[mutter/wip/carlosg/input-thread: 16/91] backends/native: Move relative motion filter to MetaSeatNative altogether

commit e0f5e189c818db6a7e32563ecdde810d70f2bd98
Author: Carlos Garnacho <carlosg gnome org>
Date:   Fri Jun 5 12:54:51 2020 +0200

    backends/native: Move relative motion filter to MetaSeatNative altogether
    And drop the relative motion filter API. The seat will handle relative motion
    across outputs with different scales. This accesses the MetaMonitorManager

 src/backends/native/meta-backend-native.c | 117 -----------------------------
 src/backends/native/meta-seat-native.c    | 118 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 src/backends/native/meta-seat-native.h    |  13 ----
 3 files changed, 104 insertions(+), 144 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/backends/native/meta-backend-native.c b/src/backends/native/meta-backend-native.c
index 81aef34a69..7185f7755c 100644
--- a/src/backends/native/meta-backend-native.c
+++ b/src/backends/native/meta-backend-native.c
@@ -137,120 +137,6 @@ pointer_constrain_callback (ClutterInputDevice *device,
   constrain_to_client_constraint (device, time, prev_x, prev_y, new_x, new_y);
-static void
-relative_motion_across_outputs (MetaMonitorManager *monitor_manager,
-                                MetaLogicalMonitor *current,
-                                float               cur_x,
-                                float               cur_y,
-                                float              *dx_inout,
-                                float              *dy_inout)
-  MetaLogicalMonitor *cur = current;
-  float x = cur_x, y = cur_y;
-  float target_x = cur_x, target_y = cur_y;
-  float dx = *dx_inout, dy = *dy_inout;
-  MetaDisplayDirection direction = -1;
-  while (cur)
-    {
-      MetaLine2 left, right, top, bottom, motion;
-      MetaVector2 intersection;
-      motion = (MetaLine2) {
-          .a = { x, y },
-            .b = { x + (dx * cur->scale), y + (dy * cur->scale) }
-      };
-      left = (MetaLine2) {
-            { cur->rect.x, cur->rect.y },
-              { cur->rect.x, cur->rect.y + cur->rect.height }
-      };
-      right = (MetaLine2) {
-            { cur->rect.x + cur->rect.width, cur->rect.y },
-              { cur->rect.x + cur->rect.width, cur->rect.y + cur->rect.height }
-      };
-      top = (MetaLine2) {
-            { cur->rect.x, cur->rect.y },
-              { cur->rect.x + cur->rect.width, cur->rect.y }
-      };
-      bottom = (MetaLine2) {
-            { cur->rect.x, cur->rect.y + cur->rect.height },
-              { cur->rect.x + cur->rect.width, cur->rect.y + cur->rect.height }
-      };
-      target_x = motion.b.x;
-      target_y = motion.b.y;
-      if (direction != META_DISPLAY_RIGHT &&
-          meta_line2_intersects_with (&motion, &left, &intersection))
-        direction = META_DISPLAY_LEFT;
-      else if (direction != META_DISPLAY_LEFT &&
-               meta_line2_intersects_with (&motion, &right, &intersection))
-        direction = META_DISPLAY_RIGHT;
-      else if (direction != META_DISPLAY_DOWN &&
-               meta_line2_intersects_with (&motion, &top, &intersection))
-        direction = META_DISPLAY_UP;
-      else if (direction != META_DISPLAY_UP &&
-               meta_line2_intersects_with (&motion, &bottom, &intersection))
-        direction = META_DISPLAY_DOWN;
-      else
-        /* We reached the dest logical monitor */
-        break;
-      x = intersection.x;
-      y = intersection.y;
-      dx -= intersection.x - motion.a.x;
-      dy -= intersection.y - motion.a.y;
-      cur = meta_monitor_manager_get_logical_monitor_neighbor (monitor_manager,
-                                                               cur, direction);
-    }
-  *dx_inout = target_x - cur_x;
-  *dy_inout = target_y - cur_y;
-static void
-relative_motion_filter (ClutterInputDevice *device,
-                        float               x,
-                        float               y,
-                        float              *dx,
-                        float              *dy,
-                        gpointer            user_data)
-  MetaMonitorManager *monitor_manager = user_data;
-  MetaLogicalMonitor *logical_monitor, *dest_logical_monitor;
-  float new_dx, new_dy;
-  if (meta_is_stage_views_scaled ())
-    return;
-  logical_monitor = meta_monitor_manager_get_logical_monitor_at (monitor_manager,
-                                                                 x, y);
-  if (!logical_monitor)
-    return;
-  new_dx = (*dx) * logical_monitor->scale;
-  new_dy = (*dy) * logical_monitor->scale;
-  dest_logical_monitor = meta_monitor_manager_get_logical_monitor_at (monitor_manager,
-                                                                      x + new_dx,
-                                                                      y + new_dy);
-  if (dest_logical_monitor &&
-      dest_logical_monitor != logical_monitor)
-    {
-      /* If we are crossing monitors, attempt to bisect the distance on each
-       * axis and apply the relative scale for each of them.
