[gtk/path-work-rebased: 1011/1045] curve: Add gsk_curve_intersect

commit 0df3ada12f23a3471ec482faa8847a0ddd6bfbe9
Author: Matthias Clasen <mclasen redhat com>
Date:   Sun Dec 6 22:09:48 2020 -0500

    curve: Add gsk_curve_intersect
    Add a way to find the intersections of two curves.
    This will be used in stroking.

 gsk/gskcurveintersect.c | 621 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 gsk/gskcurveprivate.h   |   6 +
 gsk/meson.build         |   1 +
 3 files changed, 628 insertions(+)
diff --git a/gsk/gskcurveintersect.c b/gsk/gskcurveintersect.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f66cb6f853
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gsk/gskcurveintersect.c
@@ -0,0 +1,621 @@
+ * Copyright © 2020 Red Hat, Inc
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * Authors: Matthias Clasen <mclasen redhat com>
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include "gskcurveprivate.h"
+static inline gboolean
+acceptable (float t)
+  return 0 - FLT_EPSILON <= t && t <= 1 + FLT_EPSILON;
+static int
+line_intersect (const GskCurve   *curve1,
+                const GskCurve   *curve2,
+                float            *t1,
+                float            *t2,
+                graphene_point_t *p,
+                int               n)
+  const graphene_point_t *pts1 = curve1->line.points;
+  const graphene_point_t *pts2 = curve2->line.points;
+  float a1 = pts1[0].x - pts1[1].x;
+  float b1 = pts1[0].y - pts1[1].y;
+  float a2 = pts2[0].x - pts2[1].x;
+  float b2 = pts2[0].y - pts2[1].y;
+  float det = a1 * b2 - b1 * a2;
+  if (fabs(det) > 0.01)
+    {
+      float tt =   ((pts1[0].x - pts2[0].x) * b2 - (pts1[0].y - pts2[0].y) * a2) / det;
+      float ss = - ((pts1[0].y - pts2[0].y) * a1 - (pts1[0].x - pts2[0].x) * b1) / det;
+      if (acceptable (tt) && acceptable (ss))
+        {
+          p[0].x = pts1[0].x + tt * (pts1[1].x - pts1[0].x);
+          p[0].y = pts1[0].y + tt * (pts1[1].y - pts1[0].y);
+          t1[0] = tt;
+          t2[0] = ss;
+          return 1;
+        }
+    }
+  else /* parallel lines */
+    {
+      float r = a1 * (pts1[1].y - pts2[0].y) - (pts1[1].x - pts2[0].x) * b1;
+      float dist = (r * r) / (a1 * a1 + b1 * b1);
+      float t, s, tt, ss;
+      if (dist > 0.01)
+        return 0;
+      if (pts1[1].x != pts1[0].x)
+        {
+          t = (pts2[0].x - pts1[0].x) / (pts1[1].x - pts1[0].x);
+          s = (pts2[1].x - pts1[0].x) / (pts1[1].x - pts1[0].x);
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          t = (pts2[0].y - pts1[0].y) / (pts1[1].y - pts1[0].y);
+          s = (pts2[1].y - pts1[0].y) / (pts1[1].y - pts1[0].y);
+        }
+      if ((t < 0 && s < 0) || (t > 1 && s > 1))
+        return 0;
+      if (acceptable (t))
+        {
+          t1[0] = t;
+          t2[0] = 0;
+          p[0] = pts2[0];
+        }
+      else if (t < 0)
+        {
+          if (pts2[1].x != pts2[0].x)
+            tt = (pts1[0].x - pts2[0].x) / (pts2[1].x - pts2[0].x);
+          else
+            tt = (pts1[0].y - pts2[0].y) / (pts2[1].y - pts2[0].y);
+          t1[0] = 0;
+          t2[0] = tt;
+          p[0] = pts1[0];
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          if (pts2[1].x != pts2[0].x)
+            tt = (pts1[1].x - pts2[0].x) / (pts2[1].x - pts2[0].x);
+          else
+            tt = (pts1[1].y - pts2[0].y) / (pts2[1].y - pts2[0].y);
+          t1[0] = 1;
+          t2[0] = tt;
+          p[0] = pts1[1];
+        }
+      if (acceptable (s))
+        {
+          if (t2[0] == 1)
+            return 1;
+          t1[1] = s;
+          t2[1] = 1;
+          p[1] = pts2[1];
+        }
+      else if (s < 0)
+        {
+          if (t1[0] == 0)
+            return 1;
+          if (pts2[1].x != pts2[0].x)
