[gtk/ebassi/gidocgen: 91/501] docs: Improve gsk docs
- From: Emmanuele Bassi <ebassi src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [gtk/ebassi/gidocgen: 91/501] docs: Improve gsk docs
- Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2021 15:53:28 +0000 (UTC)
commit 594d5d3165d8a961e8680af3025f75a0b8ef063e
Author: Matthias Clasen <mclasen redhat com>
Date: Sat Feb 20 01:09:55 2021 -0500
docs: Improve gsk docs
Convert link formats, add summaries, and make
a few missing things show up in the docs.
gsk/gl/gskglrenderer.h | 5 +
gsk/gskcairorenderer.h | 8 +
gsk/gskenums.h | 13 +-
gsk/gskglshader.c | 197 +++++++++++++----------
gsk/gskrendernode.h | 4 +-
gsk/gskrendernodeimpl.c | 350 +++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
gsk/gsktransform.c | 4 +-
gsk/vulkan/gskvulkanrenderer.h | 5 +
8 files changed, 324 insertions(+), 262 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gsk/gl/gskglrenderer.h b/gsk/gl/gskglrenderer.h
index 64cf11e31c..13466fc56d 100644
--- a/gsk/gl/gskglrenderer.h
+++ b/gsk/gl/gskglrenderer.h
@@ -33,6 +33,11 @@ G_BEGIN_DECLS
+ * GskGLRenderer:
+ *
+ * A GSK renderer that is using OpenGL.
+ */
typedef struct _GskGLRenderer GskGLRenderer;
typedef struct _GskGLRendererClass GskGLRendererClass;
diff --git a/gsk/gskcairorenderer.h b/gsk/gskcairorenderer.h
index 047bd69555..249b5a7b96 100644
--- a/gsk/gskcairorenderer.h
+++ b/gsk/gskcairorenderer.h
@@ -34,6 +34,14 @@ G_BEGIN_DECLS
+ * GskCairoRenderer:
+ *
+ * A GSK renderer that is using cairo.
+ *
+ * Since it is using cairo, this renderer cannot support
+ * 3D transformations.
+ */
typedef struct _GskCairoRenderer GskCairoRenderer;
typedef struct _GskCairoRendererClass GskCairoRendererClass;
diff --git a/gsk/gskenums.h b/gsk/gskenums.h
index 243ab67cc8..5b0afb78a3 100644
--- a/gsk/gskenums.h
+++ b/gsk/gskenums.h
@@ -201,9 +201,10 @@ typedef enum {
* @GSK_TRANSFORM_CATEGORY_2D_TRANSLATE: The matrix is a 2D translation.
* @GSK_TRANSFORM_CATEGORY_IDENTITY: The matrix is the identity matrix.
- * The categories of matrices relevant for GSK and GTK. Note that any
- * category includes matrices of all later categories. So if you want
- * to for example check if a matrix is a 2D matrix,
+ * The categories of matrices relevant for GSK and GTK.
+ *
+ * Note that any category includes matrices of all later categories.
+ * So if you want to for example check if a matrix is a 2D matrix,
* `category >= GSK_TRANSFORM_CATEGORY_2D` is the way to do this.
* Also keep in mind that rounding errors may cause matrices to not
@@ -233,8 +234,10 @@ typedef enum
* @GSK_GL_UNIFORM_TYPE_VEC3: A GLSL vec3 / graphene_vec3_t uniform
* @GSK_GL_UNIFORM_TYPE_VEC4: A GLSL vec4 / graphene_vec4_t uniform
- * This defines the types of the uniforms that #GskGLShaders
- * declare. It defines both what the type is called in the GLSL shader
+ * This defines the types of the uniforms that `GskGLShaders`
+ * declare.
+ *
+ * It defines both what the type is called in the GLSL shader
* code, and what the corresponding C type is on the Gtk side.
typedef enum
diff --git a/gsk/gskglshader.c b/gsk/gskglshader.c
index 081e8ac4a7..cbc9bff8ec 100644
--- a/gsk/gskglshader.c
+++ b/gsk/gskglshader.c
@@ -17,25 +17,26 @@
- * SECTION:GskGLShader
+ * SECTION:gskglshader
* @Title: GskGLShader
* @Short_description: Fragment shaders for GSK
- * A #GskGLShader is a snippet of GLSL that is meant to run in the
- * fragment shader of the rendering pipeline. A fragment shader
- * gets the coordinates being rendered as input and produces the
- * pixel values for that particular pixel. Additionally, the
- * shader can declare a set of other input arguments, called
+ * A `GskGLShader` is a snippet of GLSL that is meant to run in the
+ * fragment shader of the rendering pipeline.
+ *
+ * A fragment shader gets the coordinates being rendered as input and
+ * produces the pixel values for that particular pixel. Additionally,
+ * the shader can declare a set of other input arguments, called
* uniforms (as they are uniform over all the calls to your shader in
* each instance of use). A shader can also receive up to 4
* textures that it can use as input when producing the pixel data.
- #GskGLShader is usually used with gtk_snapshot_push_gl_shader()
-* to produce a #GskGLShaderNode in the rendering hierarchy, and then
-* its input textures are constructed by rendering the child nodes to
-* textures before rendering the shader node itself. (You can pass
-* texture nodes as children if you want to directly use a texture
-* as input).
+ * `GskGLShader` is usually used with gtk_snapshot_push_gl_shader()
+ * to produce a [class@Gsk.GLShaderNode] in the rendering hierarchy,
+ * and then its input textures are constructed by rendering the child
+ * nodes to textures before rendering the shader node itself. (You can
+ * pass texture nodes as children if you want to directly use a texture
+ * as input).
* The actual shader code is GLSL code that gets combined with
* some other code into the fragment shader. Since the exact
@@ -56,16 +57,16 @@
* The main function the shader must implement is:
- * |[<!-- language="plain" -->
+ * ```glsl
* void mainImage(out vec4 fragColor,
* in vec2 fragCoord,
* in vec2 resolution,
* in vec2 uv)
- * ]|
+ * ```
* Where the input @fragCoord is the coordinate of the pixel we're
* currently rendering, relative to the boundary rectangle that was
- * specified in the #GskGLShaderNode, and @resolution is the width and
+ * specified in the `GskGLShaderNode`, and @resolution is the width and
* height of that rectangle. This is in the typical GTK coordinate
* system with the origin in the top left. @uv contains the u and v
* coordinates that can be used to index a texture at the
@@ -90,26 +91,26 @@
* Note that GTK parses the uniform declarations, so each uniform has to
* be on a line by itself with no other code, like so:
- * |[<!-- language="plain" -->
+ * ```glsl
* uniform float u_time;
* uniform vec3 u_color;
* uniform sampler2D u_texture1;
* uniform sampler2D u_texture2;
- * ]|
+ * ```
* GTK uses the the "gsk" namespace in the symbols it uses in the
* shader, so your code should not use any symbols with the prefix gsk
* or GSK. There are some helper functions declared that you can use:
- * |[<!-- language="plain" -->
+ * ```glsl
* vec4 GskTexture(sampler2D sampler, vec2 texCoords);
- * ]|
+ * ```
* This samples a texture (e.g. u_texture1) at the specified
* coordinates, and containes some helper ifdefs to ensure that
* it works on all OpenGL versions.
- * You can compile the shader yourself using gsk_gl_shader_compile(),
+ * You can compile the shader yourself using [method@Gsk.GLShader.compile],
* otherwise the GSK renderer will do it when it handling the glshader
* node. If errors occurs, the returned @error will include the glsl
* sources, so you can see what GSK was passing to the compiler. You
@@ -118,7 +119,7 @@
* # An example shader
- * |[<!-- language="plain" -->
+ * ```glsl
* uniform float position;
* uniform sampler2D u_texture1;
* uniform sampler2D u_texture2;
@@ -132,7 +133,7 @@
* fragColor = position * source1 + (1.0 - position) * source2;
* }
- * ]|
+ * ```
#include "config.h"
@@ -443,7 +444,7 @@ gsk_gl_shader_class_init (GskGLShaderClass *klass)
* GskGLShader:sourcecode:
- * The source code for the shader, as a #GBytes.
+ * The source code for the shader, as a `GBytes`.
gsk_gl_shader_properties[GLSHADER_PROP_SOURCE] =
g_param_spec_boxed ("source",
@@ -486,7 +487,7 @@ gsk_gl_shader_init (GskGLShader *shader)
* Creates a #GskGLShader that will render pixels using the specified code.
- * Returns: (transfer full): A new #GskGLShader
+ * Returns: (transfer full): A new `GskGLShader`
GskGLShader *
gsk_gl_shader_new_from_bytes (GBytes *sourcecode)
@@ -503,9 +504,9 @@ gsk_gl_shader_new_from_bytes (GBytes *sourcecode)
* @resource_path: path to a resource that contains the GLSL sourcecode for
* the shader
- * Creates a #GskGLShader that will render pixels using the specified code.
+ * Creates a `GskGLShader` that will render pixels using the specified code.
- * Returns: (transfer full): A new #GskGLShader
+ * Returns: (transfer full): A new `GskGLShader`
GskGLShader *
gsk_gl_shader_new_from_resource (const char *resource_path)
@@ -523,10 +524,12 @@ gsk_gl_shader_new_from_resource (const char *resource_path)
* @renderer: a #GskRenderer
* @error: location to store error in
- * Tries to compile the @shader for the given @renderer, and reports
- * %FALSE with an error if there is a problem. You should use this
- * function before relying on the shader for rendering and use a
- * fallback with a simpler shader or without shaders if it fails.
+ * Tries to compile the @shader for the given @renderer.
