[geary/mjog/334-libstemmer: 2/2] engine: Remove in-tree unicodesn stemmer

commit 0b5c3abb288af556377cbb3a186e4a6692a42e12
Author: Michael Gratton <mike vee net>
Date:   Sun Sep 13 23:46:53 2020 +1000

    engine: Remove in-tree unicodesn stemmer
    Now that search is using libstemmer, the in-tree stemmer is no longer
    needed and can be removed.

 COPYING.snowball                                   |   23 -
 sql/meson.build                                    |    1 +
 sql/version-011.sql                                |   17 +-
 sql/version-029.sql                                |    5 +
 src/client/meson.build                             |    4 -
 src/engine/imap-db/imap-db-database.vala           |  101 +-
 src/engine/imap-db/imap-db-sqlite.c                |  143 ++
 src/engine/meson.build                             |    5 +-
 src/meson.build                                    |    3 +-
 src/sqlite3-unicodesn/Makefile                     |   57 -
 src/sqlite3-unicodesn/README                       |   33 -
 src/sqlite3-unicodesn/extension.c                  |   68 -
 src/sqlite3-unicodesn/fts3Int.h                    |   35 -
 src/sqlite3-unicodesn/fts3_tokenizer.h             |  161 --
 src/sqlite3-unicodesn/fts3_unicode2.c              |  366 ----
 src/sqlite3-unicodesn/fts3_unicodesn.c             |  583 ------
 src/sqlite3-unicodesn/fts3_unicodesn.h             |   21 -
 src/sqlite3-unicodesn/libstemmer_c/MANIFEST        |   72 -
 src/sqlite3-unicodesn/libstemmer_c/Makefile        |    9 -
 src/sqlite3-unicodesn/libstemmer_c/README          |  125 --
 .../libstemmer_c/examples/stemwords.c              |  209 --
 .../libstemmer_c/include/libstemmer.h              |   79 -
 .../libstemmer_c/libstemmer/libstemmer.c           |   95 -
 .../libstemmer_c/libstemmer/libstemmer_c.in        |   95 -
 .../libstemmer_c/libstemmer/libstemmer_utf8.c      |   95 -
 .../libstemmer_c/libstemmer/modules.h              |  190 --
 .../libstemmer_c/libstemmer/modules.txt            |   50 -
 .../libstemmer_c/libstemmer/modules_utf8.h         |  121 --
 .../libstemmer_c/libstemmer/modules_utf8.txt       |   49 -
 src/sqlite3-unicodesn/libstemmer_c/mkinc.mak       |   82 -
 src/sqlite3-unicodesn/libstemmer_c/mkinc_utf8.mak  |   52 -
 src/sqlite3-unicodesn/libstemmer_c/runtime/api.h   |   26 -
 .../libstemmer_c/runtime/api_sq3.c                 |   75 -
 .../libstemmer_c/runtime/header.h                  |   58 -
 .../libstemmer_c/runtime/utilities_sq3.c           |  480 -----
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_ISO_8859_1_danish.c    |  337 ---
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_ISO_8859_1_danish.h    |   16 -
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_ISO_8859_1_dutch.c     |  624 ------
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_ISO_8859_1_dutch.h     |   16 -
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_ISO_8859_1_english.c   | 1117 ----------
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_ISO_8859_1_english.h   |   16 -
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_ISO_8859_1_finnish.c   |  762 -------
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_ISO_8859_1_finnish.h   |   16 -
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_ISO_8859_1_french.c    | 1246 -----------
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_ISO_8859_1_french.h    |   16 -
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_ISO_8859_1_german.c    |  521 -----
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_ISO_8859_1_german.h    |   16 -
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_ISO_8859_1_hungarian.c | 1230 -----------
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_ISO_8859_1_hungarian.h |   16 -
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_ISO_8859_1_italian.c   | 1065 ----------
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_ISO_8859_1_italian.h   |   16 -
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_ISO_8859_1_norwegian.c |  297 ---
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_ISO_8859_1_norwegian.h |   16 -
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_ISO_8859_1_porter.c    |  749 -------
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_ISO_8859_1_porter.h    |   16 -
 .../src_c/stem_ISO_8859_1_portuguese.c             | 1017 ---------
 .../src_c/stem_ISO_8859_1_portuguese.h             |   16 -
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_ISO_8859_1_spanish.c   | 1093 ----------
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_ISO_8859_1_spanish.h   |   16 -
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_ISO_8859_1_swedish.c   |  307 ---
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_ISO_8859_1_swedish.h   |   16 -
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_ISO_8859_2_romanian.c  |  998 ---------
