[adwaita-icon-theme] symbolic: updated wired network icons
- From: Jakub Steiner <jimmac src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [adwaita-icon-theme] symbolic: updated wired network icons
- Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2022 10:57:22 +0000 (UTC)
commit e5ef105864e8e6ac9f8553a29db1b53b1e674c78
Author: Jakub Steiner <jimmac gmail com>
Date: Tue Jan 11 11:56:38 2022 +0100
symbolic: updated wired network icons
- thicker, rounder, gnome 42
Fixes https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/adwaita-icon-theme/-/issues/160
.../scalable/devices/network-wired-symbolic.svg | 11 +-
.../status/network-wired-acquiring-symbolic.svg | 8 +-
.../status/network-wired-no-route-symbolic.svg | 8 +-
.../status/network-wired-offline-symbolic.svg | 8 +-
src/symbolic/core.svg | 146 ++++++++++++++++++++-
5 files changed, 175 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Adwaita/scalable/devices/network-wired-symbolic.svg
index af37126f4..9d431d21a 100644
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diff --git a/Adwaita/scalable/status/network-wired-acquiring-symbolic.svg
index 8aec745b7..5130f1b41 100644
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diff --git a/Adwaita/scalable/status/network-wired-no-route-symbolic.svg
index 4a10be801..4dbad8e5e 100644
--- a/Adwaita/scalable/status/network-wired-no-route-symbolic.svg
+++ b/Adwaita/scalable/status/network-wired-no-route-symbolic.svg
@@ -1 +1,7 @@
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diff --git a/Adwaita/scalable/status/network-wired-offline-symbolic.svg
index 2ecfe7a53..95e8d247c 100644
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3.519531 c 0 0.683594 0.542969 1.234375 1.21875 1.234375 h 3.5625 c 0.671875 0 1.214844 -0.550781 1.214844
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0.46875 h 2 v -0.46875 c 0 -1.378906 -1.136719 -2.515625 -2.511719 -2.515625 h -2.457031 v -1.015625 h
0.785156 c 0.671875 0 1.214844 -0.542969 1.214844 -1.214844 v -3.554687 c 0 -0.671875 -0.542969 -1.214844
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diff --git a/src/symbolic/core.svg b/src/symbolic/core.svg
index 590171495..fce07717f 100644
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682,346.41406 V 349 c 6e-5,0.55226 0.44774,0.99994 1,1 h 2.58594 l 1.70703,1.70703 c 0.39053,0.39037
1.02353,0.39037 1.41406,0 L 690.41406,350 H 693 c 0.55226,-6e-5 0.99994,-0.44774 1,-1 v -2.58594 l
1.70703,-1.70703 c 0.39037,-0.39053 0.39037,-1.02353 0,-1.41406 L 694,341.58594 V 339 c -6e-5,-0.55226
-0.44774,-0.99994 -1,-1 h -2.58594 l -1.70703,-1.70703 C 688.51177,336.09778 688.25588,336 688,336 Z m 0,5 c
0.25588,0 0.51177,0.0978 0.70703,0.29297 l 2,2 c 0.18539,0.18847 0.28911,0.44267 0.28711,0.70703 H 691 v 1 h
-1 -1 v 2 h -2 v -2 h -1 -1 v -1 h 0.006 c -0.002,-0.26436 0.10186,-0.51856 0.28711,-0.70703 l 2,-2 C
687.48823,341.09778 687.74412,341 688,341 Z"
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392.01562 z M 635.17383 402.06641 C 634.62798 402.64063 633.85848 403 633 403 L 630.02148 403 C 630.00818
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408 C 635.45645 408.00002 636 407.45643 636 406.78125 L 636 403.21875 C 636 402.68115 635.6552 402.22883
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C 620 407.45387 620.54392 408.00391 621.21875 408.00391 L 624.7793 408.00391 C 625.45413 408.00391 625.99609
407.45387 625.99609 406.77148 L 625.99609 403.24805 C 625.99609 403.16255 625.98535 403.08018 625.96875 403 L
623 403 C 622.14803 403
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+ style="display:inline;enable-background:new"
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+ id="g15448"
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+ id="title15442">network-wired-no-route</title>
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396.20797 650.95327 396.26059 651 396.3125 L 651 393.23047 C 651 392.55705 650.45858 392.01563 649.78516
392.01562 L 646.23047 392.01562 z M 648.03516 399 A 1.0198582 1.0198582 0 0 1 648.01758 399.01758 C 648.01991
399.0184 648.02467 399.01707 648.02344 399.01758 C 648.01845 399.01964 648.03516 398.99438 648.03516 399 z M
644.00586 399.06836 C 642.86909 399.30812 642.00195 400.32875 642.00195 401.53125 L 642.00195 402.01562 L
641.21875 402.01562 C 640.54392 402.01562 640 402.56567 640 403.24805 L 640 406.77148 C 640 407.45386
640.54392 408.00391 641.21875 408.00391 L 644.7793 408.00391 C 645.45413 408.00391 645.99609 407.45386
645.99609 406.77148 L 645.99609 405 L 645.99609 4
03.24805 C 645.99609 402.56567 645.45413 402.01563 644.7793 402.01562 L 644.00195 402.01562 L 644.00195
401.53125 C 644.00195 401.23465 644.22096 401.01564 644.51758 401.01562 L 645.99609 401.01562 L 645.99609 401
C 645.99609 400.63131 646.22666 400.32832 646.42383 400.01953 L 645.01562 400.01953 A 1.0198582 1.0198582 0 0
1 644.00586 399.06836 z M 652.0332 399.08594 C 652.02325 399.57656 651.92305 400.06936 651.72852 400.53906 C
651.65825 400.70873 651.57446 400.86726 651.48047 401.01758 C 651.76376 401.03 651.9707 401.2434 651.9707
401.53125 L 651.9707 402 L 651.21875 402 C 650.64203 402 650.16309 402.39715 650.03516 402.93359 L 650.03516
403 A 1.0198582 1.0198582 0 0 1 650.01562 403.03711 C 650.00678 403.09654 650 403.15678 650 403.21875 L 650
404.66016 C 650.02197 404.77144 650.03516 404.88513 650.03516 405 C 650.03516 405.11551 650.02182 405.2297
650 405.3418 L 650 406.78125 C 650 407.45644 650.54357 408 651.21875 408 L 654.78125 408 C 655.45643 408 656
407.45644 656 406.78125 L
656 403.21875 C 656 402.54357 655.45643 402 654.78125 402 L 653.9707 402 L 653.9707 401.53125 C 653.9707
400.35257 653.13675 399.35103 652.0332 399.08594 z "
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