[gnome-chess] Update Polish translation

commit 6fc763c3a286d26c77b0d5f4ef613326b07beb31
Author: Piotr DrÄ…g <piotrdrag gmail com>
Date:   Sun Mar 3 15:09:06 2019 +0100

    Update Polish translation

 help/pl/pl.po | 75 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------
 1 file changed, 39 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)
diff --git a/help/pl/pl.po b/help/pl/pl.po
index abf9394..20abecb 100644
--- a/help/pl/pl.po
+++ b/help/pl/pl.po
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: gnome-chess-help\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-02-03 14:47+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-02-03 15:49+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-03-02 20:50+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-03-03 15:08+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Piotr DrÄ…g <piotrdrag gmail com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Polish <community-poland mozilla org>\n"
 "Language: pl\n"
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Aviary.pl <community-poland mozilla org>, 2017-2019"
 #. (itstool) path: credit/name
-#: C/bug-filing.page:9 C/change-board-orientation.page:15 C/develop.page:10
+#: C/bug-filing.page:9 C/change-board-orientation.page:16 C/develop.page:10
 #: C/documentation.page:8 C/index.page:11 C/save-resume.page:16
 #: C/translate.page:11
 msgid "Tiffany Antopolski"
@@ -121,89 +121,90 @@ msgstr ""
 "z postępem jego rozwiązywania."
 #. (itstool) path: credit/name
-#: C/change-board-orientation.page:10 C/save-resume.page:12
+#: C/change-board-orientation.page:11 C/save-resume.page:12
 msgid "Brian Grohe"
 msgstr "Brian Grohe"
 #. (itstool) path: credit/years
-#: C/change-board-orientation.page:12
+#: C/change-board-orientation.page:13
 msgid "2012"
 msgstr "2012"
 #. (itstool) path: credit/name
-#: C/change-board-orientation.page:19 C/change-look-feel.page:10
-#: C/chess-engines.page:10 C/play.page:10 C/save-resume.page:20 C/timer.page:9
+#: C/change-board-orientation.page:20 C/change-look-feel.page:11
+#: C/chess-engines.page:11 C/play.page:10 C/save-resume.page:20 C/timer.page:10
 msgid "Andre Klapper"
 msgstr "Andre Klapper"
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
-#: C/change-board-orientation.page:25
+#: C/change-board-orientation.page:26
 msgid "Change board orientation"
 msgstr "Zmiana kierunku szachownicy"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-#: C/change-board-orientation.page:27 C/change-look-feel.page:19
+#: C/change-board-orientation.page:28 C/change-look-feel.page:20
 msgid ""
-"Open the application menu in the top bar and select <guiseq><gui style="
-"\"menuitem\">Preferences</gui> <gui style=\"menuitem\">Appearance</gui></"
+"Press the menu button in the top-right corner of the window and select "
+"<guiseq><gui style=\"menuitem\">Preferences</gui> <gui style=\"menuitem"
 msgstr ""
-"Otwórz menu programu na górnym pasku i wybierz <guiseq><gui style=\"menuitem"
-"\">Preferencje</gui> <gui style=\"menuitem\">WyglÄ…d</gui></guiseq>."
+"Kliknij przycisk menu w górnym prawym rogu okna i wybierz <guiseq><gui style="
+"\"menuitem\">Preferencje</gui> <gui style=\"menuitem\">WyglÄ…d</gui></guiseq>."
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-#: C/change-board-orientation.page:30
+#: C/change-board-orientation.page:31
 msgid ""
 "Select your desired <gui>Board Orientation</gui> from the dropdown menu."
 msgstr "Wybierz <gui>Kierunek szachownicy</gui> z rozwijanego menu."
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-#: C/change-board-orientation.page:31 C/change-look-feel.page:24
+#: C/change-board-orientation.page:32 C/change-look-feel.page:25
 msgid "Close the dialog."
 msgstr "Zamknij okno."
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
-#: C/change-look-feel.page:17
+#: C/change-look-feel.page:18
 msgid "Change look and feel"
 msgstr "Zmiana wyglÄ…du"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-#: C/change-look-feel.page:22
+#: C/change-look-feel.page:23
 msgid "Select your desired <gui>Piece Style</gui> from the dropdown menu."
 msgstr "Wybierz <gui>Styl figur</gui> z rozwijanego menu."
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-#: C/change-look-feel.page:23
