[adwaita-icon-theme] symbolic: ported generic network icons; fixed misname
- From: Sam Hewitt <snwh src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [adwaita-icon-theme] symbolic: ported generic network icons; fixed misname
- Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2022 19:24:56 +0000 (UTC)
commit 1078eb55f71f4d054550cebcda43fb97869fda46
Author: Sam Hewitt <sam snwh org>
Date: Mon Jan 24 15:54:49 2022 -0330
symbolic: ported generic network icons; fixed misname
Adwaita/scalable/status/network-idle-symbolic.svg | 5 +-
.../scalable/status/network-no-route-symbolic.svg | 8 +-
.../scalable/status/network-offline-symbolic.svg | 8 +-
.../scalable/status/network-receive-symbolic.svg | 8 +-
.../status/network-transmit-receive-symbolic.svg | 5 +-
.../scalable/status/network-transmit-symbolic.svg | 8 +-
.../status/network-wired-disconnected-symbolic.svg | 8 +-
.../status/network-wired-offline-symbolic.svg | 7 -
src/symbolic/core.svg | 152 ++++++++++++++++++++-
src/symbolic/gnome-stencils-legacy.svg | 46 ++++++-
10 files changed, 235 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Adwaita/scalable/status/network-idle-symbolic.svg
index 9d7dc0ce2..143a46f67 100644
--- a/Adwaita/scalable/status/network-idle-symbolic.svg
+++ b/Adwaita/scalable/status/network-idle-symbolic.svg
@@ -1 +1,4 @@
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1.007 1 1h4.625l-1.219 1.281c-.182.19-.406.462-.406.719v1zM5 7c-.31 0-.615.09-.812.281L.594 11l3.656
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0.550781 0 1 -0.449219 1 -1 s -0.449219 -1 -1 -1 h -7.585938 l 1.292969 -1.292969 c 0.390625 -0.390625
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diff --git a/Adwaita/scalable/status/network-no-route-symbolic.svg
index ca9c299f8..88d9dbf30 100644
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diff --git a/Adwaita/scalable/status/network-receive-symbolic.svg
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diff --git a/Adwaita/scalable/status/network-transmit-receive-symbolic.svg
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0.550781 0 1 -0.449219 1 -1 s -0.449219 -1 -1 -1 h -7.585938 l 1.292969 -1.292969 c 0.390625 -0.390625
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diff --git a/Adwaita/scalable/status/network-transmit-symbolic.svg
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0.46875 h 2 v -0.46875 c 0 -1.378906 -1.136719 -2.515625 -2.511719 -2.515625 h -2.457031 v -1.015625 h
0.785156 c 0.671875 0 1.214844 -0.542969 1.214844 -1.214844 v -2.554687 c 0 -0.671875 -0.542969 -1.214844
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3,-3 c 0.39037,-0.39053 0.39037,-1.02353 0,-1.41406 l -3,-3 C 712.51953,361.10542 712.2652,361.00004 712,361
Z m -8,6 c -0.25589,0 -0.51178,0.0978 -0.70703,0.29297 l -3,3 c -0.39037,0.39053 -0.39037,1.02353 0,1.41406 l
3,3 c 0.1875,0.18755 0.44183,0.29293 0.70703,0.29297 0.2652,-4e-5 0.51953,-0.10542 0.70703,-0.29297
0.39042,-0.39051 0.39042,-1.02355 0,-1.41406 L 703.41406,372 H 711 c 0.55228,0 1,-0.44772 1,-1 0,-0.55228
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704.51178,367.09776 704.25589,367 704,367 Z"
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0.39042,-1.02355 0,-1.41406 L 243.41406,-84 H 251 c 0.55228,0 1,-0.44772 1,-1 0,-0.55228 -0.44772,-1 -1,-1 h
-7.58594 l 1.29297,-1.29297 c 0.39042,-0.39051 0.39042,-1.02355 0,-1.41406 C 244.51953,-88.89458
