[vala/wip/issue/1177: 1/2] gstreamer-rtp-1.0: Fix typo in re-parenting for RTCP symbols
- From: Rico Tzschichholz <ricotz src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [vala/wip/issue/1177: 1/2] gstreamer-rtp-1.0: Fix typo in re-parenting for RTCP symbols
- Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2021 13:10:43 +0000 (UTC)
commit 3f53e2af2ce936c68d0017f5450f63dc3314846a
Author: Rico Tzschichholz <ricotz ubuntu com>
Date: Sun Apr 25 15:10:25 2021 +0200
gstreamer-rtp-1.0: Fix typo in re-parenting for RTCP symbols
Errornous introduction of Gst.RTPC instead of Gst.RTCP
vapi/gstreamer-rtp-1.0.vapi | 540 ++++++++++++++++----------------------
vapi/metadata/GstRtp-1.0.metadata | 8 +-
2 files changed, 234 insertions(+), 314 deletions(-)
diff --git a/vapi/gstreamer-rtp-1.0.vapi b/vapi/gstreamer-rtp-1.0.vapi
index d595720ce..22bb751bc 100644
--- a/vapi/gstreamer-rtp-1.0.vapi
+++ b/vapi/gstreamer-rtp-1.0.vapi
@@ -2,6 +2,236 @@
[CCode (cprefix = "Gst", gir_namespace = "GstRtp", gir_version = "1.0", lower_case_cprefix = "gst_")]
namespace Gst {
+ namespace RTCP {
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", has_type_id = false)]
+ [Compact]
+ [GIR (name = "RTCPBuffer")]
+ public class Buffer : Gst.Buffer {
+ public Gst.MapInfo map;
+ public bool add_packet (Gst.RTCP.Type type, Gst.RTCP.Packet packet);
+ public bool get_first_packet (Gst.RTCP.Packet packet);
+ public uint get_packet_count ();
+ public bool unmap ();
+ }
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", has_type_id = false)]
+ [GIR (name = "RTCPPacket")]
+ public struct Packet {
+ public weak Gst.RTCP.Buffer rtcp;
+ public uint offset;
+ [Version (since = "1.10")]
+ public bool add_profile_specific_ext ([CCode (array_length_cname = "len",
array_length_pos = 1.1, array_length_type = "guint")] uint8[] data);
+ public bool add_rb (uint32 ssrc, uint8 fractionlost, int32 packetslost, uint32
exthighestseq, uint32 jitter, uint32 lsr, uint32 dlsr);
+ [Version (since = "1.10")]
+ public uint8 app_get_data ();
+ [Version (since = "1.10")]
+ public uint16 app_get_data_length ();
+ [Version (since = "1.10")]
+ public unowned string app_get_name ();
+ [Version (since = "1.10")]
+ public uint32 app_get_ssrc ();
+ [Version (since = "1.10")]
+ public uint8 app_get_subtype ();
+ [Version (since = "1.10")]
+ public bool app_set_data_length (uint16 wordlen);
+ [Version (since = "1.10")]
+ public void app_set_name (string name);
+ [Version (since = "1.10")]
+ public void app_set_ssrc (uint32 ssrc);
+ [Version (since = "1.10")]
+ public void app_set_subtype (uint8 subtype);
+ public bool bye_add_ssrc (uint32 ssrc);
+ public bool bye_add_ssrcs ([CCode (array_length_cname = "len", array_length_pos =
1.1, array_length_type = "guint")] uint32[] ssrc);
+ public uint32 bye_get_nth_ssrc (uint nth);
+ public string bye_get_reason ();
+ public uint8 bye_get_reason_len ();
+ public uint bye_get_ssrc_count ();
+ public bool bye_set_reason (string reason);
+ [Version (since = "1.10")]
+ public bool copy_profile_specific_ext ([CCode (array_length_cname = "len",
array_length_pos = 1.1, array_length_type = "guint")] out uint8[] data);
+ public uint8 fb_get_fci ();
+ public uint16 fb_get_fci_length ();
+ public uint32 fb_get_media_ssrc ();
+ public uint32 fb_get_sender_ssrc ();
+ public Gst.RTCP.FBType fb_get_type ();
+ public bool fb_set_fci_length (uint16 wordlen);
+ public void fb_set_media_ssrc (uint32 ssrc);
+ public void fb_set_sender_ssrc (uint32 ssrc);
+ public void fb_set_type (Gst.RTCP.FBType type);
+ public uint8 get_count ();
+ public uint16 get_length ();
+ public bool get_padding ();
+ [Version (since = "1.10")]
+ public bool get_profile_specific_ext ([CCode (array_length_cname = "len",
array_length_pos = 1.1, array_length_type = "guint")] out unowned uint8[] data);
+ [Version (since = "1.10")]
+ public uint16 get_profile_specific_ext_length ();
+ public void get_rb (uint nth, out uint32 ssrc, out uint8 fractionlost, out int32
packetslost, out uint32 exthighestseq, out uint32 jitter, out uint32 lsr, out uint32 dlsr);
+ public uint get_rb_count ();
+ public Gst.RTCP.Type get_type ();
+ public bool move_to_next ();
+ public bool remove ();
+ public uint32 rr_get_ssrc ();
+ public void rr_set_ssrc (uint32 ssrc);
+ public bool sdes_add_entry (Gst.RTCP.SDESType type, [CCode (array_length_cname =