+ *
+ * If there is a problem, this function returns %FALSE and reports
+ * an error. You should use this function before relying on the shader
+ * for rendering and use a fallback with a simpler shader or without
+ * shaders if it fails.
* Note that this will modify the rendering state (for example
* change the current GL context) and requires the renderer to be
@@ -556,7 +559,7 @@ gsk_gl_shader_compile (GskGLShader *shader,
* gsk_gl_shader_get_source:
- * @shader: a #GskGLShader
+ * @shader: a `GskGLShader`
* Gets the GLSL sourcecode being used to render this shader.
@@ -572,7 +575,7 @@ gsk_gl_shader_get_source (GskGLShader *shader)
* gsk_gl_shader_get_resource:
- * @shader: a #GskGLShader
+ * @shader: a `GskGLShader`
* Gets the resource path for the GLSL sourcecode being used
* to render this shader.
@@ -590,7 +593,7 @@ gsk_gl_shader_get_resource (GskGLShader *shader)
* gsk_gl_shader_get_n_textures:
- * @shader: a #GskGLShader
+ * @shader: a `GskGLShader`
* Returns the number of textures that the shader requires.
@@ -610,7 +613,7 @@ gsk_gl_shader_get_n_textures (GskGLShader *shader)
* gsk_gl_shader_get_n_uniforms:
- * @shader: a #GskGLShader
+ * @shader: a `GskGLShader`
* Get the number of declared uniforms for this shader.
@@ -626,7 +629,7 @@ gsk_gl_shader_get_n_uniforms (GskGLShader *shader)
* gsk_gl_shader_get_uniform_name:
- * @shader: a #GskGLShader
+ * @shader: a `GskGLShader`
* @idx: index of the uniform
* Get the name of the declared uniform for this shader at index @idx.
@@ -644,7 +647,7 @@ gsk_gl_shader_get_uniform_name (GskGLShader *shader,
* gsk_gl_shader_find_uniform_by_name:
- * @shader: a #GskGLShader
+ * @shader: a `GskGLShader`
* @name: uniform name
* Looks for a uniform by the name @name, and returns the index
@@ -670,7 +673,7 @@ gsk_gl_shader_find_uniform_by_name (GskGLShader *shader,
* gsk_gl_shader_get_uniform_type:
- * @shader: a #GskGLShader
+ * @shader: a `GskGLShader`
* @idx: index of the uniform
* Get the type of the declared uniform for this shader at index @idx.
@@ -688,7 +691,7 @@ gsk_gl_shader_get_uniform_type (GskGLShader *shader,
* gsk_gl_shader_get_uniform_offset:
- * @shader: a #GskGLShader
+ * @shader: a `GskGLShader`
* @idx: index of the uniform
* Get the offset into the data block where data for this uniforms is stored.
@@ -714,7 +717,7 @@ gsk_gl_shader_get_uniforms (GskGLShader *shader,
* gsk_gl_shader_get_args_size:
- * @shader: a #GskGLShader
+ * @shader: a `GskGLShader`
* Get the size of the data block used to specify arguments for this shader.
@@ -744,11 +747,12 @@ gsk_gl_shader_find_uniform (GskGLShader *shader,
* gsk_gl_shader_get_arg_float:
- * @shader: a #GskGLShader
+ * @shader: a `GskGLShader`
* @args: uniform arguments
* @idx: index of the uniform
* Gets the value of the uniform @idx in the @args block.
+ *
* The uniform must be of float type.
* Returns: The value
@@ -776,11 +780,12 @@ gsk_gl_shader_get_arg_float (GskGLShader *shader,
* gsk_gl_shader_get_arg_int:
- * @shader: a #GskGLShader
+ * @shader: a `GskGLShader`
* @args: uniform arguments
* @idx: index of the uniform
* Gets the value of the uniform @idx in the @args block.
+ *
* The uniform must be of int type.
* Returns: The value
@@ -808,11 +813,12 @@ gsk_gl_shader_get_arg_int (GskGLShader *shader,
* gsk_gl_shader_get_arg_uint:
- * @shader: a #GskGLShader
+ * @shader: a `GskGLShader`
* @args: uniform arguments
* @idx: index of the uniform
* Gets the value of the uniform @idx in the @args block.
+ *
* The uniform must be of uint type.
* Returns: The value
@@ -840,11 +846,12 @@ gsk_gl_shader_get_arg_uint (GskGLShader *shader,
* gsk_gl_shader_get_arg_bool:
- * @shader: a #GskGLShader
+ * @shader: a `GskGLShader`
* @args: uniform arguments
* @idx: index of the uniform
* Gets the value of the uniform @idx in the @args block.
+ *
* The uniform must be of bool type.
* Returns: The value
@@ -872,12 +879,13 @@ gsk_gl_shader_get_arg_bool (GskGLShader *shader,
* gsk_gl_shader_get_arg_vec2:
- * @shader: a #GskGLShader
+ * @shader: a `GskGLShader`
* @args: uniform arguments
* @idx: index of the uniform
* @out_value: location to store the uniform value in
* Gets the value of the uniform @idx in the @args block.
+ *
* The uniform must be of vec2 type.
@@ -904,12 +912,13 @@ gsk_gl_shader_get_arg_vec2 (GskGLShader *shader,
* gsk_gl_shader_get_arg_vec3:
- * @shader: a #GskGLShader
+ * @shader: a `GskGLShader`
* @args: uniform arguments
* @idx: index of the uniform
* @out_value: location to store the uniform value in
* Gets the value of the uniform @idx in the @args block.
+ *
* The uniform must be of vec3 type.
@@ -936,12 +945,13 @@ gsk_gl_shader_get_arg_vec3 (GskGLShader *shader,
* gsk_gl_shader_get_arg_vec4:
- * @shader: a #GskGLShader
+ * @shader: a `GskGLShader`
* @args: uniform arguments
* @idx: index of the uniform
* @out_value: location to store set the uniform value in
* Gets the value of the uniform @idx in the @args block.
+ *
* The uniform must be of vec4 type.
@@ -968,15 +978,16 @@ gsk_gl_shader_get_arg_vec4 (GskGLShader *shader,
* gsk_gl_shader_format_args_va:
- * @shader: a #GskGLShader
+ * @shader: a `GskGLShader`
* @uniforms: name-Value pairs for the uniforms of @shader, ending
* with a %NULL name
* Formats the uniform data as needed for feeding the named uniforms
- * values into the shader. The argument list is a list of pairs of
- * names, and values for the types that match the declared uniforms
- * (i.e. double/int/guint/gboolean for primitive values and
- * `graphene_vecN_t *` for vecN uniforms).
+ * values into the shader.
+ *
+ * The argument list is a list of pairs of names, and values for the
+ * types that match the declared uniforms (i.e. double/int/guint/gboolean
+ * for primitive values and `graphene_vecN_t *` for vecN uniforms).
* It is an error to pass a uniform name that is not declared by the shader.
@@ -984,7 +995,7 @@ gsk_gl_shader_get_arg_vec4 (GskGLShader *shader,
* are zero-initialized.
* Returns: (transfer full): A newly allocated block of data which can be
- * passed to gsk_gl_shader_node_new().
+ * passed to [ctor Gsk GLShaderNode new].
GBytes *
gsk_gl_shader_format_args_va (GskGLShader *shader,
@@ -1053,21 +1064,22 @@ gsk_gl_shader_format_args_va (GskGLShader *shader,
* gsk_gl_shader_format_args:
- * @shader: a #GskGLShader
+ * @shader: a `GskGLShader`
* @...: name-Value pairs for the uniforms of @shader, ending with
* a %NULL name
* Formats the uniform data as needed for feeding the named uniforms
- * values into the shader. The argument list is a list of pairs of
- * names, and values for the types that match the declared uniforms
- * (i.e. double/int/guint/gboolean for primitive values and
- * `graphene_vecN_t *` for vecN uniforms).
+ * values into the shader.
+ *
+ * The argument list is a list of pairs of names, and values for the types
+ * that match the declared uniforms (i.e. double/int/guint/gboolean for
+ * primitive values and `graphene_vecN_t *` for vecN uniforms).
* Any uniforms of the shader that are not included in the argument list
* are zero-initialized.
* Returns: (transfer full): A newly allocated block of data which can be
- * passed to gsk_gl_shader_node_new().
+ * passed to [ctor Gsk GLShaderNode new].
GBytes *
gsk_gl_shader_format_args (GskGLShader *shader,
@@ -1096,14 +1108,14 @@ G_DEFINE_BOXED_TYPE (GskShaderArgsBuilder, gsk_shader_args_builder,
* gsk_shader_args_builder_new:
- * @shader: a #GskGLShader
- * @initial_values: (nullable): optional #Bytes with initial values
+ * @shader: a `GskGLShader`
+ * @initial_values: (nullable): optional `GBytes` with initial values
* Allocates a builder that can be used to construct a new uniform data
* chunk.
* Returns: (transfer full): The newly allocated builder, free with
- * gsk_shader_args_builder_unref()
+ * [method@Gsk.ShaderArgsBuilder.unref]
GskShaderArgsBuilder *
gsk_shader_args_builder_new (GskGLShader *shader,
@@ -1128,21 +1140,23 @@ gsk_shader_args_builder_new (GskGLShader *shader,
* gsk_shader_args_builder_to_args:
- * @builder: a #GskShaderArgsBuilder
+ * @builder: a `GskShaderArgsBuilder`
- * Creates a new #GBytes args from the current state of the
- * given @builder. Any uniforms of the shader that have not
- * been explicitly set on the @builder are zero-initialized.
+ * Creates a new `GBytes` args from the current state of the
+ * given @builder.
