[gnome-builder/wip/chergert/git-oop: 7/13] add api to do submodule updates in worker

commit ea99ccd049f398dec65927fb06fd5a835bc9a3be
Author: Christian Hergert <chergert redhat com>
Date:   Wed Mar 20 14:48:20 2019 -0700

    add api to do submodule updates in worker

 src/plugins/git/gbp-git-client.c    |  75 +++++++++++
 src/plugins/git/gbp-git-client.h    |   8 ++
 src/plugins/git/gbp-git.c           | 118 +++++++++++++++++
 src/plugins/git/gbp-git.h           | 100 ++++++++-------
 src/plugins/git/gnome-builder-git.c | 250 ++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 5 files changed, 408 insertions(+), 143 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/plugins/git/gbp-git-client.c b/src/plugins/git/gbp-git-client.c
index 7a15c0b88..91bba30a2 100644
--- a/src/plugins/git/gbp-git-client.c
+++ b/src/plugins/git/gbp-git-client.c
@@ -742,3 +742,78 @@ gbp_git_client_clone_url_finish (GbpGitClient  *self,
   return ide_task_propagate_boolean (IDE_TASK (result), error);
+static void
+gbp_git_client_update_submodules_cb (GObject      *object,
+                                     GAsyncResult *result,
+                                     gpointer      user_data)
+  GbpGitClient *self = (GbpGitClient *)object;
+  g_autoptr(IdeTask) task = user_data;
+  g_autoptr(GVariant) reply = NULL;
+  g_autoptr(GError) error = NULL;
+  const gchar *token = NULL;
+  g_assert (IDE_IS_MAIN_THREAD ());
+  g_assert (GBP_IS_GIT_CLIENT (self));
+  g_assert (G_IS_ASYNC_RESULT (result));
+  g_assert (IDE_IS_TASK (task));
+  if (!gbp_git_client_call_finish (self, result, &reply, &error))
+    ide_task_return_error (task, g_steal_pointer (&error));
+  else
+    ide_task_return_boolean (task, TRUE);
+  if ((token = ide_task_get_task_data (task)) && self->notif_by_token)
+    g_hash_table_remove (self->notif_by_token, token);
+gbp_git_client_update_submodules_async (GbpGitClient        *self,
+                                        IdeNotification     *notif,
+                                        GCancellable        *cancellable,
+                                        GAsyncReadyCallback  callback,
+                                        gpointer             user_data)
+  g_autoptr(IdeTask) task = NULL;
+  g_autoptr(GVariant) command = NULL;
+  g_autofree gchar *token = NULL;
+  g_return_if_fail (GBP_IS_GIT_CLIENT (self));
+  g_return_if_fail (!notif || IDE_IS_NOTIFICATION (notif));
+  g_return_if_fail (!cancellable || G_IS_CANCELLABLE (cancellable));
+  task = ide_task_new (self, cancellable, callback, user_data);
+  ide_task_set_source_tag (task, gbp_git_client_update_submodules_async);
+  if (notif != NULL)
+    {
+      token = gbp_git_client_track_progress (self, notif);
+      ide_notification_set_title (notif, _("Updating Git Submodules"));
+      ide_notification_set_icon_name (notif, "builder-vcs-git-symbolic");
+      ide_notification_set_progress (notif, 0.0);
+      ide_task_set_task_data (task, g_strdup (token), g_free);
+    }
+  command = JSONRPC_MESSAGE_NEW (
+    "token", JSONRPC_MESSAGE_PUT_STRING (token)
+  );
+  gbp_git_client_call_async (self,
+                             "git/updateSubmodules",
+                             command,
+                             cancellable,
+                             gbp_git_client_update_submodules_cb,
+                             g_steal_pointer (&task));
+gbp_git_client_update_submodules_finish (GbpGitClient  *self,
+                                         GAsyncResult  *result,
+                                         GError       **error)
+  g_return_val_if_fail (GBP_IS_GIT_CLIENT (self), FALSE);
+  g_return_val_if_fail (IDE_IS_TASK (result), FALSE);
+  return ide_task_propagate_boolean (IDE_TASK (result), error);
diff --git a/src/plugins/git/gbp-git-client.h b/src/plugins/git/gbp-git-client.h
index 299a2be64..a28792867 100644
--- a/src/plugins/git/gbp-git-client.h
+++ b/src/plugins/git/gbp-git-client.h
@@ -91,5 +91,13 @@ void          gbp_git_client_clone_url_async          (GbpGitClient           *s
 gboolean      gbp_git_client_clone_url_finish         (GbpGitClient           *self,
                                                        GAsyncResult           *result,
                                                        GError                **error);
+void          gbp_git_client_update_submodules_async  (GbpGitClient           *self,
+                                                       IdeNotification        *notif,
+                                                       GCancellable           *cancellable,
