[libgweather/benzea/wip-variant-backend: 1/7] gweather: Port to new GVariant based in-memory DB

commit 40d2392432036bee9e796a34e25ae381ec1d074f
Author: Benjamin Berg <bberg redhat com>
Date:   Sat Apr 25 23:23:23 2020 +0200

    gweather: Port to new GVariant based in-memory DB
    This makes GWeather use a memory mapped GVariant as an in-memory
    database. Doing this allows much faster access and decreases memory
    consumption considerably as items can be fetched from the database

 libgweather/gweather-location.c  | 1094 ++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 libgweather/gweather-location.h  |    3 +
 libgweather/gweather-parser.c    |  223 --------
 libgweather/gweather-parser.h    |   46 --
 libgweather/gweather-private.h   |   43 +-
 libgweather/gweather-timezone.c  |  196 +++----
 libgweather/meson.build          |    7 +-
 libgweather/test_libgweather.c   |   23 +-
 libgweather/test_locations.c     |    2 +-
 libgweather/test_locations_utc.c |    2 +-
 meson.build                      |    2 +-
 11 files changed, 713 insertions(+), 928 deletions(-)
diff --git a/libgweather/gweather-location.c b/libgweather/gweather-location.c
index 85cd9a99..4c69b492 100644
--- a/libgweather/gweather-location.c
+++ b/libgweather/gweather-location.c
@@ -30,9 +30,7 @@
 #include <libxml/xmlreader.h>
 #include <geocode-glib/geocode-glib.h>
-#include "gweather-location.h"
 #include "gweather-timezone.h"
-#include "gweather-parser.h"
 #include "gweather-private.h"
 /* This is the precision of coordinates in the database */
@@ -42,6 +40,17 @@
  * airport to a city, see also test_distance() */
+static inline GWeatherLocation*
+_iter_up(GWeatherLocation *loc)
+    GWeatherLocation *tmp;
+    tmp = gweather_location_get_parent (loc);
+    gweather_location_unref (loc);
+    return tmp;
+#define ITER_UP(start, _p) for ((_p) = gweather_location_ref (start); (_p); (_p) = _iter_up(_p))
  * SECTION:gweatherlocation
  * @Title: GWeatherLocation
@@ -85,48 +94,6 @@
  * create detached instances, but deserializing might.
-static int
-sort_locations_by_name (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b)
-    GWeatherLocation *loc_a = *(GWeatherLocation **)a;
-    GWeatherLocation *loc_b = *(GWeatherLocation **)b;
-    return g_utf8_collate (loc_a->local_sort_name, loc_b->local_sort_name);
-static int
-sort_locations_by_distance (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b, gpointer user_data)
-    GWeatherLocation *loc_a = *(GWeatherLocation **)a;
-    GWeatherLocation *loc_b = *(GWeatherLocation **)b;
-    GWeatherLocation *city = (GWeatherLocation *)user_data;
-    double dist_a, dist_b;
-    dist_a = gweather_location_get_distance (loc_a, city);
-    dist_b = gweather_location_get_distance (loc_b, city);
-    if (dist_a < dist_b)
-       return -1;
-    else if (dist_a > dist_b)
-       return 1;
-    else
-       return 0;
-static gboolean
-parse_coordinates (const char *coordinates,
-                  double *latitude, double *longitude)
-    char *p;
-    *latitude = g_ascii_strtod (coordinates, &p) * M_PI / 180.0;
-    if (p == (char *)coordinates)
-       return FALSE;
-    if (*p++ != ' ')
-       return FALSE;
-    *longitude = g_ascii_strtod (p, &p) * M_PI / 180.0;
-    return !*p;
 static GWeatherLocation *
 location_new (GWeatherLocationLevel level)
@@ -136,300 +103,87 @@ location_new (GWeatherLocationLevel level)
     loc->latitude = loc->longitude = DBL_MAX;
     loc->level = level;
     loc->ref_count = 1;
+    loc->db_idx = INVALID_IDX;
+    loc->tz_hint_idx = INVALID_IDX;
     return loc;
 static void add_timezones (GWeatherLocation *loc, GPtrArray *zones);
-static void
-add_nearest_weather_station (GWeatherLocation *location)
-    GWeatherLocation **siblings, *station;
-    GWeatherLocation *closest = NULL;
-    double min_distance = G_MAXDOUBLE;
-    GPtrArray *zones;
-    guint i;
-    g_assert (location->parent);
-    g_assert (gweather_location_get_level (location) == GWEATHER_LOCATION_CITY);
-    if (location->children != NULL)
-        return;
-    siblings = location->parent->children;
-    for (i = 0; siblings[i] != NULL; i++) {
-        double distance;
-        if (siblings[i] == location)
-            continue;
-        if (siblings[i]->level != GWEATHER_LOCATION_WEATHER_STATION)
-            continue;
-        /* Skip siblings without valid coordinates */
-        if (!siblings[i]->latlon_valid)
-            continue;
-        distance = gweather_location_get_distance (location, siblings[i]);
-        if (distance < min_distance) {
-            closest = siblings[i];
-            min_distance = distance;
-        }
-    }
-    /* This should not happen */
-    if (!closest) {
-        g_critical ("Location '%s' has no valid airports attached", location->english_name);
-        return;
-    }
-    /* This could however */
-    if (min_distance > AIRPORT_MAX_DISTANCE) {
-        g_debug ("Not adding airport '%s' as it's too far from '%s' (%.1lf km)\n",
-                 gweather_location_get_name (closest),
-                 gweather_location_get_name (location),
-                 min_distance);
-        return;
-    }
-    location->children = g_new0 (GWeatherLocation *, 2);
-    location->children[0] = g_slice_new0 (GWeatherLocation);
-    station = location->children[0];
-    station->english_name = g_strdup (closest->english_name);
-    station->local_name = g_strdup (closest->local_name);
-    station->msgctxt = g_strdup (closest->msgctxt);
-    station->local_sort_name = g_strdup (closest->local_sort_name);
-    station->english_sort_name = g_strdup (closest->english_sort_name);
-    station->parent = location;
-    station->country_code = g_strdup (closest->country_code);
-    station->tz_hint = g_strdup (closest->tz_hint);
-    station->station_code = g_strdup (closest->station_code);
-    station->forecast_zone = g_strdup (closest->forecast_zone);
-    station->radar = g_strdup (closest->radar);
-    station->latitude = closest->latitude;
-    station->longitude = closest->longitude;
-    station->latlon_valid = closest->latlon_valid;
-    zones = g_ptr_array_new ();
-    add_timezones (station, zones);
-    g_ptr_array_add (zones, NULL);
-    station->zones = (GWeatherTimezone **)g_ptr_array_free (zones, FALSE);
-    station->ref_count = 1;
-static void
-add_nearest_weather_stations (GWeatherLocation *location)
-    GWeatherLocation **children;
-    guint i;
-    /* For each city without a <location>, add the nearest airport in the
-     * same country or state to it */
-    children = gweather_location_get_children (location);
-    for (i = 0; children[i] != NULL; i++) {
-        if (gweather_location_get_level (children[i]) == GWEATHER_LOCATION_CITY)
-            add_nearest_weather_station (children[i]);
-        else
-            add_nearest_weather_stations (children[i]);
-    }
 static GWeatherLocation *
-location_new_from_xml (GWeatherParser *parser, GWeatherLocationLevel level,
-                      GWeatherLocation *parent)
+location_ref_for_idx (GWeatherDb       *db,
+                     guint16           idx,
+                     GWeatherLocation *nearest_of)
-    GWeatherLocation *loc, *child;
-    GPtrArray *children = NULL;
-    const char *tagname;
-    char *value, *normalized;
-    int tagtype;
-    unsigned int i;
-    loc = location_new (level);
-    loc->parent = parent;
-    if (level == GWEATHER_LOCATION_WORLD) {
-       loc->metar_code_cache = g_hash_table_ref (parser->metar_code_cache);
-       loc->country_code_cache = g_hash_table_ref (parser->country_code_cache);
-       loc->timezone_cache = g_hash_table_ref (parser->timezone_cache);
-    }
-    children = g_ptr_array_new ();
-    if (xmlTextReaderRead (parser->xml) != 1)
-       goto error_out;
-    while ((tagtype = xmlTextReaderNodeType (parser->xml)) !=
-       if (tagtype != XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT) {
-           if (xmlTextReaderRead (parser->xml) != 1)
-               goto error_out;
-           continue;
-       }
-       tagname = (const char *) xmlTextReaderConstName (parser->xml);
-       if ((!strcmp (tagname, "name") || !strcmp (tagname, "_name")) && !loc->english_name) {
-            loc->msgctxt = _gweather_parser_get_msgctxt_value (parser);
-           value = _gweather_parser_get_value (parser);
-           if (!value)
-               goto error_out;
-           loc->english_name = g_strdup (value);
-           if (loc->msgctxt) {
