[chronojump: 1/2] Glossary for translators also in Markdown file format
- From: Xavier de Blas <xaviblas src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [chronojump: 1/2] Glossary for translators also in Markdown file format
- Date: Fri, 21 Aug 2020 13:39:48 +0000 (UTC)
commit 4b69caedcf525ba6cfce9c4151018bcf2d4c5b33
Author: Rafael Fontenelle <rffontenelle gmail com>
Date: Thu Apr 4 05:39:36 2019 +0000
Glossary for translators also in Markdown file format
glossary/chronojump_glossary_for_translators.md | 282 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
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+# Glossary for Chronojump Translators
+### March, 27, 2007
+ChronoJump, is a "complete multiplatform system for measurement,
+management and statistics of the jump, run, reaction time and pulse
+tests" <http://www.gnome.org/projects/chronojump/>
+The knowledge of different the kinds of jump, the specific terminology
+and the concepts surrounding other "tests" which are measured, like
+runs, reaction times and pulses, may difficult the translation of the
+software. The purpose of this document is to bring a clear context to
+the translator and offer a small glossary of the terms that can be
+confusing. There is also an intentional need to write this document
+briefly, this guide was thought for being short and
+### Context: An sports evaluation
+Commonly, the sports instructor, physical educator, trainer,
+kyneologist... apply some tests to one or more people who jump (referred
+sometimes as "persons" or "jumpers" in jump tests) using an instrument
+nowadays connected to a computer. Typically people are evaluated
+altogether in a day. As an example, the physical educator can ask every
+student jump in three different ways. This evaluation can developed at
+the beginning and in the end of the course, and the good thing is that
+the evaluator is able to compare the results of every student in the
+same day, or compare the evolution along two days. Every day of
+evaluation is called a "session". Each session has a name, place, date,
+possible comments, and also people who perform a specific jump, run or
+### Glossary:
+##### Abalakov Jump
+(also called "ABK") a kind of [simple jump](#jump) (we recommend not
+to translate the term).
+##### ABK
+(See [Abalakov jump](#abalakovjump)).
+##### Bell
+Chronojump uses a software bell as an auditive and configurable way to
+tell the [Jumper](#jumper) or [Runner](#runner) info about the parameters
+of the [test](#test): [TC](#tc), [TF](#tf), TF/TC and time.
+##### Chronojump
+Sometimes referred as the free (GPL) software for managing the data
+coming from the [Chronopic](#chronopic) [chronometer](#chronometer), and
+sometimes referred as the whole project: Software, Hardware,
+documentation, website, ...
+##### Chronometer
+Instrument used for measuring time. In Chronojump project we use
+##### Chronopic
+Open Hardware used for recording and managing the changes detected on
+the [Platform](#platform). At this moment there are two Chronopic models
+(both using same firmware):
+- One is derived from Skypic: open hardware for controlling little
+ robots, vastly used but with lots of unnecessary components.This link
+ points out how to build it and how to buy it
+ <http://www.gnome.org/projects/chronojump/construction.html>
+- The other is made only with the necessary components. This link points
+ out how to build it
+ <http://www.gnome.org/projects/chronojump/construction.html>,
+ currently there are no manufacturers selling this model.
+##### CMJ
+(See [Countermovement jump](#countermovementjump)).
+##### Countermovement Jump
+(abbreviated "CMJ") a kind of [simple jump](#jump) (we recommend not to
+translate the term).
+##### Contact platform
+(See [Platform](#platform)).
+##### Contact time
+Time where the person is in the platform. Also referred as
+[Time of Contact](#timeofcontact) or [TC](#tc).
+##### DJ
+(See [Drop jump](#dropjump)).
+##### Drop Jump
+(abbreviated "DJ") a kind of [simple jump](#jump) where there's a
+previous fall from a determined height and then jumps. On this jump,
+the recorded data is one [contact time](#contacttime), and one
+[flight time](#flightime). (we recommend not to translate the term).
+##### Finish
+Action of ending a test by pressing a button. This action can be done
+for finishing an unlimited [test](#test), or making shorter a
+[reactive jump](#jump), [intervallic run](#run) or [pulse](#pulse).
+##### Fligh time
+Time where the person is not in contact with the platform. Also referred
+as [Time of Flight](#timeofflight) or [TF](#tf).
+##### Jump
+jump is one of the tree [tests](#test) that are currently evaluated.
+Also there are two kind of jumps: *Simple* and *Reactive*.
