[evince/dual_sets_sidebar_width] sidebar-thumbnails: switch to two colums layout

commit c957d1b813aba3d67f0f08d08ffef7698493863c
Author: Nelson Benítez León <nbenitezl gmail com>
Date:   Thu Jan 28 12:25:22 2021 -0400

    sidebar-thumbnails: switch to two colums layout
    when enabling dual-mode and we have a one-column
    layout, and correspondingly switch to one column
    layout when we are on a two column layout and we
    disable dual-mode.
    Issue #1541

 shell/ev-sidebar-thumbnails.c | 322 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 shell/ev-sidebar.c            |   2 +-
 shell/ev-sidebar.h            |   1 +
 shell/ev-window.c             |  14 ++
 shell/ev-window.h             |   1 +
 5 files changed, 273 insertions(+), 67 deletions(-)
diff --git a/shell/ev-sidebar-thumbnails.c b/shell/ev-sidebar-thumbnails.c
index 97398bd7..38ff58d5 100644
--- a/shell/ev-sidebar-thumbnails.c
+++ b/shell/ev-sidebar-thumbnails.c
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8; c-indent-level: 8 -*- */
 /* this file is part of evince, a gnome document viewer
  *  Copyright (C) 2004 Red Hat, Inc.
@@ -35,6 +36,7 @@
 #include "ev-document-misc.h"
 #include "ev-job-scheduler.h"
+#include "ev-sidebar.h"
 #include "ev-sidebar-page.h"
 #include "ev-sidebar-thumbnails.h"
 #include "ev-utils.h"
@@ -101,6 +103,7 @@ static void         thumbnail_job_completed_callback       (EvJobThumbnail
 static void         ev_sidebar_thumbnails_reload           (EvSidebarThumbnails     *sidebar_thumbnails);
 static void         adjustment_changed_cb                  (EvSidebarThumbnails     *sidebar_thumbnails);
 static void         check_toggle_blank_first_dual_mode     (EvSidebarThumbnails     *sidebar_thumbnails);
+static void         check_toggle_blank_first_dual_mode_when_resizing (EvSidebarThumbnails 
 G_DEFINE_TYPE_EXTENDED (EvSidebarThumbnails, 
@@ -315,6 +318,19 @@ ev_sidebar_fullscreen_cb (EvSidebarThumbnails *sidebar)
        g_signal_emit_by_name (sidebar->priv->vadjustment, "value-changed");
+static void
+ev_sidebar_check_reset_current_page (EvSidebarThumbnails *sidebar)
+       guint page;
+       if (!sidebar->priv->model)
+               return;
+       page = ev_document_model_get_page (sidebar->priv->model);
+       if (!ev_sidebar_thumbnails_page_is_in_visible_range (sidebar, page))
+               ev_sidebar_thumbnails_set_current_page (sidebar, page);
 static void
 ev_sidebar_thumbnails_size_allocate (GtkWidget     *widget,
                                      GtkAllocation *allocation)
@@ -324,17 +340,10 @@ ev_sidebar_thumbnails_size_allocate (GtkWidget     *widget,
         GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (ev_sidebar_thumbnails_parent_class)->size_allocate (widget, allocation);
         if (allocation->width != sidebar->priv->width) {
-                guint page;
                 sidebar->priv->width = allocation->width;
                 /* Might have a new number of columns, reset current page */
-                if (!sidebar->priv->model)
-                        return;
-                page = ev_document_model_get_page (sidebar->priv->model);
-                if (!ev_sidebar_thumbnails_page_is_in_visible_range (sidebar, page))
-                        ev_sidebar_thumbnails_set_current_page (sidebar, page);
+                ev_sidebar_check_reset_current_page (sidebar);
@@ -715,7 +724,7 @@ ev_sidebar_init_icon_view (EvSidebarThumbnails *ev_sidebar_thumbnails)
                          G_CALLBACK (ev_sidebar_icon_selection_changed), ev_sidebar_thumbnails);
        g_signal_connect_swapped (priv->icon_view, "size-allocate",
-                                 G_CALLBACK (check_toggle_blank_first_dual_mode), ev_sidebar_thumbnails);
+                                 G_CALLBACK (check_toggle_blank_first_dual_mode_when_resizing), 
        g_signal_connect_data (priv->model, "notify::dual-page",
                               G_CALLBACK (check_toggle_blank_first_dual_mode), ev_sidebar_thumbnails,
@@ -1092,71 +1101,202 @@ ev_sidebar_thumbnails_frame_horizontal_width (EvSidebarThumbnails *sidebar)
