[libsoup] (22 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch wip/tingping/secure-cookies

The branch 'wip/tingping/secure-cookies' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  7001fe1... Implement strict secure cookies

Commits added to the branch:

  d23f2e5... 2.65.92 (*)
  3dfd4ce... meson.build: Look for libxml2.lib correctly on Visual Studi (*)
  6607511... 2.66.0 (*)
  420dc43... meson: fix dylib versioning on macOS (*)
  6c38fe7... tests: disable parallelism in the proxy test (*)
  f426de7... meson: cleanup targets dependencies (*)
  050f8e2... buildsystem: use MinGW ANSI STDIO when possible (*)
  a4b5e3a... meson: simplify test dependencies and bring back LD_LIBRARY (*)
  8a7174c... soup-auth-ntlm.c: Fix running on older Visual Studio CRT (*)
  847e19e... Meson: Fallback to sqlite and libxml2 subprojects (*)
  b51e062... soup-auth-ntlm: get rid of unused variable warning (*)
  f26f607... 2.66.1 (*)
  d0af24e... meson: Make gettext optional (*)
  6b5945e... meson: Explicitly set encoding to utf-8 for non-English loc (*)
  c4a9252... Fix the build of tests on MinGW (*)
  f3eb188... meson: Check TLS support only when external glib dependency (*)
  dcb4ef5... 2.66.2 (*)
  800bc6b... meson: switch documentation option from 'doc' to 'gtk_doc' (*)
  dfc572f... meson: actually declare the gtk_doc option (*)
  760ccac... meson: fix the documentation src_dir value (*)
  716acf9... gtkdoc: set the documentation namespace (*)
  913bdc4... Implement strict secure cookies

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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