[pango] (16 commits) ...Merge branch 'small-caps' into 'main'

Summary of changes:

  45a3154... pango-item: Add a helper (*)
  fcb44cf... shape: Use the new helper (*)
  6815efd... Add PANGO_FONT_SCALE_SMALL_CAPS (*)
  ee4e788... itemize: Handle PANGO_FONT_SCALE_SMALL_CAPS (*)
  346d92c... itemize: Break out a helper (*)
  0e5bd15... itemize: Implement emulated Small Caps (*)
  6b7b3e9... Add more casing variants (*)
  397f121... fc: Implement the other casing variants (*)
  0eec5fa... Add variant roundtrip tests (*)
  0c25f62... itemize: Emulate other casing variants (*)
  e43df62... shape: Be consistent when getting text transforms (*)
  d9e7ec3... Reshuffle private headers a bit (*)
  cb6a93f... Cosmetics: Add the right section (*)
  b9b92e7... Reshuffle itemize API (*)
  1790dbf... itemize: Handle text transforms (*)
  78d4efd... Merge branch 'small-caps' into 'main'

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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