[librsvg] Created tag 2.51.0

The signed tag '2.51.0' was created.

Tagger: Federico Mena Quintero <federico gnome org>
Date: 1612376595 -0600

    Tag for version 2.51.0

Changes since the last tag '2.49.5':

Christian Hergert (1):
      build: use -framework Foundation on macOS

Dunja Lalic (10):
      Update dependency list for macOS
      Update CI config
      Reduce artifacts size
      Generalize the image and reduce artifacts size more
      Cancel pending or running pipelines when a new pipeline runs on the same branch
      Remove ignore from doctests
      Remove creating test output in case of test success
      Introduce code quality metrics to MRs
      Make benchmarking modules semi-private
      Add bench tests to CI

Federico Mena Quintero (350):
      Add the string_cache crate
      Rename PropertyBag (property_bag.rs) to Attributes (attributes.rs)
      In Attributes, store the values long-term as interned atoms
      NodeData.new_element - consume the Attributes, all the way up and down
      Merge branch 'cleanup-path-handling' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'johnl/librsvg-jl/filter-prop'
      Split FilterValueList tests between valid and invalid syntax
      Detect empty strings as invalid in FilterValueList::parse
      Merge branch 'johnl/librsvg-jl/filter-2'
      Merge branch 'svenfoo/librsvg-cleanup-filter-value-list'
      Store the Attributes in ElementInner
      Add Element.get_attributes()
      Get rid of clone() for the initial attributes
      Simplify two functions that deal with attributes
      Get rid of the RefCell
      (#483): Support attribute matching selectors
      Merge branch 'attributes'
      Bump version to 2.51.0
      (#623): Remove obsolete variables from pkg-config files
      (#624): Remove obsolete librsvg-uninstalled.pc.in
      Update NEWS
      Merge branch 'obsolete-pkg-config' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'johnl/librsvg-filter-refactor'
      Merge branch 'fix' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'port-c-convenience-functions-to-rust' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'port-obsolete-c-stub-functions-to-rust' into 'master'
      Document the LIBRSVG_*_VERSION macros
      Make rsvg_*version show up in the docs
      Remove doc sections for deprecated macros
      Add index entries for the 2.48 / 2.52 symbols.
      Toplevel module docs for rsvg-features
      Merge branch 'svenfoo/librsvg-add-tests-for-library-version-defines-and-constants'
      Merge branch 'gitlab-ci-fixes' into 'master'
      Rename argument
      Combine DrawingCtx::new and draw_from_stack into a single draw_tree function
      Create the drawsub_stack in draw_tree(), not in DrawingCtx::new
      Create the drawsub_stack outside the DrawingCtx
      draw_tree - Take a single DrawingMode enum instead of limit_to_stack/node/cascaded arguments
      Handle::get_node_geometry_with_viewport - inline in its two callers
      Remove superfluous conversion
      Svg.get_size - Inline get_unnormalized_size into here, so we can extract this function
      Move Svg::get_size, a relic of the C API, to handle::get_svg_size
      WIP: Add a failing test for obtaining geometries with an offsetted viewport
      WIP: disable that failing test
      Don't special-case measuring in DrawingCtx::new
      Docs on ViewBox to remind me that it is a new coordinate space
      Make ViewBox opaque; impl Deref<Target = Rect> for it
      cargo fmt
      Don't clone a cr
      Use a helper function to clip to a rectangle
      Store a complete ViewBox in ViewParams, not just the size
      Define a Viewport structure and use it for the DrawingCtx.initial_viewport
      Extract function to get the top viewbox
      Always grow the stack in push_new_viewport()
      Make a call to push_view_box(1.0, 1.0) consistent with the others
      Make another call to push_view_box(1.0, 1.0) consistent
      Add helper DrawingCtx.push_coord_units()
      Rename view_box_stack to viewport_stack; store full Viewport structs
      New helper function to push a full Viewport
      Merge branch 'svenfoo/librsvg-move-variables-to-rust'
      Merge branch 'fix-build' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'remove-function-wrappers' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'adjust-types-in-c-api' into 'master'
      Note that push_new_viewport() also sets a clip rectangle
      Merge branch 'update-gitignore' into 'master'
      push_coord_units: Always push a Viewport, instead of sometimes returning a copy of the last one
      Merge branch 'move-the-C-api-docs' into 'master'
      Give a better name to the failing test and adjust it
      render_layer: make consistent with get_geometry_for_layer
      Really make the initial viewport have its upper-left corner at (0, 0)
      (#554): Do not ignore the viewport in the geometry_for_layer() APIs
      Merge branch 'revert-changes-that-broke-gir' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'move-the-c-api-docs' into 'master'