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_ISO_8859_2_romanian.h  |   16 -
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_KOI8_R_russian.c       |  700 -------
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_KOI8_R_russian.h       |   16 -
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_UTF_8_danish.c         |  339 ---
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_UTF_8_danish.h         |   16 -
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_UTF_8_dutch.c          |  634 ------
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_UTF_8_dutch.h          |   16 -
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_UTF_8_english.c        | 1125 ----------
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_UTF_8_english.h        |   16 -
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_UTF_8_finnish.c        |  768 -------
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_UTF_8_finnish.h        |   16 -
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_UTF_8_french.c         | 1256 -----------
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_UTF_8_french.h         |   16 -
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_UTF_8_german.c         |  527 -----
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_UTF_8_german.h         |   16 -
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_UTF_8_hungarian.c      | 1234 -----------
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_UTF_8_hungarian.h      |   16 -
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_UTF_8_italian.c        | 1073 ----------
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_UTF_8_italian.h        |   16 -
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_UTF_8_norwegian.c      |  299 ---
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_UTF_8_norwegian.h      |   16 -
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_UTF_8_porter.c         |  755 -------
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_UTF_8_porter.h         |   16 -
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_UTF_8_portuguese.c     | 1023 ---------
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_UTF_8_portuguese.h     |   16 -
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_UTF_8_romanian.c       | 1004 ---------
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_UTF_8_romanian.h       |   16 -
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_UTF_8_russian.c        |  694 ------
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_UTF_8_russian.h        |   16 -
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_UTF_8_spanish.c        | 1097 ----------
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_UTF_8_spanish.h        |   16 -
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_UTF_8_swedish.c        |  309 ---
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_UTF_8_swedish.h        |   16 -
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_UTF_8_turkish.c        | 2205 --------------------
 .../libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_UTF_8_turkish.h        |   16 -
 src/sqlite3-unicodesn/meson.build                  |   48 -
 src/sqlite3-unicodesn/static.c                     |   55 -
 test/engine/imap-db/imap-db-database-test.vala     |    3 +-
 100 files changed, 178 insertions(+), 30417 deletions(-)
diff --git a/sql/meson.build b/sql/meson.build
index 5b3813903..6bf30dcaf 100644
--- a/sql/meson.build
+++ b/sql/meson.build
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ sql_files = [
+  'version-029.sql',
diff --git a/sql/version-011.sql b/sql/version-011.sql
index 0bfc39a10..82b96518b 100644
--- a/sql/version-011.sql
+++ b/sql/version-011.sql
@@ -1,5 +1,16 @@
--- Dummy database upgrade to add MessageSearchTable, whose parameters depend on
--- things we need at run-time.  See src/engine/imap-db/imap-db-database.vala in
--- post_upgrade() for the code that runs the upgrade.
+-- Create MessageSearchTable
+CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE MessageSearchTable USING fts4(
+    body,
+    attachment,
+    subject,
+    from_field,
+    receivers,
+    cc,
+    bcc,
+    tokenize=simple,
+    prefix="2,4,6,8,10",
diff --git a/sql/version-029.sql b/sql/version-029.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3f58ad9d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sql/version-029.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+-- Use libstemmer for stemming rather than SQLite.
diff --git a/src/client/meson.build b/src/client/meson.build
index 088f4e47d..b9eadad32 100644
--- a/src/client/meson.build
+++ b/src/client/meson.build
@@ -232,7 +232,6 @@ client_internal_header_fixup = custom_target(
 client_dep = declare_dependency(
   link_with: [
-    sqlite3_unicodesn_lib
   include_directories: include_directories('.')