+                                                       GAsyncReadyCallback     callback,
+                                                       gpointer                user_data);
+gboolean      gbp_git_client_update_submodules_finish (GbpGitClient           *self,
+                                                       GAsyncResult           *result,
+                                                       GError                **error);
diff --git a/src/plugins/git/gbp-git.c b/src/plugins/git/gbp-git.c
index ae460c739..ef01c87f3 100644
--- a/src/plugins/git/gbp-git.c
+++ b/src/plugins/git/gbp-git.c
@@ -342,3 +342,121 @@ gbp_git_clone_url_finish (GbpGit        *self,
   return g_task_propagate_boolean (G_TASK (result), error);
+typedef struct
+  GFile                      *workdir;
+  GgitSubmoduleUpdateOptions *options;
+  GError                     *error;
+} UpdateSubmodules;
+static void
+update_submodules_free (UpdateSubmodules *state)
+  g_clear_object (&state->workdir);
+  g_clear_object (&state->options);
+  g_clear_error (&state->error);
+  g_slice_free (UpdateSubmodules, state);
+static gint
+gbp_git_update_submodules_foreach_submodule_cb (GgitSubmodule *submodule,
+                                                const gchar   *name,
+                                                gpointer       user_data)
+  UpdateSubmodules *state = user_data;
+  g_assert (submodule != NULL);
+  g_assert (name != NULL);
+  g_assert (state != NULL);
+  if (state->error != NULL)
+    ggit_submodule_update (submodule,
+                           FALSE,
+                           state->options,
+                           &state->error);
+  return GIT_OK;
+static void
+gbp_git_update_submodules_worker (GTask        *task,
+                                  gpointer      source_object,
+                                  gpointer      task_data,
+                                  GCancellable *cancellable)
+  UpdateSubmodules *state = task_data;
+  g_autoptr(GgitRepository) repository = NULL;
+  g_autoptr(GError) error = NULL;
+  g_assert (G_IS_TASK (task));
+  g_assert (GBP_IS_GIT (source_object));
+  g_assert (state != NULL);
+  g_assert (G_IS_FILE (state->workdir));
+  g_assert (GGIT_IS_SUBMODULE_UPDATE_OPTIONS (state->options));
+  if (!(repository = ggit_repository_open (state->workdir, &error)))
+    goto handle_error;
+  if (!ggit_repository_submodule_foreach (repository,
+                                          gbp_git_update_submodules_foreach_submodule_cb,
+                                          state,
+                                          &error))
+    goto handle_error;
+  error = g_steal_pointer (&state->error);
+  if (error != NULL)
+    g_task_return_error (task, g_steal_pointer (&error));
+  else
+    g_task_return_boolean (task, TRUE);
+gbp_git_update_submodules_async (GbpGit                     *self,
+                                 GgitSubmoduleUpdateOptions *options,
+                                 GCancellable               *cancellable,
+                                 GAsyncReadyCallback         callback,
+                                 gpointer                    user_data)
+  g_autoptr(GTask) task = NULL;
+  UpdateSubmodules *state;
+  g_assert (GBP_IS_GIT (self));
+  g_assert (GGIT_IS_SUBMODULE_UPDATE_OPTIONS (options));
+  g_assert (!cancellable || G_IS_CANCELLABLE (cancellable));
+  task = g_task_new (self, cancellable, callback, user_data);
+  g_task_set_source_tag (task, gbp_git_clone_url_async);
+  if (self->workdir == NULL)
+    {
+      g_task_return_new_error (task,
+                               G_IO_ERROR,
+                               G_IO_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED,
+                               "No workdir has been set for the project");
+      return;
+    }
+  state = g_slice_new0 (UpdateSubmodules);
+  state->options = g_object_ref (options);
+  state->workdir = g_object_ref (self->workdir);
+  g_task_set_priority (task, G_PRIORITY_LOW);
+  g_task_set_task_data (task, state, (GDestroyNotify)update_submodules_free);
+  g_task_set_return_on_cancel (task, TRUE);
+  g_task_run_in_thread (task, gbp_git_update_submodules_worker);
+gbp_git_update_submodules_finish (GbpGit        *self,
+                                  GAsyncResult  *result,
+                                  GError       **error)
+  g_assert (GBP_IS_GIT (self));
+  g_assert (G_IS_TASK (result));
+  return g_task_propagate_boolean (G_TASK (result), error);
diff --git a/src/plugins/git/gbp-git.h b/src/plugins/git/gbp-git.h
index 63133b51e..b117e1780 100644
