[gtk/ebassi/gidocgen: 95/478] fontbutton: Convert docs

commit 67c7c819cfcddcd05390206e1594ce3d56342883
Author: Matthias Clasen <mclasen redhat com>
Date:   Sun Feb 21 19:42:45 2021 -0500

    fontbutton: Convert docs
    Change link syntax, add an example image, generally clean things up.

 gtk/gtkfontbutton.c | 80 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 1 file changed, 44 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gtk/gtkfontbutton.c b/gtk/gtkfontbutton.c
index 50f86feb54..55d1861ad9 100644
--- a/gtk/gtkfontbutton.c
+++ b/gtk/gtkfontbutton.c
@@ -48,13 +48,13 @@
- * SECTION:gtkfontbutton
- * @Short_description: A button to launch a font chooser dialog
- * @Title: GtkFontButton
- * @See_also: #GtkFontChooserDialog, #GtkColorButton.
+ * GtkFontButton:
+ *
+ * The `GtkFontButton` allows to open a font chooser dialog to change
+ * the font.
+ *
+ * ![An example GtkFontButton](font-button.png)
- * The #GtkFontButton is a button which displays the currently selected
- * font an allows to open a font chooser dialog to change the font.
  * It is suitable widget for selecting a font in a preference dialog.
  * # CSS nodes
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
  *     ╰── [content]
- * GtkFontButton has a single CSS node with name fontbutton which
+ * `GtkFontButton` has a single CSS node with name fontbutton which
  * contains a button node with the .font style class.
@@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ gtk_font_button_class_init (GtkFontButtonClass *klass)
    * GtkFontButton:title:
-   * 
+   *
    * The title of the font chooser dialog.
   g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class,
@@ -488,9 +488,8 @@ gtk_font_button_class_init (GtkFontButtonClass *klass)
    * GtkFontButton:use-font:
-   * 
-   * If this property is set to %TRUE, the label will be drawn 
-   * in the selected font.
+   *
+   * Whether the buttons label will be drawn in the selected font.
   g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class,
@@ -502,9 +501,8 @@ gtk_font_button_class_init (GtkFontButtonClass *klass)
    * GtkFontButton:use-size:
-   * 
-   * If this property is set to %TRUE, the label will be drawn 
-   * with the selected font size.
+   *
+   * Whether the buttons label will use the selected font size.
   g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class,
@@ -514,6 +512,11 @@ gtk_font_button_class_init (GtkFontButtonClass *klass)
+  /**
+   * GtkFontButton:modal:
+   *
+   * Whether the font chooser dialog should be modal.
+   */
   g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class,
                                    g_param_spec_boolean ("modal",
@@ -524,15 +527,16 @@ gtk_font_button_class_init (GtkFontButtonClass *klass)
    * GtkFontButton::font-set:
-   * @widget: the object which received the signal.
-   * 
-   * The ::font-set signal is emitted when the user selects a font. 
-   * When handling this signal, use gtk_font_chooser_get_font()
+   * @widget: the object which received the signal
+   *
+   * Emitted when the user selects a font.
+   *
+   * When handling this signal, use [method@Gtk.FontChooser.get_font]
    * to find out which font was just selected.
-   * Note that this signal is only emitted when the user
-   * changes the font. If you need to react to programmatic font changes
-   * as well, use the notify::font signal.
+   * Note that this signal is only emitted when the user changes the font.
+   * If you need to react to programmatic font changes as well, use
+   * the notify::font signal.
   font_button_signals[FONT_SET] = g_signal_new (I_("font-set"),
                                                 G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (gobject_class),
@@ -723,7 +727,7 @@ gtk_font_button_new (void)
  * gtk_font_button_new_with_font:
  * @fontname: Name of font to display in font chooser dialog
- * Creates a new font picker widget.
+ * Creates a new font picker widget showing the given font.
  * Returns: a new font picker widget.
@@ -735,10 +739,10 @@ gtk_font_button_new_with_font (const char *fontname)
  * gtk_font_button_set_title:
- * @font_button: a #GtkFontButton
+ * @font_button: a `GtkFontButton`
  * @title: a string containing the font chooser dialog title
- * Sets the title for the font chooser dialog.  
+ * Sets the title for the font chooser dialog.
 gtk_font_button_set_title (GtkFontButton *font_button, 
@@ -759,11 +763,12 @@ gtk_font_button_set_title (GtkFontButton *font_button,
  * gtk_font_button_get_title:
- * @font_button: a #GtkFontButton
+ * @font_button: a `GtkFontButton`
  * Retrieves the title of the font chooser dialog.
- * Returns: an internal copy of the title string which must not be freed.
+ * Returns: an internal copy of the title string
+ *   which must not be freed.
 const char *
 gtk_font_button_get_title (GtkFontButton *font_button)
@@ -775,7 +780,7 @@ gtk_font_button_get_title (GtkFontButton *font_button)
  * gtk_font_button_set_modal:
- * @font_button: a #GtkFontButton
+ * @font_button: a `GtkFontButton`
  * @modal: %TRUE to make the dialog modal
  * Sets whether the dialog should be modal.
@@ -799,7 +804,7 @@ gtk_font_button_set_modal (GtkFontButton *font_button,
  * gtk_font_button_get_modal:
- * @font_button: a #GtkFontButton
+ * @font_button: a `GtkFontButton`
  * Gets whether the dialog is modal.
@@ -815,7 +820,7 @@ gtk_font_button_get_modal (GtkFontButton *font_button)
  * gtk_font_button_get_use_font:
- * @font_button: a #GtkFontButton
+ * @font_button: a `GtkFontButton`
  * Returns whether the selected font is used in the label.
@@ -831,12 +836,13 @@ gtk_font_button_get_use_font (GtkFontButton *font_button)
  * gtk_font_button_set_use_font:
- * @font_button: a #GtkFontButton
+ * @font_button: a `GtkFontButton`
  * @use_font: If %TRUE, font name will be written using font chosen.
- * If @use_font is %TRUE, the font name will be written using the selected font.  
+ * If @use_font is %TRUE, the font name will be written
+ * using the selected font.
 gtk_font_button_set_use_font (GtkFontButton *font_button,
                              gboolean       use_font)
@@ -857,7 +863,7 @@ gtk_font_button_set_use_font (GtkFontButton *font_button,
  * gtk_font_button_get_use_size:
- * @font_button: a #GtkFontButton
+ * @font_button: a `GtkFontButton`
  * Returns whether the selected size is used in the label.
@@ -873,10 +879,12 @@ gtk_font_button_get_use_size (GtkFontButton *font_button)
  * gtk_font_button_set_use_size:
- * @font_button: a #GtkFontButton
- * @use_size: If %TRUE, font name will be written using the selected size.
+ * @font_button: a `GtkFontButton`
+ * @use_size: If %TRUE, font name will be written using the
+ *   selected size.
- * If @use_size is %TRUE, the font name will be written using the selected size.
+ * If @use_size is %TRUE, the font name will be written using
+ * the selected size.
 gtk_font_button_set_use_size (GtkFontButton *font_button,

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