-               loc->local_name = g_strdup (g_dpgettext2 ("libgweather-locations",
-                                                         (char*) loc->msgctxt, value));
-           } else {
-               loc->local_name = g_strdup (g_dgettext ("libgweather-locations", value));
-           }
+    GWeatherLocation *loc;
+    DbLocationRef ref;
-           normalized = g_utf8_normalize (loc->local_name, -1, G_NORMALIZE_ALL);
-           loc->local_sort_name = g_utf8_casefold (normalized, -1);
-           g_free (normalized);
-           normalized = g_utf8_normalize (loc->english_name, -1, G_NORMALIZE_ALL);
-           loc->english_sort_name = g_utf8_casefold (normalized, -1);
-           g_free (normalized);
-           xmlFree (value);
-       } else if (!strcmp (tagname, "iso-code") && !loc->country_code) {
-           value = _gweather_parser_get_value (parser);
-           if (!value)
-               goto error_out;
-           loc->country_code = g_strdup (value);
-           xmlFree (value);
-       } else if (!strcmp (tagname, "tz-hint") && !loc->tz_hint) {
-           value = _gweather_parser_get_value (parser);
-           if (!value)
-               goto error_out;
-           loc->tz_hint = g_strdup (value);
-           xmlFree (value);
-       } else if (!strcmp (tagname, "code") && !loc->station_code) {
-           value = _gweather_parser_get_value (parser);
-           if (!value)
-               goto error_out;
-           loc->station_code = g_strdup (value);
-           xmlFree (value);
-       } else if (!strcmp (tagname, "coordinates") && !loc->latlon_valid) {
-           value = _gweather_parser_get_value (parser);
-           if (!value)
-               goto error_out;
-           if (parse_coordinates (value, &loc->latitude, &loc->longitude))
-               loc->latlon_valid = TRUE;
-           else
-               g_warning ("Coordinates could not be parsed: '%s'", value);
-           xmlFree (value);
-       } else if (!strcmp (tagname, "zone") && !loc->forecast_zone) {
-           value = _gweather_parser_get_value (parser);
-           if (!value)
-               goto error_out;
-           loc->forecast_zone = g_strdup (value);
-           xmlFree (value);
-       } else if (!strcmp (tagname, "radar") && !loc->radar) {
-           value = _gweather_parser_get_value (parser);
-           if (!value)
-               goto error_out;
-           loc->radar = g_strdup (value);
-           xmlFree (value);
-       } else if (!strcmp (tagname, "region")) {
-           child = location_new_from_xml (parser, GWEATHER_LOCATION_REGION, loc);
-           if (!child)
-               goto error_out;
-           g_ptr_array_add (children, child);
-       } else if (!strcmp (tagname, "country")) {
-           child = location_new_from_xml (parser, GWEATHER_LOCATION_COUNTRY, loc);
-           if (!child)
-               goto error_out;
-           g_ptr_array_add (children, child);
-       } else if (!strcmp (tagname, "state")) {
-           child = location_new_from_xml (parser, GWEATHER_LOCATION_ADM1, loc);
-           if (!child)
-               goto error_out;
-           g_ptr_array_add (children, child);
-       } else if (!strcmp (tagname, "city")) {
-           child = location_new_from_xml (parser, GWEATHER_LOCATION_CITY, loc);
-           if (!child)
-               goto error_out;
-           g_ptr_array_add (children, child);
-       } else if (!strcmp (tagname, "location")) {
-           child = location_new_from_xml (parser, GWEATHER_LOCATION_WEATHER_STATION, loc);
-           if (!child)
-               goto error_out;
-           g_ptr_array_add (children, child);
-       } else if (!strcmp (tagname, "named-timezone")) {
-           child = location_new_from_xml (parser, GWEATHER_LOCATION_NAMED_TIMEZONE, loc);
-           if (!child)
-               goto error_out;
-           g_ptr_array_add (children, child);
-       } else if (!strcmp (tagname, "timezones")) {
-           loc->zones = _gweather_timezones_parse_xml (parser);
-           if (!loc->zones)
-               goto error_out;
+    g_assert (db);
+    g_assert (idx < db->locations->len);
-       } else {
-           if (xmlTextReaderNext (parser->xml) != 1)
-               goto error_out;
+    /* nearest copies are cached by the parent */
+    if (!nearest_of) {
+       loc = g_ptr_array_index (db->locations, idx);
+       if (loc) {
+           return gweather_location_ref (loc);
-    if (xmlTextReaderRead (parser->xml) != 1 && parent)
-       goto error_out;
-       /* Cache weather stations by METAR code */
-       GList *a, *b;
-       a = g_hash_table_lookup (parser->metar_code_cache, loc->station_code);
-       b = g_list_append (a, gweather_location_ref (loc));
-       if (b != a)
-           g_hash_table_replace (parser->metar_code_cache, loc->station_code, b);
-    }
-    if (level == GWEATHER_LOCATION_COUNTRY) {
-       if (loc->country_code) {
-           GWeatherLocation *existing;
+    ref = db_arrayof_location_get_at (db->locations_ref, idx);
+    loc = location_new (db_location_get_level (ref));
+    loc->db = db;
+    loc->db_idx = idx;
+    loc->ref = ref;
-           existing = g_hash_table_lookup (parser->country_code_cache, loc->country_code);
-           if (existing)
-               g_warning ("A country with country code '%s' is already in the database",
-                          loc->country_code);
-           g_hash_table_replace (parser->country_code_cache, loc->country_code,
-                                 gweather_location_ref (loc));
-       }
-    }
+    /* Override parent information for "nearest" copies. */
+    if (nearest_of)
+       loc->parent_idx = nearest_of->db_idx;
+    else
+       loc->parent_idx = db_location_get_parent (ref);
-    if (children->len) {
-       if (level == GWEATHER_LOCATION_CITY)
-           g_ptr_array_sort_with_data (children, sort_locations_by_distance, loc);
-       else
-           g_ptr_array_sort (children, sort_locations_by_name);
+    loc->tz_hint_idx = db_location_get_tz_hint (ref);
-       g_ptr_array_add (children, NULL);
-       loc->children = (GWeatherLocation **)g_ptr_array_free (children, FALSE);
-    } else
-       g_ptr_array_free (children, TRUE);
+    loc->latitude = db_coordinate_get_lat (db_location_get_coordinates (ref));
+    loc->longitude = db_coordinate_get_lon (db_location_get_coordinates (ref));
+    loc->latlon_valid = isfinite(loc->latitude) && isfinite(loc->longitude);
-    return loc;
+    /* Note, we used to sort locations by distance (for cities) and name;
+     * Distance sorting is done in the variant already,
+     * name sorting however needs translations and is not done anymore. */
-    gweather_location_unref (loc);
-    for (i = 0; i < children->len; i++)
-       gweather_location_unref (children->pdata[i]);
-    g_ptr_array_free (children, TRUE);
+    /* Store a weak reference in the cache.
+     * Implicit "nearest" copies do not have a weak reference, they simply
+     * belong to the parent. */
+    if (!nearest_of)
+       g_ptr_array_index (db->locations, idx) = loc;
-    return NULL;
+    return loc;
-static GWeatherLocation *global_world = NULL;
-static void _gweather_location_unref_no_check (GWeatherLocation *loc);
+static GWeatherDb *world_db;
 _gweather_location_reset_world (void)
-       g_clear_pointer (&global_world, _gweather_location_unref_no_check);
+       gsize i;
+       g_return_if_fail (world_db);
+       /* At this point, we had a leak if the caches are not completely empty. */
+       for (i = 0; i < world_db->locations->len; i++) {
+               if (G_UNLIKELY (g_ptr_array_index (world_db->locations, i) != NULL)) {
+                       g_warning ("Location with index %li and name %s is still referenced!",
+                                  i, gweather_location_get_name (g_ptr_array_index (world_db->locations, 
+                       g_assert_not_reached ();
+               }
+       }
+       for (i = 0; i < world_db->timezones->len; i++) {
+               if (G_UNLIKELY (g_ptr_array_index (world_db->timezones, i) != NULL)) {
+                       g_warning ("Timezone with index %li and tzid %s is still referenced!",
+                                  i, gweather_timezone_get_tzid (g_ptr_array_index (world_db->timezones, 
+                       g_assert_not_reached ();
+               }
+       }
@@ -445,34 +199,66 @@ _gweather_location_reset_world (void)
  * location, or %NULL if Locations.xml could not be found or could not be parsed.
