[gtksourceview/bilelmoussaoui/typo-fixes] run through codespell

commit 44930a4d73b429d667d91dcecf9e030a731fb2fb
Author: Bilal Elmoussaoui <bil elmoussaoui gmail com>
Date:   Thu Oct 1 20:48:59 2020 +0200

    run through codespell

 data/language-specs/def.lang                    |  4 ++--
 data/language-specs/gdscript.lang               |  2 +-
 data/language-specs/javascript-expressions.lang |  4 ++--
 data/language-specs/javascript-literals.lang    |  4 ++--
 data/language-specs/javascript-values.lang      |  2 +-
 data/language-specs/javascript.lang             |  2 +-
 data/language-specs/logtalk.lang                |  8 ++++----
 data/language-specs/perl.lang                   |  2 +-
 data/language-specs/python.lang                 |  2 +-
 data/language-specs/python3.lang                |  2 +-
 docs/reference/lang-tutorial.xml                | 10 +++++-----
 docs/reference/snippet-reference.xml.in         |  2 +-
 gtksourceview/gtksourcebuffer.c                 |  4 ++--
 gtksourceview/gtksourcebufferinputstream.c      |  2 +-
 gtksourceview/gtksourcecontextengine.c          | 10 +++++-----
 gtksourceview/gtksourcegutter.c                 |  2 +-
 gtksourceview/gtksourcegutterlines.c            |  2 +-
 gtksourceview/gtksourcelanguage-parser-2.c      |  2 +-
 gtksourceview/gtksourcelanguage.c               |  2 +-
 gtksourceview/gtksourcelanguagemanager.c        |  2 +-
 gtksourceview/gtksourceprintcompositor.c        |  2 +-
 gtksourceview/gtksourceregex.c                  |  4 ++--
 gtksourceview/gtksourceregion.c                 |  2 +-
 gtksourceview/gtksourcesnippet-private.h        |  2 +-
 gtksourceview/gtksourcesnippet.c                |  2 +-
 gtksourceview/gtksourcesnippetchunk.c           |  2 +-
 gtksourceview/gtksourcesnippetmanager.c         |  4 ++--
 gtksourceview/gtksourceview.c                   |  4 ++--
 tests/syntax-highlighting/file.css              |  2 +-
 tests/syntax-highlighting/file.erb              |  2 +-
 tests/syntax-highlighting/file.ftl              |  2 +-
 tests/syntax-highlighting/file.less             |  2 +-
 tests/syntax-highlighting/file.scss             |  2 +-
 tests/syntax-highlighting/file.svh              |  2 +-
 tests/syntax-highlighting/file.toml             |  2 +-
 tests/test-completion.c                         |  2 +-
 36 files changed, 54 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)
diff --git a/data/language-specs/def.lang b/data/language-specs/def.lang
index 4a07444c..bbca26a8 100644
--- a/data/language-specs/def.lang
+++ b/data/language-specs/def.lang
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
          A style scheme has to at least define the style
          for the first item of each group and if desired
          define the style for the other items to achieve a
-         more finegrained control on the apperance.
+         more finegrained control on the appearance.
          Finally a style scheme may also define language
          specific styles. -->
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
     <style id="preprocessor"        name="Preprocessor directive"/>
     <!-- Any erroneous construct -->
     <style id="error"               name="Error"/>
-    <!-- to mark possibily errors or unrecommended syntax  -->
+    <!-- to mark possibly errors or unrecommended syntax  -->
     <style id="warning"             name="Warning"/>
     <!--Reserved keywords: like "const" and "goto" in Java -->
     <style id="reserved"            name="Reserved keyword" map-to="def:error" />
diff --git a/data/language-specs/gdscript.lang b/data/language-specs/gdscript.lang
index 1933d066..4a02df41 100644
--- a/data/language-specs/gdscript.lang
+++ b/data/language-specs/gdscript.lang
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
         [#0\-\ \+]*             # conversion flags
         (\-?\%{number}|\*)?     # minimum field width
         (\.(\-?\%{number}|\*))? # precision
-        (hlL)?                  # lentgh modifier
+        (hlL)?                  # length modifier
         [diouxXeEfFgGcrs%]      # conversion type
diff --git a/data/language-specs/javascript-expressions.lang b/data/language-specs/javascript-expressions.lang
index 3b3cc350..cced0134 100644
--- a/data/language-specs/javascript-expressions.lang
+++ b/data/language-specs/javascript-expressions.lang
@@ -494,7 +494,7 @@
         <context id="_async-keywords" style-ref="js:keyword">
           <match extended="true">
-            # preceeds arrow function
+            # precedes arrow function
@@ -502,7 +502,7 @@
                 \(  # can this be better?