--- a/src/plugins/git/gbp-git.h
+++ b/src/plugins/git/gbp-git.h
@@ -53,51 +53,59 @@ typedef void (*GbpGitProgress) (const gchar *message,
 G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (GbpGit, gbp_git, GBP, GIT, GObject)
 GbpGit    *gbp_git_new                      (void);
-void       gbp_git_set_workdir              (GbpGit                 *self,
-                                             GFile                  *workdir);
-void       gbp_git_is_ignored_async         (GbpGit                 *self,
-                                             const gchar            *path,
-                                             GCancellable           *cancellable,
-                                             GAsyncReadyCallback     callback,
-                                             gpointer                user_data);
-gboolean   gbp_git_is_ignored_finish        (GbpGit                 *self,
-                                             GAsyncResult           *result,
-                                             GError                **error);
-void       gbp_git_list_status_async        (GbpGit                 *self,
-                                             const gchar            *directory_or_file,
-                                             gboolean                include_descendants,
-                                             GCancellable           *cancellable,
-                                             GAsyncReadyCallback     callback,
-                                             gpointer                user_data);
-GPtrArray *gbp_git_list_status_finish       (GbpGit                 *self,
-                                             GAsyncResult           *result,
-                                             GError                **error);
-void       gbp_git_list_refs_by_kind_async  (GbpGit                 *self,
-                                             GbpGitRefKind           kind,
-                                             GCancellable           *cancellable,
-                                             GAsyncReadyCallback     callback,
-                                             gpointer                user_data);
-GPtrArray *gbp_git_list_refs_by_kind_finish (GbpGit                 *self,
-                                             GAsyncResult           *result,
-                                             GError                **error);
-void       gbp_git_switch_branch_async      (GbpGit                 *self,
-                                             const gchar            *branch_name,
-                                             GCancellable           *cancellable,
-                                             GAsyncReadyCallback     callback,
-                                             gpointer                user_data);
-gboolean   gbp_git_switch_branch_finish     (GbpGit                 *self,
-                                             GAsyncResult           *result,
-                                             gchar                 **switch_to_directory,
-                                             GError                **error);
-void       gbp_git_clone_url_async          (GbpGit                 *self,
-                                             const gchar            *url,
-                                             GFile                  *destination,
-                                             GgitCloneOptions       *options,
-                                             GCancellable           *cancellable,
-                                             GAsyncReadyCallback     callback,
-                                             gpointer                user_data);
-gboolean   gbp_git_clone_url_finish         (GbpGit                 *self,
-                                             GAsyncResult           *result,
-                                             GError                **error);
+void       gbp_git_set_workdir              (GbpGit                      *self,
+                                             GFile                       *workdir);
+void       gbp_git_is_ignored_async         (GbpGit                      *self,
+                                             const gchar                 *path,
+                                             GCancellable                *cancellable,
+                                             GAsyncReadyCallback          callback,
+                                             gpointer                     user_data);
