[vte] (107 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch wip/egmont/bidi

The branch 'wip/egmont/bidi' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  26cc947... widget: Refactor offscreen cursor detection
  6368fbb... widget: Move out a common condition for painting the backgr
  5bb5435... widget: Find continuous LTR and RTL runs of decoration
  a772c9e... BiDi basic infrastructure
  f6beae7... BDSM and SPD escape sequences
  0fab8d9... BDSM hook
  540635b... track bidi params (buggy), first explicit rtl attempt (unus
  8fdd9e9... explicit rtl, basic painting okay
  6add0f8... cursor
  85ecd43... carry bidi_flags together
  6e8ff43... carry bidi_flags to more places
  f9061d0... mirror box drawing (dec private 2500)
  976bcce... mirror parens and such
  70fe324... cleanup
  e5a2ded... rewrap maintains bidi flags
  c6d3c8e... gimme a break
  8748709... fribidi_get_mirror_char
  867b1c8... implicit mode (per line)
  a129b3a... add new files
  2541e6d... cleanup
  fe678cd... RingView architecture first steps
  cf9e23e... bidi is now run on paragraphs (limited to viewport for now)
  ec1bb54... fix crash when scrolling back
  f3da074... add test file (doc/bidi.txt)
  353c92f... improve box tests
  447ae6a... cleanups
  c51c030... look back in scrollback to pass entire paragraphs to bidi
  80e3f42... crash fix
  c542c3e... minor cleanups
  8168b12... off by one
  7e17334... fix cjk positioning
  6db6a0d... refactor box mirroring
  7a8fcf5... remove unused var
  771bdc7... cjk test
  aac3a4a... fribidi buffers + other cleanups
  4795b4f... debug: highlight RTL chars
  8c5c235... fix character directionalities
  af3a96a... 01 02 03
  5acdfb8... fribidi macro
  d4b278b... fix display after rtl double wide char
  dcf3169... invalidate all
  c93dd5e... refactor box tests
  a5d5186... box test comment
  c1c9819... test file header
  2d846f2... z
  3280ada... fix cursor on double wide rtl or mirrored box drawing
  66fffd6... segfault
  4770a92... cursor: use member methods that protect against offscreen v
  e030e9c... ibeam on right
  04ae81d... ibeam fixme
  3ddfc5b... c++ refactoring
  7765dc0... no vector
  226d509... minor cleanups
  d0a8df6... lazy alloc
  95ca3d2... vla
  36cec89... show char direction in i-beam cursor
  9f83d4d... fix ibeam on rtl cjk
  21398f7... don't stop extracting the paragraph contents at the end of 
  a835b7c... add BIDI-STATUS
  545fbca... add old Hungarian example
  877ffeb... fix a crash typically on alternate screen top row
  149875d... selection (copying in rectangle mode is still broken)
  cddf4f6... update bidi status
  441da13... preedit
  97a4fce... mouse tracking and reporting
  5672a5d... hack around some crashes
  7b8ab72... fix crash when selecting autoscrolls
  0d599d0... update bidi-status
  fee44e2... fix box mirroring table
  78ac3e0... fix block selection at cjks
  f2aa0c8... block selection copy
  4c4d645... mirrors chars with combining accents
  5386e3d... keyboard arrow swapping mode
  8ecac8b... SCP
  8276851... misc tests
  904d6fe... apply bidi params on wrap
  0c11e08... apply the relevant bidi flag only
  3281be4... fix empty rtl lines
  33f9636... ring lookup fix
  037ffea... index_safe
  1e5c737... kbdswap: go with 1243 instead of 2502
  2ac4558... year
  e79b0da... preserve combining accents when passing to fribidi; cleanup
  89fed51... improved ringview update locations
  490c903... ring extra line
  47108c3... ED
  d3437a4... crash
  7d90ece... Arabic shaping PoC, using fribidi + Unicode presentation fo
  410b1c4... etap1
  86be88d... etap2
  4fe7c0c... etap3
  7ba13ba... explicit shaping
  abf2388... etap5
  25b6a06... etap6
  5501cf5... etap7
  b6ed89a... paint log vs vis confusion
  f4003d4... shaping demo
  87d07a0... etap10
  1b6eec0... etap11
  57c3b8a... etap12
  4c45ff8... pause on unmap
  138a8e4... test update
  266e9df... etap14
  bbebd28... doc
  2afb61f... soft_wrapped opti
  d8047ba... fine grained gtk invalidate, part 1

