[libgweather/ebassi/parallel-tests: 5/15] tests: Move duplicate units into their own suite
- From: Emmanuele Bassi <ebassi src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [libgweather/ebassi/parallel-tests: 5/15] tests: Move duplicate units into their own suite
- Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2021 18:25:45 +0000 (UTC)
commit 6bfad6d01f9ab3216af935faba67fb5003f3ea96
Author: Emmanuele Bassi <ebassi gnome org>
Date: Fri Nov 19 15:34:38 2021 +0000
tests: Move duplicate units into their own suite
The duplicate tests modify the environment, and impose ordering on the
general test suite.
Instead of modifying the environment inside the tests—which comes with
its own set of threading issues—we can split the tests into a separate
binary, and set up the environment when executing the test.
libgweather/tests/duplicates.c | 242 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
libgweather/tests/meson.build | 62 ++++++---
libgweather/tests/test_libgweather.c | 137 --------------------
3 files changed, 284 insertions(+), 157 deletions(-)
diff --git a/libgweather/tests/duplicates.c b/libgweather/tests/duplicates.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..40204de2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libgweather/tests/duplicates.c
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+/* duplicates.c: Check for duplicates in the locations database
+ *
+ * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Bastien Nocera <hadess hadess net>
+ * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Emmanuele Bassi
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <glib/gstdio.h>
+#include <libsoup/soup.h>
+#include <locale.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <libgweather/gweather-version.h>
+/* We use internal API */
+#include "gweather-private.h"
+extern void
+_gweather_location_reset_world (void);
+/* Set up the temporary directory with the GSettings schemas */
+static char *
+setup_gsettings (void)
+ char *tmpdir, *schema_text, *dest, *cmdline;
+ int result;
+ /* Create the installed schemas directory */
+ GError *error = NULL;
+ tmpdir = g_dir_make_tmp ("libgweather-test-XXXXXX", &error);
+ g_assert_no_error (error);
+ g_test_message ("Using temporary directory: %s", tmpdir);
+ /* Copy the schemas files */
+ g_assert_true (g_file_get_contents (SCHEMAS_BUILDDIR "/org.gnome.GWeather4.enums.xml", &schema_text,
+ dest = g_build_filename (tmpdir, "org.gnome.GWeather4.enums.xml", NULL);
+ g_assert_true (g_file_set_contents (dest, schema_text, -1, NULL));
+ g_free (dest);
+ g_free (schema_text);
+ g_assert_true (g_file_get_contents (SCHEMASDIR "/org.gnome.GWeather4.gschema.xml", &schema_text, NULL,
+ dest = g_build_filename (tmpdir, "org.gnome.GWeather4.gschema.xml", NULL);
+ g_assert_true (g_file_set_contents (dest, schema_text, -1, NULL));
+ g_free (dest);
+ g_free (schema_text);
+ /* Compile the schemas */
+ cmdline = g_strdup_printf ("glib-compile-schemas --targetdir=%s "
+ "--schema-file=%s/org.gnome.GWeather4.enums.xml "
+ "--schema-file=%s/org.gnome.GWeather4.gschema.xml",
+ tmpdir,
+ g_assert_true (g_spawn_command_line_sync (cmdline, NULL, NULL, &result, NULL));
+ g_assert_cmpint (result, ==, 0);
+ g_free (cmdline);
+ /* Set envvar */
+ g_setenv ("GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR", tmpdir, TRUE);
+ return tmpdir;
+/* Tear down the temporary directory with the GSettings schemas */
+static void
+teardown_gsettings (const char *schemas_dir)
+ char *dest = NULL;
+ dest = g_build_filename (schemas_dir, "org.gnome.GWeather4.enums.xml", NULL);
+ g_assert_no_errno (g_unlink (dest));
+ g_free (dest);
