[gcr/main: 9/38] gck: Remove deprecated header

commit c062daec42d7931f3437b64ee3f4b8dd4f76d8f0
Author: Corentin Noël <corentin noel collabora com>
Date:   Tue Nov 23 15:32:22 2021 +0100

    gck: Remove deprecated header

 gck/gck-attributes.c     | 331 -----------------------------------------------
 gck/gck-deprecated.h     | 130 -------------------
 gck/gck-misc.c           |   7 -
 gck/gck-module.c         |   4 +-
 gck/gck-modules.c        |   4 +-
 gck/gck-uri.c            |  23 ----
 gck/gck.h                |   2 -
 gck/meson.build          |   1 -
 gck/test-gck-module.c    |   4 +-
 gck/test-gck-modules.c   |   4 +-
 gck/test-gck-slot.c      |   2 +-
 gck/test-gck-uri.c       |   2 +-
 gcr/gcr-key-mechanisms.c |   2 +-
 13 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 505 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gck/gck-attributes.c b/gck/gck-attributes.c
index 33044a78..25e794d8 100644
--- a/gck/gck-attributes.c
+++ b/gck/gck-attributes.c
@@ -2032,13 +2032,6 @@ gck_attribute_hash (gconstpointer attr)
 G_DEFINE_BOXED_TYPE (GckAttributes, gck_attributes,
                      gck_attributes_ref, gck_attributes_unref)
-gck_attributes_get_boxed_type (void)
-       /* Deprecated version */
-       return gck_attributes_get_type ();
  * gck_attributes_new_empty:
  * @first_type: the first empty attribute type
@@ -2828,327 +2821,3 @@ gck_attributes_new (gulong reserved)
        GckBuilder builder = GCK_BUILDER_INIT;
        return gck_builder_end (&builder);
- * gck_attributes_new_full: (skip)
- * @allocator: memory allocator for attribute data, or %NULL for default
- *
- * #GckAttributes are now immutable. This method no longer does anything.
- *
- * Deprecated: 3.4: Use [method@Builder.set_all] instead.
- *
- * Returns: returns %NULL
- **/
-GckAttributes *
-gck_attributes_new_full (GckAllocator allocator)
-       g_warning ("gck_attributes_new_full() is no no longer supported");
-       return NULL;
- * gck_attributes_add:
- * @attrs: the attributes array to add to
- * @attr: the attribute to add
- *
- * #GckAttributes are now immutable. This method no longer does anything.
- *
- * Deprecated: 3.4: Use [method@Builder.set_all] instead.
- *
- * Returns: (transfer none): returns %NULL
- **/
-GckAttribute *
-gck_attributes_add (GckAttributes *attrs,
-                    GckAttribute *attr)
-       g_warning ("gck_attributes_add() is no no longer supported");
-       return NULL;
- * gck_attributes_set:
- * @attrs: attributes array to add to
- * @attr: attribute to set
- *
- * #GckAttributes are now immutable. This method no longer does anything.
- *
- * Deprecated: 3.4: Use [method@Builder.set_data] instead.
- **/
-gck_attributes_set (GckAttributes *attrs,
-                    GckAttribute *attr)
-       g_warning ("gck_attributes_set() is no no longer supported");
- * gck_attributes_add_data:
- * @attrs: The attributes array to add to.
- * @attr_type: The type of attribute to add.
- * @value: (array length=length): the raw memory of the attribute value
- * @length: The length of the attribute value.
- *
- * #GckAttributes are now immutable. This method no longer does anything.
- *
- * Deprecated: 3.4: Use [method@Builder.add_data] instead.
- *
- * Returns: (transfer none): returns %NULL
- **/
-GckAttribute *
-gck_attributes_add_data (GckAttributes *attrs,
-                         gulong attr_type,
-                         const guchar *value,
-                         gsize length)
-       g_warning ("gck_attributes_add_data() is no no longer supported");
-       return NULL;
- * gck_attributes_add_invalid:
- * @attrs: The attributes array to add to.
- * @attr_type: The type of attribute to add.
- *
- * #GckAttributes are now immutable. This method no longer does anything.
- *
- * Deprecated: 3.4: Use [method@Builder.add_invalid] instead
- *
- * Returns: (transfer none): returns %NULL
- **/
-GckAttribute *
-gck_attributes_add_invalid (GckAttributes *attrs,
-                            gulong attr_type)
-       g_warning ("gck_attributes_add_invalid() is no no longer supported");
-       return NULL;
- * gck_attributes_add_empty:
- * @attrs: The attributes array to add.
- * @attr_type: The type of attribute to add.
