[vala-extra-vapis/wip/openal: 24/40] fix alure.vapi

commit 2647c6f1817721fb0e1a4f5b98638f9520a5864a
Author: Anton 'Vuvk' Shcherbatykh <vuvk69 gmail com>
Date:   Thu Apr 8 15:36:10 2021 +0500

    fix alure.vapi

 alure.vapi | 295 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------------
 1 file changed, 146 insertions(+), 149 deletions(-)
diff --git a/alure.vapi b/alure.vapi
index 9c02488..2d65e98 100644
--- a/alure.vapi
+++ b/alure.vapi
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
  * Alure1 binding for Vala
- * Copyright 2020 Anton "Vuvk" Shcherbatykh <vuvk69 gmail com>
+ * Copyright 2020-2021 Anton "Vuvk" Shcherbatykh <vuvk69 gmail com>
  * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
  * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
@@ -21,154 +21,151 @@
-[CCode (cprefix = "", lower_case_cprefix = "", cheader_filename="AL/alure.h")]
+[CCode (cprefix = "", lower_case_cprefix = "", cheader_filename = "AL/alure.h")]
 namespace Alure
-    [CCode (cname = "alureGetVersion")]
-    public void get_version(out AL.ALuint major, out AL.ALuint minor);
-    [CCode (cname = "alureGetErrorString")]
-    public unowned string? get_error_string();
-    [CCode (cname = "alureGetDeviceNames", array_length = false)]
-    public unowned string?[] get_device_names(bool all, out ALC.ALCsizei count);
-    [CCode (cname = "alureFreeDeviceNames")]
-    public void free_device_names([CCode (array_length = false)]string?[] names);
-    [CCode (cname = "alureInitDevice")]
-    public bool init_device(string? name = null, [CCode (array_length = false)] ALC.ALCint[]? attribs = 
-    [CCode (cname = "alureShutdownDevice")]
-    public bool shutdown_device();
-    [CCode (cname = "alureGetSampleFormat")]
-    public AL.ALenum get_sample_format(AL.ALuint channels, AL.ALuint bits, AL.ALuint floatbits);
-    [CCode (cname = "alureSleep")]
-    public bool sleep(AL.ALfloat duration);
-    [CCode (cname = "alureStreamSizeIsMicroSec")]
-    public bool stream_size_is_microsec(bool useus);
-    [CCode (cname = "alureCreateBufferFromFile")]
-    public AL.ALuint create_buffer_from_file(string fname);
-    [CCode (cname = "alureCreateBufferFromMemory")]
-    public AL.ALuint create_buffer_from_memory(AL.ALubyte[] data);
-    [CCode (cname = "alureBufferDataFromFile")]
-    public bool buffer_data_from_file(string fname, AL.ALuint buffer);
-    [CCode (cname = "alureBufferDataFromMemory")]
-    public bool buffer_data_from_memory(AL.ALubyte[] fdata, AL.ALuint buffer);
-    [CCode (has_target = false)]
-    public delegate AL.ALuint CallbackCreateStream(void* userdata, [CCode (array_length = false)] 
AL.ALubyte[] data, AL.ALuint bytes);
-    [Compact]
-    [CCode (cname = "alureStream", has_type_id = false, free_function = "")]
-    public class Stream {
-        [CCode (cname = "alureCreateStreamFromFile")]
-        public Stream.from_file(string fname, AL.ALsizei chunk_length, AL.ALsizei num_bufs = 0, [CCode 
(array_length = false)] AL.ALuint[]? bufs = null);
-        [CCode (cname = "alureCreateStreamFromMemory")]
-        public Stream.from_memory(AL.ALubyte[] data, AL.ALsizei chunk_length, AL.ALsizei num_bufs = 0, 
[CCode (array_length = false)] AL.ALuint[]? bufs = null);
-        [CCode (cname = "alureCreateStreamFromStaticMemory")]
-        public Stream.from_static_memory(AL.ALubyte[] data, AL.ALsizei chunk_length, AL.ALsizei num_bufs = 
0, [CCode (array_length = false)] AL.ALuint[]? bufs = null);
-        [CCode (cname = "alureCreateStreamFromCallback")]
-        public Stream.from_callback(CallbackCreateStream callback,
-                                    AL.ALenum format, AL.ALuint samplerate,
