[chronojump/FS-RFD-ManualTrimming] MIF. Fixed when startEndOptimized
- From: Xavier Padullés <xpadulles src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [chronojump/FS-RFD-ManualTrimming] MIF. Fixed when startEndOptimized
- Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2020 18:05:30 +0000 (UTC)
commit 8fea66b3eed645d0e6f33618b7710e0e5ed7d918
Author: Xavier Padullés <testing chronojump org>
Date: Wed Nov 18 19:03:09 2020 +0100
MIF. Fixed when startEndOptimized
r-scripts/maximumIsometricForce.R | 217 ++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
1 file changed, 137 insertions(+), 80 deletions(-)
diff --git a/r-scripts/maximumIsometricForce.R b/r-scripts/maximumIsometricForce.R
index 1b900182..09cfd336 100644
--- a/r-scripts/maximumIsometricForce.R
+++ b/r-scripts/maximumIsometricForce.R
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
#Rscript path_to/maximumIsometricForce.R path_tmp
#Read each non commented line of the Roptions file
assignOptions <- function(options)
drawRfdOptions = rep(NA, 4)
@@ -78,6 +77,7 @@ print(op)
source(paste(op$scriptsPath, "/scripts-util.R", sep=""))
op$title = fixTitleAndOtherStrings(op$title)
op$exercise = fixTitleAndOtherStrings(op$exercise)
titleFull = paste(op$title, op$exercise, sep=" - ")
@@ -108,6 +108,7 @@ getForceModel <- function(time, force, startTime, # startTime is the instant whe
getDynamicsFromLoadCellFile <- function(captureOptions, inputFile, averageLength = 0.1, percentChange = 5,
bestFit = TRUE, testLength = -1)
+ print("Entered getDynamicsFromLoadCellFile")
# op$startSample = 529
# op$endSample = 1145
print(paste("bestFit =", bestFit))
@@ -120,20 +121,24 @@ getDynamicsFromLoadCellFile <- function(captureOptions, inputFile, averageLength
else if(captureOptions == "INVERTED")
originalTest$force = -1 * originalTest$force
- #The start and end samples are manualy selected
print(paste("op$startSample: ", op$startSample))
print(paste("op$endtSample: ", op$endSample))
- #Just in case the Roptions.txt don't have the parameters
- if(is.na(op$startSample) || is.na(op$endSample))
- {
- op$startSample = 0
- op$endSample = 0
- }
+ # #Just in case the Roptions.txt don't have the parameters
+ # if(is.na(op$startSample) || is.na(op$endSample))
+ # {
+ # op$startSample = 0
+ # op$endSample = 0
+ # }
#If Roptions.txt does have startSample and endSample values greater than 0
- if( op$startSample != op$endSample && (op$startSample > 0 && op$endSample > 0) && op$startSample <=
length(originalTest$time) )
+ if( op$startSample != op$endSample
+ & (op$startSample > 0 && op$endSample > 0)
+ & op$startSample <= length(originalTest$time)
+ & op$endSample <= length(originalTest$time))
+ print("Range selected by user. Analyzed the specified range")
# print("Type of startEndOptimized")
# print(typeof(op$startEndOptimized))
# print(op$startEndOptimized)
@@ -142,9 +147,10 @@ getDynamicsFromLoadCellFile <- function(captureOptions, inputFile, averageLength
# print(paste("Samples: ", op$startSample,":", op$endSample))
# print(originalTest[op$startSample:op$endSample,])
originalTest = originalTest[(op$startSample:op$endSample),]
- # print("originalTest trimmed")
- # print(originalTest)
+ print("originalTest trimmed")
+ print(originalTest)
originalTest$time = originalTest$time - originalTest$time[1]
# print("originalTest$time:")
# print(originalTest$time)
@@ -155,77 +161,88 @@ getDynamicsFromLoadCellFile <- function(captureOptions, inputFile, averageLength
# print("originalTest renumbered")
# print(originalTest)
- if( op$startEndOptimized == "FALSE")
- {
- print("A")
- startSample = op$startSample
- endSample = op$endSample
- print("B")
- } else if( op$startEndOptimized == "TRUE")
- {
- print("Entering in startEndOptimized mode")
- #Finding the increase and decrease of the force to detect the start and end of the maximum
