[gtk/text-fixes: 4/7] Revert "gsk: Add font options to text nodes"

commit ce2b2128bb7cd9b85280968a9673508f68d8fbd3
Author: Matthias Clasen <mclasen redhat com>
Date:   Sat Sep 4 14:52:15 2021 -0400

    Revert "gsk: Add font options to text nodes"
    This reverts commit f1347f5841ea526c7016a8fbd329b45001812a23.

 gsk/gskrendernode.h     |  13 ----
 gsk/gskrendernodeimpl.c | 159 ++++++------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 152 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gsk/gskrendernode.h b/gsk/gskrendernode.h
index c362ddb70c..c420633a91 100644
--- a/gsk/gskrendernode.h
+++ b/gsk/gskrendernode.h
@@ -492,19 +492,6 @@ GskRenderNode *         gsk_text_node_new                       (PangoFont
                                                                  PangoGlyphString         *glyphs,
                                                                  const GdkRGBA            *color,
                                                                  const graphene_point_t   *offset);
-GskRenderNode *         gsk_text_node_new_with_font_options     (const cairo_font_options_t *options,
-                                                                 PangoFont                  *font,
-                                                                 PangoGlyphString           *glyphs,
-                                                                 const GdkRGBA              *color,
-                                                                 const graphene_point_t     *offset);
-gboolean                gsk_text_node_get_hint_metrics          (const GskRenderNode      *node) G_GNUC_PURE;
-gboolean                gsk_text_node_get_antialias             (const GskRenderNode      *node) G_GNUC_PURE;
-cairo_hint_style_t      gsk_text_node_get_hint_style            (const GskRenderNode      *node) G_GNUC_PURE;
 PangoFont *             gsk_text_node_get_font                  (const GskRenderNode      *node) G_GNUC_PURE;
diff --git a/gsk/gskrendernodeimpl.c b/gsk/gskrendernodeimpl.c
index 8a4c003a5a..30ef0ff38b 100644
--- a/gsk/gskrendernodeimpl.c
+++ b/gsk/gskrendernodeimpl.c
@@ -4336,10 +4336,7 @@ struct _GskTextNode
   GskRenderNode render_node;
   PangoFont *font;
-  guint has_color_glyphs : 1;
-  guint hint_metrics     : 1;
-  guint antialias        : 1;
-  guint hint_style       : 3;
+  gboolean has_color_glyphs;
   GdkRGBA color;
   graphene_point_t offset;
@@ -4366,7 +4363,6 @@ gsk_text_node_draw (GskRenderNode *node,
   GskTextNode *self = (GskTextNode *) node;
   PangoGlyphString glyphs;
-  cairo_font_options_t *options;
   glyphs.num_glyphs = self->num_glyphs;
   glyphs.glyphs = self->glyphs;
@@ -4374,13 +4370,6 @@ gsk_text_node_draw (GskRenderNode *node,
   cairo_save (cr);
-  options = cairo_font_options_create ();
-  cairo_font_options_set_hint_metrics (options, self->hint_metrics ? CAIRO_HINT_METRICS_ON : 
-  cairo_font_options_set_antialias (options, self->antialias ? CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_GRAY : CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_NONE);
-  cairo_font_options_set_hint_style (options, self->hint_style);
-  cairo_set_font_options (cr, options);
-  cairo_font_options_destroy (options);
   gdk_cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, &self->color);
   cairo_translate (cr, self->offset.x, self->offset.y);
   pango_cairo_show_glyph_string (cr, self->font, &glyphs);
@@ -4435,12 +4424,25 @@ gsk_text_node_diff (GskRenderNode  *node1,
   gsk_render_node_diff_impossible (node1, node2, region);
-static GskRenderNode *
-gsk_text_node_new_internal (const cairo_font_options_t *options,
-                            PangoFont                  *font,
-                            PangoGlyphString           *glyphs,
-                            const GdkRGBA              *color,
-                            const graphene_point_t     *offset)
+ * gsk_text_node_new:
+ * @font: the `PangoFont` containing the glyphs
+ * @glyphs: the `PangoGlyphString` to render
+ * @color: the foreground color to render with
+ * @offset: offset of the baseline
+ *
+ * Creates a render node that renders the given glyphs.
+ *
+ * Note that @color may not be used if the font contains
+ * color glyphs.
+ *