-       */
-      new_dx = *dx;
-      new_dy = *dy;
-      relative_motion_across_outputs (monitor_manager, logical_monitor,
-                                      x, y, &new_dx, &new_dy);
-    }
-  *dx = new_dx;
-  *dy = new_dy;
 static ClutterBackend *
 meta_backend_native_create_clutter_backend (MetaBackend *backend)
@@ -302,9 +188,6 @@ meta_backend_native_post_init (MetaBackend *backend)
   meta_seat_native_set_pointer_constrain_callback (META_SEAT_NATIVE (seat),
                                                    NULL, NULL);
-  meta_seat_native_set_relative_motion_filter (META_SEAT_NATIVE (seat),
-                                               relative_motion_filter,
-                                               meta_backend_get_monitor_manager (backend));
   META_BACKEND_CLASS (meta_backend_native_parent_class)->post_init (backend);
diff --git a/src/backends/native/meta-seat-native.c b/src/backends/native/meta-seat-native.c
index c44bd8a173..12dc3a2d95 100644
--- a/src/backends/native/meta-seat-native.c
+++ b/src/backends/native/meta-seat-native.c
@@ -992,6 +992,78 @@ meta_seat_native_constrain_pointer (MetaSeatNative     *seat,
   constrain_all_screen_monitors (core_pointer, monitor_manager, new_x, new_y);
+static void
+relative_motion_across_outputs (MetaMonitorManager *monitor_manager,
+                                MetaLogicalMonitor *current,
+                                float               cur_x,
+                                float               cur_y,
+                                float              *dx_inout,
+                                float              *dy_inout)
+  MetaLogicalMonitor *cur = current;
+  float x = cur_x, y = cur_y;
+  float target_x = cur_x, target_y = cur_y;
+  float dx = *dx_inout, dy = *dy_inout;
+  MetaDisplayDirection direction = -1;
+  while (cur)
+    {
+      MetaLine2 left, right, top, bottom, motion;
+      MetaVector2 intersection;
+      motion = (MetaLine2) {
+          .a = { x, y },
+            .b = { x + (dx * cur->scale), y + (dy * cur->scale) }
+      };
+      left = (MetaLine2) {
+            { cur->rect.x, cur->rect.y },
+              { cur->rect.x, cur->rect.y + cur->rect.height }
+      };
+      right = (MetaLine2) {
+            { cur->rect.x + cur->rect.width, cur->rect.y },
+              { cur->rect.x + cur->rect.width, cur->rect.y + cur->rect.height }
+      };
+      top = (MetaLine2) {
+            { cur->rect.x, cur->rect.y },
+              { cur->rect.x + cur->rect.width, cur->rect.y }
+      };
+      bottom = (MetaLine2) {
+            { cur->rect.x, cur->rect.y + cur->rect.height },
+              { cur->rect.x + cur->rect.width, cur->rect.y + cur->rect.height }
+      };
+      target_x = motion.b.x;
+      target_y = motion.b.y;
+      if (direction != META_DISPLAY_RIGHT &&
+          meta_line2_intersects_with (&motion, &left, &intersection))
+        direction = META_DISPLAY_LEFT;
+      else if (direction != META_DISPLAY_LEFT &&
+               meta_line2_intersects_with (&motion, &right, &intersection))
+        direction = META_DISPLAY_RIGHT;
+      else if (direction != META_DISPLAY_DOWN &&
+               meta_line2_intersects_with (&motion, &top, &intersection))
+        direction = META_DISPLAY_UP;
+      else if (direction != META_DISPLAY_UP &&
+               meta_line2_intersects_with (&motion, &bottom, &intersection))
+        direction = META_DISPLAY_DOWN;
+      else
+        /* We reached the dest logical monitor */
+        break;
+      x = intersection.x;
+      y = intersection.y;
+      dx -= intersection.x - motion.a.x;
+      dy -= intersection.y - motion.a.y;
+      cur = meta_monitor_manager_get_logical_monitor_neighbor (monitor_manager,
+                                                               cur, direction);
+    }
+  *dx_inout = target_x - cur_x;
+  *dy_inout = target_y - cur_y;
 meta_seat_native_filter_relative_motion (MetaSeatNative     *seat,
                                          ClutterInputDevice *device,
@@ -1000,11 +1072,40 @@ meta_seat_native_filter_relative_motion (MetaSeatNative     *seat,
                                          float              *dx,
