[gnome-software: 9/14] snap: Make listing category apps asynchronous

commit ebab840c57ad9bdb68817c54a8316da0690d2696
Author: Philip Withnall <pwithnall endlessos org>
Date:   Wed May 4 16:07:43 2022 +0100

    snap: Make listing category apps asynchronous
    Signed-off-by: Philip Withnall <pwithnall endlessos org>
    Helps: #1472

 plugins/snap/gs-plugin-snap.c | 115 +++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 1 file changed, 45 insertions(+), 70 deletions(-)
diff --git a/plugins/snap/gs-plugin-snap.c b/plugins/snap/gs-plugin-snap.c
index 8cb110ceb..8d5a9d911 100644
--- a/plugins/snap/gs-plugin-snap.c
+++ b/plugins/snap/gs-plugin-snap.c
@@ -563,6 +563,7 @@ gs_plugin_snap_list_apps_async (GsPlugin              *plugin,
        g_autoptr(SnapdClient) client = NULL;
        gboolean interactive = (flags & GS_PLUGIN_LIST_APPS_FLAGS_INTERACTIVE);
        GsAppQueryTristate is_curated = GS_APP_QUERY_TRISTATE_UNSET;
+       GsCategory *category = NULL;
        const gchar * const *sections = NULL;
        const gchar * const curated_sections[] = { "featured", NULL };
        g_autoptr(GError) local_error = NULL;
@@ -578,18 +579,58 @@ gs_plugin_snap_list_apps_async (GsPlugin              *plugin,
-       if (query != NULL)
+       if (query != NULL) {
                is_curated = gs_app_query_get_is_curated (query);
+               category = gs_app_query_get_category (query);
+       }
-       /* Currently only support is-curated==GS_APP_QUERY_TRISTATE_TRUE queries. */
-       if (is_curated != GS_APP_QUERY_TRISTATE_TRUE) {
+       /* Currently only support is-curated and category queries (but only one at once).
+        * Also don’t currently support is-curated==GS_APP_QUERY_TRISTATE_FALSE. */
+       if ((is_curated == GS_APP_QUERY_TRISTATE_UNSET && category == NULL) ||
+           gs_app_query_get_n_properties_set (query) != 1 ||
+           is_curated == GS_APP_QUERY_TRISTATE_FALSE) {
                g_task_return_new_error (task, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED,
                                         "Unsupported query");
        /* Work out which sections we’re querying for. */
-       sections = curated_sections;
+       if (is_curated != GS_APP_QUERY_TRISTATE_UNSET) {
+               sections = curated_sections;
+       } else if (category != NULL) {
+               g_autofree gchar *category_path = NULL;
+               /*
+                * Unused categories:
+                *
+                * health-and-fitness
+                * personalisation
+                * devices-and-iot
+                * security
+                * server-and-cloud
+                * entertainment
+                */
+               const struct {
+                       const gchar *category_path;
+                       const gchar *sections[4];
+               } category_to_sections_map[] = {
+                       { "play/featured", { "games", NULL, }},
+                       { "create/featured", { "photo-and-video", "art-and-design", "music-and-video", NULL, 
+                       { "socialize/featured", { "social", "news-and-weather", NULL, }},
+                       { "work/featured", { "productivity", "finance", "utilities", NULL, }},
+                       { "develop/featured", { "development", NULL, }},
+                       { "learn/featured", { "education", "science", "books-and-reference", NULL, }},
+               };
+               category_path = category_build_full_path (category);
+               for (gsize i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (category_to_sections_map); i++) {
+                       if (g_str_equal (category_to_sections_map[i].category_path, category_path)) {
+                               sections = category_to_sections_map[i].sections;
+                               break;
+                       }
+               }
+       }
        /* Start a query for each of the sections we’re interested in, keeping a
         * counter of pending operations which is initialised to 1 until all
@@ -674,72 +715,6 @@ gs_plugin_snap_list_apps_finish (GsPlugin      *plugin,
        return g_task_propagate_pointer (G_TASK (result), error);
-gs_plugin_add_category_apps (GsPlugin *plugin,
-                            GsCategory *category,
-                            GsAppList *list,
-                            GCancellable *cancellable,
-                            GError **error)
-       GsPluginSnap *self = GS_PLUGIN_SNAP (plugin);
-       g_autoptr(SnapdClient) client = NULL;
-       g_autofree gchar *category_path = NULL;
-       const gchar * const *sections = NULL;
-       gboolean interactive = gs_plugin_has_flags (plugin, GS_PLUGIN_FLAGS_INTERACTIVE);
-       /*
-        * Unused categories:
-        *
-        * health-and-fitness
-        * personalisation
-        * devices-and-iot
-        * security
-        * server-and-cloud
-        * entertainment
-        */
-       const struct {
-               const gchar *category_path;
-               const gchar *sections[4];
-       } category_to_sections_map[] = {
-               { "play/featured", { "games", NULL, }},
-               { "create/featured", { "photo-and-video", "art-and-design", "music-and-video", NULL, }},
-               { "socialize/featured", { "social", "news-and-weather", NULL, }},
-               { "work/featured", { "productivity", "finance", "utilities", NULL, }},
-               { "develop/featured", { "development", NULL, }},
-               { "learn/featured", { "education", "science", "books-and-reference", NULL, }},
-       };
-       /* Create client. */
-       client = get_client (self, interactive, error);
-       if (client == NULL)
-               return FALSE;
-       category_path = category_build_full_path (category);
-       for (gsize i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (category_to_sections_map); i++) {
-               if (g_str_equal (category_to_sections_map[i].category_path, category_path)) {
-                       sections = category_to_sections_map[i].sections;
-                       break;
-               }
-       }
-       for (gsize i = 0; sections != NULL && sections[i] != NULL; i++) {
-               g_autoptr(GPtrArray) snaps = NULL;
-               snaps = find_snaps (self, client, SNAPD_FIND_FLAGS_SCOPE_WIDE,
-                                   sections[i], NULL, cancellable, error);
-               if (snaps == NULL)
-                       return FALSE;
-               for (guint j = 0; j < snaps->len; j++) {
-                       g_autoptr(GsApp) app = snap_to_app (self, g_ptr_array_index (snaps, j), NULL);
-                       gs_app_list_add (list, app);
-               }
-       }
-       return TRUE;
 static void list_installed_apps_cb (GObject      *source_object,
                                     GAsyncResult *result,
                                     gpointer      user_data);

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