+ *
+ * Any uniforms of the shader that have not been explicitly set on
+ * the @builder are zero-initialized.
- * The given #GskShaderArgsBuilder is reset once this function returns;
+ * The given `GskShaderArgsBuilder` is reset once this function returns;
* you cannot call this function multiple times on the same @builder instance.
* This function is intended primarily for bindings. C code should use
- * gsk_shader_args_builder_free_to_args().
+ * [method@Gsk.ShaderArgsBuilder.free_to_args].
- * Returns: (transfer full): the newly allocated builder, free with
- * gsk_shader_args_builder_free()
+ * Returns: (transfer full): the newly allocated buffer with
+ * all the args added to @builder
GBytes *
gsk_shader_args_builder_to_args (GskShaderArgsBuilder *builder)
@@ -1153,15 +1167,16 @@ gsk_shader_args_builder_to_args (GskShaderArgsBuilder *builder)
* gsk_shader_args_builder_free_to_args: (skip)
- * @builder: a #GskShaderArgsBuilder
+ * @builder: a `GskShaderArgsBuilder`
* Creates a new #GBytes args from the current state of the
- * given @builder, and frees the @builder instance. Any uniforms
- * of the shader that have not been explicitly set on the @builder
- * are zero-initialized.
+ * given @builder, and frees the @builder instance.
+ *
+ * Any uniforms of the shader that have not been explicitly set
+ * on the @builder are zero-initialized.
- * Returns: (transfer full): the newly created #GBytes
- * with all the args added to @builder
+ * Returns: (transfer full): the newly allocated buffer with
+ * all the args added to @builder
GBytes *
gsk_shader_args_builder_free_to_args (GskShaderArgsBuilder *builder)
@@ -1180,9 +1195,10 @@ gsk_shader_args_builder_free_to_args (GskShaderArgsBuilder *builder)
* gsk_shader_args_builder_unref:
- * @builder: a #GskShaderArgsBuilder
+ * @builder: a `GskShaderArgsBuilder`
+ *
+ * Decreases the reference count of a `GskShaderArgBuilder` by one.
- * Decreases the reference count of a #GskShaderArgBuilder by one.
* If the resulting reference count is zero, frees the builder.
@@ -1203,11 +1219,11 @@ gsk_shader_args_builder_unref (GskShaderArgsBuilder *builder)
* gsk_shader_args_builder_ref:
- * @builder: a #GskShaderArgsBuilder
+ * @builder: a `GskShaderArgsBuilder`
- * Increases the reference count of a #GskShaderArgsBuilder by one.
+ * Increases the reference count of a `GskShaderArgsBuilder` by one.
- * Returns: the passed in #GskShaderArgsBuilder
+ * Returns: the passed in `GskShaderArgsBuilder`
GskShaderArgsBuilder *
gsk_shader_args_builder_ref (GskShaderArgsBuilder *builder)
@@ -1220,11 +1236,12 @@ gsk_shader_args_builder_ref (GskShaderArgsBuilder *builder)
* gsk_shader_args_builder_set_float:
- * @builder: a #GskShaderArgsBuilder
+ * @builder: a `GskShaderArgsBuilder`
* @idx: index of the uniform
* @value: value to set the uniform to
* Sets the value of the uniform @idx.
+ *
* The uniform must be of float type.
@@ -1247,11 +1264,12 @@ gsk_shader_args_builder_set_float (GskShaderArgsBuilder *builder,
* gsk_shader_args_builder_set_int:
- * @builder: a #GskShaderArgsBuilder
+ * @builder: a `GskShaderArgsBuilder`
* @idx: index of the uniform
* @value: value to set the uniform to
* Sets the value of the uniform @idx.
+ *
* The uniform must be of int type.
@@ -1274,11 +1292,12 @@ gsk_shader_args_builder_set_int (GskShaderArgsBuilder *builder,
* gsk_shader_args_builder_set_uint:
- * @builder: a #GskShaderArgsBuilder
+ * @builder: a `GskShaderArgsBuilder`
* @idx: index of the uniform
* @value: value to set the uniform to
* Sets the value of the uniform @idx.
+ *
* The uniform must be of uint type.
@@ -1301,11 +1320,12 @@ gsk_shader_args_builder_set_uint (GskShaderArgsBuilder *builder,
* gsk_shader_args_builder_set_bool:
- * @builder: a #GskShaderArgsBuilder
+ * @builder: a `GskShaderArgsBuilder`
* @idx: index of the uniform
* @value: value to set the uniform to
* Sets the value of the uniform @idx.
+ *
* The uniform must be of bool type.
@@ -1328,11 +1348,12 @@ gsk_shader_args_builder_set_bool (GskShaderArgsBuilder *builder,
* gsk_shader_args_builder_set_vec2:
- * @builder: A #GskShaderArgsBuilder
+ * @builder: A `GskShaderArgsBuilder`
* @idx: index of the uniform
* @value: value to set the uniform too
* Sets the value of the uniform @idx.
+ *
* The uniform must be of vec2 type.
@@ -1355,11 +1376,12 @@ gsk_shader_args_builder_set_vec2 (GskShaderArgsBuilder *builder,
* gsk_shader_args_builder_set_vec3:
- * @builder: a #GskShaderArgsBuilder
+ * @builder: a `GskShaderArgsBuilder`
* @idx: index of the uniform
* @value: value to set the uniform too
* Sets the value of the uniform @idx.
+ *
* The uniform must be of vec3 type.
@@ -1382,11 +1404,12 @@ gsk_shader_args_builder_set_vec3 (GskShaderArgsBuilder *builder,
* gsk_shader_args_builder_set_vec4:
- * @builder: a #GskShaderArgsBuilder
+ * @builder: a `GskShaderArgsBuilder`
* @idx: index of the uniform
* @value: value to set the uniform too
* Sets the value of the uniform @idx.
+ *
* The uniform must be of vec4 type.
diff --git a/gsk/gskrendernode.h b/gsk/gskrendernode.h
index 88fa4241e6..dfeb43d5db 100644
--- a/gsk/gskrendernode.h
+++ b/gsk/gskrendernode.h
@@ -98,8 +98,8 @@ struct _GskParseLocation
* @error: the error
* @user_data: user data
- * The type of callback that is called when a parse error occurs
- * during deserialization of node data.
+ * Type of callback that is called when an error occurs
+ * during node deserialization.
typedef void (* GskParseErrorFunc) (const GskParseLocation *start,
const GskParseLocation *end,
diff --git a/gsk/gskrendernodeimpl.c b/gsk/gskrendernodeimpl.c
index 896dfc6566..42606679fe 100644
--- a/gsk/gskrendernodeimpl.c
+++ b/gsk/gskrendernodeimpl.c
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ gsk_color_node_diff (GskRenderNode *node1,
* gsk_color_node_get_color:
- * @node: (type GskColorNode): a #GskColorNode
+ * @node: (type GskColorNode): a `GskRenderNode`
* Retrieves the color of the given @node.
@@ -112,13 +112,13 @@ gsk_color_node_get_color (const GskRenderNode *node)
* gsk_color_node_new:
- * @rgba: a #GdkRGBA specifying a color
+ * @rgba: a `GdkRGBA` specifying a color
* @bounds: the rectangle to render the color into
- * Creates a #GskRenderNode that will render the color specified by @rgba into
+ * Creates a `GskRenderNode` that will render the color specified by @rgba into
* the area given by @bounds.
- * Returns: (transfer full) (type GskColorNode): A new #GskRenderNode
+ * Returns: (transfer full) (type GskColorNode): A new `GskRenderNode`
GskRenderNode *
gsk_color_node_new (const GdkRGBA *rgba,
@@ -243,15 +243,16 @@ gsk_linear_gradient_node_diff (GskRenderNode *node1,
* @bounds: the rectangle to render the linear gradient into
* @start: the point at which the linear gradient will begin
* @end: the point at which the linear gradient will finish
- * @color_stops: (array length=n_color_stops): a pointer to an array of #GskColorStop defining the gradient
- * The offsets of all color steps must be increasing. The first stop's offset must be >= 0 and the last
+ * @color_stops: (array length=n_color_stops): a pointer to an array of
+ * `GskColorStop` defining the gradient. The offsets of all color stops
+ * must be increasing. The first stop's offset must be >= 0 and the last
* stop's offset must be <= 1.
* @n_color_stops: the number of elements in @color_stops
- * Creates a #GskRenderNode that will create a linear gradient from the given
+ * Creates a `GskRenderNode` that will create a linear gradient from the given
* points and color stops, and render that into the area given by @bounds.
- * Returns: (transfer full) (type GskLinearGradientNode): A new #GskRenderNode
+ * Returns: (transfer full) (type GskLinearGradientNode): A new `GskRenderNode`
GskRenderNode *
gsk_linear_gradient_node_new (const graphene_rect_t *bounds,
@@ -293,16 +294,17 @@ gsk_linear_gradient_node_new (const graphene_rect_t *bounds,
* @bounds: the rectangle to render the linear gradient into
* @start: the point at which the linear gradient will begin
* @end: the point at which the linear gradient will finish
- * @color_stops: (array length=n_color_stops): a pointer to an array of #GskColorStop defining the gradient
- * The offsets of all color steps must be increasing. The first stop's offset must be >= 0 and the last
+ * @color_stops: (array length=n_color_stops): a pointer to an array of
+ * `GskColorStop` defining the gradient. The offsets of all color stops
+ * must be increasing. The first stop's offset must be >= 0 and the last
* stop's offset must be <= 1.
