[gnome-chess] (21 commits) Created branch arnaudb/wip/gtk4

The branch 'arnaudb/wip/gtk4' was created.

Summary of new commits:

  b7b3d35... Replace GtkTable.
  dccb13d... Clean a bit UI files.
  8b32e95... Add Ctrl-P pause shortcut.
  79bfc22... Improve Shortcuts dialog.
  c535067... Compile with Gtk4.
  3f09597... Use GestureClick.
  8e0ed82... Make on_window_state_event() work.
  709106c... Adapt size_allocate().
  e427279... No need to add events anymore.
  f06605a... Adapt to Button API.
  4d8d1c4... Looks like connect_signals() is gone.
  b2f7e2f... Adapt to Label API.
  f1e4f1f... Adapt to InfoBar API.
  eebfde0... Adapt to DrawingArea API.
  972ce38... Adapt to FileChooser API.
  5a894df... Tmp Replace icon_size_lookup().
  ecc0724... Adapt UI files.
  2ed6cdf... Widgets are visible.
  fae5f3f... Fix signals.
  d22b3be... Fix Promotion dialog.
  75cf644... Use Control.

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