+            ss = (pts1[0].x - pts2[0].x) / (pts2[1].x - pts2[0].x);
+          else
+            ss = (pts1[0].y - pts2[0].y) / (pts2[1].y - pts2[0].y);
+          t1[1] = 0;
+          t2[1] = ss;
+          p[1] = pts1[0];
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          if (t1[0] == 1)
+            return 1;
+          if (pts2[1].x != pts2[0].x)
+            ss = (pts1[1].x - pts2[0].x) / (pts2[1].x - pts2[0].x);
+          else
+            ss = (pts1[1].y - pts2[0].y) / (pts2[1].y - pts2[0].y);
+          t1[1] = 1;
+          t2[1] = ss;
+          p[1] = pts1[1];
+        }
+      return 2;
+    }
+  return 0;
+static void
+get_tangent (const graphene_point_t *p0,
+             const graphene_point_t *p1,
+             graphene_vec2_t        *t)
+  graphene_vec2_init (t, p1->x - p0->x, p1->y - p0->y);
+  graphene_vec2_normalize (t, t);
+static void
+align_points (const graphene_point_t *p,
+              const graphene_point_t *a,
+              const graphene_point_t *b,
+              graphene_point_t       *q,
+              int                     n)
+  graphene_vec2_t n1;
+  float angle;
+  float s, c;
+  float dist;
+  get_tangent (a, b, &n1);
+  angle = - atan2 (graphene_vec2_get_y (&n1), graphene_vec2_get_x (&n1));
+  sincosf (angle, &s, &c);
+  dist = sqrtf ((a->x - b->x)*(a->x - b->x) + (a->y - b->y)*(a->y - b->y));
+  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
+    {
+      q[i].x = ((p[i].x - a->x) * c - (p[i].y - a->y) * s) / dist;
+      q[i].y = ((p[i].x - a->x) * s + (p[i].y - a->y) * c) / dist;
+    }
+static void
+find_point_on_line (const graphene_point_t *p1,
+                    const graphene_point_t *p2,
+                    const graphene_point_t *q,
+                    float                  *t)
+  if (p2->x != p1->x)
+    *t = (q->x - p1->x) / (p2->x - p1->x);
+  else
+    *t = (q->y - p1->y) / (p2->y - p1->y);
+static float
+cuberoot (float v)
+  if (v < 0)
+    return -pow (-v, 1.f / 3);
+  return pow (v, 1.f / 3);
+/* Solve P = 0 where P is
+ * P = (1-t)^3*pa + 3*t*(1-t)^2*pb + 3*t^2*(1-t)*pc + t^3*pd
+ */
+static int
+get_cubic_roots (float pa, float pb, float pc, float pd, float roots[3])
+  float a, b, c, d;
+  float q, q2;
+  float p, p3;
+  float discriminant;
+  float u1, v1, sd;
+  int n_roots = 0;
+  d = -pa + 3*pb - 3*pc + pd;
+  a = 3*pa - 6*pb + 3*pc;
+  b = -3*pa + 3*pb;
+  c = pa;
+  if (fabs (d) < 0.0001)
+    {
+      if (fabs (a) < 0.0001)
+        {
+          if (fabs (b) < 0.0001)
+            return 0;
+          if (acceptable (-c / b))
+            {
+              roots[0] = -c / b;
+              return 1;
+            }
+          return 0;
+        }
+      q = sqrt (b*b - 4*a*c);
+      roots[n_roots] = (-b + q) / (2 * a);
+      if (acceptable (roots[n_roots]))
+        n_roots++;
+      roots[n_roots] = (-b - q) / (2 * a);
+      if (acceptable (roots[n_roots]))
+        n_roots++;
+      return n_roots;
+    }
+  a /= d;
+  b /= d;
+  c /= d;
+  p = (3*b - a*a)/3;
+  p3 = p/3;
+  q = (2*a*a*a - 9*a*b + 27*c)/27;
+  q2 = q/2;
+  discriminant = q2*q2 + p3*p3*p3;
+  if (discriminant < 0)
+    {
+      float mp3 = -p/3;
+      float mp33 = mp3*mp3*mp3;
+      float r = sqrt (mp33);
+      float t = -q / (2*r);
+      float cosphi = t < -1 ? -1 : (t > 1 ? 1 : t);
+      float phi = acos (cosphi);
+      float crtr = cuberoot (r);
+      float t1 = 2*crtr;
+      roots[n_roots] = t1 * cos (phi/3) - a/3;
+      if (acceptable (roots[n_roots]))
+        n_roots++;
+      roots[n_roots] = t1 * cos ((phi + 2*M_PI) / 3) - a/3;
+      if (acceptable (roots[n_roots]))
+        n_roots++;
+      roots[n_roots] = t1 * cos ((phi + 4*M_PI) / 3) - a/3;
+      if (acceptable (roots[n_roots]))
+        n_roots++;
+    return n_roots;
+  }
+  if (discriminant == 0)