-                                    AL.ALsizei chunk_length, AL.ALsizei num_bufs = 0,
-                                    [CCode (array_length = false)] AL.ALuint[]? bufs = null);
-        [CCode (cname = "alureGetStreamLength")]
-        public int64 get_length();
-        [CCode (cname = "alureGetStreamFrequency")]
-        public AL.ALsizei get_frequency();
-        [CCode (cname = "alureBufferDataFromStream")]
-        public AL.ALsizei buffer_data(AL.ALsizei num_bufs, [CCode (array_length = false)]AL.ALuint[] bufs);
-        [CCode (cname = "alureRewindStream")]
-        public bool rewind();
-        [CCode (cname = "alureSetStreamOrder")]
-        public bool set_order(AL.ALuint order);
-        [CCode (cname = "alureSetStreamPatchset")]
-        public bool set_patchset(string patchset);
-        /** you must destroy stream manually! */
-        [CCode (cname = "alureDestroyStream")]
-        public bool destroy(AL.ALsizei num_bufs = 0, [CCode (array_length = false)] AL.ALuint[]? bufs = 
-    }
-    [CCode (cname = "alureUpdate")]
-    public void update();
-    [CCode (cname = "alureUpdateInterval")]
-    public bool update_interval(AL.ALfloat interval);
-    [CCode (has_target = false)]
-    public delegate void Callback(void* userdata, AL.ALuint source);
-    [CCode (cname = "alurePlaySourceStream")]
-    public bool play_source_stream(AL.ALuint source, Stream stream, AL.ALsizei num_bufs, AL.ALsizei 
loopcount, Callback eos_callback, void* userdata = null);
-    [CCode (cname = "alurePlaySource")]
-    public bool play_source(AL.ALuint source, Callback callback, void* userdata = null);
-    [CCode (cname = "alureStopSource")]
-    public bool stop_source(AL.ALuint source, bool run_callback);
-    [CCode (cname = "alurePauseSource")]
-    public bool pause_source(AL.ALuint source);
-    [CCode (cname = "alureResumeSource")]
-    public bool resume_source(AL.ALuint source);
-    [CCode (has_target = false)]
-    public delegate void* OpenFileCallback(string name);
-    [CCode (has_target = false)]
-    public delegate void* OpenMemCallback(AL.ALubyte[] buffer);
-    [CCode (has_target = false)]
-    public delegate bool GetFormatCallback(void* instance, out AL.ALenum format, out AL.ALuint samplerate, 
out AL.ALuint blocksize);
-    [CCode (has_target = false)]
-    public delegate AL.ALuint DecodeCallback(void* instance, [CCode (array_length = false)]AL.ALubyte[] 
data, AL.ALuint bytes);
-    [CCode (has_target = false)]
-    public delegate bool RewindCallback(void* instance);
-    [CCode (has_target = false)]
-    public delegate void CloseCallback(void* instance);
-    [CCode (cname = "alureInstallDecodeCallbacks")]
-    public bool install_decode_callbacks(
-        int index,
-        OpenFileCallback  open_file,
-        OpenMemCallback   open_mem,
-        GetFormatCallback get_format,
-        DecodeCallback    decode,
-        RewindCallback    rewind,
-        CloseCallback     close
-    );
-    [CCode (cname = "int", has_type_id = false)]
-    public enum Seek {
-        SET = 0,
-        CUR = -1,
-        END = -2
-    }
-    [CCode (has_target = false)]
-    public delegate void* OpenCallback(string filename, AL.ALuint mode = 0);
-    [CCode (has_target = false)]
-    public delegate AL.ALsizei ReadCallback(void* handle, [CCode (array_length = false)] AL.ALubyte[] buf, 
AL.ALuint bytes);
-    [CCode (has_target = false)]
-    public delegate AL.ALsizei WriteCallback(void* handle, [CCode (array_length = false)] AL.ALubyte[] buf, 
AL.ALuint bytes);
-    [CCode (has_target = false)]
-    public delegate int64 SeekCallback(void* handle, int64 offset, int whence);
