RE: Getting websites to talk to dashboard

> -----Original Message-----
> From: dashboard-hackers-admin gnome org
> [mailto:dashboard-hackers-admin gnome org]On Behalf Of Edd Dumbill
> Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2003 11:55 AM
> To: Jackson Harper
> Cc: dashboard-hackers gnome org
> Subject: RE: Getting websites to talk to dashboard
> On Tue, 2003-07-22 at 17:29, Jackson Harper wrote:
> >   Yeah, this looks like it would suit my needs perfectly. 
> I'm not going to have any
> > extra time in the next few weeks, but if no one has started 
> it by aug. 5th I'll do it.
> Can you tell me exactly what your needs are?
> I've written a backend which picks up on tags like these:
>    <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS"
>        href=""; />
>    <meta name="DC.Creator" content="Full Name" />
>    <meta name="DC.Contributor" content="Full Name" />
>    <link rel="made" href="mailto:foo bar com" />
>    <link rel="made" href=""; />
>    <meta name="description" content="yada yada yada" />
> and chains them appropriately.  I'll be checking it in real soon now.
> My concern is that if we put special dashboard tags in then 
> people will
> use them instead of the commonly agreed metadata conventions. 
>  Once out
> of the bag, these cats are hard to herd back in again.
> If you share your requirements, I can see whether to add them to this
> backend or not, or I may have a recommendation based on existing
> technologies that avoids us inventing anything new.

	What you have there would meet my requirments perfectly.


> cheers
> -- Edd
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