+    {
+      u1 = q2 < 0 ? cuberoot (-q2) : -cuberoot (q2);
+      roots[n_roots] = 2*u1 - a/3;
+      if (acceptable (roots[n_roots]))
+        n_roots++;
+      roots[n_roots] = -u1 - a/3;
+      if (acceptable (roots[n_roots]))
+        n_roots++;
+      return n_roots;
+    }
+  sd = sqrt (discriminant);
+  u1 = cuberoot (sd - q2);
+  v1 = cuberoot (sd + q2);
+  roots[n_roots] = u1 - v1 - a/3;
+  if (acceptable (roots[n_roots]))
+    n_roots++;
+  return n_roots;
+static int
+line_curve_intersect (const GskCurve   *curve1,
+                      const GskCurve   *curve2,
+                      float            *t1,
+                      float            *t2,
+                      graphene_point_t *p,
+                      int               n)
+  const graphene_point_t *a = &curve1->line.points[0];
+  const graphene_point_t *b = &curve1->line.points[1];
+  graphene_point_t pts[4];
+  float t[3];
+  int m, i, j;
+  /* Rotate things to place curve1 on the x axis,
+   * then solve curve2 for y == 0.
+   */
+  align_points (curve2->curve.points, a, b, pts, 4);
+  m = get_cubic_roots (pts[0].y, pts[1].y, pts[2].y, pts[3].y, t);
+  j = 0;
+  for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
+    {
+      t2[j] = t[i];
+      gsk_curve_get_point (curve2, t2[j], &p[j]);
+      find_point_on_line (a, b, &p[j], &t1[j]);
+      if (acceptable (t1[j]))
+        j++;
+      if (j == n)
+        break;
+    }
+  return j;
+static void
+curve_intersect_recurse (const GskCurve   *curve1,
+                         const GskCurve   *curve2,
+                         float             t1l,
+                         float             t1r,
+                         float             t2l,
+                         float             t2r,
+                         float            *t1,
+                         float            *t2,
+                         graphene_point_t *p,
+                         int               n,
+                         int              *pos,
+                         float             tolerance)
+  GskCurve p11, p12, p21, p22;
+  GskBoundingBox b1, b2;
+  float d1, d2;
+  if (*pos == n)
+    return;
+  gsk_curve_get_tight_bounds (curve1, &b1);
+  gsk_curve_get_tight_bounds (curve2, &b2);
+  if (!gsk_bounding_box_intersection (&b1, &b2, NULL))
+    return;
+  d1 = (t1r - t1l) / 2;
+  d2 = (t2r - t2l) / 2;
+  if (b1.max.x - b1.min.x < tolerance && b1.max.y - b1.min.y < tolerance &&
+      b2.max.x - b2.min.x < tolerance && b2.max.y - b2.min.y < tolerance)
+    {
+      graphene_point_t c;
+      t1[*pos] = t1l + d1;
+      t2[*pos] = t2l + d2;
+      gsk_curve_get_point (curve1, 0.5, &c);
+      for (int i = 0; i < *pos; i++)
+        {
+          if (graphene_point_near (&c, &p[i], 0.1))
+            return;
+        }
+      p[*pos] = c;
+      (*pos)++;
+      return;
+    }
+  gsk_curve_split (curve1, 0.5, &p11, &p12);
+  gsk_curve_split (curve2, 0.5, &p21, &p22);
+  curve_intersect_recurse (&p11, &p21, t1l,      t1l + d1, t2l,      t2l + d2, t1, t2, p, n, pos, tolerance);
+  curve_intersect_recurse (&p11, &p22, t1l,      t1l + d1, t2l + d2, t2r,      t1, t2, p, n, pos, tolerance);
+  curve_intersect_recurse (&p12, &p21, t1l + d1, t1r,      t2l,      t2l + d2, t1, t2, p, n, pos, tolerance);
+  curve_intersect_recurse (&p12, &p22, t1l + d1, t1r,      t2l + d2, t2r,      t1, t2, p, n, pos, tolerance);
+static int
+curve_intersect (const GskCurve   *curve1,
+                 const GskCurve   *curve2,
+                 float            *t1,
+                 float            *t2,
+                 graphene_point_t *p,
+                 int               n,
+                 float             tolerance)
+  int pos = 0;
+  curve_intersect_recurse (curve1, curve2, 0, 1, 0, 1, t1, t2, p, n, &pos, tolerance);
+  return pos;
