[gnome-remote-desktop] Add Latvian translation

commit 9ad0cf9c4b9f2199c23c98dbcf3967f4faaf7160
Author: RÅ«dolfs Mazurs <rudolfs mazurs gmail com>
Date:   Wed Sep 7 19:55:14 2022 +0000

    Add Latvian translation

 po/LINGUAS |   1 +
 po/lv.po   | 244 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 245 insertions(+)
diff --git a/po/LINGUAS b/po/LINGUAS
index a9c02780..a32c4ac3 100644
--- a/po/LINGUAS
+++ b/po/LINGUAS
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ ka
diff --git a/po/lv.po b/po/lv.po
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4ec7ff2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/lv.po
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# RÅ«dolfs Mazurs <rudolfs mazurs gmail com>, 2022.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: \n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-remote-desktop/issu";
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-09-05 21:42+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-09-07 22:54+0300\n"
+"Last-Translator: RÅ«dolfs Mazurs <rudolfs mazurs gmail com>\n"
+"Language-Team: Latvian <lata-l10n googlegroups com>\n"
+"Language: lv\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n != 0 ? 1 :"
+" 2);\n"
+"X-Generator: Lokalize 21.12.3\n"
+#: src/grd-daemon.c:503
+msgid "GNOME Remote Desktop"
+msgstr "GNOME attālinātā darbvirsma"
+#: src/grd-prompt.c:124
+#, c-format
+msgid "Do you want to share your desktop?"
+msgstr "Vai vēlaties koplietot savu darbvirsmu?"
+#: src/grd-prompt.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A user on the computer '%s' is trying to remotely view or control your "
+msgstr ""
+"Lietotājs no datora “%s” mēģina attālināti apskatīt vai kontrolēt jūsu "
+#: src/grd-prompt.c:131
+msgid "Refuse"
+msgstr "Noraidīt"
+#: src/grd-prompt.c:136
+msgid "Accept"
+msgstr "Pieņemt"
+#: src/grd-ctl.c:53
+#, c-format
+msgid "Usage: %s [OPTIONS...] COMMAND [SUBCOMMAND]...\n"
+msgstr "Lietojums: %s [OPCIJAS...] KOMANDA [APAKÅ KOMANDA]...\n"
+#: src/grd-ctl.c:461
+msgid "Commands:\n"
+msgstr "Komandas:\n"
+#: src/grd-ctl.c:466
+msgid ""
+"  rdp                                        - RDP subcommands:\n"
+"    enable                                   - Enable the RDP backend\n"
+"    disable                                  - Disable the RDP backend\n"
+"    set-tls-cert <path-to-cert>              - Set path to TLS certificate\n"
+"    set-tls-key <path-to-key>                - Set path to TLS key\n"
+"    set-credentials <username> <password>    - Set username and password\n"
+"                                               credentials\n"
+"    clear-credentials                        - Clear username and password\n"
+"                                               credentials\n"
+"    enable-view-only                         - Disable remote control of "
+"                                               devices\n"
+"    disable-view-only                        - Enable remote control of "
+"                                               devices\n"
+msgstr ""
+"  rdp                                        - RDP apakškomandas:\n"
+"    enable                                   - Ieslēgt RDP aizmuguri\n"
+"    disable                                  - Izslēgt RDP aizmuguri\n"
+"    set-tls-cert <ceļš-uz-serifikātu>        - Iestatīt ceļu uz TLS"
+" sertifikātu\n"
+"    set-tls-key <ceļš-uz-atslēgu>            - Iestatīt ceļu uz TLS atslēgu\n"
+"    set-credentials <lietotājs> <parole>     - Iestatīt lietotājvārdu un"
+" paroļu\n"
+"                                               akreditācijas datus\n"
+"    clear-credentials                        - Attīrīt lietotājvārdu un"
+" paroļu\n"
+"                                               akreditācijas datus\n"
+"    enable-view-only                         - Izslēgt ievades ierīču"
+" attālināto\n"
+"                                               vadību\n"
+"    disable-view-only                        - Ieslēgt ievades ierīču"
+" attālināto\n"
+"                                               vadību\n"
+#: src/grd-ctl.c:485
+msgid ""
+"  vnc                                        - VNC subcommands:\n"
+"    enable                                   - Enable the VNC backend\n"
+"    disable                                  - Disable the VNC backend\n"
+"    set-password <password>                  - Set the VNC password\n"
+"    clear-password                           - Clear the VNC password\n"
+"    set-auth-method password|prompt          - Set the authorization method\n"
+"    enable-view-only                         - Disable remote control of "
+"                                               devices\n"
+"    disable-view-only                        - Enable remote control of "
+"                                               devices\n"
+msgstr ""
+"  vnc                                        - VNC apakškomandas:\n"
+"    enable                                   - Ieslēgt VNC aizmuguri\n"
+"    disable                                  - Izslēgt VNC aizmuguri\n"
+"    set-password <parole>                    - Iestatīt VNC paroli\n"
+"    clear-password                           - Attīrīt VNC paroli\n"
+"    set-auth-method password|prompt          - Iestatīt pilnvarošanas metodi\n"
+"    enable-view-only                         - Izslēgt ievades ierīču\n"
+"                                               vadību\n"
+"    disable-view-only                        - Ieslēgt ievades ierīču\n"
+"                                               vadību\n"
+#: src/grd-ctl.c:500
+msgid ""
+"  status [--show-credentials]                - Show current status\n"
