[tracker/wip/carlosg/hotdoc: 9/40] docs: Port "defining ontologies" documentation to markdown

commit 039e94fb8b13301f9e3da066b054e988c826b96c
Author: Carlos Garnacho <carlosg gnome org>
Date:   Thu May 27 23:15:04 2021 +0200

    docs: Port "defining ontologies" documentation to markdown

 .../examples/ontologies/defining-cardinality-1.rq  |   5 -
 .../examples/ontologies/defining-cardinality-2.txt |   4 -
 .../examples/ontologies/defining-cardinality-3.rq  |   8 -
 .../examples/ontologies/defining-classes-1.txt     |   3 -
 .../examples/ontologies/defining-classes-2.txt     |  11 -
 .../examples/ontologies/defining-classes-3.rq      |   2 -
 .../examples/ontologies/defining-fts-indexes-1.txt |   5 -
 .../examples/ontologies/defining-fts-indexes-2.rq  |   2 -
 .../examples/ontologies/defining-indexes-1.txt     |   5 -
 .../examples/ontologies/defining-namespaces-1.txt  |  14 -
 .../examples/ontologies/defining-properties-1.txt  |  11 -
 .../examples/ontologies/defining-properties-2.txt  |   7 -
 .../examples/ontologies/defining-properties-3.txt  |   8 -
 .../examples/ontologies/defining-properties-4.rq   |   5 -
 .../examples/ontologies/defining-uniqueness-1.txt  |   3 -
 .../examples/ontologies/defining-uniqueness-2.rq   |   7 -
 .../examples/ontologies/example.description        |  16 -
 .../examples/ontologies/predefined-elements-1.txt  |   1 -
 .../examples/ontologies/predefined-elements-2.rq   |   2 -
 docs/reference/libtracker-sparql/meson.build       |   1 +
 docs/reference/libtracker-sparql/ontologies.md     | 391 +++++++++++++++++++++
 docs/reference/libtracker-sparql/ontologies.xml    | 352 -------------------
 22 files changed, 392 insertions(+), 471 deletions(-)
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index 6e72986bb..7a7e205d8 100644
--- a/docs/reference/libtracker-sparql/meson.build
+++ b/docs/reference/libtracker-sparql/meson.build
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 content = [
+  'ontologies.md',
diff --git a/docs/reference/libtracker-sparql/ontologies.md b/docs/reference/libtracker-sparql/ontologies.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..94fb85c23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/reference/libtracker-sparql/ontologies.md
@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
+Title: Defining ontologies
+An ontology defines the entities that a Tracker endpoint can store, as
+well as their properties and the relationships between different entities.
+Tracker internally uses the following ontologies as its base, all ontologies
+defined by the user of the endpoint are recommended to be build around this
+- XML Schema (XSD), defining basic types
+- Resource Description Framework (RDF), defining classes, properties and
+  inheritance
+- Nepomuk Resource Language (NRL), defining resource uniqueness, inheritance
+  and indexes.
+- Dublin Core (DC), defining common superproperties for documents
+Ontologies are Turtle files with the .ontology extension, Tracker parses all
+ontology files from the given directory. The individual ontology files may
+not be self-consistent (i.e. use missing definitions), but
+all the ontology files as a whole must be.
+Tracker loads the ontology files in alphanumeric order, it is advisable
+that those have a numbered prefix in order to load those at a consistent
+order despite future additions.
+## Creating an ontology
+### Defining a namespace
+A namespace is the topmost layer of an individual ontology, it will
+contain all classes and properties defined by it. In order to define
+a namespace you can do:
+# These prefixes will be used in the definition of the ontology,
+# thus must be explicitly defined
+@prefix nrl: <http://tracker.api.gnome.org/ontology/v3/nrl#> .
+@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
+@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
+@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .
+# This is our example namespace
+@prefix ex: <http://example.org/#>
+ex: a nrl:Namespace, nrl:Ontology
+    nrl:prefix "ex"
+    rdfs:comment "example ontology"
+    nrl:lastModified "2017-01-01T15:00:00Z"
+### Defining classes
+Classes are the base of an ontology, all stored resources must define
+themselves as "being" at least one of these classes. They all derive
+from the base rdfs:Resource type. To eg. define classes representing
+animals and plants, you can do:
+ex:Eukaryote a rdfs:Class;
+             rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Resource;
+             rdfs:comment "An eukaryote".
+By convention all classes use CamelCase names, although class names
+are not restricted. The allowed charset is UTF-8.
+Declaring subclasses is possible:
+ex:Animal a rdfs:Class;
+          rdfs:subClassOf ex:Eukaryote;
+          rdfs:comment "An animal".
+ex:Plant a rdfs:Class;
+          rdfs:subClassOf ex:Eukaryote;
+          rdfs:comment "A plant".
+ex:Mammal a rdfs:Class;
+          rdfs:subClassOf ex:Animal;
+          rdfs:comment "A mammal".