"len", array_length_pos = 1.5, array_length_type = "guint8")] uint8[] data);
+ public bool sdes_add_item (uint32 ssrc);
+ public bool sdes_copy_entry (Gst.RTCP.SDESType type, [CCode (array_length_cname =
"len", array_length_pos = 1.5, array_length_type = "guint8")] out uint8[] data);
+ public bool sdes_first_entry ();
+ public bool sdes_first_item ();
+ public bool sdes_get_entry (Gst.RTCP.SDESType type, [CCode (array_length_cname =
"len", array_length_pos = 1.5, array_length_type = "guint8")] out unowned uint8[] data);
+ public uint sdes_get_item_count ();
+ public uint32 sdes_get_ssrc ();
+ public bool sdes_next_entry ();
+ public bool sdes_next_item ();
+ public void set_rb (uint nth, uint32 ssrc, uint8 fractionlost, int32 packetslost,
uint32 exthighestseq, uint32 jitter, uint32 lsr, uint32 dlsr);
+ public void sr_get_sender_info (out uint32 ssrc, out uint64 ntptime, out uint32
rtptime, out uint32 packet_count, out uint32 octet_count);
+ public void sr_set_sender_info (uint32 ssrc, uint64 ntptime, uint32 rtptime, uint32
packet_count, uint32 octet_count);
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public bool xr_first_rb ();
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public uint16 xr_get_block_length ();
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public Gst.RTCP.XRType xr_get_block_type ();
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public bool xr_get_dlrr_block (uint nth, uint32 ssrc, uint32 last_rr, uint32 delay);
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public bool xr_get_prt_by_seq (uint16 seq, uint32 receipt_time);
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public bool xr_get_prt_info (uint32 ssrc, uint8 thinning, uint16 begin_seq, uint16
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public bool xr_get_rle_info (uint32 ssrc, uint8 thinning, uint16 begin_seq, uint16
end_seq, uint32 chunk_count);
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public bool xr_get_rle_nth_chunk (uint nth, uint16 chunk);
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public bool xr_get_rrt (uint64 timestamp);
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public uint32 xr_get_ssrc ();
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public bool xr_get_summary_info (uint32 ssrc, uint16 begin_seq, uint16 end_seq);
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public bool xr_get_summary_jitter (uint32 min_jitter, uint32 max_jitter, uint32
mean_jitter, uint32 dev_jitter);
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public bool xr_get_summary_pkt (uint32 lost_packets, uint32 dup_packets);
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public bool xr_get_summary_ttl (bool is_ipv4, uint8 min_ttl, uint8 max_ttl, uint8
mean_ttl, uint8 dev_ttl);
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public bool xr_get_voip_burst_metrics (uint8 burst_density, uint8 gap_density, uint16
burst_duration, uint16 gap_duration);
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public bool xr_get_voip_configuration_params (uint8 gmin, uint8 rx_config);
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public bool xr_get_voip_delay_metrics (uint16 roundtrip_delay, uint16
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public bool xr_get_voip_jitter_buffer_params (uint16 jb_nominal, uint16 jb_maximum,
uint16 jb_abs_max);
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public bool xr_get_voip_metrics_ssrc (uint32 ssrc);
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public bool xr_get_voip_packet_metrics (uint8 loss_rate, uint8 discard_rate);
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public bool xr_get_voip_quality_metrics (uint8 r_factor, uint8 ext_r_factor, uint8
mos_lq, uint8 mos_cq);
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public bool xr_get_voip_signal_metrics (uint8 signal_level, uint8 noise_level, uint8
rerl, uint8 gmin);
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public bool xr_next_rb ();
+ }
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cprefix = "GST_RTCP_", type_id =
"gst_rtcpfb_type_get_type ()")]
+ [GIR (name = "RTCPFBType")]
+ public enum FBType {
+ }
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cprefix = "GST_RTCP_SDES_", type_id =
"gst_rtcpsdes_type_get_type ()")]