 GWeatherLocation *
-gweather_location_get_world (void)
+gweather_location_get_world ()
-    GWeatherParser *parser;
+    g_autoptr(GError) error = NULL;
+    GMappedFile *map;
-    if (!global_world) {
+    if (!world_db) {
         const char *locations_path;
+        g_autofree char *filename = NULL;
+        time_t now;
+        struct tm tm;
         locations_path = g_getenv ("LIBGWEATHER_LOCATIONS_PATH");
         if (locations_path) {
-            parser = _gweather_parser_new_for_path (locations_path);
-            if (!parser) {
-                g_warning ("Failed to open '%s' as LIBGWEATHER_LOCATIONS_PATH",
-                           locations_path);
-                parser = _gweather_parser_new ();
-            }
-        } else {
-            parser = _gweather_parser_new ();
+            filename = g_strdup (locations_path);
+            if (!g_file_test (filename, G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR)) {
+               g_warning ("User specified database %s does not exist", filename);
+               g_clear_pointer (&filename, g_free);
+           }
-       if (!parser)
+        if (!filename)
+           filename = g_build_filename (GWEATHER_BIN_LOCATION_DIR, "Locations.bin", NULL);
+       map = g_mapped_file_new (filename, FALSE, &error);
+       if (!map) {
+           g_warning ("Faile to open database %s: %s", filename, error->message);
+           return NULL;
+       }
+       world_db = g_new0 (GWeatherDb, 1);
+       world_db->map = map;
+       world_db->world = db_world_from_data (g_mapped_file_get_contents (map), g_mapped_file_get_length 
+       /* This is GWthDB01 */
+       if (db_world_get_magic (world_db->world) != 0x5747687442443130) {
+           g_mapped_file_unref (world_db->map);
+           g_free (world_db);
            return NULL;
+       }
+       world_db->locations_ref = db_world_get_locations (world_db->world);
+       world_db->timezones_ref = db_world_get_timezones (world_db->world);
-       global_world = location_new_from_xml (parser, GWEATHER_LOCATION_WORLD, NULL);
-       if (!g_getenv ("LIBGWEATHER_LOCATIONS_NO_NEAREST"))
-           add_nearest_weather_stations (global_world);
-       _gweather_parser_free (parser);
+       world_db->locations = g_ptr_array_new ();
+       world_db->timezones = g_ptr_array_new ();
+       g_ptr_array_set_size (world_db->locations, db_arrayof_location_get_length (world_db->locations_ref));
+       g_ptr_array_set_size (world_db->timezones, db_world_timezones_get_length (world_db->timezones_ref));
+       /* Get timestamps for the start and end of this year */
+       now = time (NULL);
+       tm = *gmtime (&now);
+       tm.tm_mon = 0;
+       tm.tm_mday = 1;
+       tm.tm_hour = tm.tm_min = tm.tm_sec = 0;
+       world_db->year_start = mktime (&tm);
+       tm.tm_year++;
+       world_db->year_end = mktime (&tm);
-    return gweather_location_ref (global_world);
+    return location_ref_for_idx (world_db, 0, NULL);
@@ -492,49 +278,6 @@ gweather_location_ref (GWeatherLocation *loc)
     return loc;
-static void
-_gweather_location_unref_no_check (GWeatherLocation *loc)
-    int i;
-    if (--loc->ref_count)
-       return;
-    g_free (loc->english_name);
-    g_free (loc->local_name);
-    g_free (loc->msgctxt);
-    g_free (loc->local_sort_name);
-    g_free (loc->english_sort_name);
-    g_free (loc->country_code);
-    g_free (loc->tz_hint);
-    g_free (loc->station_code);
-    g_free (loc->forecast_zone);
-    g_free (loc->radar);
-    if (loc->children) {
-       for (i = 0; loc->children[i]; i++) {
-           loc->children[i]->parent = NULL;
-           gweather_location_unref (loc->children[i]);
-       }
-       g_free (loc->children);
-    }
-    if (loc->zones) {
-       for (i = 0; loc->zones[i]; i++)
-           gweather_timezone_unref (loc->zones[i]);
-       g_free (loc->zones);
-    }
-    if (loc->metar_code_cache)
-       g_hash_table_unref (loc->metar_code_cache);
-    if (loc->timezone_cache)
-       g_hash_table_unref (loc->timezone_cache);
-    if (loc->country_code_cache)
-       g_hash_table_unref (loc->country_code_cache);
-    g_slice_free (GWeatherLocation, loc);
  * gweather_location_unref:
  * @loc: a #GWeatherLocation
@@ -546,9 +289,35 @@ void
 gweather_location_unref (GWeatherLocation *loc)
     g_return_if_fail (loc != NULL);
-    g_return_if_fail (loc != global_world || loc->ref_count > 1);
-    _gweather_location_unref_no_check (loc);
+    int i;
+    if (--loc->ref_count)
+       return;
+    /* Remove weak reference from DB object; but only if it points to us.
+     * It may point elsewhere if we are an implicit nearest child. */
+    if (loc->db && g_ptr_array_index (loc->db->locations, loc->db_idx) == loc)
+        g_ptr_array_index (loc->db->locations, loc->db_idx) = NULL;
+    g_free (loc->_english_name);
+    g_free (loc->_local_name);
+    g_free (loc->_local_sort_name);
+    g_free (loc->_english_sort_name);
+    g_free (loc->_country_code);
+    g_free (loc->_station_code);
+    if (loc->_children) {
+       for (i = 0; loc->_children[i]; i++) {
+           gweather_location_unref (loc->_children[i]);
+       }
+       g_free (loc->_children);
+    }
+    g_clear_pointer (&loc->_parent, gweather_location_unref);
+    g_clear_pointer (&loc->_timezone, gweather_timezone_unref);
+    g_slice_free (GWeatherLocation, loc);
@@ -579,7 +348,25 @@ gweather_location_get_name (GWeatherLocation *loc)
     g_return_val_if_fail (loc != NULL, NULL);
-    return loc->local_name;
+    if (loc->_local_name)
+       return loc->_local_name;
+    if (loc->db && IDX_VALID (loc->db_idx)) {
+       const char *english_name;
+       const char *msgctxt;
+       english_name = EMPTY_TO_NULL (db_i18n_get_str (db_location_get_name (loc->ref)));
+       msgctxt = EMPTY_TO_NULL (db_i18n_get_msgctxt (db_location_get_name (loc->ref)));
+       if (msgctxt) {
+           loc->_local_name = g_strdup (g_dpgettext2 ("libgweather-locations",
+                                                      msgctxt, english_name));
+       } else {
+           loc->_local_name = g_strdup (g_dgettext ("libgweather-locations", english_name));
+       }
+       return loc->_local_name;
+    } else {
+       return NULL;
+    }
@@ -596,8 +383,21 @@ gweather_location_get_name (GWeatherLocation *loc)
 const char *
 gweather_location_get_sort_name (GWeatherLocation *loc)
+    const char *local_name;
+    g_autofree char *normalized = NULL;
     g_return_val_if_fail (loc != NULL, NULL);
-    return loc->local_sort_name;
+    if (loc->_local_sort_name)
+        return loc->_local_sort_name;
+    local_name = gweather_location_get_name (loc);
+    if (!local_name)
+       return NULL;
+    normalized = g_utf8_normalize (local_name, -1, G_NORMALIZE_ALL);
+    loc->_local_sort_name = g_utf8_casefold (normalized, -1);
+    return loc->_local_sort_name;
@@ -614,7 +414,13 @@ gweather_location_get_english_name (GWeatherLocation *loc)
     g_return_val_if_fail (loc != NULL, NULL);
-    return loc->english_name;
+    if (loc->_english_name)
+       return loc->_english_name;
+    if (loc->db && IDX_VALID (loc->db_idx))
+        return EMPTY_TO_NULL (db_i18n_get_str (db_location_get_name (loc->ref)));
+    return NULL;
@@ -632,9 +438,21 @@ gweather_location_get_english_name (GWeatherLocation *loc)
 const char *
 gweather_location_get_english_sort_name (GWeatherLocation *loc)
+    const char *english_name;
+    g_autofree char *normalized = NULL;
     g_return_val_if_fail (loc != NULL, NULL);
-    return loc->english_sort_name;
+    if (loc->_english_sort_name)
+       return loc->_english_sort_name;
+    english_name = gweather_location_get_english_name (loc);
+    if (!english_name)
+       return NULL;
+    normalized = g_utf8_normalize (english_name, -1, G_NORMALIZE_ALL);
+    loc->_english_sort_name = g_utf8_casefold (normalized, -1);
+    return loc->_english_sort_name;
@@ -705,7 +523,122 @@ gweather_location_get_parent (GWeatherLocation *loc)
     g_return_val_if_fail (loc != NULL, NULL);
-    return loc->parent ? gweather_location_ref (loc->parent) : NULL;
+    if (loc->_parent)
+       return gweather_location_ref (loc->_parent);
+    if (loc->level == GWEATHER_LOCATION_WORLD)
+       return NULL;
+    /* No database or root object */
+    if (!loc->db || !IDX_VALID(loc->db_idx))
+       return NULL;
+    /* Note: We cannot use db_location_get_parent here in case this is an
+     *       implicit nearest copy! */
+    g_assert (IDX_VALID(loc->parent_idx) && loc->parent_idx != loc->db_idx);
+    return location_ref_for_idx (loc->db, loc->parent_idx, NULL);
+ * gweather_location_next_child:
+ * @loc: a #GWeatherLocation
+ * @child: (transfer full): The child
+ *
+ * Allows iterating all children. Pass %NULL to get the first child,
+ * and any child to get the next one. Note that the reference to @child
+ * is taken, meaning iterating all children is as simple as:
+ *
+ * |[<!-- language="C" -->
+ *   g_autoptr(GWeatherLocation) child = NULL;
+ *   while ((child = gweather_location_next_child (location, child)))
+ *     {
+ *        // Do something with child
+ *     }
+ * ]|
+ *
+ * Returns: (transfer full): The next child, or %NULL
+ *
+ * Since: 40
+ **/
+gweather_location_next_child  (GWeatherLocation  *loc, GWeatherLocation  *_child)
+    g_autoptr(GWeatherLocation) child = _child;
+    DbArrayofuint16Ref children_ref;
+    gsize length;
+    gsize next_idx;
+    gsize i;
+    g_return_val_if_fail (loc != NULL, NULL);
+    /* Easy case, just look up the child and grab the next one. */
+    if (loc->_children) {
+       if (child == NULL) {
+           if (loc->_children[0])
+               return gweather_location_ref (loc->_children[0]);
+           else
+               return NULL;
+       }
+       for (i = 0; loc->_children[i]; i++) {
+           if (loc->_children[i] == child) {
+               if (loc->_children[i + 1])
+                   return gweather_location_ref (loc->_children[i + 1]);
+               else
+                   return NULL;
+           }
+       }
+       goto invalid_child;
+    }
+    /* If we have a magic nearest child, iterate over that. */
+    if (!g_getenv ("LIBGWEATHER_LOCATIONS_NO_NEAREST") &&
+       IDX_VALID (db_location_get_nearest (loc->ref))) {
+           if (child && (!child->db || !IDX_VALID (child->db_idx) || child->parent_idx != loc->db_idx))
+                   goto invalid_child;
+           if (child)
+                   return NULL;
+           else
+                   return location_ref_for_idx (loc->db, db_location_get_nearest (loc->ref), loc);
+    }
+    if (!loc->db || !IDX_VALID (loc->db_idx)) {
+       if (child)
+           goto invalid_child;
+       return NULL;
+    }
+    children_ref = db_location_get_children (loc->ref);
+    length = db_arrayofuint16_get_length (children_ref);
+    if (!child) {
+       next_idx = 0;
+    } else {
+       /* Find child index in DB. */
+       for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+           if (child->db_idx == db_arrayofuint16_get_at (children_ref, i))
+               break;
+       }
+       if (i == length)
+           goto invalid_child;
+       next_idx = i + 1;
+    }
+    if (next_idx == length)
+       return NULL;
+    else
+       return location_ref_for_idx (loc->db,
+                                    db_arrayofuint16_get_at (children_ref, next_idx),
+                                    NULL);
+    g_critical ("%s: Passed child %p is not a child of the given location %p", G_STRFUNC, loc, child);
+    return NULL;
@@ -717,18 +650,48 @@ gweather_location_get_parent (GWeatherLocation *loc)
  * Return value: (transfer none) (array zero-terminated=1): @loc's
  * children. (May be empty, but will not be %NULL.)
