[mutter] (86 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch wip/carlosg/input-thread

The branch 'wip/carlosg/input-thread' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  7d67767... clutter: Add ClutterSeat::query_state() vmethod
  cc8fd85... backends/x11: Implement ClutterSeat::query_state() vmethod
  67a808c... backends/native: Implement ClutterSeat::query_state() vmeth
  9f37bf3... clutter: Use ClutterSeat underneath coords/modifiers input 
  2727783... backends/native: Move away from ClutterInputDevice coords
  498e245... clutter: Drop clutter_input_device_set_state()
  dee8d6e... clutter: Pass base event to clutter_input_device_update()
  c667bc4... clutter: Drop clutter_input_device_update_from_event()
  39a05d4... clutter: Drop clutter_input_device_set_coords()
  cab1e22... clutter: Simplify backend-independent touch accounting
  062ac51... backends: Drop GDK device querying code from MetaCursorTrac
  5a2d2a8... backends: Delegate pointer confinements to an impl object
  b7ac6f5... backends: Remove x/y arguments from MetaCursorTracker::curs
  f521754... backends: Add argument for best scale on MetaCursorSprite::
  56a6715... wayland: Replace cursor renderer usage with cursor tracker
  cd5bacb... backends: Add meta_backend_get_cursor_renderer_for_device()
  adbec55... wayland: Look up cursor renderer for device on MetaWaylandP
  23f8d1d... backends/native: Manage tablet cursors in backend
  203754b... backends: Use graphene_point_t on meta_cursor_tracker_get_p
  4c9d057... backends: Move away from meta_cursor_renderer_get_position(
  d5bf144... backends: Add ::device property to MetaCursorRenderer
  ec3a670... wayland: Move away from meta_cursor_renderer_get_position()
  7ad1f5d... backends: Drop meta_cursor_renderer_get_position()
  68902d8... core: Centralize cursor renderer and tracker updates
  31eebe8... backends: Make MetaHwCursorInhibitor less about sprites
  f7f441b... backends: Move HW cursor inhibitors to MetaBackend
  db2b4aa... backends: Split pad action mapping to a separate object
  0a120fb... backends: Move away from clutter_input_device_set_enabled()
  d2fca00... clutter: Drop ClutterInputDevice::enabled and setter/getter
  5cbbcbf... backends: Add simple object to delegate logical monitor lay
  ca3d9a9... backends: Use MetaViewportInfo to keep MetaSeatNative infor
  889e950... backends: Use also a native cursor renderer for tablets
  11ccb1e... backends: Add method to get extents from viewport info
  d8c77ff... backends/native: Use viewport info to find out stage extent
  fd85127... backends/native: Drop early processing of ClutterEvents
  a775b93... backends: Assign stage to events in MetaBackend
  186b511... backends/native: Drop meta_seat_native_[gs]et_stage()
  bbc4519... backends: Simplify MetaInputSettings vfunc
  21740e1... backends: Move all output management to MetaInputMapper
  b8d32b2... backends: Make MetaInputMapper take over MetaInputSettings 
  b3eb8cf... backends: Move keyboard a11y into backends
  bcf1b38... clutter: Make ClutterSeat::handle_device_event vfunc more g
  25c4d06... backends/native: Spin MetaSeatImpl off MetaSeatNative
  39304bc... backend/native: Let cursor renderer/tracker be updated by e
  2c4853c... backends/native: Forward keyboard a11y changes via the Meta
  ee76710... backends/native: Proxy touch-mode via MetaSeatImpl
  7936566... backends/native: Proxy bell notifications from within the M
  3498ec7... backends/native: Proxy modifier state changes via MetaSeatI
  8dad148... clutter: Update device for the current tool in backends
  4b93792... backends: Simplify function arguments
  bec116d... backends: Make device tracking at MetaInputSettings ad-hoc 
  3b89af0... backends: Do not use clutter_seat_list_devices() in MetaInp
  4aa2701... backends/native: Move MetaInputSettings ownership to MetaSe
  5c9b768... clutter: Switch to GAsyncQueue for ClutterMainContext event
  55afbb3... backends/native: Protect MetaBarrierManagerNative
