[gnome-control-center/benzea/fix-volume-icon: 1/2] sound: Include zero volume in lowest volume icon

commit 81a94c8f3868e3c80d3d8c98b74c7bed31531aec
Author: Benjamin Berg <bberg redhat com>
Date:   Sat Feb 20 19:43:52 2021 +0100

    sound: Include zero volume in lowest volume icon
    If changed externally at least, the volume can be zero while unmuted.
    Just use the lowest volume icon in that case by including it in the
    It does not make sense to use the muted icon, as we are not technically
    muted and the toggle button is not active.

 panels/sound/cc-volume-slider.c | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/panels/sound/cc-volume-slider.c b/panels/sound/cc-volume-slider.c
index 49b5b8290..5329e4a82 100644
--- a/panels/sound/cc-volume-slider.c
+++ b/panels/sound/cc-volume-slider.c
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ update_volume_icon (CcVolumeSlider *self)
   if (gtk_toggle_button_get_active (self->mute_button))
     icon_name = "audio-volume-muted-symbolic";
-  else if (fraction > 0.0 && fraction < 30.0)
+  else if (fraction < 30.0)
     icon_name = "audio-volume-low-symbolic";
   else if (fraction > 30.0 && fraction < 70.0)
     icon_name = "audio-volume-medium-symbolic";

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