already on its way…
While GIMP 2.10.0 was still hot and barely released, our developers started
-working on GIMP 3.
-One of the main tasks is cleaning the code from the many deprecated pieces
+working on GIMP 3.
+One of the main tasks is cleaning the code from the many deprecated pieces
of code or data as well as from code made useless by the switch to GTK+ 3.x.
-The deletion is really going full-speed with more than
+The deletion is really going full-speed with more than
[200 commits](https://git.gnome.org/browse/gimp/log/?h=gtk3-port) made in
less than a month on the gtk3-port git branch and with 5 times more
lines deleted than inserted in the last few weeks.
diff --git a/content/news/2019-05_GIMP-2.10.12_Released/index.md
index c8239753..05937144 100644
--- a/content/news/2019-05_GIMP-2.10.12_Released/index.md
+++ b/content/news/2019-05_GIMP-2.10.12_Released/index.md
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ and the type can be changed in the Curves tool.
## TIFF now has layer support!
-Thanks to Tobias Ellinghaus, well known as a [darktable](http://darktable.org/)
+Thanks to Tobias Ellinghaus, well known as a [darktable](https://darktable.org/)
developer, TIFF can now export images without merging layers.
## Support of user-installed fonts on Windows
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ since a recent update.
Therefore we added this non-admin font folder to our search path when
running GIMP. It should be only a temporary workaround since eventually
-this [should be
+this [should be
by *fontcofig*, the upstream library used to manage fonts.
diff --git a/content/release-notes/gimp-2.10.md b/content/release-notes/gimp-2.10.md
index 9219ed10..cfab995d 100644
--- a/content/release-notes/gimp-2.10.md
+++ b/content/release-notes/gimp-2.10.md
@@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ This ChangeLog page also has a verbose list of all other changes in
## Roadmap and what's next
-We maintain a [roadmap for GIMP development](http://wiki.gimp.org/index.php/Roadmap)
+We maintain a [roadmap for GIMP development](https://wiki.gimp.org/index.php/Roadmap)
that outlines the order of features to be implemented based on priorities.
The next big update will be v3.0 that will feature GTK+3 port and a lot of
@@ -621,7 +621,7 @@ mailing-list](https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gimp-developer-list).
We are also looking for people to look after the website and update the
-Or you might want to join the [documentation team](http://docs.gimp.org/)
+Or you might want to join the [documentation team](https://docs.gimp.org/)
or the [translation team](https://wiki.gnome.org/TranslationProject) for
your language.
diff --git a/content/release-notes/gimp-2.2.md b/content/release-notes/gimp-2.2.md
index 409130b5..ab57b831 100644
--- a/content/release-notes/gimp-2.2.md
+++ b/content/release-notes/gimp-2.2.md
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ The GIMP developers are proud to release version 2.2 of the **GNU Image Manipula
The GNU Image Manipulation Program is ideal for amateur photographers, web designers, and many other people
who want to create and edit digital images. It is a very powerful application, with features including:
channels, layers and masks; colour operations such as levels, curves and threshhold; advanced selection
operations using intelligent scissors and selection channels; and much more.
-GIMP is free software, which means it can be freely distributed and modified. This makes it well suited to
be included on cover disks of magazines dedicated to digital photography or image editing, or to be included
with digital cameras, scanners, printers etc. As free software, its capabilities are ultimately limited only
by the collective imagination of the community of free software contributors. More information about GIMP is
available at [www.gimp.org](http://www.gimp.org/).
+GIMP is free software, which means it can be freely distributed and modified. This makes it well suited to
be included on cover disks of magazines dedicated to digital photography or image editing, or to be included
with digital cameras, scanners, printers etc. As free software, its capabilities are ultimately limited only
by the collective imagination of the community of free software contributors. More information about GIMP is
available at [www.gimp.org](https://www.gimp.org/).
## Download
@@ -27,15 +27,15 @@ GIMP 2.2 replaces GIMP 2.0\. It is advised that you uninstall GIMP 2.0 before in
The GIMP user manual has been improved a lot over the last couple of months. We stronly suggest that you
install the latest version of the gimp-help-2 package together with GIMP 2.2\. You will then have
context-sensitive help in almost all dialogs by hitting the F1 key or by pressing the Help button which has
been added to most dialogs.
-gimp-help-2 is available from [ftp.gimp.org](ftp://ftp.gimp.org/pub/gimp/help/). The manual can also be
accessed online at [docs.gimp.org](http://docs.gimp.org/).
+gimp-help-2 is available from [ftp.gimp.org](ftp://ftp.gimp.org/pub/gimp/help/). The manual can also be
accessed online at [docs.gimp.org](https://docs.gimp.org/).
## Bugs
-Thanks to the pre-releases we did over the last month, this code has already seen quite some testing but a
lot has changed since version GIMP 2.0 and we could very well have introduced new bugs. If you find any ,
make sure you report them at [bugzilla.gnome.org](http://bugzilla.gnome.org/) (after checking that it isn't
reported already).
+Thanks to the pre-releases we did over the last month, this code has already seen quite some testing but a
lot has changed since version GIMP 2.0 and we could very well have introduced new bugs. If you find any ,
make sure you report them at [bugzilla.gnome.org](https://bugzilla.gnome.org/) (after checking that it isn't
reported already).
## What's New in GIMP 2.2
-We have collected a list of changes and new features in the [GIMP
Wiki](http://wiki.gimp.org/gimp/WhatsNew2). For a detailed list of changes, please have a look at the NEWS
file, which is contained in the tarball and available
+We have collected a list of changes and new features in the [GIMP
Wiki](https://wiki.gimp.org/gimp/WhatsNew2). For a detailed list of changes, please have a look at the NEWS
file, which is contained in the tarball and available
## What's Next
@@ -43,6 +43,5 @@ You can expect updated versions of gimp-gap, gimp-freetype, gimp-plugin-template
Lots of people have helped to make this release happen. Thanks to all the contributors who wrote code, sent
patches, worked on the docs, translated the user interface, reported bugs or just made helpful suggestions.
GIMP 2.2 wouldn't exist without your help. Keep it coming!
-_Happy GIMPing,
+_Happy GIMPing,
The GIMP developers_
diff --git a/content/release-notes/gimp-2.3.3.md b/content/release-notes/gimp-2.3.3.md
index ac1b23a1..65c1d1a7 100644
--- a/content/release-notes/gimp-2.3.3.md
+++ b/content/release-notes/gimp-2.3.3.md
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ There were also some changes behind the scenes: Users of G4 processors will enjo
A detailed list of all changes since GIMP 2.2 is available
[here](https://git.gnome.org/browse/gimp/plain/NEWS?id=GIMP_2_3_3). It will take a little more time until the
GIMP developers will present the next stable release. Those who do not want to wait are free to try GIMP
2.3.3\. For those who yearn for a faster release: Help is always welcome! Not only programmers are needed but
also web designers, documentation authors and translators are desperately needed.
-[GIMP Homepage](http://www.gimp.org)
-[GIMP User Manual](http://docs.gimp.org)
+[GIMP Homepage](https://www.gimp.org)
+[GIMP User Manual](https://docs.gimp.org)
[SIOX Algorithm](http://www.siox.org)
diff --git a/content/release-notes/gimp-2.3.md b/content/release-notes/gimp-2.3.md
index 10fb7d8d..6a918bb8 100644
--- a/content/release-notes/gimp-2.3.md
+++ b/content/release-notes/gimp-2.3.md
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ This is an unstable development version of the **GNU Image Manipulation Program*
## What's New in GIMP 2.3
-Please see the [NEWS](https://git.gnome.org/browse/gimp/plain/NEWS?h=gimp-2-4&id=GIMP_2_3_0) file for a list
of changes. [Screenshots](http://developer.gimp.org/screenshots.html) of the development version can also be
found there.
+Please see the [NEWS](https://git.gnome.org/browse/gimp/plain/NEWS?h=gimp-2-4&id=GIMP_2_3_0) file for a list
of changes. [Screenshots](https://developer.gimp.org/screenshots.html) of the development version can also be
found there.
## Download
@@ -38,12 +38,11 @@ You can use a tiny wrapper script called gimp-2.3 and place it into /usr/local/b
## Bugs
-If you think you found a bug in a development version, please make sure that it hasn't been reported
earlier. Search [Bugzilla](http://bugzilla.gnome.org/) before filing a new bug-report. Here are some
interesting Bugzilla queries:
+If you think you found a bug in a development version, please make sure that it hasn't been reported
earlier. Search [Bugzilla](https://bugzilla.gnome.org/) before filing a new bug-report. Here are some
interesting Bugzilla queries:
* [Open bugs with milestone
* [Resolved bugs with milestone
## Contributing
-We need your help to make GIMP 2.4 a success. There's still a lot to do in all areas. If you want to join us
hacking, show up in #gimp or introduce yourself on the gimp-developer mailing-list. We are also looking for
people to look after the web-site and update the tutorials. Or you might want to join the [documentation
+We need your help to make GIMP 2.4 a success. There's still a lot to do in all areas. If you want to join us
hacking, show up in #gimp or introduce yourself on the gimp-developer mailing-list. We are also looking for
people to look after the web-site and update the tutorials. Or you might want to join the [documentation
diff --git a/content/release-notes/gimp-2.4-cm.md b/content/release-notes/gimp-2.4-cm.md
index 62525cf1..c9628a81 100644
--- a/content/release-notes/gimp-2.4-cm.md
+++ b/content/release-notes/gimp-2.4-cm.md
@@ -25,11 +25,10 @@ In case for some reason a color profile is not embedded in the image and you kno
To get best results, you need a color profile for your monitor. If a monitor profile is configured, either
system-wide or in the Color Management section of the GIMP Preferences dialog, the image colors will be
displayed most accurately.
-If you do not have a color profile for your monitor, you can create it using hardware calibration and
measurement tools. On UNIX systems you will need [Argyll Color Management System](http://www.argyllcms.com/)
and/or [LProf](http://lprof.sourceforge.net/) to create color profiles.
+If you do not have a color profile for your monitor, you can create it using hardware calibration and
measurement tools. On UNIX systems you will need [Argyll Color Management System](https://www.argyllcms.com/)
and/or [LProf](http://lprof.sourceforge.net/) to create color profiles.
### Print Simulation
Using GIMP 2.4, you can easily get a preview of what your image will look like on paper. Given a color
profile for your printer, the display can be switched into _Soft Proof_ mode. In such a simulated printout,
colors that cannot be reproduced will optionally be marked with neutral gray color, allowing you to correct
such mistakes before sending your images to the printer.
[Return to the release notes](gimp-2.4.html)
diff --git a/content/release-notes/gimp-2.4.md b/content/release-notes/gimp-2.4.md
index 087731eb..b2831267 100644
--- a/content/release-notes/gimp-2.4.md
+++ b/content/release-notes/gimp-2.4.md
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Status: hidden
### Refreshed Look
-A whole new default icon theme has been created for 2.4\. The icons comply with the [Tango style
guidelines](http://tango.freedesktop.org/Tango_Icon_Theme_Guidelines) so GIMP doesn't feel out of place on
any of the supported platforms. Regardless of whether you run GIMP under Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X or
GNU/Linux ([GNOME](http://www.gnome.org/), [KDE](http://www.kde.org/) or [Xfce](http://www.xfce.org/)), GIMP
provides a polished, consistent look.
+A whole new default icon theme has been created for 2.4\. The icons comply with the [Tango style
guidelines](http://tango.freedesktop.org/Tango_Icon_Theme_Guidelines) so GIMP doesn't feel out of place on
any of the supported platforms. Regardless of whether you run GIMP under Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X or
GNU/Linux ([GNOME](https://www.gnome.org/), [KDE](https://www.kde.org/) or [Xfce](https://www.xfce.org/)),
GIMP provides a polished, consistent look.
<img src="{filename}images/2.4-refreshed-look.png" alt="Refreshed Look"/>
@@ -165,4 +165,3 @@ You will also note that the new Screenshot plug-in offers more sophisticated opt
GIMP 2.4 features a brand new Scheme interpreter that provides better debugging, handles UTF-8 coded
characters and strings, has regex based pattern matching and many more useful features that power users were
requesting. The latter will be pleased to find out that plug-ins and scripts can register menu entries in the
<Brushes>, <Gradients>, <Palettes>, <Patterns> and <Fonts> menus now. Also, a
fair amount of new scripts were added: reversing the order of layers, sorting color palettes etc. A few
scripts that were using incorrect or deprecated constructs may have to be updated. A [Script-Fu migration
guide](/docs/script-fu-update.html) lists the most common errors and how to fix them.
diff --git a/content/release-notes/gimp-2.5.md b/content/release-notes/gimp-2.5.md
index cf787cf6..6af32dca 100644
--- a/content/release-notes/gimp-2.5.md
+++ b/content/release-notes/gimp-2.5.md
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ Most notable of under-the-hood changes are the first steps of [GEGL](http://gegl
Peeking out from under the hood are subtle differences in the way the UI draws its elements. These changes
are due to internally making use of the Cairo library to draw UI elements. This is visible for example in the
drawing of Layers and Paths docks and Curves dialog.
-Please see the [NEWS](https://git.gnome.org/browse/gimp/plain/NEWS?id=GIMP_2_5_0) file for a more detailed
list of changes. [Screenshots](http://developer.gimp.org/screenshots.html) of the development version can
also be found there.
+Please see the [NEWS](https://git.gnome.org/browse/gimp/plain/NEWS?id=GIMP_2_5_0) file for a more detailed
list of changes. [Screenshots](https://developer.gimp.org/screenshots.html) of the development version can
also be found there.
## Download
@@ -71,11 +71,11 @@ You can use a tiny wrapper script called gimp-2.5 and place it into /usr/local/b
## Bugs
-If you think you found a bug in a development version, please make sure that it hasn't been already
reported. Search [Bugzilla](http://bugzilla.gnome.org/) before filing a new bug-report. Here are some
interesting Bugzilla queries:
+If you think you found a bug in a development version, please make sure that it hasn't been already
reported. Search [Bugzilla](https://bugzilla.gnome.org/) before filing a new bug-report. Here are some
interesting Bugzilla queries:
* [Open bugs with milestone
* [Resolved bugs with milestone
## Contributing
-We need your help to make GIMP 2.6 a success. There's still a lot to do. If you want to join us hacking,
show up in #gimp or introduce yourself on the gimp-developer mailing-list. We are also looking for people to
look after the web-site and update the tutorials. Or you might want to join the [documentation
+We need your help to make GIMP 2.6 a success. There's still a lot to do. If you want to join us hacking,
show up in #gimp or introduce yourself on the gimp-developer mailing-list. We are also looking for people to
look after the web-site and update the tutorials. Or you might want to join the [documentation
diff --git a/content/release-notes/gimp-2.6.md b/content/release-notes/gimp-2.6.md
index a67b1c85..b54141ed 100644
--- a/content/release-notes/gimp-2.6.md
+++ b/content/release-notes/gimp-2.6.md
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ In addition to porting color operations to GEGL, an experimental _GEGL Operation
### Minor Changes
-* Ported many widgets to use the 2D graphics library [cairo](http://www.cairographics.org/) for drawing.
See this [comparison](images/gimp-curves-tool-2-4-vs-2-6.png) for an example of how much better this looks.
+* Ported many widgets to use the 2D graphics library [cairo](https://www.cairographics.org/) for drawing.
See this [comparison](images/gimp-curves-tool-2-4-vs-2-6.png) for an example of how much better this looks.
## Miscellaneous
@@ -105,13 +105,13 @@ In addition to porting color operations to GEGL, an experimental _GEGL Operation
There are new things for a plug-in developer to enjoy as well. For example, procedures can now give a
detailed error description in case of an error, and the error can be propagated to the user.
-GIMP 2.6 also further enhances its scripting abilities. In particular there is now a much richer API for the
creation and manipulation of text layers. Here is a [list of new symbols in GIMP
+GIMP 2.6 also further enhances its scripting abilities. In particular there is now a much richer API for the
creation and manipulation of text layers. Here is a [list of new symbols in GIMP
### Backwards Compatibility
Script-Fu has undergone some clean up and includes several bug fixes. One important bug fix, for [bug
#508020](https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=512105), prevents a possible crash of Script-Fu. A side
effect of the fix will break any script which does not provide an initial value for a variable in the binding
portion of a _let_, _let*_, or _letrec_ block.
-An initial value for a variable is required as stated in the [R5RS Scheme standard
document](http://www.schemers.org/Documents/Standards/R5RS/r5rs.pdf). The initial value can be provided as a
simple constant, or as the result of a function call. The following examples will illustrate the problem and
show a simple change that will fix a broken script.
+An initial value for a variable is required as stated in the [R5RS Scheme standard
document](https://www.schemers.org/Documents/Standards/R5RS/r5rs.pdf). The initial value can be provided as a
simple constant, or as the result of a function call. The following examples will illustrate the problem and
show a simple change that will fix a broken script.
This example shows a _let*_ block with incorrect syntax that will no longer work in Script-Fu.
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ This example shows a _let*_ block with the correct syntax.
* The _Utility window_ hint is currently only known to work well in the Linux GNOME desktop environment
and on Windows starting with GIMP 2.6.1.
* Using the Text Tool is currently not an optimal experience. Making it work better is a goal for GIMP 2.8.
-* If you build GIMP yourself and don't have [GVfs](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GVFS) support on your
platform you need to explicitly pass <kbd>--without-gvfs</kbd> to configure, otherwise opening remote files
will not work properly.
+* If you build GIMP yourself and don't have [GVfs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GVFS) support on your
platform you need to explicitly pass <kbd>--without-gvfs</kbd> to configure, otherwise opening remote files
will not work properly.
### What's Planned
@@ -189,6 +189,6 @@ Full screenshot of on-canvas preview of Gaussian Blur using the experimental GEG
<figure markdown="span">
<img src="{filename}images/2.6-lgm-2008-groupshot.jpg" alt="LGM 2008 shot of the GIMP team"/>
-A picture of (mostly) GIMP developers, taken by [Garrett
LeSage](http://www.flickr.com/photos/garrett/2733807768/) at [Libre Graphics Meeting
2008](http://www.libregraphicsmeeting.org/2008/), licenced under
+A picture of (mostly) GIMP developers, taken by [Garrett
LeSage](https://www.flickr.com/photos/garrett/2733807768/) at [Libre Graphics Meeting
2008](https://www.libregraphicsmeeting.org/2008/), licenced under
diff --git a/content/release-notes/gimp-2.7.md b/content/release-notes/gimp-2.7.md
index b2c14636..fa8d7559 100644
--- a/content/release-notes/gimp-2.7.md
+++ b/content/release-notes/gimp-2.7.md
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ GIMP 2.7 is the result of three years of hard work and collaborative developmen
<img src="{filename}images/2.8-single-window-mode.png" alt="Single-window mode screenshot" width="300"
height="200" />
-GIMP 2.7 introduces an optional single-window mode. You can toggle between the default multi-window mode and
the new single-window mode through the _Single-window mode_ checkbox in the _Windows_ menu. In single-window
mode, GIMP will put dockable dialogs and images in a single, tabbed image window. The single-window mode
setting is of course preserved if you quit and start GIMP again. Single-window mode removes the necessity for
users of having to deal with multiple windows.
-**Developers:** Martin Nordholts, Michael Natterer
+GIMP 2.7 introduces an optional single-window mode. You can toggle between the default multi-window mode and
the new single-window mode through the _Single-window mode_ checkbox in the _Windows_ menu. In single-window
mode, GIMP will put dockable dialogs and images in a single, tabbed image window. The single-window mode
setting is of course preserved if you quit and start GIMP again. Single-window mode removes the necessity for
users of having to deal with multiple windows.
+**Developers:** Martin Nordholts, Michael Natterer
**Interaction Architect:** Peter Sikking
### Multi-Column Dock Windows
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ GIMP 2.7 introduces an optional single-window mode. You can toggle between the
<img src="{filename}images/2.8-multi-column-dock-windows.png" alt="Multi-column dock windows screenshot" />
-GIMP 2.7 allows dockable dialogs in a dock window to be placed in multiple columns. To create a new column
in a dock window, drag and drop a dockable dialog on the vertical edges of the dock window. This is an
appealing feature for multi-monitor users where one screen can have a big dock window with all the dialogs
and the tools, while all images are on other displays.
-**Developer:** Martin Nordholts
+GIMP 2.7 allows dockable dialogs in a dock window to be placed in multiple columns. To create a new column
in a dock window, drag and drop a dockable dialog on the vertical edges of the dock window. This is an
appealing feature for multi-monitor users where one screen can have a big dock window with all the dialogs
and the tools, while all images are on other displays.
+**Developer:** Martin Nordholts
**Interaction Architect:** Peter Sikking
### More Screen Real Estate For Dockable Dialogs
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ GIMP 2.7 allows dockable dialogs in a dock window to be placed in multiple colu
<img src="{filename}images/2.8-removed-docking-bars.png" alt="Removed docking bars screenshot" />
-The docking bars have been removed and replaced with overlaid highlights. The dockable drag handle has been
removed and the dockable menu button has been moved up to the tabs. A new Automatic tab style has been added
which makes dockable tabs use the available space.
+The docking bars have been removed and replaced with overlaid highlights. The dockable drag handle has been
removed and the dockable menu button has been moved up to the tabs. A new Automatic tab style has been added
which makes dockable tabs use the available space.
**Developer:** Martin Nordholts
### Save And Export
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ The docking bars have been removed and replaced with overlaid highlights. The do
A rather big conceptual change is that saving and exporting images now are clearly separated activities.
Saving an image can only be done in the XCF format which is GIMP's native file format, able to save all kinds
of information necessary for works in progress.
-To export into other formats _File->Export..._ needs to be used. This distinction makes it clearer if all
available information is stored in a file, or not. There are some optimizations for alternative workflows
such as opening a jpg, polishing it, and quickly exporting back to the original file. This conceptual change
has also allowed us to get rid of the annoying dialogs that warned about the flatting of images when saving
to non-layered formats.
-**Developer:** Martin Nordholts
+To export into other formats _File->Export..._ needs to be used. This distinction makes it clearer if all
available information is stored in a file, or not. There are some optimizations for alternative workflows
such as opening a jpg, polishing it, and quickly exporting back to the original file. This conceptual change
has also allowed us to get rid of the annoying dialogs that warned about the flatting of images when saving
to non-layered formats.
+**Developer:** Martin Nordholts
**Interaction Architect:** Peter Sikking
### Layer Groups
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ To export into other formats _File->Export..._ needs to be used. This distinctio
<img src="{filename}images/2.8-layer-groups.png" alt="Layer groups screenshot" />
-For complex compositions, a flat layer structure is very limiting. GIMP 2.7 lets users organize their
compositions better through the introduction of layer groups which allow layers to be organized in tree-like
structures. Layer groups are fully scriptable through the GIMP plug-in API.
+For complex compositions, a flat layer structure is very limiting. GIMP 2.7 lets users organize their
compositions better through the introduction of layer groups which allow layers to be organized in tree-like
structures. Layer groups are fully scriptable through the GIMP plug-in API.
**Developer:** Michael Natterer
### Tools Drawn With Cairo
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ For complex compositions, a flat layer structure is very limiting. GIMP 2.7 let
<img src="{filename}images/2.8-tools-drawn-with-cairo.png" alt="Tools drawn with cairo screenshot" />
-All tools rendering on canvas have been ported to Cairo to provide smooth antialiased graphics and make
GIMP's look and feel match modern users expectations. All but a few plug-ins have been ported over to Cairo
as well. Additionally all tools now use an on-canvas progress indicator instead of the one in the statusbar.
+All tools rendering on canvas have been ported to Cairo to provide smooth antialiased graphics and make
GIMP's look and feel match modern users expectations. All but a few plug-ins have been ported over to Cairo
as well. Additionally all tools now use an on-canvas progress indicator instead of the one in the statusbar.
**Developer:** Michael Natterer
### On-Canvas Text Editing
@@ -78,12 +78,12 @@ All tools rendering on canvas have been ported to Cairo to provide smooth antial
<img src="{filename}images/2.8-on-canvas-text-editing.png" alt="On-canvas text editing screenshot" />
-Text editing with the Text Tool is now performed on-canvas instead of in a separate window. The editing
on-canvas is rather sophisticated: apart from the usual text formatting features like font family, style and
size selectors you get numeric control over baseline offset and kerning, as well as the ability to change
text color for a selection. You can also use a combination of Alt and arrow keys to change baseline offset
and kerning. This feature was originally developed during Google Summer of Code 2008 and heavily improved
+Text editing with the Text Tool is now performed on-canvas instead of in a separate window. The editing
on-canvas is rather sophisticated: apart from the usual text formatting features like font family, style and
size selectors you get numeric control over baseline offset and kerning, as well as the ability to change
text color for a selection. You can also use a combination of Alt and arrow keys to change baseline offset
and kerning. This feature was originally developed during Google Summer of Code 2008 and heavily improved
**Developers:** Daniel Eddeland, Michael Natterer
### Keyboard Shortcut Changes
-Since the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+E and Ctrl+Shift+E have been repurposed for the image export mechanisms,
new keyboard shortcuts have been setup for 'Shrink Wrap' and 'Fit in Window', namely Ctrl+J and Ctrl+Shift+J
+Since the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+E and Ctrl+Shift+E have been repurposed for the image export mechanisms,
new keyboard shortcuts have been setup for 'Shrink Wrap' and 'Fit in Window', namely Ctrl+J and Ctrl+Shift+J
**Developer:** Martin Nordholts
### Simple Math In Size Entries
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ Since the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+E and Ctrl+Shift+E have been repurposed for th
<img src="{filename}images/2.8-math-in-size-entries.png" alt="Math in size entries screenshot" />
-Enhancements have also been made to the size entry widget, which is used for inputting most of the x, y,
width, height parameters. For example, in the scale dialog it is now possible to write '50%' in the Width
field to scale the image to 50% of the width. Expressions such as '30in + 40px' and '4 \* 5.4in' work, too.
+Enhancements have also been made to the size entry widget, which is used for inputting most of the x, y,
width, height parameters. For example, in the scale dialog it is now possible to write '50%' in the Width
field to scale the image to 50% of the width. Expressions such as '30in + 40px' and '4 \* 5.4in' work, too.
**Developer:** Fredrik Alströmer
### Minor Changes
@@ -126,14 +126,14 @@ Enhancements have also been made to the size entry widget, which is used for inp
The brush dynamics engine has been expanded considerably, making almost all aspects of the brush engine
drivable by a multitude of inputs, all of them configurable with their own response curve.
-Because of the expansion, dynamics were separated from tool options and converted into a resource in their
own right. The Google Summer of Code 2009 Advanced GUI for Brush Dynamics project was the start of its
+Because of the expansion, dynamics were separated from tool options and converted into a resource in their
own right. The Google Summer of Code 2009 Advanced GUI for Brush Dynamics project was the start of its
**Developers:** Alexia Death, Michael Natterer, Zhenfeng Zhao
### Tool Preset Improvements
You can now save existing state of any tool as a preset and give it a meaningful name. The presets are
accessible from a new Tool Presets dockable dialog and additionally can be tagged so that you can easily
manage a lot of presets.
-This new feature completely replaces the previously existing tool presets system to a new level of
accessibility. It also makes it possible to distribute tool presets just like any other resource because each
preset is saved as an individual file.
+This new feature completely replaces the previously existing tool presets system to a new level of
accessibility. It also makes it possible to distribute tool presets just like any other resource because each
preset is saved as an individual file.
**Developers:** Michael Natterer, Alexia Death
### Cage Transform Tool
@@ -142,18 +142,18 @@ This new feature completely replaces the previously existing tool presets system
<img src="{filename}images/2.8-cage-transform-tool.png" alt="Cage transform tool screenshot" />
-A completely new _Cage transform_ tool has been added thanks to the excellent work of one of our Google
Summer of Code 2010 students. The tool implements an innovative approach to free transformation and makes it
possible to easily warp parts of objects using an adjustable user-defined polygonal frame.
+A completely new _Cage transform_ tool has been added thanks to the excellent work of one of our Google
Summer of Code 2010 students. The tool implements an innovative approach to free transformation and makes it
possible to easily warp parts of objects using an adjustable user-defined polygonal frame.
**Developer:** Michael Muré
### File Plug-Ins
-A plug-in for loading JPEG2000 images has been added, as well as plug-ins for X11 Mouse Cursor files and
fundamental OpenRaster (.ora) import and export support. Added RGB565 support to the csource plug-in.
