[adwaita-icon-theme] symbolic: update and port some device icons
- From: Sam Hewitt <snwh src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [adwaita-icon-theme] symbolic: update and port some device icons
- Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2022 21:05:53 +0000 (UTC)
commit 68e5c19c33ee8bb113070511d1cd17eee2b2c1a7
Author: Sam Hewitt <sam snwh org>
Date: Mon Jan 10 17:35:49 2022 -0330
symbolic: update and port some device icons
.../scalable/devices/audio-headphones-symbolic.svg | 8 +-
.../scalable/devices/audio-headset-symbolic.svg | 9 +-
.../scalable/devices/audio-speakers-symbolic.svg | 10 +-
Adwaita/scalable/devices/battery-symbolic.svg | 5 +-
Adwaita/scalable/devices/computer-symbolic.svg | 2 +-
.../devices/drive-harddisk-solidstate-symbolic.svg | 5 +-
.../scalable/devices/drive-harddisk-symbolic.svg | 5 +-
.../scalable/devices/media-optical-symbolic.svg | 2 +-
Adwaita/scalable/devices/phone-symbolic.svg | 5 +-
Adwaita/scalable/devices/tablet-symbolic.svg | 4 +
src/symbolic/core.svg | 256 ++++++++++++---------
11 files changed, 174 insertions(+), 137 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Adwaita/scalable/devices/audio-headphones-symbolic.svg
index c52ebbfde..e328f2c23 100644
--- a/Adwaita/scalable/devices/audio-headphones-symbolic.svg
+++ b/Adwaita/scalable/devices/audio-headphones-symbolic.svg
@@ -1,10 +1,4 @@
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2 -2 2 -2 v -6 c 0 -2.5 -1.335938 -4.8125 -3.5 -6.0625 c -1.0625 -0.613281 -2.269531 -0.9375 -3.5 -0.9375 z m
0 0" fill="#2e3436"/>
diff --git a/Adwaita/scalable/devices/audio-headset-symbolic.svg
index b54e41150..f976f7005 100644
--- a/Adwaita/scalable/devices/audio-headset-symbolic.svg
+++ b/Adwaita/scalable/devices/audio-headset-symbolic.svg
@@ -1,11 +1,4 @@
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0.953125 -3.4375 2.5 -4.332031 c 1.546875 -0.890625 3.453125 -0.890625 5 0 c 1.546875 0.894531 2.5 2.546875
2.5 4.332031 h -1 c -0.554688 0 -1 0.445312 -1 1 v 4 c 0 0.554688 0.445312 1 1 1 h 1 c 0 0.5625 -0.4375 1 -1
1 h -5 v 2 h 5 c 1.644531 0 3 -1.355469 3 -3 v -6 c 0 -2.5 -1.335938 -4.8125 -3.5 -6.0625 c -1.0625 -0.613281
-2.269531 -0.9375 -3.5 -0.9375 z m 0 0" fill="#2e3436"/>
diff --git a/Adwaita/scalable/devices/audio-speakers-symbolic.svg
index 370d115c7..5aa93c542 100644
--- a/Adwaita/scalable/devices/audio-speakers-symbolic.svg
+++ b/Adwaita/scalable/devices/audio-speakers-symbolic.svg
@@ -1 +1,9 @@
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index 37b8e2902..785dc662b 100644
--- a/Adwaita/scalable/devices/battery-symbolic.svg
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diff --git a/Adwaita/scalable/devices/computer-symbolic.svg b/Adwaita/scalable/devices/computer-symbolic.svg
index 0b442123c..e2d9ea975 100644
--- a/Adwaita/scalable/devices/computer-symbolic.svg
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
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index 434f8d531..f0011c1b2 100644
--- a/Adwaita/scalable/devices/drive-harddisk-solidstate-symbolic.svg
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@@ -1 +1,4 @@
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1 h -1 v 6 h 2 v 1 h 1 v -1 h 1 v 1 h 1 v -1 h 1 v 1 h 1 v -1 h 1 v -6 h -2 v -1 h -1 v 1 h -1 v -1 h -1 v 1
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diff --git a/Adwaita/scalable/devices/drive-harddisk-symbolic.svg
index 2ac0e2370..1910fbabb 100644
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index 47c51610c..67ab306f3 100644
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inkscape:label="audio headphones music listen"
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c 1.6e-5,-1.78631 0.953009,-3.43692 2.5,-4.33008 1.547005,-0.89316 3.452995,-0.89316 5,0 1.546991,0.89316
