[gtk/msvc-project-improvements: 3/4] gtk/build: Split out part of headers listings

commit a1739eb6d8aec086d59f74fce968cd645551cd87
Author: Chun-wei Fan <fanchunwei src gnome org>
Date:   Thu Dec 23 15:28:31 2021 +0800

    gtk/build: Split out part of headers listings
    This will enable us to share this list with the NMake Makefiles that will be
    used to generate the gtk[private]typebuiltins.[c|h] in the Visual Studio

 gtk/Makefile.am             | 245 ++------------------------------------------
 gtk/deprecated/Makefile.inc |   2 +-
 gtk/gtk-mkenums-headers.mak | 236 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 246 insertions(+), 237 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gtk/Makefile.am b/gtk/Makefile.am
index ecb88fd07e..78280fa2c2 100644
--- a/gtk/Makefile.am
+++ b/gtk/Makefile.am
@@ -114,236 +114,12 @@ endif
 include $(srcdir)/a11y/Makefile.inc
 include $(srcdir)/deprecated/Makefile.inc
 include $(srcdir)/inspector/Makefile.inc
+include $(srcdir)/gtk-mkenums-headers.mak
 # GTK+ header files for public installation (non-generated, or generated
 # by configure)
-gtk_public_h_sources =                 \
-       gtk.h                   \
-       gtk-autocleanups.h      \
-       gtkx.h                  \
-       gtkx-autocleanups.h     \
-       gtk-a11y.h              \
-       gtkaboutdialog.h        \
-       gtkaccelgroup.h         \
-       gtkaccellabel.h         \
-       gtkaccelmap.h           \
-       gtkaccessible.h         \
-       gtkactionable.h         \
-       gtkactionbar.h          \
-       gtkadjustment.h         \
-       gtkappchooser.h         \
-       gtkappchooserbutton.h   \
-       gtkappchooserdialog.h   \
-       gtkappchooserwidget.h   \
-       gtkapplication.h        \
-       gtkapplicationwindow.h  \
-       gtkaspectframe.h        \
-       gtkassistant.h          \
-       gtkbbox.h               \
-       gtkbin.h                \
-       gtkbindings.h           \
-       gtkborder.h             \
-       gtkbox.h                \
-       gtkbuilder.h            \
-       gtkbuildable.h          \
-       gtkbutton.h             \
-       gtkcalendar.h           \
-       gtkcellarea.h           \
-       gtkcellareacontext.h    \
-       gtkcellareabox.h        \
-       gtkcelleditable.h       \
-       gtkcelllayout.h         \
-       gtkcellrenderer.h       \
-       gtkcellrendereraccel.h  \
-       gtkcellrenderercombo.h  \
-       gtkcellrendererpixbuf.h \
-       gtkcellrendererprogress.h \
-       gtkcellrendererspin.h   \
-       gtkcellrendererspinner.h\
-       gtkcellrenderertext.h   \
-       gtkcellrenderertoggle.h \
-       gtkcellview.h           \
-       gtkcheckbutton.h        \
-       gtkcheckmenuitem.h      \
-       gtkclipboard.h          \
-       gtkcolorbutton.h        \
-       gtkcolorchooser.h       \
-       gtkcolorchooserwidget.h \
-       gtkcolorchooserdialog.h \
-       gtkcolorutils.h         \
-       gtkcombobox.h           \
-       gtkcomboboxtext.h       \
-       gtkcontainer.h          \
-       gtkcssprovider.h        \
-       gtkcsssection.h         \
-       gtkdebug.h              \
-       gtkdialog.h             \
-       gtkdnd.h                \
-       gtkdragdest.h           \
-       gtkdragsource.h         \
-       gtkdrawingarea.h        \
-       gtkeditable.h           \
-       gtkentry.h              \
-       gtkentrybuffer.h        \
-       gtkentrycompletion.h    \
-       gtkenums.h              \
-       gtkeventbox.h           \
-       gtkeventcontroller.h    \
-       gtkeventcontrollerkey.h \
-       gtkeventcontrollermotion.h      \
-       gtkeventcontrollerscroll.h      \
-       gtkexpander.h           \
-       gtkfilechooser.h        \
-       gtkfilechooserbutton.h  \
-       gtkfilechooserdialog.h  \
-       gtkfilechoosernative.h  \
-       gtkfilechooserwidget.h  \
-       gtkfilefilter.h         \
-       gtkfixed.h              \
