[libgweather/benzea/wip-variant-backend: 5/13] gweather: Add new GVariant schema and database generator

commit 1ffae0cbe991828199dc4e53f98276a2a518a34c
Author: Benjamin Berg <bberg redhat com>
Date:   Sun Apr 26 22:01:53 2020 +0200

    gweather: Add new GVariant schema and database generator

 data/gen_locations_variant.py | 214 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 data/meson.build              |  11 +++
 libgweather/gweather.gv       |  49 ++++++++++
 meson.build                   |   3 +-
 4 files changed, 276 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/data/gen_locations_variant.py b/data/gen_locations_variant.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..c314f348
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/gen_locations_variant.py
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import sys
+import math
+import struct
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+from gi.repository import GLib
+tree = ET.parse(sys.argv[1])
+root = tree.getroot()
+assert root.tag == "gweather"
+assert root.attrib['format'] == "1.0"
+# Maybe types are annoying to use in C (as it requires first querying the maybe
+# and then the actual value). It is easier to use a fixed value for invalid
+# indices
+INVALID_IDX = 0xffff
+# GWthDB01 as an integer
+FILETYPE_MAGIC = 0x5747687442443130
+levels = {
+  'gweather' : 0,
+  'region' : 1,
+  'country' : 2,
+  'state' : 3,
+  'city' : 4,
+  'location' : 5,
+  'named-timezone' : 7,
+locations = []
+timezones = []
+loc_by_metar = []
+loc_by_country = []
+all_ccodes = set()
+def get_name(elem):
+    name = elem.find('_name')
+    if name is None:
+        name = elem.find('name')
+        msgctx = ''
+    else:
+        msgctx = name.get('msgctx', default='')
+    if name is None:
+        return '', ''
+    return name.text, msgctx
+def get_coordinates(elem):
+    coordinates = elem.findtext('coordinates')
+    if coordinates:
+        return tuple(float(c) * math.pi / 180.0 for c in coordinates.split())
+    return float("NaN"), float("NaN")
+# This is the same math as location_distance in gweather-location.c
+def calc_distance(loc_a, loc_b):
+    # average earth radius
+    radius = 6372.795
+    c_a = get_coordinates(loc_a)
+    c_b = get_coordinates(loc_b)
+    if c_a is None or c_b is None:
+        return float("inf")
+    if c_a == c_b:
+        return 0
+    return math.acos(math.cos(c_a[0]) * math.cos(c_b[0]) * math.cos(c_a[1] - c_b[1]) +
+                     math.sin(c_a[0]) * math.sin(c_b[0])) * radius
+def tz_variant(tz_new):
+    obsoletes = []
+    for item in tz_new.findall('obsoletes'):
+        obsoletes.append(item.text)
+    return GLib.Variant('((ss)as)', (
+            get_name(tz_new),
+            obsoletes
+        ))
+def find_children(loc):
+    children = []
+    # find direct children
+    for child in loc.find('.'):
+        if child.tag in levels:
+            children.append(locations.index(child))
+    return children
+def find_timezones(loc):
+    zones = []
+    for tz_list in loc.findall('timezones'):
+        for tz_ in tz_list.findall('timezone'):
+            zones.append(timezones.index(tz_))
+    return zones
+parent_map = {c:p for p in root.iter() for c in p}
+def loc_variant(loc):
+    children = find_children(loc)
+    # Sort by distance from self; this is assumed for the locations inside a city
+    children.sort(key=lambda c: calc_distance(loc, locations[c]))
+    zones = find_timezones(loc)
+    coordinate = get_coordinates(loc)
+    tz_hint = loc.findtext('tz-hint')
+    if tz_hint:
+        for i, tz_ in enumerate(timezones):
+            if tz_.get('id') == tz_hint:
+                tz_hint = i
+                break
+        else:
+            raise AssertionError("Should not be reached")
+    name = get_name(loc)
+    parent = parent_map.get(loc)
+    try:
+        parent_idx = locations.index(parent)
+    except ValueError:
+        parent_idx = None
+    nearest_idx = None
+    if loc.tag == 'city' and len(children) == 0:
+        # Try to lookup the nearest sibling location, with a maximum distance
+        # of AIRPORT_MAX_DISTANCE (100km).
+        nearest = None
+        nearest_dist = -1
+        for i in parent.findall('location'):
+            dist = calc_distance(loc, i)
+            if dist > 100:
+                continue
+            if nearest is None or dist < nearest_dist:
+                nearest = i
+                nearest_dist = dist
+        if nearest:
+            nearest_idx = locations.index(nearest)
+    return GLib.Variant('((ss)ss(dd)ssqyqqaqaq)', (
+            name,