      Add test with a viewBox
      Add test with no width/height
      Add test with no intrinsic dimensions
      Add test with a percentage viewport
      Move the render_to_viewport tests to intrinsic_dimensions.rs
      Merge branch 'viewport-offsets'
      Update NEWS
      Merge branch 'dlalic/librsvg-osx_doc_update'
      Update to gio-rs 0.8.1
      Merge branch 'SmallLars/librsvg-step1'
      Merge branch 'ci_cleanup' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'fix-clippy-warnings' into 'master'
      Use simple pointer casts instead of transmute::<usize>(ptr)
      Remove obsolete note on the lifetime of Attributes
      Merge branch 'attributes-clippy' into 'master'
      Extract non-API logic from get_geometry_for_layer
      Implement get_geometry_sub in terms of geometry_for_layer
      Merge branch 'refactor-get-geometry-sub' into 'master'
      Move the legacy dimensions tests to tests/api.c
      Don't add all the API tests in main(); do it in separate functions
      Move the tests for the legacy API for loading to api.c
      Update the README.md for the test suite
      Merge branch 'move-legacy-tests' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'alias-pixel' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'matches' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'remove_ignore_from_doctests' into 'master'
      Move librsvg_crate tests to a multi-module test
      Move the compare_surfaces module to rsvg_internals
      Move single-file module one level up
      Add the test-generator crate
      Rename problematic files from the adwaita reftests
      Move the loading crash tests to Rust
      Remove the loading crash tests in C
      Port the render_crash tests to Rust
      Remove the render_crash tests in C
      Make paint servers with circular references fall back to the alternate color
      Make load_svg return a Result, not unwrap directly
      Move the "no svg root" test to Rust
      Move the test for 515-too-many-elements.svgz to Rust
      Make <use> with circular references render nothing, instead of exiting early
      Move the rest of the errors tests to Rust
      Reference tests: check that all test images have "obvious" intrinsic dimensions
      Remove the special 48dpi test files
      Test that the reference files are of the expected size
      Reduce amount of duplicated code in compare_to_file and compare_to_surface
      compare_to_file: implement in terms of compare_to_surface
      Start comparing to the reference images
      CairoRenderer::test_mode - new function to turn on the testing flag
      Turn on CairoRenderer's test mode in the reference tests
      Set the FcConfig on the pango FontMap
      Use a single unsafe block
      Move all the unsafe stuff to a submodule
      Wrap the fontmap setting process in sync::Once
      Setup the font map before running a reference test
      Convert the result of ImageSurface::create_from_png() to ARGB
      Use a proper C string to pass to FcConfigAppFontAddFile
      FontMap::set_default is per-thread, so don't do it in a Once
      Initialize the system language for tests
      Don't generate the errors tests with test-generator
      Ignore the errors tests by default
      Makefile.am - run tests with --include-ignored
      Remove rsvg-test
      tests/Makefile.am - add the Rust sources
      test-utils: remove unused function to add a directory recursively
      tests/api: print the dependency versions
      tests/api: Remove superfluous g_message
      Update tests/README.md for the new scheme of things
      Merge branch 'rustify-tests' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'fix-make-distcheck' into 'master'
      Remove obsolete, uninstalled tools/ directory
      Merge branch 'remove-uninstalled-tools' into 'master'
      Remove unused functions
      New test_utils module in rsvg_internals
      Move the remaining test functions to rsvg_internals
      Add a little documentation for the test_utils
      Merge branch 'share-test-utils' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'tests-OUT_DIR' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'no_needless_output_files' into 'master'
      Split the logic in get_svg_size into physical dimensions and viewBox
      c_api: wrap get_geometry_sub here
      pixbuf_utils: implement in terms of CHandle, not the internals Handle
      Move the legacy sizing logic to c_api
      List rsvg_handle_render_document() as the preferred way to render an SVG
      (#633): Document the legacy API's sizing decisions
      Deprecate rsvg_handle_render_cairo*
      Rename function
      Inline get_svg_size() in its only caller
      Export intrinsic_size_in_pixels from the Rust API
      New API function rsvg_handle_get_intrinsic_size_in_pixels()
      render_cairo/render_cairo_sub - document where they use intrinsic_size_in_pixels
      Bump the soname since there is a new API
      Fix typo in doc index
      Merge branch 'natural-size' into 'master'