+ *
+ * Deprecated: 40. Use gweather_location_next_child() instead to avoid high
+ * memory consumption
 GWeatherLocation **
 gweather_location_get_children (GWeatherLocation *loc)
     static GWeatherLocation *no_children = NULL;
+    DbArrayofuint16Ref children_ref;
+    gsize length;
+    gsize i;
-    g_return_val_if_fail (loc != NULL, NULL);
+    g_return_val_if_fail (loc != NULL, &no_children);
-    if (loc->children)
-       return loc->children;
-    else
+    if (loc->_children)
+       return loc->_children;
+    if (!loc->db)
        return &no_children;
+    /* Fill in the magic nearest child if we need to and should. */
+    if (!g_getenv ("LIBGWEATHER_LOCATIONS_NO_NEAREST") &&
+        IDX_VALID (db_location_get_nearest (loc->ref))) {
+       loc->_children = g_new0 (GWeatherLocation*, 2);
+       loc->_children[0] = location_ref_for_idx (loc->db, db_location_get_nearest (loc->ref), loc);
+       return loc->_children;
+    }
+    /* Get the actual children. */
+    children_ref = db_location_get_children (loc->ref);
+    length = db_arrayofuint16_get_length (children_ref);
+    if (length == 0)
+       return &no_children;
+    loc->_children = g_new0 (GWeatherLocation*, length + 1);
+    for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
+       loc->_children[i] = location_ref_for_idx (loc->db,
+                                                db_arrayofuint16_get_at (children_ref, i),
+                                                NULL);
+    return loc->_children;
 static void
@@ -752,10 +715,11 @@ foreach_city (GWeatherLocation  *loc,
     if (loc->level == GWEATHER_LOCATION_CITY) {
         callback (loc, user_data);
-    } else if (loc->children) {
-        int i;
-        for (i = 0; loc->children[i]; i++)
-            foreach_city (loc->children[i], callback, user_data, country_code, func, user_data_func);
+    } else {
+       g_autoptr(GWeatherLocation) child = NULL;
+       while ((child = gweather_location_next_child (loc, child)))
+           foreach_city (child, callback, user_data, country_code, func, user_data_func);
@@ -798,7 +762,8 @@ find_nearest_city (GWeatherLocation *location,
                                         data->latitude, data->longitude);
     if (data->location == NULL || data->distance > distance) {
-       data->location = location;
+       g_clear_pointer (&data->location, gweather_location_unref);
+       data->location = gweather_location_ref (location);
        data->distance = distance;
@@ -849,7 +814,7 @@ gweather_location_find_nearest_city (GWeatherLocation *loc,
     foreach_city (loc, (GFunc) find_nearest_city, &data, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-    return gweather_location_ref (data.location);
+    return data.location;
@@ -1101,11 +1066,21 @@ gweather_location_get_distance (GWeatherLocation *loc, GWeatherLocation *loc2)
 const char *
 gweather_location_get_country (GWeatherLocation *loc)
+    g_autoptr(GWeatherLocation) s = NULL;
     g_return_val_if_fail (loc != NULL, NULL);
-    while (loc->parent && !loc->country_code)
-       loc = loc->parent;
-    return loc->country_code;
+    ITER_UP(loc, s) {
+       if (s->_country_code)
+           return s->_country_code;
+       if (s->db && IDX_VALID(s->db_idx)) {
+           const char *country_code;
+           country_code = EMPTY_TO_NULL (db_location_get_country_code (s->ref));
+           if (country_code)
+               return country_code;
+       }
+    }
+    return NULL;
@@ -1123,29 +1098,20 @@ gweather_location_get_country (GWeatherLocation *loc)
 GWeatherTimezone *
 gweather_location_get_timezone (GWeatherLocation *loc)
-    const char *tz_hint;
-    int i;
+    g_autoptr(GWeatherLocation) s = NULL;
     g_return_val_if_fail (loc != NULL, NULL);
-    while (loc && !loc->tz_hint)
-       loc = loc->parent;
-    if (!loc)
-       return NULL;
-    tz_hint = loc->tz_hint;
+    if (loc->_timezone)
+       return loc->_timezone;
-    while (loc) {
-       while (loc && !loc->zones)
-           loc = loc->parent;
-       if (!loc)
-           return NULL;
-       for (i = 0; loc->zones[i]; i++) {
-           if (!strcmp (tz_hint, gweather_timezone_get_tzid (loc->zones[i])))
-               return loc->zones[i];
-       }
-       loc = loc->parent;
-    }
+    ITER_UP(loc, s) {
+       if (!IDX_VALID (s->tz_hint_idx))
+           continue;
+       loc->_timezone = _gweather_timezone_ref_for_idx (s->db, s->tz_hint_idx);
+       return loc->_timezone;
+    }
     return NULL;
@@ -1164,31 +1130,44 @@ gweather_location_get_timezone (GWeatherLocation *loc)
 const char *
 gweather_location_get_timezone_str (GWeatherLocation *loc)
-    const char *tz_hint;
+    g_autoptr(GWeatherLocation) s = NULL;
     g_return_val_if_fail (loc != NULL, NULL);
-    while (loc && !loc->tz_hint)
-       loc = loc->parent;
-    if (!loc)
-       return NULL;
-    tz_hint = loc->tz_hint;
+    ITER_UP(loc, s) {
+       if (s->_timezone)
+           return gweather_timezone_get_tzid (s->_timezone);
+       if (s->db && IDX_VALID(s->tz_hint_idx)) {
+           return db_world_timezones_entry_get_key (db_world_timezones_get_at (s->db->timezones_ref, 
+       }
+    }
-    return tz_hint;
+    return NULL;
 static void
 add_timezones (GWeatherLocation *loc, GPtrArray *zones)
-    int i;
-    if (loc->zones) {
-       for (i = 0; loc->zones[i]; i++)
-           g_ptr_array_add (zones, gweather_timezone_ref (loc->zones[i]));
+    gsize i;
+    /* NOTE: Only DB backed locations can have timezones */
+    if (loc->db && IDX_VALID (loc->db_idx)) {
+       DbArrayofuint16Ref ref;
+       gsize len;
+       ref = db_location_get_timezones (loc->ref);
+       len = db_arrayofuint16_get_length (ref);
+       for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
+           g_ptr_array_add (zones,
+                            _gweather_timezone_ref_for_idx (loc->db,
+                                                             db_arrayofuint16_get_at (ref, i)));
-    if (loc->level < GWEATHER_LOCATION_COUNTRY && loc->children) {
-       for (i = 0; loc->children[i]; i++)
-           add_timezones (loc->children[i], zones);
+    if (loc->level < GWEATHER_LOCATION_COUNTRY) {
+       g_autoptr(GWeatherLocation) child = NULL;
+       while ((child = gweather_location_next_child (loc, child)))
+           add_timezones (child, zones);
@@ -1251,7 +1230,14 @@ const char *
 gweather_location_get_code (GWeatherLocation *loc)
     g_return_val_if_fail (loc != NULL, NULL);
-    return loc->station_code;
+    if (loc->_station_code)
+       return loc->_station_code;
+    if (loc->db && IDX_VALID(loc->db_idx)) {
+       return EMPTY_TO_NULL (db_location_get_metar_code (loc->ref));
+    }
+    return NULL;
@@ -1273,13 +1259,19 @@ gweather_location_get_city_name (GWeatherLocation *loc)
     if (loc->level == GWEATHER_LOCATION_CITY ||
         loc->level == GWEATHER_LOCATION_DETACHED) {
-        return g_strdup (loc->local_name);
-    } else if (loc->level == GWEATHER_LOCATION_WEATHER_STATION &&
-               loc->parent &&
-               loc->parent->level == GWEATHER_LOCATION_CITY) {
-        return g_strdup (loc->parent->local_name);
-    } else
-        return NULL;
+        return g_strdup (gweather_location_get_name (loc));
+    } else {
+        g_autoptr(GWeatherLocation) parent = NULL;
+       parent = gweather_location_get_parent (loc);
+       if (loc->level == GWEATHER_LOCATION_WEATHER_STATION &&
+               parent &&
+               parent->level == GWEATHER_LOCATION_CITY) {
+           return g_strdup (gweather_location_get_name (parent));
+       }
+    }
+    return NULL;
@@ -1299,57 +1291,64 @@ gweather_location_get_city_name (GWeatherLocation *loc)