         return offset;
+static EvWindow *
+ev_sidebar_thumbnails_get_ev_window (EvSidebarThumbnails *sidebar)
+       GtkWidget *toplevel;
+       toplevel = gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WIDGET (sidebar));
+       if (toplevel && EV_IS_WINDOW (toplevel))
+               return EV_WINDOW (toplevel);
+       return NULL;
+static EvSidebar *
+ev_sidebar_thumbnails_get_ev_sidebar (EvSidebarThumbnails *sidebar)
+       EvWindow *window = ev_sidebar_thumbnails_get_ev_window (sidebar);
+       if (window)
+               return EV_SIDEBAR (ev_window_get_sidebar (window));
+       return NULL;
+static gboolean
+check_reset_current_page (EvSidebarThumbnails *sidebar_thumbnails)
+       ev_sidebar_check_reset_current_page (sidebar_thumbnails);
+       return G_SOURCE_REMOVE;
+static void
+ev_sidebar_thumbnails_get_column_widths (EvSidebarThumbnails *sidebar,
+                                        gint *one_column_width,
+                                        gint *two_columns_width,
+                                        gint *three_columns_width)
+       EvSidebarThumbnailsPrivate *priv;
+       GtkIconView *icon_view;
+       gint margin, column_spacing, item_padding, thumbnail_width;
+       static gint frame_horizontal_width;
+       priv = sidebar->priv;
+       icon_view = GTK_ICON_VIEW (priv->icon_view);
+       ev_thumbnails_size_cache_get_size (priv->size_cache, 0,
+                                          priv->rotation,
+                                          &thumbnail_width, NULL);
+       margin = gtk_icon_view_get_margin (icon_view);
+       column_spacing = gtk_icon_view_get_column_spacing (icon_view);
+       item_padding = gtk_icon_view_get_item_padding (icon_view);
+       frame_horizontal_width = ev_sidebar_thumbnails_frame_horizontal_width (sidebar);
+       if (one_column_width) {
+               *one_column_width = 2 * margin +
+                                   2 * item_padding +
+                                   1 * frame_horizontal_width +
+                                   1 * thumbnail_width +
+                                   column_spacing;
+       }
+       if (two_columns_width) {
+               *two_columns_width = 2 * margin +
+                                    4 * item_padding +
+                                    2 * frame_horizontal_width +
+                                    2 * thumbnail_width +
+                                    column_spacing;
+       }
+       if (three_columns_width) {
+               *three_columns_width = 2 * margin +
+                                      6 * item_padding +
+                                      3 * frame_horizontal_width +
+                                      3 * thumbnail_width +
+                                      2 * column_spacing;
+       }
+static void
+ev_sidebar_thumbnails_get_sidebar_width (EvSidebarThumbnails *sidebar,
+                                        gint *sidebar_width)
+       EvWindow *ev_window;
+       EvSidebarThumbnailsPrivate *priv;
+       if (!sidebar_width)
+               return;
+       priv = sidebar->priv;
+       if (priv->width == 0) {
+               ev_window = ev_sidebar_thumbnails_get_ev_window (sidebar);
+               if (ev_window)
+                       *sidebar_width = ev_window_get_metadata_sidebar_size (ev_window);
+               else
+                       *sidebar_width = 0;
+       } else {
+               *sidebar_width = priv->width;
+        }
+static void
+ev_sidebar_thumbnails_set_sidebar_width (EvSidebarThumbnails *sidebar,
+                                        gint sidebar_width)
+       EvWindow *ev_window;
+       EvSidebarThumbnailsPrivate *priv;
+       if (sidebar_width <= 0)
+               return;
+       ev_window = ev_sidebar_thumbnails_get_ev_window (sidebar);
+       if (ev_window) {
+               priv = sidebar->priv;
+               priv->width = sidebar_width;
+               ev_window_set_divider_position (ev_window, sidebar_width);
+               g_idle_add ((GSourceFunc)check_reset_current_page, sidebar);
+       }
