[gtk] (46 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch wip/baedert/for-master

The branch 'wip/baedert/for-master' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  9edf183... colorplane: Whitespace
  059602a... colorutils: Remove unused macro
  2660bf5... gradient shaders: Reduce out values as well
  1c29e24... colorplane: Refactor create_texture()
  df9bfad... colorutils: Refactor hsv_to_rgb and fold into only caller
  c1eff4e... colorplane: Remove (un)realize handlers
  fd25769... colorscale: Refactor creating the hue texture
  44723f0... gdkgl: Remove unused cairo_get_matrix() call
  47b8222... gl texture: Flip on download
  0d3d6eb... gl renderer: Don't flip when rendering to an fbo
  cf2689d... gdkgl: Remove flipping in draw_from_gl()
  771d62f... glarea demo: Add min size to gl area

Commits added to the branch:

  8a0dd45... gdkarray: Inline splice and reserve (*)
  18b8b49... gdkarray: Add support for GDK_ARRAY_NO_MEMSET (*)
  796e6ee... snapshot: Preallocate and don't memset the state stack (*)
  97276a5... Remove gtk-doc stanzas from private GtkBuildable API (*)
  687ed74... Merge branch 'snapshot-stack-optimize' into 'master' (*)
  00c6340... gsk: Add some more shader docs (*)
  218b905... 3.99.2 (*)
  c6cedf6... Add annotations for GtkBuildable virtual functions (*)
  7ad42df... menubutton: Remove obsolete private method (*)
  31069d5... release script: Fix doc tarball generation (*)
  76d6169... Merge branch 'ebassi/for-master' into 'master' (*)
  87393c7... Merge branch 'small-cleanup' into 'master' (*)
  e9885f9... gtk-demo: Make gltransitions demo a bit snazzier (*)
  7defc3b... Fix the release script some more (*)
  b0a0f07... demo: Replace g_print with g_debug (*)
  e14d2be... gl renderer: Fix render node texture cache (*)
  9d70112... icontheme: Clarify the docs (*)
  5fa765b... Mention icon theme in the migration guide (*)
  2dcf750... Merge branch 'matthiasc/for-master' into 'master' (*)
  0e5dac8... meson: Change introspection option to yielding feature (*)
  5d4a694... gtk-demo: Use duck in transitions to get some alpha example (*)
  d664887... gtk-demo/gltransition: Replace fire background with more me (*)
  97ffd94... Merge branch 'snazzy-demo' into 'master' (*)
  924e510... gtk-demo: Update text for the transitions demo (*)
  77ec961... Merge branch 'ebassi/for-master' into 'master' (*)
  5b89253... Use correct child widget when measuring (*)
  5a3aed8... Merge branch 'introspection' into 'master' (*)
  fb96dc1... colorplane: Whitespace
  47edcbd... colorutils: Remove unused macro
  81bb520... gradient shaders: Reduce out values as well
  4f16728... colorplane: Refactor create_texture()
  fca6437... colorutils: Refactor hsv_to_rgb and fold into only caller
  649b22a... colorplane: Remove (un)realize handlers
  be5884f... colorscale: Refactor creating the hue texture
  d243307... gdkgl: Remove unused cairo_get_matrix() call
  f28b32b... gl texture: Flip on download
  713172c... gl renderer: Don't flip when rendering to an fbo
  8e2406d... gdkgl: Remove flipping in draw_from_gl()
  98ba278... glarea demo: Add min size to gl area
  1dcce8c... gl renderer: Use premultiply() in inset shadow shader`
  4a9709d... unblurred outset shadow shader: Use premultiply()
  1e57aea... gdkgl: Rename function
  0d79484... FIXUP: Premultiply commit
  ad84748... gl renderer: Ignore rendering if accumulated opacity is too
  068de8a... gl renderer: Add a helper to setup projection matrix
  e349ad6... shaderbuilder: Print error message after source code

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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