 char *
 gweather_location_get_country_name (GWeatherLocation *loc)
-    GWeatherLocation *country;
+    g_autoptr(GWeatherLocation) country = NULL;
     g_return_val_if_fail (loc != NULL, NULL);
-    country = loc;
-    while (country != NULL && country->level != GWEATHER_LOCATION_COUNTRY) {
-        country = country->parent;
+    ITER_UP(loc, country) {
+       if (country->level == GWEATHER_LOCATION_COUNTRY)
+           return g_strdup (gweather_location_get_name (country));
-    return country != NULL ? g_strdup (country->local_name) : NULL;
+    return NULL;
 _gweather_location_update_weather_location (GWeatherLocation *gloc,
                                            WeatherLocation  *loc)
-    const char *code = NULL, *zone = NULL, *radar = NULL, *tz_hint = NULL, *country = NULL;
+    char *code = NULL, *zone = NULL, *radar = NULL, *tz_hint = NULL;
     gboolean latlon_valid = FALSE;
     gdouble lat = DBL_MAX, lon = DBL_MAX;
-    GWeatherLocation *l;
+    g_autoptr(GWeatherLocation) start = NULL;
+    g_autoptr(GWeatherLocation) l = NULL;
-    if (gloc->level == GWEATHER_LOCATION_CITY && gloc->children)
-       l = gloc->children[0];
-    else
-       l = gloc;
-    while (l && (!code || !zone || !radar || !tz_hint || !latlon_valid || !country)) {
-       if (!code && l->station_code)
-           code = l->station_code;
-       if (!zone && l->forecast_zone)
-           zone = l->forecast_zone;
-       if (!radar && l->radar)
-           radar = l->radar;
-       if (!tz_hint && l->tz_hint)
-           tz_hint = l->tz_hint;
-       if (!country && l->country_code)
-           country = l->country_code;
-       if (!latlon_valid && l->latlon_valid) {
+    if (gloc->level == GWEATHER_LOCATION_CITY) {
+       GWeatherLocation *first_child;
+       first_child = gweather_location_next_child (gloc, NULL);
+       if (first_child)
+               start = first_child;
+    }
+    if (!start)
+       start = gweather_location_ref (gloc);
+    ITER_UP(start, l) {
+       if (!code)
+           code = g_strdup (gweather_location_get_code (l));
+       if (!zone && l->db && IDX_VALID(l->db_idx))
+           zone = g_strdup (EMPTY_TO_NULL (db_location_get_forecast_zone (l->ref)));
+       if (!radar && l->db && IDX_VALID(l->db_idx))
+           radar = g_strdup (EMPTY_TO_NULL (db_location_get_radar (l->ref)));
+       if (!tz_hint && l->db && IDX_VALID(l->tz_hint_idx))
+           tz_hint = g_strdup (db_world_timezones_entry_get_key (db_world_timezones_get_at 
(l->db->timezones_ref, l->tz_hint_idx)));
+       if (!latlon_valid) {
            lat = l->latitude;
            lon = l->longitude;
-           latlon_valid = TRUE;
+           latlon_valid = l->latlon_valid;
-       l = l->parent;
+       if (code && zone && radar && tz_hint && latlon_valid)
+           break;
-    loc->name = g_strdup (gloc->local_name),
-    loc->code = g_strdup (code);
-    loc->zone = g_strdup (zone);
-    loc->radar = g_strdup (radar);
-    loc->country_code = g_strdup (country);
-    loc->tz_hint = g_strdup (tz_hint);
+    loc->name = g_strdup (gweather_location_get_name (gloc)),
+    loc->code = code;
+    loc->zone = zone;
+    loc->radar = radar;
+    /* This walks the hierarchy again ... */
+    loc->country_code = g_strdup (gweather_location_get_country (start));
+    loc->tz_hint = tz_hint;
     loc->latlon_valid = latlon_valid;
     loc->latitude = lat;
@@ -1375,12 +1374,19 @@ _gweather_location_update_weather_location (GWeatherLocation *gloc,
 GWeatherLocation *
 gweather_location_find_by_station_code (GWeatherLocation *world,
-                                       const gchar      *station_code)
+                                        const gchar      *station_code)
-    GList *l;
+    DbWorldLocByMetarRef loc_by_metar;
+    guint16 idx;
+    if (!world->db)
+       return NULL;
-    l = g_hash_table_lookup (world->metar_code_cache, station_code);
-    return l ? gweather_location_ref (l->data) : NULL;
+    loc_by_metar = db_world_get_loc_by_metar (world->db->world);
+    if (!db_world_loc_by_metar_lookup (loc_by_metar, station_code, NULL, &idx))
+       return NULL;
+    return location_ref_for_idx (world->db, idx, NULL);
@@ -1399,11 +1405,17 @@ GWeatherLocation *
 gweather_location_find_by_country_code (GWeatherLocation *world,
                                         const gchar      *country_code)
-       GWeatherLocation *res;
+    DbWorldLocByCountryRef loc_by_country;
+    guint16 idx;
-       res = g_hash_table_lookup (world->country_code_cache, country_code);
+    if (!world->db)
+       return NULL;
-       return res ? gweather_location_ref (res) : NULL;
+    loc_by_country = db_world_get_loc_by_country (world->db->world);
+    if (!db_world_loc_by_country_lookup (loc_by_country, country_code, NULL, &idx))
+       return NULL;
+    return location_ref_for_idx (world->db, idx, NULL);
@@ -1428,11 +1440,15 @@ gboolean
 gweather_location_equal (GWeatherLocation *one,
                         GWeatherLocation *two)
+    g_autoptr(GWeatherLocation) p1 = NULL, p2 = NULL;
     int level;
     if (one == two)
        return TRUE;
+    p1 = gweather_location_get_parent (one);
+    p2 = gweather_location_get_parent (two);
     if (one->level != two->level &&
        one->level != GWEATHER_LOCATION_DETACHED &&
        two->level != GWEATHER_LOCATION_DETACHED)
@@ -1443,22 +1459,24 @@ gweather_location_equal (GWeatherLocation *one,
        level = two->level;
-       return g_strcmp0 (one->country_code, two->country_code);
+       return g_strcmp0 (gweather_location_get_country (one),
+                         gweather_location_get_country (two));
     if (level == GWEATHER_LOCATION_ADM1) {
-       if (g_strcmp0 (one->english_sort_name, two->english_sort_name) != 0)
+       if (g_strcmp0 (gweather_location_get_english_sort_name (one), gweather_location_get_english_sort_name 
(two)) != 0)
            return FALSE;
-       return one->parent && two->parent &&
-           gweather_location_equal (one->parent, two->parent);
+       return p1 && p2 &&
+           gweather_location_equal (p1, p2);
-    if (g_strcmp0 (one->station_code, two->station_code) != 0)
+    if (g_strcmp0 (gweather_location_get_code (one),
+                   gweather_location_get_code (two)) != 0)
        return FALSE;
     if (one->level != GWEATHER_LOCATION_DETACHED &&
        two->level != GWEATHER_LOCATION_DETACHED &&
-       !gweather_location_equal (one->parent, two->parent))
+       !gweather_location_equal (p1, p2))
        return FALSE;
     return ABS(one->latitude - two->latitude) < EPSILON &&
@@ -1472,32 +1490,41 @@ gweather_location_equal (GWeatherLocation *one,
 static GVariant *
 gweather_location_format_two_serialize (GWeatherLocation *location)
+    g_autoptr(GWeatherLocation) real_loc = NULL;
+    g_autoptr(GWeatherLocation) parent = NULL;
     const char *name;
+    const char *station_code;
     gboolean is_city;
     GVariantBuilder latlon_builder;
     GVariantBuilder parent_latlon_builder;
-    name = location->english_name;
+    name = gweather_location_get_english_name (location);
     /* Normalize location to be a weather station or detached */
     if (location->level == GWEATHER_LOCATION_CITY) {
-        if (location->children != NULL)
-            location = location->children[0];
+       real_loc = gweather_location_next_child (location, NULL);
         is_city = TRUE;
     } else {
        is_city = FALSE;
+    if (!real_loc)
+       real_loc = gweather_location_ref (location);
+    parent = gweather_location_get_parent (real_loc);
     g_variant_builder_init (&latlon_builder, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("a(dd)"));