+gboolean   gbp_git_is_ignored_finish        (GbpGit                      *self,
+                                             GAsyncResult                *result,
+                                             GError                     **error);
+void       gbp_git_list_status_async        (GbpGit                      *self,
+                                             const gchar                 *directory_or_file,
+                                             gboolean                     include_descendants,
+                                             GCancellable                *cancellable,
+                                             GAsyncReadyCallback          callback,
+                                             gpointer                     user_data);
+GPtrArray *gbp_git_list_status_finish       (GbpGit                      *self,
+                                             GAsyncResult                *result,
+                                             GError                     **error);
+void       gbp_git_list_refs_by_kind_async  (GbpGit                      *self,
+                                             GbpGitRefKind                kind,
+                                             GCancellable                *cancellable,
+                                             GAsyncReadyCallback          callback,
+                                             gpointer                     user_data);
+GPtrArray *gbp_git_list_refs_by_kind_finish (GbpGit                      *self,
+                                             GAsyncResult                *result,
+                                             GError                     **error);
+void       gbp_git_switch_branch_async      (GbpGit                      *self,
+                                             const gchar                 *branch_name,
+                                             GCancellable                *cancellable,
+                                             GAsyncReadyCallback          callback,
+                                             gpointer                     user_data);
+gboolean   gbp_git_switch_branch_finish     (GbpGit                      *self,
+                                             GAsyncResult                *result,
+                                             gchar                      **switch_to_directory,
+                                             GError                     **error);
+void       gbp_git_clone_url_async          (GbpGit                      *self,
+                                             const gchar                 *url,
+                                             GFile                       *destination,
+                                             GgitCloneOptions            *options,
+                                             GCancellable                *cancellable,
+                                             GAsyncReadyCallback          callback,
+                                             gpointer                     user_data);
+gboolean   gbp_git_clone_url_finish         (GbpGit                      *self,
+                                             GAsyncResult                *result,
+                                             GError                     **error);
+void       gbp_git_update_submodules_async  (GbpGit                      *self,
+                                             GgitSubmoduleUpdateOptions  *options,
+                                             GCancellable                *cancellable,
+                                             GAsyncReadyCallback          callback,
+                                             gpointer                     user_data);
+gboolean   gbp_git_update_submodules_finish (GbpGit                      *self,
+                                             GAsyncResult                *result,
+                                             GError                     **error);
diff --git a/src/plugins/git/gnome-builder-git.c b/src/plugins/git/gnome-builder-git.c
index 76686d426..560e15d0f 100644
--- a/src/plugins/git/gnome-builder-git.c
+++ b/src/plugins/git/gnome-builder-git.c
@@ -134,26 +134,6 @@ client_op_new (JsonrpcClient *client,
   return op;
-static void
-handle_reply_cb (JsonrpcClient *client,
-                 GAsyncResult  *result,
-                 gpointer       user_data)
-  g_autoptr(GError) error = NULL;
-  g_autoptr(ClientOp) op = user_data;
-  g_assert (JSONRPC_IS_CLIENT (client));
-  g_assert (G_IS_ASYNC_RESULT (result));
-  g_assert (op != NULL);
-  g_assert (op->client == client);
