[gnome-robots] introduce RobotsApplication and RobotsWindow classes
- From: Andrey Kutejko <akutejko src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [gnome-robots] introduce RobotsApplication and RobotsWindow classes
- Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2020 19:31:42 +0000 (UTC)
commit 2b6ab8dde1d81337cb720da5c174339ed11ea71c
Author: Andrey Kutejko <andy128k gmail com>
Date: Mon Sep 21 00:52:11 2020 +0200
introduce RobotsApplication and RobotsWindow classes
src/robots.vala | 637 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------
1 file changed, 318 insertions(+), 319 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/robots.vala b/src/robots.vala
index cf01e0a..ed5bd57 100644
--- a/src/robots.vala
+++ b/src/robots.vala
@@ -20,64 +20,188 @@
using Gtk;
using Cairo;
-const string KEY_GEOMETRY_GROUP = "geometry";
-ApplicationWindow window = null;
+RobotsWindow window = null;
int window_width = 0;
int window_height = 0;
bool window_is_maximized = false;
GameArea game_area = null;
Games.Scores.Context highscores;
GLib.Settings settings;
-const GLib.ActionEntry[] app_entries = {
- { "new-game", new_game_cb },
- { "preferences", preferences_cb },
- { "scores", scores_cb, },
- { "help", help_cb, },
- { "about", about_cb, },
- { "quit", quit_cb, },
-const GLib.ActionEntry[] win_entries = {
- { "random-teleport", random_teleport_cb },
- { "safe-teleport", safe_teleport_cb },
- { "wait", wait_cb },
-int safe_teleports = 0;
-Label safe_teleports_label;
-HeaderBar headerbar;
-EventControllerKey key_controller;
uint control_keys[12];
-public void set_move_action_sensitivity (bool state) {
- var action1 = (SimpleAction) window.lookup_action ("random-teleport");
- action1.set_enabled (state);
+public class RobotsWindow : ApplicationWindow {
+ private HeaderBar headerbar;
+ private Label safe_teleports_label;
+ // private GameArea game_area;
+ private EventControllerKey key_controller;
+ public RobotsWindow (Gtk.Application app, GameArea game_area) {
+ Object (application: app);
+ // this.game_area = game_area;
+ headerbar = new HeaderBar ();
+ headerbar.set_title (_("Robots"));
+ headerbar.set_show_close_button (true);
+ set_titlebar (headerbar);
+ var appmenu = app.get_menu_by_id ("primary-menu");
+ var menu_button = new MenuButton ();
+ var icon = new Image.from_icon_name ("open-menu-symbolic", IconSize.BUTTON);
+ menu_button.set_image (icon);
+ menu_button.set_menu_model (appmenu);
+ menu_button.show ();
+ headerbar.pack_end (menu_button);
+ configure_event.connect (window_configure_event_cb);
+ window_state_event.connect (window_state_event_cb);
+ set_default_size (settings.get_int ("window-width"), settings.get_int ("window-height"));
+ if (settings.get_boolean ("window-is-maximized")) {
+ maximize ();
+ }
- var action2 = (SimpleAction) window.lookup_action ("safe-teleport");
- action2.set_enabled (state && safe_teleports > 0);
+ GLib.ActionEntry[] win_entries = {
+ { "random-teleport", random_teleport_cb },
+ { "safe-teleport", safe_teleport_cb },
+ { "wait", wait_cb },
+ };
+ add_action_entries (win_entries, this);
- var action3 = (SimpleAction) window.lookup_action ("wait");
- action3.set_enabled (state);
+ game_area.updated.connect (game => update_game_status (game));
+ var gridframe = new Games.GridFrame (game.width, game.height);
+ gridframe.add (game_area);
+ var hbox = button_box ();
+ var vbox = new Box (Orientation.VERTICAL, 0);
+ vbox.pack_start (gridframe, true, true, 0);
+ vbox.pack_start (hbox, false, false, 0);
+ add (vbox);
+ key_controller = new EventControllerKey (this);
+ key_controller.key_pressed.connect (keyboard_cb);
+ }
+ private Box button_box () {
+ var hbox = new Box (Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 0);