2.499984,2.54377 2.5,4.33008 v 1 c 0,1 -1,1 -1,1 -0.5,0 -1,0.446 -1,1 v 4 c 0,0.554 0.446,1 1,1 h 1 c 2,0
2,-2 2,-2 v -4 -2 c 1.15e-4,-2.50097 -1.334093,-4.81201 -3.5,-6.0625 C 30.435834,480.32323 29.228727,479.9999
28,480 Z"
+ transform="rotate(-90,-42.93051,273.93368)"
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7.000001,7.000001 0 0 0 -7,0 z"
- transform="rotate(-90,52.06949,178.93368)" />
inkscape:label="audio headphones music listen headset microphone record call"
- transform="rotate(90,-32.93051,283.93368)">
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-3,-3 h -3 z"
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45 447.446 44.554 447 44 447 L 43 447 C 43.000016 445.21369 43.953009 443.56308 45.5 442.66992 C 47.047005
441.77676 48.952995 441.77676 50.5 442.66992 C 52.046991 443.56308 52.999984 445.21369 53 447 L 52 447 C
51.446 447 51 447.446 51 448 L 51 452 C 51 452.554 51.446 453 52 453 L 53 453 C 53 453.56413 52.56413 454 52
454 L 47 454 L 47 456 L 52 456 C 53.64501 456 55 454.64501 55 453 L 55 452 L 55 451 L 55 450 L 55 448 L 55
447 C 55.000115 444.49903 53.665907 442.18799 51.5 440.9375 C 50.435834 440.32323 49.228727 439.9999 48 440 z
+ transform="rotate(-90,-12.93051,263.93368)" />
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0 0 0 -6.0625,3.5 7.000001,7.000001 0 0 0 0,7 z" />
inkscape:label="phone smartphone mobile cellular call hardware"
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+ transform="rotate(90,-22.93051,273.93368)">
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-1.3553,-3 -3,-3 h -10 c -1.6447,0 -3,1.3553 -3,3 z m 2,0 v -4 c 0,-0.5713 0.4287,-1 1,-1 h 10 c 0.5713,0
1,0.4287 1,1 v 4 c 0,0.5713 -0.4287,1 -1,1 h -10 c -0.5713,0 -1,-0.4287 -1,-1 z"
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-10 c 0,-1.6447 -1.3553,-3 -3,-3 z m 0,2 h 1 c 0,0.554 0.446,1 1,1 h 2 c 0.554,0 1,-0.446 1,-1 h 1 c 0.5713,0
1,0.4287 1,1 v 9 c 0,0.554 -0.446,1 -1,1 h -6 c -0.554,0 -1,-0.446 -1,-1 v -9 c 0,-0.5713 0.4287,-1 1,-1 z"
+ transform="rotate(-90,-12.93051,303.93368)" />
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style="fill:none" />
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+ transform="rotate(90,-54.0004,386.0004)"
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+ id="title44642-2">battery</title>
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+ id="path10036-3"
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35.9992,247 v -6 c 0,0 0.014,-0.70887 -0.35547,-1.44727 C 35.27424,238.81434 34.33253,238 32.9992,238 h -8 c
-1.3336,0 -2.27535,0.81407 -2.64453,1.55273 C 21.98548,240.2914 21.9992,241 21.9992,241 v 1 h -1 c -1,0 -1,1
-1,1 z m 4,-4 c 0,-0.554 0.446,-1 1,-1 h 8 c 0.554,0 1,0.446 1,1 v 6 c 0,0.554 -0.446,1 -1,1 h -8 c -0.554,0
-1,-0.446 -1,-1 v -3 z m 1,6 h 8 v -6 h -8 z"
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style="fill:none" />
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0,-0.554 -0.446,-1 -1,-1 h -6 c -0.554,0 -1,0.446 -1,1 z"
+ d="m 163.13581,198.00317 c 0,-1.662 1.338,-3 3,-3 h 7 c 1.662,0 3,1.338 3,3 v 10 c 0,1.662 -1.338,3
-3,3 h -7 c -1.662,0 -3,-1.338 -3,-3 z m 2,0 v 10 c 0,0.554 0.446,1 1,1 h 7 c 0.554,0 1,-0.446 1,-1 v -10 c
0,-0.554 -0.446,-1 -1,-1 h -7 c -0.554,0 -1,0.446 -1,1 z"
sodipodi:nodetypes="ssssssssssssssssss" />
@@ -1168,13 +1103,14 @@
inkscape:label="media optical drive cd dvd bluray disc"
- transform="translate(-82,31.999993)">
+ transform="translate(-82,-8.000007)">
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8,-3.59225 8,-8 1e-5,-4.40775 -3.59225,-8.00001 -8,-8 z m 0,1.77734 c 3.44697,0 6.22266,2.77569