* @n_color_stops: the number of elements in @color_stops
- * Creates a #GskRenderNode that will create a repeating linear gradient
+ * Creates a `GskRenderNode` that will create a repeating linear gradient
* from the given points and color stops, and render that into the area
* given by @bounds.
- * Returns: (transfer full) (type GskRepeatingLinearGradientNode): A new #GskRenderNode
+ * Returns: (transfer full) (type GskRepeatingLinearGradientNode): A new `GskRenderNode`
GskRenderNode *
gsk_repeating_linear_gradient_node_new (const graphene_rect_t *bounds,
@@ -341,7 +343,7 @@ gsk_repeating_linear_gradient_node_new (const graphene_rect_t *bounds,
* gsk_linear_gradient_node_get_start:
- * @node: (type GskLinearGradientNode): a #GskRenderNode for a linear gradient
+ * @node: (type GskLinearGradientNode): a `GskRenderNode` for a linear gradient
* Retrieves the initial point of the linear gradient.
@@ -357,7 +359,7 @@ gsk_linear_gradient_node_get_start (const GskRenderNode *node)
* gsk_linear_gradient_node_get_end:
- * @node: (type GskLinearGradientNode): a #GskRenderNode for a linear gradient
+ * @node: (type GskLinearGradientNode): a `GskRenderNode` for a linear gradient
* Retrieves the final point of the linear gradient.
@@ -373,7 +375,7 @@ gsk_linear_gradient_node_get_end (const GskRenderNode *node)
* gsk_linear_gradient_node_get_n_color_stops:
- * @node: (type GskLinearGradientNode): a #GskRenderNode for a linear gradient
+ * @node: (type GskLinearGradientNode): a `GskRenderNode` for a linear gradient
* Retrieves the number of color stops in the gradient.
@@ -389,7 +391,7 @@ gsk_linear_gradient_node_get_n_color_stops (const GskRenderNode *node)
* gsk_linear_gradient_node_get_color_stops:
- * @node: (type GskLinearGradientNode): a #GskRenderNode for a linear gradient
+ * @node: (type GskLinearGradientNode): a `GskRenderNode` for a linear gradient
* @n_stops: (out) (optional): the number of color stops in the returned array
* Retrieves the color stops in the gradient.
@@ -531,16 +533,19 @@ gsk_radial_gradient_node_diff (GskRenderNode *node1,
* @vradius: the vertical radius
* @start: a percentage >= 0 that defines the start of the gradient around @center
* @end: a percentage >= 0 that defines the end of the gradient around @center
- * @color_stops: (array length=n_color_stops): a pointer to an array of #GskColorStop defining the gradient
- * The offsets of all color steps must be increasing. The first stop's offset must be >= 0 and the last
+ * @color_stops: (array length=n_color_stops): a pointer to an array of
+ * `GskColorStop` defining the gradient. The offsets of all color stops
+ * must be increasing. The first stop's offset must be >= 0 and the last
* stop's offset must be <= 1.
* @n_color_stops: the number of elements in @color_stops
- * Creates a #GskRenderNode that draws a radial gradient. The radial gradient
+ * Creates a `GskRenderNode` that draws a radial gradient.
+ *
+ * The radial gradient
* starts around @center. The size of the gradient is dictated by @hradius
* in horizontal orientation and by @vradius in vertial orientation.
- * Returns: (transfer full) (type GskRadialGradientNode): A new #GskRenderNode
+ * Returns: (transfer full) (type GskRadialGradientNode): A new `GskRenderNode`
GskRenderNode *
gsk_radial_gradient_node_new (const graphene_rect_t *bounds,
@@ -596,16 +601,19 @@ gsk_radial_gradient_node_new (const graphene_rect_t *bounds,
* @vradius: the vertical radius
* @start: a percentage >= 0 that defines the start of the gradient around @center
* @end: a percentage >= 0 that defines the end of the gradient around @center
- * @color_stops: (array length=n_color_stops): a pointer to an array of #GskColorStop defining the gradient
- * The offsets of all color steps must be increasing. The first stop's offset must be >= 0 and the last
+ * @color_stops: (array length=n_color_stops): a pointer to an array of
+ * `GskColorStop` defining the gradient. The offsets of all color stops
+ * must be increasing. The first stop's offset must be >= 0 and the last
* stop's offset must be <= 1.
* @n_color_stops: the number of elements in @color_stops
- * Creates a #GskRenderNode that draws a repeating radial gradient. The radial gradient
- * starts around @center. The size of the gradient is dictated by @hradius
- * in horizontal orientation and by @vradius in vertial orientation.
+ * Creates a `GskRenderNode` that draws a repeating radial gradient.
- * Returns: (transfer full) (type GskRepeatingRadialGradientNode): A new #GskRenderNode
+ * The radial gradient starts around @center. The size of the gradient
+ * is dictated by @hradius in horizontal orientation and by @vradius
+ * in vertial orientation.
+ *
+ * Returns: (transfer full) (type GskRepeatingRadialGradientNode): A new `GskRenderNode`
GskRenderNode *
gsk_repeating_radial_gradient_node_new (const graphene_rect_t *bounds,
@@ -655,7 +663,7 @@ gsk_repeating_radial_gradient_node_new (const graphene_rect_t *bounds,
* gsk_radial_gradient_node_get_n_color_stops:
- * @node: (type GskRadialGradientNode): a #GskRenderNode for a radial gradient
+ * @node: (type GskRadialGradientNode): a `GskRenderNode` for a radial gradient
* Retrieves the number of color stops in the gradient.
@@ -671,7 +679,7 @@ gsk_radial_gradient_node_get_n_color_stops (const GskRenderNode *node)
* gsk_radial_gradient_node_get_color_stops:
- * @node: (type GskRadialGradientNode): a #GskRenderNode for a radial gradient
+ * @node: (type GskRadialGradientNode): a `GskRenderNode` for a radial gradient
* @n_stops: (out) (optional): the number of color stops in the returned array
* Retrieves the color stops in the gradient.
@@ -692,7 +700,7 @@ gsk_radial_gradient_node_get_color_stops (const GskRenderNode *node,
* gsk_radial_gradient_node_get_center:
- * @node: (type GskRadialGradientNode): a #GskRenderNode for a radial gradient
+ * @node: (type GskRadialGradientNode): a `GskRenderNode` for a radial gradient
* Retrieves the center pointer for the gradient.
@@ -708,7 +716,7 @@ gsk_radial_gradient_node_get_center (const GskRenderNode *node)
* gsk_radial_gradient_node_get_hradius:
- * @node: (type GskRadialGradientNode): a #GskRenderNode for a radial gradient
+ * @node: (type GskRadialGradientNode): a `GskRenderNode` for a radial gradient
* Retrieves the horizonal radius for the gradient.
@@ -724,7 +732,7 @@ gsk_radial_gradient_node_get_hradius (const GskRenderNode *node)
* gsk_radial_gradient_node_get_vradius:
- * @node: (type GskRadialGradientNode): a #GskRenderNode for a radial gradient
+ * @node: (type GskRadialGradientNode): a `GskRenderNode` for a radial gradient
* Retrieves the vertical radius for the gradient.
@@ -740,7 +748,7 @@ gsk_radial_gradient_node_get_vradius (const GskRenderNode *node)
* gsk_radial_gradient_node_get_start:
- * @node: (type GskRadialGradientNode): a #GskRenderNode for a radial gradient
+ * @node: (type GskRadialGradientNode): a `GskRenderNode` for a radial gradient
* Retrieves the start value for the gradient.
@@ -756,7 +764,7 @@ gsk_radial_gradient_node_get_start (const GskRenderNode *node)
* gsk_radial_gradient_node_get_end:
- * @node: (type GskRadialGradientNode): a #GskRenderNode for a radial gradient
+ * @node: (type GskRadialGradientNode): a `GskRenderNode` for a radial gradient
* Retrieves the end value for the gradient.
@@ -983,16 +991,19 @@ gsk_conic_gradient_node_diff (GskRenderNode *node1,
* @bounds: the bounds of the node
* @center: the center of the gradient
* @rotation: the rotation of the gradient in degrees
- * @color_stops: (array length=n_color_stops): a pointer to an array of #GskColorStop defining the gradient
- * The offsets of all color steps must be increasing. The first stop's offset must be >= 0 and the last
+ * @color_stops: (array length=n_color_stops): a pointer to an array of
+ * `GskColorStop` defining the gradient. The offsets of all color stops
+ * must be increasing. The first stop's offset must be >= 0 and the last
* stop's offset must be <= 1.
* @n_color_stops: the number of elements in @color_stops
- * Creates a #GskRenderNode that draws a conic gradient. The conic gradient
+ * Creates a `GskRenderNode` that draws a conic gradient.
+ *
+ * The conic gradient
* starts around @center in the direction of @rotation. A rotation of 0 means
* that the gradient points up. Color stops are then added clockwise.
- * Returns: (transfer full) (type GskConicGradientNode): A new #GskRenderNode
+ * Returns: (transfer full) (type GskConicGradientNode): A new `GskRenderNode`
GskRenderNode *
gsk_conic_gradient_node_new (const graphene_rect_t *bounds,
@@ -1037,7 +1048,7 @@ gsk_conic_gradient_node_new (const graphene_rect_t *bounds,
* gsk_conic_gradient_node_get_n_color_stops:
- * @node: (type GskConicGradientNode): a #GskRenderNode for a conic gradient
+ * @node: (type GskConicGradientNode): a `GskRenderNode` for a conic gradient
* Retrieves the number of color stops in the gradient.