  e2b05c6... backends/native: Surround device state queries/updates with
  829fc94... backends/native: Seal MetaKeymapNative xkb usage
  5987256... backends/native: Shuffle xkb_keymap creation
  9dbb388... backends/native: Make some MetaSeatImpl API "async"
  3689910... backends/native: Make MetaVirtualInputDevice vmethods "asyn
  2517532... backends: Make pointer cursor invisible until the stage is 
  9cc9b7e... clutter: Drop clutter_input_device_get_coords() method
  7ef404b... clutter: Drop clutter_input_device_get_modifier_state() API
  d5226b7... clutter: Drop clutter_input_device_get_key()/n_keys API
  c1d2d17... clutter: Drop clutter_input_device_get_physical_devices() A
  836f138... clutter: Drop clutter_input_device_get_associated_device()
  2521366... clutter: Make axes part of the device tool
  11e40e0... backends: Forward event axes as array of ClutterInputAxes e
  69c0ecd... clutter: Drop internal update_from_tool() vmethod
  15620f7... clutter: Drop ClutterInputDevice axis API
  dcdce84... clutter: Move scroll valuator accounting to backends/x11
  7653272... clutter: Drop ClutterInputDevice private tool maintenance A
  6ab933a... clutter: Drop keycode_to_evdev vmethod
  b737fbb... clutter: Move ClutterInputDevice fields to private struct
  fdfb113... backends: Straighten MetaInputSettings creation
  74e5e23... backends/native: Shuffle signal connection into MetaSeatImp
  35916f9... backends/native: Make MetaInputSettingsNative vmethods "asy
  ae37f26... backends: Seal MetaInputSettings entrypoints with a mutex
  025a3af... clutter: Add vmethod to find out group for pad features
  9348d65... backends/native: Update keyboard a11y status in seat impl
  442deb4... backends/native: Add missing seat finalization paths
  dacdeab... backends/native: Add input thread inside MetaSeatImpl
  ba2883e... backends/native: Add a bunch of "_in_impl" suffixes to func
  754fe56... backends/native: Add distinct meta-input-thread.h header

Commits added to the branch:

  aedbe03... build: Bump pango version to 1.46.0 (*)
  3843293... clutter/text: Use new pango API to compare attribute lists (*)
  61b1914... clutter: Add ClutterSeat::query_state() vmethod
  aec49a8... backends/x11: Implement ClutterSeat::query_state() vmethod
  81267f6... backends/native: Implement ClutterSeat::query_state() vmeth
  c7491f2... clutter: Use ClutterSeat underneath coords/modifiers input 
  9938a67... backends/native: Move away from ClutterInputDevice coords
  65a1b2c... clutter: Drop clutter_input_device_set_state()
  3bdfcdb... clutter: Pass base event to clutter_input_device_update()
  c35f9e2... clutter: Drop clutter_input_device_update_from_event()
  0022b83... clutter: Drop clutter_input_device_set_coords()
  5b7b5d4... clutter: Simplify backend-independent touch accounting
  2250cab... backends: Drop GDK device querying code from MetaCursorTrac
  3ab9c70... backends: Delegate pointer confinements to an impl object
  c66ddd1... backends: Remove x/y arguments from MetaCursorTracker::curs
  08f3b9f... backends: Add argument for best scale on MetaCursorSprite::
  68db1e4... wayland: Replace cursor renderer usage with cursor tracker
  da1c793... backends: Add meta_backend_get_cursor_renderer_for_device()
  82a6cac... wayland: Look up cursor renderer for device on MetaWaylandP
  20d88d8... backends/native: Manage tablet cursors in backend
  3d246b7... backends: Use graphene_point_t on meta_cursor_tracker_get_p
  eaa3bad... backends: Move away from meta_cursor_renderer_get_position(
  46993aa... backends: Add ::device property to MetaCursorRenderer
  82d1b2a... wayland: Move away from meta_cursor_renderer_get_position()
  afd436e... backends: Drop meta_cursor_renderer_get_position()
  c6fb895... core: Centralize cursor renderer and tracker updates
  f5486de... backends: Make MetaHwCursorInhibitor less about sprites
  72f4cc1... backends: Move HW cursor inhibitors to MetaBackend
  c7cdc60... backends: Split pad action mapping to a separate object