+ dest = g_build_filename (schemas_dir, "org.gnome.GWeather4.gschema.xml", NULL);
+ g_assert_no_errno (g_unlink (dest));
+ g_free (dest);
+ dest = g_build_filename (schemas_dir, "gschemas.compiled", NULL);
+ g_assert_no_errno (g_unlink (dest));
+ g_free (dest);
+ g_assert_no_errno (g_rmdir (schemas_dir));
+static void
+check_bad_duplicate_weather_stations (gpointer key,
+ gpointer value,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ GPtrArray *stations = value;
+ GHashTable *dedup;
+ guint i;
+ if (stations->len == 1)
+ goto out;
+ dedup = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, NULL);
+ for (i = 0; i < stations->len; i++) {
+ GWeatherLocation *location = g_ptr_array_index (stations, i);
+ double latitude, longitude;
+ gweather_location_get_coords (location, &latitude, &longitude);
+ char *coords = g_strdup_printf ("%.10lf %.10lf", latitude, longitude);
+ g_hash_table_insert (dedup, coords, GUINT_TO_POINTER (1));
+ }
+ if (g_hash_table_size (dedup) > 1) {
+ g_test_message ("Airport '%s' is defined %u times in different ways\n",
+ (const char *) key,
+ stations->len);
+ g_test_fail ();
+ }
+ g_hash_table_destroy (dedup);
+ g_ptr_array_free (stations, TRUE);
+static void
+test_bad_duplicate_weather_stations_children (GWeatherLocation *location,
+ GHashTable *stations_ht)
+ g_autoptr (GWeatherLocation) child = NULL;
+ while ((child = gweather_location_next_child (location, child)) != NULL) {
+ if (gweather_location_get_level (child) == GWEATHER_LOCATION_WEATHER_STATION) {
+ GPtrArray *stations;
+ const char *code;
+ code = gweather_location_get_code (child);
+ stations = g_hash_table_lookup (stations_ht, code);
+ if (!stations) {
+ stations = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func ((GDestroyNotify) g_object_unref);
+ g_hash_table_insert (stations_ht, g_strdup (code), stations);
+ }
+ g_ptr_array_add (stations, g_object_ref (child));
+ } else {
+ test_bad_duplicate_weather_stations_children (child, stations_ht);
+ }
+ }
+static void
+test_bad_duplicate_weather_stations (void)
+ g_autoptr (GWeatherLocation) world = NULL;
+ GHashTable *stations_ht;
+ world = gweather_location_get_world ();
+ g_assert_nonnull (world);
+ stations_ht = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, (GDestroyNotify) NULL);
+ test_bad_duplicate_weather_stations_children (world, stations_ht);
+ g_hash_table_foreach (stations_ht, check_bad_duplicate_weather_stations, NULL);
+ g_hash_table_unref (stations_ht);
+ g_clear_object (&world);
+ _gweather_location_reset_world ();
+static void
+test_duplicate_weather_stations_children (GWeatherLocation *location)
+ g_autoptr (GHashTable) stations_ht = NULL;
+ g_autoptr (GWeatherLocation) child = NULL;
+ while ((child = gweather_location_next_child (location, child)) != NULL) {
+ if (gweather_location_get_level (child) == GWEATHER_LOCATION_WEATHER_STATION) {
+ const char *code;
+ code = gweather_location_get_code (child);
+ if (stations_ht == NULL) {
+ stations_ht = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, (GDestroyNotify) NULL);
+ } else {
+ gboolean exists;
+ exists = GPOINTER_TO_INT (g_hash_table_lookup (stations_ht, code));
+ if (exists) {
+ GWeatherLocationLevel parent_level;
+ parent_level = gweather_location_get_level (location);
+ g_test_message ("Duplicate weather station '%s' in %s (level '%s')\n",
+ code,
+ gweather_location_get_name (location),
+ gweather_location_level_to_string (parent_level));
+ g_test_fail ();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ g_hash_table_insert (stations_ht, g_strdup (code), GINT_TO_POINTER (1));
+ } else {
+ test_duplicate_weather_stations_children (child);
+ }