+ [GIR (name = "RTCPSDESType")]
+ public enum SDESType {
+ END,
+ LOC,
+ }
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cprefix = "GST_RTCP_TYPE_", type_id =
"gst_rtcp_type_get_type ()")]
+ [GIR (name = "RTCPType")]
+ public enum Type {
+ SR,
+ RR,
+ BYE,
+ APP,
+ XR
+ }
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cprefix = "GST_RTCP_XR_TYPE_", type_id =
"gst_rtcpxr_type_get_type ()")]
+ [GIR (name = "RTCPXRType")]
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public enum XRType {
+ PRT,
+ RRT,
+ }
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cname = "GST_RTCP_MAX_BYE_SSRC_COUNT")]
+ public const int MAX_BYE_SSRC_COUNT;
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cname = "GST_RTCP_MAX_RB_COUNT")]
+ public const int MAX_RB_COUNT;
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cname = "GST_RTCP_MAX_SDES")]
+ public const int MAX_SDES;
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cname = "GST_RTCP_MAX_SDES_ITEM_COUNT")]
+ public const int MAX_SDES_ITEM_COUNT;
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cname = "GST_RTCP_REDUCED_SIZE_VALID_MASK")]
+ public const int REDUCED_SIZE_VALID_MASK;
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cname = "GST_RTCP_VALID_MASK")]
+ public const int VALID_MASK;
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cname = "GST_RTCP_VALID_VALUE")]
+ public const int VALID_VALUE;
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cname = "GST_RTCP_VERSION")]
+ public const int VERSION;
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h")]
+ public static bool buffer_map (Gst.Buffer buffer, Gst.MapFlags flags, Gst.RTCP.Buffer rtcp);
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h")]
+ public static Gst.Buffer buffer_new (uint mtu);
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h")]
+ public static Gst.Buffer buffer_new_copy_data ([CCode (array_length_cname = "len",
array_length_pos = 1.1, array_length_type = "guint")] uint8[] data);
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h")]
+ public static Gst.Buffer buffer_new_take_data ([CCode (array_length_cname = "len",
array_length_pos = 1.1, array_length_type = "guint")] uint8[] data);
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h")]
+ public static bool buffer_validate (Gst.Buffer buffer);
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h")]
+ public static bool buffer_validate_data ([CCode (array_length_cname = "len", array_length_pos
= 1.1, array_length_type = "guint")] uint8[] data);
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h")]
+ [Version (since = "1.6")]
+ public static bool buffer_validate_data_reduced ([CCode (array_length_cname = "len",
array_length_pos = 1.1, array_length_type = "guint")] uint8[] data);
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h")]
+ [Version (since = "1.6")]
+ public static bool buffer_validate_reduced (Gst.Buffer buffer);
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h")]
+ public static uint64 ntp_to_unix (uint64 ntptime);
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h")]
+ public static Gst.RTCP.SDESType sdes_name_to_type (string name);
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h")]
+ public static unowned string sdes_type_to_name (Gst.RTCP.SDESType type);
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h")]
+ public static uint64 unix_to_ntp (uint64 unixtime);
+ }
namespace RTP {
[CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", type_id = "gst_rtp_base_audio_payload_get_type
[GIR (name = "RTPBaseAudioPayload")]
@@ -415,314 +645,4 @@ namespace Gst {
[CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h")]
public static unowned Gst.MetaInfo? source_meta_get_info ();
- namespace RTPC {
- [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cname = "GstRTCPBuffer", has_type_id = false)]
- [Compact]
- [GIR (name = "RTCPBuffer")]
- public class Buffer : Gst.Buffer {
- public Gst.MapInfo map;
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_buffer_add_packet")]
- public bool add_packet (Gst.RTPC.Type type, Gst.RTPC.Packet packet);
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_buffer_get_first_packet")]
- public bool get_first_packet (Gst.RTPC.Packet packet);
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_buffer_get_packet_count")]
- public uint get_packet_count ();