voluntary force test
- #Instantaneous RFD
- rfd = getRFD(originalTest)
- analysisRange = getAnalysisRange(originalTest, rfd, averageLength = averageLength, percentChange
= percentChange,
- testLength = op$testLength, startDetectingMethod = "RFD")
- startSample = analysisRange$startSample
- endSample = analysisRange$endSample
- trimmedTest = originalTest[startSample:endSample,]
- }
+ ################
+ # if( op$startEndOptimized == "FALSE")
+ # {
+ # print("A")
+ # startSample = op$startSample
+ # endSample = op$endSample
+ # print("B")
+ # } else if( op$startEndOptimized == "TRUE")
- print("start and end sample:")
- print(startSample)
- print(endSample)
- } else
- #The start and end samples are automatically selected
- {
- #Finding the increase and decrease of the force to detect the start and end of the maximum voluntary
force test
- #Instantaneous RFD
- rfd = getRFD(originalTest)
- analysisRange = getAnalysisRange(originalTest, rfd, averageLength = averageLength, percentChange =
- testLength = op$testLength, startDetectingMethod = "SD")
- startSample = analysisRange$startSample
- endSample = analysisRange$endSample
- #Trimming the data before and after contraction
- #TODO: Check the row.names
- trimmedTest = originalTest[startSample:endSample,]
+ # ##############
+ # if( op$startEndOptimized == "TRUE")
+ # {
+ # print("Entering in startEndOptimized mode")
+ # #Finding the increase and decrease of the force to detect the start and end of the maximum
voluntary force test
+ #
+ # #Instantaneous RFD
+ # rfd = getRFD(originalTest)
+ # analysisRange = getAnalysisRange(originalTest, rfd, averageLength = averageLength,
percentChange = percentChange,
+ # testLength = op$testLength, startDetectingMethod = "RFD")
+ #
+ # startSample = analysisRange$startSample
+ # endSample = analysisRange$endSample
+ #
+ # trimmedTest = originalTest[startSample:endSample,]
+ # }
+ #
+ # print("start and end sample:")
+ # print(startSample)
+ # print(endSample)
+ } else {
+ print("No range selected by user. Analysing the whole signal")
+ # } else
+ # #The start and end samples are automatically selected
+ # {
+ #
+ # #Finding the increase and decrease of the force to detect the start and end of the maximum
voluntary force test
+ #
+ # analysisRange = getAnalysisRange(originalTest, rfd, averageLength = averageLength, percentChange =
+ # testLength = op$testLength, startDetectingMethod = "SD")
+ #
+ # startSample = analysisRange$startSample
+ # endSample = analysisRange$endSample
+ #
+ # #Trimming the data before and after contraction
+ # #TODO: Check the row.names
+ # trimmedTest = originalTest[startSample:endSample,]
+ # }
#print(paste("startSample: ", startSample))
#print(paste("endtSample: ", endSample))
+ startSample = 1
+ endSample = length(originalTest$time)
+ #Instantaneous RFD
+ rfd = getRFD(originalTest)
startTime = originalTest$time[startSample]
endTime = originalTest$time[endSample]
# Initial force. It is needed to perform an initial steady force to avoid jerks and great peaks in the
- if(!bestFit)
- {
- if(startSample <= 20)
- {
- #TODO. Manage the situation where the signal starts once the force has begun to increase
- print("Not previos steady tension applied before performing the test")
- return(NA)
- }
- previousForce = mean(originalTest$force[(startSample - 20):(startSample - 10)]) #ATENTION. This
value is different from f0.raw
- }
+ ###############
+ # if(!bestFit)
+ # {
+ # if(startSample <= 20)
+ # {
+ # #TODO. Manage the situation where the signal starts once the force has begun to
+ # print("Not previos steady tension applied before performing the test")
+ # return(NA)
+ # }
+ #
+ #
+ # previousForce = mean(originalTest$force[(startSample - 20):(startSample - 10)]) #ATENTION.