+#: C/change-look-feel.page:24
 msgid ""
 "Enable the <gui>Board numbering</gui> or <gui>Move hints</gui>, if wanted."
 msgstr "Włącz <gui>Numerowanie</gui> lub <gui>Podpowiedzi</gui>, jeśli chcesz."
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
-#: C/chess-engines.page:17
+#: C/chess-engines.page:18
 msgid "Choose a different opponent"
 msgstr "Wybór innego przeciwnika"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-#: C/chess-engines.page:18
+#: C/chess-engines.page:19
 msgid "By default, your opponent is the computer."
 msgstr "Domyślnie przeciwnikiem jest komputer."
 #. (itstool) path: steps/title
-#: C/chess-engines.page:21
+#: C/chess-engines.page:22
 msgid "To change the computer engine, or to play with a friend:"
 msgstr "Aby zmienić mechanizm lub zagrać z inną osobą:"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-#: C/chess-engines.page:23 C/timer.page:22
+#: C/chess-engines.page:24 C/timer.page:23
 msgid ""
-"Open the application menu in the top bar and select <guiseq><gui style="
-"\"menuitem\">Preferences</gui> <gui style=\"menuitem\">Game</gui></guiseq>."
+"Press the menu button in the top-right corner of the window and select "
+"<guiseq><gui style=\"menuitem\">Preferences</gui> <gui style=\"menuitem"
 msgstr ""
-"Otwórz menu programu na górnym pasku i wybierz <guiseq><gui style=\"menuitem"
-"\">Preferencje</gui> <gui style=\"menuitem\">Gra</gui></guiseq>."
+"Kliknij przycisk menu w górnym prawym rogu okna i wybierz <guiseq><gui style="
+"\"menuitem\">Preferencje</gui> <gui style=\"menuitem\">Gra</gui></guiseq>."
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-#: C/chess-engines.page:28
+#: C/chess-engines.page:29
 msgid ""
 "Under <gui>Opposing player</gui>, choose <gui style=\"menuitem\">Human</gui> "
 "for both players if want to play with a friend or family member."
@@ -212,7 +213,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "dla obu graczy, jeśli chcesz zagrać ze znajomym lub członkiem rodziny."
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-#: C/chess-engines.page:31
+#: C/chess-engines.page:32
 msgid ""
 "Alternatively, choose a different chess engine. The list depends on the "
 "chess engines installed on your system. <link href=\"https://wiki.gnome.org/";
@@ -490,9 +491,11 @@ msgstr ""
 #. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to
 #. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file.
 #: C/play.page:28
+#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "_"
 msgid ""
-"external ref='./figures/game-3-28.png' md5='2111fe9c42039af7659f90eeff724343'"
+"external ref='./figures/gnome-chess-3-32.png' "
 msgstr ""
 "external ref='./figures/game-3-28.png' md5='2111fe9c42039af7659f90eeff724343'"
@@ -621,22 +624,22 @@ msgid "Click <gui>Open</gui>."
 msgstr "Kliknij przycisk <gui>Otwórz</gui>."
 #. (itstool) path: page/title
-#: C/timer.page:16
+#: C/timer.page:17
 msgid "Time limits"
 msgstr "Ograniczenia czasu"
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-#: C/timer.page:17
+#: C/timer.page:18
 msgid "By default, there is no limit for the players."
 msgstr "Domyślnie nie ma ograniczenia czasu dla graczy."
 #. (itstool) path: steps/title
-#: C/timer.page:20
+#: C/timer.page:21
 msgid "To set a time limit:"
 msgstr "Aby ustawić ograniczenie czasu:"
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-#: C/timer.page:27
+#: C/timer.page:28
 msgid ""
 "Under <gui>Time limit</gui>, change <gui style=\"menuitem\">No limit</gui> "
 "to the time that each player has in total for the game."
@@ -645,7 +648,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "ograniczenia</gui> na czas, jaki każdy gracz ma na całą grę."
 #. (itstool) path: item/p
-#: C/timer.page:30
+#: C/timer.page:31
 msgid ""
 "You can also change the <gui>Clock type</gui> if you do not want a simple "
 "clock that counts down."
@@ -654,7 +657,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "czas nie jest odpowiedni."
 #. (itstool) path: page/p
-#: C/timer.page:35
+#: C/timer.page:36
 msgid ""
 "The remaining times for each player are displayed in the bottom right corner."
 msgstr ""

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