[gedit-plugins] Created tag 3.32.2

The signed tag '3.32.2' was created.

Tagger: Jeremy Bicha <jbicha ubuntu com>
Date: 1558131413 -0400

    gedit-plugins 3.32.2

Changes since the last tag '3.32.0':

Jeremy Bicha (3):
      Revert "Fixes exception. In Python 3 you need to import functools to have reduce function available"
      Revert "Prevents 'NameError: name sys is not defined' thrown by line 394"
      Release 3.32.2

Jordi Mas (8):
      Translate plugin: enable/disable without duplicating the bottom panel and the menu entry
      Translate plugin: cache _fetch_remote_language_names values per session since names of languages will 
unlike to change. Prevents a http request everytime that we use the contextual menu with Yandex engine
      Fixes to Colorschemer plugin * Underline was deprecated in GtkSourceView 4 * Foreground and background 
color need to be int when printed (prevents exception)
      Fixes metainfo
      CI for gnome 3.32 branch
      Remove dashboard page from help since plugin was removed on 2019/1/9
      Prevents 'NameError: name sys is not defined' thrown by line 394
      Fixes exception. In Python 3 you need to import functools to have reduce function available

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