+ var size_group = new SizeGroup (SizeGroupMode.BOTH);
+ var style_context = hbox.get_style_context ();
+ style_context.add_class ("linked");
+ {
+ var label = new Label.with_mnemonic (_("Teleport _Randomly"));
+ label.margin_top = 15;
+ label.margin_bottom = 15;
+ var button = new Button ();
+ button.add (label);
+ button.set_action_name ("win.random-teleport");
+ size_group.add_widget (button);
+ hbox.pack_start (button, true, true, 0);
+ }
+ {
+ safe_teleports_label = new Label (null);
+ safe_teleports_label.set_justify (Justification.CENTER);
+ safe_teleports_label.margin_top = 15;
+ safe_teleports_label.margin_bottom = 15;
+ var button = new Button ();
+ button.add (safe_teleports_label);
+ button.set_action_name ("win.safe-teleport");
+ size_group.add_widget (button);
+ hbox.pack_start (button, true, true, 0);
+ }
+ {
+ var label = new Label.with_mnemonic (_("_Wait for Robots"));
+ label.margin_top = 15;
+ label.margin_bottom = 15;
+ var button = new Button ();
+ button.add (label);
+ button.set_action_name ("win.wait");
+ size_group.add_widget (button);
+ hbox.pack_start (button, true, true, 0);
+ }
+ return hbox;
+ }
+ public void update_game_status (Game game) {
+ headerbar.set_subtitle (
+ _("Level: %d\tScore: %d").printf (game.status.current_level, game.status.score));
+ /* Second line of safe teleports button label. %d is the number of teleports remaining. */
+ var remaining_teleports_text = _("(Remaining: %d)").printf (game.status.safe_teleports);
+ /* First line of safe teleports button label. */
+ var button_text = "%s\n<small>%s</small>".printf (_("Teleport _Safely"), remaining_teleports_text);
+ safe_teleports_label.set_markup_with_mnemonic (button_text);
+ var is_playing = game.state != Game.State.COMPLETE && game.state != Game.State.DEAD;
+ var action1 = (SimpleAction) window.lookup_action ("random-teleport");
+ action1.set_enabled (is_playing);
+ var action2 = (SimpleAction) window.lookup_action ("safe-teleport");
+ action2.set_enabled (is_playing && game.status.safe_teleports > 0);
+ var action3 = (SimpleAction) window.lookup_action ("wait");
+ action3.set_enabled (is_playing);
+ }
+ private void random_teleport_cb () {
+ if (game.player_command (Game.PlayerCommand.RANDOM_TELEPORT)) {
+ game_area.queue_draw ();
+ }
+ }
-public void update_game_status (int score, int current_level, int safes) {
- /* Window subtitle. The first %d is the level, the second is the score. \t creates a tab. */
- var subtitle = _("Level: %d\tScore: %d").printf (current_level, score);
- headerbar.set_subtitle (subtitle);
+ private void safe_teleport_cb () {
+ if (game.player_command (Game.PlayerCommand.SAFE_TELEPORT)) {
+ game_area.queue_draw ();
+ }
+ }
+ private void wait_cb () {
+ if (game.player_command (Game.PlayerCommand.WAIT)) {
+ game_area.queue_draw ();
+ }
+ }
+ private bool keyboard_cb (uint keyval, uint keycode, Gdk.ModifierType state) {
+ /* This is a bit of a kludge to let through accelerator keys, otherwise
+ * if N is used as a key, then Ctrl-N is never picked up. The cleaner
+ * option, making the signal a connect_after signal skims the arrow keys
+ * before we can get to them which is a bigger problem. */
+ if ((state & (Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK | Gdk.ModifierType.MOD1_MASK)) != 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
- safe_teleports = safes;
+ char pressed = ((char) keyval).toupper ();
- var action = (SimpleAction) window.lookup_action ("safe-teleport");
- action.set_enabled (safe_teleports > 0);
+ for (var i = 0; i < control_keys.length; ++i) {
+ if (pressed == ((char)control_keys[i]).toupper ()) {
+ if (game.player_command ((Game.PlayerCommand)i)) {
+ game_area.queue_draw ();