- *
- * #GckAttributes are now immutable. This method no longer does anything.
- *
- * Deprecated: 3.4: Use [method@Builder.add_empty] instead.
- *
- * Returns: (transfer none): returns %NULL
- **/
-GckAttribute *
-gck_attributes_add_empty (GckAttributes *attrs,
-                          gulong attr_type)
-       g_warning ("gck_attributes_add_empty() is no no longer supported");
-       return NULL;
- * gck_attributes_add_boolean:
- * @attrs: the attributes array to add to
- * @attr_type: the type of attribute to add
- * @value: the boolean value to add
- *
- * #GckAttributes are now immutable. This method no longer does anything.
- *
- * Deprecated: 3.4: Use [method@Builder.add_boolean] instead.
- *
- * Returns: (transfer none): returns %NULL
- **/
-GckAttribute *
-gck_attributes_add_boolean (GckAttributes *attrs,
-                            gulong attr_type,
-                            gboolean value)
-       g_warning ("gck_attributes_add_boolean() is no no longer supported");
-       return NULL;
- * gck_attributes_set_boolean:
- * @attrs: the attributes
- * @attr_type: the type of attribute to set
- * @value: boolean value to set
- *
- * #GckAttributes are now immutable. This method no longer does anything.
- *
- * Deprecated: 3.4: Use [method@Builder.set_boolean] instead.
- */
-gck_attributes_set_boolean (GckAttributes *attrs,
-                            gulong attr_type,
-                            gboolean value)
-       g_warning ("gck_attributes_set_boolean() is no no longer supported");
- * gck_attributes_add_string:
- * @attrs: the attributes array to add to
- * @attr_type: the type of attribute to add
- * @value: the null terminated string value to add
- *
- * #GckAttributes are now immutable. This method no longer does anything.
- *
- * Deprecated: 3.4: Use [method@Builder.add_string] instead.
- *
- * Returns: (transfer none): returns %NULL
- **/
-GckAttribute *
-gck_attributes_add_string (GckAttributes *attrs,
-                           gulong attr_type,
-                           const gchar *value)
-       g_warning ("gck_attributes_add_string() is no no longer supported");
-       return NULL;
- * gck_attributes_set_string:
- * @attrs: the attributes
- * @attr_type: the type of attribute to set
- * @value: null terminated string value to set
- *
- * #GckAttributes are now immutable. This method no longer does anything.
- *
- * Deprecated: 3.4: Use [method@Builder.set_string] instead.
- */
-gck_attributes_set_string (GckAttributes *attrs,
-                           gulong attr_type,
-                           const gchar *value)
-       g_warning ("gck_attributes_set_string() is no no longer supported");
- * gck_attributes_add_date:
- * @attrs: the attributes array to add to
- * @attr_type: the type of attribute to add
- * @value: the GDate value to add
- *
- * #GckAttributes are now immutable. This method no longer does anything.
- *
- * Deprecated: 3.4: Use [method@Builder.add_date] instead.
- *
- * Returns: (transfer none): returns %NULL
- **/
-GckAttribute *
-gck_attributes_add_date (GckAttributes *attrs,
-                         gulong attr_type,
-                         const GDate *value)
-       g_warning ("gck_attributes_add_date() is no no longer supported");
-       return NULL;
- * gck_attributes_set_date:
- * @attrs: the attributes
- * @attr_type: the type of attribute to set
- * @value: date value to set
- *
- * #GckAttributes are now immutable. This method no longer does anything.
- *
- * Deprecated: 3.4: Use [method@Builder.set_date] instead.
- */
-gck_attributes_set_date (GckAttributes *attrs,
-                         gulong attr_type,
-                         const GDate *value)
-       g_warning ("gck_attributes_set_date() is no no longer supported");
- * gck_attributes_add_ulong:
- * @attrs: the attributes array to add to
- * @attr_type: the type of attribute to add
- * @value: the gulong value to add
- *
- * #GckAttributes are now immutable. This method no longer does anything.
- *
- * Deprecated: 3.4: Use [method@Builder.add_ulong] instead.
- *
- * Returns: (transfer none): returns %NULL
- **/
-GckAttribute *
-gck_attributes_add_ulong (GckAttributes *attrs,
-                          gulong attr_type,
-                          gulong value)
-       g_warning ("gck_attributes_add_ulong() is no no longer supported");
-       return NULL;
- * gck_attributes_set_ulong:
- * @attrs: the attributes
- * @attr_type: the type of attribute to set
- * @value: gulong value to set
- *
- * #GckAttributes are now immutable. This method no longer does anything.