-    if (location->latlon_valid)
-       g_variant_builder_add (&latlon_builder, "(dd)", location->latitude, location->longitude);
+    if (real_loc->latlon_valid)
+       g_variant_builder_add (&latlon_builder, "(dd)", real_loc->latitude, real_loc->longitude);
     g_variant_builder_init (&parent_latlon_builder, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("a(dd)"));
-    if (location->parent && location->parent->latlon_valid)
-       g_variant_builder_add (&parent_latlon_builder, "(dd)", location->parent->latitude, 
+    if (parent && parent->latlon_valid)
+       g_variant_builder_add (&parent_latlon_builder, "(dd)", parent->latitude, parent->longitude);
+    station_code = gweather_location_get_code (real_loc);
     return g_variant_new ("(ssba(dd)a(dd))",
-                         name, location->station_code ? location->station_code : "", is_city,
+                         name,
+                         station_code ? station_code : "",
+                         is_city,
                          &latlon_builder, &parent_latlon_builder);
@@ -1511,29 +1538,27 @@ _gweather_location_new_detached (GWeatherLocation *nearest_station,
     GWeatherLocation *self;
     char *normalized;
-    self = g_slice_new0 (GWeatherLocation);
-    self->ref_count = 1;
+    self = location_new (GWEATHER_LOCATION_DETACHED);
     if (name != NULL) {
-       self->english_name = g_strdup (name);
-       self->local_name = g_strdup (name);
+       self->_english_name = g_strdup (name);
+       self->_local_name = g_strdup (name);
        normalized = g_utf8_normalize (name, -1, G_NORMALIZE_ALL);
-       self->english_sort_name = g_utf8_casefold (normalized, -1);
-       self->local_sort_name = g_strdup (self->english_sort_name);
+       self->_english_sort_name = g_utf8_casefold (normalized, -1);
+       self->_local_sort_name = g_strdup (self->_english_sort_name);
        g_free (normalized);
     } else if (nearest_station) {
-       self->english_name = g_strdup (nearest_station->english_name);
-       self->local_name = g_strdup (nearest_station->local_name);
-       self->english_sort_name = g_strdup (nearest_station->english_sort_name);
-       self->local_sort_name = g_strdup (nearest_station->local_sort_name);
+       self->_english_name = g_strdup (gweather_location_get_english_name (nearest_station));
+       self->_local_name = g_strdup (gweather_location_get_name (nearest_station));
+       self->_english_sort_name = g_strdup (gweather_location_get_english_sort_name (nearest_station));
+       self->_local_sort_name = g_strdup (gweather_location_get_sort_name (nearest_station));
-    self->parent = nearest_station;
-    self->children = NULL;
+    self->_parent = nearest_station; /* a reference is passed */
+    self->_children = NULL;
     if (nearest_station)
-       self->station_code = g_strdup (nearest_station->station_code);
+       self->_station_code = g_strdup (gweather_location_get_code (nearest_station));
     g_assert (nearest_station || latlon_valid);
@@ -1562,8 +1587,10 @@ gweather_location_common_deserialize (GWeatherLocation *world,
                                      gdouble           parent_latitude,
                                      gdouble           parent_longitude)
-    GList *candidates, *l;
+    g_autoptr(GWeatherLocation) *by_station_code = NULL;
+    DbWorldLocByMetarRef loc_by_metar;
     GWeatherLocation *found;
+    gsize i;
     /* Since weather stations are no longer attached to cities, first try to
        find what claims to be a city by name and coordinates */
@@ -1571,8 +1598,9 @@ gweather_location_common_deserialize (GWeatherLocation *world,
         found = gweather_location_find_nearest_city (world,
                                                      latitude / M_PI * 180.0,
                                                      longitude / M_PI * 180.0);
-        if (found && (g_strcmp0 (name, found->english_name) == 0 ||
-                      g_strcmp0 (name, found->local_name) == 0))
+        if (found && (g_strcmp0 (name, gweather_location_get_english_name (found)) == 0 ||
+                      g_strcmp0 (name, gweather_location_get_name (found)) == 0))
            return g_steal_pointer (&found);
        g_clear_pointer (&found, gweather_location_unref);
@@ -1580,28 +1608,35 @@ gweather_location_common_deserialize (GWeatherLocation *world,
     if (station_code[0] == '\0')
         return _gweather_location_new_detached (NULL, name, latlon_valid, latitude, longitude);
-    /* First find the list of candidate locations */
-    candidates = g_hash_table_lookup (world->metar_code_cache, station_code);
+    /* Lookup by station code, this may return NULL. */
+    by_station_code = gweather_location_find_by_station_code (world, station_code);
     /* A station code beginning with @ indicates a named timezone entry, just
      * return it directly
     if (station_code[0] == '@')
-       return gweather_location_ref (candidates->data);
+       return g_steal_pointer (&by_station_code);
     /* If we don't have coordinates, fallback immediately to making up
      * a location
     if (!latlon_valid)
-       return candidates ? _gweather_location_new_detached (candidates->data, name, FALSE, 0, 0) : NULL;
+       return by_station_code
+              ? _gweather_location_new_detached (by_station_code,
+                                                 name, FALSE, 0, 0)
+              : NULL;
     found = NULL;
+    loc_by_metar = db_world_get_loc_by_metar (world->db->world);
-    /* First try weather stations directly. */
-    for (l = candidates; l; l = l->next) {
-       GWeatherLocation *ws, *city;
+    for (i = 0; i < db_world_loc_by_metar_get_length (loc_by_metar); i++) {
+       g_autoptr(GWeatherLocation) ws = NULL, city = NULL;
+       /* Skip if the metar code does not match */
+       if (!g_str_equal (station_code, db_world_loc_by_metar_entry_get_key (db_world_loc_by_metar_get_at 
(loc_by_metar, i))))
+           continue;
-       ws = l->data;
+       /* Be lazy and allocate the location */
+       ws = location_ref_for_idx (world->db, db_world_loc_by_metar_entry_get_value 
(db_world_loc_by_metar_get_at (loc_by_metar, i)), NULL);
        if (!ws->latlon_valid ||
            ABS(ws->latitude - latitude) >= EPSILON ||
@@ -1609,45 +1644,44 @@ gweather_location_common_deserialize (GWeatherLocation *world,
            /* Not what we're looking for... */
+       city = gweather_location_get_parent (ws);
        /* If we can't check for the latitude and longitude
           of the parent, we just assume we found what we needed
-       if ((!parent_latlon_valid || !ws->parent || !ws->parent->latlon_valid) ||
-           (ABS(parent_latitude - ws->parent->latitude) < EPSILON &&
-            ABS(parent_longitude - ws->parent->longitude) < EPSILON)) {
+       if ((!parent_latlon_valid || !city || !city->latlon_valid) ||
+           (ABS(parent_latitude - city->latitude) < EPSILON &&
+            ABS(parent_longitude - city->longitude) < EPSILON)) {
            /* Found! Now check which one we want (ws or city) and the name... */
            if (is_city)
-               city = ws->parent;
+               found = city;
-               city = ws;
+               found = ws;
-           if (city == NULL) {
+           if (found == NULL) {
                /* Oops! There is no city for this weather station! */
            if (name == NULL ||
-               g_strcmp0 (name, city->english_name) == 0 ||
-               g_strcmp0 (name, city->local_name) == 0)
-               found = gweather_location_ref (city);
+               g_str_equal (name, gweather_location_get_english_name (found)) ||