-       gtkflowbox.h            \
-       gtkfontbutton.h         \
-       gtkfontchooser.h        \
-       gtkfontchooserdialog.h  \
-       gtkfontchooserwidget.h  \
-       gtkframe.h              \
-       gtkgesture.h            \
-       gtkgesturedrag.h        \
-       gtkgesturelongpress.h   \
-       gtkgesturemultipress.h  \
-       gtkgesturepan.h         \
-       gtkgesturerotate.h      \
-       gtkgesturesingle.h      \
-       gtkgesturestylus.h      \
-       gtkgestureswipe.h       \
-       gtkgesturezoom.h        \
-       gtkglarea.h             \
-       gtkgrid.h               \
-       gtkheaderbar.h          \
-       gtkicontheme.h          \
-       gtkiconview.h           \
-       gtkimage.h              \
-       gtkimcontext.h          \
-       gtkimcontextinfo.h      \
-       gtkimcontextsimple.h    \
-       gtkimmodule.h           \
-       gtkimmulticontext.h     \
-       gtkinfobar.h            \
-       gtkinvisible.h          \
-       gtklabel.h              \
-       gtklayout.h             \
-       gtklevelbar.h           \
-       gtklinkbutton.h         \
-       gtklistbox.h            \
-       gtkliststore.h          \
-       gtklockbutton.h         \
-       gtkmain.h               \
-       gtkmenu.h               \
-       gtkmenubar.h            \
-       gtkmenubutton.h         \
-       gtkmenuitem.h           \
-       gtkmenushell.h          \
-       gtkmenutoolbutton.h     \
-       gtkmessagedialog.h      \
-       gtkmodelbutton.h        \
-       gtkmodules.h            \
-       gtkmountoperation.h     \
-       gtknativedialog.h       \
-       gtknotebook.h           \
-       gtkoffscreenwindow.h    \
-       gtkorientable.h         \
-       gtkoverlay.h            \
-       gtkpadcontroller.h      \
-       gtkpagesetup.h          \
-       gtkpaned.h              \
-       gtkpapersize.h          \
-       gtkplacessidebar.h      \
-       gtkplug.h               \
-       gtkpopover.h            \
-       gtkpopovermenu.h        \
-       gtkprintcontext.h       \
-       gtkprintoperation.h     \
-       gtkprintoperationpreview.h \
-       gtkprintsettings.h      \
-       gtkprogressbar.h        \
-       gtkradiobutton.h        \
-       gtkradiomenuitem.h      \
-       gtkradiotoolbutton.h    \
-       gtkrange.h              \
-       gtkrecentchooser.h      \
-       gtkrecentchooserdialog.h \
-       gtkrecentchoosermenu.h  \
-       gtkrecentchooserwidget.h \
-       gtkrecentfilter.h       \
-       gtkrecentmanager.h      \
-       gtkrender.h             \
-       gtkrevealer.h           \
-       gtkscale.h              \
-       gtkscalebutton.h        \
-       gtkscrollable.h         \
-       gtkscrollbar.h          \
-       gtkscrolledwindow.h     \
-       gtksearchbar.h          \
-       gtksearchentry.h        \
-       gtkselection.h          \
-       gtkseparator.h          \
-       gtkseparatormenuitem.h  \
-       gtkseparatortoolitem.h  \
-       gtksettings.h           \
-       gtkshortcutlabel.h      \
-       gtkshortcutsgroup.h     \
-       gtkshortcutssection.h   \
-       gtkshortcutsshortcut.h  \
-       gtkshortcutswindow.h    \
-       gtkshow.h               \
-       gtkstacksidebar.h       \
-       gtksizegroup.h          \
-       gtksizerequest.h        \
-       gtksocket.h             \
-       gtkspinbutton.h         \
-       gtkspinner.h            \
-       gtkstack.h              \
-       gtkstackswitcher.h      \
-       gtkstatusbar.h          \
-       gtkstylecontext.h       \
-       gtkstyleprovider.h      \
-       gtkswitch.h             \
-       gtktestutils.h          \
-       gtktextattributes.h     \
-       gtktextbuffer.h         \
-       gtktextbufferrichtext.h \
-       gtktextchild.h          \
-       gtktextdisplay.h        \
-       gtktextiter.h           \
-       gtktextmark.h           \
-       gtktexttag.h            \
-       gtktexttagtable.h       \