@@ -244,9 +243,6 @@ client_internal_dep = declare_dependency(
     '-L' + client_build_dir,
     '-l' + client_package
-  link_with: [
-    sqlite3_unicodesn_lib,
-  ],
   include_directories: include_directories('.'),
   sources: client_internal_header_fixup
diff --git a/src/engine/imap-db/imap-db-database.vala b/src/engine/imap-db/imap-db-database.vala
index c7df463b2..cd428c89e 100644
--- a/src/engine/imap-db/imap-db-database.vala
+++ b/src/engine/imap-db/imap-db-database.vala
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 [CCode (cname = "g_utf8_collate_key")]
 extern string utf8_collate_key(string data, ssize_t len);
-extern int sqlite3_unicodesn_register_tokenizer(Sqlite.Database db);
+extern int sqlite3_register_legacy_tokenizer(Sqlite.Database db);
 private class Geary.ImapDB.Database : Geary.Db.VersionedDatabase {
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ private class Geary.ImapDB.Database : Geary.Db.VersionedDatabase {
     private ProgressMonitor upgrade_monitor;
     private ProgressMonitor vacuum_monitor;
     private bool new_db = false;
+    private bool is_open_in_progress = false;
     private GC? gc = null;
     private Cancellable gc_cancellable = new Cancellable();
@@ -93,7 +94,9 @@ private class Geary.ImapDB.Database : Geary.Db.VersionedDatabase {
     public new async void open(Db.DatabaseFlags flags, Cancellable? cancellable)
         throws Error {
+        this.is_open_in_progress = true;
         yield base.open(flags, cancellable);
+        this.is_open_in_progress = false;
         yield run_gc(NONE, null, cancellable);
@@ -251,10 +254,6 @@ private class Geary.ImapDB.Database : Geary.Db.VersionedDatabase {
                 yield post_upgrade_encode_folder_names(cancellable);
-            case 11:
-                yield post_upgrade_add_search_table(cancellable);
-            break;
             case 12:
                 yield post_upgrade_populate_internal_date_time_t(cancellable);
@@ -282,10 +281,6 @@ private class Geary.ImapDB.Database : Geary.Db.VersionedDatabase {
             case 22:
                 yield post_upgrade_rebuild_attachments(cancellable);
-            case 23:
-                yield post_upgrade_add_tokenizer_table(cancellable);
-            break;
@@ -317,67 +312,6 @@ private class Geary.ImapDB.Database : Geary.Db.VersionedDatabase {
             }, cancellable);
-    // Version 11.
-    private async void post_upgrade_add_search_table(Cancellable? cancellable)
-        throws Error {
-        yield exec_transaction_async(Db.TransactionType.RW, (cx) => {
-                string stemmer = find_appropriate_search_stemmer();
-                debug("Creating search table using %s stemmer", stemmer);
-                // This can't go in the .sql file because its schema (the stemmer
-                // algorithm) is determined at runtime.
-                cx.exec("""
-                    CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE MessageSearchTable USING fts4(
-                    body,
-                    attachment,
-                    subject,
-                    from_field,
-                    receivers,
-                    cc,
-                    bcc,
-                    tokenize=unicodesn "stemmer=%s",
-                    prefix="2,4,6,8,10",
-                );
-                """.printf(stemmer));
-                return Geary.Db.TransactionOutcome.COMMIT;
-            }, cancellable);
-    }
-    private string find_appropriate_search_stemmer() {
-        // Unfortunately, the stemmer library only accepts the full language
-        // name for the stemming algorithm.  This translates between the user's
-        // preferred language ISO 639-1 code and our available stemmers.
-        // FIXME: the available list here is determined by what's included in
-        // src/sqlite3-unicodesn/CMakeLists.txt.  We should pass that list in
-        // instead of hardcoding it here.
-        foreach (string l in Intl.get_language_names()) {
-            switch (l) {
-                case "da": return "danish";
-                case "nl": return "dutch";
-                case "en": return "english";
-                case "fi": return "finnish";
-                case "fr": return "french";
-                case "de": return "german";
-                case "hu": return "hungarian";
-                case "it": return "italian";
-                case "no": return "norwegian";
-                case "pt": return "portuguese";
-                case "ro": return "romanian";
-                case "ru": return "russian";
-                case "es": return "spanish";
-                case "sv": return "swedish";
-                case "tr": return "turkish";
-            }
-        }
-        // Default to English because it seems to be on average the language
-        // most likely to be present in emails, regardless of the user's
-        // language setting.  This is not an exact science, and search results
-        // should be ok either way in most cases.