+A plug-in for loading JPEG2000 images has been added, as well as plug-ins for X11 Mouse Cursor files and
fundamental OpenRaster (.ora) import and export support. Added RGB565 support to the csource plug-in.
**Developers:** Aurimas Juška, Takeshi Matsuyama
-A Cairo based PDF exporter was implemented. While being somewhat simplistic the exporter saves text,
embedding fonts into the final PDF file, and attempts to convert all flat filled areas to vector objects.
+A Cairo based PDF exporter was implemented. While being somewhat simplistic the exporter saves text,
embedding fonts into the final PDF file, and attempts to convert all flat filled areas to vector objects.
**Developer:** Barak Itkin
-Last, but not least, a Web-page plug-in was added to render any web page into an image using Webkit.
+Last, but not least, a Web-page plug-in was added to render any web page into an image using Webkit.
**Developer:** Mukund Sivaraman
### For Tablet Users
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ A new experimental widget was added to meet the requirements of graphic tablets
Another useful feature for users of advanced input devices such as graphic tablets is a completely new
dialog for input device configuration which allows configuring per-device pressure curves to compensate for
hardware differences and personal per-pen preferences.
-People with Intuos tablets and either Artpen or Airbrush styluses will be glad to find that Airbrush wheel
and Artpen rotation are available for driving dynamics via the 'Wheel' input.
+People with Intuos tablets and either Artpen or Airbrush styluses will be glad to find that Airbrush wheel
and Artpen rotation are available for driving dynamics via the 'Wheel' input.
**Developers:** Michael Natterer, Alexia Death
### Resource Tagging
@@ -177,14 +177,14 @@ People with Intuos tablets and either Artpen or Airbrush styluses will be glad t
It is now possible to tag GIMP resources such as brushes and patterns to group them. The tagging is
performed from the respective dockables e.g. the _Brushes_ dockable, and it is possible to filter resources
based on these tags.
-The tags are saved to an XML file, external to the data files themselves. It is possible to tag multiple
resources simultaneously in the UI, but currently only while being viewed as a list. This feature was
developed during Google Summer of Code 2008\.
-**Developer:** Aurimas Juška
+The tags are saved to an XML file, external to the data files themselves. It is possible to tag multiple
resources simultaneously in the UI, but currently only while being viewed as a list. This feature was
developed during Google Summer of Code 2008\.
+**Developer:** Aurimas Juška
**Interaction Architect:** Peter Sikking
### Resources
-We have started overhauling the default set of resources and in this version there have been some changes to
the default set of brushes. The silly 'Untitled' title has been removed from unnamed palette entries. A
wholly new set of brushes for painting has been added and makes use of the new tagging system.
-**Developer:** Martin Nordholts
+We have started overhauling the default set of resources and in this version there have been some changes to
the default set of brushes. The silly 'Untitled' title has been removed from unnamed palette entries. A
wholly new set of brushes for painting has been added and makes use of the new tagging system.
+**Developer:** Martin Nordholts
**Artists:** Johannes Engelhardt, Ramón Miranda, Guillermo Espertino
### Minor Changes
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ We have started overhauling the default set of resources and in this version the
### Plug-in Development
-GIMP 2.8 also further enhances its scripting abilities. For example, API changes to support layer groups
have been made. Here is a [list of new symbols in GIMP
+GIMP 2.8 also further enhances its scripting abilities. For example, API changes to support layer groups
have been made. Here is a [list of new symbols in GIMP
### API Changes
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ The projection code which composes a single image from layers has been ported to
### Roadmap
-The GIMP developers now maintain a roadmap for GIMP development found here:
+The GIMP developers now maintain a roadmap for GIMP development found here:
## GIMP 2.7 Screenshots
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ First startup of GIMP 2.8 on a 1280x800 desktop.
GIMP 2.8 relies on a newer version of GTK+2 that unfortunately has partially broken support for graphics
tablets such as Wacom. If your graphic tablet doesn't work in GIMP 2.8 as it should, we recommend downgrading
to 2.6 until we release GIMP 3.0 that relies on GTK+3 which has fully functional support for advanced input
-To address the needs to migrate from the old tools presets system to the new one we provide a
[script](http://wiki.gimp.org/index.php/Mindstorm:Preset_converter) in Python. However, the old tools presets
are not 100% convertible to the new tool presets. For instance, brush scale from 2.6 can't be converted to
brush size in 2.8.
+To address the needs to migrate from the old tools presets system to the new one we provide a
[script](https://wiki.gimp.org/index.php/Mindstorm:Preset_converter) in Python. However, the old tools
presets are not 100% convertible to the new tool presets. For instance, brush scale from 2.6 can't be
converted to brush size in 2.8.
## Download
@@ -273,12 +273,11 @@ You can use a tiny wrapper script called gimp-2.7 and place it into /usr/local/b
## Bugs
-If you think you found a bug in a development version, please make sure that it hasn't been already
reported. Search [Bugzilla](http://bugzilla.gnome.org/) before filing a new bug-report. Here are some
interesting Bugzilla queries:
+If you think you found a bug in a development version, please make sure that it hasn't been already
reported. Search [Bugzilla](https://bugzilla.gnome.org/) before filing a new bug-report. Here are some
interesting Bugzilla queries:
* [Open bugs with milestone
* [Resolved bugs with milestone
## Contributing
-We need your help to make GIMP 2.8 a success. If you want to join us hacking, show up in #gimp or introduce
yourself on the gimp-developer mailing-list. We are also looking for people to look after the web-site and
update the tutorials. Or you might want to join the [documentation team](http://docs.gimp.org/).
+We need your help to make GIMP 2.8 a success. If you want to join us hacking, show up in #gimp or introduce
yourself on the gimp-developer mailing-list. We are also looking for people to look after the web-site and
update the tutorials. Or you might want to join the [documentation team](https://docs.gimp.org/).
diff --git a/content/release-notes/gimp-2.8.md b/content/release-notes/gimp-2.8.md
index 80167109..5237463c 100644
--- a/content/release-notes/gimp-2.8.md
+++ b/content/release-notes/gimp-2.8.md
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ GIMP 2.8 is the result of three years of hard work and collaborative developmen
<img src="{filename}images/2.8-single-window-mode.png" alt="Single-window mode screenshot" />
-GIMP 2.8 introduces an optional single-window mode. You can toggle between the default multi-window mode and
the new single-window mode through the _Single-window mode_ checkbox in the _Windows_ menu. In single-window
mode, GIMP will put dockable dialogs and images in a single, tabbed image window. The single-window mode
setting is of course preserved if you quit and start GIMP again. Single-window mode removes the necessity for
users of having to deal with multiple windows.
-**Developers:** Martin Nordholts, Michael Natterer
+GIMP 2.8 introduces an optional single-window mode. You can toggle between the default multi-window mode and
the new single-window mode through the _Single-window mode_ checkbox in the _Windows_ menu. In single-window
mode, GIMP will put dockable dialogs and images in a single, tabbed image window. The single-window mode
setting is of course preserved if you quit and start GIMP again. Single-window mode removes the necessity for
users of having to deal with multiple windows.
+**Developers:** Martin Nordholts, Michael Natterer
**Interaction Architect:** Peter Sikking
### Multi-Column Dock Windows
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ GIMP 2.8 introduces an optional single-window mode. You can toggle between the
<img src="{filename}images/2.8-multi-column-dock-windows.png" alt="Multi-column dock windows screenshot" />
-GIMP 2.8 allows dockable dialogs in a dock window to be placed in multiple columns. To create a new column
in a dock window, drag and drop a dockable dialog on the vertical edges of the dock window. This is an
appealing feature for multi-monitor users where one screen can have a big dock window with all the dialogs
and the tools, while all images are on other displays.
-**Developer:** Martin Nordholts
+GIMP 2.8 allows dockable dialogs in a dock window to be placed in multiple columns. To create a new column
in a dock window, drag and drop a dockable dialog on the vertical edges of the dock window. This is an
appealing feature for multi-monitor users where one screen can have a big dock window with all the dialogs
and the tools, while all images are on other displays.
+**Developer:** Martin Nordholts
**Interaction Architect:** Peter Sikking
### More Screen Real Estate For Dockable Dialogs
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ GIMP 2.8 allows dockable dialogs in a dock window to be placed in multiple colu
<img src="{filename}images/2.8-removed-docking-bars.png" alt="Removed docking bars screenshot" />
-The docking bars have been removed and replaced with overlaid highlights. The dockable drag handle has been
removed and the dockable menu button has been moved up to the tabs. A new Automatic tab style has been added
which makes dockable tabs use the available space.
+The docking bars have been removed and replaced with overlaid highlights. The dockable drag handle has been
removed and the dockable menu button has been moved up to the tabs. A new Automatic tab style has been added
which makes dockable tabs use the available space.
**Developer:** Martin Nordholts
### Save And Export
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ The docking bars have been removed and replaced with overlaid highlights. The do
A rather big conceptual change is that saving and exporting images now are clearly separated activities.
Saving an image can only be done in the XCF format which is GIMP's native file format, able to save all kinds
of information necessary for works in progress.
-To export into other formats _File->Export..._ needs to be used. This distinction makes it clearer if all
available information is stored in a file, or not. There are some optimizations for alternative workflows
such as opening a jpg, polishing it, and quickly exporting back to the original file. This conceptual change
has also allowed us to get rid of the annoying dialogs that warned about the flatting of images when saving
to non-layered formats.
-**Developer:** Martin Nordholts
+To export into other formats _File->Export..._ needs to be used. This distinction makes it clearer if all
available information is stored in a file, or not. There are some optimizations for alternative workflows
such as opening a jpg, polishing it, and quickly exporting back to the original file. This conceptual change
has also allowed us to get rid of the annoying dialogs that warned about the flatting of images when saving
to non-layered formats.
+**Developer:** Martin Nordholts
**Interaction Architect:** Peter Sikking
### Layer Groups
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ To export into other formats _File->Export..._ needs to be used. This distinctio
<img src="{filename}images/2.8-layer-groups.png" alt="Layer groups screenshot" />
-For complex compositions, a flat layer structure is very limiting. GIMP 2.8 lets users organize their
compositions better through the introduction of layer groups which allow layers to be organized in tree-like
structures. Layer groups are fully scriptable through the GIMP plug-in API.
+For complex compositions, a flat layer structure is very limiting. GIMP 2.8 lets users organize their
compositions better through the introduction of layer groups which allow layers to be organized in tree-like
structures. Layer groups are fully scriptable through the GIMP plug-in API.
**Developer:** Michael Natterer
### Tools Drawn With Cairo
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ For complex compositions, a flat layer structure is very limiting. GIMP 2.8 let
<img src="{filename}images/2.8-tools-drawn-with-cairo.png" alt="Tools drawn with cairo screenshot" />
-All tools rendering on canvas have been ported to Cairo to provide smooth antialiased graphics and make
GIMP's look and feel match modern users expectations. All but a few plug-ins have been ported over to Cairo
as well. Additionally all tools now use an on-canvas progress indicator instead of the one in the statusbar.
+All tools rendering on canvas have been ported to Cairo to provide smooth antialiased graphics and make
GIMP's look and feel match modern users expectations. All but a few plug-ins have been ported over to Cairo
as well. Additionally all tools now use an on-canvas progress indicator instead of the one in the statusbar.
**Developer:** Michael Natterer
### On-Canvas Text Editing
@@ -75,12 +75,12 @@ All tools rendering on canvas have been ported to Cairo to provide smooth antial
<img src="{filename}images/2.8-on-canvas-text-editing.png" alt="On-canvas text editing screenshot" />
-Text editing with the Text Tool is now performed on-canvas instead of in a separate window. The editing
on-canvas is rather sophisticated: apart from the usual text formatting features like font family, style and
size selectors you get numeric control over baseline offset and kerning, as well as the ability to change
text color for a selection. You can also use a combination of Alt and arrow keys to change baseline offset
and kerning. This feature was originally developed during Google Summer of Code 2008 and heavily improved
+Text editing with the Text Tool is now performed on-canvas instead of in a separate window. The editing
on-canvas is rather sophisticated: apart from the usual text formatting features like font family, style and
size selectors you get numeric control over baseline offset and kerning, as well as the ability to change
text color for a selection. You can also use a combination of Alt and arrow keys to change baseline offset
and kerning. This feature was originally developed during Google Summer of Code 2008 and heavily improved
**Developers:** Daniel Eddeland, Michael Natterer
### Keyboard Shortcut Changes
-Since the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+E and Ctrl+Shift+E have been repurposed for the image export mechanisms,
new keyboard shortcuts have been setup for 'Shrink Wrap' and 'Fit in Window', namely Ctrl+J and Ctrl+Shift+J
+Since the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+E and Ctrl+Shift+E have been repurposed for the image export mechanisms,
new keyboard shortcuts have been setup for 'Shrink Wrap' and 'Fit in Window', namely Ctrl+J and Ctrl+Shift+J
**Developer:** Martin Nordholts
### Simple Math In Size Entries
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ Since the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+E and Ctrl+Shift+E have been repurposed for th
<img src="{filename}images/2.8-math-in-size-entries.png" alt="Math in size entries screenshot" />
-Enhancements have also been made to the size entry widget, which is used for inputting most of the x, y,
width, height parameters. For example, in the scale dialog it is now possible to write '50%' in the Width
field to scale the image to 50% of the width. Expressions such as '30in + 40px' and '4 * 5.4in' work, too.
+Enhancements have also been made to the size entry widget, which is used for inputting most of the x, y,
width, height parameters. For example, in the scale dialog it is now possible to write '50%' in the Width
field to scale the image to 50% of the width. Expressions such as '30in + 40px' and '4 * 5.4in' work, too.
**Developer:** Fredrik Alströmer
### Minor Changes
@@ -123,14 +123,14 @@ Enhancements have also been made to the size entry widget, which is used for inp
The brush dynamics engine has been expanded considerably, making almost all aspects of the brush engine
drivable by a multitude of inputs, all of them configurable with their own response curve.
-Because of the expansion, dynamics were separated from tool options and converted into a resource in their
own right. The Google Summer of Code 2009 Advanced GUI for Brush Dynamics project was the start of its
+Because of the expansion, dynamics were separated from tool options and converted into a resource in their
own right. The Google Summer of Code 2009 Advanced GUI for Brush Dynamics project was the start of its
**Developers:** Alexia Death, Michael Natterer, Zhenfeng Zhao
### Tool Preset Improvements
You can now save existing state of any tool as a preset and give it a meaningful name. The presets are
accessible from a new Tool Presets dockable dialog and additionally can be tagged so that you can easily
manage a lot of presets.
-This new feature completely replaces the previously existing tool presets system to a new level of
accessibility. It also makes it possible to distribute tool presets just like any other resource because each
preset is saved as an individual file.
+This new feature completely replaces the previously existing tool presets system to a new level of
accessibility. It also makes it possible to distribute tool presets just like any other resource because each
preset is saved as an individual file.
**Developers:** Michael Natterer, Alexia Death
### Cage Transform Tool
@@ -139,18 +139,18 @@ This new feature completely replaces the previously existing tool presets system
<img src="{filename}images/2.8-cage-transform-tool.png" alt="Cage transform tool screenshot" />
-A completely new _Cage transform_ tool has been added thanks to the excellent work of one of our Google
Summer of Code 2010 students. The tool implements an innovative approach to free transformation and makes it
possible to easily warp parts of objects using an adjustable user-defined polygonal frame.
+A completely new _Cage transform_ tool has been added thanks to the excellent work of one of our Google
Summer of Code 2010 students. The tool implements an innovative approach to free transformation and makes it
possible to easily warp parts of objects using an adjustable user-defined polygonal frame.
**Developer:** Michael Muré
### File Plug-Ins
-A plug-in for loading JPEG2000 images has been added, as well as plug-ins for X11 Mouse Cursor files and
fundamental OpenRaster (.ora) import and export support. Added RGB565 support to the csource plug-in.
+A plug-in for loading JPEG2000 images has been added, as well as plug-ins for X11 Mouse Cursor files and
fundamental OpenRaster (.ora) import and export support. Added RGB565 support to the csource plug-in.
**Developers:** Aurimas Juška, Takeshi Matsuyama
-A Cairo based PDF exporter was implemented. While being somewhat simplistic the exporter saves text,
embedding fonts into the final PDF file, and attempts to convert all flat filled areas to vector objects.
+A Cairo based PDF exporter was implemented. While being somewhat simplistic the exporter saves text,
embedding fonts into the final PDF file, and attempts to convert all flat filled areas to vector objects.
**Developer:** Barak Itkin
-Last, but not least, a Web-page plug-in was added to render any web page into an image using Webkit.
+Last, but not least, a Web-page plug-in was added to render any web page into an image using Webkit.
**Developer:** Mukund Sivaraman
### For Tablet Users
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ A new experimental widget was added to meet the requirements of graphic tablets
Another useful feature for users of advanced input devices such as graphic tablets is a completely new
dialog for input device configuration which allows configuring per-device pressure curves to compensate for
hardware differences and personal per-pen preferences.
-People with Intuos tablets and either Artpen or Airbrush styluses will be glad to find that Airbrush wheel
and Artpen rotation are available for driving dynamics via the 'Wheel' input.
+People with Intuos tablets and either Artpen or Airbrush styluses will be glad to find that Airbrush wheel
and Artpen rotation are available for driving dynamics via the 'Wheel' input.
**Developers:** Michael Natterer, Alexia Death
### Resource Tagging
@@ -174,14 +174,14 @@ People with Intuos tablets and either Artpen or Airbrush styluses will be glad t
It is now possible to tag GIMP resources such as brushes and patterns to group them. The tagging is
performed from the respective dockables e.g. the _Brushes_ dockable, and it is possible to filter resources
based on these tags.
-The tags are saved to an XML file, external to the data files themselves. It is possible to tag multiple
resources simultaneously in the UI, but currently only while being viewed as a list. This feature was
developed during Google Summer of Code 2008\.
-**Developer:** Aurimas Juška
+The tags are saved to an XML file, external to the data files themselves. It is possible to tag multiple
resources simultaneously in the UI, but currently only while being viewed as a list. This feature was
developed during Google Summer of Code 2008\.
+**Developer:** Aurimas Juška
**Interaction Architect:** Peter Sikking
### Resources
-We have started overhauling the default set of resources and in this version there have been some changes to
the default set of brushes. The silly 'Untitled' title has been removed from unnamed palette entries. A
wholly new set of brushes for painting has been added and makes use of the new tagging system.
-**Developer:** Martin Nordholts
+We have started overhauling the default set of resources and in this version there have been some changes to
the default set of brushes. The silly 'Untitled' title has been removed from unnamed palette entries. A
wholly new set of brushes for painting has been added and makes use of the new tagging system.
+**Developer:** Martin Nordholts
**Artists:** Johannes Engelhardt, Ramón Miranda, Guillermo Espertino
### Minor Changes
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ We have started overhauling the default set of resources and in this version the
### Plug-in Development
-GIMP 2.8 also further enhances its scripting abilities. For example, API changes to support layer groups
have been made. Here is a [list of new symbols in GIMP
+GIMP 2.8 also further enhances its scripting abilities. For example, API changes to support layer groups
have been made. Here is a [list of new symbols in GIMP
### API Changes
@@ -219,12 +219,12 @@ The GIMP license has been changed to (L)GPLv3+.
### GEGL
-The projection code which composes a single image from layers has been ported to GEGL. This includes the
layer modes, as well as support for layer groups. Also, preparations have been made for better and more
intuitive handling of the floating selection.
+The projection code which composes a single image from layers has been ported to GEGL. This includes the
layer modes, as well as support for layer groups. Also, preparations have been made for better and more
intuitive handling of the floating selection.
**Developers:** Michael Natterer, Martin Nordholts
### Roadmap
-The GIMP developers now maintain a roadmap for GIMP development found here:
+The GIMP developers now maintain a roadmap for GIMP development found here:
## GIMP 2.8 Screenshots
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ First startup of GIMP 2.8 on a 1280x800 desktop.
GIMP 2.8 relies on a newer version of GTK+2 that unfortunately has partially broken support for graphics
tablets such as Wacom. If your graphic tablet doesn't work in GIMP 2.8 as it should, we recommend downgrading
to 2.6 until we release GIMP 3.0 that relies on GTK+3 which has fully functional support for advanced input
-To address the needs to migrate from the old tools presets system to the new one we provide a
[script](http://wiki.gimp.org/index.php/Mindstorm:Preset_converter) in Python. However, the old tools presets
are not 100% convertible to the new tool presets. For instance, brush scale from 2.6 can't be converted to
brush size in 2.8.
+To address the needs to migrate from the old tools presets system to the new one we provide a
[script](https://wiki.gimp.org/index.php/Mindstorm:Preset_converter) in Python. However, the old tools
presets are not 100% convertible to the new tool presets. For instance, brush scale from 2.6 can't be
converted to brush size in 2.8.
## Download and install pre-made packages
@@ -269,11 +269,11 @@ You can use a tiny wrapper script called gimp-2.8 and place it into /usr/local/b
## Bugs
-If you think you found a bug in a development version, please make sure that it hasn't been already
reported. Search [Bugzilla](http://bugzilla.gnome.org/) before filing a new bug-report. Here are some
interesting Bugzilla queries:
+If you think you found a bug in a development version, please make sure that it hasn't been already
reported. Search [Bugzilla](https://bugzilla.gnome.org/) before filing a new bug-report. Here are some
interesting Bugzilla queries:
* [Open bugs with milestone
* [Resolved bugs with milestone
## Contributing
-We need your help to make GIMP 2.8 a success. If you want to join us hacking, show up in #gimp or introduce
yourself on the gimp-developer mailing-list. We are also looking for people to look after the web-site and
update the tutorials. Or you might want to join the [documentation team](http://docs.gimp.org/).
+We need your help to make GIMP 2.8 a success. If you want to join us hacking, show up in #gimp or introduce
yourself on the gimp-developer mailing-list. We are also looking for people to look after the web-site and
update the tutorials. Or you might want to join the [documentation team](https://docs.gimp.org/).
diff --git a/content/source/index.md b/content/source/index.md
index 4e33a94d..584794f3 100644
--- a/content/source/index.md
+++ b/content/source/index.md
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ For those who want to check the progress towards the next stable release, and wh
### Git repository
-This is for those who want to live on the bleeding edge. This will give you the latest version of the source
code with the latest features, but also with the latest bugs (eeek!). The repository contains several
versions of the code called "branches" so you can fetch the latest version ("trunk") or a stable version from
a maintenance branch. If you intend to [contribute](/develop/) to the development of GIMP, then you should
try using Git. As the code is constantly evolving and features are added (or removed) every day, you should
have a look at the [developers' site](http://wiki.gimp.org/) and subscribe to the gimp-developer mailing list
if you compile the code from Git.
+This is for those who want to live on the bleeding edge. This will give you the latest version of the source
code with the latest features, but also with the latest bugs (eeek!). The repository contains several
versions of the code called "branches" so you can fetch the latest version ("trunk") or a stable version from
a maintenance branch. If you intend to [contribute](/develop/) to the development of GIMP, then you should
try using Git. As the code is constantly evolving and features are added (or removed) every day, you should
have a look at the [developers' site](https://wiki.gimp.org/) and subscribe to the gimp-developer mailing
list if you compile the code from Git.
## GIMP Source Code
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ All requirements below must be met to be able to compile GIMP from source. This
<td>0.16.0 or newer</td>
<td>A system for managing library compile/link flags</td>
@@ -75,20 +75,20 @@ All requirements below must be met to be able to compile GIMP from source. This
<td>2.12.4 or newer</td>
<td>Font Configuration</td>
<td>0.1.62 or newer</td>
<td>Pixel format translation library</td>
<td>0.4.14 or newer</td>
<td>Generic Graphics Library</td>
@@ -103,11 +103,11 @@ Follow this guide and you will have the most recent GIMP in no time:
* [Best way to keep up with GIMP from git](/source/howtos/gimp-git-build.html)
-To find out more about GIMP development, [http://wiki.gimp.org/](http://wiki.gimp.org/) should answer the
questions you have.
+To find out more about GIMP development, [https://wiki.gimp.org/](https://wiki.gimp.org/) should answer the
questions you have.
## <a name="optional_packages">Optional packages</a>
-To make it easy for you to understand how to get GIMP and what is required to run GIMP, the list of optional
packages has been outlined below. The list outlines what the additional package adds, like support for
fileformats, etc.
+To make it easy for you to understand how to get GIMP and what is required to run GIMP, the list of optional
packages has been outlined below. The list outlines what the additional package adds, like support for
fileformats, etc.
<table markdown="span" class='gimpfromsrc'>
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ To make it easy for you to understand how to get GIMP and what is required to ru
<td>EXIF tag support for JPEGs</td>
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ To make it easy for you to understand how to get GIMP and what is required to ru
<td>TIFF support</td>
<td>Optional (explicit disable)</td>
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ To make it easy for you to understand how to get GIMP and what is required to ru
<td>Scalable Vector Graphics</td>
<td>Optional (plugin won't be built)</td>
@@ -184,24 +184,23 @@ To make it easy for you to understand how to get GIMP and what is required to ru
<td>HTML renderer and web content engine</td>
<td>Optional (Help Browser won't be built)</td>
<td>Compression routines</td>
<td>Python support</td>
diff --git a/content/tutorials/Asset_Folders/index.md b/content/tutorials/Asset_Folders/index.md
index c57eb4f4..c815d4c5 100644
--- a/content/tutorials/Asset_Folders/index.md
+++ b/content/tutorials/Asset_Folders/index.md
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Title: Asset Folders
-Date: 2017-01-25T08:44:05-06:00
+Date: 2017-01-25T08:44:05-06:00
Authors: Pat David
Template: page_author
Summary: A quick look at some easy features.
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ You can make scripts available (ie: install them) in GIMP by placing them in any
Before you just start placing scripts in any folder you see here though, let's think about this for a moment.
The first two locations are default locations that are created by GIMP.
-The third entry, however, is a custom entry.
+The third entry, however, is a custom entry.
It can be very helpful to save GIMP assets to a directory outside of the default paths.
In the event that you want to upgrade or try a different version of GIMP, you can simply point the
appropriate folder to this location to make the assets available again.
@@ -95,8 +95,7 @@ TIP: If possible, consider using a separate folder to store your own assets in,
-<a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US" rel="license"><img class='cc-badge'
alt="Creative Commons License" src="/images/creativecommons/by-sa 80x15.png" /></a>
-<span xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/">GIMP Tutorial - GIMP Quickies (text & images)</span> by [Pat
-is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
+<a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US" rel="license"><img class='cc-badge'
alt="Creative Commons License" src="/images/creativecommons/by-sa 80x15.png" /></a>
+<span xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/">GIMP Tutorial - GIMP Quickies (text & images)</span> by [Pat
+is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
diff --git a/content/tutorials/Automate_Editing_in_GIMP/index.md
index d19ee5d3..33ff0957 100644
--- a/content/tutorials/Automate_Editing_in_GIMP/index.md
+++ b/content/tutorials/Automate_Editing_in_GIMP/index.md
@@ -656,8 +656,8 @@ Image - Running your code in the Gimp Python Console
-<a href='http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US'>
+<a href='https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US'>
<img class='cc-badge' src='/images/creativecommons/by-sa 80x15.png' alt='Creative Commons By Share Alike'/>
-<br><span xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/">GIMP Tutorial - Automate Editing</span> by <a
rel="cc:attributionURL" xmlns:cc="http://creativecommons.org/ns#">Stephen Kiel</a> is licensed under a <a
href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US" rel="license">Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License</a>. The code sources in this tutorial are licensed by Stephen
Kiel under the conditions of the <a href="https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html">GNU Public License GPL
+<br><span xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/">GIMP Tutorial - Automate Editing</span> by <a
rel="cc:attributionURL" xmlns:cc="https://creativecommons.org/ns#">Stephen Kiel</a> is licensed under a <a
href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US" rel="license">Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License</a>. The code sources in this tutorial are licensed by Stephen
Kiel under the conditions of the <a href="https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html">GNU Public License GPL
diff --git a/content/tutorials/AutomatedJpgToXcf/index.md b/content/tutorials/AutomatedJpgToXcf/index.md
index 4d97d114..df8a29c0 100644
--- a/content/tutorials/AutomatedJpgToXcf/index.md
+++ b/content/tutorials/AutomatedJpgToXcf/index.md
@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@ The content of the _Valid Image Type_ is the way that we specify whether we can
( script-fu-register "script-fu-example-jpg-to-xcf" ; Function Name
"1 ) Import JPG to XCF (Directory)" ; Menu Label
- "This script is an interactive script to convert all of the jpegs
- in a source directory into GIMP xcf format files in a target
- directory. The script is designed to be run WITHOUT ANY IMAGE
+ "This script is an interactive script to convert all of the jpegs
+ in a source directory into GIMP xcf format files in a target
+ directory. The script is designed to be run WITHOUT ANY IMAGE
LOADED. Runs from GIMP shell in Linux and Windows."