+"  --headless                                 - Use headless credentials "
+"  --help                                     - Print this help text\n"
+msgstr ""
+"  status [--show-credentials]                - Rādīt pašreizējo statusu\n"
+"  --headless                                 - Izmantot bezdispleja"
+" akreditācijas datu krātuvi\n"
+"  --help                                     - Izdrukā šo palīdzības tekstu\n"
+#: src/org.gnome.desktop.remote-desktop.gschema.xml.in:7
+msgid "Whether the RDP backend is enabled or not"
+msgstr "Vai RDP aizmugure ir ieslēgta"
+#: src/org.gnome.desktop.remote-desktop.gschema.xml.in:8
+msgid "If set to 'true' the RDP backend will be initialized."
+msgstr "Ja iestatīts uz “patiess”, RDP aizmugure tiks inicializēta."
+#: src/org.gnome.desktop.remote-desktop.gschema.xml.in:14
+msgid "Screenshare mode of RDP connections"
+msgstr "Ekrāna koplietošanas režīms RDP savienojumiem"
+#: src/org.gnome.desktop.remote-desktop.gschema.xml.in:15
+msgid ""
+"The screenshare mode specifies, whether the RDP backend mirrors the primary "
+"screen, or whether a virtual monitor is created. For the initial resolution "
+"of the virtual monitor, the RDP backend uses either the client core data "
+"([MS-RDPBCGR] or the client monitor data ([MS-RDPBCGR] "
+", depending on what is available. When using a remote desktop "
+"session with a virtual monitor, clients can resize the resolution of the "
+"virtual monitor during a session with the Display Update Virtual Channel "
+"Extension ([MS-RDPEDISP]). Allowed screenshare modes include: * mirror-"
+"primary - Record the primary monitor of the current user session. * extend - "
+"Create a new virtual monitor and use it for the remote desktop session. The "
+"resolution of this virtual monitor is derived from the monitor "
+"configuration, submitted by the remote desktop client."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/org.gnome.desktop.remote-desktop.gschema.xml.in:41
+msgid "Path to the certificate file"
+msgstr "Ceļš uz sertifikāta datni"
+#: src/org.gnome.desktop.remote-desktop.gschema.xml.in:42
+#: src/org.gnome.desktop.remote-desktop.gschema.xml.in:50
+msgid ""
+"In order to be able to use RDP with TLS Security, both the private key file "
+"and the certificate file need to be provided to the RDP server."
+msgstr ""
+"Lai varētu izmantot RDP ar TLS drošību, RDP serverim jāsniedz gan privātā"
+" atslēga, gan sertifikāta datne."
+#: src/org.gnome.desktop.remote-desktop.gschema.xml.in:49
+msgid "Path to the private key file"
+msgstr "Ceļš uz privātās atslēgas datni"
+#: src/org.gnome.desktop.remote-desktop.gschema.xml.in:57
+#: src/org.gnome.desktop.remote-desktop.gschema.xml.in:74
+msgid "Only allow remote connections to view the screen content"
+msgstr "Attālinātajiem savienojumiem ļaut tikai skatīt ekrāna saturu"
+#: src/org.gnome.desktop.remote-desktop.gschema.xml.in:58
+msgid ""
+"When view-only is true, remote RDP connections cannot manipulate input "
+"devices (e.g. mouse and keyboard)."
+msgstr ""
+"Kad view-only ir iestatīts uz “patiess”, attālinātie RDP savienojumi nevar"
+" izmantot ievades ierīces (piemēram, peli un tastatūru)."
+#: src/org.gnome.desktop.remote-desktop.gschema.xml.in:67
+msgid "Whether the VNC backend is enabled or not"
+msgstr "Vai VNC aizmugure ir ieslēgta"
+#: src/org.gnome.desktop.remote-desktop.gschema.xml.in:68
+msgid "If set to 'true' the VNC backend will be initialized."
+msgstr "Ja iestatīts uz “patiess”, VNC aizmugure tiks inicializēta."
+#: src/org.gnome.desktop.remote-desktop.gschema.xml.in:75
+msgid ""
+"When view-only is true, remote VNC connections cannot manipulate input "
+"devices (e.g. mouse and keyboard)."
+msgstr ""
+"Kad view-only ir iestatīts uz “patiess”, attālinātie VNC savienojumi nevar"
+" izmantot ievades ierīces (piemēram, peli un tastatūru)."
+#: src/org.gnome.desktop.remote-desktop.gschema.xml.in:82
+msgid "Method used to authenticate VNC connections"
+msgstr "Metode, kuru izmantot VNC savienojumu autentifikācijai"
+#: src/org.gnome.desktop.remote-desktop.gschema.xml.in:83
+msgid ""
+"The VNC authentication method describes how a remote connection is "
+"authenticated. It can currently be done in two different ways: * prompt - by "
+"prompting the user for each new connection, requiring a person with physical "
+"access to the workstation to explicitly approve the new connection. * "
+"password - by requiring the remote client to provide a known password"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/org.gnome.desktop.remote-desktop.gschema.xml.in:95
+msgid "Screenshare mode of VNC connections"
+msgstr "Ekrāna koplietošanas režīms VNC savienojumiem"
+#: src/org.gnome.desktop.remote-desktop.gschema.xml.in:96
+msgid ""
+"The screenshare mode specifies, whether the VNC backend mirrors the primary "
+"screen, or whether a virtual monitor is created. For the initial resolution "
+"of the virtual monitor, the VNC backend uses a default size of 1920x1080 "
+"pixels. When using a remote desktop session with a virtual monitor, clients "
+"can resize the resolution of the virtual monitor during a session with the "
+"setDesktopSize PDU. Allowed screenshare modes include: * mirror-primary - "
+"Record the primary monitor of the current user session. * extend - Create a "
+"new virtual monitor and use it for the remote desktop session. The initial "
+"monitor resolution of this virtual monitor is set to 1920x1080 pixels. "
+"Clients can override the initial resolution with subsequent monitor "
+"configuration updates."
+msgstr ""

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