[gnome-maps/wip/mlundblad/improve-osm-url-parsing: 2/3] place: Use GUri to parse OSM URLs

commit 9b2281fe05cd5d1c1a706b8a5c700c7ea020659c
Author: Marcus Lundblad <ml update uu se>
Date:   Sat Nov 28 23:29:20 2020 +0100

    place: Use GUri to parse OSM URLs
    Use the URL utilities to improve
    parsing OpenStreetMap URL parsing.

 src/place.js | 122 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 1 file changed, 77 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/place.js b/src/place.js
index 073be2f5..b7d0bdab 100644
--- a/src/place.js
+++ b/src/place.js
@@ -41,13 +41,8 @@ const DMS_COORDINATES_REGEX = new RegExp(
-// Matches a URL pointing to an object in OpenStreetMap
-    new RegExp(/https?:\/\/(www\.)?openstreetmap\.org\/(node|way|relation)\/(\d+)\/?$/);
-// Matches a URL with a specifies coordinate in OpenStreetMap
-    new 
+// Matches URLs for OpenStreetMap (for addressing objects or coordinates)
+const OSM_URL_REGEX = new RegExp(/https?:\/\/(www\.)?openstreetmap\.org./);
 var Place = GObject.registerClass(
 class Place extends Geocode.Place {
@@ -401,43 +396,74 @@ let overpass = null;
 const Application = imports.application;
-function _parseOSMObjectURL(match, callback) {
-    let [,, type, id] = match;
-    let storedPlace = Application.placeStore.existsWithOsmTypeAndId(type, id);
+function _parseOSMPath(path) {
+    let parts = path.split('/');
-    if (storedPlace) {
-        callback(storedPlace, null);
-        return;
+    if (parts.length === 2) {
+        let type = parts[0];
+        let id = parts[1];
+        if (type === 'node' || type === 'way' || type === 'relation')
+            return [type, id];
+        else
+            return [null, null];
+    } else {
+        return [null, null];
-    if (overpass === null)
-        overpass = new Overpass.Overpass();
+function _parseOSMObjectURL(path, callback) {
+    let [type, id] = _parseOSMPath(path);
-    Application.application.mark_busy();
-    overpass.fetchPlace(type, id, (place) => {
-        Application.application.unmark_busy();
-        if (place)
-            callback(place, null);
-        else
-            callback(null, _("Place not found in OpenStreetMap"));
-    });
+    if (type && id) {
+        let storedPlace = Application.placeStore.existsWithOsmTypeAndId(type, id);
+        if (storedPlace) {
+            callback(storedPlace, null);
+            return;
+        }
+        if (overpass === null)
+            overpass = new Overpass.Overpass();
+        Application.application.mark_busy();
+        overpass.fetchPlace(type, id, (place) => {
+            Application.application.unmark_busy();
+            if (place)
+                callback(place, null);
+            else
+                callback(null, _("Place not found in OpenStreetMap"));
+        });
+    } else {
+        callback(null, _("OpenStreetMap URL is not valid"));
+    }
-function _parseOSMCoordURL(match, callback) {
-    let [,,,mlat,,mlon,,zoom,,mapZoom,mapLat, mapLon] = match;
-    let lat;
-    let lon;
-    let z;
+function _parseOSMCoordParams(params, callback) {
+    let lat = params.lat;
+    let lon = params.lon;
+    let mlat = params.mlat;
+    let mlon = params.mlon;
+    let zoom = params.zoom;
+    let map = params['#map'];
-    if (mapZoom && mapLat && mapLon) {
-        lat = mapLat;
-        lon = mapLon;
-        z = mapZoom;
+    if (map) {
+        let parts = map.split('/');
+        if (parts.length !== 3) {
+            callback(null, _("OpenStreetMap URL is not valid"));
+            return;
+        } else {
+            zoom = parseInt(parts[0]);
+            lat = parseFloat(parts[1]);
+            lon = parseFloat(parts[2]);
+        }
     } else if (mlat && mlon) {
-        lat = mlat;
-        lon = mlon;
-        if (zoom)
-            z = zoom;
+        lat = parseFloat(mlat);
+        lon = parseFloat(mlon);
+    } else if (lat && lon) {
+        lat = parseFloat(lat);
+        lon = parseFloat(lon);
     } else {
         callback(null, _("OpenStreetMap URL is not valid"));
@@ -449,23 +475,29 @@ function _parseOSMCoordURL(match, callback) {
     let location = new Location.Location({ latitude: lat, longitude: lon });
-    let place = z ? new Place({ location: location, initialZoom: z }) :
-                    new Place({ location: location });
+    let place = zoom ? new Place({ location: location, initialZoom: zoom }) :
+                       new Place({ location: location });
     callback(place, null);
 function parseHttpURL(text, callback) {
-    let match = text.match(OSM_OBJECT_URL_REGEX);
+    let match = text.match(OSM_URL_REGEX);
     if (match) {
-        _parseOSMObjectURL(match, callback);
+        let uri = GLib.Uri.parse(text, GLib.UriFlags.NONE);
+        let path = uri.get_path();
+        if (path.length > 1) {
+            _parseOSMObjectPath(path, callback);
+        } else  {
+            let params = GLib.Uri.parse_params(uri.get_query(), -1, '&',
+                                               GLib.UriParamsFlags.NONE);
+            _parseOSMCoordParams(params, callback);
+        }
     } else {
-        match = text.match(OSM_COORD_URL_REGEX);
-        if (match)
-            _parseOSMCoordURL(match, callback);
-        else
-            callback(null, _("URL is not supported"));
+        callback(null, _("URL is not supported"));

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