6.22266,6.22266 0,3.44697 -2.77569,6.22266 -6.22266,6.22266 -3.44697,0 -6.22266,-2.77569 -6.22266,-6.22266
0,-3.44697 2.77569,-6.22266 6.22266,-6.22266 z m 0,2.66797 c -1.95315,0 -3.55469,1.60154 -3.55469,3.55469
0,1.95315 1.60154,3.55469 3.55469,3.55469 1.95315,0 3.55469,-1.60154 3.55469,-3.55469 0,-1.95315
-1.60154,-3.55469 -3.55469,-3.55469 z m 0,1.77735 c 0.99237,0 1.77734,0.78497 1.77734,1.77734 0,0.99237
-0.78497,1.77734 -1.77734,1.77734 -0.99237,0 -1.77734,-0.78497 -1.77734,-1.77734 0,-0.99237 0.78497,-1.77734
1.77734,-1.77734 z"
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8,-3.59225 8,-8 1e-5,-4.40775 -3.59225,-8.00001 -8,-8 z m 0,2 a 6,6 0 0 1 6,6 6,6 0 0 1 -6,6 6,6 0 0 1 -6,-6
6,6 0 0 1 6,-6 z m 0,3 a 3,3 0 0 0 -3,3 3,3 0 0 0 3,3 3,3 0 0 0 3,-3 3,3 0 0 0 -3,-3 z m 0,1 a 2,2 0 0 1 2,2
2,2 0 0 1 -2,2 2,2 0 0 1 -2,-2 2,2 0 0 1 2,-2 z m 0,1 a 1,1 0 0 0 -1,1 1,1 0 0 0 1,1 1,1 0 0 0 1,-1 1,1 0 0 0
-1,-1 z"
+ transform="translate(82,-31.999993)" />
@@ -1183,6 +1119,102 @@
y="448" />
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+ id="g142624"
+ inkscape:label="speaker output sound music listen "
+ transform="translate(-80,-40)">
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+ id="title142961">audio-speakers</title>
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0.33201,0.35127 0.37475,0.98788 -0.0296,1.39225 l -3.30374,3.29932 z"
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0.33201,-0.35127 0.37475,-0.98788 -0.0296,-1.39225 l -3.31479,-3.29932 z"
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154.75,487 154,487 Z"
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0.76758,0.35938 z" />
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+ style="display:inline"
+ inkscape:label="tablet smartphone mobile cellular call hardware"
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+ id="title151389">tablet</title>
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1,0.446 1,1 v 10 c 0,0.554 -0.446,1 -1,1 h -7 c -0.5713,0 -1,-0.4287 -1,-1 z"
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+ style="display:inline"
+ inkscape:label="harddrive storage data internal spin "
+ id="g153077"
+ transform="rotate(180,99.567901,345.50158)">
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+ id="title153071">drive-harddisk</title>
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+ id="path153073"
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-10 c 0,-1.6447 -1.3553,-3 -3,-3 z m 0,2 h 8 c 0.5713,0 1,0.4287 1,1 v 5 4 c 0,0.5713 -0.4287,1 -1,1 h -8 c
-0.554,0 -1,-0.446 -1,-1 v -9 c 0,-0.554 0.446,-1 1,-1 z m 4,1 c -2.20914,0 -4.00001,1.79086 -4,4 v 4 h 4 c
2.5,0 4,-1.79086 4,-4 0,-2.20914 -1.79086,-4 -4,-4 z m 0,2 c 1.10457,0 2,0.89543 2,2 0,1.10457 -0.89543,2
-2,2 -1.10457,0 -2,-0.89543 -2,-2 0,-1.10457 0.89543,-2 2,-2 z"
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+ style="display:inline"
+ inkscape:label="harddrive storage data internal ssd "
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+ id="title153660">drive-harddisk-solidstate</title>
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+ id="path153662"
+ d="m 175.1358,211.00316 c 1.6447,0 3,-1.3553 3,-3 v -10 c 0,-1.6447 -1.3553,-3 -3,-3 h -8 c
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0,-0.5713 0.4287,-1 1,-1 h 8 c 0.554,0 1,0.446 1,1 v 9 c 0,0.554 -0.446,1 -1,1 z m -1,-1 v -1 h 1 v -6 h -2 v
-1 h -1 v 1 h -1 v -1 h -1 v 1 h -1 v -1 h -1 v 1 h -1 v 6 h 2 v 1 h 1 v -1 h 1 v 1 h 1 v -1 h 1 v 1 z" />
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+ y="195.00317"
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+ id="rect153664"
+ style="fill:none" />
+ </g>
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