[gnome-music/wip/jfelder/gtk4-v3: 155/200] defaulticon: Remove commented code

commit 2ed2d99537b06d8a41560ca6b0b3e340408cef97
Author: Marinus Schraal <mschraal gnome org>
Date:   Sat Feb 5 12:24:43 2022 +0100

    defaulticon: Remove commented code

 gnomemusic/defaulticon.py | 81 +----------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 80 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gnomemusic/defaulticon.py b/gnomemusic/defaulticon.py
index 17b29f482..f961b4b6d 100644
--- a/gnomemusic/defaulticon.py
+++ b/gnomemusic/defaulticon.py
@@ -24,91 +24,19 @@
 from __future__ import annotations
-from math import pi
 from typing import Dict, Tuple
-import cairo
-from gi.repository import Adw, Gtk, GObject, Gdk
+from gi.repository import Adw, Gtk, GObject
 from gnomemusic.coverpaintable import CoverPaintable
 from gnomemusic.utils import ArtSize, DefaultIconType
-def make_icon_frame(
-        icon_surface, art_size=None, scale=1, default_icon=False,
-        round_shape=False, dark=False):
-    """Create an Art frame, square or round.
-    :param cairo.Surface icon_surface: The surface to use
-    :param art_size: The size of the art
-    :param int scale: The scale of the art
-    :param bool default_icon: Indicates of this is a default icon
-    :param bool round_shape: Square or round indicator
-    :param bool dark: Theme dark mode
-    :return: The framed surface
-    :rtype: cairo.Surface
-    """
-    degrees = pi / 180
-    if art_size == ArtSize.SMALL:
-        radius = 4.5
-    else:
-        radius = 9
-    icon_w = icon_surface.get_width()
-    icon_h = icon_surface.get_height()
-    ratio = icon_h / icon_w
-    # Scale down the image according to the biggest axis
-    if ratio > 1:
-        w = int(art_size.width / ratio)
-        h = art_size.height
-    else:
-        w = art_size.width
-        h = int(art_size.height * ratio)
-    surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, w * scale, h * scale)
-    surface.set_device_scale(scale, scale)
-    ctx = cairo.Context(surface)
-    if round_shape:
-        ctx.arc(w / 2, h / 2, w / 2, 0, 2 * pi)
-    else:
-        ctx.arc(w - radius, radius, radius, -90 * degrees, 0 * degrees)
-        ctx.arc(
-            w - radius, h - radius, radius, 0 * degrees, 90 * degrees)
-        ctx.arc(radius, h - radius, radius, 90 * degrees, 180 * degrees)
-        ctx.arc(radius, radius, radius, 180 * degrees, 270 * degrees)
-    if dark:
-        fill_color = Gdk.RGBA(0.28, 0.28, 0.28, 1.0)
-        icon_color = Gdk.RGBA(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5)
-    else:
-        fill_color = Gdk.RGBA(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
-        icon_color = Gdk.RGBA(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.3)
-    if default_icon:
-        ctx.set_source_rgb(fill_color.red, fill_color.green, fill_color.blue)
-        ctx.fill()
-        ctx.set_source_rgba(
-            icon_color.red, icon_color.green, icon_color.blue,
-            icon_color.alpha)
-        ctx.mask_surface(icon_surface, w / 3, h / 3)
-        ctx.fill()
-    else:
-        ctx.scale((w * scale) / icon_w, (h * scale) / icon_h)
-        ctx.set_source_surface(icon_surface, 0, 0)
-        ctx.fill()
-    return surface
 class DefaultIcon(GObject.GObject):
     """Provides the symbolic fallback icons."""
     _cache: Dict[
         Tuple[DefaultIconType, ArtSize, int, bool], cairo.ImageSurface] = {}
-    _default_theme = Gtk.IconTheme.new()
     def __init__(self, widget: Gtk.Widget) -> None:
         """Initialize DefaultIcon
@@ -121,13 +49,6 @@ class DefaultIcon(GObject.GObject):
     def _make_default_icon(
             self, icon_type: DefaultIconType, art_size: ArtSize, scale: int,
             dark: bool) -> cairo.ImageSurface:
-        # icon_info = self._default_theme.lookup_icon(
-        #     icon_type.value, art_size.width / 3, scale, 0, 0)
-        # icon = icon_info.load_surface()
-        # round_shape = icon_type == DefaultIconType.ARTIST
-        # icon_surface = make_icon_frame(
-        #     icon, art_size, scale, True, round_shape, dark)
         paintable = CoverPaintable(art_size)
         return paintable

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