"Stephen Kiel" ; Author
"2013, Stephen Kiel" ; Copyright
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ The content of the _Valid Image Type_ is the way that we specify whether we can
SF-DIRNAME "JPG Originals (source) Directory" ""
SF-DIRNAME "XCF Working (target) Directory" ""
) ; End script-fu-register
- ( script-fu-menu-register
+ ( script-fu-menu-register
"script-fu-example-jpg-to-xcf" "<Image>/Example-Scm")
The image below shows menu items with and without an image loaded. The menu items numbered 1 & 2 have image
type = **""**. The items numbered 3 & 4 have image type = **"*"**.
@@ -80,10 +80,10 @@ Fortunately once we have the pathname to the source directory it is easy to dete
#### Script-fu file-glob and strbreakup
- ( isLinux ( >
+ ( isLinux ( >
( length ( strbreakup sourceDirectory "/" ) )
( length ( strbreakup sourceDirectory "\\" ) ) ) )
- ; Form path/file patternSource based on OS
+ ; Form path/file patternSource based on OS
( patternSource ( if isLinux
( string-append sourceDirectory "/*.[jJ][pP][gG]" )
( string-append sourceDirectory "\\*.[jJ][pP][gG]" ) ) )
@@ -145,17 +145,17 @@ The following scripts are the _script-fu_ and _python-fu_ versions of the Jpg to
;;; appropriate path - filename separator ( "/" or "\").
- ( define ( script-fu-example-jpg-to-xcf
+ ( define ( script-fu-example-jpg-to-xcf
sourceDirectory targetDirectory )
( let*
; Declare and Init local variables
( returnVal #f )
; Guess host OS based on directory path separator
- ( isLinux ( >
+ ( isLinux ( >
( length ( strbreakup sourceDirectory "/" ) )
( length ( strbreakup sourceDirectory "\\" ) ) ) )
- ; Form path/file patternSource based on OS
+ ; Form path/file patternSource based on OS
( patternSource ( if isLinux
( string-append sourceDirectory "/*.[jJ][pP][gG]" )
( string-append sourceDirectory "\\*.[jJ][pP][gG]" ) ) )
@@ -193,11 +193,11 @@ The following scripts are the _script-fu_ and _python-fu_ versions of the Jpg to
( set! currentFile ( car filelistSource ) )
; Get open and get Image ID of current file
( set! theImage
- ( car ( gimp-file-load RUN-NONINTERACTIVE
+ ( car ( gimp-file-load RUN-NONINTERACTIVE
currentFile currentFile ) ) )
( if isLinux
; Target path-filename if Host OS is Linux
- ( begin
+ ( begin
( set! baseName ( car ( reverse
( strbreakup currentFile "/" ) ) ) )
( set! baseName ( car ( strbreakup baseName "." ) ) )
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ The following scripts are the _script-fu_ and _python-fu_ versions of the Jpg to
targetDirectory "/" baseName ".xcf" ) )
) ; End begin - Host OS is Linux
; Target path-filename if Host OS is Windows
- ( begin
+ ( begin
( set! baseName ( car ( reverse
( strbreakup currentFile "\\" ) ) ) )
( set! baseName ( car ( strbreakup baseName "." ) ) )
@@ -223,10 +223,10 @@ The following scripts are the _script-fu_ and _python-fu_ versions of the Jpg to
( if doIt
( begin
; Get / set Drawable ID, need it for file save.
- ( set! theDrawable ( car
+ ( set! theDrawable ( car
( gimp-image-merge-visible-layers theImage 0 ) ) )
; Save file - GIMP xcf format
- ( gimp-xcf-save
+ ( gimp-xcf-save
RUN-NONINTERACTIVE theImage theDrawable
outFilename outFilename )
) ; End begin
@@ -243,9 +243,9 @@ The following scripts are the _script-fu_ and _python-fu_ versions of the Jpg to
( script-fu-register "script-fu-example-jpg-to-xcf" ; Function Name
"1 ) Import JPG to XCF (Directory)" ; Menu Label
- "This script is an interactive script to convert all of the jpegs
- in a source directory into GIMP xcf format files in a target
- directory. The script is designed to be run WITHOUT ANY IMAGE
+ "This script is an interactive script to convert all of the jpegs
+ in a source directory into GIMP xcf format files in a target
+ directory. The script is designed to be run WITHOUT ANY IMAGE
LOADED. Runs from GIMP shell in Linux and Windows."
"Stephen Kiel" ; Author
"2013, Stephen Kiel" ; Copyright
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ The following scripts are the _script-fu_ and _python-fu_ versions of the Jpg to
SF-DIRNAME "JPG Originals (source) Directory" ""
SF-DIRNAME "XCF Working (target) Directory" ""
) ; End script-fu-register
- ( script-fu-menu-register
+ ( script-fu-menu-register
"script-fu-example-jpg-to-xcf" "<Image>/Example-Scm")
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ The following scripts are the _script-fu_ and _python-fu_ versions of the Jpg to
def exampleJpgToXcf(srcPath, tgtPath):
"""Registered function exampleJpgToXcf, Converts all of the
- jpegs in the source directory into xcf files in a target
+ jpegs in the source directory into xcf files in a target
directory. Requires two arguments, the paths to the source and
target directories. DOES NOT require an image to be open.
@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ The following scripts are the _script-fu_ and _python-fu_ versions of the Jpg to
register (
"exampleJpgToXcf", # Name registered in Procedure Browser
"Convert jpg files to xcf", # Widget title
- "Convert jpg files to xcf", #
+ "Convert jpg files to xcf", #
"Stephen Kiel", # Author
"Stephen Kiel", # Copyright Holder
"July 2013", # Date
@@ -351,9 +351,9 @@ The following scripts are the _script-fu_ and _python-fu_ versions of the Jpg to
-<a href='http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US'>
+<a href='https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US'>
<img class='cc-badge' src='/images/creativecommons/by-sa 80x15.png' alt='Creative Commons By Share Alike'/>
-<span xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/">GIMP Tutorial - Automated Jpeg to XCF (text & images)</span> by
<a rel="cc:attributionURL" xmlns:cc="http://creativecommons.org/ns#">Stephen Kiel</a>
-is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
License](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US). The code sources in this tutorial are
licensed by Stephen Kiel under the conditions of the [GNU](http://www.gnu.org/) Public License GPL V3.
+<span xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/">GIMP Tutorial - Automated Jpeg to XCF (text & images)</span> by
<a rel="cc:attributionURL" xmlns:cc="https://creativecommons.org/ns#">Stephen Kiel</a>
+is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
License](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US). The code sources in this tutorial are
licensed by Stephen Kiel under the conditions of the [GNU](http://www.gnu.org/) Public License GPL V3.
diff --git a/content/tutorials/Basic_Color_Curves/index.md b/content/tutorials/Basic_Color_Curves/index.md
index e67de08e..92b150c5 100644
--- a/content/tutorials/Basic_Color_Curves/index.md
+++ b/content/tutorials/Basic_Color_Curves/index.md
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Color has this amazing ability to evoke emotional responses from us. From the wa
Volumes have been written on color and I am in no ways even remotely qualified to speak on it. So I won’t.
-Instead, we are going to take a look at the use of the **Curves** tool in [GIMP](http://www.gimp.org). Even
though GIMP is used to demonstrate these ideas, the principles are generic to just about any RGB curve
+Instead, we are going to take a look at the use of the **Curves** tool in [GIMP](https://www.gimp.org). Even
though GIMP is used to demonstrate these ideas, the principles are generic to just about any RGB curve
## Your Pixels and You[](#your-pixels-and-you)
@@ -67,12 +67,12 @@ As you can see, there is more blue than anything else (it is a blue-ish pixel af
## Curves: Value[](#curves-value)
-So let’s leave your pixel alone for the time being, and actually have a look at the **Curves** dialog. I’ll
be using this wonderful image by [Eric](http://www.flickr.com/photos/qsimple/) from
+So let’s leave your pixel alone for the time being, and actually have a look at the **Curves** dialog. I’ll
be using this wonderful image by [Eric](https://www.flickr.com/photos/qsimple/) from
<figure markdown="span">
<img src="{filename}flickr-qsimple-5636649561-original.jpg" alt="Hollow Moon by Eric qsimple Flickr" >
-[Hollow Moon](http://www.flickr.com/photos/qsimple/5636649561/) by
[qsimple/Eric](http://www.flickr.com/photos/qsimple/) on [Flickr](http://www.flickr.com).
+[Hollow Moon](https://www.flickr.com/photos/qsimple/5636649561/) by
[qsimple/Eric](https://www.flickr.com/photos/qsimple/) on [Flickr](https://www.flickr.com).
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ In the green channel for instance, you can begin to introduce more magenta into
<figure markdown='span'>
<noscript><img alt="Original" class="comp" src="{filename}flickr-qsimple-5636649561-original.jpg"
<img alt="Dark green suppress" data-swap-src="{filename}flickr-qsimple-5636649561-original.jpg" class="comp"
src="{filename}flickr-qsimple-5636649561-dark-green-suppresst.jpg" />
-<figcaption>Suppressing the **green** channel in darks/mids adds a bit of **magenta**
+<figcaption>Suppressing the **green** channel in darks/mids adds a bit of **magenta**
(click for original).
<noscript><br /> (Original on left)</noscript>
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ Screenshot from [Kuler](https://color.adobe.com) borrowed from Todd.
-If you don’t already know about it, Adobe has online a fantastic tool for color visualization and palette
creation called [<del>Kuler</del>](http://kuler.adobe.com) [**Adobe Color CC**](https://color.adobe.com). It
lets you work on colors based on some classic rules, or even generate a color palette from images. Well worth
a visit and a fantastic bookmark for fiddling with color.
+If you don’t already know about it, Adobe has online a fantastic tool for color visualization and palette
creation called [<del>Kuler</del>](https://kuler.adobe.com) [**Adobe Color CC**](https://color.adobe.com). It
lets you work on colors based on some classic rules, or even generate a color palette from images. Well worth
a visit and a fantastic bookmark for fiddling with color.
So a quick look at the desired effect would be to keep/boost the skin tones into a sort of orange-y pinkish
color, and to push the darker tones into a teal/cyan combination. (Colorists on films tend to use a Lift,
Gamma, Gain model, but we’ll just try this out with our curves here).
@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ Finally to end up at something like this.
<noscript><img alt="Original" class="comp" src="{filename}flickr-qsimple-5636649561-original.jpg"
<img alt="orangeteal value final" data-swap-src="{filename}flickr-qsimple-5636649561-original.jpg"
class="comp" src="{filename}flickr-qsimple-5636649561-orangeteal-value-final.jpg" />
-<figcaption>After fooling around a bit - disgusting, isn’t it?
+<figcaption>After fooling around a bit - disgusting, isn’t it?
(click for original).
<noscript><br /> (Original on left)</noscript>
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ Finally to end up at something like this.
I am exaggerating things here to illustrate a point. Please don’t do this to your photos. :)
-If you’d like to download the curves file of the results we reached above, get it here:
+If you’d like to download the curves file of the results we reached above, get it here:
[Orange Teal Hell Color Curves](https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B21lPI7Ov4CVdmJnOXpkQjN4aWc)
## Conclusion[](#conclusion)
@@ -343,29 +343,29 @@ Remember, think about what the color curves represent in your image to help you
For even more fun - realize that the colors in your images can help to evoke emotional responses in the
viewer, and adjust things accordingly. I’ll leave it as an exercise for the reader to determine some of the
associations between colors and different emotions.
-The original tutorial this was adapted from may be found
[here](http://blog.patdavid.net/2012/06/getting-around-in-gimp-color-curves.html) or
[here](https://pixls.us/articles/basic-color-curves/) on [pixls.us](https://pixls.us) (possibly with updated
+The original tutorial this was adapted from may be found
[here](https://blog.patdavid.net/2012/06/getting-around-in-gimp-color-curves.html) or
[here](https://pixls.us/articles/basic-color-curves/) on [pixls.us](https://pixls.us) (possibly with updated
-<a href='http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US'>
+<a href='https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US'>
<img class='cc-badge' src='/images/creativecommons/by-sa 80x15.png' alt='Creative Commons By Share Alike'/>
-<span xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/">GIMP Tutorial - Basic Color Curves (text & images)</span> by
[Pat David](http://blog.patdavid.net) is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0
Unported License](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US) (except _Hollow Moon_ by
_qsimple/Eric_ on [Flickr](https://www.flickr.com/people/qsimple/)).
+<span xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/">GIMP Tutorial - Basic Color Curves (text & images)</span> by
[Pat David](https://blog.patdavid.net) is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0
Unported License](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US) (except _Hollow Moon_ by
_qsimple/Eric_ on [Flickr](https://www.flickr.com/people/qsimple/)).
<script type="text/javascript">
-* Simple image swapping using html5 data-* attributes.
-* Get all images with the 'data-swap-src' attribute.
-* For each image, set the 'data-swap' attribute to a start value
-* Add event listener to the images to trigger swap function
-* swap function swaps out the current src and data-swap values
+* Simple image swapping using html5 data-* attributes.
+* Get all images with the 'data-swap-src' attribute.
+* For each image, set the 'data-swap' attribute to a start value
+* Add event listener to the images to trigger swap function
+* swap function swaps out the current src and data-swap values
var imgs = document.querySelectorAll('[data-swap-src]');
var images_pre = new Array();
-for ( var i = 0; i < imgs.length; i++ ){
+for ( var i = 0; i < imgs.length; i++ ){
var img = imgs[i];
var datasrc = decodeURI( img.src );
var dataswap = img.getAttribute('data-swap-src');
@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ for ( var i = 0; i < imgs.length; i++ ){
// {filename is in data-swap-src
imgs[i].setAttribute( 'data-swap-src', dataswap.replace( /.*{filename}/i, datasrc.replace(
/[^\/]*$/, '' ) ) );
imgs[i].setAttribute('data-swap', imgs[i].getAttribute('data-swap-src') );
imgs[i].addEventListener('click', swap, false);
imgs[i].style.cursor = "crosshair";
@@ -385,13 +385,12 @@ for ( var i = 0; i < imgs.length; i++ ){
images_pre[i].src = imgs[i].getAttribute('data-swap-src');
-function swap(evt){
+function swap(evt){
var et = evt.target;
var tmp = et.src;
et.src = et.getAttribute('data-swap');
et.setAttribute('data-swap', tmp);
et.style.cursor == "crosshair" ? et.style.cursor = "w-resize" : et.style.cursor = "crosshair";
- }
+ }
diff --git a/content/tutorials/Basic_Perl/index.md b/content/tutorials/Basic_Perl/index.md
index 87ab207d..d3b42941 100644
--- a/content/tutorials/Basic_Perl/index.md
+++ b/content/tutorials/Basic_Perl/index.md
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ The tutorial scripts have been tested on Linux (a Windows version is in the work
1. Gimp version 2.8.10.
2. Perl version 5.14 or later.
3. The perl module Gtk2, version 1.249, available from
-4. The Gimp-Perl module, version 2.3 or later, available from
+4. The Gimp-Perl module, version 2.3 or later, available from
Perl and all its associated modules are available in source form from the Comprehensive Perl Archive
network, CPAN.
@@ -42,41 +42,41 @@ Perl and all its associated modules are available in source form from the Compre
Most scripts make use of the simplified interface Gimp::Fu provided with the Gimp module. Gimp::Fu provides
a framework for entering parameters to the script in a dialog-box interface, just like Script-Fu, but also
allows running of the script in batch mode from the command line. This tutorial will go into detailed
descriptions of the construction of a Gimp::Fu script, but before we do this, here is the general framework
of such a script.
- #!/usr/bin/perl -w
+ #!/usr/bin/perl -w
- use Gimp;
- use Gimp::Fu;
+ use Gimp;
+ use Gimp::Fu;
podregister {
# code...
- };
+ };
- exit main;
- __END__
+ exit main;
+ __END__
- =head1 NAME
+ =head1 NAME
- test_exception - exercise gimp-perl filter testing exceptions
+ test_exception - exercise gimp-perl filter testing exceptions
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
+ =head1 SYNOPSIS
- <Image>/Filters/Languages/_Perl/_Test/Exception
+ <Image>/Filters/Languages/_Perl/_Test/Exception
- Exercise Gimp-Perl exceptions.
+ Exercise Gimp-Perl exceptions.
- =head1 AUTHOR
+ =head1 AUTHOR
- The Author.
+ The Author.
- =head1 DATE
+ =head1 DATE
- 20140310
+ 20140310
- =head1 LICENSE
+ =head1 LICENSE
- The licensing terms.
+ The licensing terms.
The key points to note in the script are:
@@ -128,14 +128,14 @@ You will also see that the first parameter, `run-mode`, was omitted. This is a f
Script-Fu scripts are called just like any other script according to the PDB signature in the PDB browser.
E.g. to run the script-fu-basic1-logo just do:
script_fu_basic1_logo("Hello", 72,
- "Utopia 72",
+ "Utopia 72",
### 5.1. Gimp::Fu and the podregister function
Gimp::Fu is Perl's answer to Script-Fu. It provides a simplified method for accepting parameters for a
script through a Gtk2 interface, just like script-fu, but as we shall see below, it has some additional bells
and whistles.
-The main function for a Gimp-Fu script is the <tt>podregister</tt> function. This function declares the
interface of the script to GIMP. The <tt>podregister</tt> function provides GIMP with the following
information, from various sections of its [POD (plain old
+The main function for a Gimp-Fu script is the <tt>podregister</tt> function. This function declares the
interface of the script to GIMP. The <tt>podregister</tt> function provides GIMP with the following
information, from various sections of its [POD (plain old
* The name of the function. It comes from the first part of the <tt>NAME</tt> section, before the dash.
Tells GIMP the name by which the function will be known in the PDB.
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ The main function for a Gimp-Fu script is the <tt>podregister</tt> function. Thi
If you specify "<Toolbox>", then the script is a standalone script that appears in the menu
hierarchy under Filters (this is a historical thing) and takes all its inputs through the Gimp::Fu interface
-* The acceptable image types, from the <tt>IMAGE TYPES</tt> section - a string.
+* The acceptable image types, from the <tt>IMAGE TYPES</tt> section - a string.
This list contains a list of image types acceptable.
This field is only used for scripts that are in the "<Image>" hieararchy. Some possible values are
listed in the table below:
@@ -199,27 +199,27 @@ This field is only used for scripts that are in the "<Image>" hieararchy.
<th width="50%">Comment</th>
- <td valign="top">PF_INT32
- PF_INT16
+ <td valign="top">PF_INT32
+ PF_INT16
<td valign="top">42</td>
<td valign="top">An integer.</td>
- <td valign="top">PF_FLOAT
+ <td valign="top">PF_FLOAT
<td valign="top">3.141</td>
<td valign="top">A floating point number.</td>
<td valign="top">PF_TOGGLE</td>
- <td valign="top">0
+ <td valign="top">0
<td valign="top">A boolean value.</td>
- <td valign="top">PF_SLIDER
+ <td valign="top">PF_SLIDER
<td valign="top">An integer value through a slider and a spinner interface. The range parameter
should be specified and is interpreted as minimum, maximum, and step, e.g. [0,100,1].</td>
<td valign="top"></td>
@@ -235,15 +235,15 @@ This field is only used for scripts that are in the "<Image>" hieararchy.
<td valign="top">A string</td>
- <td valign="top">PF_COLOR
+ <td valign="top">PF_COLOR
- <td valign="top">[255,127,0]
+ <td valign="top">[255,127,0]
<td valign="top">A color may either be expressed as a reference to an array of three components, or
as a hexadecimal triple, proceeded by the hash sign.</td>
<td valign="top">PF_TOGGLE</td>
- <td valign="top">0
+ <td valign="top">0
<td valign="top">A boolean toggle</td>
@@ -281,9 +281,9 @@ This field is only used for scripts that are in the "<Image>" hieararchy.
* An array defining allowed range for the value. This is only used for PF_SLIDER and PF_SPINNER.
* Optionally, the return types of the function can be provided, from a <tt>RETURN VALUES</tt> section. This
is specified in the same way as the Parameters above. There is no default or extra argument required.
-* The perl code implementing the function - most commonly with a sub-reference, surrounded by "{" and "};",
as below - thanks to Perl's prototyping, you don't need to specify "sub".
-This will be called when the associated menu entry declared through the _Menu path_ described above.
-When the sub is called it is passed a list of parameters as declared in field 9.
+* The perl code implementing the function - most commonly with a sub-reference, surrounded by "{" and "};",
as below - thanks to Perl's prototyping, you don't need to specify "sub".
+This will be called when the associated menu entry declared through the _Menu path_ described above.
+When the sub is called it is passed a list of parameters as declared in field 9.
In the case of a "<Image>..." script, the active image and drawable (layer or channel) will be passed
as first and second parameters. Thanks to the magic of Perl source filtering, you do not need to declare your
variables but may simply use them:
@@ -309,55 +309,55 @@ You will have noticed above that the parameters to the function given to <tt>pod
The following Gimp::Fu script example shows the steps described in the previous section. It registers a
script that takes two values, the size of the image and a color, and then produces an image of the requested
size with the requested color. Quite useless, but it shows the important steps of how to register a script,
how to create a new image, and how to access some PDB functions.
- #!/usr/bin/perl -w
+ #!/usr/bin/perl -w
- use strict;
- use Gimp;
- use Gimp::Fu;
+ use strict;
+ use Gimp;
+ use Gimp::Fu;
- podregister {
- # no need to have my ($size, $color) = @_;
- my $img = Gimp::Image->new($size, $size, RGB); # Create a new image
- # Create a new layer
- my $layer = $img->layer_new($size, $size, RGB, "Layer 1", 100, NORMAL_MODE);
- $img->insert_layer($layer, -1, 0); # add the layer to the image
- Gimp::Context->set_background($color); # Set background to required color
- $layer->edit_fill(BACKGROUND_FILL); # Paint the layer
- Gimp::Display->new($img);
- return $img; # Return image - return implied by no IMAGE TYPES
- };
+ podregister {
+ # no need to have my ($size, $color) = @_;
+ my $img = Gimp::Image->new($size, $size, RGB); # Create a new image
+ # Create a new layer
+ my $layer = $img->layer_new($size, $size, RGB, "Layer 1", 100, NORMAL_MODE);
+ $img->insert_layer($layer, -1, 0); # add the layer to the image
+ Gimp::Context->set_background($color); # Set background to required color
+ $layer->edit_fill(BACKGROUND_FILL); # Paint the layer
+ Gimp::Display->new($img);
+ return $img; # Return image - return implied by no IMAGE TYPES
+ };
- exit main;
- __END__
+ exit main;
+ __END__
- =head1 NAME
+ =head1 NAME
- img_uni - Create a uniform image
+ img_uni - Create a uniform image
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
+ =head1 SYNOPSIS
- <Image>/File/Create/Tutorial/Img Uni
+ <Image>/File/Create/Tutorial/Img Uni
- A tutorial script.
+ A tutorial script.
- [PF_INT32, "size", "Img size", 100],
- [PF_COLOR, "color", "Img color", [255,127,0]]
+ [PF_INT32, "size", "Img size", 100],
+ [PF_COLOR, "color", "Img color", [255,127,0]]
- =head1 AUTHOR
+ =head1 AUTHOR
- Dov Grobgeld
+ Dov Grobgeld
- =head1 DATE
+ =head1 DATE
- 2004-03-27
+ 2004-03-27
- =head1 LICENSE
+ =head1 LICENSE
- Dov Grobgeld (c)
+ Dov Grobgeld (c)
Most of these commands are directly copied out the PDB.
@@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ A simple use of this function which selects a rectangle in the middle of an imag
* The script is associated with an image since its menu path starts with "<Image>/...". Note that as
a result of this the callback sub in line 6 receives two additional parameters, the active image and the
selected drawable.
* The use of the PDB functions <tt>gimp_image_undo_group_start</tt> and
<tt>gimp_image_undo_group_end</tt>. These functions declare an undo group. When an undo is done on the image,
instead of having the individual operators undo, all the actions between the undo start and the undo end
calls will be undone at once.
-<table markdown='1' class='tut'>
+<table markdown='1' class='tut'>
<th bgcolor="#E0E0FF">[paint-select](paint-select)</th>
@@ -562,61 +562,61 @@ A simple use of this function which selects a rectangle in the middle of an imag
<td bgcolor="#FFE0E0"><font color="black">
- #!/usr/bin/perl -w
+ #!/usr/bin/perl -w
- use Gimp;
- use Gimp::Fu;
+ use Gimp;
+ use Gimp::Fu;
- podregister {
- my ($width, $height) = ($image->width, $image->height);
- # Select a rectangle inside the image and paint it with color
- $image->undo_group_start;
- $image->select_rectangle(
- CHANNEL_OP_REPLACE, $width/4, $height/4, $width/2, $height/2,
- );
- Gimp::Context->set_background($color);
- $drawable->edit_fill(BACKGROUND_FILL);
- $image->selection_none;
- $image->undo_group_end;
- ();
- };
+ podregister {
+ my ($width, $height) = ($image->width, $image->height);
+ # Select a rectangle inside the image and paint it with color
+ $image->undo_group_start;
+ $image->select_rectangle(
+ CHANNEL_OP_REPLACE, $width/4, $height/4, $width/2, $height/2,
+ );
+ Gimp::Context->set_background($color);
+ $drawable->edit_fill(BACKGROUND_FILL);
+ $image->selection_none;
+ $image->undo_group_end;
+ ();
+ };
- exit main;
- __END__
+ exit main;
+ __END__
- =head1 NAME
+ =head1 NAME
- img_paint_select - Paints the selection
+ img_paint_select - Paints the selection
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
+ =head1 SYNOPSIS
- <Image>/Filters/Tutorial/Paint Select
+ <Image>/Filters/Tutorial/Paint Select
- Paints the selection
+ Paints the selection
- [PF_COLOR, "color", "Rectangle color", [0,0,255]],
+ [PF_COLOR, "color", "Rectangle color", [0,0,255]],
- =head1 IMAGE TYPES
+ =head1 IMAGE TYPES
- *
+ *
- =head1 AUTHOR
+ =head1 AUTHOR
- Dov Grobgeld
+ Dov Grobgeld
- =head1 DATE
+ =head1 DATE
- 1999-05-14
+ 1999-05-14
- =head1 LICENSE
+ =head1 LICENSE
- Dov Grobgeld
+ Dov Grobgeld
@@ -649,66 +649,66 @@ In perl it is trivial to write loops that together with the various selection to
<td bgcolor="#FFE0E0"><font color="black">
- #!/usr/bin/perl
+ #!/usr/bin/perl
- use Gimp;
- use Gimp::Fu;
+ use Gimp;
+ use Gimp::Fu;
- podregister {
- # Create the background
- my $img = Gimp::Image->new($size, $size, RGB);
- $layer = $img->layer_new($size, $size, RGB, "Layer 1", 100, NORMAL_MODE);
- $img->insert_layer($layer, -1, 0);
- Gimp::Context->set_background($bgcolor);
- $layer->edit_fill(BACKGROUND_FILL);
- my $ncircles = int($size/$radius/2);
- for ($i=0; $i<$ncircles; $i++) {
- for ($j=0; $j<$ncircles; $j++) {
- # Select a circle
- $img->select_ellipse(
- CHANNEL_OP_REPLACE, $i*$radius*2, $j*$radius*2, $radius*2, $radius*2
- );
- my $color = [$i*30, ($ncircles-$j)*25, ($i+$j)*15]; # mix colors
- Gimp::Context->set_background($color);
- $layer->edit_fill(BACKGROUND_FILL);
- }
- }
- Gimp::Display->new($img);
- return $img;
- };
+ podregister {
+ # Create the background
+ my $img = Gimp::Image->new($size, $size, RGB);
+ $layer = $img->layer_new($size, $size, RGB, "Layer 1", 100, NORMAL_MODE);
+ $img->insert_layer($layer, -1, 0);
+ Gimp::Context->set_background($bgcolor);
+ $layer->edit_fill(BACKGROUND_FILL);
+ my $ncircles = int($size/$radius/2);
+ for ($i=0; $i<$ncircles; $i++) {
+ for ($j=0; $j<$ncircles; $j++) {
+ # Select a circle
+ $img->select_ellipse(
+ CHANNEL_OP_REPLACE, $i*$radius*2, $j*$radius*2, $radius*2, $radius*2
+ );
+ my $color = [$i*30, ($ncircles-$j)*25, ($i+$j)*15]; # mix colors
+ Gimp::Context->set_background($color);
+ $layer->edit_fill(BACKGROUND_FILL);
+ }
+ }
+ Gimp::Display->new($img);
+ return $img;
+ };
- exit main;
- __END__
+ exit main;
+ __END__
- =head1 NAME
+ =head1 NAME
- circles - a loop
+ circles - a loop
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
+ =head1 SYNOPSIS
- <Image>/File/Create/Tutorial/Circles
+ <Image>/File/Create/Tutorial/Circles
- a loop
+ a loop
- [PF_INT32, "size", "Image size", 100],
- [PF_COLOR, "bgcolor", "Background color", [40,180,60]],
- [PF_INT32, "radius", "Circle radius", 10]
+ [PF_INT32, "size", "Image size", 100],
+ [PF_COLOR, "bgcolor", "Background color", [40,180,60]],
+ [PF_INT32, "radius", "Circle radius", 10]
- =head1 AUTHOR
+ =head1 AUTHOR
- Dov
+ Dov
- =head1 DATE
+ =head1 DATE
- 1999-05-14
+ 1999-05-14
- =head1 LICENSE
+ =head1 LICENSE
- Dov
+ Dov
@@ -740,58 +740,58 @@ Here is an example of a script that creates an image containing "Hello world".