+ }
+static void
+test_duplicate_weather_stations (void)
+ g_autoptr (GWeatherLocation) world = NULL;
+ world = gweather_location_get_world ();
+ g_assert_nonnull (world);
+ test_duplicate_weather_stations_children (world);
+ g_clear_object (&world);
+ _gweather_location_reset_world ();
+main (int argc,
+ char *argv[])
+ setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
+ g_test_init (&argc, &argv, NULL);
+ g_test_bug_base ("http://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/libgweather/issues/");
+ char *schemas_dir = setup_gsettings ();
+ /* Modifies environment, so needs to run last */
+ g_test_add_func ("/weather/bad_duplicate_weather_stations", test_bad_duplicate_weather_stations);
+ g_test_add_func ("/weather/duplicate_weather_stations", test_duplicate_weather_stations);
+ int res = g_test_run ();
+ teardown_gsettings (schemas_dir);
+ g_free (schemas_dir);
+ return res;
diff --git a/libgweather/tests/meson.build b/libgweather/tests/meson.build
index 50183269..4ed6a3d7 100644
--- a/libgweather/tests/meson.build
+++ b/libgweather/tests/meson.build
@@ -1,26 +1,48 @@
-test_cargs = [
+gweather_test_cargs = [
-test_env = environment()
-test_env.set('G_TEST_SRCDIR', meson.current_source_dir())
-test_env.set('G_TEST_BUILDDIR', meson.current_build_dir())
-test_env.set('GIO_USE_VFS', 'local')
-test_env.set('GSETTINGS_BACKED', 'memory')
-test_env.set('G_ENABLE_DIAGNOSTIC', '0')
-test_env.set('LIBGWEATHER_LOCATIONS_PATH', locations_bin.full_path())
+gweather_test_env = environment()
+gweather_test_env.set('G_TEST_SRCDIR', meson.current_source_dir())
+gweather_test_env.set('G_TEST_BUILDDIR', meson.current_build_dir())
+gweather_test_env.set('GIO_USE_VFS', 'local')
+gweather_test_env.set('GSETTINGS_BACKED', 'memory')
+gweather_test_env.set('G_ENABLE_DIAGNOSTIC', '0')
+gweather_test_env.set('LIBGWEATHER_LOCATIONS_PATH', locations_bin.full_path())
- executable('test_libgweather',
- sources: ['test_libgweather.c'],
- c_args: test_cargs,
- dependencies: libgweather_static_dep,
- install: false,
- ),
- args: ['--tap', '-k'],
- protocol: 'tap',
- env: test_env,
- depends: [locations_bin],
+gweather_tests = [
+ { 'name': 'test_libgweather' },
+ {
+ 'name': 'duplicates',
+ 'env': {
+ },
+ },
+foreach t: gweather_tests
+ test_name = t['name']
+ test_sources = [test_name + '.c'] + t.get('sources', [])
+ test_c_args = gweather_test_cargs + t.get('c_args', [])
+ test_env = gweather_test_env
+ extra_env = t.get('env', {})
+ foreach var, value: extra_env
+ test_env.set(var, value)
+ endforeach
+ test(test_name,
+ executable(test_name,
+ sources: test_sources,
+ c_args: test_c_args,
+ dependencies: libgweather_static_dep,
+ install: false,
+ ),
+ args: ['--tap', '-k'],
+ protocol: 'tap',
+ env: test_env,
+ depends: [locations_bin],
+ )
diff --git a/libgweather/tests/test_libgweather.c b/libgweather/tests/test_libgweather.c
index c7d07a99..7fa4408f 100644
--- a/libgweather/tests/test_libgweather.c
+++ b/libgweather/tests/test_libgweather.c
@@ -553,141 +553,6 @@ test_utc_sunset (void)
_gweather_location_reset_world ();
-static void
-check_bad_duplicate_weather_stations (gpointer key,
- gpointer value,
- gpointer user_data)
- GPtrArray *stations = value;
- GHashTable *dedup;
- guint i;
- if (stations->len == 1)
- goto out;
- dedup = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, NULL);
- for (i = 0; i < stations->len; i++) {
- GWeatherLocation *location = g_ptr_array_index (stations, i);
- double latitude, longitude;
- gweather_location_get_coords (location, &latitude, &longitude);
- char *coords = g_strdup_printf ("%.10lf %.10lf", latitude, longitude);