+            loc.findtext('zone', default=''),
+            loc.findtext('radar', default=''),
+            coordinate,
+            loc.findtext('iso-code', default=''),
+            loc.findtext('code', default=''),
+            tz_hint if tz_hint is not None else INVALID_IDX,
+            levels[loc.tag],
+            nearest_idx if nearest_idx is not None else INVALID_IDX,
+            parent_idx if parent_idx is not None else INVALID_IDX,
+            children,
+            zones,
+        ))
+# Pre-populate the lists to be able to generate indices
+for location in root.iter('named-timezone'):
+    locations.append(location)
+    loc_by_metar.append(location)
+    assert location.findtext('code') is not None
+for location in root.iter('region'):
+    locations.append(location)
+for location in root.iter('country'):
+    locations.append(location)
+    loc_by_country.append(location)
+    c = location.findtext('iso-code')
+    assert c is not None
+    assert c not in all_ccodes
+    all_ccodes.add(c)
+for location in root.iter('state'):
+    locations.append(location)
+for location in root.iter('city'):
+    locations.append(location)
+for location in root.iter('location'):
+    locations.append(location)
+    loc_by_metar.append(location)
+    assert location.findtext('code') is not None
+for timezone in root.iter('timezone'):
+    timezones.append(timezone)
+    assert timezone.get('id') is not None
+timezones.sort(key=lambda tz: tz.get('id'))
+loc_by_country.sort(key=lambda loc: loc.findtext('iso-code'))
+loc_by_metar.sort(key=lambda loc: loc.findtext('code'))
+loc_by_country_var = [(loc.findtext('iso-code'), locations.index(loc)) for loc in loc_by_country]
+loc_by_metar_var = [(loc.findtext('code'), locations.index(loc)) for loc in loc_by_metar]
+timezones_var = [(tz.get('id'), tz_variant(tz)) for tz in timezones]
+locations_var = [loc_variant(loc) for loc in locations]
+res = GLib.Variant("(ta{sq}a{sq}a{s((ss)as)}a((ss)ss(dd)ssqyqqaqaq))", (
+    loc_by_country_var,
+    loc_by_metar_var,
+    timezones_var,
+    locations_var
+    ))
+if struct.pack('h', 0x01)[0]:
+    # byteswap on little endian; not currently, we might do this again if the
+    # schema compiler improves
+    #res = res.byteswap()
+    pass
+data = res.get_data_as_bytes().get_data()
+open(sys.argv[2], 'bw').write(data)
diff --git a/data/meson.build b/data/meson.build
index 88e3d2f6..f1524fbc 100644
--- a/data/meson.build
+++ b/data/meson.build
@@ -16,6 +16,17 @@ if xmllint.found()
+gen_locations_variant = find_program('gen_locations_variant.py')
+# The generated file is architecture dependent (i.e. host endianness)
+locations_bin = custom_target('locations-db',
+  command: [gen_locations_variant, '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@' ],
+  install: true,
+  install_dir: pkglibdir,
+  input: files('Locations.xml'),
+  output: '@BASENAME@.bin',
   install_dir: pkgdatadir,
diff --git a/libgweather/gweather.gv b/libgweather/gweather.gv
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..20441b48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libgweather/gweather.gv
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+/* Regenerate the header with:
+ *  variant-schema-compiler gweather.gv --prefix Db --outfile gweather-db.h
+ */
+type I18n {
+  str: string;
+  msgctxt: string;
+type Timezone {
+  name: I18n;
+  obsoletes: []string;
+type Coordinate {
+  lat: double;
+  lon: double;
+type Location {
+  name: I18n;
+  forecast_zone: string;
+  radar: string;
+  coordinates: Coordinate;
+  country_code: string;
+  metar_code: string;
+  tz_hint: uint16;
+  level: byte;
+  nearest: uint16;
+  parent: uint16;
+  children: [] uint16;
+  timezones: [] uint16;
+type World {
+  /* The magic value ends up right at the start of the file. */
+  magic: uint64;
+  loc_by_country: [sorted string] uint16;
+  loc_by_metar: [sorted string] uint16;
+  timezones: [sorted string] Timezone;
+  locations: []Location;
diff --git a/meson.build b/meson.build
index 9bf8e753..b4a6dfa2 100644
--- a/meson.build
+++ b/meson.build
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ includedir = join_paths(prefix, get_option('includedir'))
 libexecdir = join_paths(prefix, get_option('libexecdir'))
 sysconfdir = join_paths(prefix, get_option('sysconfdir'))
 pkgdatadir = join_paths(datadir, 'libgweather')
+pkglibdir = join_paths(libdir, 'libgweather')
 glib_req_version = '>= 2.44.0'
 gtk_req_version = '>= 3.13.5'
@@ -115,8 +116,8 @@ endif
 root_inc = include_directories('.')
 if get_option('gtk_doc')

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