<td bgcolor="#FFE0E0">
- #!/usr/bin/perl
+ #!/usr/bin/perl
- use Gimp;
- use Gimp::Fu;
+ use Gimp;
+ use Gimp::Fu;
- podregister {
- my $img = Gimp::Image->new(350, 100, RGB);
- my $drw = $img->layer_new($img->width, $img->height,
- RGB, "BG", 100, NORMAL_MODE);
- $img->insert_layer($drw, -1, 0);
- Gimp::Context->set_background("black");
- $drw->edit_fill(BACKGROUND_FILL);
- Gimp::Context->set_foreground([255,255,0]); # Choose color of text
- # Create the text
- my $textlayer = $drw->text_fontname(0, 0, $text, 10, 1, $size, POINTS, $font);
- $textlayer->floating_sel_anchor;
- Gimp::Display->new($img);
- return $img;
- };
+ podregister {
+ my $img = Gimp::Image->new(350, 100, RGB);
+ my $drw = $img->layer_new($img->width, $img->height,
+ RGB, "BG", 100, NORMAL_MODE);
+ $img->insert_layer($drw, -1, 0);
+ Gimp::Context->set_background("black");
+ $drw->edit_fill(BACKGROUND_FILL);
+ Gimp::Context->set_foreground([255,255,0]); # Choose color of text
+ # Create the text
+ my $textlayer = $drw->text_fontname(0, 0, $text, 10, 1, $size, POINTS, $font);
+ $textlayer->floating_sel_anchor;
+ Gimp::Display->new($img);
+ return $img;
+ };
- exit main;
- __END__
+ exit main;
+ __END__
- =head1 NAME
+ =head1 NAME
- hello_world1 - basic text
+ hello_world1 - basic text
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
+ =head1 SYNOPSIS
- <Image>/File/Create/Tutorial/Basic text 1
+ <Image>/File/Create/Tutorial/Basic text 1
- basic text
+ basic text
- [PF_FONT, "font", "Font", "Sans"],
- [PF_INT32, "size", "Font size", 70],
- [PF_STRING, "text", "Text", "Hello world!"]
+ [PF_FONT, "font", "Font", "Sans"],
+ [PF_INT32, "size", "Font size", 70],
+ [PF_STRING, "text", "Text", "Hello world!"]
- =head1 AUTHOR
+ =head1 AUTHOR
- Dov
+ Dov
- =head1 DATE
+ =head1 DATE
- 2004-03-27
+ 2004-03-27
- =head1 LICENSE
+ =head1 LICENSE
- Dov
+ Dov
@@ -823,69 +823,69 @@ The result is an image composed of two layers; a transparent text layer on top o
<td bgcolor="#FFE0E0"><font color="black">
- #!/usr/bin/perl
+ #!/usr/bin/perl
- use Gimp;
- use Gimp::Fu;
+ use Gimp;
+ use Gimp::Fu;
- podregister {
- my $img = Gimp::Image->new(100, 100, RGB); # any old size
- my $background = $img->layer_new(
- 100, 100, RGB, "Background", 100, NORMAL_MODE
- );
- $img->insert_layer($background, 0, 0);
- Gimp::Context->set_foreground($fgcolor); # Choose color of text
- # Create the text layer. Using -1 as the drawable creates a new layer.
- my $text_layer = $img->text_fontname(
- -1, 0, 0, $text, $border, 1, $size, POINTS, $font
- );
- # Get size of the text drawable and resize the image and the
- # background layer to this size.
- my ($width, $height) = ($text_layer->width, $text_layer->height);
- $img->resize($width, $height, 0, 0);
- $background->resize($width, $height, 0, 0);
- # Fill the background layer now when it has the right size.
- Gimp::Context->set_background($bgcolor);
- $background->edit_fill(BACKGROUND_FILL);
- Gimp::Display->new($img);
- return $img;
- };
+ podregister {
+ my $img = Gimp::Image->new(100, 100, RGB); # any old size
+ my $background = $img->layer_new(
+ 100, 100, RGB, "Background", 100, NORMAL_MODE
+ );
+ $img->insert_layer($background, 0, 0);
+ Gimp::Context->set_foreground($fgcolor); # Choose color of text
+ # Create the text layer. Using -1 as the drawable creates a new layer.
+ my $text_layer = $img->text_fontname(
+ -1, 0, 0, $text, $border, 1, $size, POINTS, $font
+ );
+ # Get size of the text drawable and resize the image and the
+ # background layer to this size.
+ my ($width, $height) = ($text_layer->width, $text_layer->height);
+ $img->resize($width, $height, 0, 0);
+ $background->resize($width, $height, 0, 0);
+ # Fill the background layer now when it has the right size.
+ Gimp::Context->set_background($bgcolor);
+ $background->edit_fill(BACKGROUND_FILL);
+ Gimp::Display->new($img);
+ return $img;
+ };
- exit main;
- __END__
+ exit main;
+ __END__
- =head1 NAME
+ =head1 NAME
- basic_logo - Basic logo
+ basic_logo - Basic logo
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
+ =head1 SYNOPSIS
- <Image>/File/Create/Tutorial/Basic Logo
+ <Image>/File/Create/Tutorial/Basic Logo
- Make a basic logo.
+ Make a basic logo.
- [PF_FONT, "font", "Font", "Utopia Bold"],
- [PF_INT32, "size", "Font size", 10],
- [PF_INT32, "border", "Border", 10],
- [PF_STRING, "text", "Text", "Hello world!"],
- [PF_COLOR, "bgcolor", "Background color", [40,180,160]],
- [PF_COLOR, "fgcolor", "Foreground color", [255,255,0]],
+ [PF_FONT, "font", "Font", "Utopia Bold"],
+ [PF_INT32, "size", "Font size", 10],
+ [PF_INT32, "border", "Border", 10],
+ [PF_STRING, "text", "Text", "Hello world!"],
+ [PF_COLOR, "bgcolor", "Background color", [40,180,160]],
+ [PF_COLOR, "fgcolor", "Foreground color", [255,255,0]],
- =head1 AUTHOR
+ =head1 AUTHOR
- Dov Grobgeld
+ Dov Grobgeld
- =head1 DATE
+ =head1 DATE
- 2004-03-27
+ 2004-03-27
- =head1 LICENSE
+ =head1 LICENSE
- Dov Grobgeld
+ Dov Grobgeld
@@ -918,67 +918,67 @@ This is illustrated in the following program, which works on one image and takes
<td bgcolor="#FFE0E0"><font color="black">
- #!/usr/bin/perl
+ #!/usr/bin/perl
- use Gimp;
- use Gimp::Fu;
+ use Gimp;
+ use Gimp::Fu;
- podregister {
- die "Must select layer.\n" unless $drawable->is_layer;
- $drawable->become('Gimp::Layer');
- my $image2 = $drawable2->get_image;
- my ($w1, $h1) = ($drawable->width, $drawable->height);
- my ($w2, $h2) = ($drawable2->width, $drawable2->height);
- my $hmax = $h1 > $h2 ? $h1 : $h2; # new height is maximum height of the images
- $image->undo_group_start; # Create an undo group
- # Resize the drawable layer to make room for the image
- $image->resize($w1+$w2, $hmax, 0, ($hmax-$h1)/2);
- $drawable->resize($w1+$w2, $hmax, 0, ($hmax-$h1)/2);
- # Copy $drawable2 and paste it into the new space of $drawable1
- $image2->selection_all; # select all of image2
- $drawable2->edit_copy;
- $image2->selection_none;
- # make a selection in image 1 where $drawable2 is to be pasted
- $image->select_rectangle(CHANNEL_OP_ADD, $w1, ($hmax-$h2)/2, $w2, $h2);
- $drawable->edit_paste(0)->floating_sel_anchor; # paste and then anchor it
- $image->undo_group_end; # Close the undo group
- return;
- };
+ podregister {
+ die "Must select layer.\n" unless $drawable->is_layer;
+ $drawable->become('Gimp::Layer');
+ my $image2 = $drawable2->get_image;
+ my ($w1, $h1) = ($drawable->width, $drawable->height);
+ my ($w2, $h2) = ($drawable2->width, $drawable2->height);
+ my $hmax = $h1 > $h2 ? $h1 : $h2; # new height is maximum height of the images
+ $image->undo_group_start; # Create an undo group
+ # Resize the drawable layer to make room for the image
+ $image->resize($w1+$w2, $hmax, 0, ($hmax-$h1)/2);
+ $drawable->resize($w1+$w2, $hmax, 0, ($hmax-$h1)/2);
+ # Copy $drawable2 and paste it into the new space of $drawable1
+ $image2->selection_all; # select all of image2
+ $drawable2->edit_copy;
+ $image2->selection_none;
+ # make a selection in image 1 where $drawable2 is to be pasted
+ $image->select_rectangle(CHANNEL_OP_ADD, $w1, ($hmax-$h2)/2, $w2, $h2);
+ $drawable->edit_paste(0)->floating_sel_anchor; # paste and then anchor it
+ $image->undo_group_end; # Close the undo group
+ return;
+ };
- exit main;
- __END__
+ exit main;
+ __END__
- =head1 NAME
+ =head1 NAME
- horiz_cat - Horizontal concat
+ horiz_cat - Horizontal concat
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
+ =head1 SYNOPSIS
- <Image>/Filters/Tutorial/Horizontal Concat
+ <Image>/Filters/Tutorial/Horizontal Concat
- Horizontal concatenation of images.
+ Horizontal concatenation of images.
- [PF_DRAWABLE, "drawable2", "Drawable to concatenate", undef],
+ [PF_DRAWABLE, "drawable2", "Drawable to concatenate", undef],
- =head1 IMAGE TYPES
+ =head1 IMAGE TYPES
- *
+ *
- =head1 AUTHOR
+ =head1 AUTHOR
- Dov Grobgeld
+ Dov Grobgeld
- =head1 DATE
+ =head1 DATE
- 2004-03-27
+ 2004-03-27
- =head1 LICENSE
+ =head1 LICENSE
- Dov Grobgeld
+ Dov Grobgeld
@@ -993,7 +993,7 @@ So far the scripts have all been started from the menu structure within GIMP. Bu
When a <tt>Gimp::Fu</tt> script is run from the command line, the result is the same as when it is run
through the menus, except that it may be run with the <tt>--output</tt> parameter. This will save the result
to a file instead of displaying it within GIMP. This is great for batch creation of logos, etc.
-The filename for the <tt>--output</tt> has some special magic that allows to set some special image saving
parameters, like interlace, quality factor, etc. See the [<tt>Gimp::Fu</tt>
docs](http://search.cpan.org/dist/Gimp/Gimp/Fu.pm#MISCELLANEOUS_FUNCTIONS) for more detail
+The filename for the <tt>--output</tt> has some special magic that allows to set some special image saving
parameters, like interlace, quality factor, etc. See the [<tt>Gimp::Fu</tt>
docs](https://search.cpan.org/dist/Gimp/Gimp/Fu.pm#MISCELLANEOUS_FUNCTIONS) for more detail
Here are two invocations of the scripts declared above, but with output written to a jpg file and a png file.
@@ -1004,7 +1004,7 @@ Here are two invocations of the scripts declared above, but with output written
<td bgcolor="#FFE0E0"><font color="black">
-<pre> <font color="red" size="-1">1:</font> uni -o /tmp/uni.png --size 100 --color purple
+<pre> <font color="red" size="-1">1:</font> uni -o /tmp/uni.png --size 100 --color purple
<font color="red" size="-1">2:</font> basic-logo --font 'utopia 100' -o /tmp/bl.ppm --size 20 --text "Perl
rules" </pre>
@@ -1019,7 +1019,7 @@ When using the Perl-Server it is not necessary to use <tt>Gimp::Fu</tt> and the
For a simple but powerful example of the use of the Gimp without Fu, here is a an interactive Gimp-Perl
shell that may be run from the command line:
-<table markdown="1" class='tut'>
+<table markdown="1" class='tut'>
<th bgcolor="#E0E0FF">[pg-shell](pg-shell)</th>
@@ -1027,23 +1027,23 @@ For a simple but powerful example of the use of the Gimp without Fu, here is a a
<td bgcolor="#FFE0E0"><font color="black">
- #!/usr/bin/perl
+ #!/usr/bin/perl
- # An interactive command line shell to GIMP.
- use Gimp;
- use Term::ReadLine;
+ # An interactive command line shell to GIMP.
+ use Gimp;
+ use Term::ReadLine;
- Gimp::on_net {
- $term = new Term::ReadLine("Gimp");
- while( defined ($_ = $term->readline("Gimp> "))) {
- $res = eval($_) . "\n";
- print("Error: $@"), next if $@;
- print "\n";
- Gimp->displays_flush();
- }
- };
- exit Gimp::main;
+ Gimp::on_net {
+ $term = new Term::ReadLine("Gimp");
+ while( defined ($_ = $term->readline("Gimp> "))) {
+ $res = eval($_) . "\n";
+ print("Error: $@"), next if $@;
+ print "\n";
+ Gimp->displays_flush();
+ }
+ };
+ exit Gimp::main;
@@ -1066,12 +1066,12 @@ Here is an example of an interactive session with this shell:
<td bgcolor="#FFE0E0"><font color="black">
-<pre> <font color="red" size="-1">1:</font> Gimp> $img = Gimp::Image->new(100,100,RGB)
- <font color="red" size="-1">2:</font> Gimp> $drw = $img->layer_new(100,100,RGB_IMAGE, "bg", 100,
- <font color="red" size="-1">3:</font> Gimp> $img->insert_layer($drw,-1, 0)
- <font color="red" size="-1">4:</font> Gimp> Gimp::Display->new($img)
- <font color="red" size="-1">5:</font> Gimp> $drw->edit_clear
- <font color="red" size="-1">6:</font> Gimp> print Gimp::Image->list
+<pre> <font color="red" size="-1">1:</font> Gimp> $img = Gimp::Image->new(100,100,RGB)
+ <font color="red" size="-1">2:</font> Gimp> $drw = $img->layer_new(100,100,RGB_IMAGE, "bg", 100,
+ <font color="red" size="-1">3:</font> Gimp> $img->insert_layer($drw,-1, 0)
+ <font color="red" size="-1">4:</font> Gimp> Gimp::Display->new($img)
+ <font color="red" size="-1">5:</font> Gimp> $drw->edit_clear
+ <font color="red" size="-1">6:</font> Gimp> print Gimp::Image->list
<font color="red" size="-1">7:</font> Gimp::Image->existing(1) </pre>
@@ -1087,18 +1087,18 @@ Here is an example of an interactive session with this shell:
This tutorial has covered only a small part of the possibilities available to a script writer. In particular
the following issues available to Gimp::Perl scripts have not been covered:
* The possibility of writing customized Gtk interfaces (see
<tt>[examples/example-no-fu](http://search.cpan.org/dist/Gimp/examples/example-no-fu)</tt> in the Gimp-Perl
-* Writing fully-fledged plug-ins that manipulate the tile data through the Perl Data Language (PDL) module
(see <tt>[examples/map_to_gradient](http://search.cpan.org/dist/Gimp/examples/map_to_gradient)</tt> in the
Gimp-Perl distribution).
+* Writing fully-fledged plug-ins that manipulate the tile data through the Perl Data Language (PDL) module
(see <tt>[examples/map_to_gradient](https://search.cpan.org/dist/Gimp/examples/map_to_gradient)</tt> in the
Gimp-Perl distribution).
* Using Gimp-Perl in a CGI environment.
-* How to fill with gradients in a plugin (see
<tt>[examples/randomblends](http://search.cpan.org/dist/Gimp/examples/randomblends)</tt> in the Gimp-Perl
-* How to do polygon selections (see
<tt>[examples/triangle](http://search.cpan.org/dist/Gimp/examples/triangle)</tt> in the Gimp-Perl
+* How to fill with gradients in a plugin (see
<tt>[examples/randomblends](https://search.cpan.org/dist/Gimp/examples/randomblends)</tt> in the Gimp-Perl
+* How to do polygon selections (see
<tt>[examples/triangle](https://search.cpan.org/dist/Gimp/examples/triangle)</tt> in the Gimp-Perl
The Gimp-Perl distribution also has over 50 more example scripts supplied. Take a look through those for
further inspiration!
## 12. Links and references
-* [<tt>Gimp::Fu</tt> documentation](http://search.cpan.org/dist/Gimp/Gimp/Fu.pm)
-* [The rest of the Gimp-Perl module docs](http://search.cpan.org/dist/Gimp/)
-* [GIMP Registry with Perl plug-ins](http://registry.gimp.org/)
+* [<tt>Gimp::Fu</tt> documentation](https://search.cpan.org/dist/Gimp/Gimp/Fu.pm)
+* [The rest of the Gimp-Perl module docs](https://search.cpan.org/dist/Gimp/)
+* [GIMP Registry with Perl plug-ins](https://registry.gimp.org/)
@@ -1106,10 +1106,9 @@ The Gimp-Perl distribution also has over 50 more example scripts supplied. Take
<small>Please send your comments to [dov grobgeld gmail com](mailto:dov grobgeld gmail com).</small>
-<a href='http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US'>
+<a href='https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US'>
<img class='cc-badge' src='/images/creativecommons/by-sa 80x15.png' alt='Creative Commons By Share Alike'/>
-<span xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/">GIMP Tutorial - A Tutorial for GIMP-Perl Users (text &
-by [Ed J] is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
+<span xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/">GIMP Tutorial - A Tutorial for GIMP-Perl Users (text &
+by [Ed J] is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
diff --git a/content/tutorials/Basic_Scheme2/index.md b/content/tutorials/Basic_Scheme2/index.md
index 5ab514c8..476ef5cc 100644
--- a/content/tutorials/Basic_Scheme2/index.md
+++ b/content/tutorials/Basic_Scheme2/index.md
@@ -148,4 +148,3 @@ Now that we have a foundation of knowledge to work from, we can move on to more
* [SIOD Scheme](http://web.archive.org/web/20011129110930/http://people.delphi.com/gjc/siod.html) (web
This article was originally published in [Linux Magazine, January
2002](http://www.linux-mag.com/2002-01/power_01.html). It has since then seen some minor updates.
diff --git a/content/tutorials/Blur_Overlays/index.md b/content/tutorials/Blur_Overlays/index.md
index 4fc28eb0..e980f23a 100644
--- a/content/tutorials/Blur_Overlays/index.md
+++ b/content/tutorials/Blur_Overlays/index.md
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ In this tutorial I'll show you how to do gaussian blur overlays using GIMP. This
The basic technique is to create a duplicate layer in the image, lighten it and blur it, and combine it
using a layer mode with the original.
-Giving credit where credit is due: I did not come up with this method. I adapted it for GIMP from a
Photoshop tutorial on the [luminous-landscape.com web site](http://www.luminous-landscape.com/) (great
photography web site BTW; I recommend it).
+Giving credit where credit is due: I did not come up with this method. I adapted it for GIMP from a
Photoshop tutorial on the [luminous-landscape.com web site](https://www.luminous-landscape.com/) (great
photography web site BTW; I recommend it).
## The Procedure
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Now double-click on the duplicate layer and rename the new layer "Blur Overlay".
<img src="{filename}image-overlay.jpg" alt="image-overlay.jpg"/>
-In the Layers dialog, select the Blur Overlay layer. In the "Mode" drop-down box, select "Overlay".
+In the Layers dialog, select the Blur Overlay layer. In the "Mode" drop-down box, select "Overlay".
Now go back to the image window and apply a Levels (<span class="filter"><Image> Image -> Colors ->
Levels</span>) or Curves (<span class="filter"><Image> Image -> Colors -> Curves</span>) and adjust it until
the overall image has the proper brightness. You'll usually find it necessary to adjust the gamma slider
(middle slider in Levels) down. You are only adjusting the upper layer, but you are viewing the cumulative
effect of the layer blend.
**Tip:** If you don't get a good effect with Overlay mode, try Multiply mode (you can even change this while
the Levels dialog is active).
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ You might be able to apply a contrast mask to counteract this effect, but in mos
<img src="{filename}layers-duplicate.jpg" alt="layers-duplicate.jpg"/>
-Duplicate the image (<kbd>Ctrl+D</kbd>).
+Duplicate the image (<kbd>Ctrl+D</kbd>).
Flatten the duplicate (<span class="filter"><Image> Layers -> Flatten Image</span>).
## Step 6
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ Here's the result. Compare to the original image. I would flatten and apply a sm
## Tips
-* Try other layer blending modes. "Multiply" often works well, but creates an even darker image than
"Overlay"; you may have to really crank up the levels on the upper layer. One nice thing about Multiply is
that you probably won't need the highlights mask.
+* Try other layer blending modes. "Multiply" often works well, but creates an even darker image than
"Overlay"; you may have to really crank up the levels on the upper layer. One nice thing about Multiply is
that you probably won't need the highlights mask.
"Screen" has a milder effect than either "Overlay" or "Multiply" and will generally just intensify the
colors/saturation. You may not want to lighten the upper layer at all, or perhaps even darken it. Experiment
to see what effects you can get.
## Other Examples
@@ -190,4 +190,3 @@ Using "Multiply" for the blending mode. (Final image on the right)
Using "Overlay" for the blending mode, plus a highlight mask for the sky and waterfall. (Final image on the
The original tutorial used to appear on
diff --git a/content/tutorials/CircleImage/index.md b/content/tutorials/CircleImage/index.md
index b9d99892..aae5bf70 100644
--- a/content/tutorials/CircleImage/index.md
+++ b/content/tutorials/CircleImage/index.md
@@ -8,31 +8,31 @@ Summary: How to create a circular-shaped image.
Making a circle-shaped image
-There are no circular images. There are only rectangular images.
+There are no circular images. There are only rectangular images.
But there can be images where corners are transparent, so that only a circle shows.
In light of this:
-* First, make sure that your layer has an "alpha channel".
+* First, make sure that your layer has an "alpha channel".
<div class='MenuCmd'><span>Layer → Transparency → Add alpha channel</span></div>
if it's grayed out it means you already have one
<figure><img src='add-alpha.png' alt='GIMP Add Alpha Channel Dialog'></figure>
-* Create a circular selection with the "Ellipse select tool" (the 2nd one in the toolbox).
+* Create a circular selection with the "Ellipse select tool" (the 2nd one in the toolbox).
<figure><img src='ellipse.png' alt='GIMP Ellipse Select Tool'></figure>
- Use the "Tool options" dialog
+ Use the "Tool options" dialog
<div class="MenuCmd"><span>Windows → Dockable dialogs → Tool options</span></div>
<figure><img src='tool-options.png' alt='GIMP Tool Options'></figure>
- * If you want a true circle, use the *Fixed* option: select *Aspect ratio* and enter `1:1`.
- * Depending on what kind of marks you have, you can use:
- * The diagonal framing (default): click on one corner, drag across a full diagonal and release at
the opposite corner,
+ * If you want a true circle, use the *Fixed* option: select *Aspect ratio* and enter `1:1`.
+ * Depending on what kind of marks you have, you can use:
+ * The diagonal framing (default): click on one corner, drag across a full diagonal and release at
the opposite corner,
* The radial framing (check *Expand from center* in the Tool options): click on the center, drag
across a half diagonal release on a corner.
* If the selection isn't perfect on the first try, you can move it (click around the middle) or extend it
(click inside, near a border or a corner).
* Once you have the required selection, invert the selection (*Select → Invert*, or Ctrl-I) so
that everything is selected, except your circle.
-* Erase the selection (*Edit → Clear* or [Delete] key). You should have your central circle left,
surrounded by a checkerboard pattern.
+* Erase the selection (*Edit → Clear* or [Delete] key). You should have your central circle left,
surrounded by a checkerboard pattern.
(this checkerboard is not part of the image, it just indicates the transparent parts of the image).
* You can reduce the checkerboard to the minimum by auto-cropping the image (*Image → Autocrop
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ In light of this:
-<a href='http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US'>
+<a href='https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US'>
<img class='cc-badge' src='/images/creativecommons/by-sa 80x15.png' alt='Creative Commons By Share Alike'/>
-<span xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/">GIMP Tutorial - Making a Circle-Shaped Image</span> by Ofnuts is
licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
+<span xmlns:dct="https://purl.org/dc/terms/">GIMP Tutorial - Making a Circle-Shaped Image</span> by Ofnuts
is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
diff --git a/content/tutorials/Color2BW/index.md b/content/tutorials/Color2BW/index.md
index e21be1f0..4887db53 100644
--- a/content/tutorials/Color2BW/index.md
+++ b/content/tutorials/Color2BW/index.md
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ The Lightness component is a very interesting one because it contains all of the
Not often useful by itself, but it can be combined with other layers for interesting results (see Tips at
end of article).
-**Note:** the LAB decompose option was not distributed with the version of GIMP I got (ver 1.2.3). I don't
know whether it comes bundled with newer versions. I downloaded it from the [GIMP Plug-in
Registry](http://registry.gimp.org/) and compiled it myself.
+**Note:** the LAB decompose option was not distributed with the version of GIMP I got (ver 1.2.3). I don't
know whether it comes bundled with newer versions. I downloaded it from the [GIMP Plug-in
Registry](https://registry.gimp.org/) and compiled it myself.
## <a name="decomposeCMYK">Via Decompose CMYK</a>
@@ -142,16 +142,16 @@ When you have something that looks decent in the preview, click OK. If you don't
The advantage of the channel mixer is (obviously) flexibility. I like to decompose and examine the
individual RGB channels, as we did earlier. That way I can see what is good and bad about each, and then use
the channel mixer to combine them accordingly. In this example, I could see that the green channel did not
really have much to offer, and had the least contrast in the iguana's scales; still, I mixed in 30% to help
with the noise. I liked the blue channel for the great contrast it adds to the scales. Red's got a lot of
noise, but I mixed in just enough to use some of the contrast and luminance information. You can see from the
close up that it isn't quite as good the grayscale version in terms of noise, but the noise isn't too bad,
and the trade-off is a lot more contrast and interest in the overall tonalities of the image.
-**Note:** the channel mixer plug-in was not distributed with the version of GIMP I got (ver 1.2.3). I don't
know whether it comes bundled with newer versions. I downloaded it from [the GIMP Plug-in
Registry](http://registry.gimp.org/plugin?id=1918) and compiled it myself.
+**Note:** the channel mixer plug-in was not distributed with the version of GIMP I got (ver 1.2.3). I don't
know whether it comes bundled with newer versions. I downloaded it from [the GIMP Plug-in
Registry](https://registry.gimp.org/plugin?id=1918) and compiled it myself.
