[gtksourceview] Created tag 4.5.91

The signed tag '4.5.91' was created.

Tagger: Christian Hergert <chergert redhat com>
Date: 1581715868 -0800

    Release 4.5.91

Changes since the last tag '4.4.0':

Alberto Fanjul (1):
      Mark GtkTextIter as inout parameters

Christian Hergert (46):
      Post-release version bump
      tests: remove g_assert() usage
      testsuite: use g_assert_* macros instead of g_assert()
      sourceiter: check movements before continuing
      Merge branch 'patch-1' of gitlab.gnome.org:pile.trade/gtksourceview
      Merge branch 'php-improvements' of gitlab.gnome.org:jefferyto/gtksourceview
      Merge branch 'jefferyto/gtksourceview-js-rewrite'
      Bump release version for development
      html.lang: add backpointer for more information
      stylescheme: add support for fallback style-ids
      styles: revert addition of struckthrough
      Merge branch 'neyfag/gtksourceview-patch-sh'
      Merge branch 'neyfag/gtksourceview-patch-sh'
      Merge branch 'patch-sh' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'typescript-3.7' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'javascript-unicode' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'patch-sh' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'meson.msvc.cleanups' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'kts' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'gradle' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'markup-styles' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'css-embedded-lang-hook' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'js-comment-contexts' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'neyfag/gtksourceview-patch-sh'
      classic: improve grid color styling
      Merge branch 'css-comments' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'README-to-markdown' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'master' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'ruby-escape-sequences' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'style-scheme-colors' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'txt2tags-markup-styles' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'js-es2020' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'js-fix-reserved-word-property-name' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'scss-less-declaration-selector-regex' into 'master'
      tango.xml, classic.xml: tweak line-number styling
      build: fix build with assertions disabled
      build: add optimization flags for production builds
      build: invert disable assert check
      build: include stdlib.h for exit()
      testsuite: ignore project-wide settings for assertions
      build: use static libraries for testsuite
      build: use more aggressive linker flags
      Merge branch 'vlastavesely/gtksourceview-ruby-heredoc'
      Merge branch 'johanneswolf/gtksourceview-lang-sh-function-highlighting'
      README: remove version number from readme
      Release 4.5.91

Chun-wei Fan (4):
      meson.build: Clean up MSVC libxml search
      gtksourceview/meson.build: Clean up MSVC version check
      build: Clean up libgtksourceview linking
      gtksourceview/meson.build: Fix generating pkg-config

Elias Aebi (3):
      cmake.lang: add commands that were added in CMake 3.13
      kotlin.lang: support *.kts extension
      gradle.lang: recognize all *.gradle files

Jeffery To (64):
      php.lang: Add support for Unicode identifiers
      php.lang: Add support for double quotes around heredoc identifiers
      php.lang: Add support for flexible heredoc and nowdoc syntaxes
      perl.lang: Fix regular expression highlighting in statement modifiers
      sh.lang: Make "for-command" context end earlier
      meson.lang: Add highlighting for string escape sequences
      python3.lang: Allow non-ASCII characters in identifiers
      javascript.lang: Rewrite using context / language parsing
      typescript.lang: Add/rewrite using context / language parsing
      jsx.lang: Add language definition
      typescript-jsx.lang: Add language definition
      objj.lang: Fix/rewrite using updated JS highlighting
      def.lang: Add Unicode identifier category regular expressions
      html.lang: Update tag and attribute name regular expressions
      def.lang: Rename "underlined" style to "net-address"
      typescript.lang: Add support for decorators
      typescript.lang: Remove unused/commented code, extra blank lines
      typescript.lang: Update context ids
      typescript.lang: Update debug style names
      javascript.lang, jsx.lang, objj.lang, typescript.lang: Add issue URL
      javascript.lang: Fix script not ending when inside template literal
      javascript.lang: Fix misspelled word in comment
      jsdoc.lang: Add language definition
      typescript.lang: Add support for optional chaining
      typescript.lang: Add support for nullish coalescing
      typescript.lang: Add support for "asserts" type predicate
      typescript.lang: Add support for "declare" class property modifier
      typescript.lang: Add support for @ts-nocheck comment pragmas
      typescript.lang: Use case-insensitive matching for some directives
      typescript.lang: Update supported level in comment
      javascript.lang (and family): Add support for Unicode identifiers
      javascript.lang (and family): Use definition of whitespace from spec
      def.lang: Add markup styles
      asciidoc.lang: Improve styling/highlighting
      css.lang (and family): Define own comment contexts
      css.lang (and family): Add embedded-lang-hook contexts
      css.lang: Allow embedding languages to disable error highlighting
      javascript.lang (and family): Add own comment contexts
      css.lang: Fix highlighting for dangling close comment
      css.lang: Allow comments inside ratio values
      css.lang: Allow comments inside An+B expressions
      css.lang: Allow comments before attribute name in attribute selectors
      css.lang (and family): Allow comments inside pseudo-elements/classes
      css.lang: Remove end-parent="true" from modifiers context
      css.lang: Handle escapes in unquoted strings/identifiers
      css.lang (and family): Update/cleanup regular expressions
      scss.lang: Allow interpolations in scss-url context
      scss.lang: Improve declaration value detection
      less.lang: Use own identifier regex
      less.lang: Improve declaration value detection
      ruby.lang: Update escape sequence highlighting
      ruby.lang: Rename string-literal context, reuse escape regex
      Cobalt style scheme: Small fixes/tweaks
      Oblivion style scheme: Replace X11 colour name
      t2t.lang: Use markup styles
      javascript.lang: Support 'export * as ns from "mod"'
      javascript.lang: Support optional chaining
      javascript.lang: Support nullish coalescing
      javascript.lang: Update supported level in documentation
      javascript.lang: Fix highlighting for reserved word property names
      scss.lang, less.lang: Align test cases
      scss.lang, less.lang: Rename subpatterns, use one DEFINE section
      scss.lang, less.lang: Fix single-line comments not ignored
      html.lang: Add embedded-lang-hook-content