-            # does not preceed "function" (leave to function expression)
+            # does not precede "function" (leave to function expression)
             (?! \%{js:optional-whitespace-or-comments} \%{js:function-keyword} )
         </context> <!-- /_async-keywords -->
diff --git a/data/language-specs/javascript-literals.lang b/data/language-specs/javascript-literals.lang
index bccbbc9c..17399b48 100644
--- a/data/language-specs/javascript-literals.lang
+++ b/data/language-specs/javascript-literals.lang
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
     <context id="_escapes">
-        <!-- Annex B: <LegacyOctalEscapeSequence> (preceeded by
+        <!-- Annex B: <LegacyOctalEscapeSequence> (preceded by
              backslash) -->
         <context id="_legacy-octal-escape-sequences" style-ref="js:escape">
           <match extended="true">
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
         </context> <!-- /_legacy-octal-escape-sequences -->
-        <!-- <EscapeSequence> (preceeded by backslash) -->
+        <!-- <EscapeSequence> (preceded by backslash) -->
         <context id="_escape-sequences" style-ref="js:escape">
           <match extended="true">
             \%{js:unicode-escape} |
diff --git a/data/language-specs/javascript-values.lang b/data/language-specs/javascript-values.lang
index a5af679b..0e10bf36 100644
--- a/data/language-specs/javascript-values.lang
+++ b/data/language-specs/javascript-values.lang
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
             There was a long discussion on ##javascript on freenode between
             'katspaugh', 'joo' and 'prog_' on whether 'undefined' should be
-            highlighted on not, specialy as a constant. The conclusion was "It can't
+            highlighted on not, specially as a constant. The conclusion was "It can't
             be highlighted as a constant literal value, because it can be an
             identifier (of a variable value) but leave it be as it is. Let tradition
             and convention obscure the details."
diff --git a/data/language-specs/javascript.lang b/data/language-specs/javascript.lang
index 5d703f55..51865502 100644
--- a/data/language-specs/javascript.lang
+++ b/data/language-specs/javascript.lang
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@
          Naming convention for contexts:
          * Prefixes:
            * "_" (underscore): "Private" to one or more "public"
-             contexts (can still be overriden by child languages)
+             contexts (can still be overridden by child languages)
            * "ordered-": Wrapper for another context so that it can only
              match in a referenced position (has once-only="true")
            * "last-": An "ordered-" wrapper with end-parent="true",
diff --git a/data/language-specs/logtalk.lang b/data/language-specs/logtalk.lang
index d6f16dc2..aa33e97f 100644
--- a/data/language-specs/logtalk.lang
+++ b/data/language-specs/logtalk.lang
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@
-      <!-- Arithemtic evaluation -->
+      <!-- Arithmetic evaluation -->
       <!-- Evaluable functors -->
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@
-      <!-- Other arithemtic functors -->
+      <!-- Other arithmetic functors -->
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@
       <!-- Term creation and decomposition -->
-      <!-- Arithemtic comparison -->
+      <!-- Arithmetic comparison -->
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@
-      <!-- Other arithemtic functors -->
+      <!-- Other arithmetic functors -->
       <!-- Bitwise functors -->
diff --git a/data/language-specs/perl.lang b/data/language-specs/perl.lang
index 5acb65a7..5764dd44 100644
--- a/data/language-specs/perl.lang
+++ b/data/language-specs/perl.lang
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ FIXME: =pod should require an empty line before/after, as written in perlpod
     <!-- this assertion is shared by all the regex contexts to avoid wrong
-         highlighing of function calls, etc.
+         highlighting of function calls, etc.