-       gtktextview.h           \
-       gtktogglebutton.h       \
-       gtktoggletoolbutton.h   \
-       gtktoolbar.h            \
-       gtktoolbutton.h         \
-       gtktoolitem.h           \
-       gtktoolitemgroup.h      \
-       gtktoolpalette.h        \
-       gtktoolshell.h          \
-       gtktooltip.h            \
-       gtktreednd.h            \
-       gtktreemodel.h          \
-       gtktreemodelfilter.h    \
-       gtktreemodelsort.h      \
-       gtktreeselection.h      \
-       gtktreesortable.h       \
-       gtktreestore.h          \
-       gtktreeview.h           \
-       gtktreeviewcolumn.h     \
-       gtktypes.h              \
-       gtkviewport.h           \
-       gtkvolumebutton.h       \
-       gtkwidget.h             \
-       gtkwidgetpath.h         \
-       gtkwindow.h             \
-       gtkwindowgroup.h
+gtk_public_h_sources = $(GTK_PUB_HDRS)
 gtk_unix_print_public_h_sources =      \
@@ -360,10 +136,7 @@ endif
 gtk_semi_private_h_sources = \
-gtk_private_type_h_sources =   \
-       gtkcsstypesprivate.h    \
-       gtktexthandleprivate.h
+gtk_private_type_h_sources = $(GTK_PRIVATE_TYPE_HDRS)
 # GTK+ header files that don't get installed
 gtk_private_h_sources =                \
@@ -1277,15 +1050,15 @@ gtkmarshalers.c: gtkmarshalers.list
 gtktypebuiltins.h: stamp-gtktypebuiltins.h
-stamp-gtktypebuiltins.h: $(gtk_public_h_sources) $(a11y_h_sources) $(deprecated_h_sources) 
+stamp-gtktypebuiltins.h: $(gtk_public_h_sources) $(a11y_h_sources) $(gtk_deprecated_h_sources) 
        $(AM_V_GEN) ( cd $(srcdir) && $(GLIB_MKENUMS) --template gtktypebuiltins.h.template \
-               $(gtk_public_h_sources) $(a11y_h_sources) $(deprecated_h_sources) ) > xgen-gtbh \
+               $(gtk_public_h_sources) $(a11y_h_sources) $(gtk_deprecated_h_sources) ) > xgen-gtbh \
        && (cmp -s xgen-gtbh gtktypebuiltins.h || cp xgen-gtbh gtktypebuiltins.h ) \
        && rm -f xgen-gtbh \
        && echo timestamp > $(@F)
-gtktypebuiltins.c: $(gtk_public_h_sources) $(a11y_h_sources) $(deprecated_h_sources) 
+gtktypebuiltins.c: $(gtk_public_h_sources) $(a11y_h_sources) $(gtk_deprecated_h_sources) 
        $(AM_V_GEN) ( cd $(srcdir) && $(GLIB_MKENUMS) --template gtktypebuiltins.c.template \
-               $(gtk_public_h_sources) $(a11y_h_sources) $(deprecated_h_sources) ) > xgen-gtbc \
+               $(gtk_public_h_sources) $(a11y_h_sources) $(gtk_deprecated_h_sources) ) > xgen-gtbc \
        && cp xgen-gtbc gtktypebuiltins.c  \
        && rm -f xgen-gtbc
@@ -1470,7 +1243,7 @@ a11yincludedir = $(includedir)/gtk-3.0/gtk/a11y
 a11yinclude_HEADERS= $(a11y_h_sources)
 deprecatedincludedir = $(includedir)/gtk-3.0/gtk/deprecated
-deprecatedinclude_HEADERS= $(deprecated_h_sources)
+deprecatedinclude_HEADERS= $(gtk_deprecated_h_sources)
 gtkunixprintincludedir = $(includedir)/gtk-3.0/unix-print/gtk
 gtkunixprintinclude_HEADERS = $(gtk_unix_print_public_h_sources)
@@ -1524,7 +1297,7 @@ gtk_3_HEADERS_DIR = $(gtkincludedir)
 gtk_3_HEADERS_INST = \
        $(gtkinclude_HEADERS)   \
        $(a11y_h_sources)       \
-       $(deprecated_h_sources)
+       $(gtk_deprecated_h_sources)
 gtk_3_HEADERS_EXCLUDES = dummy
diff --git a/gtk/deprecated/Makefile.inc b/gtk/deprecated/Makefile.inc
index 7e0e08bdd0..a4d5811ba2 100644
--- a/gtk/deprecated/Makefile.inc
+++ b/gtk/deprecated/Makefile.inc
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-deprecated_h_sources =                         \
+gtk_deprecated_h_sources =             \
        deprecated/gtkactivatable.h     \
        deprecated/gtkaction.h          \
        deprecated/gtkactiongroup.h     \
diff --git a/gtk/gtk-mkenums-headers.mak b/gtk/gtk-mkenums-headers.mak
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..86c38f925c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gtk/gtk-mkenums-headers.mak
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+# List of headers to be passed into glib-mkenums