+               g_str_equal (name, gweather_location_get_name (found)))
+               found = gweather_location_ref (found);
-               found = _gweather_location_new_detached (ws, name, TRUE, latitude, longitude);
+               found = _gweather_location_new_detached (gweather_location_ref (ws), name, TRUE, latitude, 
-           break;
+           return found;
-    if (found)
-       return found;
     /* No weather station matches the serialized data, let's pick
        one at random from the station code list */
-    if (candidates)
-       return _gweather_location_new_detached (candidates->data,
-                                               name, TRUE, latitude, longitude);
+    if (by_station_code)
+       return _gweather_location_new_detached (by_station_code,
+                                               name, TRUE, latitude, longitude);
-       return NULL;
+       return NULL;
 static GWeatherLocation *
diff --git a/libgweather/gweather-location.h b/libgweather/gweather-location.h
index badf2226..2f99006b 100644
--- a/libgweather/gweather-location.h
+++ b/libgweather/gweather-location.h
@@ -74,6 +74,9 @@ GWEATHER_EXTERN
 GWeatherLocation      *gweather_location_get_parent     (GWeatherLocation  *loc);
+GWeatherLocation      *gweather_location_next_child     (GWeatherLocation  *loc, GWeatherLocation  *child);
 GWeatherLocation     **gweather_location_get_children   (GWeatherLocation  *loc);
diff --git a/libgweather/gweather-private.h b/libgweather/gweather-private.h
index 925abd87..0c740e92 100644
--- a/libgweather/gweather-private.h
+++ b/libgweather/gweather-private.h
@@ -30,21 +30,44 @@
 #include "gweather-weather.h"
 #include "gweather-location.h"
+#include "gweather-db.h"
+#define IDX_VALID(idx) ((idx) >= 0 && (idx) < 0xffff)
+#define EMPTY_TO_NULL(s) ((s)[0] == '\0' ? NULL : (s))
 void        _gweather_gettext_init (void);
+typedef struct {
+    GMappedFile *map;
+    DbWorldRef world;
+    DbArrayofLocationRef locations_ref;
+    DbWorldTimezonesRef timezones_ref;
+    GPtrArray *locations;
+    GPtrArray *timezones;
+    time_t year_start;
+    time_t year_end;
+} GWeatherDb;
 struct _GWeatherLocation {
-    char *english_name, *local_name, *msgctxt, *local_sort_name, *english_sort_name;
-    GWeatherLocation *parent, **children;
+    GWeatherDb *db;
+    guint       db_idx;
+    DbLocationRef ref;
+    /* Attributes with _ may be fetched/filled from the database on the fly */
+    char *_english_name, *_local_name, *_local_sort_name, *_english_sort_name;
+    guint16 parent_idx; /* From the DB, except for nearest clones */
+    GWeatherLocation *_parent, **_children;
+    GWeatherTimezone *_timezone;
     GWeatherLocationLevel level;
-    char *country_code, *tz_hint;
-    char *station_code, *forecast_zone, *radar;
+    char *_country_code;
+    guint16 tz_hint_idx;
+    char *_station_code;
     double latitude, longitude;
     gboolean latlon_valid;
-    GWeatherTimezone **zones;
-    GHashTable *metar_code_cache;
-    GHashTable *timezone_cache;
-    GHashTable *country_code_cache;
     int ref_count;
@@ -72,6 +95,10 @@ GWeatherLocation *_gweather_location_new_detached (GWeatherLocation *nearest_sta
 void              _gweather_location_update_weather_location (GWeatherLocation *gloc,
                                                              WeatherLocation  *loc);
+GWeatherTimezone * _gweather_timezone_ref_for_idx (GWeatherDb       *db,
+                                                   guint             idx);
  * Weather information.
diff --git a/libgweather/gweather-timezone.c b/libgweather/gweather-timezone.c
index daa5ed85..0f358cf0 100644
--- a/libgweather/gweather-timezone.c
+++ b/libgweather/gweather-timezone.c
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
 #include <string.h>
 #include "gweather-timezone.h"
-#include "gweather-parser.h"
 #include "gweather-private.h"
@@ -41,7 +40,11 @@
 struct _GWeatherTimezone {
-    char *id, *name;
+    GWeatherDb *db;
+    guint db_idx;
+    /* Attributes with _ may be fetched/filled from the database on the fly. */
+    char *_id, *_name;
     int offset, dst_offset;
     gboolean has_dst;
@@ -149,133 +152,73 @@ parse_tzdata (const char *tz_name, time_t start, time_t end,
     return TRUE;
- * gweather_timezone_get_by_tzid:
- * @tzid: A timezone identifier, like "America/New_York" or "Europe/London"
- *
- * Get the #GWeatherTimezone for @tzid.
- *
- * Prior to version 40 no reference was returned.
- *
- * Returns: (transfer full): A #GWeatherTimezone.
- *
- * Since: 3.12
- */
 GWeatherTimezone *
-gweather_timezone_get_by_tzid (const char *tzid)
+_gweather_timezone_ref_for_idx (GWeatherDb       *db,
+                                guint             idx)
-    g_autoptr(GWeatherLocation) world = NULL;
-    GWeatherTimezone *res;
-    g_return_val_if_fail (tzid != NULL, NULL);
-    world = gweather_location_get_world ();
-    res = g_hash_table_lookup (world->timezone_cache, tzid);
-    return res ? gweather_timezone_ref (res) : NULL;
-static GWeatherTimezone *
-parse_timezone (GWeatherParser *parser)
-    GWeatherTimezone *zone = NULL;
-    char *id = NULL;
-    char *name = NULL;
+    GWeatherTimezone *zone;
+    DbWorldTimezonesEntryRef ref;
+    const char *id;
     int offset = 0, dst_offset = 0;
     gboolean has_dst = FALSE;
-    id = (char *) xmlTextReaderGetAttribute (parser->xml, (xmlChar *) "id");
-    if (!id) {
-       xmlTextReaderNext (parser->xml);
-       return NULL;
-    }
-    if (!xmlTextReaderIsEmptyElement (parser->xml)) {
-       if (xmlTextReaderRead (parser->xml) != 1) {
-           xmlFree (id);
-           return NULL;
-       }
+    g_assert (db);
+    g_assert (idx < db->timezones->len);
+    zone = g_ptr_array_index (db->timezones, idx);
+    if (zone)
+        return gweather_timezone_ref (zone);
-       while (xmlTextReaderNodeType (parser->xml) != XML_READER_TYPE_END_ELEMENT) {
-           if (xmlTextReaderNodeType (parser->xml) != XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT) {
-               if (xmlTextReaderRead (parser->xml) != 1)
-                   break;
-               continue;
-           }
-           if (!strcmp ((const char *) xmlTextReaderConstName (parser->xml), "_name"))
-               name = _gweather_parser_get_localized_value (parser);
-           else {
-               if (xmlTextReaderNext (parser->xml) != 1)
-                   break;
-           }
-       }
-    }
+    ref = db_world_timezones_get_at (db->timezones_ref, idx);
+    id = db_world_timezones_entry_get_key (ref);
-    if (parse_tzdata (id, parser->year_start, parser->year_end,
+    if (parse_tzdata (id, db->year_start, db->year_end,
                      &offset, &has_dst, &dst_offset)) {
        zone = g_slice_new0 (GWeatherTimezone);
        zone->ref_count = 1;
-       zone->id = g_strdup (id);
-       zone->name = name;
+       zone->db = db;
+       zone->db_idx = idx;
        zone->offset = offset;
        zone->has_dst = has_dst;
        zone->dst_offset = dst_offset;
-       g_hash_table_insert (parser->timezone_cache, zone->id, gweather_timezone_ref (zone));
-       name = NULL;
+       /* Insert weak reference */
+       g_ptr_array_index (db->timezones, idx) = zone;
-    g_free (name);
-    xmlFree (id);
     return zone;
-GWeatherTimezone **
-_gweather_timezones_parse_xml (GWeatherParser *parser)
+ * gweather_timezone_get_by_tzid:
+ * @tzid: A timezone identifier, like "America/New_York" or "Europe/London"
+ *
+ * Get the #GWeatherTimezone for @tzid.
+ *
+ * Prior to version 40 no reference was returned.
+ *
+ * Returns: (transfer full): A #GWeatherTimezone.