-  if (!jsonrpc_client_reply_finish (client, result, &error))
-    {
-      if (!g_error_matches (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED))
-        g_warning ("Reply failed: %s", error->message);
-    }
 static void
 client_op_notify (ClientOp    *op,
                   const gchar *method,
@@ -169,35 +149,43 @@ client_op_notify (ClientOp    *op,
 static void
-client_op_reply (ClientOp *op,
-                 GVariant *reply)
+transfer_cb (GbpGitRemoteCallbacks *callbacks,
+             const gchar           *message,
+             ClientOp              *op)
+  g_autoptr(GVariant) reply = NULL;
+  g_assert (GBP_GIT_REMOTE_CALLBACKS (callbacks));
   g_assert (op != NULL);
-  g_assert (op->client != NULL);
-  jsonrpc_client_reply_async (op->client,
-                              op->id,
-                              reply,
-                              op->cancellable,
-                              (GAsyncReadyCallback)handle_reply_cb,
-                              client_op_ref (op));
+    "token", JSONRPC_MESSAGE_PUT_STRING (op->token),
+    "message", JSONRPC_MESSAGE_PUT_STRING (message)
+  );
+  client_op_notify (op, "$/progress", reply);
 static void
-progress_cb (goffset  current_num_bytes,
-             goffset  total_num_bytes,
-             gpointer user_data)
+transfer_progress_cb (GbpGitRemoteCallbacks *callbacks,
+                      GgitTransferProgress  *stats,
+                      ClientOp              *op)
-  ClientOp *op = user_data;
   g_autoptr(GVariant) reply = NULL;
+  gdouble total;
+  gdouble received;
   gdouble progress = 0.0;
+  g_assert (GBP_GIT_REMOTE_CALLBACKS (callbacks));
   g_assert (op != NULL);
-  g_assert (op->client != NULL);
-  if (total_num_bytes > 0)
-    progress = (gdouble)current_num_bytes / (gdouble)total_num_bytes;
+  total = ggit_transfer_progress_get_total_objects (stats);
+  received = ggit_transfer_progress_get_received_objects (stats);
+  if (total != 0.0)
+    progress = received / total;
     "token", JSONRPC_MESSAGE_PUT_STRING (op->token),
@@ -207,6 +195,70 @@ progress_cb (goffset  current_num_bytes,
   client_op_notify (op, "$/progress", reply);
+static GgitRemoteCallbacks *
+create_callbacks_for_op (ClientOp *op)
+  GgitRemoteCallbacks *ret;
+  g_assert (op != NULL);
+  ret = gbp_git_remote_callbacks_new ();
+  if (op->token != NULL)
+    {
+      g_signal_connect_data (ret,
+                             "progress",
+                             G_CALLBACK (transfer_cb),
+                             client_op_ref (op),
+                             (GClosureNotify)client_op_unref,
+                             0);
+      g_signal_connect_data (ret,
+                             "transfer-progress",
+                             G_CALLBACK (transfer_progress_cb),
+                             client_op_ref (op),
+                             (GClosureNotify)client_op_unref,
+                             0);
+    }
+  return g_steal_pointer (&ret);
+static void
+handle_reply_cb (JsonrpcClient *client,
+                 GAsyncResult  *result,
+                 gpointer       user_data)
+  g_autoptr(GError) error = NULL;
+  g_autoptr(ClientOp) op = user_data;
+  g_assert (JSONRPC_IS_CLIENT (client));
+  g_assert (G_IS_ASYNC_RESULT (result));
+  g_assert (op != NULL);
+  g_assert (op->client == client);
+  if (!jsonrpc_client_reply_finish (client, result, &error))
+    {
+      if (!g_error_matches (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED))
+        g_warning ("Reply failed: %s", error->message);
+    }
+static void
+client_op_reply (ClientOp *op,
+                 GVariant *reply)
+  g_assert (op != NULL);
+  g_assert (op->client != NULL);
+  jsonrpc_client_reply_async (op->client,
+                              op->id,
+                              reply,
+                              op->cancellable,
+                              (GAsyncReadyCallback)handle_reply_cb,
+                              client_op_ref (op));
 /* Initialize {{{1 */
 static void
@@ -548,51 +600,6 @@ handle_clone_url_cb (GbpGit       *git,
     client_op_reply (op, g_variant_new_boolean (TRUE));
-static void
-handle_clone_url_transfer_cb (GbpGitRemoteCallbacks *callbacks,
-                              const gchar           *message,
-                              ClientOp              *op)
-  g_autoptr(GVariant) reply = NULL;
-  g_assert (GBP_GIT_REMOTE_CALLBACKS (callbacks));
-  g_assert (op != NULL);
-    "token", JSONRPC_MESSAGE_PUT_STRING (op->token),
-    "message", JSONRPC_MESSAGE_PUT_STRING (message)
-  );