+static void
+get_bounds (const GskCurve  *curve,
+            float            tl,
+            float            tr,
+            GskBoundingBox  *bounds)
+  GskCurve c;
+  gsk_curve_segment (curve, tl, tr, &c);
+  gsk_curve_get_tight_bounds (&c, bounds);
+static void
+general_intersect_recurse (const GskCurve   *curve1,
+                           const GskCurve   *curve2,
+                           float             t1l,
+                           float             t1r,
+                           float             t2l,
+                           float             t2r,
+                           float            *t1,
+                           float            *t2,
+                           graphene_point_t *p,
+                           int               n,
+                           int              *pos,
+                           float             tolerance)
+  GskBoundingBox b1, b2;
+  float d1, d2;
+  if (*pos == n)
+    return;
+  get_bounds (curve1, t1l, t1r, &b1);
+  get_bounds (curve2, t2l, t2r, &b2);
+  if (!gsk_bounding_box_intersection (&b1, &b2, NULL))
+    return;
+  d1 = (t1r - t1l) / 2;
+  d2 = (t2r - t2l) / 2;
+  if (b1.max.x - b1.min.x < tolerance && b1.max.y - b1.min.y < tolerance &&
+      b2.max.x - b2.min.x < tolerance && b2.max.y - b2.min.y < tolerance)
+    {
+      graphene_point_t c;
+      t1[*pos] = t1l + d1;
+      t2[*pos] = t2l + d2;
+      gsk_curve_get_point (curve1, t1[*pos], &c);
+      for (int i = 0; i < *pos; i++)
+        {
+          if (graphene_point_near (&c, &p[i], tolerance))
+            return;
+        }
+      p[*pos] = c;
+      (*pos)++;
+      return;
+    }
+  /* Note that in the conic case, we cannot just split the curves and
+   * pass the two halves down, since splitting changes the parametrization,
+   * and we need the t's to be valid parameters wrt to the original curve.
+   *
+   * So, instead, we determine the bounding boxes above by always starting
+   * from the original curve. That is a bit less efficient, but also works
+   * for conics.
+   */
+  general_intersect_recurse (curve1, curve2, t1l,      t1l + d1, t2l,      t2l + d2, t1, t2, p, n, pos, 
+  general_intersect_recurse (curve1, curve2, t1l,      t1l + d1, t2l + d2, t2r,      t1, t2, p, n, pos, 
+  general_intersect_recurse (curve1, curve2, t1l + d1, t1r,      t2l,      t2l + d2, t1, t2, p, n, pos, 
+  general_intersect_recurse (curve1, curve2, t1l + d1, t1r,      t2l + d2, t2r,      t1, t2, p, n, pos, 
+static int
+general_intersect (const GskCurve   *curve1,
+                   const GskCurve   *curve2,
+                   float            *t1,
+                   float            *t2,
+                   graphene_point_t *p,
+                   int               n,
+                   float             tolerance)
+  int pos = 0;
+  general_intersect_recurse (curve1, curve2, 0, 1, 0, 1, t1, t2, p, n, &pos, tolerance);
+  return pos;
+static int
+curve_self_intersect (const GskCurve   *curve,
+                      float            *t1,
+                      float            *t2,
+                      graphene_point_t *p,
+                      int               n)
+  float tt[3], ss[3], s;
+  graphene_point_t pp[3];
+  int m;
+  GskCurve cs, ce;
+  if (curve->op != GSK_PATH_CURVE)
+    return 0;
+  s = 0.5;
+  m = gsk_curve_get_curvature_points (curve, tt);
+  for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
+    {
+      if (gsk_curve_get_curvature (curve, tt[i], NULL) == 0)
+        {
+          s = tt[i];
+          break;
+        }
+    }
+  gsk_curve_split (curve, s, &cs, &ce);
+  m = curve_intersect (&cs, &ce, tt, ss, pp, 3, 0.001);
+  if (m > 1)
+    {
+      /* One of the (at most 2) intersections we found
+       * must be the common point where we split the curve.