 /* Returns whether the thumbnail sidebar is currently showing
  * items in a two columns layout */
 static gboolean
 ev_sidebar_thumbnails_is_two_columns (EvSidebarThumbnails *sidebar)
-        EvSidebarThumbnailsPrivate *priv;
-        GtkWidget *window;
-        GtkIconView *icon_view;
-        gint sidebar_width, two_columns_width, three_columns_width;
-        gint margin, column_spacing, item_padding, thumbnail_width;
-        static gint frame_horizontal_width;
-        priv = sidebar->priv;
-        icon_view = GTK_ICON_VIEW (priv->icon_view);
-        ev_thumbnails_size_cache_get_size (priv->size_cache, 0,
-                                           priv->rotation,
-                                           &thumbnail_width, NULL);
-        margin = gtk_icon_view_get_margin (icon_view);
-        column_spacing = gtk_icon_view_get_column_spacing (icon_view);
-        item_padding = gtk_icon_view_get_item_padding (icon_view);
-        frame_horizontal_width = ev_sidebar_thumbnails_frame_horizontal_width (sidebar);
-        two_columns_width = 2 * margin +
-                            4 * item_padding +
-                            2 * frame_horizontal_width +
-                            2 * thumbnail_width +
-                            column_spacing;
-        three_columns_width = 2 * margin +
-                              6 * item_padding +
-                              3 * frame_horizontal_width +
-                              3 * thumbnail_width +
-                              2 * column_spacing;
-        if (priv->width == 0) {
-                window = gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WIDGET (sidebar));
-                if (EV_IS_WINDOW (window))
-                        sidebar_width = ev_window_get_metadata_sidebar_size (EV_WINDOW (window));
-                else
-                        sidebar_width = 0;
-        } else {
-                sidebar_width = priv->width;
-        }
+       gint sidebar_width, two_columns_width, three_columns_width;
+       ev_sidebar_thumbnails_get_column_widths (sidebar, NULL, &two_columns_width,
+                                                &three_columns_width);
+       ev_sidebar_thumbnails_get_sidebar_width (sidebar, &sidebar_width);
-        return sidebar_width >= two_columns_width &&
-               sidebar_width < three_columns_width;
+       return sidebar_width >= two_columns_width &&
+              sidebar_width < three_columns_width;
+/* Returns whether the thumbnail sidebar is currently showing
+ * items in a one column layout */
+static gboolean
+ev_sidebar_thumbnails_is_one_column (EvSidebarThumbnails *sidebar)
+       gint sidebar_width, one_column_width, two_columns_width;
+       ev_sidebar_thumbnails_get_column_widths (sidebar, &one_column_width,
+                                                &two_columns_width, NULL);
+       ev_sidebar_thumbnails_get_sidebar_width (sidebar, &sidebar_width);
+       return sidebar_width >= one_column_width &&
+              sidebar_width < two_columns_width;
+/* If thumbnail sidebar is currently being displayed then
+ * it resizes it to be of one column width layout */
+static void
+ev_sidebar_thumbnails_to_one_column (EvSidebarThumbnails *sidebar)
+       gint one_column_width;
+       ev_sidebar_thumbnails_get_column_widths (sidebar, &one_column_width,
+                                                NULL, NULL);
+       ev_sidebar_thumbnails_set_sidebar_width (sidebar, one_column_width);
+/* If thumbnail sidebar is currently being displayed then
+ * it resizes it to be of two columns width layout */
+static void
+ev_sidebar_thumbnails_to_two_columns (EvSidebarThumbnails *sidebar)
+       gint two_columns_width;
+       ev_sidebar_thumbnails_get_column_widths (sidebar, NULL,
+                                                &two_columns_width, NULL);
+       ev_sidebar_thumbnails_set_sidebar_width (sidebar, two_columns_width);
 /* Checks whether the conditions for 'blank first dual mode' are met,
- * and activates/deactivates the mode accordingly. */
+ * and activates/deactivates the mode accordingly.