This value is different from f0.raw
+ # }
fmax.raw = max(originalTest$force[startSample:endSample])
f.smoothed = getMovingAverageForce(originalTest, averageLength = averageLength) #Running average with
equal weight averageLength seconds
fmax.smoothed = max(f.smoothed, na.rm = TRUE)
- lastmeanError = 1E16
- model = getForceModel(trimmedTest$time, trimmedTest$force, startTime, fmax.smoothed, previousForce)
- meanError = mean(abs(model$error))
+ # lastmeanError = 1E16
+ #
+ # model = getForceModel(trimmedTest$time, trimmedTest$force, startTime, fmax.smoothed, previousForce)
+ # meanError = mean(abs(model$error))
# print(paste("Error:", model$error))
# print(paste("length:", length(trimmedTest$force)))
@@ -309,7 +326,8 @@ getDynamicsFromLoadCellFile <- function(captureOptions, inputFile, averageLength
rfd = rfd,
f.raw = originalTest$force, f.smoothed = f.smoothed, f.fitted = f.fitted,
endTime = endTime,
- meanError = meanError))
+ meanError = mean(abs(model$error[!is.nan(model$error)]))
+ ))
drawDynamicsFromLoadCell <- function(
@@ -336,6 +354,7 @@ drawDynamicsFromLoadCell <- function(
print(paste("samples:", dynamics$startSample, dynamics$endSample))
meanForce = mean(dynamics$f.raw[dynamics$startSample:dynamics$endSample])
print(paste("meanForce: ", meanForce, "fmax.raw: ", dynamics$fmax.raw))
+ #TODO: Is this necessary?. Is this value acceptable?
if( meanForce < dynamics$fmax.raw*0.75 ){
sustainedForce = F
yHeight = dynamics$fmax.raw
@@ -829,14 +848,17 @@ getAnalysisRange <- function(test, rfd, movingAverageForce, averageLength = 0.1,
if (testLength <= -1){
endSample = startSample + 1
maxMovingAverageForce = movingAverageForce[endSample]
- while(movingAverageForce[endSample] > maxMovingAverageForce*(100 - percentChange) / 100 &
+ while(movingAverageForce[endSample] >= maxMovingAverageForce*(100 - percentChange) / 100 &
endSample < length(test$time))
if(movingAverageForce[endSample] > maxMovingAverageForce)
+ print("New max")
maxMovingAverageForce = movingAverageForce[endSample]
endSample = endSample + 1
+ print(paste("Current endSample: ", endSample))
+ print(paste("Current movingAverageForce: ", movingAverageForce[endSample]))
} else if(testLength >= 0 && testLength < 0.1){
print("Test interval too short")
@@ -862,11 +884,23 @@ getRFD <- function(test)
getMovingAverageForce <- function(test, averageLength = 0.1)
+ print("Entered getMovingAverageForce()")
sampleRate = (length(test$time) - 1) / (test$time[length(test$time)] - test$time[1])
lengthSamples = round(averageLength * sampleRate, digits = 0)
+ print(paste("lengthSamples: ", lengthSamples))
movingAverageForce = filter(test$force, rep(1/lengthSamples, lengthSamples), sides = 2)
- return(movingAverageForce)
+ print("movingAverageForce:")
+ print(movingAverageForce)
+ #filling the NAs with the closest value
+ movingAverageForce[1:(lengthSamples %/% 2)] = movingAverageForce[(lengthSamples %/% 2) +1]
+ movingAverageForce[(length(movingAverageForce) - ceiling(lengthSamples / 2)):
length(movingAverageForce)] = movingAverageForce[(length(movingAverageForce) - ceiling(lengthSamples / 2) +1)]
+ print("reconstructed force:")
+ print(movingAverageForce)
+ }
#estrapolate a function to extend the line joining the two first samples until it cross the horizontal axe
extrapolateToZero <- function(x, y)
@@ -914,30 +948,51 @@ getBestFit <- function(originalTest
#Calculing the end sample of the analysis
if(testLength > 0) #The user selected the fixed length of the test
- print("End detection by test length")
+ print("Detection of endSample by test length")