-    [CCode (cname = "alureSetIOCallbacks")]
-    public bool set_io_callbacks(
-        OpenCallback  open,
-        CloseCallback close,
-        ReadCallback  read,
-        WriteCallback write,
-        SeekCallback  seek
-    );
-    [CCode (cname = "alureGetProcAddress")]
-    public void* get_proc_address(string funcname);
+       [CCode (cname = "alureGetVersion")]
+       public void get_version (out AL.Uint major, out AL.Uint minor);
+       [CCode (cname = "alureGetErrorString")]
+       public unowned string? get_error_string ();
+       [CCode (cname = "alureGetDeviceNames", array_length = false)]
+       public unowned string?[] get_device_names (bool all, out ALC.Sizei count);
+       [CCode (cname = "alureFreeDeviceNames")]
+       public void free_device_names ([CCode (array_length = false)] string?[] names);
+       [CCode (cname = "alureInitDevice")]
+       public bool init_device (string? name = null, [CCode (array_length = false)] ALC.Int[]? attribs = 
+       [CCode (cname = "alureShutdownDevice")]
+       public bool shutdown_device ();
+       [CCode (cname = "alureGetSampleFormat")]
+       public AL.Enum get_sample_format (AL.Uint channels, AL.Uint bits, AL.Uint float_bits);
+       [CCode (cname = "alureSleep")]
+       public bool sleep (AL.Float duration);
+       [CCode (cname = "alureStreamSizeIsMicroSec")]
+       public bool stream_size_is_microsec (bool useus);
+       [CCode (cname = "alureCreateBufferFromFile")]
+       public AL.Uint create_buffer_from_file (string fname);
+       [CCode (cname = "alureCreateBufferFromMemory")]
+       public AL.Uint create_buffer_from_memory (AL.Ubyte[] data);
+       [CCode (cname = "alureBufferDataFromFile")]
+       public bool buffer_data_from_file (string fname, AL.Uint buffer);
+       [CCode (cname = "alureBufferDataFromMemory")]
+       public bool buffer_data_from_memory (AL.Ubyte[] fdata, AL.Uint buffer);
+       [CCode (has_target = false)]
+       public delegate AL.Uint CreateStreamCallback (void* userdata, [CCode (array_length = false)] 
AL.Ubyte[] data, AL.Uint bytes);
+       [Compact]
+       [CCode (cname = "alureStream", has_type_id = false, free_function = "")]
+       public class Stream {
+               [CCode (cname = "alureCreateStreamFromFile")]
+               public Stream.from_file (string fname, AL.Sizei chunk_length, AL.Sizei num_bufs = 0, [CCode 
(array_length = false)] AL.Uint[]? bufs = null);
+               [CCode (cname = "alureCreateStreamFromMemory")]
+               public Stream.from_memory (AL.Ubyte[] data, AL.Sizei chunk_length, AL.Sizei num_bufs = 0, 
[CCode (array_length = false)] AL.Uint[]? bufs = null);
+               [CCode (cname = "alureCreateStreamFromStaticMemory")]
+               public Stream.from_static_memory (AL.Ubyte[] data, AL.Sizei chunk_length, AL.Sizei num_bufs = 
0, [CCode (array_length = false)] AL.Uint[]? bufs = null);
+               [CCode (cname = "alureCreateStreamFromCallback")]
+               public Stream.from_callback (CreateStreamCallback callback, AL.Enum format, AL.Uint 
samplerate, AL.Sizei chunk_length, AL.Sizei num_bufs = 0, [CCode (array_length = false)] AL.Uint[]? bufs = 
+               [CCode (cname = "alureGetStreamLength")]
+               public int64 get_length ();
+               [CCode (cname = "alureGetStreamFrequency")]
+               public AL.Sizei get_frequency ();
+               [CCode (cname = "alureBufferDataFromStream")]
+               public AL.Sizei buffer_data (AL.Sizei num_bufs, [CCode (array_length = false)]AL.Uint[] bufs);
+               [CCode (cname = "alureRewindStream")]
+               public bool rewind ();