      Make librsvg depend on librsvg_crate
      Implement the legacy sizing decisions in terms of CairoRenderer
      Reimplement pixbuf_utils in terms of librsvg_crate
      Reimplement c_api in terms of librsvg_crate
      Toplevel module docs for pixbuf_utils
      Toplevel module docs for c_api
      Merge branch 'reimplement-c-api' into 'master'
      Adjust visibility of a bunch of things in the c_api crate
      Don't export ViewBox
      Don't re-export individual items from surface_utils
      Don't re-export UrlResolver from librsvg_crate
      Fix path_parser benchmark
      Don't export the whole rect module; we already export IRect for benchmarks
      Merge branch 'visibility' into 'master'
      Don't change the default for debug info in release mode
      Merge all Cargo.toml into the toplevel one
      Point tests/Cargo.toml to the new library location
      Move everything out of rsvg_internals/
      Move everything except tests out of librsvg_crate
      Rename rsvg_internals -> librsvg throughout
      Move librsvg/benches/* to benches/
      Add dependencies for tests to Cargo.toml
      Make the tests build
      Remove fixture_path() now that there is no Cargo workspace
      Move the remaining test code from librsvg_crate to tests
      Fix imports in tests that came from librsvg_crate
      Move the c_api sources to src/c_api
      Adjust imports in c_api code
      Move options for warnings to lib.rs as they need to be in the toplevel
      Fix warnings about deprecated lifetime elision
      Fix warnings about trivial casts
      cargo fmt
      Rename c_api.rs to handle.rs to avoid module inception
      Remove librsvg/lib.rs
      Start fixing autotools
      Fix RUST_LIB name in Makefile.am
      Fix includes in gdk-pixbuf-loader
      Fix gtk-doc build
      Missing lifetime in tests
      Trivial casts in tests
      Add tests/ to all paths to fixtures in the rsvg-convert tests
      Fix include path in tests/api.c
      Remove package names in the CI; there is a single crate now.
      Don't run the reference/loading_crash/render_crash tests in the "cargo test" stage
      Fix tooling references to rsvg_internals
      Fix imports in benches
      Merge branch 'merge-crates' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'automake-dist-cleanup' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'xml' into 'master'
      Remove deny(warnings) from the toplevel src/lib.rs
      Merge branch 'no-deny-warnings' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'loader-api-builder-pattern' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'bench' into 'master'
      text: normalize some lengths as early as possible
      text: Propagate dx/dy across nested <tspan>
      text: Only push a new chunk if the tspan has any of x or y attributes
      text: Don't create Spans for chars nodes that end up as empty strings after xml:space normalization
      Merge branch '642-text-dx-dy' into 'master'
      (#645) - Make include paths happy again
      Use #include <librsvg/blah.h> in rsvg.h
      Merge branch 'move-includes' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'prefixed-rust' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'prefixed-cargo' into 'master'
      Simplify conditional with the element macros
      Update URLs to the specs for the display and visibility properties
      Add some more tests from the SVG1.1 test suite
      Test an element for visibility before drawing in the element code, not in draw_node_from_stack
      Switch.draw - draw the child directly; don't use draw_node_from_stack
      draw_from_use_node - Draw the child directly, not with draw_node_from_stack
      Remove a "return" and use an expression instead
      Svg - extract method to push the new viewport
      Store the transform to use in the PathHelper
      Inline with_saved_transform into DrawingCtx.clip_to_node()
      Inline part of DrawingCtx::new into its only caller, draw_tree
      draw_tree: Don't get the cr's matrix twice
      Rename variable to make it clearer
      cargo fmt
      Merge branch 'refactor-transforms' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'wip/chergert/fix-macos-link' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'pborelli/librsvg-filters'
      Rename Gradient to ResolvedGradient
      Rename GradientVariant to ResolvedGradientVariant
      Normalize gradients before setting them on the cr
      Make ResolvedGradientVariant private and remove unused methods
      Rename Gradient to UserSpaceGradient
      Rename the "affine" field in pattern structs to "transform"
      Normalize patterns before setting them on the cr
      Allow DrawingCtx.set_gradient to report failure
      Normalize paint sources before setting them on the cr
      Replace some "if Some(...)" with "?", per cargo-clippy
      Merge branch 'user-space-paint-source' into 'master'
      Pass the StrokeLinecap instead of the ComputedValues to PathHelper::new
      shapes - move the make_path functions to a BasicShape trait
