[chronojump] MIF. Code cleaned
- From: Xavier Padullés <xpadulles src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [chronojump] MIF. Code cleaned
- Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2020 08:03:40 +0000 (UTC)
commit 3f41e1c66340620cbd3cd2a9c24eebf39f15e030
Author: Xavier Padullés <testing chronojump org>
Date: Wed Nov 18 20:57:59 2020 +0100
MIF. Code cleaned
r-scripts/maximumIsometricForce.R | 312 ++++++++++----------------------------
1 file changed, 81 insertions(+), 231 deletions(-)
diff --git a/r-scripts/maximumIsometricForce.R b/r-scripts/maximumIsometricForce.R
index 09cfd336..568c4a93 100644
--- a/r-scripts/maximumIsometricForce.R
+++ b/r-scripts/maximumIsometricForce.R
@@ -86,14 +86,14 @@ op$datetime = fixDatetime(op$datetime)
#Fits the data to the model f = fmax*(1 - exp(-K*t))
-#Important! It fits the data with the axes moved to previousForce and startTime. The real maximum force is
fmax + previousForce
+#Important! It fits the data with the axes moved to startTime.
+#TODO: Implement the movement of the axes in the function
getForceModel <- function(time, force, startTime, # startTime is the instant when the force start to increase
fmaxi, # fmaxi is the initial value for the fmax. For numeric purpouses
previousForce) # previousForce is the sustained force before the
print("Entered in getForceModel() function")
- #We force that the function crosses the (0,0) to better fit the monoexponential
- force = force
time = time - startTime
data = data.frame(time = time, force = force)
@@ -106,12 +106,10 @@ getForceModel <- function(time, force, startTime, # startTime is the instant whe
return(list(fmax = fmax, K = K, error = 100*residuals(model)/data$force))
-getDynamicsFromLoadCellFile <- function(captureOptions, inputFile, averageLength = 0.1, percentChange = 5,
bestFit = TRUE, testLength = -1)
+getDynamicsFromLoadCellFile <- function(captureOptions, inputFile, averageLength = 0.1, percentChange = 5,
testLength = -1)
print("Entered getDynamicsFromLoadCellFile")
- # op$startSample = 529
- # op$endSample = 1145
- print(paste("bestFit =", bestFit))
originalTest = read.csv(inputFile, header = F, dec = op$decimalChar, sep = ";", skip = 2)
colnames(originalTest) <- c("time", "force")
originalTest$time = as.numeric(originalTest$time / 1000000) # Time is converted from microseconds to
@@ -124,180 +122,30 @@ getDynamicsFromLoadCellFile <- function(captureOptions, inputFile, averageLength
print(paste("op$startSample: ", op$startSample))
print(paste("op$endtSample: ", op$endSample))
- # #Just in case the Roptions.txt don't have the parameters
- # if(is.na(op$startSample) || is.na(op$endSample))
- # {
- # op$startSample = 0
- # op$endSample = 0
- # }
- #If Roptions.txt does have startSample and endSample values greater than 0
- if( op$startSample != op$endSample
- & (op$startSample > 0 && op$endSample > 0)
- & op$startSample <= length(originalTest$time)
- & op$endSample <= length(originalTest$time))
+ #If Roptions.txt does have endSample values greater than 1 it means that the user has selected a range
+ if( op$startSample != op$endSample & (op$endSample > 1) & op$startSample <= length(originalTest$time) &
op$endSample <= length(originalTest$time))
print("Range selected by user. Analyzed the specified range")
- # print("Type of startEndOptimized")
- # print(typeof(op$startEndOptimized))
- # print(op$startEndOptimized)
- # print("originalTest without trimming")
- # print(originalTest)
- # print(paste("Samples: ", op$startSample,":", op$endSample))
- # print(originalTest[op$startSample:op$endSample,])
originalTest = originalTest[(op$startSample:op$endSample),]
- print("originalTest trimmed")
- print(originalTest)
originalTest$time = originalTest$time - originalTest$time[1]
# print("originalTest$time:")
# print(originalTest$time)
- # print("originalTest with time zero at startSample")
- # print(originalTest)
+ #Atention! The row names of the list are not automaticaly renumbered but the rownames of the objects