+# GTK+ header files for public installation (non-generated, or generated
+# by configure)
+GTK_PUB_HDRS =                 \
+       gtk.h                   \
+       gtk-autocleanups.h      \
+       gtkx.h                  \
+       gtkx-autocleanups.h     \
+       gtk-a11y.h              \
+       gtkaboutdialog.h        \
+       gtkaccelgroup.h         \
+       gtkaccellabel.h         \
+       gtkaccelmap.h           \
+       gtkaccessible.h         \
+       gtkactionable.h         \
+       gtkactionbar.h          \
+       gtkadjustment.h         \
+       gtkappchooser.h         \
+       gtkappchooserbutton.h   \
+       gtkappchooserdialog.h   \
+       gtkappchooserwidget.h   \
+       gtkapplication.h        \
+       gtkapplicationwindow.h  \
+       gtkaspectframe.h        \
+       gtkassistant.h          \
+       gtkbbox.h               \
+       gtkbin.h                \
+       gtkbindings.h           \
+       gtkborder.h             \
+       gtkbox.h                \
+       gtkbuilder.h            \
+       gtkbuildable.h          \
+       gtkbutton.h             \
+       gtkcalendar.h           \
+       gtkcellarea.h           \
+       gtkcellareacontext.h    \
+       gtkcellareabox.h        \
+       gtkcelleditable.h       \
+       gtkcelllayout.h         \
+       gtkcellrenderer.h       \
+       gtkcellrendereraccel.h  \
+       gtkcellrenderercombo.h  \
+       gtkcellrendererpixbuf.h \
+       gtkcellrendererprogress.h \
+       gtkcellrendererspin.h   \
+       gtkcellrendererspinner.h\
+       gtkcellrenderertext.h   \
+       gtkcellrenderertoggle.h \
+       gtkcellview.h           \
+       gtkcheckbutton.h        \
+       gtkcheckmenuitem.h      \
+       gtkclipboard.h          \
+       gtkcolorbutton.h        \
+       gtkcolorchooser.h       \
+       gtkcolorchooserwidget.h \
+       gtkcolorchooserdialog.h \
+       gtkcolorutils.h         \
+       gtkcombobox.h           \
+       gtkcomboboxtext.h       \
+       gtkcontainer.h          \
+       gtkcssprovider.h        \
+       gtkcsssection.h         \
+       gtkdebug.h              \
+       gtkdialog.h             \
+       gtkdnd.h                \
+       gtkdragdest.h           \
+       gtkdragsource.h         \
+       gtkdrawingarea.h        \
+       gtkeditable.h           \
+       gtkentry.h              \
+       gtkentrybuffer.h        \
+       gtkentrycompletion.h    \
+       gtkenums.h              \
+       gtkeventbox.h           \
+       gtkeventcontroller.h    \
+       gtkeventcontrollerkey.h \
+       gtkeventcontrollermotion.h      \
+       gtkeventcontrollerscroll.h      \
+       gtkexpander.h           \
+       gtkfilechooser.h        \
+       gtkfilechooserbutton.h  \
+       gtkfilechooserdialog.h  \
+       gtkfilechoosernative.h  \
+       gtkfilechooserwidget.h  \
+       gtkfilefilter.h         \
+       gtkfixed.h              \
+       gtkflowbox.h            \
+       gtkfontbutton.h         \
+       gtkfontchooser.h        \
+       gtkfontchooserdialog.h  \
+       gtkfontchooserwidget.h  \
+       gtkframe.h              \
+       gtkgesture.h            \
+       gtkgesturedrag.h        \
+       gtkgesturelongpress.h   \
+       gtkgesturemultipress.h  \
+       gtkgesturepan.h         \
+       gtkgesturerotate.h      \
+       gtkgesturesingle.h      \
+       gtkgesturestylus.h      \
+       gtkgestureswipe.h       \
+       gtkgesturezoom.h        \
+       gtkglarea.h             \
+       gtkgrid.h               \
+       gtkheaderbar.h          \
+       gtkicontheme.h          \
+       gtkiconview.h           \
+       gtkimage.h              \
+       gtkimcontext.h          \
+       gtkimcontextinfo.h      \
+       gtkimcontextsimple.h    \
+       gtkimmodule.h           \
+       gtkimmulticontext.h     \
+       gtkinfobar.h            \
+       gtkinvisible.h          \
+       gtklabel.h              \