+               [CCode (cname = "alureSetStreamOrder")]
+               public bool set_order (AL.Uint order);
+               [CCode (cname = "alureSetStreamPatchset")]
+               public bool set_patchset (string patchset);
+               /** you must destroy stream manually! */
+               [CCode (cname = "alureDestroyStream")]
+               public bool destroy (AL.Sizei num_bufs = 0, [CCode (array_length = false)] AL.Uint[]? bufs = 
+       }
+       [CCode (cname = "alureUpdate")]
+       public void update ();
+       [CCode (cname = "alureUpdateInterval")]
+       public bool update_interval (AL.Float interval);
+       [CCode (has_target = false)]
+       public delegate void Callback (void* userdata, AL.Uint source);
+       [CCode (cname = "alurePlaySourceStream")]
+       public bool play_source_stream (AL.Uint source, Stream stream, AL.Sizei num_bufs, AL.Sizei loopcount, 
Callback eos_callback, void* userdata = null);
+       [CCode (cname = "alurePlaySource")]
+       public bool play_source (AL.Uint source, Callback callback, void* userdata = null);
+       [CCode (cname = "alureStopSource")]
+       public bool stop_source (AL.Uint source, bool run_callback);
+       [CCode (cname = "alurePauseSource")]
+       public bool pause_source (AL.Uint source);
+       [CCode (cname = "alureResumeSource")]
+       public bool resume_source (AL.Uint source);
+       [CCode (has_target = false)]
+       public delegate void* OpenFileCallback (string name);
+       [CCode (has_target = false)]
+       public delegate void* OpenMemCallback (AL.Ubyte[] buffer);
+       [CCode (has_target = false)]
+       public delegate bool GetFormatCallback (void* instance, out AL.Enum format, out AL.Uint samplerate, 
out AL.Uint blocksize);
+       [CCode (has_target = false)]
+       public delegate AL.Uint DecodeCallback (void* instance, [CCode (array_length = false)]AL.Ubyte[] 
data, AL.Uint bytes);
+       [CCode (has_target = false)]
+       public delegate bool RewindCallback (void* instance);
+       [CCode (has_target = false)]
+       public delegate void CloseCallback (void* instance);
+       [CCode (cname = "alureInstallDecodeCallbacks")]
+       public bool install_decode_callbacks (
+               int index,
+               OpenFileCallback open_file,
+               OpenMemCallback open_mem,
+               GetFormatCallback get_format,
+               DecodeCallback decode,
+               RewindCallback rewind,
+               CloseCallback close
+       );
+       [CCode (cname = "int", has_type_id = false)]
+       public enum Seek {
+               SET = 0,
+               CUR = -1,
+               END = -2
+       }
+       [CCode (has_target = false)]
+       public delegate void* OpenCallback (string filename, AL.Uint mode = 0);
+       [CCode (has_target = false)]
+       public delegate AL.Sizei ReadCallback (void* handle, [CCode (array_length = false)] AL.Ubyte[] buf, 
AL.Uint bytes);
+       [CCode (has_target = false)]
+       public delegate AL.Sizei WriteCallback (void* handle, [CCode (array_length = false)] AL.Ubyte[] buf, 
AL.Uint bytes);
+       [CCode (has_target = false)]
+       public delegate int64 SeekCallback (void* handle, int64 offset, Seek whence);
+       [CCode (cname = "alureSetIOCallbacks")]
+       public bool set_io_callbacks (
+               OpenCallback open,
+               CloseCallback close,
+               ReadCallback read,
+               WriteCallback write,
+               SeekCallback seek
+       );
+       [CCode (cname = "alureGetProcAddress")]
+       public void* get_proc_address (string funcname);

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