## Tips
* Once you have a good B&W version of your image you may be interested in adding some simulated film grain.
-* If you are wondering what the "Preserve Luminosity" option does in the Channel Mixer, I have the answer.
I was curious myself, and asked the author of the Channel Mixer, Martin Guldahl, about it. This was his
+* If you are wondering what the "Preserve Luminosity" option does in the Channel Mixer, I have the answer.
I was curious myself, and asked the author of the Channel Mixer, Martin Guldahl, about it. This was his reply:
- Hi Eric:
+ Hi Eric:
- The 'Preserve Luminosity' option just maintains the luminosity at the same level regardless of the
slider values.
+ The 'Preserve Luminosity' option just maintains the luminosity at the same level regardless of the
slider values.
For example, suppose the sliders were are Red:75%, Green:75%, Blue:0%. With 'Monochrome' on and the
'Preserve Luminosity' option off, the resulting picture would be at 75%+75%+0% =150%, very bright indeed. A
pixel with a value of, say, R,G,B=127,100,80 would map to 127*0.75+100*0.75+80*8=170 for each channel. With
the 'Preserve Luminosity' option on, the sliders will be scaled so they always add up to 100%. In this
example, that scale value is 1/(75%+75%+0%) or 0.667\. So the pixel values would be about 113\. The 'Preserve
Luminosity' option just assures that the scale values from the sliders always adds up to 100%. Of course,
strange things happen when any of the sliders have large negative values.
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ The advantage of the channel mixer is (obviously) flexibility. I like to decompo
<img src="{filename}middlesister-bw-384x259.jpg" alt="middlesister-bw-384x259.jpg"/>
-**Left image**: The original image.
+**Left image**: The original image.
**Right image**: Converted using channel mixer (80% green, 20% red).
@@ -172,16 +172,15 @@ The advantage of the channel mixer is (obviously) flexibility. I like to decompo
<img src="{filename}example2-after-384x288.jpg" alt="example2-after-384x288.jpg"/>
-**Left image**: The original image.
+**Left image**: The original image.
**Right image**: Converted using channel mixer.
## Further Reading
* [A discussion of what's in the red, green and blue channels of a digital
-* A [Photoshop channel mixer tutorial](http://luminous-landscape.com/tutorials/b-w_better.shtml) on the
[luminous landscape](http://www.luminous-landscape.com) web site.
+* A [Photoshop channel mixer tutorial](https://luminous-landscape.com/tutorials/b-w_better.shtml) on the
[luminous landscape](http://www.luminous-landscape.com) web site.
* [Carl Volk's Photoshop tips for converting color images to B&W](http://www.carlvolk.com/photoshop21.htm).
* zuga.net: [Digital RGB to Greyscale Conversions](http://www.zuga.net/printer_55.shtml)
* Ian Lyons Computer Darkroom: [Monochrome from
The original tutorial used to appear on
diff --git a/content/tutorials/ContrastMask/index.md b/content/tutorials/ContrastMask/index.md
index f4369541..488d2d3c 100644
--- a/content/tutorials/ContrastMask/index.md
+++ b/content/tutorials/ContrastMask/index.md
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ In this tutorial I'll show you how to do create a contrast mask for your image i
The basic technique is to create a layer above the image that contains a B&W negative of the image. The
images are combined in overlay mode: dark parts with light, light parts with dark. All the while your
original image remains blissfully unchanged on its layer.
-Giving credit where credit is due: I did not come up with this method. I adapted it for GIMP from a
Photoshop tutorial on [The Luminous Landscape web site](http://www.luminous-landscape.com/) (great
photography web site BTW; I recommend it).
+Giving credit where credit is due: I did not come up with this method. I adapted it for GIMP from a
Photoshop tutorial on [The Luminous Landscape web site](https://www.luminous-landscape.com/) (great
photography web site BTW; I recommend it).
The contrast mask technique does some similar things for the exposure as the digital split ND filter and the
blended exposures techniques. If you feel your image has exposure problems you might want to consider those
techniques as well. Each one has different strengths. Occasionally this technique gives unacceptable color
shifts in certain images. Sometimes it is just the ticket. Experiment to see if it can work for your
particular image.
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ Now double-click on the duplicate layer and rename the new layer "Contrast Mask"
<img src='{filename}image2.jpg' alt='image2.jpg'/>
-Select the Contrast Mask layer. Go to the image window and right-click, selecting:
+Select the Contrast Mask layer. Go to the image window and right-click, selecting:
<div class="MenuCmd"><span>Image → Colors → Desaturate</span></div>
The image should look B&W.
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ The image should look B&W.
<img src='{filename}image3.jpg' alt='image3.jpg'/>
-Right-click and select
+Right-click and select
<div class="MenuCmd"><span> Image → Colors → Invert</span></div>
You now have a B&W negative image of your original. We're going to combine this with the original (light
with dark, dark with light) to reduce the overall contrast.
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ You now have a B&W negative image of your original. We're going to combine this
<img src='{filename}image4.jpg' alt='image4' />
-Go back to the Layers dialog and in the "Mode" drop-down box, select "Overlay". The result may look better
in terms of contrast, but degraded in terms of overall sharpness.
+Go back to the Layers dialog and in the "Mode" drop-down box, select "Overlay". The result may look better
in terms of contrast, but degraded in terms of overall sharpness.
Don't worry, we're not done yet.
@@ -89,13 +89,13 @@ Don't worry, we're not done yet.
-Go back to the image window and right click, selecting
+Go back to the image window and right click, selecting
<div class="MenuCmd"><span class="filter">Filters → Blur → Gaussian Blur</span></div>
-You will need to experiment to find the best value, but typically a value between 10 and 30 will do nicely.
After blurring the contrast mask the overall image should now look much sharper.
+You will need to experiment to find the best value, but typically a value between 10 and 30 will do nicely.
After blurring the contrast mask the overall image should now look much sharper.
-Click on the "eye" next to the Contrast Mask layer in the Layers dialog to rapidly compare the image with
and without the mask. Similarly, turn off the Background layer if you want to view the mask to do further
work on it.
+Click on the "eye" next to the Contrast Mask layer in the Layers dialog to rapidly compare the image with
and without the mask. Similarly, turn off the Background layer if you want to view the mask to do further
work on it.
The image at top left is the original, the top right is with the contrast mask.
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ It is informative to see how this technique compares to the conventional techniq
<img src='{filename}histogram-typcontrastreduction.jpg' alt='Historgram-Contrast-Reduction' />
-To see why this is so, compare the histograms of the images. The top one is for the original image, the
middle is for the image with the contrast mask, and the bottom one is for the original image with the
conventional contrast adjustment.
+To see why this is so, compare the histograms of the images. The top one is for the original image, the
middle is for the image with the contrast mask, and the bottom one is for the original image with the
conventional contrast adjustment.
Note how the typical contrast adjustment has lost a lot of values at both ends, but the mask technique
basically preserved the entire scale.
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ Note how the typical contrast adjustment has lost a lot of values at both ends,
<img src='{filename}layers5.jpg' alt='layers5.jpg'/>
-You'll have to flatten the image if you are saving it to a typical image format like TIFF or JPEG (but not
if you are saving to GIMP's native XCF format). To do that, right-click on the image and select
+You'll have to flatten the image if you are saving it to a typical image format like TIFF or JPEG (but not
if you are saving to GIMP's native XCF format). To do that, right-click on the image and select
<div class="MenuCmd"><span class="filter">Layers → Flatten Image</span></div>
@@ -164,10 +164,9 @@ Here's an example of how this technique overlaps with the digital split ND filte
<img src="{filename}utsunset-whmask.jpg" alt="utsunset-whmask.jpg"/>
-With a digital split ND filter. (left image)
+With a digital split ND filter. (left image)
With a contrast mask as described above, plus a layer mask with a gradient fill, so the contrast mask is
mostly applied to the area below the cliffs. (right image)
Note particularly the change in the color of the cliffs and the light part of the sky just above the cliffs,
in the image using the full contrast mask (upper right). This shows how a contrast mask affects all parts of
the image, unless you selectively disable part of the mask, as I did in the lower right. Note also that with
the split nd filter (lower left) I was able to brighten the foreground more; I could apply a general levels
tweak to the contrast mask to achieve the same thing, but it seems like more work. This illustrates a general
point for me: the digital split ND filter technique is the easier approach when you're already satisfied with
half of the image, whereas the contrast mask is a better starting point if the overall image needs contrast
reduction on both the dark and light sides.
The original tutorial used to appear on
diff --git a/content/tutorials/Digital_Black_and_White_Conversion/index.md
index 650a1cfe..cc5ca69d 100644
--- a/content/tutorials/Digital_Black_and_White_Conversion/index.md
+++ b/content/tutorials/Digital_Black_and_White_Conversion/index.md
@@ -8,14 +8,14 @@ Template: page_author
## Intention
-Black and White photography is a big topic that deserves entire books devoted to the subject. In this
article we are going to explore some of the most common methods for converting a color digital image into
monochrome in [GIMP](http://www.gimp.org "GIMP Homepage").
+Black and White photography is a big topic that deserves entire books devoted to the subject. In this
article we are going to explore some of the most common methods for converting a color digital image into
monochrome in [GIMP](https://www.gimp.org "GIMP Homepage").
There are a few things you should focus on in regards to preparing your images for a B&W conversion. You
want to keep in mind that by removing color information you are effectively left with only tonal data (and
composition) to convey your intentions.
<img src="{filename}Into the Fog.jpg" alt="Into the Fog by Pat David" />
<figcaption markdown='1'>
-<em>Into the Fog</em> by <a href="http://blog.patdavid.net">Pat David</a> (<a
+<em>Into the Fog</em> by <a href="https://blog.patdavid.net">Pat David</a> (<a
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ By liberating yourself of color data the focus is entirely on the subjects and c
Without color, the form and tones are all that’s left.<br/>
-<em>Chambered Nautilus</em> by <a href="http://blog.patdavid.net">Pat David</a> (<a
+<em>Chambered Nautilus</em> by <a href="https://blog.patdavid.net">Pat David</a> (<a
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ You are working in an RGB world when you stare at your monitors. Every single pi
300X magnification of an LCD panel.<br/>
-(Image from <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:TN_display_closeup_300X.jpg">wikipedia</a>)
+(Image from <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:TN_display_closeup_300X.jpg">wikipedia</a>)
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ The important point to take away from this is to realize that when all three col
While this is a little brighter: 220, 220, 220
-Very quickly you should realize that a true monochromatic grayscale image can display up to 256 discrete
shades of gray going from 0 (pure black) to 255 (pure white), while for 16-bit images, 2<sup>16</sup> will
yield 65,536 different shades. It is this limitation for purely gray 8-bit images that introduces artifacts
over smooth gradations ([posterization](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posterization) or banding) — and is a
good reason to keep your bit depths as high as possible.
+Very quickly you should realize that a true monochromatic grayscale image can display up to 256 discrete
shades of gray going from 0 (pure black) to 255 (pure white), while for 16-bit images, 2<sup>16</sup> will
yield 65,536 different shades. It is this limitation for purely gray 8-bit images that introduces artifacts
over smooth gradations ([posterization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posterization) or banding) — and is a
good reason to keep your bit depths as high as possible.
## Getting to Grey
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ There are many different paths to get to a grayscale image and almost none of th
<img src="{filename}Conversation in Hayleys.jpg" alt="Conversation in Hayleys by Pat David" />
A combination of luminosity desaturation and GEGL C2G<br/>
-<em>Conversation in Hayleys</em> by Pat David (<a
+<em>Conversation in Hayleys</em> by Pat David (<a
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ One of these methods may work fine for you. Or, if you’re like me, it will mos
## Desaturate (GIMP)
-Perhaps the easiest and most straightforward path to a grayscale image is using the `Desaturate` command. It
can be invoked from the [GIMP](http://www.gimp.org "GIMP Homepage") menu:
+Perhaps the easiest and most straightforward path to a grayscale image is using the `Desaturate` command. It
can be invoked from the [GIMP](https://www.gimp.org "GIMP Homepage") menu:
<div class="MenuCmd"><span>Colors → Desaturate…</span></div>
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ Average will use the numerical average of the RGB values in each pixel.
### Luminosity
-_Lightness_ and _Average_ both evaluate the final value of gray as a purely numerical function without
regard to the actual color components. _Luminosity_ on the other hand, utilizes the fact that our eyes will
perceive green as lighter than red, and both lighter than blue ([relative
luminance](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luminance_(relative))). This is also why your camera sensor _usually_
has [twice as many green detectors as red and blue](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bayer_filter).
+_Lightness_ and _Average_ both evaluate the final value of gray as a purely numerical function without
regard to the actual color components. _Luminosity_ on the other hand, utilizes the fact that our eyes will
perceive green as lighter than red, and both lighter than blue ([relative
luminance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luminance_(relative))). This is also why your camera sensor
_usually_ has [twice as many green detectors as red and blue](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bayer_filter).
The weighted function describing relative luminance is:
@@ -199,15 +199,15 @@ The weighted function describing relative luminance is:
<img src="{filename}rgb-mix-luminosity.png" alt="RGB Luminosity Mix" />
-Notice the overwhelming contribution from green
+Notice the overwhelming contribution from green
-No one of these methods is necessarily any better than the other objectively for your own conversions. It
really depends on the desired results. However, if you are in doubt about which one to use, _Luminosity_ may
be the better option of the three to [more closely emulate](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luminosity_function)
the brightness levels you will perceive.
+No one of these methods is necessarily any better than the other objectively for your own conversions. It
really depends on the desired results. However, if you are in doubt about which one to use, _Luminosity_ may
be the better option of the three to [more closely
emulate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luminosity_function) the brightness levels you will perceive.
### Examples
-The image below, [Joseph N. Langan Park](http://www.flickr.com/photos/patdavid/3808678255), is an
interesting example to see just how much green influences the conversion result using luminosity. Pay careful
attention to what **Luminosity** does with the green bushes along the waters edge.
+The image below, [Joseph N. Langan Park](https://www.flickr.com/photos/patdavid/3808678255), is an
interesting example to see just how much green influences the conversion result using luminosity. Pay careful
attention to what **Luminosity** does with the green bushes along the waters edge.
<img src="{filename}langan.jpg" alt="Langan Park by Pat David" /> <br/>
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ The image below, [Joseph N. Langan Park](http://www.flickr.com/photos/patdavid/3
<figcaption>Original, Lightness, Average, and Luminosity</figcaption>
-This shot of [Whitney](http://www.flickr.com/photos/patdavid/6231554301/) shows the effect on skin tones, as
well as the change in her shirt color due to the heavy reds present. In just a **Lightness** conversion, the
red shirt becomes relatively flat compared to her skin tones, but becomes darker and more pronounced using
**Luminosity**. Her lips get a bit of a boost in tone in the **Luminosity** conversion as well.
+This shot of [Whitney](https://www.flickr.com/photos/patdavid/6231554301/) shows the effect on skin tones,
as well as the change in her shirt color due to the heavy reds present. In just a **Lightness** conversion,
the red shirt becomes relatively flat compared to her skin tones, but becomes darker and more pronounced
using **Luminosity**. Her lips get a bit of a boost in tone in the **Luminosity** conversion as well.
<img src="{filename}whitney.jpg" alt="Whitney by Pat David" /> <br/>
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ That is, if you set the Red and Green channels to 50(%), you would see something
In this case, Red and Green would contribute 50% of their values (with nothing from Blue) to the final pixel
gray value. Considering the same pixel example from above, where the RGB components are 200, 150, 100, we
would get:
<p class="Cmd aside" markdown='1'>
-( 200 × 0.5 ) + ( 150 × 0.5 ) + ( 100 × 0 )
+( 200 × 0.5 ) + ( 150 × 0.5 ) + ( 100 × 0 )
( 100 ) + ( 75 ) + ( 0 ) = **175**
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ So the final grayscale pixel value would be: 175, 175, 175.
<img src="{filename}eleven.jpg" alt="Spinal Tap up to eleven" />
-<em>“These go up to 11”</em> — <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Up_to_eleven">Nigel Tufnel</a>
+<em>“These go up to 11”</em> — <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Up_to_eleven">Nigel Tufnel</a>
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ If you’re just getting started with the **Channel Mixer**, this makes a pretty
### Experimenting
-A pretty landscape image by [Flickr](http://www.flickr.com) user [Cyndi
Calhoun](http://www.flickr.com/people/cyndicalhounfineart/) serves as a nice test image for experimentation:
+A pretty landscape image by [Flickr](https://www.flickr.com) user [Cyndi
Calhoun](https://www.flickr.com/people/cyndicalhounfineart/) serves as a nice test image for experimentation:
<figure class="big-vid">
<img src="{filename}cyndicalhounfineart-color.jpg" alt="Garden of the Gods by Cyndi Calhoun" />
@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ With the _Preserve Luminosity_ option checked, begin bumping the Red channel to
<figure class="big-vid">
<img src="{filename}cyndicalhounfineart-CM-red-66.1.jpg" alt="Garden of the Gods by Cyndi Calhoun Red
Channel" />
-Red channel bumped up to 66.1
+Red channel bumped up to 66.1
@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ The Green channel seems ok, but for comparison try lowering it to about half of
<figure class="big-vid">
<img src="{filename}cyndicalhounfineart-CM-green-33.jpg" alt="Garden of the Gods by Cyndi Calhoun Red
Channel" />
-Green channel at ~half of Red.
+Green channel at ~half of Red.
@@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ It should go without saying that the Blue channel will have a heavy influence on
<figure class="big-vid">
<img src="{filename}cyndicalhounfineart-CM-blue-0.jpg" alt="Garden of the Gods by Cyndi Calhoun Red Channel"
-<figcaption>Blue channel set to 0
+<figcaption>Blue channel set to 0
@@ -413,17 +413,17 @@ The sliders also allow negative values. This will seriously crush the channel re
<figure class="big-vid">
<img src="{filename}cyndicalhounfineart-CM-blue--20.jpg" alt="Garden of the Gods by Cyndi Calhoun Red
Channel" />
-<figcaption>Red: 66.1, Green: 33, Blue: -20
+<figcaption>Red: 66.1, Green: 33, Blue: -20
The sky has become much darker, as have the shadow side of the rocks. There is an overall increase in
contrast as well, but at the expense of nasty noise and banding artifacts in the sky.
<p class="aside" markdown='1'>
-**General Rules of Thumb**
-The Red channel is well suited for contrast (particularly in the brighter tones).
-The Green channel will hold most of the details.
-The Blue channel contains grain and (often) a lot of noise.
+**General Rules of Thumb**
+The Red channel is well suited for contrast (particularly in the brighter tones).
+The Green channel will hold most of the details.
+The Blue channel contains grain and (often) a lot of noise.
In skin, the Red channel is very flattering to the final result and you’ll often get good results by
emphasizing the Red channel in portraits.
@@ -552,7 +552,7 @@ We will be using this image graciously provided by [Dimitrios Psychogios](https:
<img src="{filename}dmitrios-dice.jpg" alt="Dice by Dmitrios Psychogios" />
-<figcaption><em>Dice</em> by <a href="https://plus.google.com/u/0/+DimitriosPsychogios/about">Dimitrios
Psychogios</a> (<a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/"
+<figcaption><em>Dice</em> by <a href="https://plus.google.com/u/0/+DimitriosPsychogios/about">Dimitrios
Psychogios</a> (<a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/"
### RGB(A)
@@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ Which is basically just the largest value of Red, Green, or Blue.
The _Lightness_ in **HSL** is derived from this formula:
<p class="Cmd aside" markdown='1'>
-Lightness, L = <sup>( MAX( R, G, B ) + MIN( R, G, B ) )</sup>⁄<sub>2</sub>
+Lightness, L = <sup>( MAX( R, G, B ) + MIN( R, G, B ) )</sup>⁄<sub>2</sub>
Where _Lightness_ is simply determined as the average of the largest and smallest component of RGB.
@@ -598,7 +598,7 @@ While Hue and Saturation may seem interesting, it should be obvious that the mos
### LAB
-There is far too much information concerning the [LAB
colorspace](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lab_color_space) to really go into much detail here. Suffice it to
say that the _L_ in _LAB_ is for **Lightness**, while _A_ and _B_ are for color opponents (**A** = Green⇔Red,
**B** = Blue⇔Yellow).
+There is far too much information concerning the [LAB
colorspace](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lab_color_space) to really go into much detail here. Suffice it to
say that the _L_ in _LAB_ is for **Lightness**, while _A_ and _B_ are for color opponents (**A** = Green⇔Red,
**B** = Blue⇔Yellow).
The _LAB_ colorspace is based on a perceptual model (similar to the relative luminance previously
discussed). In fact, the _Lightness_ in _LAB_ is calculated using the cube root of the luminance from that
@@ -667,8 +667,8 @@ The script will take the active layer in an image, and decompose it to each of t
<div class="MenuCmd"><span>Colors → Color Decompose…</span></div>
-The Script-Fu for _Color Decompose_ can be downloaded here:
-[Color Decompose on GIMP Registry](http://registry.gimp.org/node/27745)
+The Script-Fu for _Color Decompose_ can be downloaded here:
+[Color Decompose on GIMP Registry](https://registry.gimp.org/node/27745)
#### Looking Forward
@@ -687,7 +687,7 @@ by Pat David (<a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/">cc-by-sa
The basic approach in **Pseudogrey** is that you can achieve a much higher number of _perceived_ gray values
in an image, if you allow some of the pixels to stray just a tiny bit away from pure gray. For instance, if a
pixel value in a true gray image was: 180, 180, 180, **Pseudogrey** may actually make the pixel value
something like 180, 18**1**, 180.
-That is, the Green value may be just a bit higher. The [full post on
Pseudogrey](http://blog.patdavid.net/2012/06/true-pseudogrey-in-gimp.html) goes into much more detail about
the algorithm.
+That is, the Green value may be just a bit higher. The [full post on
Pseudogrey](https://blog.patdavid.net/2012/06/true-pseudogrey-in-gimp.html) goes into much more detail about
the algorithm.
The results from using Pseudogrey will follow the same model as for Luminosity desaturation, but will
provide a much larger range of tones (1786 possible shades vs 256 in a truly gray image).
@@ -696,8 +696,8 @@ There are a couple of ways to convert images to pseudogrey.
There is a Script-Fu available for download:
<p class="aside" markdown='1'>
-The Script-Fu for _Pseudogrey_ can be downloaded here:
-[Pseudogrey on GIMP Registry](http://registry.gimp.org/node/26515)
+The Script-Fu for _Pseudogrey_ can be downloaded here:
+[Pseudogrey on GIMP Registry](https://registry.gimp.org/node/26515)
Once the file has been downloaded and placed into your _Scripts_ folder, the command can be found under:
@@ -718,7 +718,7 @@ The Generic Graphics Library (GEGL) is the underlying graphics engine for GIMP.
<div class="MenuCmd"><span>Tools → GEGL Operation…</span></div>
-Rolf Steinort covers c2g briefly in [episode 84 of Meet the
GIMP](http://blog.meetthegimp.org/episode-084-the-3-letter-acronym-show/). [Paul Bou also
at using c2g for B&W conversions in a little more detail, and [Joel Cornuz also
asks](http://jcornuz.wordpress.com/2009/05/30/could-this-be-the-ultimate-black-and-white-converter/) if c2g
could be the “ultimate” B&W converter. It may not be worth all the hyperbole, but c2g does do some very
interesting things.
+Rolf Steinort covers c2g briefly in [episode 84 of Meet the
GIMP](http://blog.meetthegimp.org/episode-084-the-3-letter-acronym-show/). [Paul Bou also
at using c2g for B&W conversions in a little more detail, and [Joel Cornuz also
asks](https://jcornuz.wordpress.com/2009/05/30/could-this-be-the-ultimate-black-and-white-converter/) if c2g
could be the “ultimate” B&W converter. It may not be worth all the hyperbole, but c2g does do some very
interesting things.
The operation considers each pixel relative to its neighbors within a given radius. The value determined is
evaluated as a function of perceived luminance weighted against neighboring pixels. The [description from
GEGL.org](http://www.gegl.org/operations.html#op_gegl:c2g) is:
@@ -740,7 +740,7 @@ At first glance, GEGL c2g will likely produce ugly results. The default settings
<figure class="big-vid">
<img src="{filename}Cars-c2g-default.jpg" alt="Deerfield Beach c2g default GIMP by Pat David" />
-c2g conversion, default settings (radius 300, samples 4, iterations 10)
+c2g conversion, default settings (radius 300, samples 4, iterations 10)
@@ -753,7 +753,7 @@ Haloing can be decreased by increasing the radius and graininess can be decrease
<figure class="big-vid">
<img src="{filename}Cars-c2g-r750-s8-i15.jpg" alt="Deerfield Beach c2g r750 s8 i15 GIMP by Pat David" />
-Betters results after increasing some parameters (radius 750, samples 8, iterations 15)
+Betters results after increasing some parameters (radius 750, samples 8, iterations 15)
@@ -762,7 +762,7 @@ Increasing the radius helped to alleviate some of the halos and will allow the a
<figure class="big-vid">
<img src="{filename}Cars-c2g-r1500-s8-i20.jpg" alt="Deerfield Beach c2g r1500 s8 i20 GIMP by Pat David" />
-Betters results after increasing some parameters (radius 1500, samples 8, iterations 20)
+Betters results after increasing some parameters (radius 1500, samples 8, iterations 20)
@@ -796,11 +796,11 @@ The overall workflow here will be to decompose the image to various grayscale la
### Pretty Woman
-Do a [Creative Commons search](https://www.flickr.com/creativecommons) on Flickr, and it’s _very_ likely
that photographer [Frank Kovalchek](https://www.flickr.com/photos/72213316@N00/) will show up in some
fashion. He liberally licenses many photographs under [Creative Commons](http://creativecommons.org/)
licenses, and we will be using one of his portraits for this first example.
+Do a [Creative Commons search](https://www.flickr.com/creativecommons) on Flickr, and it’s _very_ likely
that photographer [Frank Kovalchek](https://www.flickr.com/photos/72213316@N00/) will show up in some
fashion. He liberally licenses many photographs under [Creative Commons](https://creativecommons.org/)
licenses, and we will be using one of his portraits for this first example.
<img src="{filename}aldude-color.jpg" alt="GIMP B&W base image by Frank Kovalchek" />
-<figcaption><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/72213316@N00/4589410278"><em>What a sweet looking
portrait</em></a> by <a href="http://www.flickr.com/people/72213316@N00/">Frank Kovalchek</a> on Flickr (<a
href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/ "Creative Commons - By
+<figcaption><a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/72213316@N00/4589410278"><em>What a sweet looking
portrait</em></a> by <a href="https://www.flickr.com/people/72213316@N00/">Frank Kovalchek</a> on Flickr (<a
href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/ "Creative Commons - By
Utilizing [the script from earlier](#the-script) to quickly break the image down into multiple layers using
different decomposition modes produces a nice array overview to consider:
@@ -837,7 +837,7 @@ So let’s try that here. Place the _RGB - Red_ channel over the _Luma - y709f_
<img src="{filename}aldude-bw-y709f-Red-Overlay.jpg" alt="GIMP B&W y709f with Red channel Overlay" />
-Luma Y709F base, with Red channel over (layer blend mode: Overlay)
+Luma Y709F base, with Red channel over (layer blend mode: Overlay)
@@ -866,7 +866,7 @@ Keep in mind, a layer mask will be more transparent the darker the color is in i
The results at this point with the mask:
<figure><img src="{filename}aldude-bw-y709f-Red-Overlay-Masked.jpg" alt="GIMP B&W y709f with Red channel
Overlay" />
-<figcaption><em>RGB - Red</em> as overlay with <em>RGB - Green</em> as a layer mask
+<figcaption><em>RGB - Red</em> as overlay with <em>RGB - Green</em> as a layer mask
@@ -887,7 +887,7 @@ The layers palette will now look like this:
The result on the image so far:
<figure><img src="{filename}aldude-bw-y709f-Red-Overlay-Masked-Inverted.jpg" alt="GIMP B&W y709f with Red
channel Overlay" />
-<figcaption>Inverted mask results
+<figcaption>Inverted mask results
@@ -908,12 +908,12 @@ This path was a little fussier than doing a straight color desaturation but the
### Methuselah
-Well, this isn’t the _actual_ [Methuselah](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methuselah_(tree)), but it is a
similar species of Bristlecone Pine. Once again, image courtesy of [Flickr](http://www.flickr.com) user
[Frank Kovalchek](http://www.flickr.com/people/72213316@N00/).