+With such classes defined, resources may be inserted to the endpoint,
+eg. with the SPARQL:
+INSERT DATA { <merry> a ex:Mammal }
+INSERT DATA { <treebeard> a ex:Animal, ex:Plant }
+Note that multiple inheritance is possible, resources will just inherit
+all properties from all classes and superclasses.
+### Defining properties
+Properties relate to a class, so all resources pertaining to that class
+can define values for these.
+ex:cromosomes a rdf:Property;
+              rdfs:domain ex:Eukaryote;
+              rdfs:range xsd:integer.
+ex:unicellular a rdf:Property;
+               rdfs:domain ex:Eukaryote;
+               rdfs:range xsd:bool;
+ex:dateOfBirth a rdf:Property;
+               rdfs:domain ex:Mammal;
+               rdfs:range xsd:dateTime;
+The class the property belongs to is defined by `rdfs:domain`, while the
+data type contained is defined by `rdfs:range`. By convention all
+properties use dromedaryCase names, although property names are not
+restricted. The allowed charset is UTF-8.
+The following basic types are supported:
+- `xsd:boolean`
+- `xsd:string` and `rdf:langString`
+- `xsd:integer`, ranging from -2^63 to 2^63-1.
+- `xsd:double`, able to store a 8 byte IEEE floating point number.
+- `xsd:date` and `xsd:dateTime`, able to store dates and times since
+   January 1st 1 AD, with microsecond resolution.
+Of course, properties can also point to resources of the same or
+other classes, so stored resources can conform a graph:
+ex:parent a rdf:Property;
+          rdfs:domain ex:Mammal;
+          rdfs:range ex:Mammal;
+ex:pet a rdf:Property;
+       rdfs:domain ex:Mammal;
+       rdfs:range ex:Eukaryote;
+There is also inheritance of properties, an example would be a property
+in a subclass concretizing a more generic property from a superclass.
+ex:geneticInformation a rdf:Property;
+                      rdfs:domain ex:Eukaryote;
+                      rdfs:range xsd:string;
+ex:dna a rdf:Property;
+       rdfs:domain ex:Mammal;
+       rdfs:range xsd:string;
+       rdfs:subPropertyOf ex:geneticInformation.
+SPARQL queries are expected to provide the same result when queried
+for a property or one of its superproperties.
+# These two queries should provide the exact same result(s)
+SELECT { ?animal a ex:Animal;
+                 ex:geneticInformation "AGCT" }
+SELECT { ?animal a ex:Animal;
+                 ex:dna "AGCT" }
+### Defining cardinality of properties
+By default, properties are multivalued, there are no restrictions in
+the number of values a property can store.
+  <cat> a ex:Mammal .
+  <dog> a ex:Mammal .
+  <peter> a ex:Mammal ;
+     ex:pets <cat>, <dog>
+Wherever this is not desirable, cardinality can be limited on properties
+through nrl:maxCardinality.
+ex:cromosomes a rdf:Property;
+              rdfs:domain ex:Eukaryote;
+              rdfs:range xsd:integer;
+              nrl:maxCardinality 1.
+This will raise an error if the SPARQL updates in the endpoint end up
+in the property inserted multiple times.
+# This will fail
+INSERT DATA { <cat> a ex:Mammal;
+                    ex:cromosomes 38;
+                    ex:cromosomes 42 }
+# This will succeed
+INSERT DATA { <donald> a ex:Mammal;
+                       ex:cromosomes 47 }
+Tracker does not implement support for other maximum cardinalities
+than 1.
+    XXX: explain how cardinality affects subproperties, superproperties
+### Defining uniqueness
+It is desirable for certain properties to keep their values unique
+across all resources, this can be expressed by defining the properties
+as being a nrl:InverseFunctionalProperty.
+ex:geneticInformation a rdf:Property, nrl:InverseFunctionalProperty;
+                      rdfs:domain ex:Eukaryote;
+                      rdfs:range xsd:string;
+With that in place, no two resources can have the same value on the
+# First insertion, this will succeed
+INSERT DATA { <drosophila> a ex:Eukariote;
+                           ex:geneticInformation "AGCT" }
+# This will fail
+INSERT DATA { <melanogaster> a ex:Eukariote;
+                             ex:geneticInformation "AGCT" }
+    XXX: explain how inverse functional proeprties affect sub/superproperties
+### Defining indexes
+It may be the case that SPARQL queries performed on the endpoint are
+known to match, sort, or filter on certain properties more often than others.
+In this case, the ontology may use nrl:domainIndex in the class definition:
+# Make queries on ex:dateOfBirth faster
+ex:Mammal a rdfs:Class;
+          rdfs:subClassOf ex:Animal;
+          rdfs:comment "A mammal";
+          nrl:domainIndex ex:dateOfBirth.
+Classes may define multiple domain indexes.