244.2652,-88.99996 244,-89 Z"
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-0.39042,0.39051 -0.39042,1.02355 0,1.41406 l 1.29297,1.29297 h -7.58594 c -0.55228,0 -1,0.44772 -1,1
0,0.55228 0.44772,1 1,1 h 7.58594 l -1.29297,1.29297 c -0.39042,0.39051 -0.39042,1.02355 0,1.41406
0.1875,0.18755 0.44183,0.29293 0.70703,0.29297 z"
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0.39042,-1.02355 0,-1.41406 L 243.41406,-84 H 251 c 0.55228,0 1,-0.44772 1,-1 0,-0.55228 -0.44772,-1 -1,-1 h
-7.58594 l 1.29297,-1.29297 c 0.39042,-0.39051 0.39042,-1.02355 0,-1.41406 C 244.51953,-88.89458
244.2652,-88.99996 244,-89 Z"
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0,0.55228 0.44772,1 1,1 h 7.58594 l -1.29297,1.29297 c -0.39042,0.39051 -0.39042,1.02355 0,1.41406
0.1875,0.18755 0.44183,0.29293 0.70703,0.29297 z"
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249.42313,184 249.01585,184 a 1,1 0 0 0 -1,1 v 2 h 2 v -1.17969 c 0.7862,-0.27965 1.44125,-0.87451
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365.91016 A 4.0868883 3.9110801 0 0 1 772.16602 366 L 772.58594 366 L 772.12695 366.45898 A 4.0868883
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775.70703 364.29297 L 772.70703 361.29297 C 772.51953 361.10542 772.2652 361.00004 772 361 z M 764.42383
364.18359 C 764.16812 364.36473 764 364.66279 764 365 C 764 365.10507 764.02074 365.20369 764.05078 365.29883
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765.09745 373.68348 764.70703 373.29297 L 763.41406 372 L 766 372 L 766 370 L 763.41406 370 L 764.70703
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367.01562 C 764.11512 367.00578 764.05744 367 764 367 z M 770 370 L 770 372 L 771 372 C 771.55228 372 772
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0,1.41406 L 243.41406,-86 H 251 c 0.55228,0 1,0.44772 1,1 0,0.55228 -0.44772,1 -1,1 h -7.58594 l
1.29297,1.29297 c 0.39042,0.39051 0.39042,1.02355 0,1.41406 -0.39051,0.39042 -1.02355,0.39042 -1.41406,0 l
-3,-3 c -0.39037,-0.39053 -0.39037,-1.02353 0,-1.41406 l 3,-3 C 243.48047,-88.89458 243.7348,-88.99996
244,-89 Z m 8,6 c 0.25589,0 0.51178,0.0978 0.70703,0.29297 l 3,3 c 0.39037,0.39053 0.39037,1.02353 0,1.41406
l -3,3 C 252.51953,-75.10542 252.2652,-75.00004 252,-75 c -0.2652,-4e-5 -0.51953,-0.10542 -0.70703,-0.29297
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0,-0.55228 0.44772,-1 1,-1 h 7.58594 l -1.29297,-1.29297 c -0.39042,-0.39051 -0.39042,-1.02355 0,-1.41406 C
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1.29297,1.29297 c 0.39042,0.39051 0.39042,1.02355 0,1.41406 -0.39051,0.39042 -1.02355,0.39042 -1.41406,0 l
-3,-3 c -0.39037,-0.39053 -0.39037,-1.02353 0,-1.41406 l 3,-3 C 243.48047,-88.89458 243.7348,-88.99996
244,-89 Z m 8,6 c 0.25589,0 0.51178,0.0978 0.70703,0.29297 l 3,3 c 0.39037,0.39053 0.39037,1.02353 0,1.41406
l -3,3 C 252.51953,-75.10542 252.2652,-75.00004 252,-75 c -0.2652,-4e-5 -0.51953,-0.10542 -0.70703,-0.29297
-0.39042,-0.39051 -0.39042,-1.02355 0,-1.41406 L 252.58594,-78 H 246 v -2 h 6.58594 l -1.29297,-1.29297 c
-0.39042,-0.39051 -0.39042,-1.02355 0,-1.41406 C 251.48822,-82.90224 251.74411,-83 252,-83 Z" />
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V 376 h -1.4375 L 733.5,374.9375 732.4375,376 H 731 v -1.40625 l 1.0625,-1.0625 -1.0625,-1.0625 z"
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