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_buffer_unmap")]
- public bool unmap ();
- }
- [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cname = "GstRTCPPacket", has_type_id = false)]
- [GIR (name = "RTCPPacket")]
- public struct Packet {
- public weak Gst.RTPC.Buffer rtcp;
- public uint offset;
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_add_profile_specific_ext")]
- [Version (since = "1.10")]
- public bool add_profile_specific_ext ([CCode (array_length_cname = "len",
array_length_pos = 1.1, array_length_type = "guint")] uint8[] data);
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_add_rb")]
- public bool add_rb (uint32 ssrc, uint8 fractionlost, int32 packetslost, uint32
exthighestseq, uint32 jitter, uint32 lsr, uint32 dlsr);
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_app_get_data")]
- [Version (since = "1.10")]
- public uint8 app_get_data ();
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_app_get_data_length")]
- [Version (since = "1.10")]
- public uint16 app_get_data_length ();
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_app_get_name")]
- [Version (since = "1.10")]
- public unowned string app_get_name ();
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_app_get_ssrc")]
- [Version (since = "1.10")]
- public uint32 app_get_ssrc ();
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_app_get_subtype")]
- [Version (since = "1.10")]
- public uint8 app_get_subtype ();
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_app_set_data_length")]
- [Version (since = "1.10")]
- public bool app_set_data_length (uint16 wordlen);
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_app_set_name")]
- [Version (since = "1.10")]
- public void app_set_name (string name);
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_app_set_ssrc")]
- [Version (since = "1.10")]
- public void app_set_ssrc (uint32 ssrc);
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_app_set_subtype")]
- [Version (since = "1.10")]
- public void app_set_subtype (uint8 subtype);
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_bye_add_ssrc")]
- public bool bye_add_ssrc (uint32 ssrc);
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_bye_add_ssrcs")]
- public bool bye_add_ssrcs ([CCode (array_length_cname = "len", array_length_pos =
1.1, array_length_type = "guint")] uint32[] ssrc);
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_bye_get_nth_ssrc")]
- public uint32 bye_get_nth_ssrc (uint nth);
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_bye_get_reason")]
- public string bye_get_reason ();
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_bye_get_reason_len")]
- public uint8 bye_get_reason_len ();
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_bye_get_ssrc_count")]
- public uint bye_get_ssrc_count ();
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_bye_set_reason")]
- public bool bye_set_reason (string reason);
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_copy_profile_specific_ext")]
- [Version (since = "1.10")]
- public bool copy_profile_specific_ext ([CCode (array_length_cname = "len",
array_length_pos = 1.1, array_length_type = "guint")] out uint8[] data);
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_fb_get_fci")]
- public uint8 fb_get_fci ();
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_fb_get_fci_length")]
- public uint16 fb_get_fci_length ();
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_fb_get_media_ssrc")]
- public uint32 fb_get_media_ssrc ();
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_fb_get_sender_ssrc")]
- public uint32 fb_get_sender_ssrc ();
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_fb_get_type")]
- public Gst.RTPC.FBType fb_get_type ();
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_fb_set_fci_length")]
- public bool fb_set_fci_length (uint16 wordlen);
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_fb_set_media_ssrc")]
- public void fb_set_media_ssrc (uint32 ssrc);
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_fb_set_sender_ssrc")]
- public void fb_set_sender_ssrc (uint32 ssrc);
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_fb_set_type")]
- public void fb_set_type (Gst.RTPC.FBType type);
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_get_count")]
- public uint8 get_count ();