+ * resize_sidebar param: On enabling, resize sidebar to two column
+ * width, and on disabling resize to one column width */
 static void
-check_toggle_blank_first_dual_mode (EvSidebarThumbnails *sidebar_thumbnails)
+check_toggle_blank_first_dual_mode_real (EvSidebarThumbnails *sidebar_thumbnails,
+                                        gboolean resize_sidebar)
        EvSidebarThumbnailsPrivate *priv;
        GtkTreeModel *tree_model;
        GtkTreeIter first;
-        gboolean should_be_enabled;
+       gboolean should_be_enabled, is_two_columns, is_one_column, odd_pages_left, dual_mode;
+       priv = sidebar_thumbnails->priv;
-        priv = sidebar_thumbnails->priv;
+       dual_mode = ev_document_model_get_dual_page (priv->model);
+       odd_pages_left = ev_document_model_get_dual_page_odd_pages_left (priv->model);
+       should_be_enabled = dual_mode && !odd_pages_left;
-       should_be_enabled = ev_document_model_get_dual_page (priv->model) &&
-           !ev_document_model_get_dual_page_odd_pages_left (priv->model) &&
-            ev_sidebar_thumbnails_is_two_columns (sidebar_thumbnails);
+       is_two_columns = ev_sidebar_thumbnails_is_two_columns (sidebar_thumbnails);
+       is_one_column = !is_two_columns && ev_sidebar_thumbnails_is_one_column (sidebar_thumbnails);
+       if (should_be_enabled) {
+               should_be_enabled = is_two_columns || resize_sidebar;
+       }
        if (should_be_enabled && !priv->blank_first_dual_mode) {
                /* Do enable it */
@@ -1165,15 +1305,24 @@ check_toggle_blank_first_dual_mode (EvSidebarThumbnails *sidebar_thumbnails)
                if (!gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first (tree_model, &first))
-               priv->blank_first_dual_mode = TRUE;
-               if (iter_is_blank_thumbnail (tree_model, &first))
-                       return; /* extra check */
+               if (is_two_columns || is_one_column) {
+                       priv->blank_first_dual_mode = TRUE;
+                       if (iter_is_blank_thumbnail (tree_model, &first))
+                               return; /* extra check */
-               gtk_list_store_insert_with_values (priv->list_store, &first, 0,
-                                                  COLUMN_SURFACE, NULL,
-                                                  COLUMN_THUMBNAIL_SET, TRUE,
-                                                  COLUMN_JOB, NULL,
-                                                  -1);
+                       gtk_list_store_insert_with_values (priv->list_store, &first, 0,
+                                                          COLUMN_SURFACE, NULL,
+                                                          COLUMN_THUMBNAIL_SET, TRUE,
+                                                          COLUMN_JOB, NULL,
+                                                          -1);
+               }
+               if (resize_sidebar && is_one_column) {
+                       EvSidebar *sidebar = ev_sidebar_thumbnails_get_ev_sidebar (sidebar_thumbnails);
+                       /* If sidebar is set to show thumbnails */
+                       if (sidebar && ev_sidebar_get_current_page (sidebar) == GTK_WIDGET 
(sidebar_thumbnails)) {
+                               ev_sidebar_thumbnails_to_two_columns (sidebar_thumbnails);
+                       }
+               }
        } else if (!should_be_enabled && priv->blank_first_dual_mode) {
                /* Do disable it */
                tree_model = GTK_TREE_MODEL (priv->list_store);
@@ -1186,5 +1335,46 @@ check_toggle_blank_first_dual_mode (EvSidebarThumbnails *sidebar_thumbnails)
                        return; /* extra check */
                gtk_list_store_remove (priv->list_store, &first);
+               if (resize_sidebar && is_two_columns) {
+                       EvSidebar *sidebar = ev_sidebar_thumbnails_get_ev_sidebar (sidebar_thumbnails);
+                       /* If dual_mode disabled and is_two_cols and sidebar is set to show thumbnails */
+                       if (!dual_mode && sidebar && is_two_columns &&