+Well, this isn’t the _actual_ [Methuselah](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methuselah_(tree)), but it is a
similar species of Bristlecone Pine. Once again, image courtesy of [Flickr](https://www.flickr.com) user
[Frank Kovalchek](https://www.flickr.com/people/72213316@N00/).
<figure><img src="{filename}aldude2-color.jpg" alt="GIMP B&W Base Image 2 by Frank Kovalchek" />
-<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/72213316@N00/6956555116"><em>Bristlecone pine hanging on for dear life
at 10,000 feet</em></a> <br/>
-by <a href="http://www.flickr.com/people/72213316@N00/">Frank Kovalchek</a> on Flickr (<a
+<a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/72213316@N00/6956555116"><em>Bristlecone pine hanging on for dear
life at 10,000 feet</em></a> <br/>
+by <a href="https://www.flickr.com/people/72213316@N00/">Frank Kovalchek</a> on Flickr (<a
As before, a first look at multiple decomposition modes originally pointed to _Luma - Y709F_ as being a good
candidate for the conversion. In this case, the focus would be on the texture of the tree itself. The _RGB -
Green_ decomposition also looks quite good to use as a base moving forward.
@@ -929,7 +929,7 @@ While the _RGB - Green_ channel is nice for the tree texture, the sky still appe
Having found a good layer for the tree texture, the other decompositions are examined for something that
represents the sky and ground a little better. The _RGB - Red_ channel is a good compromise (the _RGB - Blue_
channel is a little too noisy).
<figure><img src="{filename}aldude2-bw-red.jpg" alt="GIMP B&W Base Image 2 Green Channel" />
-<figcaption><em>RGB - Red</em> channel decomposition
+<figcaption><em>RGB - Red</em> channel decomposition
@@ -956,7 +956,7 @@ The layers at this point will look like this:
The results from applying the mask above to the image:
<figure><img src="{filename}aldude2-bw-greenred-masked.jpg" alt="GIMP B&W Tree Final" />
-<figcaption>Final blend of <em>RGB - Red</em> and <em>RGB - Green</em> channels with mask
+<figcaption>Final blend of <em>RGB - Red</em> and <em>RGB - Green</em> channels with mask
@@ -972,7 +972,7 @@ Petteri was kind enough to make available a grain field that he processed himsel
<figcaption>100% crop with Petteri’s grain field applied as <em>Overlay</em> layer</figcaption>
-You can download the grain-field to use here: [Petteri Sulonen’s grain
+You can download the grain-field to use here: [Petteri Sulonen’s grain
## Conclusion
@@ -984,17 +984,17 @@ Mix and match the methods presented here to get to the best base for further mod
* [Layer Masks](../Layer_Masks)
* [Luminosity Masks](../Luminosity_Masks)
-* [Getting Around in GIMP - Luminosity Masks & Split
-* [Getting Around in GIMP - Luminosity Masks
-* [Pixls.us - Digital B&W Conversion (GIMP)](http://pixls.us/articles/digital-b-w-conversion-gimp/)
+* [Getting Around in GIMP - Luminosity Masks & Split
+* [Getting Around in GIMP - Luminosity Masks
+* [Pixls.us - Digital B&W Conversion (GIMP)](https://pixls.us/articles/digital-b-w-conversion-gimp/)
-The original tutorial this was adapted from may be found
[here](http://blog.patdavid.net/2012/11/getting-around-in-gimp-black-and-white.html) and
[here](http://pixls.us/articles/digital-b-w-conversion-gimp/) (possibly with updated information).
+The original tutorial this was adapted from may be found
[here](https://blog.patdavid.net/2012/11/getting-around-in-gimp-black-and-white.html) and
[here](https://pixls.us/articles/digital-b-w-conversion-gimp/) (possibly with updated information).
The old _"Converting Color Images to B&W"_ tutorial can be found [here](../Color2BW/).
-<a href='http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US'>
+<a href='https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US'>
<img class='cc-badge' src='/images/creativecommons/by-sa 80x15.png' alt='Creative Commons By Share Alike'/>
-<span xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/">GIMP Tutorial - Digital B&W Conversion (text)</span> by [Pat
-Licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
+<span xmlns:dct="https://purl.org/dc/terms/">GIMP Tutorial - Digital B&W Conversion (text)</span> by [Pat
+Licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
diff --git a/content/tutorials/Drawing_Shapes/index.md b/content/tutorials/Drawing_Shapes/index.md
index e6d872ec..a07b4ff1 100644
--- a/content/tutorials/Drawing_Shapes/index.md
+++ b/content/tutorials/Drawing_Shapes/index.md
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ The Path Tool (replacing the old Bezier Selection tool) can be used in many crea
This tutorial is about making simple geometrical shapes with GIMP. I will concentrate on the Path tool since
I find it so useful for this purpose. I hope you get some help and new stuff to put in your GIMP Tricks Sack
:) I personally use this technique for nearly all my work.
-**Notice!** This is not a 'back to basics' -tutorial. You should be familiar with GIMP's dialogs and menus.
I was thinking about this, and I did not want to make this an 'entry level' thing, basically to avoid
bloating this too big and duplicating other people's work. [Paths are covered in my other
tutorial](/tutorials/Bezier_Selections/), and I recommend you to read it before going further if you find the
material here confusing. If you are new to GIMP I suggest you to go to the GIMP homepage in
[www.gimp.org](http://www.gimp.org) and first read through the Documentation section there.
+**Notice!** This is not a 'back to basics' -tutorial. You should be familiar with GIMP's dialogs and menus.
I was thinking about this, and I did not want to make this an 'entry level' thing, basically to avoid
bloating this too big and duplicating other people's work. [Paths are covered in my other
tutorial](/tutorials/Bezier_Selections/), and I recommend you to read it before going further if you find the
material here confusing. If you are new to GIMP I suggest you to go to the GIMP homepage in
[www.gimp.org](https://www.gimp.org) and first read through the Documentation section there.
## Let's get started!
@@ -89,10 +89,10 @@ Now you have a cool image of a Light-Source-Shaded Cube. You can choose <span cl
The next thing is to start using the geometrical shapes as building blocks to make things. And you can twist
the beziers to make a bit more fancy stuff...
-I have provided [the xcf-file](example.xcf.gz) for the image we just created, if you want to experiment with
it, although you should be perfectly able to do just as good yourself.
+I have provided [the xcf-file](example.xcf.gz) for the image we just created, if you want to experiment with
it, although you should be perfectly able to do just as good yourself.
Thanks for your interest.
-<del>The original tutorial can be found [here](http://www.tigert.com/gimp/tutorials/bezier_shapes/).</del>
+<del>The original tutorial can be found [here](http://www.tigert.com/gimp/tutorials/bezier_shapes/).</del>
It was updated for GIMP 2.0 by Raphaël Quinet.
diff --git a/content/tutorials/Floating_Logo/index.md b/content/tutorials/Floating_Logo/index.md
index b18505df..17f91daa 100644
--- a/content/tutorials/Floating_Logo/index.md
+++ b/content/tutorials/Floating_Logo/index.md
@@ -424,11 +424,11 @@ The original tutorial this was adapted from can be found [here](../The_Basics).
-<a href='http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US'>
+<a href='https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US'>
<img class='cc-badge' src='/images/creativecommons/by-sa 80x15.png' alt='Creative Commons By Share Alike'/>
-<span xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/">GIMP Tutorial - GIMP Quickies (text & images)</span> by [Pat
-Licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
+<span xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/">GIMP Tutorial - GIMP Quickies (text & images)</span> by [Pat
+Licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='index.css' />
diff --git a/content/tutorials/Focus_Group/index.md b/content/tutorials/Focus_Group/index.md
index 9c1d2e7f..5094d4da 100644
--- a/content/tutorials/Focus_Group/index.md
+++ b/content/tutorials/Focus_Group/index.md
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ about normal via a masked layer set to Screen blend mode.
To achieve this, I duplicated the original layer twice. I set
the lower new layer to a blend mode of Screen in order to set a
light colour to aid the masking operation later. On the upper
-new layer, set a layer mask to black.
+new layer, set a layer mask to black.
I chose a hard-edged brush, zoomed in to the stream of tea using
Ctrl and my mouse wheel, adjusted my brush diameter using the
square-angle-bracket keys until it fitted within the tea stream,
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ case. Duplicating this layer is also needed if you wish to try
various other blend modes or treatments in order to adjust the
colour, contrast or tone of the figure.
-Now all that is needed is a crop and you're finished.
+Now all that is needed is a crop and you're finished.
<img src="TehTarik_Final.jpg" alt="Tarik_Final" width="723"
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ temple, I was watching a devout woman with her children and
rapidly took a photograph before moving on to some other scene.
When I eventually looked at the resulting photo I could see it
did not reflect what I saw due to the confusion of people in the
<img src="Singapore_Original.jpg" alt="Singapore_Original"
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ width="1000" height="750">
In my mind's eye, I had seen the woman and her children as a
focal group and the others faded into the background - thus the
-need to re-create what I had seen in my mind's eye.
+need to re-create what I had seen in my mind's eye.
This technique is to treat my chosen group differently to what I
choose to be my background.
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ and set the top layer to a blend mode of Soft Light to increase
contrast and set its opacity to 50% to lessen the effect.
Alternatively, I could have applied a mild S curve to the focal
group layer, but adding a Soft Light layer gave me the
-opportunity of adjusting the effect (via opacity) later.
+opportunity of adjusting the effect (via opacity) later.
<img src="Singapore_Focus.jpg" alt="Singapore_Focus"
@@ -267,12 +267,12 @@ together (if you are familiar with slides).
with its milder counterpart, Soft Light and about 5 others, and
is a combination of Screen and Multiply. It ignores 50% grey,
makes light things lighter and dark things darker thus
-increasing contrast.
+increasing contrast.
The blend modes that go together with these three, such as Dodge
and Burn may be thought of as variations of these three basic
representatives and all have their own specific characters and
-functions which are definitely worth exploring.
+functions which are definitely worth exploring.
Screen, Multiply and Overlay will not cause clipping but some
blend modes, for example: Dodge, Addition, Burn, do cause
clipping and should be watched for in light or dark areas.
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ then duplicate this layer and renamed it Sea. I clicked the
layer mask, went to Colours and chose Invert and this inverted
the layer mask so the black portion covered the sky.
-I set the Sea layer to Overlay.
+I set the Sea layer to Overlay.
I noted that, at the horizon, I had a strip of lighter tone
which drew attention to itself. Experimenting, I found that I
@@ -352,13 +352,13 @@ I do hope you benefited from these tutorials, I wish you well.
<a rel="license"
alt="Creative Commons License" src="cc-by-sa.png"></a>
<span xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" property="dct:title">FocusGroup</span>
-by <span xmlns:cc="http://creativecommons.org/ns#"
+by <span xmlns:cc="https://creativecommons.org/ns#"
property="cc:attributionName">John Brewer</span> is licensed
under a <a rel="license"
Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
diff --git a/content/tutorials/GIMPProfile/index.md b/content/tutorials/GIMPProfile/index.md
index d60134ce..90b9ffdf 100644
--- a/content/tutorials/GIMPProfile/index.md
+++ b/content/tutorials/GIMPProfile/index.md
@@ -12,34 +12,34 @@ The "GIMP profile" is a directory/folder (actually a directory tree) where GIMP
* your keyboard shortcuts
* your brushes, gradients, palettes, patterns, fonts, scripts, plugins and brush dynamics (as opposed to
those installed for the benefits of all users).
-### Locating the GIMP (2.8) profile
+### Locating the GIMP (2.8) profile
Since it is a personal folder, GIMP keeps it with others files that also belong to you, usually:
-* In Windows XP:
- `C:\Documents and Settings\{your_id}\.gimp-2.8`
+* In Windows XP:
+ `C:\Documents and Settings\{your_id}\.gimp-2.8`
(ie, a "sibling" of "Application Data" and "My Documents")
-* In Vista, Windows 7 and later versions:
- `C:\Users\{your_id}\.gimp-2.8`
+* In Vista, Windows 7 and later versions:
+ `C:\Users\{your_id}\.gimp-2.8`
(ie, a "sibling" of "Application Data" and "My Documents")
-* In Linux:
- `/home/{your_id}/.gimp-2.8`
+* In Linux:
+ `/home/{your_id}/.gimp-2.8`
(a.k.a. `~/.gimp-2.8`)
-* In OSX:
- `/Users/{your_id}/Library/GIMP/2.8/`
- or possibly
- `/Users/{your_id}/Library/Application Support/GIMP/2.8/`
+* In OSX:
+ `/Users/{your_id}/Library/GIMP/2.8/`
+ or possibly
+ `/Users/{your_id}/Library/Application Support/GIMP/2.8/`
(this could depend on the GIMP build you use).
-The `.gimp-2.8` part is of course version-dependent (or you may still be using `.gimp-2.6`).
+The `.gimp-2.8` part is of course version-dependent (or you may still be using `.gimp-2.6`).
If you run several versions in parallel, you will have a profile for each, i.e., distinct profiles for GIMP
2.6 and GIMP 2.8, while all the successive updates to GIMP 2.8 will use the same profile.
#### If you don't find it in the locations above
-* If you are on Linux or OSX, keep in mind that the leading dot in the name makes many tools "omit" to
display it,
+* If you are on Linux or OSX, keep in mind that the leading dot in the name makes many tools "omit" to
display it,
so you may have to explicitly ask your file explorer to display hidden files to navigate to it.
-* On all systems (and especially Windows versions), it can be elsewhere for several reasons,
-for instance because the user profile has been moved to another partition/drive (especially with "roaming"
+* On all systems (and especially Windows versions), it can be elsewhere for several reasons,
+for instance because the user profile has been moved to another partition/drive (especially with "roaming"
Here are two tricks to find it (they both assume that GIMP can run):
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ Here are two tricks to find it (they both assume that GIMP can run):
### When to use the GIMP profile
-Your GIMP profile is the right place to install additional material (scripts, plugins, brushes, palettes,
fonts, gradients...).
+Your GIMP profile is the right place to install additional material (scripts, plugins, brushes, palettes,
fonts, gradients...).
It is a much better place than the system GIMP installation folder:
* Installing things there will not require admin privileges
@@ -71,15 +71,15 @@ GIMP Startup failures can be caused by profile problems. In that case it is poin
since the re-installed version will re-use the existing profile and therefore fail in the same way.
It is usually much more efficient to just rename the profile (to `.gimp-2.8.disabled`, for instance) and
restart GIMP.
-GIMP will recreate a new profile directory on startup, which should fix any problems.
+GIMP will recreate a new profile directory on startup, which should fix any problems.
You can then copy your add-ons subdirectories to the new profile, checking periodically that GIMP will still
with that modified profile.
-<a href='http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US'>
+<a href='https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US'>
<img class='cc-badge' src='/images/creativecommons/by-sa 80x15.png' alt='Creative Commons By Share Alike'/>
-<span xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/">GIMP Tutorial - Your GIMP Profile and You</span> by Ofnuts is
licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
+<span xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/">GIMP Tutorial - Your GIMP Profile and You</span> by Ofnuts is
licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
diff --git a/content/tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/index.md b/content/tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/index.md
index bfcabb21..608eb31f 100644
--- a/content/tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/index.md
+++ b/content/tutorials/GIMP_Quickies/index.md
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ For quick access, these are the four main points I’ll cover in this quick tuto
* [Crop an Image](#crop-an-image)
* [Rotate or Flip an Image](#rotate-andor-flip-an-image)
-In keeping with the spirit of the predecessor to this page, I will be using images from the Astronomy
Picture of the Day ([APOD](http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/astropix.html)), provided by NASA.
+In keeping with the spirit of the predecessor to this page, I will be using images from the Astronomy
Picture of the Day ([APOD](https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/astropix.html)), provided by NASA.
All you need to know to follow these quick examples is to be able to find your image and open it:
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ It’s a common problem that you may have an image that is too large for a parti
This is a very simple task to accomplish in GIMP easily.
-The image we’ll be using to illustrate this with is [The Horsehead Nebula in
+The image we’ll be using to illustrate this with is [The Horsehead Nebula in
When you first open your image in GIMP, chances are that the image will be zoomed so that the entire image
fits in your canvas. The thing to notice for this example is that by default the window decoration at the top
of GIMP will show you some information about the image.
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ This will then open the **Scale Image** dialog:
The <strong>Scale Image</strong> dialog.
In the **Scale Image** dialog, you’ll find a <span class="tGreen">place to enter new values</span> for
**Width** and **Height**. If you know one of the new dimensions you’d like for the image, fill in the
appropriate one here.
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ For example, if you knew that you wanted your image to have a new width of 600px
Changing the <strong>Width</strong> to 600px.
As you can see, entering **600px** for the width automatically changes the height to **627px**.
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ If you want to specify a new size using a different type of value (other than Pi
Changing input value types.
A common use for this could be if you wanted to specify a new size as a percentage of the old one. In this
case you could change to “percent”, and then enter 50 in either field to scale the image in half.
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ to export as a new filename, or:
to overwrite the original file (use caution).
-For more detail about using **Scale Image**, you can see [the
+For more detail about using **Scale Image**, you can see [the
## Changing the Size (Filesize) of a JPEG
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ Using the same Horsehead Nebula image from above, I have resized it to 200px wid
Comparison of different JPEG compression levels.
As you can see, even at a quality setting of 80, the image is significantly smaller in filesize (77% size
reduction), while the image quality is still quite reasonable.
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ This will invoke the **Export Image** dialog:
You can now enter a <span class="tGreen">new name for your file here</span>. If you include the filetype
extension (in this case, .jpg), GIMP will automatically try to export in that file format for you. Here I am
exporting the image as a JPEG file.
@@ -136,13 +136,13 @@ This will then bring up the **Export Image as JPEG** dialog, where you can chang
From this dialog you can now <span class="tGreen">change the quality of the export</span>. If you also have
the “Show preview in image window” option checked, the image on the canvas will update to reflect the quality
value you input. This will also enable the “File size:” information to tell you what the resulting file size
will be. (You may need to move some windows around to view the preview on the canvas in the background).
When you are happy with the results, hit the **Export** button to export.
-To see more details about exporting different image formats, see [Getting Images out of
GIMP](http://docs.gimp.org/2.8/en/gimp-images-out.html) in the manual.
+To see more details about exporting different image formats, see [Getting Images out of
GIMP](https://docs.gimp.org/2.8/en/gimp-images-out.html) in the manual.
## Crop an Image
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ In a nutshell, cropping is just an operation to trim the image down to a smaller
Original image (left), cropped image (right).
The procedure to crop an image is straightforward. You can either get to <span class="tGreen">the **Crop
Tool**</span> through the tools palette:
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ The procedure to crop an image is straightforward. You can either get to <span c
Crop Tool on the Tools Palette.
Or you can access the crop tool through the menus:
@@ -177,10 +177,10 @@ Now you can Left-Click anywhere on your image canvas, and drag the mouse to a ne
<img src='{filename}Crop-First.png' alt='Crop First'>
-Initial pass with the Crop Tool.
+Initial pass with the Crop Tool.
Crop Tool options (left), cropping on the canvas (right).
<span class="caption"></span></div>
After making the initial selection of a region to crop, you’ll find the selection still active. At this
point hovering your mouse cursor over any of the four corners or sides of the selection will change the mouse
cursor, and highlight that region.
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ This allows you to now fine-tune the selection for cropping. You can click and d
Once you are happy with the region to crop, you can just press the **“Enter"** key on your keyboard to
commit the crop. If at any time you’d like to start over or decide not to crop at all, you can press the
**“Esc”** key on your keyboard to back out of the operation.
-See [the documentation](http://docs.gimp.org/2.8/en/gimp-tool-crop.html) for more information on cropping in
+See [the documentation](https://docs.gimp.org/2.8/en/gimp-tool-crop.html) for more information on cropping
in GIMP.
### Another Method
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ Another way to crop an image is to make a selection first, using the **Rectangle
Rectangle Select Tool.
Or through the menus:
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ If you want to flip your image, the **Transform** menu offers two options, **Fli
All flips applied to base image (top left).
### Rotate an Image
@@ -238,10 +238,10 @@ Don’t mis-interpret this to mean that GIMP cannot do arbitrary rotations (any
<img src='{filename}Rotate-Sample.jpg' alt='Rotating Sample'>
-Original (top left), 90° clockwise (top right)
+Original (top left), 90° clockwise (top right)
90° counter-clockwise (bottom left), 180° (bottom right)
<span class="caption"></span></div>
## In Conclusion
@@ -257,8 +257,7 @@ The original tutorial this was adapted from can be found [here](../Lite_Quickies
-<a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US" rel="license"><img class='cc-badge'
alt="Creative Commons License" src="/images/creativecommons/by-sa 80x15.png" /></a>
-<span xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/">GIMP Tutorial - GIMP Quickies (text & images)</span> by [Pat
-is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
+<a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US" rel="license"><img class='cc-badge'
alt="Creative Commons License" src="/images/creativecommons/by-sa 80x15.png" /></a>
+<span xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/">GIMP Tutorial - GIMP Quickies (text & images)</span> by [Pat
+is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
diff --git a/content/tutorials/ImageFormats/index.md b/content/tutorials/ImageFormats/index.md
index 3312bccb..13a917d4 100644
--- a/content/tutorials/ImageFormats/index.md
+++ b/content/tutorials/ImageFormats/index.md
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Summary: Selecting the best image format for your purposes.
* Not a "display" format, even if you can find codecs to display thumbnails of XCF image in file explorers.
* Bulky.
* Color channels are coded in 8 bits (in GIMP 2.8).
#### Recommended uses
* Saving all GIMP work.
@@ -83,13 +83,13 @@ Summary: Selecting the best image format for your purposes.
#### Cons
-* Only 256 colors per image, leads to blocky look.
+* Only 256 colors per image, leads to blocky look.
(a modern variant supports 256 colors per frame, but GIMP doesn't use it).
* Supports transparency but only as fully transparent/fully opaque.
#### Recommended uses
-* Small animated images.
+* Small animated images.
(in all other still-image uses PNG is a better alternative, and for bigger animation modern HTML supports
@@ -134,13 +134,13 @@ Summary: Selecting the best image format for your purposes.
* Storage of camera output, but a secondary copy in some universal format could be a good idea.
-There are of course many other image formats, but the formats above cover most uses.
+There are of course many other image formats, but the formats above cover most uses.
Use them unless you know better, they can usually be converted easily to any other format should the need
-<a href='http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US'>
+<a href='https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US'>
<img class='cc-badge' src='/images/creativecommons/by-sa 80x15.png' alt='Creative Commons By Share Alike'/>
-<span xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/">GIMP Tutorial - Image Formats Overview</span> by Ofnuts is
licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
+<span xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/">GIMP Tutorial - Image Formats Overview</span> by Ofnuts is
licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
diff --git a/content/tutorials/Layer_Masks/index.md b/content/tutorials/Layer_Masks/index.md
index 948b853a..9e82b15b 100644
--- a/content/tutorials/Layer_Masks/index.md
+++ b/content/tutorials/Layer_Masks/index.md
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Title: Layer Masks
Date: 2002
Modified: 2015-09-24T15:00:00-05:00
-Author: Pat David
+Author: Pat David
Template: page_author
@@ -188,16 +188,16 @@ Simple Selective Colorization Example (painted with gray vs. black).
## Further Reading
* [Selective Colorization](../Selective_Color)
-* [Getting Around in GIMP - Layer
-* [Getting Around in GIMP - Luminosity Masks & Split
+* [Getting Around in GIMP - Layer
+* [Getting Around in GIMP - Luminosity Masks & Split
-The original tutorial this was adapted from may be found
[here](http://blog.patdavid.net/2011/10/getting-around-in-gimp-layer-masks.html) (possibly with updated
+The original tutorial this was adapted from may be found
[here](https://blog.patdavid.net/2011/10/getting-around-in-gimp-layer-masks.html) (possibly with updated
-<a href='http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US'>
+<a href='https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US'>
<img class='cc-badge' src='/images/creativecommons/by-sa 80x15.png' alt='Creative Commons By Share Alike'/>
-<span xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/">GIMP Tutorial - Layer Masks (text & images)</span> by [Pat
-Licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
+<span xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/">GIMP Tutorial - Layer Masks (text & images)</span> by [Pat
+Licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
diff --git a/content/tutorials/Lite_Quickies/index.md b/content/tutorials/Lite_Quickies/index.md
index cea86de5..32750b6e 100644
--- a/content/tutorials/Lite_Quickies/index.md
+++ b/content/tutorials/Lite_Quickies/index.md
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Text and images Copyright (C) 2004 [Carol Spears](mailto:carolNOSPAM gimp org) a
So, you have GIMP installed on your computer, you need to make a quick change to an image for some project,
but don't want to learn about computer graphics right now in order to get the image changed. Totally
understandable. GIMP is a powerful image manipulator with many options and tools. However, it is quick and
somewhat intuitive (after a time) for the small jobs as well. Hopefully, these quickies will help you with
your quick problem and help you to stay friends with GIMP and ready for its more complex tools and methods
later, when you have the time and inspiration.
-A couple of words about the images used here. The came from
[APOD](http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/astropix.html), Astronomy Picture Ofthe Day. The screenshots were
taken on my desktop which is sporting this [APOD](http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap040309.html) image.
+A couple of words about the images used here. The came from
[APOD](https://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/astropix.html), Astronomy Picture Ofthe Day. The screenshots were
taken on my desktop which is sporting this [APOD](https://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap040309.html) image.
All you should need to know to start here is how to find your image and open it. <span class="filter">File
-> Open</span>.
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ All you should need to know to start here is how to find your image and open it.
-Problem: you have a huge image and you want to put it nicely for viewing on a web page. GIMP is a quick
solution. Our example image is this beauty [m51_hallas_big.jpg](m51_hallas_big.jpg) from
+Problem: you have a huge image and you want to put it nicely for viewing on a web page. GIMP is a quick
solution. Our example image is this beauty [m51_hallas_big.jpg](m51_hallas_big.jpg) from
The first thing that you might notice is that GIMP opens the image at a logical size for viewing. So, if
your image is really big (like the sample image) it will display it zoomed out until it fits nicely. You can
tell if GIMP has done this by the percentage number in the title bar. (you can click on the little screenshot
to see the full view of the screenshot) Just because it looks right in this "View" doesn't mean anything.
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Let GIMP choose the other dimension length for you. Meaning, it will take more i
-You can make your jpegs smaller without changing the pixel width of the image. Actually you can change the
weight of the image a lot. I used an(other) image from
[APOD](http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap020215.html). The [original image](lordofrings_hst_big.jpg) is huge
(3000 pixels wide) so I also made a [smaller (pixel width)](lordofrings_hst_med.jpg) image available. To
prepare this image for the web, you should first reduce the image to a better width and height for web
viewing as described in the scale quickie. Right click on the properly scaled image and follow the menus
<span class="filter"><Image> File -> Save As....</span> The [Save Dialog](save-dialog.png) will pop up.
+You can make your jpegs smaller without changing the pixel width of the image. Actually you can change the
weight of the image a lot. I used an(other) image from
[APOD](https://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap020215.html). The [original image](lordofrings_hst_big.jpg) is
huge (3000 pixels wide) so I also made a [smaller (pixel width)](lordofrings_hst_med.jpg) image available. To
prepare this image for the web, you should first reduce the image to a better width and height for web
viewing as described in the scale quickie. Right click on the properly scaled image and follow the menus
<span class="filter"><Image> File -> Save As....</span> The [Save Dialog](save-dialog.png) will pop up.
I generally type the filename I want into the text box, but the Extension drop menu can tell you the
available file formats (depending on the libraries you have installed and the conditions of the image you are
trying to save). If GIMP complains right now, or if "JPEG" is grayed out in the Extensions menu you should
just cancel out of everything and step through the [Change the Mode Quickie](#mode).
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ I have not been showing the actual jpegs I created so that we could end this qui
-Many reasons to need to crop an image. Making rectangles square, or making squares into rectangles. Cutting
alot of useless background to bring out the subject better. etc. To get to the crop tool, you can either push
the button on the toolbox  or right click on the image and follow
the menu <span class="filter"><Image> Tools -> Transform Tools -> Crop & Resize</span>. This will change the
cursor and allow you to click and drag a rectangular shape. The button in the toolbox is the nicest way to
get to any of the tools. I have chosen one of the huge and beautiful
[APOD](http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap021108.html) images, [ngc6369 heritage](ngc6369_heritage_big.jpg).