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_get_length")]
- public uint16 get_length ();
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_get_padding")]
- public bool get_padding ();
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_get_profile_specific_ext")]
- [Version (since = "1.10")]
- public bool get_profile_specific_ext ([CCode (array_length_cname = "len",
array_length_pos = 1.1, array_length_type = "guint")] out unowned uint8[] data);
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_get_profile_specific_ext_length")]
- [Version (since = "1.10")]
- public uint16 get_profile_specific_ext_length ();
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_get_rb")]
- public void get_rb (uint nth, out uint32 ssrc, out uint8 fractionlost, out int32
packetslost, out uint32 exthighestseq, out uint32 jitter, out uint32 lsr, out uint32 dlsr);
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_get_rb_count")]
- public uint get_rb_count ();
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_get_type")]
- public Gst.RTPC.Type get_type ();
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_move_to_next")]
- public bool move_to_next ();
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_remove")]
- public bool remove ();
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_rr_get_ssrc")]
- public uint32 rr_get_ssrc ();
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_rr_set_ssrc")]
- public void rr_set_ssrc (uint32 ssrc);
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_sdes_add_entry")]
- public bool sdes_add_entry (Gst.RTPC.SDESType type, [CCode (array_length_cname =
"len", array_length_pos = 1.5, array_length_type = "guint8")] uint8[] data);
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_sdes_add_item")]
- public bool sdes_add_item (uint32 ssrc);
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_sdes_copy_entry")]
- public bool sdes_copy_entry (Gst.RTPC.SDESType type, [CCode (array_length_cname =
"len", array_length_pos = 1.5, array_length_type = "guint8")] out uint8[] data);
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_sdes_first_entry")]
- public bool sdes_first_entry ();
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_sdes_first_item")]
- public bool sdes_first_item ();
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_sdes_get_entry")]
- public bool sdes_get_entry (Gst.RTPC.SDESType type, [CCode (array_length_cname =
"len", array_length_pos = 1.5, array_length_type = "guint8")] out unowned uint8[] data);
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_sdes_get_item_count")]
- public uint sdes_get_item_count ();
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_sdes_get_ssrc")]
- public uint32 sdes_get_ssrc ();
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_sdes_next_entry")]
- public bool sdes_next_entry ();
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_sdes_next_item")]
- public bool sdes_next_item ();
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_set_rb")]
- public void set_rb (uint nth, uint32 ssrc, uint8 fractionlost, int32 packetslost,
uint32 exthighestseq, uint32 jitter, uint32 lsr, uint32 dlsr);
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_sr_get_sender_info")]
- public void sr_get_sender_info (out uint32 ssrc, out uint64 ntptime, out uint32
rtptime, out uint32 packet_count, out uint32 octet_count);
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_sr_set_sender_info")]
- public void sr_set_sender_info (uint32 ssrc, uint64 ntptime, uint32 rtptime, uint32
packet_count, uint32 octet_count);
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_xr_first_rb")]
- [Version (since = "1.16")]
- public bool xr_first_rb ();
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_xr_get_block_length")]
- [Version (since = "1.16")]
- public uint16 xr_get_block_length ();
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_xr_get_block_type")]
- [Version (since = "1.16")]
- public Gst.RTPC.XRType xr_get_block_type ();
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_xr_get_dlrr_block")]
- [Version (since = "1.16")]
- public bool xr_get_dlrr_block (uint nth, uint32 ssrc, uint32 last_rr, uint32 delay);
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_xr_get_prt_by_seq")]
- [Version (since = "1.16")]