          \b can't be used because of $var, @var, &func, %func.              -->
     <!-- FIXME I added { and ( to the list to fix #507075 and #535703. Someone
          please look at it, it seems wrong. It probably should be a positive
diff --git a/data/language-specs/python.lang b/data/language-specs/python.lang
index ea207158..ab0cd45e 100644
--- a/data/language-specs/python.lang
+++ b/data/language-specs/python.lang
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
         [#0\-\ \+]*             # conversion flags
         (\-?\%{number}|\*)?     # minimum field width
         (\.(\-?\%{number}|\*))? # precision
-        (hlL)?                  # lentgh modifier
+        (hlL)?                  # length modifier
         [diouxXeEfFgGcrs%]      # conversion type
diff --git a/data/language-specs/python3.lang b/data/language-specs/python3.lang
index fd939689..eaebf410 100644
--- a/data/language-specs/python3.lang
+++ b/data/language-specs/python3.lang
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
         [#0\-\ \+]*             # conversion flags
         (\-?\%{number}|\*)?     # minimum field width
         (\.(\-?\%{number}|\*))? # precision
-        (hlL)?                  # lentgh modifier
+        (hlL)?                  # length modifier
         [diouxXeEfFgGcrs%]      # conversion type
diff --git a/docs/reference/lang-tutorial.xml b/docs/reference/lang-tutorial.xml
index 0fb4bb15..b15604d4 100644
--- a/docs/reference/lang-tutorial.xml
+++ b/docs/reference/lang-tutorial.xml
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ The possible options are:
 You can set the default options using the <code>&lt;default-regex-options</code> tag
 before the <code>&lt;definitions&gt;</code> element. To disable a group of options,
-instead, you have to preced them with a hyphen (<code>-</code>).
+instead, you have to precede them with a hyphen (<code>-</code>).
 [FIXME: add an example]
@@ -247,13 +247,13 @@ style regular expressions:
     sub-pattern (can be a number or a name if named sub-patterns are
     used) in the preceding <code>&lt;start&gt;</code> element. For an example
     see the implementation of here-documents in the <filename>sh.lang</filename>
-    language description distribuited with GtkSourceView.
+    language description distributed with GtkSourceView.
 The next context is for C-style strings. They start and end with a double
-quote but they can contain escaped double quotes, so we sould make sure
+quote but they can contain escaped double quotes, so we should make sure
 we don't end the string prematurely:
@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ language, separating them with a colon:
 The definitions for decimal and float constants are in a external file,
 with id <code>def</code>, which is not associated with any language but contains
-reusable contexts wich every language definition can import.
+reusable contexts which every language definition can import.
@@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ Keep in mind that every keyword is a regular expression:
-In C, there is a common pratice to use <code>#if 0</code> to express multi-line
+In C, there is a common practice to use <code>#if 0</code> to express multi-line
 nesting comments. To make things easier to the user, we want to highlight
 these pseudo-comments as comments:
diff --git a/docs/reference/snippet-reference.xml.in b/docs/reference/snippet-reference.xml.in
index 0d10c907..0fa95790 100644
--- a/docs/reference/snippet-reference.xml.in
+++ b/docs/reference/snippet-reference.xml.in
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ add additional variables with either gtk_source_snippet_context_set_constant()
 for values that may change.</para>
 <para>Snippet chunks can reference a variable anywhere by using a dollar sign
 followed by the variable name such as <code>$variable</code>.</para>
-<para>You can also reference another focus position's value by usin their focus
+<para>You can also reference another focus position's value by using their focus
 position number as the variable such as <code>$1</code>.</para>
 <para>To post-process a variables value, enclose the variable in curly-brackets
 and use the pipe operator to denote the post-processing function such as
diff --git a/gtksourceview/gtksourcebuffer.c b/gtksourceview/gtksourcebuffer.c
index e4425fca..b935a684 100644
--- a/gtksourceview/gtksourcebuffer.c
+++ b/gtksourceview/gtksourcebuffer.c
@@ -991,7 +991,7 @@ queue_bracket_highlighting_update (GtkSourceBuffer *buffer)
         * resulted in continuing to see frame stutter, but 50 was not
         * distinguishable from having matching-brackets disabled.
         * The animation in gtkscrolledwindow is 200, but that creates
-        * an undesireable delay before the match is shown to the user.
+        * an undesirable delay before the match is shown to the user.
         * 50msec errors on the side of "immediate", but without the
         * frame stutter.