endSample = which.min(abs(originalTest$time - (originalTest$time[startSample] + testLenght)))
} else if (testLength <= -1) #The user selected to detect a decrease in the force
- print("End detection by decrease in the force")
+ print("Detection of endSample by decrease in the force")
print(paste("percentChange: ", percentChange))
+ print(originalTest)
movingAverageForce = getMovingAverageForce(originalTest, averageLength)
endSample = maxRFDSample
- print(!is.na(movingAverageForce[startSample:endSample]))
- maxMovingAverageForce = max(movingAverageForce[ !is.na(movingAverageForce[startSample:endSample])])
+ print(paste("startSample: ", startSample))
+ print(paste("initial endSample: ", endSample))
+ print("movingAverageForce[startSample:endSample]: ")
+ print(movingAverageForce[startSample:endSample])
+ # print("What are NOT NA:")
+ # print(!is.na(movingAverageForce[startSample:endSample]))
+ # print("!is.na(movingAverageForce)[startSample:endSample]")
+ # print(!is.na(movingAverageForce)[startSample:endSample])
+ # print("printing only the values that ar not NA")
+ # print(length(!is.na(movingAverageForce)))
+ # print(movingAverageForce[!is.na(movingAverageForce)])
+ # print(movingAverageForce[!is.na(movingAverageForce)[startSample:endSample]])
+ maxMovingAverageForce = max(movingAverageForce[startSample:endSample])
print(paste("MaxMovingAverageForce: ", maxMovingAverageForce, "Current Limit: ",
maxMovingAverageForce*(100 - percentChange) / 100))
print(paste("Current movingAverageForce: ", movingAverageForce[endSample]))
while(movingAverageForce[endSample] >= maxMovingAverageForce*(100 - percentChange) / 100 &
endSample < length(originalTest$time))
- print(paste("Current movingAverageForce: ", movingAverageForce[endSample]))
if(movingAverageForce[endSample] > maxMovingAverageForce)
print("New max")
maxMovingAverageForce = movingAverageForce[endSample]
endSample = endSample + 1
+ print(paste("Current endSample: ", endSample))
+ print(paste("Current movingAverageForce: ", movingAverageForce[endSample]))
@@ -948,8 +1003,8 @@ getBestFit <- function(originalTest
trimmedTest = extrapolateToZero(trimmedTest$time, trimmedTest$force)
names(trimmedTest) <- c("time", "force")
trimmedTest$time = trimmedTest$time - trimmedTest$time[1]
- print("trimmedTest:")
- print(trimmedTest)
+ # print("trimmedTest:")
+ # print(trimmedTest)
print(paste("startTime: ", trimmedTest$time[1], "fmaxi: ", maxForce, "previousForce: ",
forceModel <- getForceModel(time = trimmedTest$time
@@ -1010,6 +1065,7 @@ getBestFit <- function(originalTest
originalTest$time = originalTest$time - originalTest$time[startSample] + trimmedTest$time[2]
forceModel <- getForceModel(trimmedTest$time, trimmedTest$force, trimmedTest$time[1],
maxMovingAverageForce, trimmedTest$force[1])
currentMeanError = mean(abs(forceModel$error[!is.nan(forceModel$error)]))
print(paste("currentMeanError: ", currentMeanError, "lastMeanError: ", lastMeanError))
@@ -1078,8 +1134,9 @@ readImpulseOptions <- function(optionsStr)
+print("Going to enter prepareGraph")
prepareGraph(op$os, pngFile, op$graphWidth, op$graphHeight)
+print("Going to enter getDynamicsFromLoadCellFille")
dynamics = getDynamicsFromLoadCellFile(op$captureOptions, dataFile, op$averageLength, op$percentChange,
bestFit = TRUE, testLength = -1)
drawDynamicsFromLoadCell(dynamics, op$captureOptions, op$vlineT0, op$vline50fmax.raw, op$vline50fmax.fitted,
op$hline50fmax.raw, op$hline50fmax.fitted,
op$drawRfdOptions, triggersOn = op$triggersOnList, triggersOff = op$triggersOffList)
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