[gtk] (23 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch wip/otte/bitset

The branch 'wip/otte/bitset' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  e255c34... Add amalgamated roaring bitmaps source code
  020b079... Add GtkBitset
  11d8c59... testsuite: Add tests for GtkBitset
  5355bcc... multiselection: Port to GtkBitset
  2da0ffc... selectionmodel: Replace query_range() with get_selection()
  60f2fc0... selectionmodel: Add gtk_selection_model_set_selection()
  444c4e5... listbase: Port rubberband to gtk_selection_model_set_select
  6b45991... selectionmodel: Remove select_callback() functions
  91eec50... Remove GtkSet
  ceaa878... multiselection: Track items across resorts
  a0e75b9... gtk-demo: Port listview-colors demo to multiselection again
  bb87239... gtk: Remove GtkPropertySelection
  d7758ec... Fix indentation
  47043bb... listbase: Don't do extra work
  3b8ef14... listbase: Move a common function from the children into Gtk
  f9cc093... listbase: Allocate rubberband according to list coords
  80ca154... multiselection: Implement get_selection_in_range()
  cad3f31... listbase: Allocate gridview items properly on RTL
  bc8550e... listbase: Flip autoscroll deltas if adjustments are flipped
  737ec62... listview: Allocate rubberband at end of size_allocate()
  016e1d2... listbase: Compute rubberband region on-demand
  6b45244... listbase: Only compute the modifiers when releasing the rub
  20fcace... listbase: Make rubberbanding a threshold drag
  89d6681... xxx

Commits added to the branch:

  9e5f6ed... Add amalgamated roaring bitmaps source code
  987a453... Add GtkBitset
  ad18903... testsuite: Add tests for GtkBitset
  e756688... multiselection: Port to GtkBitset
  2f6dda7... selectionmodel: Replace query_range() with get_selection()
  822f72a... selectionmodel: Add gtk_selection_model_set_selection()
  e04e553... listbase: Port rubberband to gtk_selection_model_set_select
  c4fdf8e... selectionmodel: Remove select_callback() functions
  d3d5aa8... Remove GtkSet
  7e40427... multiselection: Track items across resorts
  290108f... gtk-demo: Port listview-colors demo to multiselection again
  10d4fd0... gtk: Remove GtkPropertySelection
  1b8646f... Fix indentation
  e04f020... listbase: Don't do extra work
  0d19e24... listbase: Move a common function from the children into Gtk
  efc7ce8... listbase: Allocate rubberband according to list coords
  e331aab... multiselection: Implement get_selection_in_range()
  35a536f... listbase: Allocate gridview items properly on RTL
  3bada16... listbase: Flip autoscroll deltas if adjustments are flipped
  d6dbd93... listview: Allocate rubberband at end of size_allocate()
  92b2d2d... listbase: Compute rubberband region on-demand
  de0ef72... listbase: Only compute the modifiers when releasing the rub
  9ca9569... listbase: Make rubberbanding a threshold drag

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