  79fa58a... backends: Move away from clutter_input_device_set_enabled()
  0dbcf55... clutter: Drop ClutterInputDevice::enabled and setter/getter
  d3d6e96... backends: Add simple object to delegate logical monitor lay
  03f6a56... backends: Use MetaViewportInfo to keep MetaSeatNative infor
  dd90ad6... backends: Use also a native cursor renderer for tablets
  1978d37... backends: Add method to get extents from viewport info
  ce29f3f... backends/native: Use viewport info to find out stage extent
  571bb16... backends/native: Drop early processing of ClutterEvents
  dc13f9a... backends: Assign stage to events in MetaBackend
  62843fe... backends/native: Drop meta_seat_native_[gs]et_stage()
  91cce49... backends: Simplify MetaInputSettings vfunc
  d02c9c7... backends: Move all output management to MetaInputMapper
  637a272... backends: Make MetaInputMapper take over MetaInputSettings 
  fbb550f... backends: Move keyboard a11y into backends
  f31216a... clutter: Make ClutterSeat::handle_device_event vfunc more g
  ed3be0e... backends/native: Spin MetaSeatImpl off MetaSeatNative
  7c6b390... backend/native: Let cursor renderer/tracker be updated by e
  93fb8ad... backends/native: Forward keyboard a11y changes via the Meta
  1d8d57b... backends/native: Proxy touch-mode via MetaSeatImpl
  6e187de... backends/native: Proxy bell notifications from within the M
  b7112e0... backends/native: Proxy modifier state changes via MetaSeatI
  a0ba6b6... clutter: Update device for the current tool in backends
  89756a9... backends: Simplify function arguments
  112bcd2... backends: Make device tracking at MetaInputSettings ad-hoc 
  1c63496... backends: Do not use clutter_seat_list_devices() in MetaInp
  a46526c... backends/native: Move MetaInputSettings ownership to MetaSe
  edda5a8... clutter: Switch to GAsyncQueue for ClutterMainContext event
  556c2cb... backends/native: Protect MetaBarrierManagerNative
  eb4028d... backends/native: Surround device state queries/updates with
  2ab0464... backends/native: Seal MetaKeymapNative xkb usage
  8381069... backends/native: Shuffle xkb_keymap creation
  340f2d2... backends/native: Make some MetaSeatImpl API "async"
  ccd5249... backends/native: Make MetaVirtualInputDevice vmethods "asyn
  3d1ac7e... backends: Make pointer cursor invisible until the stage is 
  0525a43... clutter: Drop clutter_input_device_get_coords() method
  d828f26... clutter: Drop clutter_input_device_get_modifier_state() API
  221417e... clutter: Drop clutter_input_device_get_key()/n_keys API
  a4f34e2... clutter: Drop clutter_input_device_get_physical_devices() A
  9b253cf... clutter: Drop clutter_input_device_get_associated_device()
  261a4da... clutter: Make axes part of the device tool
  49cc150... backends: Forward event axes as array of ClutterInputAxes e
  ff63c41... clutter: Drop internal update_from_tool() vmethod
  fbf2e54... clutter: Drop ClutterInputDevice axis API
  b6a47c1... clutter: Move scroll valuator accounting to backends/x11
  6e8ba45... clutter: Drop ClutterInputDevice private tool maintenance A
  45c33fc... clutter: Drop keycode_to_evdev vmethod
  58ace0b... clutter: Move ClutterInputDevice fields to private struct
  a1b5a6b... backends: Straighten MetaInputSettings creation
  f7af400... backends/native: Shuffle signal connection into MetaSeatImp
  249b627... backends/native: Make MetaInputSettingsNative vmethods "asy
  e41518e... backends: Seal MetaInputSettings entrypoints with a mutex
  83260fa... clutter: Add vmethod to find out group for pad features
  9e532d0... backends/native: Update keyboard a11y status in seat impl
  af21410... backends/native: Add missing seat finalization paths
  0972198... backends/native: Add input thread inside MetaSeatImpl
  c1a6720... backends/native: Add a bunch of "_in_impl" suffixes to func
  9873941... backends/native: Add distinct meta-input-thread.h header

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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