+Many reasons to need to crop an image. Making rectangles square, or making squares into rectangles. Cutting
alot of useless background to bring out the subject better. etc. To get to the crop tool, you can either push
the button on the toolbox  or right click on the image and follow
the menu <span class="filter"><Image> Tools -> Transform Tools -> Crop & Resize</span>. This will change the
cursor and allow you to click and drag a rectangular shape. The button in the toolbox is the nicest way to
get to any of the tools. I have chosen one of the huge and beautiful
[APOD](https://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap021108.html) images, [ngc6369 heritage](ngc6369_heritage_big.jpg).
I always click on the approximate upper left corner and drag to the lower [right corner](crop-drag.png). You
don't need to worry about being accurate on this first swipe with the crop tool, since a little dialog will
pop up and you can make a better choice for your new borders there..
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ I decided that the image looked the best with the [X Origin at 42](crop-dialog2.
-This window will tell you the pixel lengths. Right click on the image and follow <span
class="filter"><Image> View -> Info Window...</span> Here is a screenshot of a
[calculator](info-calculator.png) which also gives lots of good information. I got another
[image](quintet_hst_big.jpg) from [APOD](http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap001113.html) It is pretty big.
(Not as big as Saturn though) You can see in the dialog above, it is 2241 x 1548 pixels.
+This window will tell you the pixel lengths. Right click on the image and follow <span
class="filter"><Image> View -> Info Window...</span> Here is a screenshot of a
[calculator](info-calculator.png) which also gives lots of good information. I got another
[image](quintet_hst_big.jpg) from [APOD](https://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap001113.html) It is pretty big.
(Not as big as Saturn though) You can see in the dialog above, it is 2241 x 1548 pixels.
If you are just making a square out of a rectangle, like in the [Crop An Image Quickie](#crop), you need
only to open the dialog and find the lesser length and use that as described. Since this is very little
information, and definately not enough to fill the space between the menu thumbnail and the dialog screenshot
in my layout, I thought I would run through some calculator exercises that might help you to meet your image
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ As with anything else, images come in different kinds and serve different purpos
A little bit of detail if you are interested. Each pixel or point when in this mode consists of three
different components. R->Red, G->Green, B->Blue. Each of these in turn can have an intensity value of 0-255\.
So, at every pixel, what you see is an additive combination of these three components. All these combinations
result in a way to represent millions of colours.
-As an example to practice with images have been provided in various sizes and formats. Indexed images of
different sizes: from a very old <a href="">APOD</a> a small <a href="">gif</a> and a larger gif <a
href="">of the same image</a> from a later <a href="">APOD</a>. Also the same image in RGB as provided by
[Earth Observatory](http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Newsroom/NewImages/images.php3?img_id=4573) a [smaller
version](AS17-148-22727.jpg) and a [huge version](AS17-148-22727_lrg.jpg).
+As an example to practice with images have been provided in various sizes and formats. Indexed images of
different sizes: from a very old <a href="">APOD</a> a small <a href="">gif</a> and a larger gif <a
href="">of the same image</a> from a later <a href="">APOD</a>. Also the same image in RGB as provided by
[Earth Observatory](https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Newsroom/NewImages/images.php3?img_id=4573) a [smaller
version](AS17-148-22727.jpg) and a [huge version](AS17-148-22727_lrg.jpg).
**Indexed -** This is the mode usually used when file size is of concern, or when you are working with
images with few colours. It involves using a fixed number of colours, 256 or less, at each point to represent
the colour at that point. GIMP defaults to attempting to figure out an "optimum palette" to best represent
your image. Try it, you can undo it if you don't like the results, or use a custom palette or more colours.
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ There is no need to convert an image to a specific mode before saving it in your
When you need the person in the photo looking in the other direction, or you need to top of the image to be
the bottom. Mirroring the image (sort of). Right click on the image and follow the menus <span
class="filter"><Image> Tools -> Transform Tools -> Flip</span>, or use the button on the toolbox.

-Using another [APOD](http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap021114.html) image I demonstrated all of the flips
on [this](sunspot_swedish_label2.jpg) image. You might get bored before it is over ....
+Using another [APOD](https://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap021114.html) image I demonstrated all of the flips
on [this](sunspot_swedish_label2.jpg) image. You might get bored before it is over ....
The tool used as is (the default) will do [this](flip-sample-h.png) to an image.
@@ -149,5 +149,4 @@ The flips are all displayed on one page for you, [here](flips.html). One might a
-Let's say you turned your brand new digital camera to get a vertical shot, now some of your images are on
their sides. Right click on the image, and follow the menus <span class="filter"><Image> Image -> Transforms
-> Rotate -> 90 degrees</span> (or 270 depending on the orientation). Using an
[APOD](http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap000228.html) image. I rotated it once to demonstrate. [90 degrees
+Let's say you turned your brand new digital camera to get a vertical shot, now some of your images are on
their sides. Right click on the image, and follow the menus <span class="filter"><Image> Image -> Transforms
-> Rotate -> 90 degrees</span> (or 270 depending on the orientation). Using an
[APOD](https://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap000228.html) image. I rotated it once to demonstrate. [90 degrees
diff --git a/content/tutorials/Quickmask/index.md b/content/tutorials/Quickmask/index.md
index 4804f903..ba18c50e 100644
--- a/content/tutorials/Quickmask/index.md
+++ b/content/tutorials/Quickmask/index.md
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ First, make a rectangular selection around the edge of the image. Then click on
<img src="{filename}image.3.jpg" alt="image.3.jpg"/>
-After you click the red QuickMask button, a translucent red mask appears around your selection. This red
mask represents the outside of your selection. When you click the dashed QuickMask button to go back into
normal selection mode, anything red will not be selected, and anything clear will be. So, let's start playing
with this mask. First, right click on the image and select
+After you click the red QuickMask button, a translucent red mask appears around your selection. This red
mask represents the outside of your selection. When you click the dashed QuickMask button to go back into
normal selection mode, anything red will not be selected, and anything clear will be. So, let's start playing
with this mask. First, right click on the image and select
<div class="MenuCmd"><span>Filters → Distorts → Waves</span></div>
@@ -95,5 +95,4 @@ I used some blurring and the `Filters → Distorts → Newsprint` plugin to get
As in the tutorial, this one used Waves, but instead of blurring, I used `Filters → Blur → Pixelize` instead.
-The original tutorial can be found [here](http://www.xach.com/gimp/tutorials/quickmask/).
+The original tutorial can be found [here](https://www.xach.com/gimp/tutorials/quickmask/).
diff --git a/content/tutorials/Selective_Color/index.md b/content/tutorials/Selective_Color/index.md
index 15e18b9b..2c50dbe0 100644
--- a/content/tutorials/Selective_Color/index.md
+++ b/content/tutorials/Selective_Color/index.md
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ In this tutorial I will explain how to convert a color photograph to a B&W one w
The basic technique is to duplicate the color photograph, convert the duplicate to B&W, and paste it as a
new layer on top of the color image. Add an opaque layer mask and then selectively paint transparency into
the upper mask, exposing the color photograph underneath.
-Giving credit where credit is due: I did not come up with this method. I adapted it for GIMP from a reader
comment I saw in [a "hand-coloring" tutorial on
photo.net](http://www.photo.net/digital/editing/hand-coloring) (great web site by the way, I recommend it).
+Giving credit where credit is due: I did not come up with this method. I adapted it for GIMP from a reader
comment I saw in [a "hand-coloring" tutorial on
photo.net](https://www.photo.net/digital/editing/hand-coloring) (great web site by the way, I recommend it).
## The Procedure
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ Here is the original example image, loaded into GIMP.
<img src="{filename}image2.jpg" alt="image2.jpg"/>
-Duplicate the image (<kbd>Ctrl+D</kbd>).
+Duplicate the image (<kbd>Ctrl+D</kbd>).
By whatever method suits you best, convert the duplicate image to B&W. Once you have gotten the B&W version
that you like, change it back to RGB mode (`Image → Mode → RGB`).
In this example, I tried the [channel mixer](/tutorials/Color2BW/#channelmixer), but ended up in this case
preferring a simple conversion to grayscale (`Image → Mode → Grayscale`), then back to RGB.
@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ In this example, I tried the [channel mixer](/tutorials/Color2BW/#channelmixer),
<img src="{filename}layers1.jpg" alt="layers1.jpg"/> <img src="{filename}newlayeroptions.jpg"
alt="newlayeroptions.jpg"/> <img src="{filename}layers2.jpg" alt="layers2.jpg"/>
-Open the Layers dialog (<kbd>Ctrl+L</kbd>). Make sure that the original color image is selected in the Image
drop down box. Click on the new layer button at the bottom of the dialog.
-Here I've named the new layer "B&W"
+Open the Layers dialog (<kbd>Ctrl+L</kbd>). Make sure that the original color image is selected in the Image
drop down box. Click on the new layer button at the bottom of the dialog.
+Here I've named the new layer "B&W"
Make sure the new layer is selected in the layers dialog.
## Step 3
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ Make sure the new layer is selected in the layers dialog.
<img src="{filename}layers3.jpg" alt="layers3.jpg"/> <img src="{filename}layers4.jpg" alt="layers4.jpg"/>
-Go to the B&W image and select all, then copy (<kbd>Ctrl+A</kbd> then <kbd>Ctrl+C</kbd>). Then go to the
color image window and paste (<kbd>Ctrl+V</kbd>). The B&W image should be pasted into that layer, obscuring
the color image.
-Click the anchor button in the Layers dialog to anchor the pasted image.
+Go to the B&W image and select all, then copy (<kbd>Ctrl+A</kbd> then <kbd>Ctrl+C</kbd>). Then go to the
color image window and paste (<kbd>Ctrl+V</kbd>). The B&W image should be pasted into that layer, obscuring
the color image.
+Click the anchor button in the Layers dialog to anchor the pasted image.
You can close the B&W image window you just copied from now, if you want.
## Step 4
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ In the Layers dialog, right-click on the B&W layer and select "Add Layer Mask".
<img src="{filename}toolbox.jpg" alt="toolbox.jpg"/> <img src="{filename}brushes1.jpg" alt="brushes1.jpg"/>
<img src="{filename}image3.jpg" alt="image3.jpg"/>
-Make sure that Black is selected as the foreground color in the toolbox. We're going to paint transparency
into the layer mask to reveal the color image below.
+Make sure that Black is selected as the foreground color in the toolbox. We're going to paint transparency
into the layer mask to reveal the color image below.
Bring up the Brushes dialog (`Dialogs → Brushes`) and select a big brush. In the toolbox, select the paint
tool (<img src="{filename}paint.jpg" alt="paint.jpg"/>). Begin painting the interior of the parts you want to
be in color.
## Step 6
@@ -120,7 +120,6 @@ When your all done, go over the colored part carefully to see if there are any g
## Further Reading
-* [a "hand-coloring" tutorial on photo.net](http://www.photo.net/digital/editing/hand-coloring)
+* [a "hand-coloring" tutorial on photo.net](https://www.photo.net/digital/editing/hand-coloring)
The original tutorial used to appear on
diff --git a/content/tutorials/Selective_Gaussian_Blur/index.md
index 020f7407..f2e7bbc2 100644
--- a/content/tutorials/Selective_Gaussian_Blur/index.md
+++ b/content/tutorials/Selective_Gaussian_Blur/index.md
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ Normally I find that both settings should be between 5 and 10, where low numbers
<img src="{filename}15.png" alt="15.png"/> <img src="{filename}00.jpg" alt="00.jpg"/>
-For a more in depth explanation of what the settings do see
+For a more in depth explanation of what the settings do see
After playing with the settings a bit I liked the clean look of a blur radius of 10 and maximum delta of
10\. Then I checked what those settings looked like on another crop (which is always a good idea to do), I
decided that it was on the very edge, and maybe even too much. There was too much loss of detail in the hair.
@@ -75,11 +75,10 @@ You'll often find yourself in these arguments with yourself over when it's too m
After 8 minutes my AMD-K6 300 running Linux finished the process, and I got the following (note they are
resized to 640x480 from 1280x960, you can get the larger files at the bottom of this page):
-**First image**: Before.
+**First image**: Before.
**Last image**: After (blur radius:8, maximum delta:7).
## Files
-[Before, 1280x960, JPEG (120 Kb)](before.jpg)
+[Before, 1280x960, JPEG (120 Kb)](before.jpg)
[After, 1280x960, JPEG (104 Kb)](after.jpg)
diff --git a/content/tutorials/Sepia_Toning/index.md b/content/tutorials/Sepia_Toning/index.md
index 2b8c5900..0fce56ef 100644
--- a/content/tutorials/Sepia_Toning/index.md
+++ b/content/tutorials/Sepia_Toning/index.md
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ Text and images Copyright (C) 2002 [Eric R. Jeschke](mailto:ericNOSPAM@redskiesa
<img src="{filename}after.jpg" alt="after.jpg"/>
-In this tutorial I'll show you how to sepia tone a color or black and white image. This technique is modeled
on the traditional darkroom method of sepia toning in that the sepia color is applied "unevenly" to areas of
different tonality. It works much better than most of the simple methods I've seen for image editors and
provides great control!
-The basic technique is to create a "Sepia Mask" that will apply a sepia color layer according to a layer
mask that is based on the tonality of the image.
-Giving credit where credit is due: I did not come up with this method. I adapted it for GIMP from [a
Photoshop tutorial on the RetouchPRO web site](http://www.retouchpro.com/tutorials/lum-mask-sepia.html).
+In this tutorial I'll show you how to sepia tone a color or black and white image. This technique is modeled
on the traditional darkroom method of sepia toning in that the sepia color is applied "unevenly" to areas of
different tonality. It works much better than most of the simple methods I've seen for image editors and
provides great control!
+The basic technique is to create a "Sepia Mask" that will apply a sepia color layer according to a layer
mask that is based on the tonality of the image.
+Giving credit where credit is due: I did not come up with this method. I adapted it for GIMP from [a
Photoshop tutorial on the RetouchPRO web site](https://www.retouchpro.com/tutorials/lum-mask-sepia.html).
## The Procedure
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Here is the original image, loaded into GIMP. It has a bit of an old-time look,
<img src="{filename}image-wdecorfu.jpg" alt="image-wdecorfu.jpg"/>
-You can compare the result we will get below to GIMP's built-in Script-Fu for sepia toning (<span
class="filter"><Image> Script-Fu -> Decor -> Old Photo</span>) as shown at right.
+You can compare the result we will get below to GIMP's built-in Script-Fu for sepia toning (<span
class="filter"><Image> Script-Fu -> Decor -> Old Photo</span>) as shown at right.
Come back and compare to this when you get to the end of the tutorial.
## Step 2
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Duplicate the original image (<span class="filter"><Image> Image -> Duplicate</s
Using whatever technique you like best, convert the duplicate to B&W. I recommend the channel mixer for best
results, but you can also convert to grayscale (<span class="filter"><Image> Image -> Mode ->
Grayscale</span>) or desaturate (<span class="filter"><Image> Image -> Colors -> Desaturate</span>).
-Whatever technique you use, convert the B&W image back into RGB mode when you're done (<span
class="filter"><Image> Image -> Mode -> RGB</span>).
+Whatever technique you use, convert the B&W image back into RGB mode when you're done (<span
class="filter"><Image> Image -> Mode -> RGB</span>).
In this case I simply did a mode change to grayscale, then back to RGB mode.
## Step 3
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ Double-click on the foreground color swatch to bring up the Color Selection dial
<img src="{filename}layers2.jpg" alt="newlayeroptions.jpg"/>
-Bring up the Layers dialog (<kbd>Ctrl+L</kbd>) and click on the button for a new layer. Give it the name
"Sepia Mask" and choose the option to fill it with the foreground color. Click OK.
+Bring up the Layers dialog (<kbd>Ctrl+L</kbd>) and click on the button for a new layer. Give it the name
"Sepia Mask" and choose the option to fill it with the foreground color. Click OK.
You should see nothing but the color now in the image window, since it obscures the image in the layer
below. We are going to selectively apply this color to the image.
## Step 5
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ In the Layers dialog, click on (select) the Background layer. Go up to the image
<img src="{filename}image4.jpg" alt="image4.jpg"/>
-In the Layers dialog, click the Anchor button to anchor the pasted image into the layer mask.
+In the Layers dialog, click the Anchor button to anchor the pasted image into the layer mask.
In the image window, invert the color (<span class="filter"><Image> Image -> Colors -> Invert</span>). This
layer mask insures that the shadow parts of the image receive most of the color, the mid-tones a little less,
and the highlights little to none, much the way a print sepia-toned the traditional way would be.
## Step 8
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ In the image window, invert the color (<span class="filter"><Image> Image -> Col
<img src="{filename}image5.jpg" alt="image5.jpg"/>
-In the Layers dialog, change the Mode (blending mode) of the layer to "Color". This applies the color from
the Sepia Mask layer according to the layer mask to the image.
+In the Layers dialog, change the Mode (blending mode) of the layer to "Color". This applies the color from
the Sepia Mask layer according to the layer mask to the image.
You now have your base result. It might be a good idea to save this under a new name at this point.
## Step 9
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ The one on the left was from a grayscale conversion (<span class="filter"><Image
## Further Reading on Sepia Toning
-* Doing this same process with Photoshop ([Part
I](http://www.retouchpro.com/tutorials/lum-mask-sepia.html), [Part
-* [Stepwise Sepia Toning Using Adobe Photoshop](http://www.photo.net/photo/sepia/index). This method,
using Duotones and Tritones, seems to be quite popular.
+* Doing this same process with Photoshop ([Part
I](https://www.retouchpro.com/tutorials/lum-mask-sepia.html), [Part
+* [Stepwise Sepia Toning Using Adobe Photoshop](https://www.photo.net/photo/sepia/index). This method,
using Duotones and Tritones, seems to be quite popular.
The original tutorial used to appear on
diff --git a/content/tutorials/Smart_Sharpening/index.md b/content/tutorials/Smart_Sharpening/index.md
index 568f7a82..3ccd05a1 100644
--- a/content/tutorials/Smart_Sharpening/index.md
+++ b/content/tutorials/Smart_Sharpening/index.md
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ This will create a new window with the image decomposed into the Luminosity ("br
At this point I usually turn off visibility of the A and B layers in the Layers dialog by clicking on the
-**Note 1:** if you happen to have an older version of the compose/decompose plug-in it may not have the LAB
option. In that case use HSV (hue/saturation/value) instead. For any reference to the "LAB" image or
"luminosity" channel below, substitute the "HSV" image/"value" window. The LAB option was not in my initial
version of GIMP (ver 1.2.1), but I got the newer version of the plug-in at the [GIMP Plug-in
Registry](http://registry.gimp.org/) and compiled it myself. Don't worry if you don't have it; HSV works
great too.
+**Note 1:** if you happen to have an older version of the compose/decompose plug-in it may not have the LAB
option. In that case use HSV (hue/saturation/value) instead. For any reference to the "LAB" image or
"luminosity" channel below, substitute the "HSV" image/"value" window. The LAB option was not in my initial
version of GIMP (ver 1.2.1), but I got the newer version of the plug-in at the [GIMP Plug-in
Registry](https://registry.gimp.org/) and compiled it myself. Don't worry if you don't have it; HSV works
great too.
**Note 2:** in the older version of the decompose plug-in there is no "As layers" checkbox; instead it will
create the three channels as separate windows rather than three layers in one window. It really doesn't
matter if you do it this way; the layers way just reduces the clutter on your screen. If you don't have the
"As layers" option, I suggest you minimize (but not close) the hue and saturation (or A and B) windows. We'll
need them later, but you don't want to accidentally pick one of them in the next few steps.
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ Here is what you'll see if you compare them:
<img src="{filename}gradient-composed.jpg" alt="gradient-composed.jpg"/>
-Left image: Gradient in RGB
+Left image: Gradient in RGB
Right image: RGB -> LAB -> RGB
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ Right image: RGB -> LAB -> RGB
<img src="{filename}gradient-composed-hist.jpg" alt="gradient-composed-hist.jpg"/>
-Left image: Histogram of the RGB image.
+Left image: Histogram of the RGB image.
Right image: Histogram of the RGB -> LAB -> RGB image.
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ Right image: Histogram of the RGB -> LAB -> RGB image.
<img src="{filename}gradient-composed-zoomed400.jpg" alt="gradient-composed-zoomed400.jpg"/>
-Left image: Zoom 400% of the RGB image.
+Left image: Zoom 400% of the RGB image.
Right image: Zoom 400% of the RGB -> LAB -> RGB image.
Look at all the information that has been lost in the converted image! There is obvious posterization in the
zoomed close up.
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ Look at the histograms of the original image and the one smart sharpened on the
<img src="{filename}smartsharpened-hist.jpg" alt="smartsharpened-hist.jpg"/>
-Left image: Histogram, original image
+Left image: Histogram, original image
Right image: Smart-sharpened on luminosity channel
You can see that in practice, changing modes does not always have this drastic of an effect.
@@ -266,8 +266,8 @@ What should you do? I suggest trying it and look at the histogram! This is the b
<img src="{filename}example1-luminosityedgesharpened-crop.jpg"
-First image: Original (pretty noisy)
-Left image: Standard unsharp mask
+First image: Original (pretty noisy)
+Left image: Standard unsharp mask
Right image: Smart sharpened
This example is kind of contrived. It doesn't really need much sharpening in the first place, and the
smart-sharpened version looks over-sharpened. I include it here mainly because it is pretty noisy, so it
really shows what happens when you sharpen noise, and how the smart sharpening technique doesn't affect the
noise. For details on reducing CCD noise (using this image as an example), [see this
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ This example is kind of contrived. It doesn't really need much sharpening in the
<img src="{filename}example2-regsharpened-384x384.jpg" alt="example2-regsharpened-384x384.jpg"/>
-Left image: Edge sharpened (Amt=1.25)
+Left image: Edge sharpened (Amt=1.25)
Right image: Standard unsharp mask (Amt=0.50)
## Further Reading
@@ -287,4 +287,3 @@ Right image: Standard unsharp mask (Amt=0.50)
* Fred Miranda: [The Ultimate Sharpening Technique](http://www.fredmiranda.com/article_3/index.html)
The original tutorial used to appear on
diff --git a/content/tutorials/Tone_Mapping_Using_GIMP_Levels/index.md
index d868bce3..c4322738 100644
--- a/content/tutorials/Tone_Mapping_Using_GIMP_Levels/index.md
+++ b/content/tutorials/Tone_Mapping_Using_GIMP_Levels/index.md
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Date: 2016-03
Modified: 2016-03
Author: Elle Stone
Template: page_author
-canonical: http://ninedegreesbelow.com/photography/gimp-tone-map-with-levels.html
+canonical: https://ninedegreesbelow.com/photography/gimp-tone-map-with-levels.html
<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='index.css'>
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ Scene-referred interpolated raw file.
Accepted wisdom is that Curves provides more versatility than Levels for modifying image tonality. Of course
you can use Curves to accomplish somewhat similar results to the procedure described in this tutorial. But
GIMP Curves is a highly destructive editing operation, immediately "baking" the resulting tonality into the
layer on which Curves is done, clipping any out of gamut RGB values, and leaving you with no way to fine-tune
the results without starting over. -->
Hight bit depth GIMP is my primary image editor, and I've used the procedure described below for the last
couple of years as my "go to" way to modify image tonality. The same general procedure can be used to darken
as well as lighten portions of an image, again controlling the effect using a layer mask. This isn't exactly
nondestructive editing because at some point you need to make a "New from Visible" layer. But unlike using
Curves, using high bit depth GIMP's floating point "Colors/Exposure" doesn't clip RGB channel values and
allows you to fine-tune the results by modifying and re-modifying the layer mask until you are completely
happy with the resulting tonality.
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ This step-by-step example provides a sample image and is broken down into five s
<li><b>Open tree.png with GIMP and assign the GIMP built-in sRGB profile (the image colors won't change a
bit). Then convert the image to 32-bit floating point linear precision</b>: Go to "Image/Precision", select
"32-bit floating point", and when the Dither dialog pops up, select "Linear light" (this ensures that the
Normal blend mode produces radiometrically correct results).</li>
-<li markdown=1>
+<li markdown=1>
Make a copy of the "tree.png" layer, and label it "+1 stop exposure comp". Then <b>use "Colors/Exposure" to
add one stop of positive exposure compensation</b>—Figure 3 below shows the proper settings for the
"Colors/Exposure" dialog, and Figure 4 shows the result:
@@ -92,22 +92,22 @@ When using "Colors/Exposure" to add one stop of positive exposure compensation,
<img src="gegl-exposure-one-stop-positive-exposure-compensation-added.jpg"
alt="one-stop-positive-exposure-compensation-added" width='632' height='625'>
-<figcaption>At floating point precision, GIMP's "Colors/Exposure" operation is unbounded. This means you can
use "Colors/Exposure" to add positive exposure compensation without blowing out the highlights.
+<figcaption>At floating point precision, GIMP's "Colors/Exposure" operation is unbounded. This means you can
use "Colors/Exposure" to add positive exposure compensation without blowing out the highlights.
<p>Notice the RGB channel values for the four sample points: the channel information that would have been
clipped using integer precision is encoded using channel values that are greater than 1.0 floating point.</p>
-<p>The image in Figure 4 clearly has "blown" highlights in the sky. But the highlights aren't really blown
(that is, clipped to 1.0 in one or more channels). Instead the highlight information is still there, but the
RGB channel values fall outside the RGB <a title="Models for image editing: Display-referred and
scene-referred." href="http://ninedegreesbelow.com/photography/display-referred-scene-referred.html">display
channel value range</a> of 0.0f to 1.0f. The sample points dialog in Figure 4 above shows four sample points
that have RGB channel values that are greater than 1.0. As shown in Figure 5 below, adding a mask allows you
to recover these highlights by bringing them back down into the display range. </p>
+<p>The image in Figure 4 clearly has "blown" highlights in the sky. But the highlights aren't really blown
(that is, clipped to 1.0 in one or more channels). Instead the highlight information is still there, but the
RGB channel values fall outside the RGB <a title="Models for image editing: Display-referred and
scene-referred." href="https://ninedegreesbelow.com/photography/display-referred-scene-referred.html">display
channel value range</a> of 0.0f to 1.0f. The sample points dialog in Figure 4 above shows four sample points
that have RGB channel values that are greater than 1.0. As shown in Figure 5 below, adding a mask allows you
to recover these highlights by bringing them back down into the display range. </p>
<p>If you had used integer precision instead of floating point, the highlights really would be blown: The
sample points would have a maximum channel values of 255, 65535 or 4294967295, depending on the bit depth.
And masking would only "recover" a solid expanse of gray, completely lacking any details (try for yourself
and see what happens).</p>
<img class='float-right' src="add-inverse-grayscale-mask.jpg" alt="add-inverse-grayscale-mask" width='292'
-<b>Add an inverse grayscale layer mask</b>: Right-click on the layer and select "Layer/Mask/Add Layer Mask",
and when the "Add a mask to the Layer" dialog pops up, choose "Grayscale copy of layer" and check the "Invert
mask" box.
+<b>Add an inverse grayscale layer mask</b>: Right-click on the layer and select "Layer/Mask/Add Layer Mask",
and when the "Add a mask to the Layer" dialog pops up, choose "Grayscale copy of layer" and check the "Invert
mask" box.