@@ -2699,7 +2699,7 @@ gtk_source_buffer_sort_lines (GtkSourceBuffer    *buffer,
                gtk_text_iter_set_line_offset (start, 0);
-       /* if we are at line start our last line is the previus one.
+       /* if we are at line start our last line is the previous one.
         * Otherwise the last line is the current one but we try to
         * move the iter after the line terminator */
        if (gtk_text_iter_starts_line (end))
diff --git a/gtksourceview/gtksourcebufferinputstream.c b/gtksourceview/gtksourcebufferinputstream.c
index c8c2d905..629dc405 100644
--- a/gtksourceview/gtksourcebufferinputstream.c
+++ b/gtksourceview/gtksourcebufferinputstream.c
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ _gtk_source_buffer_input_stream_read (GInputStream  *input_stream,
        if (count < 6)
                g_set_error_literal (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_NO_SPACE,
-                                    "Not enougth space in destination");
+                                    "Not enough space in destination");
                return -1;
diff --git a/gtksourceview/gtksourcecontextengine.c b/gtksourceview/gtksourcecontextengine.c
index f8bdbca6..6ff16488 100644
--- a/gtksourceview/gtksourcecontextengine.c
+++ b/gtksourceview/gtksourcecontextengine.c
@@ -1216,7 +1216,7 @@ refresh_range (GtkSourceContextEngine *ce,
        if (gtk_text_iter_equal (start, end))
-       /* Refresh the contex classes here */
+       /* Refresh the context classes here */
        refresh_context_classes (ce, start, end);
        /* Here we need to make sure we do not make it redraw next line */
@@ -3177,7 +3177,7 @@ context_new (Context           *parent,
-       /* Create reg_all. If it is possibile we share the same reg_all
+       /* Create reg_all. If it is possible we share the same reg_all
         * for more contexts storing it in the definition. */
        if (ANCESTOR_CAN_END_CONTEXT (context) ||
            (definition->type == CONTEXT_TYPE_CONTAINER &&
@@ -3749,7 +3749,7 @@ create_segment (GtkSourceContextEngine *ce,
  * segment_extend:
- * @state: the semgent.
+ * @state: the segment.
  * @end_at: new end offset, characters.
  * Updates end offset in the segment and its ancestors.
@@ -4073,7 +4073,7 @@ segment_ends_here (Segment  *state,
  * @line_pos: the position inside @line, bytes.
  * Verifies if some ancestor context ends at the current position.
- * This function only checks conetxts and does not modify the tree,
+ * This function only checks contexts and does not modify the tree,
  * it's used by ancestor_ends_here().
  * Returns: the ancestor context that terminates here or %NULL.
@@ -4992,7 +4992,7 @@ segment_erase_middle_ (GtkSourceContextEngine *ce,
  * @start: start offset of range to erase, characters.
  * @end: end offset of range to erase, characters.
- * Recurisvely removes segments from [@start, @end] interval
+ * Recursively removes segments from [@start, @end] interval
  * starting from @segment. If @segment belongs to the range,
  * or it's a zero-length segment at @end offset, and it's not
  * the toplevel segment, then it's removed from the tree.
diff --git a/gtksourceview/gtksourcegutter.c b/gtksourceview/gtksourcegutter.c
index 456f2498..9a843d71 100644
--- a/gtksourceview/gtksourcegutter.c
+++ b/gtksourceview/gtksourcegutter.c
@@ -778,7 +778,7 @@ gtk_source_gutter_snapshot (GtkWidget   *widget,
        /* Now let the renderers draw the content for each line. Because
         * iterating a Linked-List is slower than iterating a series of line
-        * numbers, we make the renderer list the outter loop, and the
+        * numbers, we make the renderer list the outer loop, and the
         * snapshotting of lines (within the renderer) the inner loop as part
         * of snapshot.
diff --git a/gtksourceview/gtksourcegutterlines.c b/gtksourceview/gtksourcegutterlines.c
index df9b9bc7..d030a364 100644
--- a/gtksourceview/gtksourcegutterlines.c
+++ b/gtksourceview/gtksourcegutterlines.c
@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ gtk_source_gutter_lines_remove_qclass (GtkSourceGutterLines *lines,
  * gtk_source_gutter_lines_has_class:
  * @lines: a #GtkSourceGutterLines
  * @line: a line number starting from zero
- * @name: a class name that may be convered to a #GQuark
+ * @name: a class name that may be converted, to a #GQuark
  * Checks to see if gtk_source_gutter_lines_add_class() was called with
  * the @name for @line.