                                          float              *dy)
-  if (!seat->relative_motion_filter)
+  MetaBackend *backend = meta_get_backend ();
+  MetaMonitorManager *monitor_manager =
+    meta_backend_get_monitor_manager (backend);
+  MetaLogicalMonitor *logical_monitor, *dest_logical_monitor;
+  float new_dx, new_dy;
+  if (meta_is_stage_views_scaled ())
-  seat->relative_motion_filter (device, x, y, dx, dy,
-                                seat->relative_motion_filter_user_data);
+  logical_monitor = meta_monitor_manager_get_logical_monitor_at (monitor_manager,
+                                                                 x, y);
+  if (!logical_monitor)
+    return;
+  new_dx = (*dx) * logical_monitor->scale;
+  new_dy = (*dy) * logical_monitor->scale;
+  dest_logical_monitor = meta_monitor_manager_get_logical_monitor_at (monitor_manager,
+                                                                      x + new_dx,
+                                                                      y + new_dy);
+  if (dest_logical_monitor &&
+      dest_logical_monitor != logical_monitor)
+    {
+      /* If we are crossing monitors, attempt to bisect the distance on each
+       * axis and apply the relative scale for each of them.
+       */
+      new_dx = *dx;
+      new_dy = *dy;
+      relative_motion_across_outputs (monitor_manager, logical_monitor,
+                                      x, y, &new_dx, &new_dy);
+    }
+  *dx = new_dx;
+  *dy = new_dy;
 static void
@@ -2987,17 +3088,6 @@ meta_seat_native_set_pointer_constrain_callback (MetaSeatNative               *s
   seat->constrain_data_notify = user_data_notify;
-meta_seat_native_set_relative_motion_filter (MetaSeatNative           *seat,
-                                             MetaRelativeMotionFilter  filter,
-                                             gpointer                  user_data)
-  g_return_if_fail (META_IS_SEAT_NATIVE (seat));
-  seat->relative_motion_filter = filter;
-  seat->relative_motion_filter_user_data = user_data;
 meta_seat_native_update_xkb_state (MetaSeatNative *seat)
diff --git a/src/backends/native/meta-seat-native.h b/src/backends/native/meta-seat-native.h
index 106fb505d1..d63a1c8948 100644
--- a/src/backends/native/meta-seat-native.h
+++ b/src/backends/native/meta-seat-native.h
@@ -59,12 +59,6 @@ typedef void (* MetaPointerConstrainCallback) (ClutterInputDevice *device,
                                                float              *x,
                                                float              *y,
                                                gpointer            user_data);
-typedef void (* MetaRelativeMotionFilter) (ClutterInputDevice *device,
-                                           float               x,
-                                           float               y,
-                                           float              *dx,
-                                           float              *dy,
-                                           gpointer            user_data);
 struct _MetaTouchState
@@ -113,9 +107,6 @@ struct _MetaSeatNative
   gpointer constrain_data;
   GDestroyNotify constrain_data_notify;
-  MetaRelativeMotionFilter relative_motion_filter;
-  gpointer relative_motion_filter_user_data;
   MetaKeymapNative *keymap;
   GUdevClient *udev_client;
@@ -268,10 +259,6 @@ void  meta_seat_native_set_pointer_constrain_callback (MetaSeatNative
                                                        gpointer                      user_data,
                                                        GDestroyNotify                user_data_notify);
-void meta_seat_native_set_relative_motion_filter (MetaSeatNative           *seat,
-                                                  MetaRelativeMotionFilter  filter,
-                                                  gpointer                  user_data);
 struct xkb_state * meta_seat_native_get_xkb_state (MetaSeatNative *seat);
 void               meta_seat_native_set_keyboard_map   (MetaSeatNative    *seat,

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