+ *
+ * Since: 3.12
+ */
+GWeatherTimezone *
+gweather_timezone_get_by_tzid (const char *tzid)
-    GPtrArray *zones;
-    GWeatherTimezone *zone;
-    const char *tagname;
-    int tagtype;
-    unsigned int i;
-    zones = g_ptr_array_new ();
-    if (xmlTextReaderRead (parser->xml) != 1)
-       goto error_out;
-    while ((tagtype = xmlTextReaderNodeType (parser->xml)) !=
-       if (tagtype != XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT) {
-           if (xmlTextReaderRead (parser->xml) != 1)
-               goto error_out;
-           continue;
-       }
-       tagname = (const char *) xmlTextReaderConstName (parser->xml);
+    GWeatherLocation *world;
+    GWeatherDb *db;
+    gsize idx;
-       if (!strcmp (tagname, "timezone")) {
-           zone = parse_timezone (parser);
-           if (zone)
-               g_ptr_array_add (zones, zone);
-       }
+    g_return_val_if_fail (tzid != NULL, NULL);
-       if (xmlTextReaderNext (parser->xml) != 1)
-           goto error_out;
-    }
-    if (xmlTextReaderRead (parser->xml) != 1)
-       goto error_out;
+    /* TODO: Get the DB directly */
+    world = gweather_location_get_world ();
+    db = world->db;
+    gweather_location_unref (world);
-    g_ptr_array_add (zones, NULL);
-    return (GWeatherTimezone **)g_ptr_array_free (zones, FALSE);
+    if (!db_world_timezones_lookup (db->timezones_ref, tzid, &idx, NULL))
+       return NULL;
-    for (i = 0; i < zones->len; i++)
-       gweather_timezone_unref (zones->pdata[i]);
-    g_ptr_array_free (zones, TRUE);
-    return NULL;
+    return _gweather_timezone_ref_for_idx (db, idx);
@@ -307,8 +250,11 @@ gweather_timezone_unref (GWeatherTimezone *zone)
     g_return_if_fail (zone != NULL);
     if (!--zone->ref_count) {
-       g_free (zone->id);
-       g_free (zone->name);
+       if (zone->db)
+               g_ptr_array_index (zone->db->timezones, zone->db_idx) = 0;
+       g_free (zone->_id);
+       g_free (zone->_name);
        g_slice_free (GWeatherTimezone, zone);
@@ -342,8 +288,9 @@ gweather_timezone_get_utc (void)
     zone = g_slice_new0 (GWeatherTimezone);
     zone->ref_count = 1;
-    zone->id = g_strdup ("GMT");
-    zone->name = g_strdup (_("Greenwich Mean Time"));
+    zone->db_idx = INVALID_IDX;
+    zone->_id = g_strdup ("GMT");
+    zone->_name = g_strdup (_("Greenwich Mean Time"));
     zone->offset = 0;
     zone->has_dst = FALSE;
     zone->dst_offset = 0;
@@ -367,8 +314,29 @@ gweather_timezone_get_utc (void)
 const char *
 gweather_timezone_get_name (GWeatherTimezone *zone)
+    DbTimezoneRef ref;
+    const char *name;
+    const char *msgctxt;
     g_return_val_if_fail (zone != NULL, NULL);
-    return zone->name;
+    if (zone->_name)
+        return zone->_name;
+    if (!zone->db || !IDX_VALID (zone->db_idx))
+       return NULL;
+    ref = db_world_timezones_entry_get_value (db_world_timezones_get_at (zone->db->timezones_ref, 
+    name = EMPTY_TO_NULL (db_i18n_get_str (db_timezone_get_name (ref)));
+    msgctxt = EMPTY_TO_NULL (db_i18n_get_msgctxt (db_timezone_get_name (ref)));
+    if (!name)
+       return NULL;
+    if (msgctxt)
+        zone->_name = g_strdup (g_dpgettext2 ("libgweather-locations", msgctxt, name));
+    else
+        zone->_name = g_strdup (g_dgettext ("libgweather-locations", name));
+    return zone->_name;
@@ -383,7 +351,13 @@ const char *
 gweather_timezone_get_tzid (GWeatherTimezone *zone)
     g_return_val_if_fail (zone != NULL, NULL);
-    return zone->id;
+    if (zone->_id)
+        return zone->_id;
+    if (!zone->db || !IDX_VALID (zone->db_idx))
+       return NULL;
+    return db_world_timezones_entry_get_key (db_world_timezones_get_at (zone->db->timezones_ref, 
diff --git a/libgweather/meson.build b/libgweather/meson.build
index 97524e0b..7ba2580b 100644
--- a/libgweather/meson.build
+++ b/libgweather/meson.build
@@ -52,8 +52,7 @@ gweather_c_sources = [
-  'gweather-timezone-menu.c',
-  'gweather-parser.c']
+  'gweather-timezone-menu.c']
 introspection_sources = gweather_c_sources + gweather_new_headers
 lib_libgweather = shared_library('gweather-3',
@@ -98,7 +97,7 @@ if enable_vala
-test_cargs = ['-DTEST_SRCDIR="@0@/"'.format(meson.current_source_dir()),
+test_cargs = ['-DTEST_LOCATIONS="@0@"'.format(locations_bin.full_path()),
@@ -118,7 +117,7 @@ exe = executable('test_libgweather',
   c_args: test_cargs,
   dependencies: libgweather_dep,
   install: false)
-test('test_named_timezones', exe)
+test('test_named_timezones', exe, depends: [locations_bin])
   ['test_metar.c', gweather_c_sources],
diff --git a/libgweather/test_libgweather.c b/libgweather/test_libgweather.c
index 10c70753..ea5d076e 100644
--- a/libgweather/test_libgweather.c
+++ b/libgweather/test_libgweather.c
@@ -27,6 +27,10 @@
 #include "gweather-location.h"
 #include "gweather-weather.h"
+/* We use/test gweather_location_get_children */
+#pragma GCC diagnostic push
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
 extern void _gweather_location_reset_world (void);
 /* For test_metar_weather_stations */
@@ -61,6 +65,7 @@ test_named_timezones (void)
         g_assert_true (code[0] == '@');
+    g_clear_pointer (&world, gweather_location_unref);
     _gweather_location_reset_world ();
@@ -156,9 +161,9 @@ test_named_timezones_deserialized (void)
     g_list_free (list);
+    g_clear_pointer (&world, gweather_location_unref);
+    /* test_timezones will clear the DB */
     test_timezones ();
-    _gweather_location_reset_world ();
 static void
@@ -190,6 +195,9 @@ test_no_code_serialize (void)
     g_assert_cmpstr (gweather_location_get_name (loc), ==, gweather_location_get_name (new_loc));
     g_assert_true (gweather_location_equal (loc, new_loc));
+    g_clear_pointer (&world, gweather_location_unref);
+    g_clear_pointer (&loc, gweather_location_unref);
+    g_clear_pointer (&new_loc, gweather_location_unref);
     _gweather_location_reset_world ();
@@ -251,6 +259,7 @@ test_timezones (void)
     test_timezones_children (world);
+    g_clear_pointer (&world, gweather_location_unref);
     _gweather_location_reset_world ();
@@ -303,6 +312,7 @@ test_airport_distance_sanity (void)
     if (g_test_failed ())
         g_warning ("Maximum city to airport distance is %.1f km", max_distance);
+    g_clear_pointer (&world, gweather_location_unref);
     _gweather_location_reset_world ();
@@ -438,6 +448,7 @@ test_metar_weather_stations (void)
     g_hash_table_unref (stations_ht);
+    g_clear_pointer (&world, gweather_location_unref);
     _gweather_location_reset_world ();
@@ -509,6 +520,8 @@ test_utc_sunset (void)
        g_object_unref (info);
+       g_clear_pointer (&world, gweather_location_unref);
+       g_clear_pointer (&utc, gweather_location_unref);
        _gweather_location_reset_world ();
@@ -592,6 +605,7 @@ test_bad_duplicate_weather_stations (void)
     g_hash_table_unref (stations_ht);
+    g_clear_pointer (&world, gweather_location_unref);
     _gweather_location_reset_world ();
@@ -648,6 +662,7 @@ test_duplicate_weather_stations (void)
     test_duplicate_weather_stations_children (world);
+    g_clear_pointer (&world, gweather_location_unref);
     _gweather_location_reset_world ();
@@ -684,6 +699,8 @@ test_location_names (void)
     gweather_location_unref (brussels);
     setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
+    g_clear_pointer (&world, gweather_location_unref);
+    g_clear_pointer (&brussels, gweather_location_unref);
     _gweather_location_reset_world ();
@@ -797,7 +814,7 @@ main (int argc, char *argv[])
        g_log_set_handler (NULL, G_LOG_LEVEL_MESSAGE | G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO | G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, log_handler, 
-                 TEST_SRCDIR "../data/Locations.xml",
+                 TEST_LOCATIONS,
        set_gsettings ();
diff --git a/libgweather/test_locations.c b/libgweather/test_locations.c
index b03375eb..37b333e0 100644
--- a/libgweather/test_locations.c
+++ b/libgweather/test_locations.c
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
     gtk_init (&argc, &argv);
-              TEST_SRCDIR "../data/Locations.xml",
+              TEST_LOCATIONS,
     window = gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
diff --git a/libgweather/test_locations_utc.c b/libgweather/test_locations_utc.c
index 3c599af0..2804448d 100644
--- a/libgweather/test_locations_utc.c
+++ b/libgweather/test_locations_utc.c
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
     gtk_init (&argc, &argv);
-              TEST_SRCDIR "../data/Locations.xml",
+              TEST_LOCATIONS,
     window = gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
diff --git a/meson.build b/meson.build
index b4a6dfa2..53d571ed 100644
--- a/meson.build
+++ b/meson.build
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ config_h.set_quoted('GETTEXT_PACKAGE', GETTEXT_PACKAGE)
 config_h.set_quoted('LOCALEDIR', join_paths(datadir, 'locale'))
 config_h.set_quoted('GNOMELOCALEDIR', join_paths(datadir, 'locale'))
 config_h.set_quoted('G_LOG_DOMAIN', 'GWeather')
-config_h.set_quoted('GWEATHER_XML_LOCATION_DIR', pkgdatadir)
+config_h.set_quoted('GWEATHER_BIN_LOCATION_DIR', pkglibdir)
 config_h.set_quoted('LIBGWEATHER_VERSION', meson.project_version())
 if c_compiler.has_member('struct tm', 'tm_gmtoff', prefix: '#include <time.h>')

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