- *
- * Deprecated: 3.4: Use [method@Builder.set_ulong] instead.
- */
-gck_attributes_set_ulong (GckAttributes *attrs,
-                          gulong attr_type,
-                          gulong value)
-       g_warning ("gck_attributes_set_ulong() is no no longer supported");
- * gck_attributes_add_all:
- * @attrs: a set of attributes
- * @from: attributes to add
- *
- * #GckAttributes are now immutable. This method no longer does anything.
- *
- * Deprecated: 3.4: Use [method@Builder.add_all] instead.
- */
-gck_attributes_add_all (GckAttributes *attrs,
-                        GckAttributes *from)
-       g_warning ("gck_attributes_add_all() is no no longer supported");
- * gck_attributes_set_all:
- * @attrs: set of attributes
- * @from: attributes to add
- *
- * #GckAttributes are now immutable. This method no longer does anything.
- *
- * Deprecated: 3.4: Use [method@Builder.set_all] instead.
- */
-gck_attributes_set_all (GckAttributes *attrs,
-                        GckAttributes *from)
-       g_warning ("gck_attributes_set_all() is no no longer supported");
- * gck_attributes_dup:
- * @attrs: set of attributes to copy
- *
- * #GckAttributes are now immutable, and can be used in mulitple places.
- *
- * Deprecated: 3.4: Use gck_attributes_ref() or [method@Builder.add_all] instead.
- *
- * Returns: (transfer none): a new floating #GckAttributes
- */
-GckAttributes *
-gck_attributes_dup (GckAttributes *attrs)
-       GckBuilder builder = GCK_BUILDER_INIT;
-       if (attrs == NULL)
-               return NULL;
-       gck_builder_add_all (&builder, attrs);
-       return gck_builder_end (&builder);
diff --git a/gck/gck-misc.c b/gck/gck-misc.c
index e2fbbf8e..2c864a1f 100644
--- a/gck/gck-misc.c
+++ b/gck/gck-misc.c
@@ -102,13 +102,6 @@ EGG_SECURE_DEFINE_GLIB_GLOBALS ();
  * The error domain for gck library errors.
-gck_get_error_quark (void)
-       /* This is the deprecated version */
-       return gck_error_get_quark ();
 gck_error_get_quark (void)
diff --git a/gck/gck-module.c b/gck/gck-module.c
index a50f78de..935bbeb1 100644
--- a/gck/gck-module.c
+++ b/gck/gck-module.c
@@ -321,9 +321,9 @@ perform_initialize (Initialize *args)
        funcs = p11_kit_module_load (args->path, P11_KIT_MODULE_CRITICAL);
        if (funcs == NULL) {
-               g_set_error (&args->error, GCK_ERROR, (int)CKR_GCK_MODULE_PROBLEM,
+               g_set_error (&args->error, GCK_ERROR, (int)GCK_ERROR_MODULE_PROBLEM,
                             _("Error loading PKCS#11 module: %s"), p11_kit_message ());
-               return CKR_GCK_MODULE_PROBLEM;
+               return GCK_ERROR_MODULE_PROBLEM;
        result = g_object_new (GCK_TYPE_MODULE,
diff --git a/gck/gck-modules.c b/gck/gck-modules.c
index 97d7f015..fb9b93eb 100644
--- a/gck/gck-modules.c
+++ b/gck/gck-modules.c
@@ -56,9 +56,9 @@ perform_initialize_registered (InitializeRegistered *args)
        modules = p11_kit_modules_load_and_initialize (0);
        if (modules == NULL) {
-               g_set_error (&args->error, GCK_ERROR, (int)CKR_GCK_MODULE_PROBLEM,
+               g_set_error (&args->error, GCK_ERROR, (int)GCK_ERROR_MODULE_PROBLEM,
                             _("Couldn’t initialize registered PKCS#11 modules: %s"), p11_kit_message ());
-               return CKR_GCK_MODULE_PROBLEM;
+               return GCK_ERROR_MODULE_PROBLEM;
        for (funcs = modules; *funcs; ++funcs) {
diff --git a/gck/gck-uri.c b/gck/gck-uri.c
index ba927153..e0c3fafb 100644
--- a/gck/gck-uri.c
+++ b/gck/gck-uri.c
@@ -96,22 +96,6 @@
  * Error domain for URI errors.
- *
- * Use %GCK_URI_BAD_SCHEME instead.