-  client_op_notify (op, "$/progress", reply);
-static void
-handle_clone_url_transfer_progress_cb (GbpGitRemoteCallbacks *callbacks,
-                                       GgitTransferProgress  *stats,
-                                       ClientOp              *op)
-  g_autoptr(GVariant) reply = NULL;
-  gdouble total;
-  gdouble received;
-  gdouble progress = 0.0;
-  g_assert (GBP_GIT_REMOTE_CALLBACKS (callbacks));
-  g_assert (op != NULL);
-  total = ggit_transfer_progress_get_total_objects (stats);
-  received = ggit_transfer_progress_get_received_objects (stats);
-  if (total != 0.0)
-    progress = received / total;
-    "token", JSONRPC_MESSAGE_PUT_STRING (op->token),
-    "progress", JSONRPC_MESSAGE_PUT_DOUBLE (progress)
-  );
-  client_op_notify (op, "$/progress", reply);
 static void
 handle_clone_url (JsonrpcServer *server,
                   JsonrpcClient *client,
@@ -637,24 +644,10 @@ handle_clone_url (JsonrpcServer *server,
   op->token = g_strdup (token);
-  callbacks = gbp_git_remote_callbacks_new ();
-  g_signal_connect_data (callbacks,
-                         "progress",
-                         G_CALLBACK (handle_clone_url_transfer_cb),
-                         client_op_ref (op),
-                         (GClosureNotify)client_op_unref,
-                         0);
-  g_signal_connect_data (callbacks,
-                         "transfer-progress",
-                         G_CALLBACK (handle_clone_url_transfer_progress_cb),
-                         client_op_ref (op),
-                         (GClosureNotify)client_op_unref,
-                         0);
+  callbacks = create_callbacks_for_op (op);
   fetch_options = ggit_fetch_options_new ();
-  ggit_fetch_options_set_remote_callbacks (fetch_options, GGIT_REMOTE_CALLBACKS (callbacks));
+  ggit_fetch_options_set_remote_callbacks (fetch_options, callbacks);
   options = ggit_clone_options_new ();
   ggit_clone_options_set_is_bare (options, FALSE);
@@ -672,6 +665,68 @@ handle_clone_url (JsonrpcServer *server,
   g_clear_pointer (&fetch_options, ggit_fetch_options_free);
+/* Handle Submodule Updating {{{1 */
+static void
+handle_update_submodules_cb (GbpGit       *git,
+                             GAsyncResult *result,
+                             gpointer      user_data)
+  g_autoptr(ClientOp) op = user_data;
+  g_autoptr(GError) error = NULL;
+  g_assert (GBP_IS_GIT (git));
+  g_assert (G_IS_ASYNC_RESULT (result));
+  g_assert (op != NULL);
+  if (!gbp_git_update_submodules_finish (git, result, &error))
+    client_op_error (op, error);
+  else
+    client_op_reply (op, g_variant_new_boolean (TRUE));
+static void
+handle_update_submodules (JsonrpcServer *server,
+                          JsonrpcClient *client,
+                          const gchar   *method,
+                          GVariant      *id,
+                          GVariant      *params,
+                          GbpGit        *git)
+  g_autoptr(ClientOp) op = NULL;
+  g_autoptr(GgitRemoteCallbacks) callbacks = NULL;
+  g_autoptr(GgitSubmoduleUpdateOptions) update_options = NULL;
+  GgitFetchOptions *fetch_options = NULL;
+  const gchar *token = NULL;
+  g_assert (JSONRPC_IS_SERVER (server));
+  g_assert (JSONRPC_IS_CLIENT (client));
+  g_assert (g_str_equal (method, "git/updateSubmodules"));
+  g_assert (id != NULL);
+  g_assert (GBP_IS_GIT (git));
+  op = client_op_new (client, id);
+  if (!JSONRPC_MESSAGE_PARSE (params, "token", JSONRPC_MESSAGE_GET_STRING (&token)))
+    token = NULL;
+  callbacks = create_callbacks_for_op (op);
+  fetch_options = ggit_fetch_options_new ();
+  ggit_fetch_options_set_remote_callbacks (fetch_options, callbacks);
+  update_options = ggit_submodule_update_options_new ();
+  ggit_submodule_update_options_set_fetch_options (update_options, fetch_options);
+  gbp_git_update_submodules_async (git,
+                                   update_options,
+                                   op->cancellable,
+                                   (GAsyncReadyCallback)handle_update_submodules_cb,
+                                   client_op_ref (op));
+  g_clear_pointer (&fetch_options, ggit_fetch_options_free);
 /* Main Loop and Setup {{{1 */
@@ -717,6 +772,7 @@ main (gint argc,
   ADD_HANDLER ("git/isIgnored", handle_is_ignored);
   ADD_HANDLER ("git/listRefsByKind", handle_list_refs_by_kind);
   ADD_HANDLER ("git/switchBranch", handle_switch_branch);
+  ADD_HANDLER ("git/updateSubmodules", handle_update_submodules);
   ADD_HANDLER ("$/cancelRequest", handle_cancel_request);

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