of the list are changed
row.names(originalTest) <- 1:nrow(originalTest)
- # print("originalTest renumbered")
- # print(originalTest)
- ################
- # if( op$startEndOptimized == "FALSE")
- # {
- # print("A")
- # startSample = op$startSample
- # endSample = op$endSample
- # print("B")
- # } else if( op$startEndOptimized == "TRUE")
- # ##############
- # if( op$startEndOptimized == "TRUE")
- # {
- # print("Entering in startEndOptimized mode")
- # #Finding the increase and decrease of the force to detect the start and end of the maximum
voluntary force test
- #
- # #Instantaneous RFD
- # rfd = getRFD(originalTest)
- # analysisRange = getAnalysisRange(originalTest, rfd, averageLength = averageLength,
percentChange = percentChange,
- # testLength = op$testLength, startDetectingMethod = "RFD")
- #
- # startSample = analysisRange$startSample
- # endSample = analysisRange$endSample
- #
- # trimmedTest = originalTest[startSample:endSample,]
- # }
- #
- # print("start and end sample:")
- # print(startSample)
- # print(endSample)
- } else {
- print("No range selected by user. Analysing the whole signal")
- # } else
- # #The start and end samples are automatically selected
- # {
- #
- # #Finding the increase and decrease of the force to detect the start and end of the maximum
voluntary force test
- #
- # analysisRange = getAnalysisRange(originalTest, rfd, averageLength = averageLength, percentChange =
- # testLength = op$testLength, startDetectingMethod = "SD")
- #
- # startSample = analysisRange$startSample
- # endSample = analysisRange$endSample
- #
- # #Trimming the data before and after contraction
- # #TODO: Check the row.names
- # trimmedTest = originalTest[startSample:endSample,]
- # }
- #print(paste("startSample: ", startSample))
- #print(paste("endtSample: ", endSample))
- startSample = 1
- endSample = length(originalTest$time)
- #Instantaneous RFD
- rfd = getRFD(originalTest)
- startTime = originalTest$time[startSample]
- endTime = originalTest$time[endSample]
- # Initial force. It is needed to perform an initial steady force to avoid jerks and great peaks in the
- ###############
- # if(!bestFit)
- # {
- # if(startSample <= 20)
- # {
- # #TODO. Manage the situation where the signal starts once the force has begun to
- # print("Not previos steady tension applied before performing the test")
- # return(NA)
- # }
- #
- #
- # previousForce = mean(originalTest$force[(startSample - 20):(startSample - 10)]) #ATENTION.
This value is different from f0.raw
- # }
- fmax.raw = max(originalTest$force[startSample:endSample])
- f.smoothed = getMovingAverageForce(originalTest, averageLength = averageLength) #Running average with
equal weight averageLength seconds
- fmax.smoothed = max(f.smoothed, na.rm = TRUE)
- # lastmeanError = 1E16
- #
- # model = getForceModel(trimmedTest$time, trimmedTest$force, startTime, fmax.smoothed, previousForce)
- # meanError = mean(abs(model$error))
- # print(paste("Error:", model$error))
- # print(paste("length:", length(trimmedTest$force)))
- # print(paste("Relative Error:", meanError))
- # print("--------")
- #If bestFit is TRUE, this overrides the startSample calculus and find the startSample that makes the
best fit of the curve
- if(bestFit)
+ if(op$startEndOptimized == "TRUE")
- # print("bestFit Mode--------")
- # while(meanError < lastmeanError)
- # {
- # lastmeanError = meanError
- #
- # startSample = startSample + 1
- # startTime = originalTest$time[startSample]
- #
- # #If the lenght of the test is fixed, moving the startSample implies moving the
endSample also
- # if (testLength != -1){
- # endSample = endSample + 1
- # endTime = originalTest$time[endSample]
- # }
- #
- #
- # #Trimming the data before and after contraction
- # trimmedTest = originalTest[startSample:endSample,]
- #
- # model = getForceModel(trimmedTest$time, trimmedTest$force, startTime, fmax.smoothed,
- # meanError = mean(abs(model$error))