- *
- * Deprecated: Since 3.2
- */
- *
- *
- * Deprecated: Since 3.4
- */
 #define URI_PREFIX "pkcs11:"
 #define N_URI_PREFIX 7
@@ -122,13 +106,6 @@ struct _GckUri {
        GckAttributes *attributes;
-gck_uri_get_error_quark (void)
-       /* This is deprecated version */
-       return gck_uri_error_get_quark ();
 gck_uri_error_get_quark (void)
diff --git a/gck/gck.h b/gck/gck.h
index bb52c017..1b603088 100644
--- a/gck/gck.h
+++ b/gck/gck.h
@@ -1595,8 +1595,6 @@ G_DEFINE_AUTOPTR_CLEANUP_FUNC (GckUriData, gck_uri_data_free);
-#include "gck-deprecated.h"
 #endif /* GCK_H */
diff --git a/gck/meson.build b/gck/meson.build
index e461509a..ab97d292 100644
--- a/gck/meson.build
+++ b/gck/meson.build
@@ -57,7 +57,6 @@ gck_sources = [
 gck_exported_headers = [
-  'gck-deprecated.h',
diff --git a/gck/test-gck-module.c b/gck/test-gck-module.c
index 91e7e4d1..0cd8c1c7 100644
--- a/gck/test-gck-module.c
+++ b/gck/test-gck-module.c
@@ -95,14 +95,14 @@ test_invalid_modules (Test *test, gconstpointer unused)
        /* Shouldn't be able to load modules */
        invalid = gck_module_initialize ("blah-blah-non-existant", NULL, &error);
-       g_assert_error (error, GCK_ERROR, (int)CKR_GCK_MODULE_PROBLEM);
+       g_assert_error (error, GCK_ERROR, (int)GCK_ERROR_MODULE_PROBLEM);
        g_assert_null (invalid);
        g_clear_error (&error);
        /* Shouldn't be able to load any file successfully */
        invalid = gck_module_initialize ("/usr/lib/libm.so", NULL, &error);
-       g_assert_error (error, GCK_ERROR, (int)CKR_GCK_MODULE_PROBLEM);
+       g_assert_error (error, GCK_ERROR, (int)GCK_ERROR_MODULE_PROBLEM);
        g_assert_null (invalid);
        g_clear_error (&error);
diff --git a/gck/test-gck-modules.c b/gck/test-gck-modules.c
index 1468b9b7..6ef994ef 100644
--- a/gck/test-gck-modules.c
+++ b/gck/test-gck-modules.c
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ test_token_for_uri_error (Test *test, gconstpointer unused)
        slot = gck_modules_token_for_uri (test->modules, "http://invalid.uri";, &error);
        g_assert_null (slot);
-       g_assert_error (error, GCK_URI_ERROR, GCK_URI_BAD_PREFIX);
+       g_assert_error (error, GCK_URI_ERROR, GCK_URI_BAD_SCHEME);
        g_error_free (error);
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ test_object_for_uri_error (Test *test, gconstpointer unused)
        object = gck_modules_object_for_uri (test->modules, "http://invalid.uri";, 0, &error);
        g_assert_null (object);
-       g_assert_error (error, GCK_URI_ERROR, GCK_URI_BAD_PREFIX);
+       g_assert_error (error, GCK_URI_ERROR, GCK_URI_BAD_SCHEME);
        g_error_free (error);
diff --git a/gck/test-gck-slot.c b/gck/test-gck-slot.c
index c3142334..4cfddbee 100644
--- a/gck/test-gck-slot.c
+++ b/gck/test-gck-slot.c
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ test_slot_mechanisms (Test *test, gconstpointer unused)
                gck_mechanism_info_free (info);
-       gck_mechanisms_free (mechs);
+       g_array_unref (mechs);
 static void
diff --git a/gck/test-gck-uri.c b/gck/test-gck-uri.c
index bbfddda6..57adee9e 100644
--- a/gck/test-gck-uri.c
+++ b/gck/test-gck-uri.c
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ test_parse_bad_scheme (void)
        uri_data = gck_uri_parse ("http:\\example.com\test", GCK_URI_FOR_ANY, &error);
        g_assert_null (uri_data);
-       g_assert_error (error, GCK_URI_ERROR, GCK_URI_BAD_PREFIX);
+       g_assert_error (error, GCK_URI_ERROR, GCK_URI_BAD_SCHEME);
        g_error_free (error);
diff --git a/gcr/gcr-key-mechanisms.c b/gcr/gcr-key-mechanisms.c
index 7d829089..89f968aa 100644
--- a/gcr/gcr-key-mechanisms.c
+++ b/gcr/gcr-key-mechanisms.c
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ find_first_usable_mechanism (GckObject *key,
-       gck_mechanisms_free (mechs);
+       g_array_unref (mechs);
        if (i < n_mechanisms)
                return mechanisms[i];

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