- public bool xr_get_prt_by_seq (uint16 seq, uint32 receipt_time);
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_xr_get_prt_info")]
- [Version (since = "1.16")]
- public bool xr_get_prt_info (uint32 ssrc, uint8 thinning, uint16 begin_seq, uint16
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_xr_get_rle_info")]
- [Version (since = "1.16")]
- public bool xr_get_rle_info (uint32 ssrc, uint8 thinning, uint16 begin_seq, uint16
end_seq, uint32 chunk_count);
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_xr_get_rle_nth_chunk")]
- [Version (since = "1.16")]
- public bool xr_get_rle_nth_chunk (uint nth, uint16 chunk);
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_xr_get_rrt")]
- [Version (since = "1.16")]
- public bool xr_get_rrt (uint64 timestamp);
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_xr_get_ssrc")]
- [Version (since = "1.16")]
- public uint32 xr_get_ssrc ();
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_xr_get_summary_info")]
- [Version (since = "1.16")]
- public bool xr_get_summary_info (uint32 ssrc, uint16 begin_seq, uint16 end_seq);
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_xr_get_summary_jitter")]
- [Version (since = "1.16")]
- public bool xr_get_summary_jitter (uint32 min_jitter, uint32 max_jitter, uint32
mean_jitter, uint32 dev_jitter);
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_xr_get_summary_pkt")]
- [Version (since = "1.16")]
- public bool xr_get_summary_pkt (uint32 lost_packets, uint32 dup_packets);
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_xr_get_summary_ttl")]
- [Version (since = "1.16")]
- public bool xr_get_summary_ttl (bool is_ipv4, uint8 min_ttl, uint8 max_ttl, uint8
mean_ttl, uint8 dev_ttl);
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_xr_get_voip_burst_metrics")]
- [Version (since = "1.16")]
- public bool xr_get_voip_burst_metrics (uint8 burst_density, uint8 gap_density, uint16
burst_duration, uint16 gap_duration);
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_xr_get_voip_configuration_params")]
- [Version (since = "1.16")]
- public bool xr_get_voip_configuration_params (uint8 gmin, uint8 rx_config);
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_xr_get_voip_delay_metrics")]
- [Version (since = "1.16")]
- public bool xr_get_voip_delay_metrics (uint16 roundtrip_delay, uint16
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_xr_get_voip_jitter_buffer_params")]
- [Version (since = "1.16")]
- public bool xr_get_voip_jitter_buffer_params (uint16 jb_nominal, uint16 jb_maximum,
uint16 jb_abs_max);
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_xr_get_voip_metrics_ssrc")]
- [Version (since = "1.16")]
- public bool xr_get_voip_metrics_ssrc (uint32 ssrc);
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_xr_get_voip_packet_metrics")]
- [Version (since = "1.16")]
- public bool xr_get_voip_packet_metrics (uint8 loss_rate, uint8 discard_rate);
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_xr_get_voip_quality_metrics")]
- [Version (since = "1.16")]
- public bool xr_get_voip_quality_metrics (uint8 r_factor, uint8 ext_r_factor, uint8
mos_lq, uint8 mos_cq);
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_xr_get_voip_signal_metrics")]
- [Version (since = "1.16")]
- public bool xr_get_voip_signal_metrics (uint8 signal_level, uint8 noise_level, uint8
rerl, uint8 gmin);
- [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_packet_xr_next_rb")]
- [Version (since = "1.16")]
- public bool xr_next_rb ();
- }
- [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cname = "GstRTCPFBType", cprefix = "GST_RTCP_",
type_id = "gst_rtcpfb_type_get_type ()")]
- [GIR (name = "RTCPFBType")]
- public enum FBType {
- }
- [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cname = "GstRTCPSDESType", cprefix =
"GST_RTCP_SDES_", type_id = "gst_rtcpsdes_type_get_type ()")]
- [GIR (name = "RTCPSDESType")]
- public enum SDESType {
- END,
- LOC,
- }
- [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cname = "GstRTCPType", cprefix =
"GST_RTCP_TYPE_", type_id = "gst_rtcp_type_get_type ()")]
- [GIR (name = "RTCPType")]
- public enum Type {
- SR,
- RR,
- BYE,
- APP,
- XR
- }
- [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cname = "GstRTCPXRType", cprefix =
"GST_RTCP_XR_TYPE_", type_id = "gst_rtcpxr_type_get_type ()")]
- [GIR (name = "RTCPXRType")]
