[gnome-builder/wip/gtk4-port: 421/736] plugins/editorui: add preference for overview map

commit c64af801feee5f05d7dee0683633395cd7ddfe78
Author: Christian Hergert <chergert redhat com>
Date:   Tue Apr 5 18:10:48 2022 -0700

    plugins/editorui: add preference for overview map

 src/plugins/editorui/gbp-editorui-preferences-addin.c | 18 ++++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/plugins/editorui/gbp-editorui-preferences-addin.c 
index 8cf13e14c..aef841a85 100644
--- a/src/plugins/editorui/gbp-editorui-preferences-addin.c
+++ b/src/plugins/editorui/gbp-editorui-preferences-addin.c
@@ -38,7 +38,8 @@ static const IdePreferenceGroupEntry groups[] = {
   { "appearance", "preview",     10, N_("Style") },
   { "appearance", "schemes",     20, NULL },
   { "appearance", "font",        30, NULL },
-  { "appearance", "accessories", 40, NULL },
+  { "appearance", "effects",     40, NULL },
+  { "appearance", "accessories", 50, NULL },
   { "languages/*", "general",      0, N_("General") },
   { "languages/*", "margins",     10, N_("Margins") },
@@ -51,16 +52,21 @@ static const IdePreferenceGroupEntry groups[] = {
 static const IdePreferenceItemEntry items[] = {
+  { "appearance", "effects", "show-grid-lines", 10, ide_preferences_window_toggle,
+    N_("Show Grid Pattern"),
+    N_("Display a grid pattern underneath source code"),
+    "org.gnome.builder.editor", NULL, "show-grid-lines" },
+  { "appearance", "effects", "show-map", 10, ide_preferences_window_toggle,
+    N_("Show Overview Map"),
+    N_("Use an overview map instead of a scrollbar"),
+    "org.gnome.builder.editor", NULL, "show-map" },
   { "appearance", "accessories", "show-line-numbers", 0, ide_preferences_window_toggle,
     N_("Show Line Numbers"),
     N_("Display line numbers next to each line of source code"),
     "org.gnome.builder.editor", NULL, "show-line-numbers" },
-  { "appearance", "accessories", "show-grid-lines", 10, ide_preferences_window_toggle,
-    N_("Show Grid Pattern"),
-    N_("Display a grid pattern underneath source code"),
-    "org.gnome.builder.editor", NULL, "show-grid-lines" },
   { "appearance", "accessories", "highlight-current-line", 20, ide_preferences_window_toggle,
     N_("Highlight Current Line"),
     N_("Make current line stand out with highlights"),

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