diff --git a/gtksourceview/gtksourcelanguage-parser-2.c b/gtksourceview/gtksourcelanguage-parser-2.c
index 63a821eb..8521535a 100644
--- a/gtksourceview/gtksourcelanguage-parser-2.c
+++ b/gtksourceview/gtksourcelanguage-parser-2.c
@@ -1538,7 +1538,7 @@ element_start (ParserState *parser_state)
        g_return_if_fail (parser_state->error == NULL);
-       /* TODO: check the namespace and ignore everithing is not in our namespace */
+       /* TODO: check the namespace and ignore everything is not in our namespace */
        name = xmlTextReaderConstName (parser_state->reader);
        if (xmlStrcmp (BAD_CAST "context", name) == 0)
diff --git a/gtksourceview/gtksourcelanguage.c b/gtksourceview/gtksourcelanguage.c
index 1b730837..590e68fe 100644
--- a/gtksourceview/gtksourcelanguage.c
+++ b/gtksourceview/gtksourcelanguage.c
@@ -545,7 +545,7 @@ gtk_source_language_get_name (GtkSourceLanguage *language)
  * @language: a #GtkSourceLanguage.
  * Returns the localized section of the language.
- * Each language belong to a section (ex. HTML belogs to the
+ * Each language belong to a section (ex. HTML belongs to the
  * Markup section).
  * The returned string is owned by @language and should not be freed
  * or modified.
diff --git a/gtksourceview/gtksourcelanguagemanager.c b/gtksourceview/gtksourcelanguagemanager.c
index 9b62e6ba..90d58484 100644
--- a/gtksourceview/gtksourcelanguagemanager.c
+++ b/gtksourceview/gtksourcelanguagemanager.c
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ gtk_source_language_manager_set_search_path (GtkSourceLanguageManager *lm,
  * Gets the list directories where @lm looks for language files.
  * Returns: (array zero-terminated=1) (transfer none): %NULL-terminated array
- * containg a list of language files directories.
+ * containing a list of language files directories.
  * The array is owned by @lm and must not be modified.
 const gchar * const *
diff --git a/gtksourceview/gtksourceprintcompositor.c b/gtksourceview/gtksourceprintcompositor.c
index b1c792e5..495ed801 100644
--- a/gtksourceview/gtksourceprintcompositor.c
+++ b/gtksourceview/gtksourceprintcompositor.c
@@ -2699,7 +2699,7 @@ gtk_source_print_compositor_paginate (GtkSourcePrintCompositor *compositor,
                                while (pango_layout_iter_next_line (layout_iter));
                                /* move our start iter to the page break:
-                                * note that text_iter_set_index mesures from
+                                * note that text_iter_set_index measures from
                                 * the start of the line, while our layout
                                 * may start in the middle of a line, so we have
                                 * to add.
diff --git a/gtksourceview/gtksourceregex.c b/gtksourceview/gtksourceregex.c
index dc36c1ac..cc5d50d6 100644
--- a/gtksourceview/gtksourceregex.c
+++ b/gtksourceview/gtksourceregex.c
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ find_single_byte_escape (const gchar *string)
  * gtk_source_regex_new:
  * @pattern: the regular expression.
  * @flags: compile options for @pattern.
- * @error: location to store the error occuring, or %NULL to ignore errors.
+ * @error: location to store the error occurring, or %NULL to ignore errors.
  * Creates a new regex.