- #
- # print(paste("Error:", model$error))
- # print(paste("length:", length(trimmedTest$force)))
- # print(paste("Relative Error:", model$error / length(trimmedTest$force)))
- # print("--------")
- # }
- #
- # #going back to the last sample
- # startSample = startSample - 1
- # startTime = originalTest$time[startSample]
- #
- # endTime = originalTest$time[endSample]
- #
- #
- # #Trimming the data before and after contraction
- # trimmedTest = originalTest[startSample:endSample,]
- #
- # model = getForceModel(trimmedTest$time, trimmedTest$force, startTime, fmax.smoothed,
- bestFit = getBestFit(originalTest
- #inputFile =
- , averageLength = averageLength
- , percentChange = percentChange
- # , percentChange = -1
- , testLength = testLength
- )
- print(bestFit)
+ bestFit = getBestFit(originalTest
+ , averageLength = averageLength
+ , percentChange = percentChange
+ , testLength = testLength
+ )
startSample = bestFit$startSample
startTime = bestFit$startTime
endSample = bestFit$endSample
@@ -305,9 +153,34 @@ getDynamicsFromLoadCellFile <- function(captureOptions, inputFile, averageLength
model = bestFit$model
previousForce = originalTest$force[startSample]
+ } else if(op$startEndOptimized == "FALSE")
+ {
+ #Extrapolating the test to cross the horizontal axe.
+ originalTest = extrapolateToZero(originalTest$time, originalTest$force)
+ names(originalTest) <- c("time", "force")
+ originalTest$time = originalTest$time - originalTest$time[1]
+ startSample = op$startSample
+ startTime = 0
+ endSample = op$endSample
+ endTime = originalTest$time[length(originalTest$time)]
+ model = getForceModel(originalTest$time, originalTest$force, max(originalTest$force),
+ previousForce = originalTest$force[2]
- print("####### model ######")
- print(model)
+ #Instantaneous RFD
+ rfd = getRFD(originalTest)
+ fmax.raw = max(originalTest$force[startSample:endSample])
+ f.smoothed = getMovingAverageForce(originalTest, averageLength = averageLength) #Running average with
equal weight averageLength seconds
+ fmax.smoothed = max(f.smoothed, na.rm = TRUE)
+ # print("####### model ######")
+ # print(model)
f.fitted =model$fmax*(1-exp(-model$K*(originalTest$time - startTime)))
f0.raw = originalTest$force[startSample] # Force at startTime. ATENTION.
This value is different than previousForce
@@ -335,8 +208,8 @@ drawDynamicsFromLoadCell <- function(
hline50fmax.raw=F, hline50fmax.fitted=F,
rfdDrawingOptions, triggersOn = "", triggersOff = "", xlimits = NA)
- print("dynamics$time")
- print(dynamics$time)
+ print("dynamics$time")
+ print(dynamics$time)
dynamics$time = dynamics$time - dynamics$startTime
dynamics$tfmax.raw = dynamics$tfmax.raw - dynamics$startTime
dynamics$endTime = dynamics$endTime - dynamics$startTime
@@ -802,9 +675,7 @@ getDynamicsFromLoadCellFolder <- function(folderName, resultFileName, export2Pdf
# - SD method: When the force increase 3 times the standard deviation
# - RFD method: When the RFD is at least 20% of the maximum RFD
-#If bestFit is TRUE then the startSample is changed in order to find the startSample that minimizes the mean
error of the model.
-#bestFit gives better resuls for model variables. The counterpart is that there's no scientific papers using
it and some control of the procerss is lost
-#as it is more difficult to predict the startSample by humans.
#This function also finds the sample at which there is a decrease of a given percentage of the maximum force.
#The maximum force is calculed from the moving average of averageLength seconds
@@ -899,8 +770,8 @@ getMovingAverageForce <- function(test, averageLength = 0.1)
print("reconstructed force:")
- }
#estrapolate a function to extend the line joining the two first samples until it cross the horizontal axe
extrapolateToZero <- function(x, y)
@@ -917,13 +788,13 @@ extrapolateToZero <- function(x, y)
return(list(x = x, y = y))
+# bestFit() changes startSample in order to find which minimizes the mean error of the model.