Johannes Wolf (1):
      sh.lang: Fix function syntax highlighting

Julian Hofer (1):
      Convert README to markdown This is done in order to correctly format it on gitlab

Nuno Martins (5):
      typescript.lang: add support for TypeScript
      language-specs: add JS BigInt support
      test: add JS BigInt example
      typescript.lang: missing keywords; add test file
      language-specs: fix JS string templates

Peng Wu (1):
      Update Chinese (China) translation

Pile Trade (2):
      * Made package and import externals, like in Java * Fixed escape characters: Go octal escapes take 
exactly three digits, hex escapes take exactly two digits, added Unicode escape characters * Added the printf 
verbs %O and %F plus support the 1-indexing of arguments within fmt e.g. %[1]d * Added support for Go 1.13's 
new integer literal syntaxes: 0b for binary, 0o/0O for octal, hex floating point literals like 0x1.fp-2, 
underscores between digits, and the imaginary suffix i which can now attach to any literal
      Update file.go: added tests of new syntaxes and made program valid/runnable 

Piotr DrÄ…g (6):
      Update POTFILES.skip
      Update language-specs.pot
      Update POTFILES.skip
      Update language-specs.pot
      Update POTFILES.skip
      Update language-specs.pot

Ricardo Silva Veloso (1):
      Update Brazilian Portuguese translation

Sim Tov (1):
      style-schemes: add def:struckthrough for bundled style schemes

Sylwester Arabas (1):
      idl-exelis.lang: rename to IDL/PV-WAVE/GDL

Tarn Burton (5):
      commonlisp.lang: Add Common Lisp language syntax definition
      commonlisp.lang: Add test file
      commonlisp.lang: Add package specifier for constant and special variables
      commonlisp.lang: Restrict keyword list
      commonlisp.lang: Add boolean keywords

Tobias Schönberg (1):
      ftl.lang: Add support for Mozilla's Fluent ftl file format

Tom Schoonjans (1):
      build: use proper dylib versioning on macOS

Umarzuki Bin Mochlis Moktar (1):
      Update Malay translation

Vlasta Vesely (5):
      sh.lang: fix variable definition in conditions
      ruby.lang: fix highlighting numbers in ranges
      ruby.lang: fix highlighting of number methods
      ruby.lang: fix octal and hex string literals, change their style
      ruby.lang: fix indented heredoc with tilde

Y.N (2):
      ruby.lang: Fix for 3 digit octal-escaped string
      Highlight our own language specs as xml

Zander Brown (1):
      Update British English translation

neyfag (13):
      sh.lang: improve recognition of "case ... esac" statement
      sh.lang: Avoid item recognition in "case … esac" statements
      sh.lang: Add semicolon separated variable definitions
      sh.lang: Improve variable definition; cleaning
      sh.lang: Complete variable definition command
      sh.lang: Improve and homogenize boundaries; cleaning
      sh.lang: Fix a bug and improve "parameter-expansion" context
      sh.lang: Introduce "command-substitution" context
      sh.lang: Introduce "generic-command" context
      sh.lang: Improve "generic-command"
      sh.lang: Complement for parenthesized subshells
      sh.lang: Add test commands and history expansion
      sh.lang: Improve "here-doc" and array definition/expansion

sicklylife (2):
      Update Japanese translation
      Update Japanese translation

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