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ _gtk_source_regex_resolve (GtkSourceRegex *regex,
                _gtk_source_regex_unref (new_regex);
                g_warning ("Regular expression %s cannot be expanded.",
-               /* Returns a regex that nevers matches. */
+               /* Returns a regex that never matches. */
                new_regex = _gtk_source_regex_new ("$never-match^", 0, NULL);
diff --git a/gtksourceview/gtksourceregion.c b/gtksourceview/gtksourceregion.c
index e28f0a87..bdb161ab 100644
--- a/gtksourceview/gtksourceregion.c
+++ b/gtksourceview/gtksourceregion.c
@@ -668,7 +668,7 @@ gtk_source_region_subtract_subregion (GtkSourceRegion   *region,
                        /* No further processing needed. */
-                       DEBUG (g_message ("subregion splitted"));
+                       DEBUG (g_message ("subregion split"));
diff --git a/gtksourceview/gtksourcesnippet-private.h b/gtksourceview/gtksourcesnippet-private.h
index b6137691..f4cec091 100644
--- a/gtksourceview/gtksourcesnippet-private.h
+++ b/gtksourceview/gtksourcesnippet-private.h
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ struct _GtkSourceSnippet
        /* This is used to track the insert position within a snippet
         * while we make transforms. We don't use marks here because
-        * the gravity of the mark is not enought o assure we end up
+        * the gravity of the mark is not enough o assure we end up
         * at the correct position. So instead we are relative to the
         * beginning of the snippet.
diff --git a/gtksourceview/gtksourcesnippet.c b/gtksourceview/gtksourcesnippet.c
index 4010b14d..d0fb0a4c 100644
--- a/gtksourceview/gtksourcesnippet.c
+++ b/gtksourceview/gtksourcesnippet.c
@@ -1228,7 +1228,7 @@ _gtk_source_snippet_count_affected_chunks (GtkSourceSnippet  *snippet,
  * gtk_source_snippet_get_context:
  * @snippet: an #GtkSourceSnippet
- * Get's the context used for expanding the snippet.
+ * Gets the context used for expanding the snippet.
  * Returns: (nullable) (transfer none): an #GtkSourceSnippetContext
diff --git a/gtksourceview/gtksourcesnippetchunk.c b/gtksourceview/gtksourcesnippetchunk.c
index 2fb038fc..e925654b 100644
--- a/gtksourceview/gtksourcesnippetchunk.c
+++ b/gtksourceview/gtksourcesnippetchunk.c
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ gtk_source_snippet_chunk_set_context (GtkSourceSnippetChunk   *chunk,
  * #GtkSourceSnippetChunk:text and #GtkSourceSnippetChunk:text-set properties
  * are updated.
- * Returns: (transfer none) (nullable): the specificiation, if any
+ * Returns: (transfer none) (nullable): the specification, if any
  * Since: 5.0
diff --git a/gtksourceview/gtksourcesnippetmanager.c b/gtksourceview/gtksourcesnippetmanager.c
index d3a5a21b..3c1b1b9b 100644
--- a/gtksourceview/gtksourcesnippetmanager.c
+++ b/gtksourceview/gtksourcesnippetmanager.c
@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ gtk_source_snippet_manager_set_search_path (GtkSourceSnippetManager *self,
  * Gets the list directories where @self looks for snippet files.
  * Returns: (array zero-terminated=1) (transfer none): %NULL-terminated array
- *   containg a list of snippet files directories.
+ *   containing a list of snippet files directories.
  *   The array is owned by @lm and must not be modified.
  * Since: 5.0
@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ ensure_snippets (GtkSourceSnippetManager *self)
  * List all the known groups within the snippet manager.
- * The result should be freed with g_free(), and the invidual strings are
+ * The result should be freed with g_free(), and the individual strings are
  * owned by @self and should never be freed by the caller.
  * Returns: (transfer container) (array zero-terminated=1) (element-type utf8):
diff --git a/gtksourceview/gtksourceview.c b/gtksourceview/gtksourceview.c
index 5a579783..20a7715a 100644
--- a/gtksourceview/gtksourceview.c
+++ b/gtksourceview/gtksourceview.c
@@ -2678,7 +2678,7 @@ gtk_source_view_snapshot (GtkWidget   *widget,
  * It may be a good idea to set the tab_width for each GtkTextTag as well
  * based on the font that we set at creation time
  * something like style_cache_set_tabs_from_font or the like.