- g_hash_table_insert (dedup, coords, GUINT_TO_POINTER (1));
- }
- if (g_hash_table_size (dedup) > 1) {
- g_test_message ("Airport '%s' is defined %u times in different ways\n",
- (const char *) key,
- stations->len);
- g_test_fail ();
- }
- g_hash_table_destroy (dedup);
- g_ptr_array_free (stations, TRUE);
-static void
-test_bad_duplicate_weather_stations_children (GWeatherLocation *location,
- GHashTable *stations_ht)
- g_autoptr (GWeatherLocation) child = NULL;
- while ((child = gweather_location_next_child (location, child)) != NULL) {
- if (gweather_location_get_level (child) == GWEATHER_LOCATION_WEATHER_STATION) {
- GPtrArray *stations;
- const char *code;
- code = gweather_location_get_code (child);
- stations = g_hash_table_lookup (stations_ht, code);
- if (!stations) {
- stations = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func ((GDestroyNotify) g_object_unref);
- g_hash_table_insert (stations_ht, g_strdup (code), stations);
- }
- g_ptr_array_add (stations, g_object_ref (child));
- } else {
- test_bad_duplicate_weather_stations_children (child, stations_ht);
- }
- }
-static void
-test_bad_duplicate_weather_stations (void)
- g_autoptr (GWeatherLocation) world = NULL;
- GHashTable *stations_ht;
- world = gweather_location_get_world ();
- g_assert_nonnull (world);
- stations_ht = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, (GDestroyNotify) NULL);
- test_bad_duplicate_weather_stations_children (world, stations_ht);
- g_hash_table_foreach (stations_ht, check_bad_duplicate_weather_stations, NULL);
- g_hash_table_unref (stations_ht);
- g_clear_object (&world);
- _gweather_location_reset_world ();
-static void
-test_duplicate_weather_stations_children (GWeatherLocation *location)
- g_autoptr (GHashTable) stations_ht = NULL;
- g_autoptr (GWeatherLocation) child = NULL;
- while ((child = gweather_location_next_child (location, child)) != NULL) {
- if (gweather_location_get_level (child) == GWEATHER_LOCATION_WEATHER_STATION) {
- const char *code;
- code = gweather_location_get_code (child);
- if (stations_ht == NULL) {
- stations_ht = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, (GDestroyNotify) NULL);
- } else {
- gboolean exists;
- exists = GPOINTER_TO_INT (g_hash_table_lookup (stations_ht, code));
- if (exists) {
- GWeatherLocationLevel parent_level;
- parent_level = gweather_location_get_level (location);
- g_test_message ("Duplicate weather station '%s' in %s (level '%s')\n",
- code,
- gweather_location_get_name (location),
- gweather_location_level_to_string (parent_level));
- g_test_fail ();
- return;
- }
- }
- g_hash_table_insert (stations_ht, g_strdup (code), GINT_TO_POINTER (1));
- } else {
- test_duplicate_weather_stations_children (child);
- }
- }
-static void
-test_duplicate_weather_stations (void)
- g_autoptr (GWeatherLocation) world = NULL;
- world = gweather_location_get_world ();
- g_assert_nonnull (world);
- test_duplicate_weather_stations_children (world);
- g_clear_object (&world);
- _gweather_location_reset_world ();
static void
test_location_names (void)
@@ -904,8 +769,6 @@ main (int argc, char *argv[])
g_test_add_func ("/weather/utc_sunset", test_utc_sunset);
g_test_add_func ("/weather/weather-loop-use-after-free", test_weather_loop_use_after_free);
/* Modifies environment, so needs to run last */
- g_test_add_func ("/weather/bad_duplicate_weather_stations", test_bad_duplicate_weather_stations);
- g_test_add_func ("/weather/duplicate_weather_stations", test_duplicate_weather_stations);
g_test_add_func ("/weather/location-names", test_location_names);
g_test_add_func ("/weather/walk_world", test_walk_world);
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