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ private bool window_configure_event_cb () {
+ if (!window_is_maximized)
+ window.get_size (out window_width, out window_height);
+ return false;
+ }
- /* Second line of safe teleports button label. %d is the number of teleports remaining. */
- var remaining_teleports_text = _("(Remaining: %d)").printf (safe_teleports);
- /* First line of safe teleports button label. */
- var button_text = "%s\n<small>%s</small>".printf (_("Teleport _Safely"), remaining_teleports_text);
- safe_teleports_label.set_markup_with_mnemonic (button_text);
+ private bool window_state_event_cb (Gdk.EventWindowState event) {
+ if ((event.changed_mask & Gdk.WindowState.MAXIMIZED) != 0)
+ window_is_maximized = (event.new_window_state & Gdk.WindowState.MAXIMIZED) != 0;
+ return false;
+ }
public string? category_name_from_key (string key) {
@@ -117,314 +241,194 @@ public string? category_name_from_key (string key) {
-void preferences_cb () {
- show_properties_dialog ();
-void scores_cb () {
- game.show_scores ();
+Games.Scores.Category? create_category_from_key (string key) {
+ string name = category_name_from_key (key);
+ if (name == null)
+ return null;
+ return new Games.Scores.Category (key, name);
-void help_cb () {
- try {
- show_uri_on_window (window, "help:gnome-robots", get_current_event_time ());
- } catch (Error error) {
- warning ("Failed to show help: %s", error.message);
+void keyboard_set (uint[] keys) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {
+ control_keys[i] = keys[i];
-void about_cb () {
- string[] authors = { "Mark Rae <m rae inpharmatica co uk>" };
- string[] artists = { "Kirstie Opstad <K Opstad ed ac uk>", "Rasoul M.P. Aghdam (player death sound)" };
- string[] documenters = { "Aruna Sankaranarayanan" };
- show_about_dialog (window,
- "name", _("Robots"),
- "version", VERSION,
- "copyright", "Copyright © 1998–2008 Mark Rae\nCopyright © 2014–2016 Michael Catanzaro",
- "license-type", License.GPL_3_0,
- "comments", _("Based on classic BSD Robots"),
- "authors", authors,
- "artists", artists,
- "documenters", documenters,
- "translator-credits", _("translator-credits"),
- "logo-icon-name", "org.gnome.Robots",
- "website",
- "https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Robots";);
+class RobotsApplication : Gtk.Application {
+ public RobotsApplication () {
+ Object (
+ application_id: "org.gnome.Robots",
+ flags: ApplicationFlags.FLAGS_NONE);
+ }
-void quit_cb () {
- quit_game ();
+ protected override void startup () {
+ base.startup ();
-void new_game_cb () {
- var dialog = new MessageDialog (window,
- DialogFlags.MODAL,
- MessageType.QUESTION,
- ButtonsType.NONE,
- _("Are you sure you want to discard the current game?"));
+ Environment.set_application_name (_("Robots"));
- dialog.add_button (_("Keep _Playing"), ResponseType.REJECT);
- dialog.add_button (_("_New Game"), ResponseType.ACCEPT);
+ settings = new GLib.Settings ("org.gnome.Robots");
- var ret = dialog.run ();
- dialog.destroy ();
+ Window.set_default_icon_name ("org.gnome.Robots");
- if (ret == ResponseType.ACCEPT) {
- game.start_new_game ();
- game_area.queue_draw ();
- }
+ GLib.ActionEntry[] app_entries = {
+ { "new-game", new_game_cb },
+ { "preferences", preferences_cb },
+ { "scores", scores_cb },
+ { "help", help_cb },
+ { "about", about_cb },
+ { "quit", quit },
+ };
+ add_action_entries (app_entries, this);
-void random_teleport_cb () {
- if (game.player_command (Game.PlayerCommand.RANDOM_TELEPORT)) {
- game_area.queue_draw ();
- }
+ set_accels_for_action ("app.new-game", { "<Primary>n" });
+ set_accels_for_action ("app.help", { "F1" });
+ set_accels_for_action ("app.quit", { "<Primary>q" });
-void safe_teleport_cb () {
- if (game.player_command (Game.PlayerCommand.SAFE_TELEPORT)) {