@@ -1053,7 +1064,7 @@ gsk_conic_gradient_node_get_n_color_stops (const GskRenderNode *node)
* gsk_conic_gradient_node_get_color_stops:
- * @node: (type GskConicGradientNode): a #GskRenderNode for a conic gradient
+ * @node: (type GskConicGradientNode): a `GskRenderNode` for a conic gradient
* @n_stops: (out) (optional): the number of color stops in the returned array
* Retrieves the color stops in the gradient.
@@ -1074,7 +1085,7 @@ gsk_conic_gradient_node_get_color_stops (const GskRenderNode *node,
* gsk_conic_gradient_node_get_center:
- * @node: (type GskConicGradientNode): a #GskRenderNode for a conic gradient
+ * @node: (type GskConicGradientNode): a `GskRenderNode` for a conic gradient
* Retrieves the center pointer for the gradient.
@@ -1090,7 +1101,7 @@ gsk_conic_gradient_node_get_center (const GskRenderNode *node)
* gsk_conic_gradient_node_get_rotation:
- * @node: (type GskConicGradientNode): a #GskRenderNode for a conic gradient
+ * @node: (type GskConicGradientNode): a `GskRenderNode` for a conic gradient
* Retrieves the rotation for the gradient in degrees.
@@ -1106,13 +1117,14 @@ gsk_conic_gradient_node_get_rotation (const GskRenderNode *node)
* gsk_conic_gradient_node_get_angle:
- * @node: (type GskConicGradientNode): a #GskRenderNode for a conic gradient
+ * @node: (type GskConicGradientNode): a `GskRenderNode` for a conic gradient
- * Retrieves the angle for the gradient in radians, normalized in [0, 2 * PI]
+ * Retrieves the angle for the gradient in radians, normalized in [0, 2 * PI].
* The angle is starting at the top and going clockwise, as expressed
* in the css specification:
- * angle = 90 - gsk_conic_gradient_node_get_rotation()
+ *
+ * angle = 90 - gsk_conic_gradient_node_get_rotation()
* Returns: the angle for the gradient
@@ -1315,7 +1327,7 @@ gsk_border_node_diff (GskRenderNode *node1,
* gsk_border_node_get_outline:
- * @node: (type GskBorderNode): a #GskRenderNode for a border
+ * @node: (type GskBorderNode): a `GskRenderNode` for a border
* Retrieves the outline of the border.
@@ -1331,7 +1343,7 @@ gsk_border_node_get_outline (const GskRenderNode *node)
* gsk_border_node_get_widths:
- * @node: (type GskBorderNode): a #GskRenderNode for a border
+ * @node: (type GskBorderNode): a `GskRenderNode` for a border
* Retrieves the stroke widths of the border.
@@ -1349,7 +1361,7 @@ gsk_border_node_get_widths (const GskRenderNode *node)
* gsk_border_node_get_colors:
- * @node: (type GskBorderNode): a #GskRenderNode for a border
+ * @node: (type GskBorderNode): a `GskRenderNode` for a border
* Retrieves the colors of the border.
@@ -1372,11 +1384,12 @@ gsk_border_node_get_colors (const GskRenderNode *node)
* @border_color: (array fixed-size=4): the color used on the top, right,
* bottom and left side.
- * Creates a #GskRenderNode that will stroke a border rectangle inside the
- * given @outline. The 4 sides of the border can have different widths and
- * colors.
+ * Creates a `GskRenderNode` that will stroke a border rectangle inside the
+ * given @outline.
- * Returns: (transfer full) (type GskBorderNode): A new #GskRenderNode
+ * The 4 sides of the border can have different widths and colors.
+ *
+ * Returns: (transfer full) (type GskBorderNode): A new `GskRenderNode`
GskRenderNode *
gsk_border_node_new (const GskRoundedRect *outline,
@@ -1491,11 +1504,11 @@ gsk_texture_node_diff (GskRenderNode *node1,
* gsk_texture_node_get_texture:
- * @node: (type GskTextureNode): a #GskRenderNode of type %GSK_TEXTURE_NODE
+ * @node: (type GskTextureNode): a `GskRenderNode` of type %GSK_TEXTURE_NODE
- * Retrieves the #GdkTexture used when creating this #GskRenderNode.
+ * Retrieves the `GdkTexture` used when creating this `GskRenderNode`.
- * Returns: (transfer none): the #GdkTexture
+ * Returns: (transfer none): the `GdkTexture`
GdkTexture *
gsk_texture_node_get_texture (const GskRenderNode *node)
@@ -1507,13 +1520,13 @@ gsk_texture_node_get_texture (const GskRenderNode *node)
* gsk_texture_node_new:
- * @texture: the #GdkTexture
+ * @texture: the `GdkTexture`
* @bounds: the rectangle to render the texture into
- * Creates a #GskRenderNode that will render the given
+ * Creates a `GskRenderNode` that will render the given
* @texture into the area given by @bounds.
- * Returns: (transfer full) (type GskTextureNode): A new #GskRenderNode
+ * Returns: (transfer full) (type GskTextureNode): A new `GskRenderNode`
GskRenderNode *
gsk_texture_node_new (GdkTexture *texture,
@@ -1956,10 +1969,10 @@ gsk_inset_shadow_node_diff (GskRenderNode *node1,
* @spread: how far the shadow spreads towards the inside
* @blur_radius: how much blur to apply to the shadow
- * Creates a #GskRenderNode that will render an inset shadow
+ * Creates a `GskRenderNode` that will render an inset shadow
* into the box given by @outline.
- * Returns: (transfer full) (type GskInsetShadowNode): A new #GskRenderNode
+ * Returns: (transfer full) (type GskInsetShadowNode): A new `GskRenderNode`
GskRenderNode *
gsk_inset_shadow_node_new (const GskRoundedRect *outline,
@@ -1992,7 +2005,7 @@ gsk_inset_shadow_node_new (const GskRoundedRect *outline,
* gsk_inset_shadow_node_get_outline:
- * @node: (type GskInsetShadowNode): a #GskRenderNode for an inset shadow
+ * @node: (type GskInsetShadowNode): a `GskRenderNode` for an inset shadow
* Retrieves the outline rectangle of the inset shadow.
@@ -2008,7 +2021,7 @@ gsk_inset_shadow_node_get_outline (const GskRenderNode *node)
* gsk_inset_shadow_node_get_color:
- * @node: (type GskInsetShadowNode): a #GskRenderNode for an inset shadow
+ * @node: (type GskInsetShadowNode): a `GskRenderNode` for an inset shadow
* Retrieves the color of the inset shadow.
@@ -2024,7 +2037,7 @@ gsk_inset_shadow_node_get_color (const GskRenderNode *node)
* gsk_inset_shadow_node_get_dx:
- * @node: (type GskInsetShadowNode): a #GskRenderNode for an inset shadow
+ * @node: (type GskInsetShadowNode): a `GskRenderNode` for an inset shadow
* Retrieves the horizontal offset of the inset shadow.
@@ -2040,7 +2053,7 @@ gsk_inset_shadow_node_get_dx (const GskRenderNode *node)
* gsk_inset_shadow_node_get_dy:
- * @node: (type GskInsetShadowNode): a #GskRenderNode for an inset shadow
+ * @node: (type GskInsetShadowNode): a `GskRenderNode` for an inset shadow
* Retrieves the vertical offset of the inset shadow.
@@ -2056,7 +2069,7 @@ gsk_inset_shadow_node_get_dy (const GskRenderNode *node)
* gsk_inset_shadow_node_get_spread:
- * @node: (type GskInsetShadowNode): a #GskRenderNode for an inset shadow
+ * @node: (type GskInsetShadowNode): a `GskRenderNode` for an inset shadow
* Retrieves how much the shadow spreads inwards.
@@ -2072,7 +2085,7 @@ gsk_inset_shadow_node_get_spread (const GskRenderNode *node)
* gsk_inset_shadow_node_get_blur_radius:
- * @node: (type GskInsetShadowNode): a #GskRenderNode for an inset shadow
+ * @node: (type GskInsetShadowNode): a `GskRenderNode` for an inset shadow
* Retrieves the blur radius to apply to the shadow.
@@ -2251,10 +2264,10 @@ gsk_outset_shadow_node_diff (GskRenderNode *node1,
* @spread: how far the shadow spreads towards the inside
* @blur_radius: how much blur to apply to the shadow
- * Creates a #GskRenderNode that will render an outset shadow
+ * Creates a `GskRenderNode` that will render an outset shadow
* around the box given by @outline.
- * Returns: (transfer full) (type GskOutsetShadowNode): A new #GskRenderNode
+ * Returns: (transfer full) (type GskOutsetShadowNode): A new `GskRenderNode`
GskRenderNode *
gsk_outset_shadow_node_new (const GskRoundedRect *outline,
@@ -2294,7 +2307,7 @@ gsk_outset_shadow_node_new (const GskRoundedRect *outline,
* gsk_outset_shadow_node_get_outline:
- * @node: (type GskOutsetShadowNode): a #GskRenderNode for an outset shadow
+ * @node: (type GskOutsetShadowNode): a `GskRenderNode` for an outset shadow
* Retrieves the outline rectangle of the outset shadow.
@@ -2310,7 +2323,7 @@ gsk_outset_shadow_node_get_outline (const GskRenderNode *node)
* gsk_outset_shadow_node_get_color:
- * @node: (type GskOutsetShadowNode): a #GskRenderNode for an outset shadow
+ * @node: (type GskOutsetShadowNode): a `GskRenderNode` for an outset shadow
* Retrieves the color of the outset shadow.
@@ -2326,7 +2339,7 @@ gsk_outset_shadow_node_get_color (const GskRenderNode *node)
* gsk_outset_shadow_node_get_dx:
- * @node: (type GskOutsetShadowNode): a #GskRenderNode for an outset shadow
+ * @node: (type GskOutsetShadowNode): a `GskRenderNode` for an outset shadow
* Retrieves the horizontal offset of the outset shadow.