      BasicShape::make_path - return an Rc<SvgPath>
      impl BasicShape for Path
      derive(Default) for Path
      Path: use a simple Rc<SvgPath>, not an Option around that
      PathBuilder does not need to impl Clone
      impl Default for Points so Polygon and Polyline don't need an Option for construction
      impl BasicShape for Polygon and Polyline
      Rename BasicShape::make_path to make_shape
      shapes: implement all the Draw with a macro
      Rename DrawingCtx.draw_path to draw_shape and pass it a Shape
      Call draw_ctx.draw_shape() directly
      The draw_ctx does not need to be mutable in make_shape()
      Merge branch 'shapes' into 'master'
      Remove unused RenderingError::CircularReference
      Remove unused RenderingError::InvalidHref
      Add LoadingError::LimitExceeded
      Use LoadingError::LimitExceeded when too many XML elements are loaded
      Add LoadingError::OutOfMemory
      Map image loading errors from Cairo to LoadingError
      Remove unused LoadingError::Cairo
      Extract function
      Rename LoadingError::Unknown to LoadingError::Other
      Remove LoadingError::NoDataPassedToParser
      Remove LoadingError::CouldNotCreateXmlParser
      Rename RenderingError::InstancingLimit to LimitExceeded
      LoadingError: condense SvgHasNoElements and RootElementIsNotSvg into NoSvgRoot
      Make LoadingError and RenderingError non_exhaustive
      impl Display for DefsLookupErrorKind
      RenderingError: separate out InvalidId and IdNotFound
      Move the HandleIsNotLoaded error to c_api
      Add a string description to RenderingError::OutOfMemory
      Remove LoadingError::EmptyData
      Remove LoadingError::BadStylesheet
      Move get_input_stream_for_loading to the xml module
      Use an internal IoError for the io module, instead of LoadingError
      impl Error only for public error types
      Use ok_or_else like clippy says
      Replace RenderingError::Cairo(status) with RenderingError::Rendering(String)
      Replace LoadingError::Glib(gerror) with LoadingError::Io(String)
      FilterError does not need to be PartialEq
      RenderingError should not be PartialEq
      ValueErrorKind should not be PartialEq
      HrefError and DefsLookupErrorKind don't need to be PartialEq
      Use an ImplementationLimit enum to detail the LimitExceeded errors
      Merge branch '597-sanitize-errors' into 'master'
      Length: don't use an intermediate value when parsing
      Length: Ensure that the length value is finite in a single place
      Remove superfluous clones
      Merge branch 'length-parse' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'href' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'length' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'parse' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'darwin-check' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'resolve' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'pixels' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'text' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'ismael/librsvg-buildsystem'
      (#601) - Compute correct bounds for objects with stroke-width=0
      Merge branch 'stroke-width-zero' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'fix-lifetime-warnings' into 'master'
      PathOrUrl: extract function to do the UTF8-to-PathOrUrl heuristic
      PathOrBuf: new from_os_str() method
      PathOrUrl: new get_gfile method
      Implement some common traits for PathOrUrl
      Fix typo in test name.
      Merge branch 'cherry-pick-from-rustify-rsvg-convert' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'result-unit-err' into 'master'
      Export the LegacySize crate from c_api just for rsvg_convert
      rsvg-convert: Get the legacy document size as rsvg-convert.c does
      Export PathOrUrl for rsvg-convert
      rsvg-convert: use PathOrUrl instead of plain PathBuf
      rsvg-convert: Actually cr.paint() the background color
      rsvg-convert: Overwrite existing files by default
      rsvg-convert: rename variables
      rsvg-convert: Extract function to compute the natural size of the requested input
      rsvg-convert: return a Size from natural_size(), not a (w, h) tuple
      rsvg-convert: extract the final_size computation to a function
      rsvg-convert: Compute the natural and final sizes outside of create_surface
      rsvg-convert: Fix misrendered images with non-1.0 zooms
      Add test for rendering individual elements
      Remove legacy_layer_size; use legacy_layer_geometry directly
      Avoid a couple of temporary values
      Compute the full geometry of the export_id element, not just the size
      rsvg-convert: use render_document() vs. render_element() depending on --export-id
      Fix the export_id test geometry now that we use render_element
      Fix the export_id_short_option geometry
      Merge branch 'rustify-rsvg-convert' into 'master'
      (#646) - Change the default DPI of rsvg-convert to 96
      Fix obsolete comment in configure.ac
      Update NEWS for 2.51.0