- game_area.queue_draw ();
+ make_cursors ();
-void wait_cb () {
- if (game.player_command (Game.PlayerCommand.WAIT)) {
- game_area.queue_draw ();
+ protected override void shutdown () {
+ base.shutdown ();
+ settings.set_int ("window-width", window_width);
+ settings.set_int ("window-height", window_height);
+ settings.set_boolean ("window-is-maximized", window_is_maximized);
-bool window_configure_event_cb () {
- if (!window_is_maximized)
- window.get_size (out window_width, out window_height);
- return false;
-bool window_state_event_cb (Widget widget, Gdk.EventWindowState event) {
- if ((event.changed_mask & Gdk.WindowState.MAXIMIZED) != 0)
- window_is_maximized = (event.new_window_state & Gdk.WindowState.MAXIMIZED) != 0;
- return false;
-public void quit_game () {
- window.close ();
-void startup (Gtk.Application app) {
- Environment.set_application_name (_("Robots"));
- settings = new GLib.Settings ("org.gnome.Robots");
- Window.set_default_icon_name ("org.gnome.Robots");
+ protected override void activate () {
+ load_properties ();
- app.add_action_entries (app_entries, app);
- app.set_accels_for_action ("app.new-game", { "<Primary>n" });
- app.set_accels_for_action ("app.help", { "F1" });
- app.set_accels_for_action ("app.quit", { "<Primary>q" });
- make_cursors ();
+ if (window != null) {
+ window.present_with_time (get_current_event_time ());
+ return;
+ }
-void shutdown (Gtk.Application app) {
- settings.set_int ("window-width", window_width);
- settings.set_int ("window-height", window_height);
- settings.set_boolean ("window-is-maximized", window_is_maximized);
+ game_area = create_game_area ();
+ window = new RobotsWindow (this, game_area);
+ var importer = new Games.Scores.DirectoryImporter ();
+ highscores = new Games.Scores.Context.with_importer_and_icon_name ("gnome-robots",
+ /* Label on the scores dialog,
next to map type dropdown */
+ _("Game Type:"),
+ window,
+ create_category_from_key,
+ importer,
+ "org.gnome.Robots");
+ window.show_all ();
+ try {
+ game_configs = new GameConfigs.load ();
+ } catch (Error e) {
+ /* Oops, no configs, we probably haven't been installed properly. */
+ var errordialog = new MessageDialog.with_markup (window,
+ DialogFlags.MODAL,
+ MessageType.ERROR,
+ ButtonsType.OK,
+ "<b>%s</b>\n\n%s",
+ _("No game data could be found."),
+ _("The program Robots was unable to find any
valid game configuration files. Please check that the program is installed correctly."));
+ errordialog.set_resizable (false);
+ errordialog.run ();
+ quit ();
+ }
-Games.Scores.Category? create_category_from_key (string key) {
- string name = category_name_from_key (key);
- if (name == null)
- return null;
- return new Games.Scores.Category (key, name);
+ game_area.background_color = properties.bgcolour;
- * Initialises the keyboard actions when the game first starts up
- **/
-void init_keyboard () {
- key_controller = new EventControllerKey (window);
- key_controller.key_pressed.connect (keyboard_cb);
+ keyboard_set (properties.keys);
-void keyboard_set (uint[] keys) {
- for (int i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {
- control_keys[i] = keys[i];
- }
+ game.config = game_configs.find_by_name (properties.selected_config);
+ game.start_new_game ();
+ game_area.queue_draw ();
-bool keyboard_cb (EventControllerKey controller, uint keyval, uint keycode, Gdk.ModifierType state) {
- /* This is a bit of a kludge to let through accelerator keys, otherwise
- * if N is used as a key, then Ctrl-N is never picked up. The cleaner
- * option, making the signal a connect_after signal skims the arrow keys
- * before we can get to them which is a bigger problem. */
- if ((state & (Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK | Gdk.ModifierType.MOD1_MASK)) != 0) {