<p>As shown in Figure 5 below, at this point the highlights will be brought back into the display range,
meaning all RGB channel values are between 0.0f and 1.0f. But the image will probably look a little odd (sort
of cloudy and flat), and depending on the image, the brightest highlights might actually have dark
splotches—don't worry! this is temporary.</p>
<figure >
<img src="gegl-exposure-inverse-grayscale-mask-added.jpg" alt="gegl-exposure-inverse-grayscale-mask-added"
width='632' height='625'>
<figcaption>Result of adding an inverse grayscale layer mask to bring the highlights back into the display
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ When using "Colors/Exposure" to add one stop of positive exposure compensation,
<img src="auto-stretch-contrast-mask.jpg" alt="auto-stretch-contrast-mask" class='float-right' width='301'
height='230' >
-<b>Click on the layer mask to select it for editing, and then select "Colors/Auto/Stretch Contrast"</b>:
+<b>Click on the layer mask to select it for editing, and then select "Colors/Auto/Stretch Contrast"</b>:
<p>"Keep Colors" should be checked (though it doesn't really matter on grayscale images such as layer
masks). Figure 6 below shows the final result:</p>
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ That's the whole procedure for using "Colors/Exposure" to add a stop of positive
<li>Depending on your particular artistic intentions for an image, <b>some images are more likely than
others to benefit from being tone mapped using floating point "Colors/Exposure".</b> Your mileage may vary,
but typically the procedure described on this page works best for photographs of scenes with a pronounced
tonal difference between the highlights and shadows, as per typical sunny day "sky-ground" photographs.</li>
-<li><b>For adding just one stop of positive exposure compensation, the procedure described on this page
works really well.</b> Depending on the image you might want to blur the mask using an edge-respecting blur
algorithm, and/or tweak the mask using "Colors/Exposure", Curves, etc. But only modify the mask <i>after</i>
using Auto Stretch Contrast on the mask. Otherwise results will be unpredictable: <a
href="http://ninedegreesbelow.com/photography/unbounded-srgb-levels-gamma-slider.html">Gamma adjustments
produce odd results when operating on out of gamut values</a>, and Curves will summarily clip out of gamut
+<li><b>For adding just one stop of positive exposure compensation, the procedure described on this page
works really well.</b> Depending on the image you might want to blur the mask using an edge-respecting blur
algorithm, and/or tweak the mask using "Colors/Exposure", Curves, etc. But only modify the mask <i>after</i>
using Auto Stretch Contrast on the mask. Otherwise results will be unpredictable: <a
href="https://ninedegreesbelow.com/photography/unbounded-srgb-levels-gamma-slider.html">Gamma adjustments
produce odd results when operating on out of gamut values</a>, and Curves will summarily clip out of gamut
<li><b>For adding more than one stop of exposure compensation, you can use one or more than one
positive-exposure-compensation layers.</b> Either way the layer mask(s) will need careful tweaking that's
very image-specific and also specific to your intended result. Figure 7 shows an example of using two
exposure compensation layers to add two and a half stops of exposure compensation to the shadows and midtones
of an image:
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ Before and after doing "Colors/Auto/Stretch Contrast" on the base layer, plus th
-<p>As captured by the raw file, this picture of power lines marching into the distance is a typical result
of taking a photograph at noon on a bright sunny day: The sky and clouds looked pretty good right out of the
camera, but the ground was far too dark. So the image could benefit from some tone mapping to raise the
shadows and midtones. The first step is to do "Colors/Auto/Stretch Contrast" to bring any channel values that
are less than 0.0f or greater than 1.0f back within the display range of 0.0 to 1.0 floating point.</p>
+<p>As captured by the raw file, this picture of power lines marching into the distance is a typical result
of taking a photograph at noon on a bright sunny day: The sky and clouds looked pretty good right out of the
camera, but the ground was far too dark. So the image could benefit from some tone mapping to raise the
shadows and midtones. The first step is to do "Colors/Auto/Stretch Contrast" to bring any channel values that
are less than 0.0f or greater than 1.0f back within the display range of 0.0 to 1.0 floating point.</p>
<p>Performing "Auto/Stretch Contrast" to bring the channel values back inside the display range doesn't
exactly look like an editing step in the right direction for tone-mapping this particular image! but really
it is. Using "Colors/Exposure" to add positive exposure compensation to the shadows and midtones won't work
if the image has channel values that fall outside the display range.</p>
@@ -212,10 +212,10 @@ Before and after doing "Colors/Auto/Stretch Contrast" on the base layer, plus th
<li> <b>Dispensing with "useless" shadow and highlight information:</b> Sometimes interpolated raw files of
photographs of high dynamic range scenes end up with a sprinkling of highlight and shadow pixels that
contains essentially no useful information. The easiest thing to do with such pixels is to use
"Colors/Exposure" to set the desired black and white points, and then clip the resulting out of gamut channel
- <ol class='lowerroman'>
+ <ol class='lowerroman'>
<li><i><b>Useless highlight information:</b></i>
<p><img class='float-right' src="histogram-specular-highlights.jpg" alt="histogram-specular-highlights"
width='374' height='322'>
-For the "Power lines" picture shown in Figure 8 above, after doing "Color/Auto/Stretch Contrast", a measly
48 pixels occupied nearly half the tonal range (see the histogram to the right). A little investigation with
GIMP's Threshold tool revealed that all 48 pixels are the peak values of specular highlights on the ceramic
insulators on the power line pole in the foreground.</p>
+For the "Power lines" picture shown in Figure 8 above, after doing "Color/Auto/Stretch Contrast", a measly
48 pixels occupied nearly half the tonal range (see the histogram to the right). A little investigation with
GIMP's Threshold tool revealed that all 48 pixels are the peak values of specular highlights on the ceramic
insulators on the power line pole in the foreground.</p>
<p>In cases where nearly half the histogram is occupied by a sprinkling of specular highlights, clipping the
pixels is often the best and easiest solution. For the "Power lines" image, the 48 pixels in question carried
essentially zero information. So I used "Colors/Exposure" to raise the white point, and then used "Tools/GEGL
Operation/Clip RGB" to actually clip the channel information in the highlights (this time making sure the
"Clip high pixel values" box was checked). </p>
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ For the "Power lines" picture shown in Figure 8 above, after doing "Color/Auto/S
<p>Some raw processors can output images with negative channel values. And previous edits using high
bit depth GIMP might have produced negative channel values. If doing an "Auto/Stretch Contrast" on your base
image layer makes the image a whole lot lighter in the shadows, the problem is negative RGB channel values.
One solution is to use "Colors/Exposure" to move the black point to where you want it to be, and then clip
the negative channel values. Here are two ways to clip negative channel values:</p>
<ul class="disc">
<li>Use "Tools/GEGL Operation/Clip RGB", making sure to uncheck the "Clip high pixel values"
box. </li>
- <li>Or else create a solid black layer above your base image layer, set the blend mode to
"Lighten only", and make a "New from Visible" layer.</li>
+ <li>Or else create a solid black layer above your base image layer, set the blend mode to
"Lighten only", and make a "New from Visible" layer.</li>
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ For the "Power lines" picture shown in Figure 8 above, after doing "Color/Auto/S
<img src='without-bilateral-smoothing-of-mask.jpg' alt='without-bilateral-smoothing-of-mask' width='593'
-<figcaption>Adding exposure compensation with and without bilateral smoothing of the mask.<br>
+<figcaption>Adding exposure compensation with and without bilateral smoothing of the mask.<br>
(Click to view):<br>
<span class='toggle-swap' data-fig-swap='without-bilateral-smoothing-of-mask.jpg'>Without applying bilateral
smoothing to the mask, micro contrast is flattened.</span><br>
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ For the "Power lines" picture shown in Figure 8 above, after doing "Color/Auto/S
-<li>An essential component of the procedure for using "Colors/Exposure" to add positive exposure
compensation to images with dark shadows and midtones needs to be explicitly mentioned: Not only is the high
bit depth GIMP's "Colors/Exposure" operation unbounded at floating point precision—<a title="GIMP bug
report: Some filters / operations provide float values superior to 1.0."
href="https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=737925">layer masks are also unbounded</a>.
+<li>An essential component of the procedure for using "Colors/Exposure" to add positive exposure
compensation to images with dark shadows and midtones needs to be explicitly mentioned: Not only is the high
bit depth GIMP's "Colors/Exposure" operation unbounded at floating point precision—<a title="GIMP bug
report: Some filters / operations provide float values superior to 1.0."
href="https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=737925">layer masks are also unbounded</a>.
<p>If the inverted grayscale masks were summarily clipped (as is the case when editing at integer
precision), then the procedure described in this tutorial wouldn't work.</p></li>
@@ -275,13 +275,13 @@ For the "Power lines" picture shown in Figure 8 above, after doing "Color/Auto/S
-<small>The original tutorial this was adapted from can be [found
here](http://ninedegreesbelow.com/photography/gimp-tone-map-with-levels.html) and is reproduced courtesy of
Elle Stone (<http://ninedegreesbelow.com>).</small>
+<small>The original tutorial this was adapted from can be [found
here](https://ninedegreesbelow.com/photography/gimp-tone-map-with-levels.html) and is reproduced courtesy of
Elle Stone (<https://ninedegreesbelow.com>).</small>
-<a href='http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/'>
+<a href='https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/'>
<img class='cc-badge' src='/images/creativecommons/by-sa 80x15.png' alt='Creative Commons By Share Alike'/>
-<span xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/">GIMP Tutorial - Tone Mapping Using GIMP Levels (text &
images)</span> by [Elle Stone](http://ninedegreesbelow.com/) is licensed under a [Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/).
+<span xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/">GIMP Tutorial - Tone Mapping Using GIMP Levels (text &
images)</span> by [Elle Stone](https://ninedegreesbelow.com/) is licensed under a [Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/).
diff --git a/content/tutorials/template/index.md b/content/tutorials/template/index.md
index 6f5fa76e..0a0f7ab5 100644
--- a/content/tutorials/template/index.md
+++ b/content/tutorials/template/index.md
@@ -4,14 +4,14 @@ Modified: 2015-10-05T10:19:55-05:00
-Please use only permissive licensing, such as [CC-BY](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) or
+Please use only permissive licensing, such as [CC-BY](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) or
Something like the following works well:
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+<a href='https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US'>
<img class='cc-badge' src='/images/creativecommons/by-sa 80x15.png' alt='Creative Commons By Share Alike'/>
-<span xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/">GIMP Tutorial - TITLE (text & images)</span> by [Pat
David](http://blog.patdavid.net) is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
+<span xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/">GIMP Tutorial - TITLE (text & images)</span> by [Pat
David](https://blog.patdavid.net) is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
diff --git a/content/unix/fonts.md b/content/unix/fonts.md
index 824141de..990c8a43 100644
--- a/content/unix/fonts.md
+++ b/content/unix/fonts.md
@@ -27,11 +27,11 @@ You might want to install fonts for use with GIMP only or you might not have per
_This section is mostly informational, for users or developers who want to know more about under-the-hood
font handling in GIMP 2.x. In nearly no case would you have to understand and know any of this in order to
have font support in GIMP 2.x. See above for adding fonts simply._
-Starting with GIMP version 2.0, font rendering is handled significantly differently from the way it was done
in GIMP 1.0 and 1.2\. GIMP no longer uses the X server to render the fonts. Instead it uses
[Pango](http://www.pango.org/) and the [FreeType](http://www.freetype.org/) library. Font configuration is
handled by [Fontconfig](http://www.fontconfig.org/). As a result you get much better font rendering with real
antialiasing, support for bidirectional text and various scripts.
+Starting with GIMP version 2.0, font rendering is handled significantly differently from the way it was done
in GIMP 1.0 and 1.2\. GIMP no longer uses the X server to render the fonts. Instead it uses
[Pango](https://www.pango.org/) and the [FreeType](https://www.freetype.org/) library. Font configuration is
handled by [Fontconfig](https://www.fontconfig.org/). As a result you get much better font rendering with
real antialiasing, support for bidirectional text and various scripts.
Fontconfig can nowadays be considered a de-facto standard on Linux and other Unix operating systems as the
simple way to list and share the same fonts accross all application. Most modern graphical programs with text
support now uses this library. And desktop environments (GNOME or KDE for instance) use it too. Therefore it
is likely already installed and properly set up out of the box in most Unix/Linux machines and you have
probably nothing to do in particular to have fonts working in GIMP 2.x.
-If you use a very raw operating system though, or if you simply want to know more, you may want to have a
look at the [Fontconfig User Manual](http://www.fontconfig.org/fontconfig-user.html) to create or edit your
font configuration file. Note though that since it is such a widespread system, modern desktops environments
such as GNOME or KDE, or other distribution software, may overwrite your font configuration file. They
sometimes provide an easier interface to manage your fonts instead. For this reason, you are advised to
search the specific documentation of your operating system distribution before updating your font
+If you use a very raw operating system though, or if you simply want to know more, you may want to have a
look at the [Fontconfig User Manual](https://www.fontconfig.org/fontconfig-user.html) to create or edit your
font configuration file. Note though that since it is such a widespread system, modern desktops environments
such as GNOME or KDE, or other distribution software, may overwrite your font configuration file. They
sometimes provide an easier interface to manage your fonts instead. For this reason, you are advised to
search the specific documentation of your operating system distribution before updating your font
## Known Problems
@@ -46,4 +46,3 @@ If you use a very raw operating system though, or if you simply want to know mor
<dd>GIMP does not use the X server or any X font server, so don't be surprised if GIMP doesn't see the fonts
you configured in your X11 setup. If you wish to add fonts, see the instructions above.</dd>
diff --git a/content/unix/howtos/bugzilla.md b/content/unix/howtos/bugzilla.md
index 3f2287ed..18886f83 100644
--- a/content/unix/howtos/bugzilla.md
+++ b/content/unix/howtos/bugzilla.md
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ First: Get out a piece of paper or open a text file and scribble down everything
Next: Go away and yell and scream and do whatever you need to do to relax again. Your next step will be to
brave bugzilla, the GNOME bug tracker. It is used to track bug reports and requests for enhancements for GIMP
and GTK+).
-Third: Check to see if your bug has been reported yet. Go to the [Current Bug
to see if something that looks like your bug has been reported yet. Don't worry if it has, you can still
help. See the section: [Enhancing Bug Reports](#enhance). If you can't find something that sounds like your
bug there, you will need to report it.
+Third: Check to see if your bug has been reported yet. Go to the [Current Bug
to see if something that looks like your bug has been reported yet. Don't worry if it has, you can still
help. See the section: [Enhancing Bug Reports](#enhance). If you can't find something that sounds like your
bug there, you will need to report it.
## Getting Ready to Report and Reporting a Bug
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ The goal of the following is to give the developers as much information about wh
### The Steps
-1. Use <kbd>gimp --version</kbd> or the about dialog to check your GIMP version. Next check with
[www.gimp.org](http://www.gimp.org) to see what the most recent GIMP release is. If your GIMP is old, update
then try to to reproduce the bug. Your bug may have been fixed in the most recent release. If you are running
GIMP from CVS, update your CVS and recompile.
+1. Use <kbd>gimp --version</kbd> or the about dialog to check your GIMP version. Next check with
[www.gimp.org](https://www.gimp.org) to see what the most recent GIMP release is. If your GIMP is old, update
then try to to reproduce the bug. Your bug may have been fixed in the most recent release. If you are running
GIMP from CVS, update your CVS and recompile.
2. Attempt to reproduce the problem. Go do what you were doing when it happened and see if you can do it
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ The goal of the following is to give the developers as much information about wh
1. Select the "version" that corresponds with the GIMP version in which you found the bug. It is the
information you got with <kbd>gimp --version</kbd> or by looking in Help -> About.
-2. Select the appropriate "component". If you don't know what component it is, submit the bug under
General. Descriptions of the components are
+2. Select the appropriate "component". If you don't know what component it is, submit the bug under
General. Descriptions of the components are
3. Classify the "severity" of your bug. If the bug causes GIMP to crash totally or do other really ucky
things so you can't use the program at all, classify it as critical. If it completely disables some part of
GIMP, classify it as major (for example, keeps you from using a tool). Most bugs are "normal". If you don't
know what severity to use, call it "normal". Trivial bugs are annoying but don't really keep you from using
the program. Cosmetic bugs are things like spelling errors or UI (User Interface, "the look and feel")
issues. If you are requesting a new feature, choose "enhancement". Don't worry if you choose the wrong
severity. The people getting your bug report will adjust it. Don't mark it higher than it really is just to
get their attention.
@@ -59,4 +59,3 @@ If you have provided a bug report and later get more information (like a more sp
## The Wait Patiently Part
<cite>Whee!!</cite> You survived! If you managed to get through all this and submit your bug report, be
happy. Be proud. You will later get e-mails about your bug. It might include a request for more information.
If you get something that says your bug is not a bug, do not be discouraged from reporting in the future.
Next time it might be. Submitting careful bug reports and providing additional information where possible
helps make GIMP better. The day will come where you submit a bug and later get an e-mail that says your bug
is "FIXED" or "RESOLVED". Then you will know that some developer out there found your bug, reproduced it, and
fixed it.
diff --git a/plugins/page_hierarchy_gimp/README.md b/plugins/page_hierarchy_gimp/README.md
index e87b71a7..2c3dbe27 100644
--- a/plugins/page_hierarchy_gimp/README.md
+++ b/plugins/page_hierarchy_gimp/README.md
@@ -70,6 +70,6 @@ breadcrumbs:
-[1]: http://getpelican.com/
-[2]: http://docs.getpelican.com/en/latest/settings.html#path-metadata
-[3]: http://docs.getpelican.com/en/latest/settings.html#translations
+[1]: https://getpelican.com/
+[2]: https://docs.getpelican.com/en/latest/settings.html#path-metadata
+[3]: https://docs.getpelican.com/en/latest/settings.html#translations
diff --git a/themes/newgimp/templates/base.html b/themes/newgimp/templates/base.html
index 768ad0c8..f3fc5738 100644
--- a/themes/newgimp/templates/base.html
+++ b/themes/newgimp/templates/base.html
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
-<html lang="{{ DEFAULT_LANG }}" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/WebSite">
+<html lang="{{ DEFAULT_LANG }}" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/WebSite">
{% block head %}
<title>{% block title %}{{ SITENAME }}{% endblock title %}</title>
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
<li><a href="/develop/"><i class="fa fa-code"></i> Participate</a></li>
<li><a href="/tutorials/"><i class="fa fa-graduation-cap"></i> Tutorials</a></li>
- {#
+ {#
# Manually overriding the generation of top-level pages on the navigation, so
# commenting out the auto-generation below
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
{% block header %}
{% endblock header %}
{% block content %}
{% endblock %}
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@
- </div>
+ </div>
<div class='row clearfix secondary-links'>
@@ -231,11 +231,11 @@
<div class="column half">
- <a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/">
+ <a rel="license" href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/">
<img alt="Creative Commons License" src="/images/creativecommons/by-sa
- Unless otherwise noted, <span xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/"
property="dct:title">The GIMP Website</span> by <a xmlns:cc="http://creativecommons.org/ns#"
href="https://www.gimp.org/team.html" property="cc:attributionName" rel="cc:attributionURL">The GIMP Team</a>
is licensed under a <a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/">Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a>.
+ Unless otherwise noted, <span xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/"
property="dct:title">The GIMP Website</span> by <a xmlns:cc="http://creativecommons.org/ns#"
href="https://www.gimp.org/team.html" property="cc:attributionName" rel="cc:attributionURL">The GIMP Team</a>
is licensed under a <a rel="license" href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/">Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a>.
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@
<div class='row clearfix'>
<div class='column full'>
- <form action='https://duckduckgo.com/' id='search-form'>
+ <form action='https://duckduckgo.com/' id='search-form'>
{# <form action='/search.html' id='search-form'> #}
{# <input type='text' name='q' id='tipue_search_input' autocomplete='off'
required> #}
<input type='text' name='q' id='tipue_search_input' autocomplete='off' required
placeholder='Search with DuckDuckGo'>
diff --git a/themes/newgimp/templates/downloads-oldstable.html
index fd472c33..64bbe288 100644
--- a/themes/newgimp/templates/downloads-oldstable.html
+++ b/themes/newgimp/templates/downloads-oldstable.html
@@ -25,19 +25,19 @@
<div class="OSTEST">
- We think your OS is
+ We think your OS is
<span id="pOSTEST">
- Well, we don't actually know.
- Either JavaScript is disabled, or I am not working quite right...
- So I am showing you all the options.
- </span>
+ Well, we don't actually know.
+ Either JavaScript is disabled, or I am not working quite right...
+ So I am showing you all the options.
+ </span>
<p id='others'>
- Show downloads for
- <span class="show_links" id='os_linux'>GNU/Linux</span> |
- <span class="show_links" id='os_mac'>OS X</span> |
- <span class="show_links" id='os_win'>Microsoft Windows</span> |
+ Show downloads for
+ <span class="show_links" id='os_linux'>GNU/Linux</span> |
+ <span class="show_links" id='os_mac'>OS X</span> |
+ <span class="show_links" id='os_win'>Microsoft Windows</span> |
<span class="show_links" id='os_all'>All</span>
@@ -53,10 +53,10 @@
- <p>The flatpak link above should open your software installer and prompt you to install GIMP
(available platforms: i386, x86-64, ARM and AArch64). It may not work out-of-the-box on some platforms since
the flatpak technology is new. If that is the case, <a href="http://flatpak.org/getting.html">ensure flatpak
is installed</a> and if clicking the link still does not prompt to install GIMP, then manually install by
command line: </p>
+ <p>The flatpak link above should open your software installer and prompt you to install GIMP
(available platforms: i386, x86-64, ARM and AArch64). It may not work out-of-the-box on some platforms since
the flatpak technology is new. If that is the case, <a href="https://flatpak.org/getting.html">ensure flatpak
is installed</a> and if clicking the link still does not prompt to install GIMP, then manually install by
command line: </p>
<code>flatpak install https://flathub.org/repo/appstream/org.gimp.GIMP.flatpakref</code>
- </p>
+ </p>
<p>The flatpak build is very new and therefore may have shortcomings. It's very likely your Unix-like
system distribution already comes with a GIMP package. It is the preferred method of installing GIMP, as the
distribution maintainers take care of all the dependencies and bug fix updates. Nevertheless, note that many
distros decide to pin a specific version of GIMP to their releases, whereas our flatpak will follow GIMP
releases closely.</p>
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
- <a href="http://brew.sh/">Download Homebrew</a>
+ <a href="https://brew.sh/">Download Homebrew</a>
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
- Fink is a package repository that offer mostly precompiled binaries. It provides the apt-get
command known to e.g. Debian and Ubuntu users, and installing GIMP is as easy as <code>sudo apt-get install
gimp</code> once you have installed the <a href="http://www.finkproject.org/download/index.php">Fink
+ Fink is a package repository that offer mostly precompiled binaries. It provides the apt-get
command known to e.g. Debian and Ubuntu users, and installing GIMP is as easy as <code>sudo apt-get install
gimp</code> once you have installed the <a href="http://www.finkproject.org/download/index.php">Fink
If there's no binary package, then <code>fink install gimp</code> will compile GIMP from source.
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@
title="Download GIMP via BitTorrent" id="win-torrent-link">
via BitTorrent
- </a>
+ </a>
<span class='win-button'>
@@ -211,8 +211,8 @@
- BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer file sharing system. It works by downloading GIMP from a distributed
network of BitTorrent users, and may improve download speed dramatically.
- Choosing this option will download the torrent file for the GIMP installer.
+ BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer file sharing system. It works by downloading GIMP from a distributed
network of BitTorrent users, and may improve download speed dramatically.
+ Choosing this option will download the torrent file for the GIMP installer.
You may need to install a torrent client to make use of this file. <a
href="//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BitTorrent" title="BitTorrent on Wikipedia">Learn more...</a>
diff --git a/themes/newgimp/templates/downloads.html b/themes/newgimp/templates/downloads.html
index 73101c26..13653369 100644
--- a/themes/newgimp/templates/downloads.html
+++ b/themes/newgimp/templates/downloads.html
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
and prompt you to install GIMP. Yet it may not work
out-of-the-box on some platforms since the flatpak technology is
new. If that is the case, <a
- href="http://flatpak.org/getting.html">ensure flatpak is
+ href="https://flatpak.org/getting.html">ensure flatpak is
installed</a> and if clicking the link still does not prompt to
install GIMP, then manually install by command line: </p>
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@
- <a href="http://brew.sh/">Download Homebrew</a>
+ <a href="https://brew.sh/">Download Homebrew</a>
diff --git a/themes/newgimp/templates/home.html b/themes/newgimp/templates/home.html
index fc8d6551..9908fd67 100644
--- a/themes/newgimp/templates/home.html
+++ b/themes/newgimp/templates/home.html
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
{% block header %}
<header id="banner" class="body clearfix">
<div class="container">
<div class="intro row">
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
{% endblock header %}
{% block content %}
<section id='introduction'>
@@ -62,25 +62,25 @@
<div class='column half'>
<h2>The Free & Open Source Image Editor</h2>
- This is the official website of the GNU Image Manipulation Program
+ This is the official website of the GNU Image Manipulation Program
- GIMP is a cross-platform image editor available for GNU/Linux,
- OS X, Windows and more operating systems. It is
- <a href='https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html'
- title='GNU - The Free Software Definition' target="_blank">free
- software</a>, you can change its
- <a href="https://git.gnome.org/browse/gimp"
- title='Source code repository of GIMP' target="_blank">source code</a>
+ GIMP is a cross-platform image editor available for GNU/Linux,
+ OS X, Windows and more operating systems. It is
+ <a href='https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html'
+ title='GNU - The Free Software Definition' target="_blank">free
+ software</a>, you can change its
+ <a href="https://git.gnome.org/browse/gimp"
+ title='Source code repository of GIMP' target="_blank">source code</a>
and <a href="https://www.gnu.org/licenses/quick-guide-gplv3.en.html"
- title='A Quick Guide to GPLv3' target="_blank">distribute</a>
+ title='A Quick Guide to GPLv3' target="_blank">distribute</a>
your changes.
- Whether you are a graphic designer, photographer, illustrator, or
- scientist, GIMP provides you with sophisticated tools to get your job
- done. You can further enhance your productivity with GIMP thanks to
+ Whether you are a graphic designer, photographer, illustrator, or
+ scientist, GIMP provides you with sophisticated tools to get your job
+ done. You can further enhance your productivity with GIMP thanks to
many customization options and 3rd party plugins.
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
<div class='column two-thirds'>
<h2>Programming Algorithms</h2>
- GIMP is a high quality framework for scripted image manipulation,
+ GIMP is a high quality framework for scripted image manipulation,
with multi-language support such as C, C++, Perl, Python, Scheme, and more!
@@ -182,10 +182,10 @@
<div class='column full'>
<h3>Key Component in a Desktop Publishing Workflow</h3>
- GIMP provides top-notch color management features to
- ensure high-fidelity color reproduction across digital
- and printed media. It is best used in workflows
- involving other free software such as
+ GIMP provides top-notch color management features to
+ ensure high-fidelity color reproduction across digital
+ and printed media. It is best used in workflows
+ involving other free software such as
<a href="https://www.scribus.net/" title="Scribus">Scribus</a>,
<a href="https://inkscape.org" title="Inkscape">Inkscape</a>,
and <a href="http://www.selapa.net/swatchbooker/"
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@
<h3>Extensibility & Flexibility</h3>
GIMP provides extensibility through integration
- with many programming languages including Scheme, Python, Perl,
+ with many programming languages including Scheme, Python, Perl,
and more.
@@ -249,9 +249,9 @@
<div class="column half">
{% if HEADER_IMG %}
<p id='headerImgAttr'>
- <em>Header</em> image: <a class='headerTitle' href="{{ HEADER_IMG.sourceURL }}"
title='{{ HEADER_IMG.title }}'>{{ HEADER_IMG.title }}</a>
- by
- <a class='headerAuthor' href="{{ HEADER_IMG.authorURL }}">{{ HEADER_IMG.author
+ <em>Header</em> image: <a class='headerTitle' href="{{ HEADER_IMG.sourceURL }}"
title='{{ HEADER_IMG.title }}'>{{ HEADER_IMG.title }}</a>
+ by
+ <a class='headerAuthor' href="{{ HEADER_IMG.authorURL }}">{{ HEADER_IMG.author }}</a>
(<a class='headerLicense' href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/"
title="Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike"><span class='cc'>cba</span></a>)
{% endif %}
@@ -263,20 +263,20 @@
<div class="column half">
- <em>Original Artwork Creation</em> background image by <a
href="http://www.davidrevoy.com/">David Revoy</a> (<a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/"
title="Creative Commons Attribution"><span class='cc'>cb</span></a>)
+ <em>Original Artwork Creation</em> background image by <a
href="https://www.davidrevoy.com/">David Revoy</a> (<a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/"
title="Creative Commons Attribution"><span class='cc'>cb</span></a>)
- <em>Graphic Design Elements</em> background image by
- <a href="http://www.madebyollin.com/">Ollin Bohan </a>
+ <em>Graphic Design Elements</em> background image by
+ <a href="https://madebyoll.in/">Ollin Bohan </a>
(<a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/" title="Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike"><span class='cc'>cba</span></a>)
{% endblock content %}
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