Commits added to the branch:

  564ce82... widget: Add valist signal marshallers (*)
  3e43558... widget: Refactor offscreen cursor detection (*)
  87f06a1... widget: Move out a common condition for painting the backgr
  0eb5a3b... widget: Find continuous LTR and RTL runs of decoration
  13fec9f... BiDi basic infrastructure
  d652050... BDSM and SPD escape sequences
  4e07095... BDSM hook
  d0b68e6... track bidi params (buggy), first explicit rtl attempt (unus
  a50b41e... explicit rtl, basic painting okay
  d0481a2... cursor
  8301694... carry bidi_flags together
  d4c5757... carry bidi_flags to more places
  95a3236... mirror box drawing (dec private 2500)
  07827b1... mirror parens and such
  6b72315... cleanup
  3655c70... rewrap maintains bidi flags
  ca58c9a... gimme a break
  83d4761... fribidi_get_mirror_char
  2ee8229... implicit mode (per line)
  c50f9bb... add new files
  f99b2ca... cleanup
  f36dd86... RingView architecture first steps
  3f3a124... bidi is now run on paragraphs (limited to viewport for now)
  c23f64c... fix crash when scrolling back
  590b5f5... add test file (doc/bidi.txt)
  8c1b0e5... improve box tests
  2768ad9... cleanups
  0ab97b2... look back in scrollback to pass entire paragraphs to bidi
  89b711d... crash fix
  0570e84... minor cleanups
  33de450... off by one
  4baf8ea... fix cjk positioning
  1dd03c7... refactor box mirroring
  4058a76... remove unused var
  94f39e8... cjk test
  6bf89e9... fribidi buffers + other cleanups
  e7a2d5b... debug: highlight RTL chars
  6b5b598... fix character directionalities
  22c084e... 01 02 03
  37fc89a... fribidi macro
  69dd1dc... fix display after rtl double wide char
  add7d72... invalidate all
  473a9c4... refactor box tests
  30e2419... box test comment
  a360373... test file header
  980181c... z
  47d4f44... fix cursor on double wide rtl or mirrored box drawing
  5e6b6a1... segfault
  f7bd260... cursor: use member methods that protect against offscreen v
  f162240... ibeam on right
  118b605... ibeam fixme
  ea8cc13... c++ refactoring
  a3cfb79... no vector
  e6a9f0e... minor cleanups
  40164c5... lazy alloc
  694d30e... vla
  a8a3181... show char direction in i-beam cursor
  807de28... fix ibeam on rtl cjk
  15a545d... don't stop extracting the paragraph contents at the end of 
  58b0f29... add BIDI-STATUS
  d2a20c2... add old Hungarian example
  bfb78a7... fix a crash typically on alternate screen top row
  314b504... selection (copying in rectangle mode is still broken)
  3c5365f... update bidi status
  f742d14... preedit
  a96928a... mouse tracking and reporting
  604f8d5... hack around some crashes
  a7dc183... fix crash when selecting autoscrolls
  12ef45b... update bidi-status
  064c2d2... fix box mirroring table
  0439112... fix block selection at cjks
  1460028... block selection copy
  04416c0... mirrors chars with combining accents
  0fc159c... keyboard arrow swapping mode
  220f70c... SCP
  da25910... misc tests
  8953382... apply bidi params on wrap
  93b6026... apply the relevant bidi flag only
  c20e940... fix empty rtl lines
  08cbe55... ring lookup fix
  8f9a82b... index_safe
  ac81972... kbdswap: go with 1243 instead of 2502
  71eab06... year
  cde53e1... preserve combining accents when passing to fribidi; cleanup
  950dd6c... improved ringview update locations
  897672f... ring extra line
  2d74a0a... ED
  63ce9e5... crash
  66c6ad3... Arabic shaping PoC, using fribidi + Unicode presentation fo
  6b75cca... etap1
  3d23128... etap2
  24bf7c2... etap3
  2277543... explicit shaping
  ba0f2d6... etap5
  99e1e2a... etap6
  a5f87a4... etap7
  138089e... paint log vs vis confusion
  ce22aa5... shaping demo
  b548744... etap10
  e4c0352... etap11
  056831a... etap12
  d2a61dc... pause on unmap
  0613451... test update
  2ca056f... etap14
  001a7c6... doc
  9c23598... soft_wrapped opti
  cecf150... fine grained gtk invalidate, part 1

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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