-        return "english";
-    }
     // Versions 12 and 18.
     private async void
         post_upgrade_populate_internal_date_time_t(Cancellable? cancellable)
@@ -635,25 +569,6 @@ private class Geary.ImapDB.Database : Geary.Db.VersionedDatabase {
             }, cancellable);
-    // Version 23
-    private async void post_upgrade_add_tokenizer_table(Cancellable? cancellable)
-        throws Error {
-        yield exec_transaction_async(Db.TransactionType.RW, (cx) => {
-                string stemmer = find_appropriate_search_stemmer();
-                debug("Creating tokenizer table using %s stemmer", stemmer);
-                // These can't go in the .sql file because its schema (the stemmer
-                // algorithm) is determined at runtime.
-                cx.exec("""
-                    CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE TokenizerTable USING fts3tokenize(
-                        unicodesn,
-                        "stemmer=%s"
-                    );
-                """.printf(stemmer));
-                return Db.TransactionOutcome.COMMIT;
-            }, cancellable);
-    }
      * Determines if the database's FTS table indexes are valid.
@@ -706,7 +621,13 @@ private class Geary.ImapDB.Database : Geary.Db.VersionedDatabase {
-        sqlite3_unicodesn_register_tokenizer(cx.db);
+        if (this.is_open_in_progress) {
+            // Register a tokenizer with old "unicodesn" name so that
+            // upgrades for existing databases that still reference it
+            // don't fail.
+            sqlite3_register_legacy_tokenizer(cx.db);
+        }
         if (cx.db.create_function(
diff --git a/src/engine/imap-db/imap-db-sqlite.c b/src/engine/imap-db/imap-db-sqlite.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5f9f06259
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/engine/imap-db/imap-db-sqlite.c
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+ * Parts of the code below have been taken from
+ * `ext/fts3/fts3_tokenizer.h` SQLite source code repository with the
+ * following copyright notice:
+ *
+ * "The author disclaims copyright to this source code."
+ *
+ * Parts of this code have been taken from
+ * <https://www.sqlite.org/fts3.html>, which carries the following
+ * copyright notice:
+ *
+ * All of the code and documentation in SQLite has been dedicated to
+ * the public domain by the authors. All code authors, and
+ * representatives of the companies they work for, have signed
+ * affidavits dedicating their contributions to the public domain and
+ * originals of those signed affidavits are stored in a firesafe at
+ * the main offices of Hwaci. Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish,
+ * use, compile, sell, or distribute the original SQLite code, either
+ * in source code form or as a compiled binary, for any purpose,
+ * commercial or non-commercial, and by any means.
+ *
+ *                  --- <https://www.sqlite.org/copyright.html>
+ */
+ * Defines SQLite FTS3/4 tokeniser with the same name as the one used
+ * in Geary prior to version 3.40, so that database upgrades that
+ * still reference this tokeniser can complete successfully.
+ */
+#define TOKENIZER_NAME "unicodesn"
+#include <sqlite3.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#ifndef _FTS3_TOKENIZER_H_
+#define _FTS3_TOKENIZER_H_
+typedef struct sqlite3_tokenizer_module sqlite3_tokenizer_module;
+typedef struct sqlite3_tokenizer sqlite3_tokenizer;
+typedef struct sqlite3_tokenizer_cursor sqlite3_tokenizer_cursor;
+struct sqlite3_tokenizer_module {
+  int iVersion;
+  int (*xCreate)(
+    int argc,                           /* Size of argv array */
+    const char *const*argv,             /* Tokenizer argument strings */
+    sqlite3_tokenizer **ppTokenizer     /* OUT: Created tokenizer */
+  );
+  int (*xDestroy)(sqlite3_tokenizer *pTokenizer);
+  int (*xOpen)(
+    sqlite3_tokenizer *pTokenizer,       /* Tokenizer object */
+    const char *pInput, int nBytes,      /* Input buffer */
+    sqlite3_tokenizer_cursor **ppCursor  /* OUT: Created tokenizer cursor */
+  );
+  int (*xClose)(sqlite3_tokenizer_cursor *pCursor);
+  int (*xNext)(
+    sqlite3_tokenizer_cursor *pCursor,   /* Tokenizer cursor */
+    const char **ppToken, int *pnBytes,  /* OUT: Normalized text for token */