- [Version (since = "1.16")]
- public enum XRType {
- PRT,
- RRT,
- }
- [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cname = "GST_RTCP_MAX_BYE_SSRC_COUNT")]
- public const int MAX_BYE_SSRC_COUNT;
- [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cname = "GST_RTCP_MAX_RB_COUNT")]
- public const int MAX_RB_COUNT;
- [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cname = "GST_RTCP_MAX_SDES")]
- public const int MAX_SDES;
- [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cname = "GST_RTCP_MAX_SDES_ITEM_COUNT")]
- public const int MAX_SDES_ITEM_COUNT;
- [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cname = "GST_RTCP_REDUCED_SIZE_VALID_MASK")]
- public const int REDUCED_SIZE_VALID_MASK;
- [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cname = "GST_RTCP_VALID_MASK")]
- public const int VALID_MASK;
- [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cname = "GST_RTCP_VALID_VALUE")]
- public const int VALID_VALUE;
- [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cname = "GST_RTCP_VERSION")]
- public const int VERSION;
- [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cname = "gst_rtcp_buffer_map")]
- public static bool buffer_map (Gst.Buffer buffer, Gst.MapFlags flags, Gst.RTPC.Buffer rtcp);
- [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cname = "gst_rtcp_buffer_new")]
- public static Gst.Buffer buffer_new (uint mtu);
- [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cname = "gst_rtcp_buffer_new_copy_data")]
- public static Gst.Buffer buffer_new_copy_data ([CCode (array_length_cname = "len",
array_length_pos = 1.1, array_length_type = "guint")] uint8[] data);
- [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cname = "gst_rtcp_buffer_new_take_data")]
- public static Gst.Buffer buffer_new_take_data ([CCode (array_length_cname = "len",
array_length_pos = 1.1, array_length_type = "guint")] uint8[] data);
- [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cname = "gst_rtcp_buffer_validate")]
- public static bool buffer_validate (Gst.Buffer buffer);
- [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cname = "gst_rtcp_buffer_validate_data")]
- public static bool buffer_validate_data ([CCode (array_length_cname = "len", array_length_pos
= 1.1, array_length_type = "guint")] uint8[] data);
- [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cname = "gst_rtcp_buffer_validate_data_reduced")]
- [Version (since = "1.6")]
- public static bool buffer_validate_data_reduced ([CCode (array_length_cname = "len",
array_length_pos = 1.1, array_length_type = "guint")] uint8[] data);
- [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cname = "gst_rtcp_buffer_validate_reduced")]
- [Version (since = "1.6")]
- public static bool buffer_validate_reduced (Gst.Buffer buffer);
- [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cname = "gst_rtcp_ntp_to_unix")]
- public static uint64 ntp_to_unix (uint64 ntptime);
- [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cname = "gst_rtcp_sdes_name_to_type")]
- public static Gst.RTPC.SDESType sdes_name_to_type (string name);
- [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cname = "gst_rtcp_sdes_type_to_name")]
- public static unowned string sdes_type_to_name (Gst.RTPC.SDESType type);
- [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cname = "gst_rtcp_unix_to_ntp")]
- public static uint64 unix_to_ntp (uint64 unixtime);
- }
diff --git a/vapi/metadata/GstRtp-1.0.metadata b/vapi/metadata/GstRtp-1.0.metadata
index d63fe4dc7..29abcedc8 100644
--- a/vapi/metadata/GstRtp-1.0.metadata
+++ b/vapi/metadata/GstRtp-1.0.metadata
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ RTPBuffer struct=false base_type="Gst.Buffer"
.buffer skip
.map unowned=false
-RTCP* parent="Gst.RTPC" name="RTCP(.+)"
-RTCP_* parent="Gst.RTPC" name="RTCP_(.+)"
-rtcp_* parent="Gst.RTPC" name="rtcp_(.+)"
+RTCP* parent="Gst.RTCP" name="RTCP(.+)"
+RTCP_* parent="Gst.RTCP" name="RTCP_(.+)"
+rtcp_* parent="Gst.RTCP" name="rtcp_(.+)"
RTCPBuffer struct=false base_type="Gst.Buffer"
.buffer skip
@@ -20,4 +20,4 @@ RTCPBuffer struct=false base_type="Gst.Buffer"
// Backwards compatibility
.get_payload skip=false
- .get_extension_data skip=false
\ No newline at end of file
+ .get_extension_data skip=false
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