Heiko Becker (2):
      Check for prefixed rust
      Check for prefix cargo as well

Ignacio Casal Quinteiro (1):
      configure: properly check for darwin host

Ismael Luceno (1):
      configure: Improve failures due to missing pkg-config

John Ledbetter (3):
      Accept multiple URI values for filter: property
      Prevent storing IRI::None in a FilterValueList
      Filter property: refactor to Filter::None and Filter::List(_)

Jordan Petridis (5):
      Merge branch 'fix-debian-testing-release-build' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'ci-mods' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'cancel_outdated_jobs' into 'master'
      ci: replace .common template with default key
      ci: turn rustc warnings into errors in the CI

Lars Schmertmann (3):
      css: Only allow css imports from the same base directory
      Rename allowed_url.rs to url_resolver.rs
      Introduce UrlResolver to build AllowedUrls

Paolo Borelli (91):
      Move xml code to a module
      Update gitignore
      filters: do not store node in the filter ctx
      filter: mv computation of the effect region in the ctx
      filters: pass a Filter reference to the ctx
      filters: simplify getter in the context
      merge filter: shorten code
      filters: remove unused method
      filers: shorten code for image filter
      errors: move AllowedUrlError together with the other errors
      Cleanup the code that looks up node in the document
      iri: use Fragment directly
      image: store href attr as a String
      image filter: use Fragment::parse to decide what to do
      Remove the Href type
      document: move Fragment type to document
      Replace Fragment with NodeId
      filter: simplify parsing
      length: do not pass ViewParam to util that only needs dpi
      length: make the type generic on whether it is signed
      parse: add blanket implementation for parsing Option
      use: implement Default and simplify get_rect
      text: simplify to not use Option for dx and dy
      color_matrix: parse saturate as f64
      gradient: use helper struct to parse offset
      parsers: helper structs for NonZero and NonNegative numbers
      turbolence: use NonNegative for parsing
      morphology: use NonNegative for parsing
      blur: use NonNegative for parsing
      lighting: use helper structs for parsing
      convolve_matrix: use NonNegative and NonZero for parsing
      convolve_matrix: move the sanity checks on targetX/Y at rendering time
      convolve_matrix: simplify parsing of order
      filter: rework how we check units
      parsers: remove parse_and_validate method
      convolve_matrix: do not raise parse error on divisor set to 0
      reftests: add reftest for feConvolveMatrix divisor attribute
      parsers: move NumberList together with the rest of the helpers
      marker: small cleanup
      lighting: remove constraints for specularExponent
      error: fix a clippy suggestion
      lighting: simplify code
      Add an enum_default macro and use it
      style: simplify parsing
      aspect_ratio: derive default
      Move attributes.rs in the xml submodule
      attributes: add a simple constructor for tests
      lighting: factor out a Light struct
      pattern: calculate transforms inside UserSpacePattern
      bbox: cleanup
      filters: do not use BoundingBox to calculate filter bounds
      filters: do not store a FilterCtx ref in the bounds builder.
      drawing_ctx: rework the cr hack
      gradient,pattern: use OnceCell to store the resolved field
      filters: use OnceCell for the background surface
      lighting: move utility function
      lighting: pass to Light only the transform, not the entire ctx
      surface_utils: rename param for clarity
      surface_utils: use iterators to copy from pixbuf to surface
      surface_utils: move to_pixbuf method to shared surface
      shared_surface: shorten code
      drawing_ctx: rework visibility control
      tests: add reftest for 667
      Merge branch 'update-lopdf-dependency' into 'master'
      rsvg-convert: preserve the current output for version
      rsvg-convert: tweak the about string
      rsvg_convert: fix empty_svg_yields_error test case
      rsvg-convert: implement the different sizing strategies
      rsvg-convert: fix export_id_option_error test case
      rsvg-convert: use legacy sizing also for layers
      rsvg-convert: simplify stdin code
      rsvg-convert: avoid unwrap panic in input handling
      rsvg-convert: simplify input handling
      rsvg-convert: simplify output handling and use Gio
      rsvg-convert: consolidate everything in main.rs
      rsvg-convert: apply some cleanups suggested by imperio
      rsvg-convert: error out if either width or height is 0
      rsvg-convert: add back the helper types for stdin and stdout
      rsvg-convert: reorg the code a little
      rsvg-convert: shorten surface code.
      rsvg-convert: move cairo context creation within Surface
      rsvg-convert: use OnceCell for the lazy init of the surface
      rsvg-convert: cleanup resize strategy
      rsvg-convert: reword comment to not mention the old api
      rsvg-convert: remove the C code and add the rust one to the build
      rsvg-convert: rename file to rsvg-convert.rs
      rsvg-convert: remove wrong testcase
      c-api: rework the LegacySizing helper trait
      Remove color utils and rsvg-css.h private header.
      rsvg-convert: shorten code
      rsvg-convert: bubble up an Error instead of using exit