+    int *piStartOffset,  /* OUT: Byte offset of token in input buffer */
+    int *piEndOffset,    /* OUT: Byte offset of end of token in input buffer */
+    int *piPosition      /* OUT: Number of tokens returned before this one */
+  );
+  int (*xLanguageid)(sqlite3_tokenizer_cursor *pCsr, int iLangid);
+struct sqlite3_tokenizer {
+  const sqlite3_tokenizer_module *pModule;  /* The module for this tokenizer */
+  /* Tokenizer implementations will typically add additional fields */
+struct sqlite3_tokenizer_cursor {
+  sqlite3_tokenizer *pTokenizer;       /* Tokenizer for this cursor. */
+  /* Tokenizer implementations will typically add additional fields */
+int fts3_global_term_cnt(int iTerm, int iCol);
+int fts3_term_cnt(int iTerm, int iCol);
+#endif /* _FTS3_TOKENIZER_H_ */
+static int registerTokenizer(
+  sqlite3 *db,
+  char *zName,
+  const sqlite3_tokenizer_module *p
+  int rc;
+  sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;
+  const char *zSql = "SELECT fts3_tokenizer(?, ?)";
+  /* Enable the 2-argument form of fts3_tokenizer in SQLite >= 3.12 */
+  rc = sqlite3_db_config(db,SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_FTS3_TOKENIZER,1,0);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+    return rc;
+  }
+  rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, zSql, -1, &pStmt, 0);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+    return rc;
+  }
+  sqlite3_bind_text(pStmt, 1, zName, -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
+  sqlite3_bind_blob(pStmt, 2, &p, sizeof(p), SQLITE_STATIC);
+  sqlite3_step(pStmt);
+  return sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
+int queryTokenizer(
+  sqlite3 *db,
+  char *zName,
+  const sqlite3_tokenizer_module **pp
+  int rc;
+  sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;
+  const char *zSql = "SELECT fts3_tokenizer(?)";
+  *pp = 0;
+  rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, zSql, -1, &pStmt, 0);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+    return rc;
+  }
+  sqlite3_bind_text(pStmt, 1, zName, -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
+  if( SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pStmt) ){
+    if( sqlite3_column_type(pStmt, 0)==SQLITE_BLOB ){
+      memcpy(pp, sqlite3_column_blob(pStmt, 0), sizeof(*pp));
+    }
+  }
+  return sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
+#include <stdio.h>
+int sqlite3_register_legacy_tokenizer(sqlite3 *db) {
+    static const sqlite3_tokenizer_module *tokenizer = 0;
+    if (!tokenizer) {
+        queryTokenizer(db, "simple", &tokenizer);
+    }
+    return registerTokenizer(db, TOKENIZER_NAME, tokenizer);
diff --git a/src/engine/meson.build b/src/engine/meson.build
index 226007d52..69fadfce2 100644
--- a/src/engine/meson.build
+++ b/src/engine/meson.build
@@ -179,6 +179,7 @@ engine_vala_sources = files(
+  'imap-db/imap-db-sqlite.c',
@@ -386,7 +387,6 @@ engine_internal_header_fixup = custom_target(
 engine_dep = declare_dependency(
   link_with: [
-    sqlite3_unicodesn_lib
   include_directories: include_directories('.')
@@ -398,9 +398,6 @@ engine_internal_dep = declare_dependency(
     '-L' + engine_build_dir,
-  link_with: [
-    sqlite3_unicodesn_lib,
-  ],
   include_directories: include_directories('.'),
   sources: engine_internal_header_fixup
diff --git a/src/meson.build b/src/meson.build
index f8e2fbeaf..07dd2d8be 100644
--- a/src/meson.build
+++ b/src/meson.build
@@ -49,9 +49,10 @@ geary_c_args = [
diff --git a/test/engine/imap-db/imap-db-database-test.vala b/test/engine/imap-db/imap-db-database-test.vala
index f5f3702c4..9d69ac19b 100644
--- a/test/engine/imap-db/imap-db-database-test.vala
+++ b/test/engine/imap-db/imap-db-database-test.vala
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
  * Copyright 2018 Michael Gratton <mike vee net>
@@ -107,7 +106,7 @@ class Geary.ImapDB.DatabaseTest : TestCase {
-        assert_equal<int?>(db.get_schema_version(), 28, "Post-upgrade version");
+        assert_equal<int?>(db.get_schema_version(), 29, "Post-upgrade version");
         // Since schema v22 deletes the re-creates all attachments,
         // attachment 12 should no longer exist on the file system and

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