+# bestFit() gives better resuls for model variables. The counterpart is that there's no scientific papers
using it and some control of the procerss is lost
+#as it is more difficult to predict the startSample by humans.
getBestFit <- function(originalTest
, averageLength = 0.1, percentChange = 5, testLength = -1)
- print("Entered in bestFit")
- #originalTest = read.csv2(inputFile)
- # colnames(originalTest) <- c("time", "force")
- # originalTest$time = as.numeric(originalTest$time / 1000000) # Time is converted from microseconds to
+ print("Entered in bestFit")
rfd = getRFD(originalTest)
maxRFDSample = which.max(rfd)
@@ -933,14 +804,16 @@ getBestFit <- function(originalTest
#Going back from maxRFD sample until the force increase
startSample = maxRFDSample -1
- print(paste("originalTest$force[startSample]", originalTest$force[startSample]))
- print(paste("originalTest$force[startSample +1]", originalTest$force[startSample +1]))
+ # print(paste("originalTest$force[startSample]", originalTest$force[startSample]))
+ # print(paste("originalTest$force[startSample +1]", originalTest$force[startSample +1]))
while(originalTest$force[startSample] < originalTest$force[startSample + 1])
- print(startSample)
+ # print(startSample)
startSample = startSample - 1
if(startSample < 1)
- break()
+ break()
startSample = startSample + 1
@@ -955,33 +828,21 @@ getBestFit <- function(originalTest
print("Detection of endSample by decrease in the force")
print(paste("percentChange: ", percentChange))
- print(originalTest)
movingAverageForce = getMovingAverageForce(originalTest, averageLength)
- print("movingAverageForce:")
- print(movingAverageForce)
endSample = maxRFDSample
- print(paste("startSample: ", startSample))
- print(paste("initial endSample: ", endSample))
- print("movingAverageForce[startSample:endSample]: ")
- print(movingAverageForce[startSample:endSample])
+ # print(paste("startSample: ", startSample))
+ # print(paste("initial endSample: ", endSample))
+ #
+ # print("movingAverageForce[startSample:endSample]:")
+ # print(movingAverageForce[startSample:endSample])
- # print("What are NOT NA:")
- # print(!is.na(movingAverageForce[startSample:endSample]))
- # print("!is.na(movingAverageForce)[startSample:endSample]")
- # print(!is.na(movingAverageForce)[startSample:endSample])
+ maxMovingAverageForce = max(movingAverageForce[startSample:endSample])
- # print("printing only the values that ar not NA")
- # print(length(!is.na(movingAverageForce)))
- # print(movingAverageForce[!is.na(movingAverageForce)])
- # print(movingAverageForce[!is.na(movingAverageForce)[startSample:endSample]])
+ # print(paste("MaxMovingAverageForce: ", maxMovingAverageForce, "Current Limit: ",
maxMovingAverageForce*(100 - percentChange) / 100))
+ # print(paste("Current movingAverageForce: ", movingAverageForce[endSample]))
- maxMovingAverageForce = max(movingAverageForce[startSample:endSample])
- print(paste("MaxMovingAverageForce: ", maxMovingAverageForce, "Current Limit: ",
maxMovingAverageForce*(100 - percentChange) / 100))
- print(paste("Current movingAverageForce: ", movingAverageForce[endSample]))
while(movingAverageForce[endSample] >= maxMovingAverageForce*(100 - percentChange) / 100 &
endSample < length(originalTest$time))
@@ -991,22 +852,23 @@ getBestFit <- function(originalTest
maxMovingAverageForce = movingAverageForce[endSample]
endSample = endSample + 1
- print(paste("Current endSample: ", endSample))
- print(paste("Current movingAverageForce: ", movingAverageForce[endSample]))
+ # print(paste("Current endSample: ", endSample))
+ # print(paste("Current movingAverageForce: ", movingAverageForce[endSample]))
#Moving all the sample to make the fisrt sample of the trimmed test the (t0, f0)
trimmedTest = originalTest[startSample:endSample,]
- #Extrapolating the test
+ #Extrapolating the test to cross the horizontal axe.