+       gtklayout.h             \
+       gtklevelbar.h           \
+       gtklinkbutton.h         \
+       gtklistbox.h            \
+       gtkliststore.h          \
+       gtklockbutton.h         \
+       gtkmain.h               \
+       gtkmenu.h               \
+       gtkmenubar.h            \
+       gtkmenubutton.h         \
+       gtkmenuitem.h           \
+       gtkmenushell.h          \
+       gtkmenutoolbutton.h     \
+       gtkmessagedialog.h      \
+       gtkmodelbutton.h        \
+       gtkmodules.h            \
+       gtkmountoperation.h     \
+       gtknativedialog.h       \
+       gtknotebook.h           \
+       gtkoffscreenwindow.h    \
+       gtkorientable.h         \
+       gtkoverlay.h            \
+       gtkpadcontroller.h      \
+       gtkpagesetup.h          \
+       gtkpaned.h              \
+       gtkpapersize.h          \
+       gtkplacessidebar.h      \
+       gtkplug.h               \
+       gtkpopover.h            \
+       gtkpopovermenu.h        \
+       gtkprintcontext.h       \
+       gtkprintoperation.h     \
+       gtkprintoperationpreview.h \
+       gtkprintsettings.h      \
+       gtkprogressbar.h        \
+       gtkradiobutton.h        \
+       gtkradiomenuitem.h      \
+       gtkradiotoolbutton.h    \
+       gtkrange.h              \
+       gtkrecentchooser.h      \
+       gtkrecentchooserdialog.h \
+       gtkrecentchoosermenu.h  \
+       gtkrecentchooserwidget.h \
+       gtkrecentfilter.h       \
+       gtkrecentmanager.h      \
+       gtkrender.h             \
+       gtkrevealer.h           \
+       gtkscale.h              \
+       gtkscalebutton.h        \
+       gtkscrollable.h         \
+       gtkscrollbar.h          \
+       gtkscrolledwindow.h     \
+       gtksearchbar.h          \
+       gtksearchentry.h        \
+       gtkselection.h          \
+       gtkseparator.h          \
+       gtkseparatormenuitem.h  \
+       gtkseparatortoolitem.h  \
+       gtksettings.h           \
+       gtkshortcutlabel.h      \
+       gtkshortcutsgroup.h     \
+       gtkshortcutssection.h   \
+       gtkshortcutsshortcut.h  \
+       gtkshortcutswindow.h    \
+       gtkshow.h               \
+       gtkstacksidebar.h       \
+       gtksizegroup.h          \
+       gtksizerequest.h        \
+       gtksocket.h             \
+       gtkspinbutton.h         \
+       gtkspinner.h            \
+       gtkstack.h              \
+       gtkstackswitcher.h      \
+       gtkstatusbar.h          \
+       gtkstylecontext.h       \
+       gtkstyleprovider.h      \
+       gtkswitch.h             \
+       gtktestutils.h          \
+       gtktextattributes.h     \
+       gtktextbuffer.h         \
+       gtktextbufferrichtext.h \
+       gtktextchild.h          \
+       gtktextdisplay.h        \
+       gtktextiter.h           \
+       gtktextmark.h           \
+       gtktexttag.h            \
+       gtktexttagtable.h       \
+       gtktextview.h           \
+       gtktogglebutton.h       \
+       gtktoggletoolbutton.h   \
+       gtktoolbar.h            \
+       gtktoolbutton.h         \
+       gtktoolitem.h           \
+       gtktoolitemgroup.h      \
+       gtktoolpalette.h        \
+       gtktoolshell.h          \
+       gtktooltip.h            \
+       gtktreednd.h            \
+       gtktreemodel.h          \
+       gtktreemodelfilter.h    \
+       gtktreemodelsort.h      \
+       gtktreeselection.h      \
+       gtktreesortable.h       \
+       gtktreestore.h          \
+       gtktreeview.h           \
+       gtktreeviewcolumn.h     \
+       gtktypes.h              \
+       gtkviewport.h           \
+       gtkvolumebutton.h       \
+       gtkwidget.h             \
+       gtkwidgetpath.h         \
+       gtkwindow.h             \
+       gtkwindowgroup.h
+       gtkcsstypesprivate.h    \
+       gtktexthandleprivate.h

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