@@ -2342,7 +2355,7 @@ gsk_outset_shadow_node_get_dx (const GskRenderNode *node)
* gsk_outset_shadow_node_get_dy:
- * @node: (type GskOutsetShadowNode): a #GskRenderNode for an outset shadow
+ * @node: (type GskOutsetShadowNode): a `GskRenderNode` for an outset shadow
* Retrieves the vertical offset of the outset shadow.
@@ -2358,7 +2371,7 @@ gsk_outset_shadow_node_get_dy (const GskRenderNode *node)
* gsk_outset_shadow_node_get_spread:
- * @node: (type GskOutsetShadowNode): a #GskRenderNode for an outset shadow
+ * @node: (type GskOutsetShadowNode): a `GskRenderNode` for an outset shadow
* Retrieves how much the shadow spreads outwards.
@@ -2374,7 +2387,7 @@ gsk_outset_shadow_node_get_spread (const GskRenderNode *node)
* gsk_outset_shadow_node_get_blur_radius:
- * @node: (type GskOutsetShadowNode): a #GskRenderNode for an outset shadow
+ * @node: (type GskOutsetShadowNode): a `GskRenderNode` for an outset shadow
* Retrieves the blur radius of the shadow.
@@ -2429,7 +2442,7 @@ gsk_cairo_node_draw (GskRenderNode *node,
* gsk_cairo_node_get_surface:
- * @node: (type GskCairoNode): a #GskRenderNode for a Cairo surface
+ * @node: (type GskCairoNode): a `GskRenderNode` for a Cairo surface
* Retrieves the Cairo surface used by the render node.
@@ -2449,11 +2462,12 @@ gsk_cairo_node_get_surface (GskRenderNode *node)
* gsk_cairo_node_new:
* @bounds: the rectangle to render to
- * Creates a #GskRenderNode that will render a cairo surface
- * into the area given by @bounds. You can draw to the cairo
- * surface using gsk_cairo_node_get_draw_context()
+ * Creates a `GskRenderNode` that will render a cairo surface
+ * into the area given by @bounds.
+ *
+ * You can draw to the cairo surface using [method@Gsk.CairoNode.get_draw_context].
- * Returns: (transfer full) (type GskCairoNode): A new #GskRenderNode
+ * Returns: (transfer full) (type GskCairoNode): A new `GskRenderNode`
GskRenderNode *
gsk_cairo_node_new (const graphene_rect_t *bounds)
@@ -2473,7 +2487,7 @@ gsk_cairo_node_new (const graphene_rect_t *bounds)
* gsk_cairo_node_get_draw_context:
- * @node: (type GskCairoNode): a #GskRenderNode for a Cairo surface
+ * @node: (type GskCairoNode): a `GskRenderNode` for a Cairo surface
* Creates a Cairo context for drawing using the surface associated
* to the render node.
@@ -2635,10 +2649,11 @@ gsk_container_node_diff (GskRenderNode *node1,
* @children: (array length=n_children) (transfer none): The children of the node
* @n_children: Number of children in the @children array
- * Creates a new #GskRenderNode instance for holding the given @children.
+ * Creates a new `GskRenderNode` instance for holding the given @children.
+ *
* The new node will acquire a reference to each of the children.
- * Returns: (transfer full) (type GskContainerNode): the new #GskRenderNode
+ * Returns: (transfer full) (type GskContainerNode): the new `GskRenderNode`
GskRenderNode *
gsk_container_node_new (GskRenderNode **children,
@@ -2679,11 +2694,11 @@ gsk_container_node_new (GskRenderNode **children,
* gsk_container_node_get_n_children:
- * @node: (type GskContainerNode): a container #GskRenderNode
+ * @node: (type GskContainerNode): a container `GskRenderNode`
* Retrieves the number of direct children of @node.
- * Returns: the number of children of the #GskRenderNode
+ * Returns: the number of children of the `GskRenderNode`
gsk_container_node_get_n_children (const GskRenderNode *node)
@@ -2695,7 +2710,7 @@ gsk_container_node_get_n_children (const GskRenderNode *node)
* gsk_container_node_get_child:
- * @node: (type GskContainerNode): a container #GskRenderNode
+ * @node: (type GskContainerNode): a container `GskRenderNode`
* @idx: the position of the child to get
* Gets one of the children of @container.
@@ -2719,7 +2734,7 @@ gsk_container_node_get_child (const GskRenderNode *node,
* GskTransformNode:
- * A render node applying a #GskTransform to its single child node.
+ * A render node applying a `GskTransform` to its single child node.
struct _GskTransformNode
@@ -2858,10 +2873,10 @@ gsk_transform_node_diff (GskRenderNode *node1,
* @child: The node to transform
* @transform: (transfer none): The transform to apply
- * Creates a #GskRenderNode that will transform the given @child
+ * Creates a `GskRenderNode` that will transform the given @child
* with the given @transform.
- * Returns: (transfer full) (type GskTransformNode): A new #GskRenderNode
+ * Returns: (transfer full) (type GskTransformNode): A new `GskRenderNode`
GskRenderNode *
gsk_transform_node_new (GskRenderNode *child,
@@ -2888,7 +2903,7 @@ gsk_transform_node_new (GskRenderNode *child,
* gsk_transform_node_get_child:
- * @node: (type GskTransformNode): a #GskRenderNode for a transform
+ * @node: (type GskTransformNode): a `GskRenderNode` for a transform
* Gets the child node that is getting transformed by the given @node.
@@ -2904,11 +2919,11 @@ gsk_transform_node_get_child (const GskRenderNode *node)
* gsk_transform_node_get_transform:
- * @node: (type GskTransformNode): a #GskRenderNode for a transform
+ * @node: (type GskTransformNode): a `GskRenderNode` for a transform
- * Retrieves the #GskTransform used by the @node.
+ * Retrieves the `GskTransform` used by the @node.
- * Returns: (transfer none): a #GskTransform
+ * Returns: (transfer none): a `GskTransform`
GskTransform *
gsk_transform_node_get_transform (const GskRenderNode *node)
@@ -2985,10 +3000,10 @@ gsk_opacity_node_diff (GskRenderNode *node1,
* @child: The node to draw
* @opacity: The opacity to apply
- * Creates a #GskRenderNode that will drawn the @child with reduced
+ * Creates a `GskRenderNode` that will drawn the @child with reduced
* @opacity.
- * Returns: (transfer full) (type GskOpacityNode): A new #GskRenderNode
+ * Returns: (transfer full) (type GskOpacityNode): A new `GskRenderNode`
GskRenderNode *
gsk_opacity_node_new (GskRenderNode *child,
@@ -3012,7 +3027,7 @@ gsk_opacity_node_new (GskRenderNode *child,
* gsk_opacity_node_get_child:
- * @node: (type GskOpacityNode): a #GskRenderNode for an opacity
+ * @node: (type GskOpacityNode): a `GskRenderNode` for an opacity
* Gets the child node that is getting opacityed by the given @node.
@@ -3028,7 +3043,7 @@ gsk_opacity_node_get_child (const GskRenderNode *node)
* gsk_opacity_node_get_opacity:
- * @node: (type GskOpacityNode): a #GskRenderNode for an opacity
+ * @node: (type GskOpacityNode): a `GskRenderNode` for an opacity
* Gets the transparency factor for an opacity node.
@@ -3179,18 +3194,16 @@ nope:
* @color_matrix: The matrix to apply
* @color_offset: Values to add to the color
- * Creates a #GskRenderNode that will drawn the @child with reduced
+ * Creates a `GskRenderNode` that will drawn the @child with
* @color_matrix.
* In particular, the node will transform the operation
- * |[<!-- language="plain" -->
- * pixel = color_matrix * pixel + color_offset
- * ]|
+ * pixel = color_matrix * pixel + color_offset
* for every pixel.
- * Returns: (transfer full) (type GskColorMatrixNode): A new #GskRenderNode
+ * Returns: (transfer full) (type GskColorMatrixNode): A new `GskRenderNode`
GskRenderNode *
gsk_color_matrix_node_new (GskRenderNode *child,
@@ -3216,7 +3229,7 @@ gsk_color_matrix_node_new (GskRenderNode *child,
* gsk_color_matrix_node_get_child:
- * @node: (type GskColorMatrixNode): a color matrix #GskRenderNode
+ * @node: (type GskColorMatrixNode): a color matrix `GskRenderNode`
* Gets the child node that is getting its colors modified by the given @node.
@@ -3232,7 +3245,7 @@ gsk_color_matrix_node_get_child (const GskRenderNode *node)
* gsk_color_matrix_node_get_color_matrix:
- * @node: (type GskColorMatrixNode): a color matrix #GskRenderNode
+ * @node: (type GskColorMatrixNode): a color matrix `GskRenderNode`
* Retrieves the color matrix used by the @node.
@@ -3248,7 +3261,7 @@ gsk_color_matrix_node_get_color_matrix (const GskRenderNode *node)
* gsk_color_matrix_node_get_color_offset:
- * @node: (type GskColorMatrixNode): a color matrix #GskRenderNode
+ * @node: (type GskColorMatrixNode): a color matrix `GskRenderNode`
* Retrieves the color offset used by the @node.
@@ -3332,10 +3345,10 @@ gsk_repeat_node_draw (GskRenderNode *node,
* @child_bounds: (allow-none): The area of the child to repeat or %NULL to
* use the child's bounds
- * Creates a #GskRenderNode that will repeat the drawing of @child across
+ * Creates a `GskRenderNode` that will repeat the drawing of @child across
* the given @bounds.