- * Now, this *may* not be necessary because most tabs wont be inside of another highlight,
+ * Now, this *may* not be necessary because most tabs won't be inside of another highlight,
  * except for things like multi-line comments (which will usually have an italic font which
  * may or may not be a different size than the standard one), or if some random language
  * definition decides that it would be spiffy to have a bg color for "start of line" whitespace
@@ -3980,7 +3980,7 @@ gtk_source_view_key_pressed (GtkSourceView         *view,
                                                          gtk_text_view_get_editable (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view)));
                        /* If an input method or deletion has inserted some text while handling the
-                        * key press event, the cur iterm may be invalid, so get the iter again
+                        * key press event, the cur iter may be invalid, so get the iter again
                        gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_mark (buf, &cur, mark);
diff --git a/tests/syntax-highlighting/file.css b/tests/syntax-highlighting/file.css
index 450a694c..b0276005 100644
--- a/tests/syntax-highlighting/file.css
+++ b/tests/syntax-highlighting/file.css
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ svg|[fill] { /* attribute */
     color: rebeccapurple;
     color: currentColor;
-    /* freqency (not currently used for any property) */
+    /* frequency (not currently used for any property) */
     content: 44.1kHz;
     /* integer */
diff --git a/tests/syntax-highlighting/file.erb b/tests/syntax-highlighting/file.erb
index aada3426..a5f44874 100644
--- a/tests/syntax-highlighting/file.erb
+++ b/tests/syntax-highlighting/file.erb
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# this is a comment withing a processed Ruby block
+# this is a comment within a processed Ruby block
 day_of_week = Time.now.wday
diff --git a/tests/syntax-highlighting/file.ftl b/tests/syntax-highlighting/file.ftl
index f920f3b8..11877671 100644
--- a/tests/syntax-highlighting/file.ftl
+++ b/tests/syntax-highlighting/file.ftl
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ installing = Installing { -brand-name }
 spaces = {"    "}This message starts with 3 spaces
 tears-of-joy = Use {"\U01F602"} or 😂
-## Varibles
+## Variables
 unread-emails = { $user } has { $email-count } unread emails
diff --git a/tests/syntax-highlighting/file.less b/tests/syntax-highlighting/file.less
index ddda6e06..16e1d35e 100644
--- a/tests/syntax-highlighting/file.less
+++ b/tests/syntax-highlighting/file.less
@@ -571,7 +571,7 @@ svg|[fill] { /* attribute */
     color: rebeccapurple;
     color: currentColor;
-    /* freqency (not currently used for any property) */
+    /* frequency (not currently used for any property) */
     content: 44.1kHz;
     /* integer */
diff --git a/tests/syntax-highlighting/file.scss b/tests/syntax-highlighting/file.scss
index a764ae45..cb33a63e 100644
--- a/tests/syntax-highlighting/file.scss
+++ b/tests/syntax-highlighting/file.scss
@@ -607,7 +607,7 @@ svg|[fill] { /* attribute */
     color: rebeccapurple;
     color: currentColor;
-    /* freqency (not currently used for any property) */
+    /* frequency (not currently used for any property) */
     content: 44.1kHz;
     /* integer */
diff --git a/tests/syntax-highlighting/file.svh b/tests/syntax-highlighting/file.svh
index 84f48fe7..210c4641 100644
--- a/tests/syntax-highlighting/file.svh
+++ b/tests/syntax-highlighting/file.svh
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 class my_class extends some_class;
   // This is a comment.
-  /* This is also a comment, but it containts keywords: bit string, etc */
+  /* This is also a comment, but it contains keywords: bit string, etc */
   // Some types.
   string         my_string = "This is a string";
diff --git a/tests/syntax-highlighting/file.toml b/tests/syntax-highlighting/file.toml
index 902a1ae6..59ea6223 100644
--- a/tests/syntax-highlighting/file.toml
+++ b/tests/syntax-highlighting/file.toml
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ inf = inf  # positive infinity
         "key" = "text"
         multi_line_array = [
-            # ] commmet
+            # ] comment
diff --git a/tests/test-completion.c b/tests/test-completion.c
index 6fb62c23..e81ad444 100644
--- a/tests/test-completion.c
+++ b/tests/test-completion.c
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ struct _TestProvider
        GtkIconPaintable *item_icon;
        GIcon *item_gicon;
-       /* If it's a random provider, a subset of 'proposals' are choosen on
+       /* If it's a random provider, a subset of 'proposals' are chosen on
         * each populate. Otherwise, all the proposals are shown. */
        guint is_random : 1;

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