+                           ev_sidebar_get_current_page (sidebar) == GTK_WIDGET (sidebar_thumbnails)) {
+                               ev_sidebar_thumbnails_to_one_column (sidebar_thumbnails);
+                       }
+               } else if (resize_sidebar && !is_one_column) {
+                       ev_sidebar_check_reset_current_page (sidebar_thumbnails);
+               }
+       } else if (resize_sidebar) {
+               if (dual_mode && is_one_column) {
+                       EvSidebar *sidebar = ev_sidebar_thumbnails_get_ev_sidebar (sidebar_thumbnails);
+                       if (sidebar && ev_sidebar_get_current_page (sidebar) == GTK_WIDGET 
(sidebar_thumbnails)) {
+                               ev_sidebar_thumbnails_to_two_columns (sidebar_thumbnails);
+                       }
+               } else if (!dual_mode && is_two_columns) {
+                       EvSidebar *sidebar = ev_sidebar_thumbnails_get_ev_sidebar (sidebar_thumbnails);
+                       if (sidebar && ev_sidebar_get_current_page (sidebar) == GTK_WIDGET 
(sidebar_thumbnails)) {
+                               ev_sidebar_thumbnails_to_one_column (sidebar_thumbnails);
+                       }
+               } else {
+                       ev_sidebar_check_reset_current_page (sidebar_thumbnails);
+               }
+       } else {
+               ev_sidebar_check_reset_current_page (sidebar_thumbnails);
+/* Callback when manually resizing the sidebar */
+static void
+check_toggle_blank_first_dual_mode_when_resizing (EvSidebarThumbnails *sidebar_thumbnails)
+       check_toggle_blank_first_dual_mode_real (sidebar_thumbnails, FALSE);
+/* Callback when dual_mode or odd_left preferences are enabled/disabled by the user */
+static void
+check_toggle_blank_first_dual_mode (EvSidebarThumbnails *sidebar_thumbnails)
+       check_toggle_blank_first_dual_mode_real (sidebar_thumbnails, TRUE);
diff --git a/shell/ev-sidebar.c b/shell/ev-sidebar.c
index a053c0df..ff8ca1d1 100644
--- a/shell/ev-sidebar.c
+++ b/shell/ev-sidebar.c
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ ev_sidebar_set_property (GObject      *object,
-static GtkWidget *
+GtkWidget *
 ev_sidebar_get_current_page (EvSidebar *ev_sidebar)
        EvSidebarPrivate *priv = GET_PRIVATE (ev_sidebar);
diff --git a/shell/ev-sidebar.h b/shell/ev-sidebar.h
index d8ad90f1..74ba1cdc 100644
--- a/shell/ev-sidebar.h
+++ b/shell/ev-sidebar.h
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ void       ev_sidebar_set_page  (EvSidebar       *ev_sidebar,
                                  GtkWidget       *main_widget);
 void       ev_sidebar_set_model (EvSidebar       *ev_sidebar,
                                  EvDocumentModel *model);
+GtkWidget *ev_sidebar_get_current_page (EvSidebar *ev_sidebar);
diff --git a/shell/ev-window.c b/shell/ev-window.c
index 14efd85b..17e03b75 100644
--- a/shell/ev-window.c
+++ b/shell/ev-window.c
@@ -8132,3 +8132,17 @@ ev_window_get_metadata_sidebar_size (EvWindow *ev_window)
        return 0;
+/* Sets the position of the divider between the sidebar and the main view */
+ev_window_set_divider_position (EvWindow *ev_window,
+                               gint sidebar_width)
+       EvWindowPrivate *priv;
+       g_return_if_fail (EV_WINDOW (ev_window));
+       priv = GET_PRIVATE (ev_window);
+       gtk_paned_set_position (GTK_PANED (priv->hpaned), sidebar_width);
diff --git a/shell/ev-window.h b/shell/ev-window.h
index cd20baaa..ab926413 100644
--- a/shell/ev-window.h
+++ b/shell/ev-window.h
@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ EvMetadata     *ev_window_get_metadata                         (EvWindow       *ev_window);
 gint            ev_window_get_metadata_sidebar_size      (EvWindow       *ev_window);
 GtkWidget      *ev_window_get_sidebar                   (EvWindow       *ev_window);
 GtkWidget      *ev_window_get_find_sidebar              (EvWindow       *ev_window);
+void            ev_window_set_divider_position   (EvWindow   *ev_window, gint sidebar_width);

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