Sven Neumann (112):
      Introduce helper object to clean up path handling
      Hide implementation details of FilterValueList
      Port the remaining C convenience functions to Rust
      Port obsolete C stub functions to Rust
      Add tests for library version defines and constants
      Change version constants to use the rsvg namespace
      Make use of sudo optional in the gitlab CI rules
      Remove debian_i386:testing cross_distro test
      Allow to configure the test tolerance
      Do not allow builds to fail
      Move variables from librsvg-features.c to Rust
      Generate version.rs from librsvg/build.rs
      Use exported Rust functions directly
      Adjust signature of rsvg_handle_new_from_data()
      Some minor type adjustments in the C API
      Update .gitignore
      Remove references to files that have long been removed
      Rename librsvg-features.[ch] to rsvg-features.[ch]
      Move gtk-doc comments from librsvg/rsvg-*.c to the Rust code
      Revert "Move gtk-doc comments from librsvg/rsvg-*.c to the Rust code"
      Revert some more changes to the build system
      Move gtk-doc comments from C files to public header files
      Fix the debian:testing_release build
      Remoe 'make distcheck' from cross_distro debian:testing build
      Let the CI build with srcdir != builddir again
      Remove redundant field name in struct initialization
      Remove redundant clone
      Use --workspace with cargo check and cargo clippy
      Merge branch 'ci-cargo-workspace' into 'master'
      Add benchmarks for SharedImageSurface::from_pixbuf()
      No need to have extra long running time on these benchmarks
      Add benchmarks for operations on surface_utils::Pixel
      Define Pixel as an alias for rgb::RGBA8
      Use From trait implementations for conversion between Pixbuf and Cairo pixels
      Use rgb::ComponentMap to simplify test code
      Rewrite PixelOps::diff() using rgb::ComponentMap
      Use Pixel::map_rgb() to implement (un-)premultiplication
      Use integer math for Pixel::premultiply()
      Use 32 bit floating point for Pixel::unpremultiply()
      Move the check for fully transparent pixels into Pixel::unpremultiply()
      Use matches! macro as suggested by clippy
      Bump required version of Rust to 1.42
      Use Option::map_or() and Option::map_or_else()
      Add source files for recently added benchmarks to Makefile.am
      Minor cleanups to compare_surfaces()
      Output the path to output and difference images created during tests
      Add check for pangoft2 to be used in the tests crate
      Allow to tune the test tolerance using RSVG_TEST_TOLERANCE
      Better error messages when RSVG_TEST_TOLERANCE can not be parsed
      Use struct update syntax to build CairoRenderer
      Set up FontMap for testing - work in progress
      Add code to create a FontConfig
      Publish artifacts from cargo_test build step
      Add missing fixtures for 'distcheck'
      Clean up .gitignore after the changes to the test-suite
      Remove the need to set OUT_DIR in order to run 'cargo test'
      Only run unit and smoke tests in "cargo_test" build