- * Returns: (transfer full) (type GskRepeatNode): A new #GskRenderNode
+ * Returns: (transfer full) (type GskRepeatNode): A new `GskRenderNode`
GskRenderNode *
gsk_repeat_node_new (const graphene_rect_t *bounds,
@@ -3365,11 +3378,11 @@ gsk_repeat_node_new (const graphene_rect_t *bounds,
* gsk_repeat_node_get_child:
- * @node: (type GskRepeatNode): a repeat #GskRenderNode
+ * @node: (type GskRepeatNode): a repeat `GskRenderNode`
* Retrieves the child of @node.
- * Returns: (transfer none): a #GskRenderNode
+ * Returns: (transfer none): a `GskRenderNode`
GskRenderNode *
gsk_repeat_node_get_child (const GskRenderNode *node)
@@ -3381,7 +3394,7 @@ gsk_repeat_node_get_child (const GskRenderNode *node)
* gsk_repeat_node_get_child_bounds:
- * @node: (type GskRepeatNode): a repeat #GskRenderNode
+ * @node: (type GskRepeatNode): a repeat `GskRenderNode`
* Retrieves the bounding rectangle of the child of @node.
@@ -3468,10 +3481,10 @@ gsk_clip_node_diff (GskRenderNode *node1,
* @child: The node to draw
* @clip: The clip to apply
- * Creates a #GskRenderNode that will clip the @child to the area
+ * Creates a `GskRenderNode` that will clip the @child to the area
* given by @clip.
- * Returns: (transfer full) (type GskClipNode): A new #GskRenderNode
+ * Returns: (transfer full) (type GskClipNode): A new `GskRenderNode`
GskRenderNode *
gsk_clip_node_new (GskRenderNode *child,
@@ -3599,10 +3612,10 @@ gsk_rounded_clip_node_diff (GskRenderNode *node1,
* @child: The node to draw
* @clip: The clip to apply
- * Creates a #GskRenderNode that will clip the @child to the area
+ * Creates a `GskRenderNode` that will clip the @child to the area
* given by @clip.
- * Returns: (transfer none) (type GskRoundedClipNode): A new #GskRenderNode
+ * Returns: (transfer none) (type GskRoundedClipNode): A new `GskRenderNode`
GskRenderNode *
gsk_rounded_clip_node_new (GskRenderNode *child,
@@ -3627,7 +3640,7 @@ gsk_rounded_clip_node_new (GskRenderNode *child,
* gsk_rounded_clip_node_get_child:
- * @node: (type GskRoundedClipNode): a rounded clip #GskRenderNode
+ * @node: (type GskRoundedClipNode): a rounded clip `GskRenderNode`
* Gets the child node that is getting clipped by the given @node.
@@ -3643,9 +3656,9 @@ gsk_rounded_clip_node_get_child (const GskRenderNode *node)
* gsk_rounded_clip_node_get_clip:
- * @node: (type GskRoundedClipNode): a rounded clip #GskRenderNode
+ * @node: (type GskRoundedClipNode): a rounded clip `GskRenderNode`
- * Retrievs the rounded rectangle used to clip the contents of the @node.
+ * Retrieves the rounded rectangle used to clip the contents of the @node.
* Returns: (transfer none): a rounded rectangle
@@ -3814,10 +3827,10 @@ gsk_shadow_node_get_bounds (GskShadowNode *self,
* @shadows: (array length=n_shadows): The shadows to apply
* @n_shadows: number of entries in the @shadows array
- * Creates a #GskRenderNode that will draw a @child with the given
+ * Creates a `GskRenderNode` that will draw a @child with the given
* @shadows below it.
- * Returns: (transfer full) (type GskShadowNode): A new #GskRenderNode
+ * Returns: (transfer full) (type GskShadowNode): A new `GskRenderNode`
GskRenderNode *
gsk_shadow_node_new (GskRenderNode *child,
@@ -3846,9 +3859,9 @@ gsk_shadow_node_new (GskRenderNode *child,
* gsk_shadow_node_get_child:
- * @node: (type GskShadowNode): a shadow #GskRenderNode
+ * @node: (type GskShadowNode): a shadow `GskRenderNode`
- * Retrieves the child #GskRenderNode of the shadow @node.
+ * Retrieves the child `GskRenderNode` of the shadow @node.
* Returns: (transfer none): the child render node
@@ -3862,7 +3875,7 @@ gsk_shadow_node_get_child (const GskRenderNode *node)
* gsk_shadow_node_get_shadow:
- * @node: (type GskShadowNode): a shadow #GskRenderNode
+ * @node: (type GskShadowNode): a shadow `GskRenderNode`
* @i: the given index
* Retrieves the shadow data at the given index @i.
@@ -3880,7 +3893,7 @@ gsk_shadow_node_get_shadow (const GskRenderNode *node,
* gsk_shadow_node_get_n_shadows:
- * @node: (type GskShadowNode): a shadow #GskRenderNode
+ * @node: (type GskShadowNode): a shadow `GskRenderNode`
* Retrieves the number of shadows in the @node.
@@ -4009,10 +4022,10 @@ gsk_blend_node_diff (GskRenderNode *node1,
* @top: The node to be blended onto the @bottom node
* @blend_mode: The blend mode to use
- * Creates a #GskRenderNode that will use @blend_mode to blend the @top
+ * Creates a `GskRenderNode` that will use @blend_mode to blend the @top
* node onto the @bottom node.
- * Returns: (transfer full) (type GskBlendNode): A new #GskRenderNode
+ * Returns: (transfer full) (type GskBlendNode): A new `GskRenderNode`
GskRenderNode *
gsk_blend_node_new (GskRenderNode *bottom,
@@ -4039,9 +4052,9 @@ gsk_blend_node_new (GskRenderNode *bottom,
* gsk_blend_node_get_bottom_child:
- * @node: (type GskBlendNode): a blending #GskRenderNode
+ * @node: (type GskBlendNode): a blending `GskRenderNode`
- * Retrieves the bottom #GskRenderNode child of the @node.
+ * Retrieves the bottom `GskRenderNode` child of the @node.
* Returns: (transfer none): the bottom child node
@@ -4055,9 +4068,9 @@ gsk_blend_node_get_bottom_child (const GskRenderNode *node)
* gsk_blend_node_get_top_child:
- * @node: (type GskBlendNode): a blending #GskRenderNode
+ * @node: (type GskBlendNode): a blending `GskRenderNode`
- * Retrieves the top #GskRenderNode child of the @node.
+ * Retrieves the top `GskRenderNode` child of the @node.
* Returns: (transfer none): the top child node
@@ -4071,7 +4084,7 @@ gsk_blend_node_get_top_child (const GskRenderNode *node)
* gsk_blend_node_get_blend_mode:
- * @node: (type GskBlendNode): a blending #GskRenderNode
+ * @node: (type GskBlendNode): a blending `GskRenderNode`
* Retrieves the blend mode used by @node.
@@ -4158,9 +4171,9 @@ gsk_cross_fade_node_diff (GskRenderNode *node1,
* @progress: How far the fade has progressed from start to end. The value will
* be clamped to the range [0 ... 1]
- * Creates a #GskRenderNode that will do a cross-fade between @start and @end.
+ * Creates a `GskRenderNode` that will do a cross-fade between @start and @end.
- * Returns: (transfer full) (type GskCrossFadeNode): A new #GskRenderNode
+ * Returns: (transfer full) (type GskCrossFadeNode): A new `GskRenderNode`
GskRenderNode *
gsk_cross_fade_node_new (GskRenderNode *start,
@@ -4187,11 +4200,11 @@ gsk_cross_fade_node_new (GskRenderNode *start,
* gsk_cross_fade_node_get_start_child:
- * @node: (type GskCrossFadeNode): a cross-fading #GskRenderNode
+ * @node: (type GskCrossFadeNode): a cross-fading `GskRenderNode`
- * Retrieves the child #GskRenderNode at the beginning of the cross-fade.
+ * Retrieves the child `GskRenderNode` at the beginning of the cross-fade.
- * Returns: (transfer none): a #GskRenderNode
+ * Returns: (transfer none): a `GskRenderNode`
GskRenderNode *
gsk_cross_fade_node_get_start_child (const GskRenderNode *node)
@@ -4203,11 +4216,11 @@ gsk_cross_fade_node_get_start_child (const GskRenderNode *node)
* gsk_cross_fade_node_get_end_child:
- * @node: (type GskCrossFadeNode): a cross-fading #GskRenderNode
+ * @node: (type GskCrossFadeNode): a cross-fading `GskRenderNode`
- * Retrieves the child #GskRenderNode at the end of the cross-fade.
+ * Retrieves the child `GskRenderNode` at the end of the cross-fade.
- * Returns: (transfer none): a #GskRenderNode
+ * Returns: (transfer none): a `GskRenderNode`
GskRenderNode *
gsk_cross_fade_node_get_end_child (const GskRenderNode *node)
@@ -4219,7 +4232,7 @@ gsk_cross_fade_node_get_end_child (const GskRenderNode *node)
* gsk_cross_fade_node_get_progress:
- * @node: (type GskCrossFadeNode): a cross-fading #GskRenderNode
+ * @node: (type GskCrossFadeNode): a cross-fading `GskRenderNode`
* Retrieves the progress value of the cross fade.
@@ -4347,11 +4360,12 @@ font_has_color_glyphs (const PangoFont *font)
* @color: the foreground color to render with
* @offset: offset of the baseline
- * Creates a render node that renders the given glyphs,
+ * Creates a render node that renders the given glyphs.