- return false;
+ GLib.Settings.sync ();
- char pressed = ((char) keyval).toupper ();
- for (var i = 0; i < control_keys.length; ++i) {
- if (pressed == ((char)control_keys[i]).toupper ()) {
- if (game.player_command ((Game.PlayerCommand)i)) {
- game_area.queue_draw ();
- }
- return true;
+ private GameArea? create_game_area () {
+ try {
+ game = new Game ();
+ Theme theme = get_theme_from_properties ();
+ Bubble yahoo_bubble = new Bubble.from_data_file ("yahoo.png");
+ Bubble aieee_bubble = new Bubble.from_data_file ("aieee.png");
+ Bubble splat_bubble = new Bubble.from_data_file ("splat.png");
+ return new GameArea (game,
+ theme,
+ aieee_bubble,
+ yahoo_bubble,
+ splat_bubble);
+ } catch (Error e) {
+ critical ("%s", e.message);
+ // TODO message box
+ quit ();
+ return null; // this line should be unreachable
- return false;
+ private void new_game_cb () {
+ var dialog = new MessageDialog (get_active_window (),
+ DialogFlags.MODAL,
+ MessageType.QUESTION,
+ ButtonsType.NONE,
+ _("Are you sure you want to discard the current game?"));
-void activate (Gtk.Application app) {
- load_properties ();
+ dialog.add_button (_("Keep _Playing"), ResponseType.REJECT);
+ dialog.add_button (_("_New Game"), ResponseType.ACCEPT);
- if (window != null) {
- window.present_with_time (get_current_event_time ());
- return;
- }
+ var ret = dialog.run ();
+ dialog.destroy ();
- game = new Game ();
- headerbar = new HeaderBar ();
- headerbar.set_title (_("Robots"));
- headerbar.set_show_close_button (true);
- var appmenu = app.get_menu_by_id ("primary-menu");
- var menu_button = new MenuButton ();
- var icon = new Image.from_icon_name ("open-menu-symbolic", IconSize.BUTTON);
- menu_button.set_image (icon);
- menu_button.set_menu_model (appmenu);
- menu_button.show ();
- headerbar.pack_end (menu_button);
- window = new ApplicationWindow (app);
- window.set_titlebar (headerbar);
- window.configure_event.connect (window_configure_event_cb);
- window.window_state_event.connect (window_state_event_cb);
- window.set_default_size (settings.get_int ("window-width"), settings.get_int ("window-height"));
- if (settings.get_boolean ("window-is-maximized")) {
- window.maximize ();
- }
- window.add_action_entries (win_entries, app);
- Theme theme = null;
- Bubble aieee_bubble = null;
- Bubble yahoo_bubble = null;
- Bubble splat_bubble = null;
- try {
- theme = get_theme_from_properties ();
- yahoo_bubble = new Bubble.from_data_file ("yahoo.png");
- aieee_bubble = new Bubble.from_data_file ("aieee.png");
- splat_bubble = new Bubble.from_data_file ("splat.png");
- } catch (Error e) {
- critical ("%s", e.message);
- // TODO message box
- app.quit ();
+ if (ret == ResponseType.ACCEPT) {
+ game.start_new_game ();
+ game_area.queue_draw ();
+ }
- game_area = new GameArea (game,
- theme,
- aieee_bubble,
- yahoo_bubble,
- splat_bubble);
- game_area.destroy.connect (() => game_area = null);
- game_area.updated.connect (game => {
- var status = game.status;
- update_game_status (status.score, status.current_level, status.safe_teleports);
- set_move_action_sensitivity (game.state != Game.State.COMPLETE && game.state != Game.State.DEAD);
- });
- var gridframe = new Games.GridFrame (game.width, game.height);
- gridframe.add (game_area);
- var hbox = new Box (Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 0);
- var size_group = new SizeGroup (SizeGroupMode.BOTH);
- var style_context = hbox.get_style_context ();
- style_context.add_class ("linked");
- {
- var label = new Label.with_mnemonic (_("Teleport _Randomly"));
- label.margin_top = 15;
- label.margin_bottom = 15;
- var button = new Button ();
- button.add (label);
- button.set_action_name ("win.random-teleport");