+ * Returns: (nullable) (transfer full) (type GskTextNode): a new `GskRenderNode`
+ */
+GskRenderNode *
+gsk_text_node_new (PangoFont              *font,
+                   PangoGlyphString       *glyphs,
+                   const GdkRGBA          *color,
+                   const graphene_point_t *offset)
   GskTextNode *self;
   GskRenderNode *node;
@@ -4462,16 +4464,6 @@ gsk_text_node_new_internal (const cairo_font_options_t *options,
   self->color = *color;
   self->offset = *offset;
   self->has_color_glyphs = FALSE;
-  self->antialias = TRUE;
-  self->hint_style = CAIRO_HINT_STYLE_NONE;
-  self->hint_metrics = FALSE;
-  if (options)
-    {
-      self->antialias = cairo_font_options_get_antialias (options) != CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_NONE;
-      self->hint_metrics = cairo_font_options_get_hint_metrics (options) == CAIRO_HINT_METRICS_ON;
-      self->hint_style = cairo_font_options_get_hint_style (options);
-    }
   glyph_infos = g_malloc_n (glyphs->num_glyphs, sizeof (PangoGlyphInfo));
@@ -4502,117 +4494,6 @@ gsk_text_node_new_internal (const cairo_font_options_t *options,
   return node;
- * gsk_text_node_new_with_font_options:
- * @options: `cairo_font_options_t` to render with
- * @font: the `PangoFont` containing the glyphs
- * @glyphs: the `PangoGlyphString` to render
- * @color: the foreground color to render with
- * @offset: offset of the baseline
- *
- * Creates a render node that renders the given glyphs.
- *
- * Note that @color may not be used if the font contains
- * color glyphs.
- *
- * Returns: (nullable) (transfer full) (type GskTextNode): a new `GskRenderNode`
- *
- * Since: 4.6
- */
-GskRenderNode *
-gsk_text_node_new_with_font_options (const cairo_font_options_t *options,
-                                     PangoFont                  *font,
-                                     PangoGlyphString           *glyphs,
-                                     const GdkRGBA              *color,
-                                     const graphene_point_t     *offset)
-  return gsk_text_node_new_internal (options, font, glyphs, color, offset);
- * gsk_text_node_new:
- * @font: the `PangoFont` containing the glyphs
- * @glyphs: the `PangoGlyphString` to render
- * @color: the foreground color to render with
- * @offset: offset of the baseline
- *
- * Creates a render node that renders the given glyphs.
- *
- * Note that @color may not be used if the font contains
- * color glyphs.
- *
- * Returns: (nullable) (transfer full) (type GskTextNode): a new `GskRenderNode`
- */
-GskRenderNode *
-gsk_text_node_new (PangoFont              *font,
-                   PangoGlyphString       *glyphs,
-                   const GdkRGBA          *color,
-                   const graphene_point_t *offset)
-  return gsk_text_node_new_internal (NULL, font, glyphs, color, offset);
- * gsk_text_node_get_hint_metrics:
- * @node: (type GskTextNode): a text `GskRenderNode`
- *
- * Retrieves whether metrics hinting is enabled for rendering.
- *
- * See the cairo 
- *
- * Returns: whether metrics hinting is enabled
- *
- * Since: 4.6
- */
-gsk_text_node_get_hint_metrics (const GskRenderNode *node)
-  const GskTextNode *self = (const GskTextNode *) node;
-  return self->hint_metrics;
- * gsk_text_node_get_antialias:
- * @node: (type GskTextNode): a text `GskRenderNode`
- *
- * Retrieves whether antialiasing is enabled for rendering.
- *
- * See the cairo [documentation](https://www.cairographics.org/manual/cairo-cairo-t.html#cairo-antialias-t).
- * Note that GSK only supports grayscale antialiasing.
- *
- * Returns: whether antialiasing is enabled
- *
- * Since: 4.6
- */
-gsk_text_node_get_antialias (const GskRenderNode *node)
-  const GskTextNode *self = (const GskTextNode *) node;
-  return self->antialias;
- * gsk_text_node_get_hint_style:
- * @node: (type GskTextNode): a text `GskRenderNode`
- *
- * Retrieves what style of font hinting is used for rendering.
- *
- * See the cairo 
- *
- * Returns: what style of hinting is used
- *
- * Since: 4.6
- */
-gsk_text_node_get_hint_style (const GskRenderNode *node)
-  const GskTextNode *self = (const GskTextNode *) node;
-  return self->hint_style;
  * gsk_text_node_get_color:
  * @node: (type GskTextNode): a text `GskRenderNode`

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