+ *
* Note that @color may not be used if the font contains
* color glyphs.
- * Returns: (nullable) (transfer full) (type GskTextNode): a new #GskRenderNode
+ * Returns: (nullable) (transfer full) (type GskTextNode): a new `GskRenderNode`
GskRenderNode *
gsk_text_node_new (PangoFont *font,
@@ -4392,7 +4406,7 @@ gsk_text_node_new (PangoFont *font,
* gsk_text_node_get_color:
- * @node: (type GskTextNode): a text #GskRenderNode
+ * @node: (type GskTextNode): a text `GskRenderNode`
* Retrieves the color used by the text @node.
@@ -4408,7 +4422,7 @@ gsk_text_node_get_color (const GskRenderNode *node)
* gsk_text_node_get_font:
- * @node: (type GskTextNode): The #GskRenderNode
+ * @node: (type GskTextNode): The `GskRenderNode`
* Returns the font used by the text @node.
@@ -4424,7 +4438,7 @@ gsk_text_node_get_font (const GskRenderNode *node)
* gsk_text_node_has_color_glyphs:
- * @node: (type GskTextNode): a text #GskRenderNode
+ * @node: (type GskTextNode): a text `GskRenderNode`
* Checks whether the text @node has color glyphs.
@@ -4440,7 +4454,7 @@ gsk_text_node_has_color_glyphs (const GskRenderNode *node)
* gsk_text_node_get_num_glyphs:
- * @node: (type GskTextNode): a text #GskRenderNode
+ * @node: (type GskTextNode): a text `GskRenderNode`
* Retrieves the number of glyphs in the text node.
@@ -4456,7 +4470,7 @@ gsk_text_node_get_num_glyphs (const GskRenderNode *node)
* gsk_text_node_get_glyphs:
- * @node: (type GskTextNode): a text #GskRenderNode
+ * @node: (type GskTextNode): a text `GskRenderNode`
* @n_glyphs: (out) (optional): the number of glyphs returned
* Retrieves the glyph information in the @node.
@@ -4477,7 +4491,7 @@ gsk_text_node_get_glyphs (const GskRenderNode *node,
* gsk_text_node_get_offset:
- * @node: (type GskTextNode): a text #GskRenderNode
+ * @node: (type GskTextNode): a text `GskRenderNode`
* Retrieves the offset applied to the text.
@@ -4744,7 +4758,7 @@ gsk_blur_node_diff (GskRenderNode *node1,
* Creates a render node that blurs the child.
- * Returns: (transfer full) (type GskBlurNode): a new #GskRenderNode
+ * Returns: (transfer full) (type GskBlurNode): a new `GskRenderNode`
GskRenderNode *
gsk_blur_node_new (GskRenderNode *child,
@@ -4774,9 +4788,9 @@ gsk_blur_node_new (GskRenderNode *child,
* gsk_blur_node_get_child:
- * @node: (type GskBlurNode): a blur #GskRenderNode
+ * @node: (type GskBlurNode): a blur `GskRenderNode`
- * Retrieves the child #GskRenderNode of the blur @node.
+ * Retrieves the child `GskRenderNode` of the blur @node.
* Returns: (transfer none): the blurred child node
@@ -4790,7 +4804,7 @@ gsk_blur_node_get_child (const GskRenderNode *node)
* gsk_blur_node_get_radius:
- * @node: (type GskBlurNode): a blur #GskRenderNode
+ * @node: (type GskBlurNode): a blur `GskRenderNode`
* Retrieves the blur radius of the @node.
@@ -4867,12 +4881,12 @@ gsk_debug_node_diff (GskRenderNode *node1,
* @child: The child to add debug info for
* @message: (transfer full): The debug message
- * Creates a #GskRenderNode that will add debug information about
+ * Creates a `GskRenderNode` that will add debug information about
* the given @child.
* Adding this node has no visual effect.
- * Returns: (transfer full) (type GskDebugNode): A new #GskRenderNode
+ * Returns: (transfer full) (type GskDebugNode): A new `GskRenderNode`
GskRenderNode *
gsk_debug_node_new (GskRenderNode *child,
@@ -4896,11 +4910,11 @@ gsk_debug_node_new (GskRenderNode *child,
* gsk_debug_node_get_child:
- * @node: (type GskDebugNode): a debug #GskRenderNode
+ * @node: (type GskDebugNode): a debug `GskRenderNode`
* Gets the child node that is getting drawn by the given @node.
- * Returns: (transfer none): the child #GskRenderNode
+ * Returns: (transfer none): the child `GskRenderNode`
GskRenderNode *
gsk_debug_node_get_child (const GskRenderNode *node)
@@ -4912,7 +4926,7 @@ gsk_debug_node_get_child (const GskRenderNode *node)
* gsk_debug_node_get_message:
- * @node: (type GskDebugNode): a debug #GskRenderNode
+ * @node: (type GskDebugNode): a debug `GskRenderNode`
* Gets the debug message that was set on this node
@@ -5005,23 +5019,25 @@ gsk_gl_shader_node_diff (GskRenderNode *node1,
* @n_children: Length of @children (currenly the GL backend supports
* up to 4 children)
- * Creates a #GskRenderNode that will render the given @shader into the
- * area given by @bounds. The @args is a block of data to use for uniform
- * input, as per types and offsets defined by the @shader. Normally this
- * is generated by gsk_gl_shader_format_args() or #GskGLShaderArgBuilder.
+ * Creates a `GskRenderNode` that will render the given @shader into the
+ * area given by @bounds.
+ *
+ * The @args is a block of data to use for uniform input, as per types and
+ * offsets defined by the @shader. Normally this is generated by
+ * [method@Gsk.GLShader.format_args] or [struct@Gsk.ShaderArgsBuilder].
- * See #GskGLShader for details about how the shader should be written.
+ * See [class@Gsk.GLShader] for details about how the shader should be written.
* All the children will be rendered into textures (if they aren't already
- * #GskTextureNodes, which will be used directly). These textures will be
+ * `GskTextureNodes`, which will be used directly). These textures will be
* sent as input to the shader.
* If the renderer doesn't support GL shaders, or if there is any problem
* when compiling the shader, then the node will draw pink. You should use
- * gsk_gl_shader_compile() to ensure the @shader will work for the
+ * [method@Gsk.GLShader.compile] to ensure the @shader will work for the
* renderer before using it.
- * Returns: (transfer full) (type GskGLShaderNode): A new #GskRenderNode
+ * Returns: (transfer full) (type GskGLShaderNode): A new `GskRenderNode`
GskRenderNode *
gsk_gl_shader_node_new (GskGLShader *shader,
@@ -5061,7 +5077,7 @@ gsk_gl_shader_node_new (GskGLShader *shader,
* gsk_gl_shader_node_get_n_children:
- * @node: (type GskGLShaderNode): a #GskRenderNode for a gl shader
+ * @node: (type GskGLShaderNode): a `GskRenderNode` for a gl shader
* Returns the number of children
@@ -5077,7 +5093,7 @@ gsk_gl_shader_node_get_n_children (const GskRenderNode *node)
* gsk_gl_shader_node_get_child:
- * @node: (type GskGLShaderNode): a #GskRenderNode for a gl shader
+ * @node: (type GskGLShaderNode): a `GskRenderNode` for a gl shader
* @idx: the position of the child to get
* Gets one of the children.
@@ -5095,7 +5111,7 @@ gsk_gl_shader_node_get_child (const GskRenderNode *node,
* gsk_gl_shader_node_get_shader:
- * @node: (type GskGLShaderNode): a #GskRenderNode for a gl shader
+ * @node: (type GskGLShaderNode): a `GskRenderNode` for a gl shader
* Gets shader code for the node.
@@ -5111,7 +5127,7 @@ gsk_gl_shader_node_get_shader (const GskRenderNode *node)
* gsk_gl_shader_node_get_args:
- * @node: (type GskGLShaderNode): a #GskRenderNode for a gl shader
+ * @node: (type GskGLShaderNode): a `GskRenderNode` for a gl shader
* Gets args for the node.
@@ -5571,7 +5587,7 @@ gsk_render_node_init_types_once (void)
/*< private >
* gsk_render_node_init_types:
- * Initialize all the #GskRenderNode types provided by GSK.
+ * Initialize all the `GskRenderNode` types provided by GSK.
gsk_render_node_init_types (void)
diff --git a/gsk/gsktransform.c b/gsk/gsktransform.c
index ae8a25d904..46703bb898 100644
--- a/gsk/gsktransform.c
+++ b/gsk/gsktransform.c
@@ -2125,7 +2125,9 @@ fail:
* @out_transform: (out): The location to put the transform in
* Parses the given @string into a transform and puts it in
- * @out_transform. Strings printed via gsk_transform_to_string()
+ * @out_transform.
+ *
+ * Strings printed via [method@Gsk.Transform.to_string]
* can be read in again successfully using this function.
* If @string does not describe a valid transform, %FALSE is
diff --git a/gsk/vulkan/gskvulkanrenderer.h b/gsk/vulkan/gskvulkanrenderer.h
index ff3f361f49..7f9c642d79 100644
--- a/gsk/vulkan/gskvulkanrenderer.h
+++ b/gsk/vulkan/gskvulkanrenderer.h
@@ -35,6 +35,11 @@ G_BEGIN_DECLS
GSK_TYPE_VULKAN_RENDERER, GskVulkanRendererClass))
+ * GskVulkanRenderer:
+ *
+ * A GSK renderer that is using Vulkan.
+ */
typedef struct _GskVulkanRenderer GskVulkanRenderer;
typedef struct _GskVulkanRendererClass GskVulkanRendererClass;
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