- size_group.add_widget (button);
- hbox.pack_start (button, true, true, 0);
+ private void preferences_cb () {
+ show_properties_dialog ();
- {
- safe_teleports_label = new Label (null);
- safe_teleports_label.set_justify (Justification.CENTER);
- safe_teleports_label.margin_top = 15;
- safe_teleports_label.margin_bottom = 15;
- var button = new Button ();
- button.add (safe_teleports_label);
- button.set_action_name ("win.safe-teleport");
- size_group.add_widget (button);
- hbox.pack_start (button, true, true, 0);
+ private void scores_cb () {
+ game.show_scores ();
- {
- var label = new Label.with_mnemonic (_("_Wait for Robots"));
- label.margin_top = 15;
- label.margin_bottom = 15;
- var button = new Button ();
- button.add (label);
- button.set_action_name ("win.wait");
- size_group.add_widget (button);
- hbox.pack_start (button, true, true, 0);
+ private void help_cb () {
+ try {
+ show_uri_on_window (window, "help:gnome-robots", get_current_event_time ());
+ } catch (Error error) {
+ warning ("Failed to show help: %s", error.message);
+ }
- var vbox = new Box (Orientation.VERTICAL, 0);
- vbox.pack_start (gridframe, true, true, 0);
- vbox.pack_start (hbox, false, false, 0);
- window.add (vbox);
- var importer = new Games.Scores.DirectoryImporter ();
- highscores = new Games.Scores.Context.with_importer_and_icon_name ("gnome-robots",
- /* Label on the scores dialog, next
to map type dropdown */
- _("Game Type:"),
- window,
- create_category_from_key,
- importer,
- "org.gnome.Robots");
- window.show_all ();
- try {
- game_configs = new GameConfigs.load ();
- } catch (Error e) {
- /* Oops, no configs, we probably haven't been installed properly. */
- var errordialog = new MessageDialog.with_markup (window,
- DialogFlags.MODAL,
- MessageType.ERROR,
- ButtonsType.OK,
- "<b>%s</b>\n\n%s",
- _("No game data could be found."),
- _("The program Robots was unable to find any valid
game configuration files. Please check that the program is installed correctly."));
- errordialog.set_resizable (false);
- errordialog.run ();
- app.quit ();
+ private void about_cb () {
+ string[] authors = {
+ "Mark Rae <m rae inpharmatica co uk>"
+ };
+ string[] artists = {
+ "Kirstie Opstad <K Opstad ed ac uk>",
+ "Rasoul M.P. Aghdam (player death sound)"
+ };
+ string[] documenters = {
+ "Aruna Sankaranarayanan"
+ };
+ show_about_dialog (get_active_window (),
+ "name", _("Robots"),
+ "version", VERSION,
+ "copyright", "Copyright © 1998–2008 Mark Rae\n"
+ + "Copyright © 2014–2016 Michael Catanzaro\n"
+ + "Copyright © 2020 Andrey Kutejko",
+ "license-type", License.GPL_3_0,
+ "comments", _("Based on classic BSD Robots"),
+ "authors", authors,
+ "artists", artists,
+ "documenters", documenters,
+ "translator-credits", _("translator-credits"),
+ "logo-icon-name", "org.gnome.Robots",
+ "website",
+ "https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Robots";);
- game_area.background_color = properties.bgcolour;
- keyboard_set (properties.keys);
- init_keyboard ();
- game.config = game_configs.find_by_name (properties.selected_config);
- game.start_new_game ();
- game_area.queue_draw ();
- GLib.Settings.sync ();
public static int main (string[] args) {
@@ -433,12 +437,7 @@ public static int main (string[] args) {
Intl.bind_textdomain_codeset (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8");
Intl.textdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE);
- var app = new Gtk.Application ("org.gnome.Robots", ApplicationFlags.FLAGS_NONE);
- app.startup.connect (() => startup (app));
- app.shutdown.connect (() => shutdown (app));
- app.activate.connect (() => activate (app));
+ var app = new RobotsApplication ();
return app.run (args);
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