+ - **Simple jump**
+ jump that have only one [flight time](#flightime). On this jump,
+ jumper starts and ends inside the [platform](#platform). There's a
+ special type called [Drop Jump](#dropjump) where jumper falls
+ down from a predefined height (called "falling height"), and then
+ jumps. In this case, the recorded data is one
+ [contact time](#contacttime), and one [flight time](#flightime).
+ - **Reactive jump**
+ (abbreviated "RJ") this jump is described as a number of repetitive
+ or reactive jumps performed consecutively. All the
+ [contact times](#contacttime), and [flight times](#flightime) are
+ recorded. It's common to try to maintain as much time as possible
+ low contact and height flight time. This jump is limited (ended) by:
+ - the number of jumps: "Perform 'n' jumps"
+ - the jumping time: "Jump during 'n' seconds"
+ - unlimited: "Jump, and trainer will tell you when to stop".
+##### Jumper
+The name of a [person](#person) is called when does a [jump](#jump).
+##### Load person
+As all data is stored in a database, there's no need to define or create
+a new [person](#person) twice, if one person is evaluated in one
+[session](#session), and we want to re-evaluate in another session,
+we call this action "Load Person", and it has to be understood as
+"To use this known person also in current session".
+##### Person
+The human who executes the tests. Depending on what he is doing, may be
+called as [Jumper](#jumper) or [Runner](#runner). Person does not
+receive a special name when is performing [reaction time](#reactiontime)
+or [pulse](#pulse) tests.
+##### Platform
+It's an instrument used for knowing if a person is on the floor or in
+the air. A person can have two states on the platform: inside or outside.
+On [jumps](#jump), the time that a person is in the air
+([flight time](#flightime)) is used to find the height of the Center of
+Gravity of the jumper. On [Runs](#run) the time that the person is not in
+the platform is used to determine the speed. The platform can be easily
+built following this instructions:
+##### Pulse
+We call 'pulse' to the ability of a person on following a rhythm
+(predefined or natural), and when this rhythm is primary: only one
+repeating beat. The pulse contains a succession of equal beats limited
+by time or unlimited (instructor decides when to stop). On pulses we
+want to know the number of beats per second and the rhythm of the pulse
+as time passes.
+##### Reaction time
+Time between a signal (chronopic light) and a response (user clicks on
+Chronopic or touches platform).
+##### Report
+A detailed document containing the data of the [session](#session)
+(date, place, comments), the [persons](#person) who participated,
+the [tests](#test) developed, and [statistics](#statistic) evaluated.
+##### Run
+Run is one of the tree [tests](#test) that are currently evaluated.
+Also there are two kind of runs: *Simple* and *Intervallic*.
+ - **Simple run:**
+ run that have only one [flight time](#flightime). On this
+ run, runner starts on the [platform](#platform), or a few
+ meters before it. The run stop when the runner arrives to a
+ second platform. It can be also done with only one platform in
+ a circular track. The ony registered data is the time that the
+ person is between the two platforms. This time is normally
+ converted to an average speed, knowing the distance between
+ both.
+ - **Intervallic run:**
+ this run is described as a number of individual runs called
+ [tracks](#track). Every time each track are recorded, and
+ it's also converted to speed, as all the tracks have the same
+ distance. This run is limited (ended) by:
+ - the number of tracks: "Run 'n' tracks"
+ - the running time: "Run during 'n' seconds"
+ - unlimited: "Run, and the instructor will tell you when to
+ stop".
+##### Runner
+The name of a [person](#person) is called when does a [run](#run).
+##### RJ
+(See [reactive jump](#jump)).
+##### Session
+(See [Context: An Sports Evaluation](#context-an-sports-evaluation)).
+##### SJ
+(See [Squat jump](#squatjump)).
+##### Squat Jump
+(abbreviated "SJ") a kind of [simple jump](#jump) (we recommend not to
+translate the term).
+##### Statistic
+Evaluation of one or more tests presented on a tabular and/or graphical
+##### Test
+On Chronojump we use this word for referring [Jump](#jump), [Run](#run),
+[Reaction time](#reactiontime) or [Pulse](#pulse). All of them are
+time-related tests.
+##### TC
+(See [contact time](#contacttime)).
+##### TF
+(See [flight time](#flightime)).
+##### Time of contact
+(See [contact time](#contacttime)).
+##### Time of flight
+(See [flight time](#flightime)).
+##### Track
+Is the distance between two platforms in a Intervallic [Run](#run).
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