+**Note**: Be frugal with indexes, do not add these proactively. An index in the wrong
+place might not affect query performance positively, but all indexes come at
+a cost in disk size.
+### Defining full-text search properties
+Tracker provides nonstandard full-text search capabilities, in order to use
+these, the string properties can use nrl:fulltextIndexed:
+ex:name a rdf:Property;
+        rdfs:domain ex:Mammal;
+        rdfs:range xsd:string;
+        nrl:fulltextIndexed true;
+        nrl:weight 10.
+Weighting can also be applied, so certain properties rank higher than others
+in full-text search queries. With nrl:fulltextIndexed in place, sparql
+queries may use full-text search capabilities:
+SELECT { ?mammal a ex:Mammal;
+                 fts:match "timmy" }
+### Predefined elements
+It may be desirable for the ontology to offer predefined elements of a
+certain class, which can then be used by the endpoint.
+ex:self a ex:Mammal.
+Usage does not differ in use from the elements of that same class that
+could be inserted in the endpoint.
+INSERT DATA { ex:self ex:pets <cat> .
+              <cat> ex:pets ex:self }
+### Accompanying metadata
+Ontology files are optionally accompanied by description files, those have
+the same basename, but the ".description" extension.
+@prefix dsc: <http://tracker.api.gnome.org/ontology/v3/dsc#> .
+<virtual-ontology-uri:30-nie.ontology> a dsc:Ontology ;
+       dsc:title "Example ontology" ;
+       dsc:description "A little bit of this and that." ;
+       dsc:upstream "http://www.example.org/ontologies";;
+       dsc:author "John doe, &lt;john example org&gt;";
+       dsc:editor "Jane doe, &lt;jane example org&gt;";
+       dsc:gitlog "http://git.example.org/cgit/tracker/log/example.ontology";;
+       dsc:contributor "someone else, &lt;some1 example org&gt;";
+       dsc:localPrefix "ex" ;
+       dsc:baseUrl "http://www.example.org/ontologies/ex#";;
+       dsc:relativePath "./10-ex.ontology" ;
+       dsc:copyright "All rights given away".
+## Updating an ontology
+As software evolves, sometimes changes in the ontology are unavoidable.
+Tracker can transparently handle certain ontology changes on existing
+1. Adding a class.
+2. Removing a class.
+   All resources will be removed from this class, and all related
+   properties will disappear.
+3. Adding a property.
+4. Removing a property.
+   The property will disappear from all elements pertaining to the
+   class in domain of the property.
+5. Changing rdfs:range of a property.
+   The following conversions are allowed:
+    - `xsd:integer` to `xsd:bool`, `xsd:double` and `xsd:string`</listitem></varlistentry>
+    - `xsd:double` to `xsd:bool`, `xsd:integer` and `xsd:string`</listitem></varlistentry>
+    - `xsd:string` to `xsd:bool`, `xsd:integer` and `xsd:double`</listitem></varlistentry>
+6. Adding and removing `nrl:domainIndex` from a class.
+7. Adding and removing `nrl:fulltextIndexed` from a property.
+8. Changing the `nrl:weight` on a property.
+9. Removing `nrl:maxCardinality` from a property.
+    XXX: these need documenting too
+    add intermediate superproperties
+    add intermediate superclasses
+    remove intermediate superproperties
+    remove intermediate superclasses
+However, there are certain ontology changes that Tracker will find
+incompatible. Either because they are incoherent or resulting into
+situations where it can not deterministically satisfy the change
+in the stored data. Tracker will error out and refuse to do any data
+changes in these situations:
+- Properties with rdfs:range being `xsd:bool`, `xsd:date`, `xsd:dateTime`,
+  or any other custom class are not convertible. Only conversions
+  covered in the list above are accepted.
+- You can not add `rdfs:subClassOf` in classes that are not being
+  newly added. You can not remove `rdfs:subClassOf` from classes.
+  The only allowed change to `rdfs:subClassOf` is to correct
+  subclasses when deleting a class, so they point a common
+  superclass.
+- You can not add `rdfs:subPropertyOf` to properties that are not
+  being newly added. You can not change an existing
+  `rdfs:subPropertyOf` unless it is made to point to a common
+  superproperty. You can however remove `rdfs:subPropertyOf` from
+  non-new properties.
+- Properties can not move across classes, thus any change in
+  `rdfs:domain` is forbidden.
+- You can not add `nrl:maxCardinality` restrictions on properties that
+  are not being newly added.
+- You can not add nor remove `nrl:InverseFunctionalProperty` from a
+  property that is not being newly added.
+The recommendation to bypass these situations is the same for all,
+use different property and class names and use SPARQL to manually
+migrate the old data to the new format if necessary.
+High level code is in a better position to solve the
+possible incoherences (e.g. picking a single value if a property
+changes from multiple values to single value). After the manual
+data migration has been completed, the old classes and properties
+can be dropped.

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