[librsvg] (18 commits) ...Merge branch 'wip/aruiz/rust-pixbuf-loader' into 'main'

Summary of changes:

  ee9b8cd... gdk-pixbuf-loader: initial attempt to port to rust (*)
  377a757... use different values for different channels to ensure pixel (*)
  e4e4350... itest: test last pixel (*)
  ee0db32... pixbuf-loader: use cstr!() for c strings (*)
  7589743... pixbuf-loader: use c_char instead of i8 (*)
  2dcaf0a... pixbuf-loader: use gpointer instead of *mut c_void (*)
  83656a1... pixbuf-loader: use gboolean instead of custom c_bool type a (*)
  d448a10... pixbuf-loader: use true/false.into_glib() to satisfy gboole (*)
  0ba8419... pixbuf-loader: use gboolean instead of c_int (*)
  1911941... pixbuf-loader: Avoid extra copy by turning slice into Bytes (*)
  d81d6dd... pixbuf-loader: use c_int instead of i32 (*)
  f48c4fe... pixbuf-loader: use render_to_pixbuf_at_size to generate the (*)
  65c710f... pixbuf-loader: remove redundant to_string() (*)
  7b45de7... pixbuf-lodear: use to_glib_full() instead of into_raw() to  (*)
  8272f2e... pixbuf-loader: check if **GError is null (*)
  73e3966... pixbuf-loader: tidy up imports (*)
  a7879b6... pixbuf-loader: fix comment about color (*)
  1449224... Merge branch 'wip/aruiz/rust-pixbuf-loader' into 'main'

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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