trimmedTest = extrapolateToZero(trimmedTest$time, trimmedTest$force)
names(trimmedTest) <- c("time", "force")
trimmedTest$time = trimmedTest$time - trimmedTest$time[1]
- # print("trimmedTest:")
- # print(trimmedTest)
print(paste("startTime: ", trimmedTest$time[1], "fmaxi: ", maxForce, "previousForce: ",
+ #In each iteration the error of the current model is compared with the last error of the last model
forceModel <- getForceModel(time = trimmedTest$time
, force = trimmedTest$force
, startTime = trimmedTest$time[1]
@@ -1016,10 +878,9 @@ getBestFit <- function(originalTest
lastMeanError = 1E6
- print(paste("currentMeanError: ", currentMeanError, "lastMeanError: ", lastMeanError))
- print(paste(startSample, ":", endSample, sep = ""))
- print("Entering the while")
+ # print(paste("currentMeanError: ", currentMeanError, "lastMeanError: ", lastMeanError))
+ # print(paste(startSample, ":", endSample, sep = ""))
+ # print("Entering the while")
while(currentMeanError <= lastMeanError & endSample < length(originalTest$time))
@@ -1037,15 +898,11 @@ getBestFit <- function(originalTest
forceModel <- getForceModel(trimmedTest$time, trimmedTest$force, trimmedTest$time[1], maxForce,
currentMeanError = mean(abs(forceModel$error[!is.nan(forceModel$error)]))
- print("----------")
- print(paste("currentMeanError: ", currentMeanError, "lastMeanError: ", lastMeanError))
- print(paste(startSample, ":", endSample, sep = ""))
+ # print("----------")
+ # print(paste("currentMeanError: ", currentMeanError, "lastMeanError: ", lastMeanError))
+ # print(paste(startSample, ":", endSample, sep = ""))
- print("--------------")
- print("|while exited|")
- print("--------------")
startSample = startSample -1
endSample = endSample -1
@@ -1053,7 +910,7 @@ getBestFit <- function(originalTest
trimmedTest = originalTest[startSample:endSample,]
- #Extrapolating the test
+ #Extrapolating the test.
trimmedTest = extrapolateToZero(trimmedTest$time, trimmedTest$force)
names(trimmedTest) <- c("time", "force")
trimmedTest$time = trimmedTest$time - trimmedTest$time[1]
@@ -1072,13 +929,6 @@ getBestFit <- function(originalTest
print(paste("samples: ", startSample, ":", endSample, sep = ""))
print(paste("time: ", startTime, ":", endTime))
- # plot(originalTest$time[(startSample - 10):(endSample +10)], originalTest$force[(startSample -
10):(endSample +10)], type = "l", col = "grey")
- # lines(trimmedTest$time, trimmedTest$force)
- # print(paste("forceModel$K: ", forceModel$K))
- #
- # fittedTime = seq(0, 10, by = 0.01)
- # fittedForce = forceModel$fmax*(1-exp(-forceModel$K*fittedTime))
- # lines(fittedTime, fittedForce, lty = 2)
return(list(model = forceModel
, startSample = startSample, startTime = startTime - trimmedTest$time[2]
, endSample = endSample, endTime = endTime
@@ -1137,7 +987,7 @@ readImpulseOptions <- function(optionsStr)
print("Going to enter prepareGraph")
prepareGraph(op$os, pngFile, op$graphWidth, op$graphHeight)
print("Going to enter getDynamicsFromLoadCellFille")
-dynamics = getDynamicsFromLoadCellFile(op$captureOptions, dataFile, op$averageLength, op$percentChange,
bestFit = TRUE, testLength = -1)
+dynamics = getDynamicsFromLoadCellFile(op$captureOptions, dataFile, op$averageLength, op$percentChange,
testLength = -1)
drawDynamicsFromLoadCell(dynamics, op$captureOptions, op$vlineT0, op$vline50fmax.raw, op$vline50fmax.fitted,
op$hline50fmax.raw, op$hline50fmax.fitted,
op$drawRfdOptions, triggersOn = op$triggersOnList, triggersOff = op$triggersOffList)
# op$drawRfdOptions, xlimits = c(0.5, 1.5))
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