[NetworkManager-openvpn/th/fix-detect-version: 3/3] service: improve logging message about deprecated tls-remote option

commit 5d69427732afa13a4d1c1472ad098d313f44ad84
Author: Thomas Haller <thaller redhat com>
Date:   Mon Jun 7 18:35:44 2021 +0200

    service: improve logging message about deprecated tls-remote option
    Suggest the exact syntax that is probably the right replacement.

 src/nm-openvpn-service.c | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/nm-openvpn-service.c b/src/nm-openvpn-service.c
index e08976f..9b3f52c 100644
--- a/src/nm-openvpn-service.c
+++ b/src/nm-openvpn-service.c
@@ -1742,10 +1742,10 @@ nm_openvpn_start_openvpn_binary (NMOpenvpnPlugin *plugin,
        tmp = nm_setting_vpn_get_data_item (s_vpn, NM_OPENVPN_KEY_TLS_REMOTE);
        if (nmovpn_arg_is_set (tmp)) {
                if (openvpn_binary_detect_version_cached (openvpn_binary, &openvpn_binary_version) != 
-                       _LOGW ("the tls-remote option is deprecated and removed from OpenVPN 2.4. Update your 
connection to use verify-x509-name");
+                       _LOGW ("the tls-remote option is deprecated and removed from OpenVPN 2.4. Update your 
connection to use verify-x509-name (for example, \"verify-x509-name=name:%s\")", tmp);
                        args_add_strv (args, "--tls-remote", tmp);
                } else {
-                       _LOGW ("the tls-remote option is deprecated and removed from OpenVPN 2.4. For 
compatibility, the plugin uses \"verify-x509-name\" \"%s\" \"name\" instead. Update your connection to use 
verify-x509-name", tmp);
+                       _LOGW ("the tls-remote option is deprecated and removed from OpenVPN 2.4. For 
compatibility, the plugin uses \"verify-x509-name\" \"%s\" \"name\" instead. Update your connection to use 
for example \"verify-x509-name=name:%s\")", tmp, tmp);
                        args_add_strv (args, "--verify-x509-name", tmp, "name");
                tls_remote = tmp;

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