+       * It will have a t value of 1 and an s value of 0.
+       */
+      if (fabs (tt[0] - 1) > 1e-3)
+        {
+          t1[0] = t2[0] = tt[0] * s;
+          p[0] = pp[0];
+        }
+      else if (fabs (tt[1] - 1) > 1e-3)
+        {
+          t1[0] = t2[0] = tt[1] * s;
+          p[0] = pp[1];
+        }
+      if (fabs (ss[0]) > 1e-3)
+        {
+          t1[1] = t2[1] = s + ss[0] * (1 - s);
+          p[1] = pp[0];
+        }
+      else if (fabs (ss[1]) > 1e-3)
+        {
+          t1[1] = t2[1] = s + ss[1] * (1 - s);
+          p[1] = pp[1];
+        }
+      return 2;
+    }
+  return 0;
+/* Place intersections between the curves in p, and their Bezier positions
+ * in t1 and t2, up to n. Return the number of intersections found.
+ *
+ * Note that two cubic Beziers can have up to 9 intersections.
+ */
+gsk_curve_intersect (const GskCurve   *curve1,
+                     const GskCurve   *curve2,
+                     float            *t1,
+                     float            *t2,
+                     graphene_point_t *p,
+                     int               n)
+  GskPathOperation op1 = curve1->op;
+  GskPathOperation op2 = curve2->op;
+  if (op1 == GSK_PATH_CLOSE)
+    op1 = GSK_PATH_LINE;
+  if (op2 == GSK_PATH_CLOSE)
+    op2 = GSK_PATH_LINE;
+  if (memcmp (curve1, curve2, sizeof (GskCurve)) == 0)
+    return curve_self_intersect (curve1, t1, t2, p, n);
+  /* We special-case line-line and line-curve intersections,
+   * since we can solve them directly.
+   * Everything else is done via bisection.
+   */
+  if (op1 == GSK_PATH_LINE && op2 == GSK_PATH_LINE)
+    return line_intersect (curve1, curve2, t1, t2, p, n);
+  else if (op1 == GSK_PATH_LINE && op2 == GSK_PATH_CURVE)
+    return line_curve_intersect (curve1, curve2, t1, t2, p, n);
+  else if (op1 == GSK_PATH_CURVE && op2 == GSK_PATH_LINE)
+    return line_curve_intersect (curve2, curve1, t2, t1, p, n);
+  else if (op1 == GSK_PATH_CURVE && op2 == GSK_PATH_CURVE)
+    return curve_intersect (curve1, curve2, t1, t2, p, n, 0.001);
+  else
+    return general_intersect (curve1, curve2, t1, t2, p, n, 0.001);
diff --git a/gsk/gskcurveprivate.h b/gsk/gskcurveprivate.h
index 92c99b5b26..f2d9659449 100644
--- a/gsk/gskcurveprivate.h
+++ b/gsk/gskcurveprivate.h
@@ -122,6 +122,12 @@ void                    gsk_curve_get_bounds                    (const GskCurve
 void                    gsk_curve_get_tight_bounds              (const GskCurve         *curve,
                                                                  GskBoundingBox         *bounds);
+int                     gsk_curve_intersect                     (const GskCurve         *curve1,
+                                                                 const GskCurve         *curve2,
+                                                                 float                  *t1,
+                                                                 float                  *t2,
+                                                                 graphene_point_t       *p,
+                                                                 int                     n);
diff --git a/gsk/meson.build b/gsk/meson.build
index 2cfd7a8d77..752a0de0a2 100644
--- a/gsk/meson.build
+++ b/gsk/meson.build
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ gsk_private_sources = files([
+  'gskcurveintersect.c',

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