      Merge branch 'revisit-ci-for-new-testsuite' into 'master'
      ci: Remove fedora:rawhide from cross-distro builds
      ci: Remove extra handling for gdp-pixbuf-loaders on debian:testing
      ci: Fix up ownership of cargo cache
      ci: Adjust cache policy for build that runs 'make check'
      Merge branch 'ci-cleanup' into 'master'
      ci: Remove more extra handling from debian:testing build
      ci: Simplify by removing the global_before template
      Merge branch 'ci-cleanup' into 'master'
      ci: do "cross distro" and "release" jobs with LIBRSVG_DEBUG="no"
      Merge branch 'ci-cleanup' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'gitlab_clippy' into 'master'
      tests: Fix 'cargo test cmdline' after the crates merge
      Merge branch 'fix-cargo-test-cmdline' into 'master'
      Adjust location of generated rsvg-version.h in .gitignore
      Merge branch 'fixup-gitignore' into 'master'
      ci: Disable cache for 'cargo fmt', it doesn't need it
      Merge branch 'ci-cache-cleanup' into 'master'
      tests: use EXTRA_DIST for test resources
      doc: Remove rsvg.actions on 'make distclean'
      Merge branch 'alatiera/allow-warnings' into 'master'
      Fix API for building a Loader
      ci: Adjust gitlab-clippy invocation
      Merge branch 'gitlab-clippy-invocation' into 'master'
      Reduce include search paths to the "include" directory
      Reduce CPPFLAGS and CFLAGS for building the library
      tests: Minor cleanups in the rsvg-convert test suite
      tests: Relax tests for rsvg-convert cmdline tool
      tests: Check the output of rsvg-convert with export-id option
      rsvg-convert: Reject invalid resolutions (negative or zero)
      Merge branch 'relax-rsvg-convert-tests' into 'master'
      Update lopdf dependency
      Replace explicit lifetimes with anonymous ones where possible
      tests: use trim() on the EndsWithPredicate
      Draft a predicate to compare a PNG file's contents to a reference
      Refactor test_utils and move it to the tests
      Implement PngPredicate.with_contents() using tests::reference_utils
      Add test to verify that rsvg-convert renders the background color
      Return a meaningful error instead of using unit as an error type
      rsvg-convert: Start work on a rustified version
      rsvg-convert: Start work on the actual rendering
      rsvg-convert: Improve the error handling
      rsvg-convert: Add support for (E)PS and SVG output formats
      rsvg-convert: set background color before rendering
      rsvg-convert: Set PDF creation date from environment variable
      rsvg-convert: Add check for cairo image surface size limit
      rsvg-convert: Start to work on sizing the output properly
      rsvg-convert: Validate resolution and zoom values
      rsvg-convert: Rename Zoom struct to Scale
      tests: Adjust test for size overflow
      rsvg-convert: Figure out support for Cairo surface backends
      rsvg-convert: remove redundant import
      tests: disable some tests if cairo surface backends are missing

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